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1.Based on the information presented, describe what is multimedia.

➢ It's a combination of the words multi and media. “Multi” means

multiple and “Media’’ means distribution tool and information
presentation. Multimedia includes everything you see and hear in the
form of text, sound, video, and much more.
2. Aside from the various fields given that utilizes multimedia, name 3
other industries that make used of multimedia? Describe the kind of
projects or tasks it is being used for.

➢ Multimedia in Advertising Industry

Multimedia plays an important role in the field of advertising,

whether it is in print or on the internet. They created the
presentation on a computer using professional software and then
presented it to the target audiences.

➢ Multimedia in Education

It has a significant function for roles in the development of

students and have important use in education. Multimedia helps
teacher to make charts, models and other visual audio that give
information or instruction to a student.

➢ Multimedia in Science and Technology

It has significant role in the field of science and technology

because it can transfer audio, sending message and formatted
multimedia documents and it also very useful to doctors they use
multimedia to examine or scan a human body that have an illness
or sick.

3. Which of the different types of advertising is the most effective and


For me, the type of advertising is the most effective is Online
advertising on social media, video streaming sites and online
games because now of a day every people use social media and
online games, they can easily advertise by posting a video or text
in YouTube and Facebook or other social media platforms and the
customers by scrolling in social sites or gaming an online game
they easily see an advertising a business or products.

4.How does the use of multimedia help students learn effectively in

understanding concepts learned in class?

By using multimedia, students can easily understand the topics or
lesson and also using multimedia in the classroom helps the
teacher capture the focuses of the students in discussion and
helps the student be more involved and get more information from
the lesson.

5. Describe the impact or multimedia in education.

➢ The use of multimedia in education has big impact on the teaching and
learning process. Multimedia in education can help teachers and
students. A Teacher using multimedia can easily give information about
their topic or lesson and students can easily get the point of view or
purpose of their lesson by using a multimedia.
1.Nicéphore Niépce
➢ Heliography

He used light to produce to photographic image of nature from his office window
and he used different materials to print the image.
2. Louis Daguerre
➢ Daguerreotype

He is former partner of Niepce. He makes practical photographic process with a

daguerreotype. When the silver-plated sheet that was made of copper and coated
with silver iodide exposed to the light this material would produce an image.
3. Etienne-Jules Marey
➢ Chronophotographic Pistol

He invented the Chronophotographic Pistol. Chronophotographic Pistol is a rifle-

shaped camera that can took 12 images per second.

4.Alexander Graham Bell

➢ Enhanced the phonographs

Alexander Graham Bell enhanced the phonographs. Major improvements

include wax-coated cardboard cylinders and a cutting stylus that moved in a “zig
zag” pattern from side to side across the "zig zag pattern.

5.Thomas Alva Edison

➢ Kinetophone

He invented the Kinetophone a device that synchronizes a kinetoscope and a

phonograph to create the illusion of motion in a scene with accompanying sounds
1.The name of the company, the type of business, and the URL for each site.
➢ Walt Disney Company
-Entertainment & Media Enterprises.
➢ Meta Inc.
-Technology Company
➢ Cannon inc.
-manufacturer of camera, lens and printer

2. An example of how each uses multimedia to enhance each of the company’s

web pages.
➢ Walt Disney Company

-images on their site can attract a customer or audiences.

➢ Meta inc.
- flashing a video or image on their site, they improve their visual aspect of their
site or webpage.

➢ Cannon inc.
- The multimedia enhances their webpage design. Using multimedia, the product
that they manufacture get more attract.
3. An example how multimedia could be used further to add enhancement.
➢ Walt Disney Company

- they can add video to their website to make more attracted.

➢ Meta inc.
- they can add more text to their website to make more info from their business.

➢ Cannon Inc.
-they can flash video of their product in their websites.
4.An example of how multimedia is poorly utilized, and explanation
on why it is on a poor use.

➢ Walt Disney Company

Video, because they don’t have video on their website. They are from entertainment
industry so that they need to flash a video or trailer of their movies.
➢ Meta inc.

Text, the size of the text to their website is very small it’s hard to read.

➢ Cannon Inc.
Video, because they don’t have video on their website. Flashing a video of their
product to their website they can get more customer.

5.The best site based on your observation in terms of the use of multimedia.
Include discussion on why you’ve chosen the site.

The Meta Inc. website is the best site for me. Using multimedia to their website get more
attractive more than others. Flashing a video and images to their website can give
information of future features of their products.

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