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Cover Letter


My father will cover all my expenses during my studies and the bank statements have been presented to
you clarifies his financial situation, showing that he has enough funds to support me during my studies till
the end of study. Accounts balance as follows:

Arab Turkish Bank - Istanbul: Dollar account: 179 $

Arab Turkish Bank - Istanbul: Euro account: 13,634 €

Libyan Foreign Bank -Tripoli: LYD account: 1,562 LY

Note! I have already paid the first instalment to the university.


I have a reservation to stay in a hotel for 10 days, from 22-09-2021 till 31-09-2021, and after the
quarantine I will moveout to a bed in apartment near the campus which I have already confirmed the
booking a few days ago with apartment owner.

The bed rent will start from October, the bed costs of 250€ per month excluded the bills.

Study Program:

The lectures will start in 20th of September, and I will attend the lectures online from 20-09-2021 till 1-10-
2021. After finishing the quarantine, I will finish my registration and I will start attending the classes in
presence as soon as I get the green-pass. Also, I want to mention that I am still waiting madam. Laura in
order to issue the DOV, because till now her email unreachable and I am her to come back from vacation.


For now, I have a traveling health insurance starts from (August) till (November) This insurance will cover
the expenses of treatment, emergencies and clinical accommodation costs in the case of infection with
the Corona virus, then I am planning to subscribe the Italian health insurance for one year starting from
January 2022 with a cost of 150€.
Till now I did not take the vaccine but I want to take it in Italy as soon as I finish the quarantine in order to
have the green-pass, otherwise I can not attend the classes in presence.

Traveling plan:

Date of Flight From To Departure Time Arrival Time

21-09-2021 Tripoli Mitiga airport Istanbul airport 00:00 00:00
Libyan local time Turkish local
22-09-2021 (Transit 7 hours) Bologna Guglielmo 00:00 Turkish 00:00 Italian
Istanbul airport Marconi airport local time local time


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