Story 2: Tom (Engineer) Tom (Engineer)

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And then here’s Tom. Tom de Guzman, born into a well-off family, his dream is to become an engineer.

*Tom is lying on the bed, and is dreaming about the the old days.


It is a warm sunny day outside. It’s summer. Everyone is excited to go on vacations, but today is a little
bit different for these three kids. Tom, Kate & Mark are playing outside, on the empty park.

“Don’t you think the park is especially empty today?” Mark asks.

“Because it’s summer, dumbass.” Kate responded.

“Hey Katie,” Tom asks, “How do you feel about having cooler slides and more fun things to do in
the park?”

“Well, my mom says that parks are designed by engineers, at least that’s what I heard”

“Okay then, I’m going to be an engineer and then I’ll marr-“


Kate continues to shush Tom.

“You guys are funny.” Mark chuckles. “I want to be a popular chef one day!”

“Hah! As if.” Kate laughs.

“What about it!!”


“What about you Kate? What’s your dream?” Tom asked, curious.

“Well, If I were to choose being a nurse or a teacher, I’d go for teacher.” Kate replies.

“Why’d you even want to be a teacher?” Mark asks. “You’ll just make everyone cry- YEOWCH!”

“Yes, I’ll make wimps like you cry.”

“Ow! I get it! I get it. Please take your hands off me.” Mark grunts.

The trio chuckles while lying on the grass.

TOM: So, I’ll be an engineer, Kate will be a teacher, and Mark will be a chef.

KATE: That’s a promise.

MARK: Pinky-finger first.

KATE: You’re so childish. LOL

MARK: HEY! You’re a kid too!

“Tom?” a mysterious voice calls out to Tom.

“Wait, shhhh, you hear that?” Tom whispers.

“Hear what Tom?” Mark asked.

“Tom!” The voice grew louder. “THOMAS JOVAN GONZAGA!”


Tom jumps off his bed. His father woke him up.

“Bro, what you doing? You’re gonna be late for school.”

“Huh,” Tom mumbled to himself. “It was only a dream.”

“Dude, you listening!? Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Tom quickly slips into his shoes and buttons up for school. He goes down and eats quickly.

“Tom, don’t forget to take this lunchbox.” his mom spoke.

“Thanks, Mom! You’re the best!”

“Go get them, ‘SIR ENGINEER’!” Tom’s father cheered.

Tom takes off and bikes to school. He’s very excited, for today is the day he takes the board exam for

“Thank you, Mom, Dad, Mark and Kate! I’m gonna build us the greatest park in the world!”


“Katherine! Be careful!”

A successful engineer who designed La Park, the world’s most beautiful park, is walking along with his

“Remember our promise?” Kate asks.

“It’s been that long, huh?” Tom replies.

“Heck, I even still can’t believe how I became your wife.” Kate chuckles.

“Shall we call Mark, to commemorate the occasion?”

“Your call, Sir Engineer.”


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