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Gwyneth Rigel Kent M. Rubel

Rose Virginie Pelletier
St. Mary Euphrasia

"Draw near to our Lord, thoroughly aware of you own nothingness and may hope all things

from His Goodness and Mercy. Never forget that Jesus Christ is no less generous in the

Blessed Sacrament than He was during His moral life on earth." - St. Mary Euphrasia

Having someone to be our role model will keep us motivated to achieve our burning

desires. In achieving and walking through our paths, we may need a support to sustain and keep it

up. Because they'll be there for you through thick and thin, and they'll be the most powerful support

system you'll ever have. Keep in touch with people who have been supportive, and be sure to return

the favor. Being supportive of one's relatives is just as crucial to one's success and overall health

as being supportive of one's own family.

After being inspired by the virtues and aspiring talents and skills by others, we should share

and be the best version of you to help them. By helping us to transcend our everyday experiences

and constraints, inspiration allows us to see fresh possibilities. Inspiration affects a person's

perception of their own potential, propelling them from indifference to possibility. Because of its

elusive character, inspiration is sometimes neglected.




According to what I read in Wikipedia, “Pelletier was born on 31 July 1796 on Noirmoutier

a small island off the northwest coast of France. Her parents had fled there thinking that they could

escape the violence of the French Revolution. She was the 8th child of Julian and Anne Pelletier.

Her father died when she was ten years old. In 1810 her mother placed Pelletier in a boarding

school in Tours. Her mother died in 1813.”



As far as I can tell from what I've read from the student handbook, “As a teenager, Rose

Virginie attended boarding school in Tours, France, and became familiar with the Sisters of Our

lady of Charity who resided nearby. This Order have been founded by St. John Eudes 1641. She

was particularly attracted to the ministry of the Sisters who cared for girls and women in difficult

situations. Some of the girls were abandoned by their families or orphaned; some had turned two

prostitution in order to survive. The Sisters provided shelter, food, vocational training and an

opportunity to turn their lives around. Rosary Virginie entered the congregation of the sisters of
our lady of charity in tours at the age of 18 and was given to religious name Sr. Mary of St.




According to what I read in the website of Mission Good Shepherd, “But precisely

in Tours, in 1814, on 20th August, the festivity of the Heart of Jesus, Rosa Virginia welcomed the

spiritual legacy of St John Eudes: she entered the monastery of Our Lady of Charity, one hundred

years after its foundation. In the seventeen years she spent in the Refuge of Our Lady of Charity

of Tours, part of which she was the very young superior from 1829, “through the chain of

generations, following the carefully preserved example of the founders (of the Refuge, editor’s

note) such as Sisters Marie de la Trinité Hertaut and Marie de Ste Catherine Moisan, Mary

Euphrasia feels and resonates her Founder’s zeal. She knows Father Eudes and has assimilated the

essence of his message, so as to be able to live it and encourage her Sisters to live it” (Saint Mary

Euphrasia: Her Life and Works, Document edited by Sister Cécile Lionnet, Angers, 2011).

Saint Mary Euphrasia has a wide religious culture. In Conferences and Instructions, most

of which were not written directly by the Saint, but collected and written in the form of notes by

the Sisters who had the good fortune to hear them from her voice, she refers to an infinite number

of texts taken from Sacred Scripture, often quoting them in full sense, or giving them a brilliant

interpretation very freely. And she does the same with the examples and texts of the Saints.”

FULL CONTEXT (summary)

Rose Virginie also named as St. Mary Euphrasia which means “beautiful speech”;

was born on a French island off the coast, where her parents were deported by the French

Revolutionaries. She was given the name Rose Virginie Pelletier and entered the Order of Our

Lady of Charity, which cared for girls and women in need, when she was eighteen years old. Some

of the girls had been abandoned or orphaned by their families, and some had turned to prostitution

to make ends meet. The Sisters of Our Lady of Charity offered these girls and women with refuge,

food, vocational training, and a chance to change their lives. To expand this apostolate, Pelletier

founded the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd. She was canonized by

Pope Pius XII at St. Peter’s Basilica on May 2, 1940.

Her life is never been easy but as life goes on, her faith has been strengthened and became

more flexible. There are things that I really admired to her, Mary Euphrasia treasures the Church's

maternal affection, which welcomed her into its arms at baptism. Her love and faith are primarily

focused on the Church as Christ's tangible presence on earth. He bestows all spiritual blessings on

her through his Church, including his desire for her righteousness and love for souls.

It's great to have someone to look up to, but don't overlook the flip side. You have

a sphere of influence everywhere you are—a group of people who are influenced by what you say

and do. How's it going in your life?

Respect is at the heart of a good existence. You act in a way that sets a high standard when

you respect yourself and others. You'll do things that you'll be proud of, and you'll encourage

others to do the same. Having someone to look up to as a role model will keep us motivated to

pursue our goals. In order to achieve our goals and continue on our journeys, we may require

assistance. Keep in touch with those who have been helpful, and try to repay the favor.

St. Mary Euphrasia really inspired me because of her undeniable kindness and virtues like

mercy, dignity, compassion, justice, peace, reconciliation, tolerance and love. As her journey

continues, her skills physically and spiritually improved despite of the crisis they are facing. She’s

one my favorite not because she just popular in our school before, but because the unconditional

love she has shown to everyone especially to those girls, and children who are being exploited and

neglected and fighting for their own lives just to survive.

As my journey continues, as my discoveries and knowledge have widened, I want to imitate

the value that she has. I want to be loud and proud not because I have been reconciled with God
and I have been in the right path but because I became a guide for other people, who have lost their



St Mary Euphrasia – Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd (

Student handbook of SBC

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