A. What Additional Data Will She Need From Each of The Four Adaptive Modes Before Implementing Nursing Interventions?

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1. Karen, a recent graduate from a nursing program based on the Roy adaptation model, is
performing her morning assessments. She enters Mr. John’s room. Mr. John is awaiting
preoperative preparation for a laparotomy to explore the unkown mass. Mr John is very
irritable this morning. He says that he is thirsty. Karen continuous her assessment of Mr.

a. What additional data will she need from each of the four adaptive modes
implementing nursing interventions?
1. Physiological-physical mode: since this mode is composed of the need
associated with oxygenated, nutrition, elimination, activity, rest and
protection. These are all the thing she must consider. She must first asses
Mr. John’s ventillation, diet, eliminated waste products from the body,
his activities, relaxation regimen, and protection.
2. Self-Concept Group Identity Mode: this mode is an internal mode that
uses self-assessments in order to define one’s self-schemas; this is how
you perceive your behavior, abilities and unique characteristics. This is
where karen should observe mr john’s action, body image, and know his
self-ideas such as what he thinks, what he feels, what he wants because
with a negative self-image/thinking, we focus on our faults and
weaknesses, distorting failure and imperfections.
3. Role Function involves the position one occupies in society; behaviors
associated with one's position (role) in. society. Karen must know where
Mr. John stands as a member of the society
4. Interdependence Mode is associated with one's relationships and
interactions with others and the giving and receiving of. love, respect,
and value. Basic underlying need: nurturance and affection. Karen must
make Mr. John feel that he is not alone and she has care for him.
Making him feel loved, respect and valued.

b. What are the focal stimuli, contextual stimuli, and residual stimuli?
 FOCAL STIMULI: A focal stimuli includes individual needs. Mr.
Johnirritated attitude
 CONTEXTUAL STIMULI: It must be preparation for Mr. John’s
 RESIDUAL STIMULI: Mr. John’s thirst.
c. What are possible interventions?
 The possible interventions would be: First calming Mr. John by making
him feel loved and valued. It is by simply by sitting down and asking him
what’s the problem. As soon as she got to calm him down and get his
trust, she will slowly explain to him that it is advised not to drink water for
at least 2 hours before the surgery, it is part of its preparation but no need
to worry because he’ll. get to quench his thirst a little moment after his
surgery. It is by giving him assurance that she will take care of him.
 Second, after Mr. John’s surgery. She must plan about Mr. John’s fast

d. What process can Karen use to select the best nursing intervention?
 Karen's best coping strategy is her intrinsic coping mechanism, which is
genetically determined or common to all species and is often regarded as
an automitaic process, meaning that humans do not have to think about it.
An irritated individual must be handled with care so that the situation does
not deteriorate, which is a common problem in these situations.

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