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Flashpoint sponsored: All Agreed Campaign Organisation (Aaco)

Abayomi Abiodun Akerele, Justus Adetomiwa Akerele Jr

(Purveyors of Natural Societies)
Foreword: A Primer for New World

What if we could start with a blank slate new world, and write ourselves a
brand-new governmental system? If we could scrap the existing constitutional
legal structure entirely and design a law to encourage creativity, remunerate
and support our creators, and increase the size of cultural interaction to ensure
broad access to new knowledge and creativity; if we could pivot our world to most
extensive multidisciplinary collective utilization of our resources, covering life, health,
social and physical protection. Ability to file a complaint without prejudice or subvert
efforts to address shared socio-political and socio-economic value.

At present Nigeria is embroiled with predictable dangers of an overstretched

system, run on the cheap for the poor and socially excluded. These problems led
to a significant backlog of ‘tragic waste’ of humans comparable to numerous
wasted souls in war-turned Eastern Europe. This was compounded by another
significant harm of tragedy death by a young lady Ms. Bamise. In her case, her
private parts were removed on board public state bus while still alive until she
passed out in such extremely painful condition. The incident happened in
February 2022 and had further aggravated a disturbing degree of methodological
sloppiness. This draws on our earlier paper, ‘Hitting the climax’ where we asked
for justice against those with the mindset that women can be used for economic
success or reputation gain.

Hence, a review of what is happening means that the system upon which we
want to remain needs to be reconfigured. Doing so could have benefited the
victims and enabled more offenders to be brought to justice. Predictably, this
paper was not originally conceived for publication. It is however to be trumpeted
as a radical recasting of the ‘unsettled world of our creators’ in a process of, a
theme proponent through ‘that ought to be far-reaching for a widespread culture
change.’ Before this subject is synthesized, my son, a 16-year-old boy, another
upcoming value to make life worth living, in his avatar cry, tweeted from Nigeria
“pain all through me…stop the fight Ukraine and Russia”—stop the [war] in true
To illustrate what the young jurist peacemaker on the cover mean is to move
from the attitude “winning is everything” but to focus on interests, not positions;
invent options for mutual gain and insist on objective criteria. This paper is
ambitious and should be broad in its scope, though, as supported by anecdotal
evidence, it is perhaps as broad not as one would have intended. It is the
purpose of this broadcast to discuss a number of key proposals on its premise
and its marketing beyond; and to draw some conclusions which consider the
context from which this emerges. What follows does not purport to be a
comprehensive resume of all the grounds to be covered.

Peace to the nations

The passion that surrounds debate on what may well be predicated on a true
assumption is ongoing calls for a new model in the world of our fathers. As it
stands presently, Nigeria is somehow now the bedrock of crimes. It appears that
nobody is keen to eradicate or remove this social evil prevalent in the country
including the Nigerian Government. The more willingness to vote a corrupt leader
out of office the more the potential level of corruption. In terms of the allocation of
crime committing awards on global forums, it is trite to note that this is the case –
depending on the statistics to which one subscribes, it might be contended that
the best part of 100% awards will never get anywhere other than my country.

A simple comparison with other jurisdictions should be enough to inform us that

there are no other ways of conducting criminal act tests (though it is of course
acknowledged that the presence of crimes elsewhere that is often accompanied
by other systemic differences renders simple comparison problematic). For
example, one would not expect that the continent we all in Africa and sub-Africa
nations looked up to as frontier nexus of cover allowed and watched helplessly
as the continent is engulfed in an unending discrimination, hate crime, racial
abuse and to crown it all WAR in twentieth century.

An overall attempt to overcome this war of shame between Russia and Ukraine
is not a concern. One should begin with the harms this war has generated so far
and quote the mantra of sustainability. We then conclude, however, that most
environmental harms are simply a ‘product of our life and costs to our life ’and ‘it
is not always possible to identify a particular person or persons causally
responsible for the harms’. So, dilute in all aspects that war renders
environmental harm as ‘emergent’ ‘the harms and duties to which they respond
are emergent diffuse across generations and time’. Just because the ‘emergent’
or ‘diffuse’, however, does not mean that a collective duty cannot be imposed.
Whilst we can isolate instances of delictual liability on de jure main actor ignoring
what has broaden the ambit of focus.

To recap, our organization ‘All Agreed Campaign Organisation (Aaco)’ is a not-

for-profit charity organization founded in early 2020 in the advent of the
pandemic, and after a called to glory of my lovely mum, thereafter the gruesome
murder of George Floyd in America. Its aims are to champion ‘world love’ and
protect the value of the world democratic system. Its standing as NGO member is
the creation of unbiased image-making. We are to vigorously defend and lobby
for the interests and rights of all world inhabitants focusing more on black people
both at home and diasporas, but it has become apparent that our loving Whites’
counterpart also need protection as reiterated by the young boy who sponsored
this broadcast.

These have become important because rights fall in different categories in terms
of absolute, in the sense that a State may not opt out of, or derogate from, them,
and unqualified. For example, no State may opt out of; the right to life; the right
not to be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment; the right not to be held in slavery or servitude and the right not to be
held liable for a criminal offence on the ground of any act or omission which had
not been criminal at the time when the act or omission took place.

Other rights are not expressed in these absolute terms but are subject to certain
limited and express qualifications. This is true of the right to respect of private
and family life, home and correspondence; freedom of thought, conscience and
religion; freedom of expression and freedom of assembly and association. I
quote the full terms because it is irrelevant to spell out their articles if truly they
have become a universal declaration.
It will be recalled that the human rights principles are sought to have been
relaxed across continents. In this context only designated to performing a mere
declaratory function, informing citizens of the cut-off point, beyond which they
can be sure that their right has been violated. The process no longer levies
penalties in respect of the relevant interference with individual rights in attempts
to increase its influence. There is an uncomfortable tension here over the
slipping. While there is an unquestionable public reassurance in having offenders
brought to justice, the court system has only given applicant the opportunity to
submit his observations. It might also be argued that the generality of those
accused of most crimes are those who most of us seek protection from in respect
of their position in our society.

Mutual consciousness

Although our treatment in this paper as sponsored is relatively brief, it is

stimulated considerable debate on happenings in Ukraine. The understanding is
that in situations of designated serious crimes, the emergence of compelling
other evidence may permit the bringing in analysis under public concern lawsuits.
This is more important because we now operate on globalization without the
need to remind ourselves of the general effects of the pandemic intercourse. So
therefore, what happens in any part of the universe represents a far-reaching
proposal, and ought to be approached without significant departure from the
principle that brought it.

I watched in dismay the proposal that ICC prosecution should be invoked on

President Putin of Russia as anchored by most media news debates. The
discrepancies noted in the debates carry practical significance evaluation. This
paper suggests that it is likely that the relaxed principle of ICC utility will be
invoked more profusely on leaders, but that it is nonsensical, and damaging to
the credibility of the ‘rule of law’ or the ‘justice system’, that defendant against
whom fresh reason compelling evidence arises, or indeed who subsequently
could confess to the commission of a crime against humanity or war crime even
crime of aggression would escape justice merely on the basis of immunity or

The present war is not only to be identified with coordinated sanctions which may
become side-tracked or suffice to exonerate the principal actor. However, the
ugly situation needs to be accompanied by reform and interpretation of the
relevant provisions in a manner such as to enhance powers of law enforcement
to retain DNA samples of war crime perpetrators or leaders whose acts are
considered chaotic in the cosmos. Irrespective, it is the collective responsibility of
international community that the historical wars between Russia and Ukraine
should have been avoided even if it must be making a compromise, on subtler.
How can we maintain control to gather momentum?

There is indeed a degree of force in that question, particularly regarding the

development of techniques which enable the gathering and analysis of evidence
in ways that would have been possible several years ago. Clearly, a principal
context for this aspect of the proposals is the development of ICC mechanism,
and for the type of what will eventually become cold cases of killings. In Nigeria
(British ex colony) for instance, where possible trigger factors can be attributed to
the high level of brutal ill-treatment by our leaders if viewed under social injustice
methods. Indeed, it seems that statutory reform and interpretation should be
developed in the congruent direction removing the variance amnesty protocol or
privilege access on high status.

Nonetheless, what is proposed in this paper remains a considerable

development and, in such circumstances, one would hope that safeguards would
be put in place to ensure that change remained proportionate. It is most
unfortunate that the most dropped move for stringent law enforcement is under
the pressure of those that matters. It is notable that, the evidence which is
sought to adduce at the domestic law reasonably be adduced to the international
convention like CEDAW. This international instrument is supposedly to be a
check on frivolous and speculative repeat of what is happening in Nigeria. It is to
be assumed that what is happening in Russia-Ukraine in effect requires a robust
interpretation of what could ‘reasonably’ have been adduced.

Let not England forget 

We urge that there should be domestically inspired statutory reforms by frontline

UK that set the pace to strengthen international legal framework. Thus, if we are
to foster a peaceful and healthy world for our upcoming generation, we should
discontinue in its earliest the primitive will to vengeance and reflexive reciprocity
of uneven treatment around which most devastating issues are constructed. To
add ‘bite’ to the required protection, non-corporate entities, including non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) should be funded as far as granting direct
effect to international rules and national law that are unapplied. This as a
recommendation could have been helpful in both cases enumerated above.

In its narrative, Milton’s solution ethics through the issue of fundamental

principles promote justice and neutralizes the dominant laissez faire social and
economic policies adaptation. It is time, perhaps, to remind our ‘Great Britain’
and other colonial masters not to divorce from their general transferable
intellectual skills. The Milton's injunction substantive law is both more accessible
and better contextualized:

"Let not England forget

her precedence of teaching
nations how to live.”

The young peace mediator says: ‘Pain all through me…Stop the fight Russia and
Our flashpoint says, ‘Let There Be Peace In The World!

Best wishes.

Akerele Abayomi Abiodun 12 March 2022

All Agreed Campaign Organisation (Aaco)

This piece of academic letter is reference permissible. The views expressed here
are my/our own under the charitable organization formed as our natural
inclination to serve humanity.

I am indebted to London School of Business and Management (renamed),
University of Northampton, University of Westminster, The Sheffield University-
for sound academic pursuit, personal research, careful thought and legal

Do you have any interesting topic to be sponsored freely by our charitable
undertaking, is it to be written in simple and accessible language for every
reader? to serve as a textbook with extensive bibliography in subjects of law or
any related field? Is it to be used as tool of dissemination of information or
interpretation of other school of thought, from personalities to topic of general
public interest? We function as an appetizer for a deeper study of exceptionally
well-written legal material useful to support counsel.

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Abayomi A. Akerele, FP, LLB, CPD/LLM (Candidate) Int. Coordinator
Sir Raf Aremu, FP, LLB, CILEX (UK), Global Chairman
Com. Olawoyin Daps, EU Associate
Ms Hannah P. Omot, (NIG), Secretary General
Mr. Anani O. Idris, Publicity Secretary

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The team is run by extremely ordinary, hardworking jurists people, we strive hard to
bring you the facts that the mainstream media refuse to, and now here we are with deep
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Our aim is to bring you, honest, trustworthy and reliable words of love that will inspire
the orientations so that we see ourselves as loving people in the cosmos. We do it for
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