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CE 3106L Hydraulics Laboratory Experiment No.




1. Objectives:

To show to students the hydraulic jump in open channel flow by the use of control gates and
weirs, and to determine upstream and downstream flow conditions to obtain hydraulic jump phenomena.

2. Theory

The hydraulic jump phenomenon is an important type of rapidly varied flow. It is also an
example of a stationary surge wave. A hydraulic jump occurs when a supercritical flow meets a
subcritical flow. The resulting flow transition is rapid, and involves a large energy loss due to
turbulence. Shown in the figure below is a hydraulic jump in a horizontal rectangular channel. It is
shown that the kinetic energy is converted into potential energy.

V12/2g V22/2g

3. Description of Apparatus/Equipment

The main equipment used in the presentation is the tilting flume. It consists of a pump that
circulates the water from the downstream tank into the head tank and flows through the flume. The
upstream and downstream portion of the flume is fitted with a control gate to regulate the flow in the
channel. The channel can be fitted with weirs to simulate the behavior of hydraulic structures. The bed
slope can also be set at a desired inclination depending on the problem investigated.

4. Measurements to be Made

The parameters to be measured during the experiment include the velocity, discharge, flow
depth, at the upstream and downstream portion of the hydraulic jump and channel slope. Knowledge of
such parameters is vital in the determination of the validity of sequent depths.
CE 3106L Hydraulics Laboratory Experiment No. 14

Obstruction Trial No. Slope Q (m3/s) V1 (m/s) V2 (m/s) HL (m) Lj (m) y1 (m) y2 (m)
Broad 1
Crested 2
Weir 3

Hydraulic Radius
Froude No. Classification of Flow Reynold's Number Type of Flow
Obstruction Trial No. A/P (m)
Section 1 Section 2 Section 1 Section 2 Section 1 Section 2 Section 1 Section 2 Section 1 Section 2
Broad 1
Crested 2
Weir 3

Method of performing the experiment

A video will be presented in performing the experiment. It will be a step by step video presentation
for the procedure in conducting the experiment. Since students are not allowed to perform
personally in the laboratory room, a set of data will be given and they will analyze the data. From
their analysis of data, students can create conclusions and recommendations.

Some of the pictures done by the previous students in this experiment are illustrated below.
CE 3106L Hydraulics Laboratory Experiment No. 14

For a supplement video presentation of using hydrometer use this link:

5. Experiment Procedure

The general procedure in creating a hydraulic jump in an open channel flow is to manipulate the
upstream and downstream control of the channel. This means that upstream should have a supercritical
flow condition and a subcritical flow condition at the downstream portion. This could be accomplished
by using a spillway control upstream or a sluice gate with obstruction downstream. The actual procedure
will be demonstrated by the laboratory supervisor.

6. Presentation of Results/Expected Output

All the pertinent parameters shall be recorded by the students and will be used for the analysis of
upstream and downstream flow conditions. Students should present several geometry of hydraulic jump
and relate them with the corresponding flow characteristics e.g. discharge, velocities, depths, location of
the jump etc. Different types of hydraulic jump.

7. Discussion of Results
Discussion should include the following:

 Relations between Froude Number and characteristic length of hydraulic jump.

 Influence of bed slope, downstream control, roughness etc.

8. Concluding Remarks Generalization on how the various components flow (velocity and depth)
and channel conditions (slope, roughness etc.) affect the geometry of the hydraulic jump.

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