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ion methods -
Introduction to Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Use of CAE in Product development, Discretizat
Finite Element Method (FEM), Finite Difference Method (FDM) and Finite Volume Method (FVM), CAE
Tools- Pre-processor, Solver and Post-Processor.
Element Shapes - 1D, 2D and 3D elements, Nodal Unknowns and field variables, Coordinate Systems, Shape
, Derivation of Polynomial:
Functions - linea, quadratic and cubic, Convergence Requirements of Shape Functions
Shape Functions using co-ordinate systems for Bar, Beam, Triangular, and rectangular elements.

stent 1-3°
1.1. Introduction to Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) voscssesseesseccsseestessenssscsn
ssnesn natn teen
rernne Te et nannnssnsesn
eersscsn TG essn 1-3
1.2 Use of CAE in Product Development.......ssscssecsssssessersuesss
1.3 Discretization Methods
Poy =) =U eae Peak €-) LLC ML RePM LUE LEACHI: ---eseeeveeee 1-4
_Ya. Explain the concept of FEM briefly and outline the procedure.
Difference Method.
a. Explain difference between Finite Element and Finite
settee nnnnsse ees 1-4
settee egnne
EFFI UP MLE Mee LMM MOUTON sss ssesssssssssssssccssssssssssssceercenssnnanansssesnnssnssssente

nesetuaussonerenenggveunannnnaccenggggannaenensnaesssees es 1-4
1.3.1 Finite Element Method (FEM) ..:...---++ dessusoasssoeecnennunessnecesnncnansocec
ssssesesesessss tt eeesneennctrannsssnes 1-4
ettt sssas
1.3.2 Finite Difference Method (FDM).....sssscssssssssss
finite difference method.
Ya: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of FEM over
ESGIGTUEROVIRY DUD LT MR APU) oneeneerneesestnrcsornnsnrnznrenencevevenenaneianannrnrninenai 1-4
sssssenncnessssszsatenarcnnr seenssssees
ursnsncnesissnsssssns 2200084 1-5
1.3.3 Fimite Volume Method (FVM) sesssssssssssecseccssssseesseceeecceceness
rnnanmerniatananinean 1-5
14 CAE Tools: Pre-processor, Solver and Post-ProcesSOr evvtesvststnsenannieerntneeineenrntn
in FEM software.
\-UG. — Write short notes on Post processing capabilities
tnae 1-5
TESTSIUPECRRY CO MUSIC MEO) onsessssseseseesestntnetnerntstsevototsensnannesenaesosstnenaeesinioneas
ng in FEM software.
Lua Explain the steps to be followed in pre-processi
(SPPU - Q. 12(a), Dec. 14, 5 Marks)
UQ. — Write short notes on Post processing capabilities in FEM software.
(FETETRLUTEC WIR Re) eas CMTE) eee esses esses eeeceecee settee etter 1
ua. Explain the steps to be followed in pre-processing in FEM software.

(TETETUTET CWI ELEN eYetesa SLE TANESD] esse cseeeseeceneessneneneseneenantns

eee seeneeeeetteetee
ttt eee te cea tt 1
1,5 Element SHApes oe. eee eececseseecteetestesseeseeseesenesenaees
nesses seen ee ne ee eee ee EERE CUETO Rag 1-5

1.5.1 TD Element wees essesessetneeessseensecseesesessseeeenee

seen eeeeee ence cE rE EE TEER CAREER ea 1.5

1.5.2 2D BlOMOMts 2.0. eee teccestetecee cence rene ne ee ee etree een EEE EE EEE EERSTE EEE EERE TE ing 14

1.5.3 BD BIGMOMts oo... eceeecsesesseessecseeneneacneseeeesneneseseneeneneneeeene


1.6 Nodal Unknowns and field variables... ceccsscsseeseseeeseesensseseeseevsessnesensanenesasssneneseneenennersreteeneeeeenseesteneeneassseesittssninasie, 17

1.7 — Coordinate Systems ........cceccccecssessesessssessesessesesseeseescecsnesnsaeeseeesussecseeceeseacsusaeeneetsstenesecceaneeseneaeettasaneaseasessesessntevcsiieresnys 17

Ua. Explain with examples different types of co-ordinate used in finite element method to define location of points
in element. [GTeteLU ee HK Cy Mal PY=Lomin oC MUPLELGD) «...s.seeesescsecccesssssecccececscecsessesnsesssesenavssesensceessssesatensassasussscnsssn 1-7

na. Write short note on : Natural coordinates of element and its significance in FEA.

See ee A 17
1.8 = GHAP! FUNCHONS eee eececeeecssccesseesesesesseestesssnensaseesscvsevsnseusapsasssessessevstesnssesaessessasaseasessseesnesaessseeeseeseesasesunssnsassesnnay 1-8

aN What are the characteristics of shape function ? (G}g{ztURECeWey (e) 7ATe Bm Reta UT aes)).. cece sees sssseessenessssesnes 18

ua. Explain the term function. Write the properties of shape function.(@]gpiURestefaa I ¢s) ha 8y-\eren bevel Tacey) .......... 18

1.8.1 Limear Shape FUNCtiON..... ec eeecccessseeeesseeeceseaeeserssseceseuseeeeessesaneenseesseeeceeaesessaeeseeassaaesesaeteeaeseauesaeeseesaneaeneense 18

1.8.2 Quadratic Shape Function ........ seeseeneescenessuenneesnecneessecensensensuesaensecanscanecnscnanessecssensecsseasssanssssesseesasecessessanssnen 1G

1.8.3 Cubic Shape FUNCtION...........cccccccesececessnseeeseceeseessaceeneanecesensateeeeeessbseeenneaseaeens gonectannsdidheonssepesnedGastensesneghteies 19

1.9 Convergence Requirements of Shape FUNCTIONS 1-11

8. Write short note on polynomial shape functions. (ie eLURe HITE) Fa Ole Oi RRC MUG) 2... ses sessseesseesneneesses 1-11

1.9.1 Derivation of Polynomial Shape Functions using Coordinate Systems for Bar.......ccsscsccccsesssssecseesnenseeeetee 1-11

UQ. Derive shape function in natural coordinate system of Bar. (Sa UEROMR YC) ROL aR ECME MIELE os scccceeeeee 1-1
1.9.2 Derivation of Polynomial Shape Functions using coordinate Systems for BOA icssecescecessesessesessseeseeeet 1-12
UQ. —_ Write short note on beam element. (SLEUEOMPTEVROETMETC UT ETS)... ccccccccccecccssesccseseseseneeee
1.9.3 Derivation of Polynomial Shape Functions using Coordinate Systems for TriamQular........sesssssecsecereeen 1-14
1.9.4 Derivation of Polynomial Shape Functions using Coordinate Systems
for Rectangular Elements.......--:" 1-14
© GMP BEL ENS wennnnnnntnnsinnnttiniaseieee.. fetetcen
ih momenta span te ceninnnivinves VOR

(SPPU-New Svilahuc wa f annae-

how we
This is not a well-established process in terms of
the engine er’s prior
the design evolves and depends on
It is an integration of design and manufacturing into a In the pa: st, computer engineering (CAE) had a very
d for advanced
gystemm under the direct control of digital computers. CAE limited application, being primarily use
research and development and for other specialty tasks
combines the use of computers in industrial-design work,
which required simulation and optim izati on.
Computer-Aided Design (CAD), with their use in
world, CAE now has a much broader
manufacturing operations, computer-aided manufacturing In the modern
erate the whole
usage and is routinely used to help accel
(CAM). This integrated process is commonly called ent. In the
process surrounding product developm
CADICAM. CAD systems generally consist of a computer sophisticated and
future, CAE will become even more
sophi sticated designs,
with one or more terminals featuring video monitors and it will help to model ever more
d for getting a
interactive graphics-input devices; they can be used to while also reducing the time neede
design such things as machine parts, pattern for clothing, or product to market.
pr oven to be of
integrated circuits. CAM systems involve the use of Simulating various scenarios has
perf ecting the design
numerically controlled machine tools and high-performance, enormous value in validating and
of various products.
programmable industrial robots. In a CAE systems drawings
longer necessary
developed and revised during the design process are One excellent example is how it is no
a barrier several
the production to crash a sport utility vehicle into
converted directly into instructions: for ts.
times in order to analyse the resul
machines that will manufacture the desired object. CAE tests using
Instead, engineers can conduct virtual crash
systems reduce the time needed to develop new products designs so
highly capable computers and then tweaking
and increase productivity by optimizing production flow and
as to make the vehicle safer.
scheduling and by providing greater flexibility in altering saved by
It’s not hard to see how a ton of money can be
machine operations. iple crash tests
not having to destroy a vehicle in mult
a high-
and simply simulating the whole process on
performance computer.
This has significantly increased the value of simulati
direc tion of the initi al
and moved it solidly toward the
The “CAE-Driven Design Process” has gained phases of a design for a product.
significant attraction in most industries such as aerosp It’s very common place for engineers to use CAE
consu mer goods, defens e, energy ,
automotive, biomedical, software for the purpose of creating initial designs, as
electronics, heavy industry, and marine throughout the well as for optimizing the product itself.
ance of
years, There are many reasons for the overall accept
Some of this optimizing involves subtracting material
CAE as simulation has proven to help with :
froma potential product, so as to reduce its overall
(a) New and inspiring designs footprint while making no sacrifices regarding
(b) Products with better quality (e.g. increased performance or strength.
efficiency where less material = lighter designs) This has allowed CAE engineers to enhance
(c) Designing faster (i.e. due to shortened performance as well as ergonomics, increase value and
of prototypes by
cycles and a reduction in the number affordability and to produce products which are more
minimizing “Trial and Error” attempts) energy-efficient and which are more sustainable.
* In other words, simulation saves time, reduces It’s not an exaggeration to say that simulations such as
eness of
and essentially strengthens the competitiv these have been at the forefront of advancing product
companies, thus strengthening their market position. development timelines and that they have created all
optimum kinds of innovative designs for improving reliability
* When doing an analysis, we always target
in achie ving and quality.
designs, but the methods and tools we use
. Still, in many
the optimum design makes a difference
“places” the design process is trial-and-error
which depends on the selection of the initial desig
( SPPU - Sem 6 - Mews vity table:
Element connecti
Computer Aided Engineeri
Local Node
) ‘ Local element numbers

Global node/element numbers

thod (FEM)
ding 1.5.1 Finite Element Me
complex g eometries, loa w
For problems involving ult to obt ain thod.
is very diffic pular numerical me
and material properties it FEM is the most po
utions. is a numerical
analytical mathematical sol t Method (FEM)
nown quantities values The Finite Elemen imated solution
Analytical solution provides unk hni que use d to det e! rmine the approx
em. tec a defined
for any location in a physical syst tia l dif fer ent ial eq uations (PDE) on
for a par y challenge
These require solving ordinary
or partial differen! tial the PDE, the primar
domain (W). To solve imate the
equations. base that can approx
is to create a function
lems t hat involves
It is not possible for solving prob solution.
ial p roperties. of building the approximation
complex geometries, loading and mater There are many ways d by the
which comes to is done is determine
Hence numerical modes are the one base and how this has a
Finite Element Method
solve FEM problems. formulation selected. The ential
to solve partial differ
These numerical methods provide appr
oximate value of very good performance var y with
domains that can
unknowns at discrete points in a body. equations over complex
the number of time.
To make numerical method practical, linear, buckling, therma
em is reduced to Applications : Line ar, non
degrees of freedom of a physical syst s. FEM will be dis cus sed
finite number. dynamic and fatigue ana lysi
of freedom to finite later.
The process of reducing degrees
us body into small
number involves dividing a continuo Are FEA and FEM different?
elements share a
finite element where two or more and Finite Element
line and /or surface Finite Element Method (FEM)
common node and /or boundary same . The term “FEA”
and which is known as discretizati
on process. Analysis (FEA) are one and the
“FEM” is more
element numbering. is more popular in industries while
Discretization involves nodes and
popular at universities.
Many times there is confusion between FEA, FEM, and
one more similar but different term FMEA (Failure
Mode Effect Analysis).
Fig. 1.3.1 is used by design or Research and
into the following : only, while FMEA is
The above system can be divided Development departments
(3) applicable to all of the departme nts.
(1) (2)
1 2 3 4
a 1.3.2 Finite Difference Method (FDM)
Fig. 1.3.2

(1), (2), (3) = Represents number of elements

1,2,3,4 = represents number of nodes
Local numbering of nodes : Finite Element and Finite Difference Methods share
many common things. In general, the Finite Difference
Method is described as a way to solve differential |
equation. ;
Tr uses Taylor’s series to convert a differential equation Pre-processors
to an algebraic equation. In the conversion process,
higher Numbering nodes, generating nodal coordinates,
order terms are neglected. It is used in
combination with BEM or FVM to solve thermal and supplying nodal connectivity, load and material
CFD coupled problems. information and boundary conditions are specified in
pre-processor stage.
1.3.3 Finite Volume Method (FVM) Pre-processors develop data file required by main FEA
The Finite Volume Method (FVM) is a method for
representing and evaluating partial differential
The data file is used to complete the analysis.
equations as algebraic equations. It is very similar to
FDM, where the values are calculated at discrete It starts with initializing global stiffness matrix and
load matrix.
volumes on a generic geometry.
Then element loop is entered to assemble element
In the FVM, volume integrals in a partial differential stiffness matrix.
equation that contain a divergence term are converted
When numerical integration is used, there should be
to surface integrals, using the divergence theorem. gauss point loop inside the element.
These terms are then evaluated as fluxes at the surfaces When gauss loop is completed, element stiffness matrix
of each finite volume. is obtained.
Because the flux entering a given volume is identical to With the help of nodal connectivity details, the position
that leaving the adjacent volume, these methods are of each value of element stiffness matrix in global
matrix is obtained.
conservative. Another advantage of the finite volume
method is that it is easily formulated to allow for When element loop is completed, global stiffness
matrix is ready.
unstructured meshes. The method is used in many
computational fluid dynamics packages. Using load details nodal loads are assembled.
Then the boundary conditions are imposed.
The output of analysis is stored.
Post processing
The output may include nodal displacements, the
calculated stresses, strains at all gauss points.
All obtained results are in global coordinated directions
and also in principal directions.

(SPPU - Q. 12(a), Dec. 14, 5 Marks

In finite element method, a complex geometry is
Pre-processing involves the preparation of data, such as divided into simple geometric Shape called as finite
nodal coordinates, connectivity, boundary conditions elements.
and loading and. material information.
Types of Elements
The processing stage involves stiffness generation, SEE I TET
See ae
stiffness modification and solution of equations,
(i) One dimensional elements
Tesulting in the evaluation of nodal variables.

The post-processing stage deals with the presentation (i) Two dimensional elements
Of results, LT TT nate

iil) Three dimensional elements

Typically the deformed configuration, mode shapes, PETES

‘emperature and stress distribution are computed and

displayed at this stage.
VVIIpuw myo Liignuigomiy wert

Se 1.5.1 1D Elements

In this, one dimension of the element is larger than the

dimensions in other two directions.
1 ‘2
(a) Triangul ar element (b) Quadrilateral element
X>>yY,Z Fig. 1.5.6
Fig. 1.5.1 e Higher : order elements have mid side nodes ang

Element shape : Line curved edge.


Element types : rod, bar, beam, pipe, etc.

Applications : Long shafts, beams, pin joints etc.
A simplest line element has two nodes each at one
Ex. : Linear element

o———_o ———> X
4 2

Fig. 1.5.2 (a) Triangular element (b) Quadrilateral element

e Higher order elements have three nodes or more.
Ex. : Quadratic element
7 1.5.3 3D Elements
o—__e——_* —_—_> X
Dimensions in all three directions are comparable.
Fig. 1.5.3

Cubic element

X,Y, Z
Fig. 1.5.4
Fig. 1.5.8
e Element shape : Tetrahedral, Hexahedral

1.5.2 2D Elements e Element type : Solid

Applications : Automobile and aerospace components,
In this case two of the dimensions are larger than the
third dimension. forging, casting components etc.
The basic three dimensional elements have corner
nodes and straight edges.
(a) Tetrahedral (b) Hexahedral
X,Y >>Z

Fig. 1.5.5

o Element shape: Triangular, quadrilateral

o Element type : Thin shell, plate, plane stress,
plane strain etc. Fig. 1.5.9
o Applications : Sheet metal, Plastic components
¢ Higher order elements have mid side nodes and curved
The simplest two dimensional elements have
corner nodes only with straight sides,

e If the number of dof of the model is finite, the model is

called discrete and continuous.

¢ When the physical object is divided into discrete parts,

then the infinite dof is converted into finite dof.
e Each part of the discretized body is called as an
(a) Tetrahedral (b) Hexahedral e Every element has one or more nodes,
Fig. 1.5.10 Elements are connected to each other at these nodes.
The physical significance of degrees of freed
according to application and corresponding action

In structural problems, displacement is considered as a

primary variable of interest. Structural | | Force Displacement
Whereas strain and stress are calculated from the 2. | Heat transfer | Heat flow | Temperature
obtained displacement and are known as secondary rate
variable of interest. Volt.
Electrical Current
constrained location are also
Reaction forces at Magnetic potential
Magnetics Current
secondary variable.
Fluid flow Fluid flow Pressure
Ina heat transfer analysis, temperature is considered as rate
primary variable of interest.
Then heat flux value is calculated by using temperatu
value and is known as secondary variable of intere
Mathematical model of any geometric model descri
ial equations
the behaviour of the geometry by different
and boundary conditions.
Mathematical model is dividing the object of
into finite number of elements.
mmonly used
The term degree of freedom (dof) is co
for physical object.

~ Node
There are three

Types of co-ordinate system |


(i) Global co-ordinate system

Element (1) Element (2) (ii) Local co-ordinate system

Connecting nodes
(iii) Natural co-ordinate system

rence all the

Global co-ordinate system is used to refe
elements of the body. This is a common
system for all elements.
is defined
Local co-ordinate system is the one which
used to reference
Element (1) and (2) interconnection for a particular element. This can be
Fig. 1.6.1
any point within that particular element. This local
co-ordinate system is only for an element.
° Natural co-ordinate system is a type of local
co-ordinate system in which local co-ordinates of
non-dimensional number is used. It makes the
integrations and differentiation involved in FE &=-1 —E=0 €é=+1
formulation of stiffness matrix and load vector easy.
Fig. 1.8.1(¢)

General form of li : y=
nemx + ¢

From Fig. 1.8.1(b)

SPPU - Q. 6(b), Aug. 18, 4 Mark: m= ->

N; = 3 Ste (1.8.1)
(SPPU — Q. 1(b), Dec. 18,4 Mark:
he age eg as
For é = -1,N,=1

e The basis of finite element method is to approximate a

discrete model for continuous mode. Substituting in Equation (1.8.1)
e A continuous body is divided into finite number of an) (-1)+c¢
elements and hence a discrete model composed of one
or more interpolation polynomials. _L
e Each element is defined using an interpolation function 1 1
to represent the behaviour of a continuous body. Ny = -35+9
e The end points of the finite element are called nodes. 1-
= iss
e In finite element method field variables namely Ny

temperature, pressure, displacements etc. are calculated From Fig. 1.8.1(c)

at nodal points. 1
m= 35
1.8.1 Linear Shape Function 1
Ny = 35+¢ (1.8.2)
Fig. 1.8.1(a) shows the linear shape function.
For &€ = 41, Nj=+1
leplacemnentu 1
qa = of
cr 2
1 2
No = is
Fig. 1.8.1(a)
shape u = N,d+Nod) (1.8.3)
Fig. 1.8.1 (b) and Fig. 1.8.1(c) shows the
functions Nj and N2 in the natural coordinate system. qy
{u} = [N1No] \q
u = Nd

2. 1.8.2 Quadratic Shape Function

To consider quadratic shape function Fig. 1.8.2 (a), (b)
and (c) are drawn which consists of three shape functions ©
Fig. 1.8.1(b) Nj, No and N3. |

Ny = 76(1+6)
> Case 3 : From Fig. 1.8.2(c)
N3 = 1. at & = 0
N3 = 0 at —E = —land&=+1
To satisfy above conditions,
Nz = C3(1+6) (1-8)
1 =C3(1
+0) (1-0)
C3; =1
Ng = (148) (1-8)
u = Ny dy + No dy + N3 dy = [Ny Nz N3] ) 42
Ng = (1+
8)(1 - 8) u = Nd
| / 2. 1.8.3 Cubic Shape Function
1 3 2 The four node cubic bar element is shown in Fig. 1.8.3.
g=-1 §=0 g=+ = 2L/3 x=Ll
x=0 x=L/3
° © o > X
——o —_
(c) 1 2 3 4

iy L/3 alg L3 \ U3
Fig. 1.8.2 it wt T 7

— — _-
uy Up Ug U4
> Case 1: From Fig. 1.8.2(a)
N; = 1 at € =-1 Fig. 1.8.3 : Cubic bar element
N; = 0 at € =Oand€=+1 The displacement at any point within the element is
now interpolated from the four nodal displacements using
To satisfy above conditions the shape function as,
N; = C)§(1-§) u (x) = Nq(x) uy + No(x) ug + N3(x) ug + Na(x) Ug... (1.8.4)
At €=-1,N,=1 The shape functions N; vary cubically within the element.

1 = CG CDa+) Let u (x) be given by the complete cubic polynomial

U(x) = Cot Cy xt Cy x +Cgx” ...(1.8.5)
Cy = a We know that

roa 2 E(1-§ L 2
u 3 = Ug, u 3. =3

> Case 2: From Fig. 1.8.2(b) x = 0; Co=0;

I l r
IG S27
No=Oat&=-1and&=0 Put x=1/3 Ug TORS

To satisfy above conditions, 2 40

2L uz = Cot Cy z+ On79 + C397
Np = C& (1+) Put x="3
At§=+1,N,=1 Put x=! u4 = Cyt C14 C+ Cyr

1 = C,(1)(1+1) Now solving for C;, we obtain

1 CG = Yy (1.8.6)
Cc, = 3
— SS

a as
2 3

Ww = uy + Cy 3+ C29 +0397

2 3
Ug-uy = C13 +Cy 9 +C; 77 (1.8.9)

2L 4L gL.
u3z-Uy = CQ 3 +Cy 99 + C397
9 (1.8.8)

oe = C14 Cyl" 4$O3L° (1.8.9)

u4- uj—-Cl +Cr = Cl

Cy =
ug —0, - Cf
+ C3L” +(1.8.10)

Substituting C, value in Equation (1.8.7),

ww -GQL+cr\L FP
uw-wy= |——_7, |, 3 +29

+ Cyl
3 +Cyz+ O39
3u, - 304 = ug— Uy — Col

2 10C r
3uyg —3u4 = wy—uy- gL Cy + >

2.2.L 100 0Cyl 2

= -3 Cy + 5 —2uy +30) - Wy -— =-§L'
— 2u, + 3ug— Uy

3 10 (1.8.11)
3a (2m1 -3u + 4 +°5 Ca) = C,

Substituting C, and C, value in Equation (1.8.8),

2 3
ug—Uy—-CoL +C 10 ar Sr
(mcm = aSe 3 (20) — 3ug+Uy+
4 th2 ~) 243 3 9 og) > + O37

3, 2 10 3 gr
2 + C3L") + © (2m - 3up + u4 + 9 C3L +02 :
uz —Uy = (ug—uj— Cal
+C3 3
5 (ug - 0) = w- Wj - Col +C3f° + 2u, —3U, + U4 +>9 Cf

3L’ 3] 21, 733. ‘85

ay ou, — 30, +04 +7 Bow | +5GL 2 U3 — 7 Uy + 3u2- 204
> (u,-u)) = 2u,+u,— 3u,- 3E,[

9 3 15,3, 21
+9 42-9 44-"99 C3L + 9 CL
= —3u,

3. 5 9 3

a9 U2 2 4 +9 =
— Zu +3 vy +3


=~ tuting value of C3 in Equation (1.8.1 1)
3 3
CG 2 == 52 x| [ 2 W,- 3a, tu, OL 3 — guys,
+" 3 4% +50; 9 ]

C, = xf 2u- 3u,+u +2 5 5 5
2L pee Ba Ug F 9 Us — gu -gm-3y, |

c, 2 = 3a? [Fuad
GunZ +5 +E, |

substituting the value of Cy and C; in Equation (1.8.10) — ite

== 1 _y 23/7
122 1 5 1 3
Pro 3. 9 3B |
C | Uy-Uy-L (Suu $uj4dy,)+G (Su 430-9434)

vol 3. 33 15 1 #9 3 3
Cy) = 7[ue— my ~Fu, + Bu, By, by, Puy +3u, 20-304]

Cr = I 3
7L-1+60,-3u, | +1814)

substituting the values of Cy, C,, C, and C, in Equation (1.8.5)

= Uy
+tL| ~4t
Ug ~5 U3 x+ sal
377 gu
Ug +5
51 U3 +6 U4
9 3.
9 33

Rearranging the terms,

ux 214, 2 34 3 6u, 33u. 2 = Iw 3 -3 5 2 9 3 (= 23 |
u(x) (s
7 - L
TJ *yoP** ap * +> ~ Fe * a" +(Homxt
— giz tax’ }+ 4 . - “aq x

)=uf 1 x 21x 3x Ju $- 33x" 25] [3.4 255 Jeu x 2 As 3 | 815)

vedam) WT as PE a? a BL Oe a a] La 47
Upon comparing Equation (1.8.15) with Equation (1.8.4)
x 21x’ 3x n= 8 33% 98,3
2-4 aL’
Nee 2g 35
4° 4L" 4L
In general, displacement function must be symmetric
with all non-zero coefficients. (The - condition of
completeness). ,
The statement for compatibility condition at element.
boundaries : “Along element boundaries, the field
6(a), Oct FCW iy variable and its partial derivatives upto the order one
less than highest order derivative which appears in the
wy Function should be continuous and differentiable integral formulation of the element equations must be
| within element. This is satisfied by polynomial continuous”.
_ function.
(2) Displacement polynomial should include constant term 3. 1.9.1 Derivation of Polynomial ‘Shape
Tepresenting rigid body displacement. Functions using Coordinate Systems

) Polynomial should include linear terms which on

: differentiation give constant strain terms.

/) Polynomial shall satisfy geometric isotropy (terms are

Symmetric in x, y and z).
e Fig. 1.9.1 shows the typical truss element. In this case X9—-X
Where Ny ] and i
nodal unknowns are displacements u, and uz along
X-axis. X—Xy
¢ For this element we have to select polynomial with N2 = jj
only two constants to represent displacement at any Thus the shape function [N] is
point in the elements. Hence, we select
Xo -X x~—
uz Oy + OyX (1.9.1)
[N] = [Ny Ng] -| ; — |
where , and ) is generalized coordinates. This
polynomial satisfies compatibility and completeness Variation of shape function N; and No is show in
requirement. Writing Equation (1.9.1) in the matrix Fig. 1.9.1.
form we have,
1 P 2 1 2o 2S. 1.9.2 Derivation of Polynomial Shape
he : x °
1 i u4 Functions using coordinate Systems fo,
x4 Xp Beam

oe) y
Using polynomial functions (generalized coordinates)
Fig. 1.9.1 : Bar / Truss element with two nodes determine shape functions for a two noded beam element.
1 2
o Oo
Oy x4=0 X20
ui= {1 x] 44 Usa
| i |~
Since v= uy, at node 1 and equal to uy at node 2, ‘

we have,

{6} =
wy) LI x Oy

ta] 1 XQ ug

X2-%1 | —x, 1 Ug

id -1 1 Ug

Oy 1 X2 —Xy \ Uy |
u =f1 x] 7 = fl x7 | ihe 7

1 Ie-*x —x, +x]

_{ Boek
7 7
a} 1 i
| “IN, val a1
= Ny uy + No U2
Fig. 1.9.2 : Variation of shape functions in a beam
The typical beam element is shown in Fig. 1.9.2. In this T 0 0 O
ie c! - continuing is to be satisfied, since stra in energy o 1 0 O WL
ca Le
Hence -3 -2 -3 -1 91
ssion involves second differentiation term dw !

expre dx =| 7i T -I Wy
in this case at each node, unknowns are the displacement
and slope. 1.¢- 5 Pr
Wi 3
oy + Oy X+.0gX +04 x
8 Oy
{6} =
w2 On
[1 x x x]
Q =
aw dw,
and .0,=—>—
Where 91 = “BO”
1 0 0 0

Since there are four nodal values,

we select polynomial 0 1 0 0 WI
with four constants. Thus -3 -2 3 x1 84
2 +O4Xx 3 xoxox] - 1 uel
w = Oy + OQ X+O3X aft w2
Above equation satisfies compatibility and
= + = 4 89
completeness requirement. Now, I l I l
@ = Oo = cay + 2015 x + 34x
3 2 3 6
2 2
2x kK 1
For convenience we select local coordinate system.
3x_ 2x
-[1 4+ AE. Bs aa w,
ie. x; = 9, X= 1,
Wy = %, 9, =O,
Wo = oy Fogl¥ oy + oyl = [N, Ny N3 Ng] {5}e= IN] {5}e
= [Ni No No Ng |
6, = On +20,/+ 3040 where IN]

Wi 100 0 _ OF 3x" 2x°

and N; = 1-"2 +3
61 010 0 O
ie, {8} = wf {rie e 0, No 2 = X 1 ,1
@, o 1 a art Log
3x" 2x°
100 07-1 f ™1 o ms
Ngo stp
010 0 0;
x x
W2 = TB +?
3 1 J r r Ng.

Oty 012 3r 8, Variation of these function is shown in Fig. 1.9.2.

i 0 _3f al Wi (Note that at node 1, Ny = 1)
aN» ON, ON3 ONg
1 of -w F o = =1, mo OK, Ox
Ny = Nj = Ny =0 and
3-2 | 0 0 3¢ -2 w2
~ Similarly at node 2, ;

Go 2? 82 ON; ON) Ng ©
= land
N3 ZO SQ = Ox”
Ny = Ny =Ny=0,
and x =1
cy =X3—X2 cg = X1 —X3 C3 = X2-x,
2 1.9.3 Derivation of Polynomial Shap coordinates.
e Sys tems same as used in deriving natural
Functions using Coordinat
for Triangular
nt. Let the nodal 7 = a +o%xt yall x yl ) %
Fig.’ 1.9.3 shows a typical CST eleme
V3 ie.,
variables be uj, Uy, U3, Vy, V2 and Ol,
y a, a2 a3 uy
3 (Kg: ¥g)

2 (Xo. ¥g) =[l x ex by bz b3 Uy

cy &% &% ug
1 (x4. ¥4)
{ schist ag +bgx+C2¥ ssttgnteay | "
aA 3A 2A
Fig. 1.9.3 u3
(3}" = [um w uw vy vo V3]
=[Ny No Nj] } 42 ¢ =INI {5}.
From the consideration of compatibility and
completeness the following displacement model is selected
where [N] = [Ni No Nol
uU- = Of + %xt+ ay
ay tbypx+c1y
Vio = O+Asxt+Agy and Ny = —9A
Up = Oy + Oy Xy + Oy yy ag +byx+c2y
“Ug = Oy + Oy Xp + Oy Y2 Nz = 2A
uz = Oy + Oy X3 + OH ¥3 a3 +bzx+c3zy
And Ng = 3A
uy . 1 x yt Oy
Le. “iy ‘=| 1 2 Y2 %
Similarly v = [N,; No N3]}) ¥2
ug 1 X38 ¥3 O3
Vox vt 1 1 1 v3

_ oe » |
Now: 1. x) Yo = | x1 %2 %3 u(xy,y) = visy)
Lx yy} Ly 2 ¥3 uy
at (xp Yi)>
“Where A is the area of triangle with vertices Uy

(x, yg) and (x3, y3) ie. the area of eleme

nt. N, N,N; 0 0 0 U, N 0
: u
, -| 5 0 0 N,N, «| y; a 0 | Pk
mn X2¥3—%3¥2 Y2-¥3 3 —%X
Op =zq| %3¥1-%1¥3 Ya Mt I% Up Vo
. Xp ¥o2-Xo2¥1 V1 —- Y2 X_—-X
27*1 Us
Os V3

fa by Gy Pfu, ay a2 3 uy Ya, 1.9.4 Derivation of Polynomial Shape

1 . 1 by %2 b %3 u2 Functions using Coordinate Systems
=74| % 2 % Ww ¢ =~—|
=Zq| by or
for Rectangular Elements
az bz C3 ug Cy C2 & ug
The typical 4 noded rectangular element is shown in :
Where, Fig. 1.9.4. :
ay = X2 ¥3 = X3 Y2 ay = X3Y1 — X13 a3 = Xjy2 — X2Y1

bj =y2-¥3 | bz =¥3-Y1 b3=y1-Y2

3 (1,1) Oy

= [1 € n &)

1 idaid
4 4 4 4
je—— a 1 itil
“4 4 474
= [111 & n &l roca {U}e
Fig. 1.9.4: Typical 4 noded rectangular eleme “474 4 4
Taking the centroid of the rectangle as origin and € and 1 idl
we have 474 4° 4
nas natu ral coordinates,
G@-oa+n c-puen] (u}
(ee (i+Ha-y 4 e
X—-X_ ¥-Ye
4 4 4
t= and 1) = b =
= [Nj No N3 Ng] {u}.
where 2a x 2b is the size of the element as shown
sg are the coordinates of the origin.
=[N] {Je
_ Fig. 1.9.4 and X,, Ye
We need a polynomial in two dimensions qwith Ni = daoam

| where
dropping & and
: 4constants. Such polynomial is obtained by Ny = 1+ te
Such polynomial
terms in second degree polynomial.
maintains geometric isotropy also.
N3 = 1+ it
O +0, 6+ O3nN+O45N
uy rp i1-t-i 1 O 1- ae
Ny =
| Uy 1 1-i1-l Oy

ee) a,
{u}.= =
be Pde] 0g In short N, to Ny may be written as,
1-1 Oy 1 + nn)
uy | 1-1 N; = q +86)
Oy r 1-1-1 iVitf& fori=1,2,3 and4

oa 1 1-1 =-1 uy Vi

a, | 11 1 i U3 v2
1 -1 uy Similarly v = [N,N2 N3 Ng]
O% | 1 —-i1

' (u}.
It can be shown that,
1 iit
4 4 4
Dyn, abvcuindl.
- “4 4 4 74
fay =
Id 1-1
“4.74 4 4
deed 1-1
4 7-4 4 4

SUS ay +on€+agn+a46n

... Chapter End

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