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College of Education, Arts and Sciences

DATE OF EFFECTIVITY: 14 October 2019 COURSE CODE: GEART01X Learning Resource Center


We are National University, a dynamic private institution committed to nation building, 1. Integrity 2. Compassion 3. Innovation 4. Industry 5. Respect 6. Resilience 7. Patriotism
recognized internationally in teaching and research.
Guided by the core values and characterized by our cultural heritage of Dynamic Filipinism, a. Exhibit the capacity for self-reflection
National University is committed to providing relevant, innovative, and accessible quality 1. Conscientious and Reflective Leader b. Exhibit the willingness to engage in self-appraisal
education and other development programs. c. Apply moral and ethical standards in leading others
We are committed to our: 4. ICT Literate and Competent d. Express ideas effectively
Communicator e. Effectively use various ICT tools to convey ideas
STUDENTS, by molding them into ethical, spiritual and responsible citizens.
6. Socially and Community-engaged Citizen f. Participate actively in community-oriented advocacies that
FACULTY and EMPLOYEES, by enhancing their competencies, cultivating their Imbued with the Spirit of Patriotism contribute to nation building
commitment and providing a just and fulfilling work environment. g. Produce alternative solutions, processes, and approaches
ALUMNI, by instilling in them a sense of pride, commitment, and loyalty to their alma mater. h. Apply problem-solving skills
7. Innovative, Creative, and Critical Thinker
INDUSTRY PARTNERS and EMPLOYERS, by providing them Nationalians who will i. Provide solutions to challenges in respective areas of
contribute to their growth and development. specialization
10.Interculturally Competent Collaborator j. Work effectively in teams of different cultures
COMMUNITY, by contributing to the improvement of life’s conditions.
11.Life- and career-skilled Individual k. Engage in continuing personal and professional development

General Education Learning Outcomes
a b c d e f g h i j k
1. Engage in self-reflection of their personal values and the extent to which their ethical values and behaviors are congruent ü
2. Engage in self-appraisal voluntarily for academic, personal, and professional advancement ü
3. Observe moral and ethical standards when responding to situations that demand ethical inquiry ü
4. Express themselves clearly and appropriately in various social, academic, and professional contexts ü
5. Use appropriate technologies in various social, academic, and professional communication ü
6. Contribute their knowledge and skills to their own communities and the broader society ü
7. Explore novel perspectives and approaches for a wide range of contexts and everyday situations ü
8. Develop skills in gathering, organizing, refining, analyzing, and evaluating information and ideas necessary for solving a variety of issues ü
9. Develop new ideas, products, or solutions aligned to 21 st century milieu ü
10. Demonstrate skills, knowledge, and values necessary for effective teamwork in academic, personal, and professional contexts ü
11. Engage in academic, personal, and professional development necessary for the advancement of the field and society as a whole ü

COURSE CODE/NAME: <Course Code>/ArtApp eff October 14, 2019 Revised by: Ricardo Cabantac, et al (
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Art Appreciation promotes a deeper and more expansive appreciation of Art through its opus along with the multitude of cultural histories an individual has inherited. Students will learn how to
develop a five-system approach in understanding art in all forms based on Description, Analysis, Context, Meaning, and Judgment. Through systemic thinking, reflective and blended learning,
students are envisioned to become active participants, critical of their surroundings. This course aims to provide students the opportunity to explore visual principles and elements, observe,
participate in or otherwise experience works of art in order to appreciate their role and purpose in life.

PLO (General Education Subjects)
At the end of the course, the student must be able to (CLO): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Grasp what Art Appreciation is all about and its direct use to any profession or endeavor ü ü ü ü
2. Determine what art appreciation is and come up own definition for it ü ü ü
3. Distinguish different views on art and its link to varied works of art ü ü ü
4. Establish useful and workable perspective of innovation in relation to own art work ü ü ü ü
5. Apply five-step process in critiquing and developing own innovative art ü ü ü ü ü
6. Enrich understanding of the different art forms, both general and specific ü ü ü ü
7. Explore art in the world of scriptwriting and film making ü ü ü
8. Exhibit sense of pride and achievement as they present their finished output and concept paper ü ü ü ü ü ü
3 Units
4 hours lecture every week, for 13 weeks
1. Completing all the minor and major Performance Tasks such as portfolio, reflective papers etc.
2. Reading the assigned texts and other learning materials prior to attending classes
3. Active participation in classroom activities and discussions including individual and group dynamics to achieve the Learning Outcomes
4. Regular and punctual attendance in submission of requirements
5. Access to Office365 Account, including Outlook, Microsoft Teams, OneNote, and Class Notebook

 Attendance: You will be held responsible for missing the class and all the activities made in the class. Attendance will be checked at any time during the class; Tardiness is not being tracked; however, if
you came to class too late and only for attendance purposes, you will be marked as absent. If the absence results in missing a performance whether minor or major, the student must be responsible in
scheduling another time with the teacher. Absences are considered excused if and only if proper and complete documentation has been presented to the professor, complete with signatures coming from
the appropriate offices.

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 Plagiarism and Academic Honesty: All work submitted in this class must be your own work, generated exclusively for this class. The use of sources (ideas, quotations, paraphrases) should be properly
documented. We have a way of checking if the work submitted is plagiarized or not. In clear cases of plagiarism or academic dishonesty, the award of a failing mark for the project is the standard policy
with the possibility of failure in the course or expulsion from the college. National University has zero tolerance in plagiarism.
 Proper Classroom Etiquette: During lectures and presentations, make sure that you do not attend to other subjects. You are expected to participate at any time. As much as possible, refrain from eating in
the class. Should your situation require you to eat, kindly notify.

The student will be graded according to the following breakdown: National University uses the following academic grading system:
Numerical Grade Equivalent Numerical Grade Descriptive Equivalent
GRADE ALLOCATION PER TERM 4.00 96 – 100 R Repeat
Class Participation (Quizzes, HW, Recitation) 30% 3.50 90 – 95 Failure
Enabling Activities 30%
3.00 84 – 89 0.00 Cheating
Major Performance Tasks 40%
TOTAL 100% 2.50 78 – 83 Excessive Absences
2.00 72 -77 Dr Dropped
Note: 1.50 66 – 71 Inc Incomplete
The computation of the final grade is based on all the subjects of students from the first to
Last session. 1.00 60 – 65

59 and below R
Class Interaction
Grasp the essentials Introduction to the Course Socratic Method PowerPoint Presentation
1 of Art and thrust of Art Discussion of the Syllabus Reading of Syllabus Syllabus and/or Course
Appreciation Presentation of Heritage Outline

Determine Art and its Class Interaction

Scope ART Socratic Method
CLO2 PowerPoint Presentation Enabling Activity: Reflective
2 Its nature and elements Thought Experiments
CLO6,9 Humanities by Pedrena Essay
Define Art in own Its creator and subject Group Discussion and
words Presentation

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Printed References
Distinguish various Class Discussion Flipcharts and Markers Enabling Activity: A short
views of art and its Art, Man and Society (with focus on Phil setting) Small Group Discussion Laptop essay on art, man and
3 CLO4
link to men and Ideas affecting individual’s view of art Group Work LCD Projector society
society Big Group Activity Mobile Devices

Establish a sound Socratic Method PowerPoint Presentation Enabling Activity: 3-Minute

CLO1 Why do we make ART?
perspective on Class Discussion Laptop Vlog on What ART is
4-5 CLO6 Functions of Art (personal, social, physical)
developing something Motivation and Art (non-motivated and motivated) Film Viewing Speakers (incorporate lecture and
innovative Thought Experiments LCD Projector discussion)

Narrate a story
ART CRITICISM (DAIJ) Enabling Activity: Pick a
CLO1 behind a work of art
Description Socratic Method work of art (own choice)
CLO6 of own choice PowerPoint Presentation
6 Analysis Class Discussion then apply the 4-step
CLO8 applying any or the 5- Printed References
Meaning Thought Experiments process
CLO10,11 step process
Judgment (either oral or written)

7 Mid-Term Performance Task

Focus work THREE ART FORMS Socratic Method
CLO6 PowerPoint Presentation Enabling Activity: Reflective
8 completion on a Visual Class Discussion
CLO8 Printed References Essay
specific art form - drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture Thought Experiments

Enrich understanding
CLO2 Socratic Method
of the three art forms PowerPoint Presentation
CLO4 Performing Small Group Discussion Enabling Activity: Group and
9 through their Printed References
CLO7 - dance, music, opera, broad way Class Discussion Individual presentations
specifically-focused Flipcharts and Markers
CLO8 Thought Experiments

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Differentiate the other Contemporary Arts/ Media Socratic Method

CLO1 Printed References
10 specifically-focused - digital art, computer graphics, computer animation, Class Discussion
CLO3 Flipcharts and Markers
arts from one another virtual art, interactive art etc…

How to Evaluate a Film Critically

Provide own critique Narrative
of a popular movie Cinematography Enabling Activity: Film
CLO1,3 Class Discussion PowerPoint Presentation
11 whether foreign or Mise-en-scene Showing and criticism
CLO5,9 Printed References
local based on the 5 Editing
elements Sound

Showcase an attempt PowerPoint Presentation

CLO1,2 Brainstorming Enabling Activity: Short
in writing a short Documentary Printed References
12 CLO3,5 Class Discussion film/Documentary showing
script and create a Short film Printed Materials for
CLO7,9 and analysis
short film out of it Group Activity

Culminating Performance Task



ETM Solmerano / Art Appreciation (2019)
L.E. Buenaflor / Art of Critical Thinking: Logic for Filipino Students, The, 4th edition (2019)
Punzalan, J., et al. / Art Appreciation (2019)
R.A. Sisa / 21st Century Generation: My #1 Priority in Life, The ( A Philosophical Understanding of Man & Ethical Recovery) (2019)
Solmerano, E. / Art Appreciation (2019)

1. Rubric for Group Presentation Activity
CRITERIA 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Information All information presented in this Most information presented in this Most information presented in the Some information was accurate, Information had some major

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debate was clear, accurate and debate was clear, accurate and debate was clear and accurate, but but there were some minor inaccuracies OR was usually not
thorough thorough was not usually thorough inaccuracies clear
Use of Facts Every major point was well Every major point was adequately Every major point was supported Some points were supported well, All points were not supported
supported with several relevant supported with relevant facts with facts and/or examples, but the others were not
facts and/or examples and/or examples relevance of some was
Organization All arguments were clearly tied to Most arguments were clearly tied Most arguments were clearly tied Very few arguments were clearly All arguments were NOT clearly
an idea (premise) and organized in to an idea (premise) and organized to an idea (premise) and organized tied to an idea (premise) and tied to an idea (premise) and
a tight, logical fashion in a tight, logical fashion in a tight, logical fashion, but organized in a tight, logical fashion organized in a tight, logical fashion
usually not thorough
Understanding of Topic The team clearly understood the The team clearly understood the The team seemed to understand The team seemed to understand The team did not show an
topic in depth and presented their topic in depth and presented their the main points of the topic and the main points of the topic, but adequate understanding of the
information forcefully and information with ease presented those with ease didn’t present with ease topic

2. Rubric for Concept Paper Assessment

4.0 3.5 – 3.0 2.5 – 2.0 1.5 – 1.0
Spelling and grammatical errors are
Grammar and Spelling No spelling or grammatical errors Spelling and grammar is mostly correct Spelling and grammatical errors are frequent
found in almost every sentence
Author’s intended meaning is readily Author’s intended meaning is generally Author’s intended meaning is
Originality of Project Author’s intended meaning is difficult to understand
and easily understood easy to understand impossible to understand

Ideas presented are cogently and

Presentation of Ideas Ideas presented are satisfactorily defended Ideas presented are weakly and incoherently defended Ideas presented are not defended
clearly defended

Sequence of ideas is fluid and easy Sequence of ideas is awkward and

Overall Impact Sequence of ideas is generally smooth Sequence of ideas is jumpy
to follow confusing

3. Rubric for assessment of group or creative project requirements


4.0 3.5 – 3.0 2.5 – 2.0 1.5 – 1.0

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With a little more effort, the work could It showed average craftsmanship and
The artwork was impressive and patiently done. A
Craftsmanship, Skill, and have been outstanding. The work applied techniques with little care. Work is The work showed below average craftsmanship
strong understanding of techniques was
Technique shows an understanding of techniques adequate, but not as good as it could and a lack of pride in the finished work.
demonstrated and applied thoughtfully.
but lacks the extra finishing touches. have been, – a bit careless.
The projects met or exceeded all requirements of The project satisfactorily met all The project only fulfilled the minimal The project only partly fulfilled the objectives of
Fulfills Objectives
the assignment excellently. requirements of the assignment. objectives of the assignment. the assignment.
The content of your project is thoughtful and The content of the project is
meaningful. It explored combinations and meaningful. The artwork shows that you The work is done adequately, yet it shows
The project shows little evidence of thought
Content, Aesthetics, and revisions on several ideas, made connections to applied the principles of design while a lack of planning and little evidence that
regarding content and the elements and
Creativity previous knowledge, showed an awareness of the using one or more elements effectively; an overall composition was thought out
principles of art and design.
elements and principles of design, chose a color showed an awareness of using the and executed.
scheme carefully, and used space effectively. space adequately.
The work is thoroughly organized and the layout is The work is organized yet the layout is The work lacks organization. The layout The work is not organized at all, there was not
Organization, Layout and
very detailed. The work is submitted without a bit sketchy. The work is submitted was not thoroughly thought on, and the layout that was followed and it is full of
Cleanliness of Work
unnecessary clutter. with minimal dirt and clutter work was submitted with dirt unnecessary clutter.



Faculty, CEAS Coordinator, General Education - Humanities Senior Director, LRC Dean, CEAS

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