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What Adobe Program do I need?

Adobe creates a lot of programs, many of which I found myself unfamiliar with until recently.
Most people know about Photoshop, or other programs but those aren’t the only programs
Adobe develops. In the 6th iteration of the Adobe Creative Suite that’s where the “CS” comes
from, there are 16 programs. In addition to the Creative Suite, there are several other suites
and enterprise products. For time’s sake, I’ll just focus on the primary programs that related
topic in illustration .

You know those the magazines, and all the articles that where putting layout and what do
you want to design your articles. More of them were designed using InDesign. Adobe InDesign
does page layouts. It allows you to produce and preview documents for magazines, both in print
and online across mobile and desktop platforms. It is made for publishing. Ideally, project
rendered are newspapers, posters, and other marketing material. The way InDesign works
allows content producers to quickly piece together the layouts for multipage magazines and
document. Overall, if you need to create a layout for something with a lot of text and graphics,
InDesign is just about the best software out there for it.

You know those where create logos and graphics for business cards, infographics, clipart, and
icons. Few of them were designed using Illustrator. Adobe Illustrator is the Photoshop of vector
art, also known as resolution-independent graphics. By comparison, Photoshop is used to create
raster art, also called bitmap graphic. Raster vs. Vector, the fundamentals difference between
the two is that vector has less detail but can be resized larger infinitely without loss of quality.
Vector is also comprised of lines, curves, and geometric data. In contrast, raster graphics are
composed of individual pixels. Remember, that vector can easily be converted to raster, but it is
a one-way transfer as raster cannot be converted back without difficulty.

With that said, it is geared more toward developers and less towards artists. Such as The
Oatmeal webcomics and the artist Jose Rivera are uses Fireworks almost exclusively for all of his
work found here. Adobe Fireworks is a fascinating creature. Like illustrator, it works primarily
with vector graphics with some marginal bitmap editing available. Overall it is useful program to
have in any graphic artist’s arsenal. It can make just about any graphic interactive, and it allows
you to create both wireframes and object behavior.

Photoshop the famous software that where the photo editing, and most of the photographer
are used of this software. In ICT Illustration, Photoshop is the most of the main topic that where
in photo editing. Everything that what do you want creates image that is change to what aren’t
you see in reality. Adobe Photoshop is the go to image editing and manipulation software used
by almost everyone in the industry. Photoshop excels in working with raster or bitmap graphics
and is capable of producing highly detailed composition. While originally intended to be a photo
manipulation program, Photoshop has taken up by digital painters and design professionals in
both the classroom and workplaces.

Adobe SpeedGrade, know as a extremely powerful supplement to the color tools than other
but this software are few of used. SpeedGrade is for color grading images. At the first glance,
this doesn’t sound like much. But, correctly applied color can add depth, emotion, and character
to a picture and videos. When it comes to color grading.
1. What is the famous software that where the photo editing?
A. Illustrator B. Photoshop C. SpeedGrade D. InDesign

2. What is Adobe software for color grading images?

A. Illustrator B. Photoshop C. SpeedGrade D. InDesign

3. What is Adobe software those where create a logo and graphics?

A. Illustrator B. InDesign C. Fireworks D. SpeedGrade

4. What is Adobe software does page layout?

A. Illustrator B. InDesign C. Fireworks D. SpeedGrade

5. What is Adobe software those a fascinating creature?

A. Illustrator B. InDesign C. Fireworks D. SpeedGrade

6. In Adobe Creative Suite, how many software or programs in Master Collection Software?
A. 10 B. 12 C. 14 D. 16

7. _______ is also comprised of lines, curves, and geometric data.

A. Vector B. Raster C. Bitmap D. Resolution-independent graphics

8. _______ graphics are composed of individual pixels.

A. Vector B. Raster C. Bitmap D. Resolution-independent graphics

9. Who is artist those using Adobe Firework?

A. Joseph Rivera B. Jose De Vera C. Jose Rivera D. Joseph De Vera

10. Where do you use when you create a design the layout of your articles?
A. Illustrator B. Photoshop C. SpeedGrade D. InDesign

Key Answer: B C A B C D A B C D
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the famous software that where the photo editing?

A. Illustrator B. Photoshop C. SpeedGrade D. InDesign

2. What is Adobe software for color grading images?

A. Illustrator B. Photoshop C. SpeedGrade D. InDesign

3. What is Adobe software those where create a logo and graphics?

A. Illustrator B. InDesign C. Fireworks D. SpeedGrade

4. What is Adobe software does page layout?

A. Illustrator B. InDesign C. Fireworks D. SpeedGrade

5. What is Adobe software those a fascinating creature?

A. Illustrator B. InDesign C. Fireworks D. SpeedGrade

6. In Adobe Creative Suite, how many software or programs in Master Collection Software?
A. 10 B. 12 C. 14 D. 16

7. ____ is also comprised of lines, curves, and geometric data.

A. Vector B. Raster C. Bitmap D. Resolution-independent graphics

8. ____ graphics are composed of individual pixels.

A. Vector B. Raster C. Bitmap D. Resolution-independent graphics

9. Who is artist those using Adobe Firework?

A. Joseph Rivera B. Jose De Vera C. Jose Rivera D. Joseph De Vera

10. Where do you use when you create a design the layout of your articles?
A. Illustrator B. Photoshop C. SpeedGrade D. InDesign

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