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Chapter 2700 Obviously LongAohai believed that no matter howmighty outside Harvey York, aftera

battle with Miyata Shinosuke,I definitely didn't have muchforce now. You want to destroy YeHao,
now is the best time. Yesmiss this moment, you maythere is no chance. To thehear this, Tian Feng
Da Dou,that originally wasterrified, he calmed down completely.Killer flashes in her eyes,
thenlooked at Harvey York with narrowed eyes and said:York, it's because of Hall Master's
faceLong and Miss Master, you can wearon your knees now, I won't kill you today! ""I'll take you
back to the countryinsular and I'll be judged! "leave a whole body! "" YesYou keep resisting, I
promise youyou can only go sideways today! "TianFeng Da Dou felt that whilecould capture
Harvey York alive, everythingit would be easy to say. Afterbring him back to the island country,I
could force him to write a confession confessing the plotto kill Miyata Shinosuke. OnIn this case,
Miyata's defeat is notthe shame of the island country, butof the man who shaved Daxia! To thelisten
to Tianfeng's wordsDadou, Long Aohai also sneeredat this time, "The last name isYe, don't rush to
kneel! ""Mr. Tianfeng has a greatnumber of adults and musttake this opportunity! ""On the contrary,
if Mr. Tian Fengangry, the consequences will be severe! "At this time, ShiXiaolan and the second
generation ofthe holy land of martial artsthey looked at Harvey York coldly,waiting for the scene
whereHe knelt down and begged for mercy. "Yes,if you don't kneel yet,Do you really want to force
me to act? "Tianfeng Dadou drank coldly."Although you are very fast, noware you at the end of the
battle, howfast can you be !? "" Even if notI can kill you, but there are so many of Page 683 we who
can kill you in a wheeled war! "Harvey York lookedto Tian Feng Dadou with his eyessquinted and
said lightly:"Am I the end of the crossbow? Can youknow if you try? "" Install!Let me continue
with theinstallation! "Tian Feng Dadou sescoffed, then waved afterof a time. In an instant, I
sawblack figures appear betweensurrounding trees. This peoplewear black masks on their faces,
theirbreathing is empty, yourmovements are fast and look like professional killers. In ainstantly,
their bodies disappearedin all directions, but a dimkilling intent was stilllocked where Harvey York
was."Ninja Island?" Harvey York looked at thisscene with an expressionindifferent. "I have to admit
thatthe people of his island have so manymeans. "" The ninja is here, is he coming?the Onmyoji? ""
Come! ", Tian sneeredFeng Dadou then made another gesture.far away, a figure hung in theair, there
were runes burning on his body and the whole person looked verystrange. "This master of
theTuomimen family safety. ""He can kill you with just onetalisman! "" You wait to die! "Onmyoji
and Ninja appear one afteranother, even Shi Xiaolan and theothers gasped. Nothey thought that the
people of the islandI really valued Harvey York so much, andthey even brought these
terrifyingpowers. So, in your opinion,Harvey York is really dead today.Ninja Strike, Swordsman
Siege, Onmyoji Curse!Not to mention Harvey York, thetrue God of War will bekilled if he comes!
"If you wantsurvive, kneel before me! "Tianfeng Dadou's expression wascold,
with a chill on her face."Otherwise, don't blame mysubordinates for being ruthless! ""When will
the island nationshow off in the city of Hong Kong? "At this moment, a figureindifferent appeared
in the air, Page 684 descending behind Harvey York, like a god descending to theEarth.

Chapter 2701

Chapter 2701The old man's beard and hair areall white, and now he's wearing aNanyang martial
arts robe,unspeakably indifferent. With thehands behind his back, he scanned thehearing coldly and
said withcoldness: "Everyone interrupt withone hand, then come out, don't themI will kill. "God of
war ofNanyang, Yang Diming! "YangDiming !? "Seeing this old man fromwhite hair, several
onlookers from the city of Hong Kongunconsciously shuddered inthis moment. The legendary
godof the Nanyang war? Howcould it appear here? And looking at hisposture, it seems that he has
regained hisancient maximum combat power!The legendary god of warNanyang, who is invincible
throughfrom the waters of the southeast, appearedhere. Who knew himthey found it amazing.
"YangDiming? Nanyang God of theWar? "Long Aohai sneered." Remember, are you the ruined
man?of the legend? "" A simplewaste dares to climb theplatform surname York, don't you knowhow
to write dead words? ""Yes, our business in the roomlaw enforcement, our affairsfrom the dragon
gate, when will it bean outside door to intervene! ""Fuck you, otherwise,Hall Master Long will take
a shot, norYou will even be able to find Bei! "elite group of the roomLaw enforcement yelled, in his
opinion, what can awhite-haired old man? Do you still leavelet this group of yourself override
ahand? Is it worth saying thosestuff? Let's send your dream ofspring and fall! Yang dimingignored
these clowns, but inchange, he nodded to Harvey York with asmile on his face. Harvey York
nothought Yang Diming would come torepresent yourself in acritical moment, but it was not
thetime to chat in this Page 685 At the moment, he only nodded slightly, but didn't say much.
Seeing thisscene, Shi Xiaolan, who had aquite pale face, took a stepforward right now,showing a
smile and said, "Old manYang, I haven't seen you in a long timetime. "" This is the home ofour five
Taoist temples today.I'm afraid you have to ask yourself thatdo not interfere in this matter. ""After
all, we are nowcleaning up a scum in the worldof martial arts in Daxia. ""You are an expert in
Nanyang and it is not appropriate to intervene." Listeningthat Yang Diming was from the Kingdom
ofNanyang, Tian Feng Da Dou and theothers showed sarcasm, and thenThey looked at Yang
Diming harshly.In the eyes of the islanders, the threeNanyangguo words itselfrepresent weakness.
Then,What about Nanyang Ares? Agod of war who was left without asmall place is alsoqualified to
come to the city ofHong Kong and show your power?What do you want! ? It can be said that apart
from the fear of three points ofShi Xiaolan to Yang Diming, eitherLong Aohai or Tianfeng
Dadou,Yang Diming is not in his eyes onthis moment. EspeciallyTianfeng Dadou, looking at
theYang Diming's graying appearance,at this moment he couldn't help givingstep forward and use
your nose tolook at people, "Are we going tobreak hands and fuck? ""Are you worthy?" "Are you
qualified?""Thinking that wearing robes of artsmartial arts can you pretend to be superior?
""pretend to be too much, do you pretend to bestupid? "" The last name You don't dareto pretend to
be a comparisonin front of us, do you dare? "YangDiming looked at Tian Feng Dadou at thelightly
and said indifferently:"So, two hands." "YangDiming! "Tian Feng Dadou sneered."I've heard of
you, tenyears old, the God of War Nanyang,fought invincible hands all over thesoutheast sea! ""
But, you got fired Page 686 ten years ago, right? "" Now you are threatening us with a
bodyremainder? Are you ok with yourbrain !? "" I tell you, if you areinterested, you will leave now,
and whenmeet you in the future,I'll call the god of warNanyang! "" If you have to benosy, don't
blame ourisland country for not showing you the face ofNanyang Country! "

Chapter 2702

Chapter 2702 Tianfeng Dadouhe even despised the people of theNanyang Kingdom. Although
YangDiming is named after the God of War Nanyang, Tianfeng Dadoudoes not believe that this old
man can beextraordinary. Yang Diming smiledand said lightly: "It seems that I havehidden the
sword for tenyears, and everyone has forgotten whatrepresent the four wordsNanyang God of War.
"" Boom- "When the voice lowered, Yang Dimingtook a step forward. after onerest night, has
returned to thetop. Right now, it was just amoment,aauraincomparably powerful that was several
times more terrifying than theGod of War of the island country andthe Yinliu Sword Saint in
thismoment.At this moment, aseries of cracks like spider websthey broke right into thesurrounding
soil. This scene wasterrifying and terrifying.Countless faces changedwildly. In the nextInstantly, I
heard a "murmur", and theisland country onmyoji, which floated inthe air, did not have time to act.
It wasdirectly pressed by this impulse and sprayed a puff ofblood, and fell into a coma in midair,life
and death are unknown.And those ninjas were pressuredagainst their bodies for this impulseat this
time, everyone came outflying, and after hitting theI ground fiercely, they all threw upblood and
they couldn't get upfor a long time. The sametime, Tianfeng Dadou and the others Page 687 they
felt their knees weresoft, and then knelt witha "puff". It wasn't that they wanted to kneel, but
themomentum that Yang Diming hadaccumulated for ten years exploded,It was scary and it wasn't
something thatcould bear. Strong! verystrong! This scene made the faceTian Feng Dadou paled inan
instant, and the cold sweat on hisback continued to drip. Not muchaway, Long Aohai staggered
towardback a few steps. Although YangDiming did not attack him directly,it also felt dry andI still
had something to say, but I couldn't say anything in thismoment. As for womenlike Shi Xiaolan,
they were allquite pale, they covered their mouthssmall, without letting herself do anynoise.When
looking at this scene, allthese people have expressionsincredible. Harvey York only usedconspiracy
and tricks to win theHoly Miyata sword, although they aredifficult to accept, but can stillswear. But
right now, YangDiming smashed Tianfeng Dadou andto others with a pure drive, what really made
them feelincredible. Tianfeng Dadou is thearrogant new high! It is said thatthat its strength is
terrifying, and it canbe called invincible among thekings of the soldiers, just one lineof the god of
war. But now i knowface Yang Diming, the god ofthe Nanyang war, but does he kneeldirectly? Is it
the legendary godfrom the Nanyang war reallyso strong? Shi's expressionXiaolan changed over and
over again.He was very clear that Yang Diming also represented NanyangGang, a force that should
notunderestimated in the two cities ofHong Kong and Gambling. Now whatYang Diming has
increased withstrength and helping platform Harvey York, I'm afraid there will be morevariables in
the affairs of theYe Jiutian's superiority. York haolooked at Yang Diming with a lookof appreciation.
This old man has been Page 688 abolished for ten years, but hehimself shouldn't have given upin
the last ten years. Otherwise, it would be impossible to recoversuch combat power right afterto
remove the poison. In whatregards Yang Diming's level, yeahthe two fight each other, most ofthey
have to be serious, right?However, the momentYang Diming came to lean on theplatform, Harvey
York also didn't knowdenied.After all, in the currentgeneral trend of gamesrandom from Hong
Kong in the twocities, it's good to have a personmore to help you stand. YangDiming was full of
vigor,looking at Tianfeng Dadou with aindifferent expression and said to thelightly: "Child of the
island country, come andtell me. "" Do I need you to give meface? ""Yes I'm sorry God of
WarYang! "Tianfeng Dadou opened themouth shaking right now."I offended you today. Please look
at theface of the undercurrentsof the island country. Please havepatience with me! ""soon, we will
be leaving soon! "TianFeng Dadou had an expression ofsatisfaction on her face.He originally
thought that this Godof the Nanyang War had beenabolished for ten years, and onlya tiger skin
remained. Butwhen he faced it personally,knew that even among the gods ofthe war, Yang Diming
wasdefinitely the best. Atnewcomer, I'm afraid only yourfather can fight him.To shoot is to hit a
stone witha pebble, which is to find death. Although Tianfeng Dadou wasarrogant, he wasn't stupid
inabsolute, I wouldn't do anything thatwould like to commit suicide. "Nowbeg for mercy, is it a
littlelate? ”Yang Diming snorted withcoldness and then took a stepahead. "Crack-" The gravel of
theground flew off, terrifying. "PuffPuff - "The Yinliu masters of a greatarchipelago came too Page
689 late to scream and they all fell ina pool of blood. This scenemade Shi Xiaolan and others
unconsciously tremble. Eastgod of war of Nanyang is moreterrifying than legend. It's no moreto
kill, the most important thing is thatthe look is indifferent andcarefree, as if a fewants were
pinchedto death. Scalpof Tianfeng Dadou wasnumb and his eyelids poppedwildly. At this
time,finally understood that if nothe handled well today, his little lifeit would be lost here. At this
moment, his eyes for help areposed at Long Aohai and ShiXiaolan. Long Aohai avoided sightas if
he hadn't seen her. But theShi Xiaolan's breathing quickenedin an instant. Nevertheless,thinking
about your purpose today, ShiXiaolan still gritted his teethslightly, and then bit thescalp and walked
towardsgo ahead, whispering, "Lao Yang,please give us five tooTaoist temples to save
theappearances! "." The island country and our Daxia are separated bya strip of water. Offend
theinsular region means to offendour Daxia, offend the Yinliu andoffend our five templesTaoists! ""
You are strong, God ofYang
war, but in front of ourtwo families, consider one or two! ""Is it necessary for a personsmall
offense to a force that does notshould he be offended? "Shi XiaolanI was still a little scaredbut now
he said more and moresoftly, and in the end, he looked arrogant again.words "Wu Taoist TempleMei
"they gave him a trustinfinite. In your cognition, with theendorsement of the sacred place ofmartial
arts, the god of warmust give face. "Clicked ..." YangDiming backhanded him."Noisy!" Shi Xiaolan
flew with acry of "Ah" covering his face,when she landed she looked aggrieved and Page 690
angry, but right now I don't knowdared to scream more. The eyelids ofLong Aohai jumped directly
to the side. At this time, he retiredto the side in a waydiscreet, looking at her nose and herheart, a
look that doesn'tknew nothing. Yang Diming looked atTian Feng Dadou with an
expressionindifferent and said lightly:broke his hands, knelt down andhe apologized to York Shao, I
will not kill you. "Feeling the fatal danger, Tian FengDa Dou no longer dared to saynonsense right
now. Squeezedteeth and broke hands witha "click", then knelt in front of Harvey York with a "pop"
and said in a voicedeep: "York Shao, I'm sorry, I haveeyes but you don't count. "!"like a fart, let it
go! "Humiliation! Is reallyshameful that Tianjiao of the country ofTangtangdao has fallen to the
point ofbow down and beg for mercy. ShiXiaolan and others also feltcold everywhere. They
understood whatauthoritarian who was the god ofNanyang war, that oncecrossed the waters of the

Chapter 2704

Chapter 2704 "It snapped ..." Yang Diming gave astep forward and kick tianfengDadou, who was
kneeling on theground, and then spoke toindifference. "Go back and tellTianfeng Shisi Lang, tell
him tostarting today, York Shao will becovered by me, Yang! "" Littleleaves in motion, alonemove
me! "" Do you understand? "Tian Feng Dadou nodded in sweatcold and then slipped away. Knew
wellthat Yang Diming did not commit suicide, onlywanted to become a messenger. If he doesn't
come out, maybe Yang Diminghave a whim and kill itdirectly. As to howdeal with Harvey York,
had to go backand inform your father. Believe yourfather, Tian Feng Shi Lang, isabsolutely able to
find thetoday's place. At the same time,Tianfeng Dadou's eyes towards YeHao were also full
ofresentment. New hate and old Page 691 hate! With the disappearance of theislanders, a large
group of peopleappeared at the entrance of the Longmen Gym at this time. There arepeople from
the Dragon Palace ofHong Kong, Nanyang Gang andsome people from the Puerta delHong Kong
dragon. Cui Yingxia,Yang Youxuan, Dong Liya, JiangYuyan and other women toothey appeared
one by one. Whenthey saw that Harvey York was fine,they all sighed. It's just that you arewomen
are jealous when theireyes are intertwined. All areupper class people, soknow more about how
weird a person like Harvey York is.everyone is a competitor!This reunion scene made the Harvey
York's eyelids will pop. Evenwhen he faced the island countryJuggernaut, it didn't feel too bad.But
seeing the women around Harvey York will appear one by one, theLong Aohai and Shi's
expressionsXiaolan changed over and over again.They could not accept anything, due tothe
appearance of a Yang Diming, today Harvey York was not only able to retreat byeverywhere, but
also slap them in the face. Long aohaihe looked at Harvey York, his teeth gnashing,I wanted to
personally kill thisboy who made his hair manwhite man fired the hairblack. But there is the city of
YangDiming, you don't dare. In thismoment, Long Aohai just wantedreturn to Wucheng to move
theirsoldiers for the first time. He believedthat as long as people came from thePresbyterian Church,
surelythey could suppress Yang Diming. "Thematter is resolved, but since I left to help the York
platformShao, there are some things thatI have to deal. "Yang Diming lookedto Long Aohai and Shi
Xiaolan, whothey seemed to be looking for aopportunity to leave, and spoke withindifference. "Tell
the Taoist Templeof Wumei that York Shao mustexplain this matter today. "Yang Diming's words
wereindifferent, but they ended Page 692 directly with the future of ShiXiaolan. At this moment, the
face ofShi Xiaolan was hard to see at the extreme. I knew very well what it wasjust an ordinary
disciple in theWumei Taoist Temple. Canshowing off today is nothing more than the faceof the five
Taoist temples.now a person like yangDiming wants five Taoist templesto give an explanation,
sothe five Taoist temples will give thisexplanation anyway. Theeasiest way is to give up
yourdisciple of the Five TemplesTaoists. In short, startingtoday, his master Xiaolan will be
abandoned! "God of WarYang! You can't do this! "Shi Xiaolan's face was cold, "No!I did nothing
wrong, not even our fivetaoist temples did nothingbad! "" Why are you asking us toLet's explain? ""
Just because York Haohe's my brother, "said Yang Dimingindifferently. "You fivetaoist temples, like
earthsacred martial arts ofDaxia, in such a war between the twocountries! "" Build ambitionsof
others and destroy your own power! "" To please theislanders, humiliates rampantto the Tianjiao of
Daxia! "" Do you thinkyou don't need to pay for what you do!? "" If I were the five masters,I'd slap
you straight, a guywho insulted the teacher! "


Chapter 2705 "To Think Thatcome from the five taoist templescan you be reckless !? "" Godknow
what you did! "Shi's faceXiaolan was ugly and said, "God of theYang War, say one thousand ten
thousand,these things have nothing to do with you, right? "" Even though you are theGod of War,
you're the God ofWar of the Kingdom ofNanyang! "" Our Daxia business,When is the turn of a
strangerto interrupt? "Yang Diming saidindifferently: "If you wantdefame and humiliate other
people,I'll ignore it! "" It has nothing to dowith me if you want to punch himat the head of the dog!
"" But stop Page 693 defame Harvey York and humiliate YeHao, I'll take care of this! "ShiXiaolan
gritted his teeth and said, "I'm serious about the situationgeneral of Daxia, and do you have
tointervene? "" Do you really wantbe okay with our fiveTaoist temples and our Daxia? ""Shi
Xiaolan, you value yourself too much."Yang Diming seemed indifferent."Like you, a person
likeyou who knows inside and out,that loses power and insults the country,What qualifications do
you have forrepresent the five templesTaoists and what qualifications do you haveto represent
Daxia? "" Aren't you ashamed to say those things here? ""As a sacred place for the artsmartial,will
repressconstantly to his own people andthey will kneel before enemiesforeigners! "" Your head
coachDaxia was famous in the FirstEurasian World War, whatallowed Daxia to be on topof the
nations of the world! "" And you,as Daxia people, you are soembarrassing! "" I really
can'tunderstand it, why does the TempleWould Taoist Wu Mei want a disciple like you? ""
Fortunately, noyou are from my country Nanyang, from whatotherwise, you are now dead. "Xiaolan
gritted his teeth and said:"We don't need people toNanyang teach us how to act inDaxia. "" You are
not qualified! "YangDiming smiled when he heard thewords, I was too lazy toargue with Shi
Xiaolan. In thismoment, Harvey York took a stepgo ahead and said lightly: "ShiXiaolan, since you
said that the GodYang War is not qualified, let me go to your five templesTaoists for an explanation.
"Thetoday's battle, Xia Dao and the twocountries are very clear! "" You and LongAohai, one as the
head of the Hall ofLongmen's Law Enforcement,another as representative of the GreatHoly Land
Xia Wuxue! "" I don't knowhow to increase the prestige ofDaxia! "" I don't know what Page 694
national sentiments! "" I don't knowwhat's right and what's wrong! "On the contrary, it is to build
the ambition ofothers and destroy one's own power! "" The defeat of the nationislander is Harvey
York's villain to youreyes. "" If I lose, I'm afraidyou will celebrate with everyone in the
world,Right? "Harvey York said coldly:"I'm curious, the whip has beeneliminated for so many
years, whycan't you stand up? "" Noyou get used to kneeling, nodo you have bones in your knees?
"" Stoppeople like you, can onerepresent the Dragon Gate and theanother can represent the
fiveTaoist temples? "" Are you funny guys? "Shi Xiaolan's face turnedturned blue and white, and
then lookedstared at Harvey York firmly andsaid: "The last name is York, justyou trust Yang Diming
tosupport! "" What's amazing aboutyou? "" What I do is for the sake ofthe general situation of
friendshipbetween Natsushima and the twocountries! "" A strip of water, peace andrelationship
stabilitydiplomatic cannot be destroyedfor a villain like you! "" Yes for youfault, relations between
the two countries deteriorate and the surname isYe, can you be responsible? "YeHao said lightly: "It
is not necessarytag me here. "" In thisworld, there is only peace that strikes,there is no peace that
asks for mercy, andthere is no peace that kneels. "used to kneel and notI can stand up, with thehope
that others will put youface? "" Shi Xiaolan, if the fiveTaoist temples are soshameless and
soshameless like you. "" Then I'll destroy it myself! ""Because such a place is not worthy ofthe
word Holy Land! "


Chapter 2706 "Harvey York, You Arepresumptuous! "" Our fiveTaoist temples are not something
thatmay you insult! "Shi Xiaolanhe looked angry! "You trustedavoid, you trusted the conspiracy
andthe tricks, you trusted shapes Page 695 twisted to victory anddefeated the sword masterMiyata!
Do you think you are verymighty? "" Do you think you are invincible? "can you really defeat the
god ofthe war of the island nation with yourown strength, will you come andwill you ruin? "Harvey
York had asardonic expression that seemedsmile but not smile, and said withcoldness: "Shi Xiaolan,
do you have themind flooded? "" Who stipulatesthat the supposed fight, you can'thide, you can only
faceface? "" Who said it's not myability to dodge? "" According
to yourtheory, I put a firearm directly to the foreheads of the people of theIsland. Can they hide?
""They dodged, was it a crooked way?!? Was it a conspiracy? "" You saidthese words, are you
insulting yourown IQ or are youinsulting the iqof the islanders? "" As a descendantof the Five
Taoist Temples, noryou even understand martial artsmost basic in the world, which isinvincible but
don't you know the truththat you can't break them soon? ""Speed is the foundation of martial arts,
and being able to avoid it ismy ability! "" How come myskills are in your mouth, I knowturns into
the so-called pathcrooked !? "" You study martial artsfor many years, have youlearned in the belly
of a dog? ""If this represents the level of yourfive Taoist temples, then youI suggest you go back
and let themfive teachers break the sign foryourself! "" It's a shame! "York Haohe seemed
indifferent, with a sarcasmin your face. "Of course, I know you are not satisfied!" "If it is
notconvinced, you can go to the mediacommunication to expose myself andsearch online for the
Navy todefame me! "" I'm waiting! ""But let me tell you, yes fivetaoist temples don't give me
oneexplanation in three days! ""Then, I will personally showthe five taoist temples to Page 696 get
an explanation! "Shi Xiaolan's eyelids jumped up andthe corners of his eyes moved.He couldn't
think that Harvey York was that powerful right now.outside midweek, I would still truston his teeth
to discuss somewords. But under York's scoldingHao, he felt how helpless he was.Especially at this
moment,Yang Diming is also supportingto Harvey York. After the face ofShi Xiaolan changed for a
while,finally resisted the urge toslap Harvey York. Although notfear Harvey York, fear
YangDiming! God of WarNanyang was killed, but not destroyed. "It snapped ..." Harvey York
gaveone step forward and took the ugly ShiXiaolan. "Fuck me now, don't youshame in front of me!
"Seeing thisscene, Yang Diming couldn't helpshow your appreciation. Theperson facing the
fiveTaoist temples remains sostrong, that's enough to explain Harvey York's disposition.
AlthoughDong Liya, Cui Yingxia and othersthey were a little worried, nobodysaid nothing at this
time. Becausethey knew very well that if Harvey York was defeated by Miyata Shinosuke
today,their fate would be tens of thousands oftimes more miserable than Shi'sXiaolan right now.
"Harvey York,you trust someone to support youAnd act so recklesslyI will definitely report
thismatter to the Presbyterian Church. Noyou will have good fruits! "Shi Xiaolan was slapped,
theLong Aohai's eyelids jumpedsavagely, he pointed at Harvey York andhe cursed, and then waved
his hand toinstruct the disciples in the Law Enforcement Hall toShi Xiaolan.saying, those who
know todayare Junjie, and now Harvey York has theendorsement by Yang Diming, and ageneration
of God of War is thesponsor, Long Aohai does not have theintention to break up with him. Aelite
group of the Hall ofLaw enforcement looked Page 697 bitter right now. The worthyHall of the
Application of the Law ofLongmen it was embarrassing to comeand come back today.

Chapter 2707

Chapter 2707 "The Last Name York!you wait, this matter has no end! ""Our Hall of the Application
ofthe Law will definitely return! ""After the prestigiouselders, we will make you, acompanion in
and out ofenemy, pay the price! "A groupof elites in the application roomthe law was clearly
leaving, andthey were very stiff. Squintingthe eyes of these people, achill flashed in my
eyesindifferent to Harvey York. In the next moment, he took a stepahead, appeared directlyin front
of Long Aohai and thenslapped. "Disappointed!" LongAohai was unable to react inabsolute and
couldn't help it. In thismoment, he screamed and flew more than tenmeters. "Did I say you can go?"
YeHao put his hands behind his back,with an indifferent expression. TheLong Aohai's expression
changed, inThat moment he gritted his teeth, heHe got up and said bitterly:"Who do you think you
are?" "Do you really think that if you trust YangDiming to support you, you cando it recklessly? "I
say! "" Now it's God's faceof War Yang, we don't care aboutyou! "" If you really start, whatchances
do you think you have !? ""It snapped ..." Harvey York took another step,slapped Long Aohai's face
fromagain and then said lightly:"Ten%". "Listen well, with you,a stubborn law enforcement officer,
I haveten percent chanceto win. "" You-- "Long Aohai shook with anger, covering her face andsaid,
"Harvey York, you are one of thepresidents of chapter 36 ofLongmen anyway, you commita disaster
like this, reallydo you think the door rules don'tcan they control you? ? " "Rules ofthe door? ",
Harvey York showed himselfindifferent. "Since you are the head of theHall of Law Enforcement of
Page 698 Longmen and you want to talk to meabout the rules of the door,Then I'll also tell you
aboutthe rules of the door! "" According to the rules, as head of the HallLaw Enforcement, used the
powerFor personal gain, it served asa tiger, communicated with enemiesforeigners, he forgave his
own sonto intimidate men and women,and took the president of the branch ofLongmen for no
reason. reason,suspected of killing each other!"" It can be said that each stack,piece by piece, it's a
crime! "YeHao took out his handkerchief and wiped hisfingers. "Besides, today you ignore
theLongmen's reputation, you ignore Daxia's interests andyou look down on me, the president
ofLongmen's branch, and you scream for thepeople of the island nation. This is aheinous crime! ""
According to therules, knowing the law and violatingthe law, the crime plus a degree, thecrime must
be punishable! "" Yo, YeHao, like one of the thirty-sixbranch presidents, I have the right tobehave
first then playagainst you if the evidence isconclusive! "" I know you are notsatisfied! "" If you are
not convinced, now I will give you the opportunity tocall the Presbyterian Church andDragon Gate
Master! ""As long as any of them canconvince me, then don't youI'll kill! "" But if you can'tfind
someone to support you. ""So sorry, you don't have to go!today! "As he spoke, York Haodialed
Longrenshe's number andthrew the phone straight in frontto Long Aohai. Long Aohai had ahorrible
face. In the moment in whichthe call connected, he picked up the phone and roared aloud:master,
Harvey York has committedproblems and his crime isguilty! "" I invite the master of thedoor to act,
cut the evil andreturn our dragon gate to abright future! "" I see. " The othernext to the phone, a cold
voice came out,and it was Longrenshe. "Harvey York, afterof everything, Long Aohai is the head of
the Page 699 Hall of Law Enforcement ofLongmen and the thirteen branch headsof the Long
Family. "" Are youqualified to question him? "When Long Aohai, who wasdesperate on his face, he
heardthis, his eyes lit up becausefelt that he could live. "If I'm notqualified, who is qualified?
",Harvey York seemed indifferent. "Before,in fact, you are not qualified. ""But from now on,you
have! "" Pass the orderprincipal. "" Harvey York has merits inLongmen and Da Xia. "" From now
on!Go ahead, I will no longer be the president ofthe Demon Capital Branch ofLongmen! "" Harvey
York, promoted to head of the Application Hall of theLongmen's Law, in Longmen, aperson is
below 10,000! "

Chapter 2708

Chapter 2708"It snapped ..." Long's kneesAohai softened and kneltdirectly on the ground. York
haohe seemed indifferent, he approached him,picked up the phone on the ground and thenreached
out and gave her aslap on the face. "It seems notyou can find your sponsor. ""As head of Longmen
LawEnforcement Hall, as of today, I can also cut first andthen play, the actual franchise. "" Andyou
can only die. "When the voicefell, Harvey York's right handgrabbed Long Aohai's throatwith an
indifferent expression. Leavesa whole body for him, this is hislast goodness for Longaohai.
LongAohai arrived in Hong CityKong and the island country YinliuJiansheng to get revenge. These
twobig events endedsilently, as if neverwould have happened before. Harvey York, who was in
charge of the Hall ofLongmen's Law Enforcement,gave the order to exchange bloodinside the Hall
of the Application ofthe Law. Although the others were inHong Kong city, aftera phone
call,confidants of the branch ofLongmen Demon City stillentered the application room Page 700 the
law. It's just that to guarantee thehassle-free process of taking thecontrol of the application roomlaw,
the whole incident must be kept in a highlyconfidential.In Longmen DemonCapital Branch, Wang
Huaqingfinally had the chance tobe in the upper ranks of
yourowncompany .????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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???????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????However, Wang
Huaqing did nothe knew how he got to the top. In themagic capital, there was news that Harvey
York had offended the Law Enforcement Hall and wasshot down. Suddenly exceptof some people
who had aspecial trust in Harvey York, theother members of the Capital BranchLongmen's
Demonthey began to hug the thighs ofWang Huaqing. When York Haoarranged for labor to be Page
701 take charge of the Hall of theLaw Enforcement, Shi Xiaolan secovered his face
in the building ofoffices in Victoria Harbor in theHong Kong city right now, with an expression
ofresentment on his face. Hit theinformation I had in handon the coffee table, he looked at
YeJiutian, who seemed calm to the otherside, and trembled with anger. "Whycan retreat everywhere
!? ""Why is the Sword Saint ofthe Island, the Master of the Hall ofLongmen and the Holy Land of
ArtsMartials approached together andkilled !? "" Why did YangDiming wants to support him !? ""
Whywhat !? "" What the hell is this !? "" Not only does it not have any damage, butwhich has also
received hugebenefits, becoming theLongmen Law salon teacherEnforcement Hall? "" The
weatherdo you have something so good? "" Also,Do you really want us to give youan explanation
in three days !? ""How to explain it to him?" "What typeexplanation do you want !? "" Ninedays, I
tell you, if you don't kill him this time,don't tear it to pieces, howI can bet in Hong Kong andwalk in
the two cities in the future !? "" Are our fiveShameless Taoist temples? "Shi Xiaolan is not here at
the momentas calm as before. Even ifwould have suffered a loss before, noI would have gotten to
this point, but inRight now, there was only one hatred andan endless fierceness in its prettyface. It
seemed that if Harvey York did notI drowned Harvey York alive, I never knowI'd surrender anyway
"BangBang Bang- "In the hallway, allexquisite porcelain vases andother things broke. These things
are extremely valuable.Anything is rare and preciousbut when they broke into thismoment, York
Jiutian's expressionit didn't change in the least.Finally, Shi Xiaolan almostvent. At this time,
YeJiutian stood up, walked to hisside, pressed her shoulder and let her Page 702 do it. Then York
Jiutian movedslowly Shi Xiaolan's shoulderand whispered, "Xiaolan, don't youemotions! "" We
have already seen the Harvey York's horror! "" In the past, we thought he was weak andmisleading,
but now it seems notit's nothing simple! "
Chapter 2709

Chapter 2709 "Even the Saint ofthe Island Kingdom Sword suffereda great loss in your hands,
andmuch less in otherspeople! "" Then, in thissituation, we have to do it yetmore and keep calm
alwaysimportant events happen! ""No matter what, no matter howwant to deal with him, you have
tothink about it long-term! "" Otherwise, I'm afraid one doesn't havecareful, we haven't calculated
it! ""Instead, he found theopportunity to cause us endlessof trouble! "Obviously, afterfrom a series
of fights, York Jiutian alreadyhad a lot of knowledge about YeHao. Although at this time ShiXiaolan
had an expression thatwould never stop without strangling Harvey York, York Jiutian was still
waitingfor her to calm down. Including theYe Jiutian himself, he also promisedabsolute calm right
now. ShiXiaolan took a deep breath, calmed down alittle and then whispered softly:"If you can't do
it secretly,then blame his face! ""Hong Kong Gamblingin both cities is the place whereHong Kong
gambling inYemen, I don't think in this place, nowe can avoid a little boy fromcontinent. "" Nine
days, I thinkyou can kill him! "" If you really don'tit works, just send toYemeni game master in
HongKong and kill him directly !? "" He has embarrassed us over and over againof him! "" If this
continues, I'm afraidthat the state of his Young Master iswill be affected! "" Don't forget, heis also a
Yemeni player inHong Kong! "Hearing what he saidShi Xiaolan, York Jiutian narrowedeyes
slightly, a dim lightflashed in his eyes. Then he smiled and Page 703 He said, "In fact, he's a player
ofYemen in Hong Kong. It cansay that there are intimate relationships andinexhaustible! "." But its
distance fromthe position of the young master is the same as the distance from the earth to thesun!
"" He can see, but neveryou can touch it! "" So nowe have to worrytoo much! "York Jiutian
comforts theMaster Xiaolan. "Besides, afterto review what happened today, I feelthat Harvey York
may not have that greatskill! "" Behind all this isbecause Yang Diming is here! ""That's the
legendary generation ofNanyang God of War what is itinvincible across the seaSoutheast! "" In the
legend, although his strength cannot reach the level ofWuMeishitoo,Definitely notbe
underestimated! "" The Kingdom ofNanyang was not destroyed by hisguilt back then! ""
Then,starting from the premise that it helpedto Harvey York this time, he used a smallcheat for
Sword Saint Miyata byadvance, and then dissuaded theMaster of the Dragon Gate.Everything is
possible! "" You can sayWhat if Yang Diming hadn'tsupported, Harvey York wouldn't be a fart right
now! "precisely thanks to Yang Dimingwho has the ability and theskill! "" He dared to
challengeyour five Taoist temples! "listen to York's reasonable analysisJiutian, the bitterness on the
face ofShi Xiaolan faded a bit,and she said coldly: "Nine days,you're right, i said this kid didn'tcan
be so powerful! "" Even ifis practicing martial artsafter exiting the uterus of yourmother, it can't be
Sword Master Miyata's opponent! ""Sword Saint Miyata is thetrue God of War! "" Theonly god of
war who candefeat the god of war! ""Maybe Yang Diming did something to him!to the God of War
Miyata when Page 704 he was at the airport, what he didmay his strength drop drastically!
""Otherwise, how couldappear this scene of Harvey York Godof War!? "" In short, Harvey York noI
knew what the fuck of luck I was, like thiswho had such good luck, and was actually backed by
theGod of War Nanyang ".

Chapter 2710
Chapter 2710 "It's Notgood luck but good face and badstomach so I can only eattender rice! "York
Jiutian lookedsarcasm! "I got news from themembers of the Nanyang band doeslong time that York
Haoreally want to eat soft riceof the Yang family! "" I heard thatbecause it held theYang Diming's
stinky feet, theYang family still plans to let them be the head of the family! "" This boywas born to
eat soft rice! ""Look, Cui Yingxia, Dong Liya,Jiang Yuyan, how many women in theHong Kong
city are crazyfor him, and do well for him and forme! "" It's a pity that peoplethat depend on the
supremacy ofnever eat soft foodscan understand the power andenergy, how should they work!
""Betraying the meat toget these, you will have to pay theprice after all! "Hearing York's constant
contemptJiutian towards Harvey York, the malice ofShi Xiaolan finally came to light.But seeing
Shi's expressionXiaolan, York Jiutian's eyesthey flashed with a hint of sarcasm.If Harvey York
really trusted himsoft rice to take the initiative,How could it get to this point? It isa pity that this
woman is no longerquiet. If you don't appease her from thisway, you could spoil your goodplays.
Shi Xiaolan took a deep breath, andafter drinking a cup of tea quickly, he whispered softly:"So what
should we donow? Do you really just look at thissoft rice man show hispower? "After squintingeyes
for a moment, York Jiutian saidweakly: "I just got the Page 705 news that this child nowOverlook
Longmen Daoguan,he really considers himself the owner ofLongmen Daoguan! "" Whatwe must do
now is that nomay I live tonight! "" Nocan you attend tonight? Could it be nine days when you have
todo it yourself !? "Shi Xiaolanhe seemed excited. If York Jiutian diddid, Harvey York would be
dead. YeJiutian reached out his hand and rubbed theMaster Xiaolan's face, and whisperedgently: "If
possible,i will definitely slap himto Harvey York with my bare hands! ""But soon it will be the
birthday ofthe old woman! "" I really can'tact recklessly! "" Well,I will let the elites around mego
ahead and shoot with you! "" I think with your means, York Haodefinitely can bemurdered! "" We
will not give him thechance to keep jumpingalive! "Hearing what York saidJiutian, Shi Xiaolan got
distracted. Butshe hesitated and said, "But ourFive Taoist temples have rules andyou can't shoot at
will. ""I still have something to donow. If I shoot at will, II'm afraid I won't drop all fiveTaoist
temples! "" Okay! "Jiutian smiled. "When the old woman's birthday is over, the old womanwill
announce who is nextHong Kong game master inYemen! "" At that time, you mustchoose who is
the goalkeeper's wifefrom Hong Kong, Yemen service! ""Trust me, that person, justit can be you! ""
Xiao Lan, we haveworked so hard for so manyyears, secretly for so many years,And we can finally
see the light! ""After your birthday, you will be thewife of the future sect master.Is the status of the
five Taoist temples still important? "" No!I think it's important! "" So,Either for me or for you this
time, II'm afraid I'll irritate you and let itdo it yourself! "At this time,York Jiutian's face was
fulltenderness and affection, Shi Xiaolan Page 706 surprised when he heard theYe Jiutian's words.
Afterfor a while, she smiled softly andsaid, "Okay, nine days, theI'll listen to everyone! "

Chapter 2711

Chapter 2711 Three in the Morning,The darkest hour is also the time when everyone sleeps. In
theThree Seasons hotel entrance,some silent Tesla Xsstopped at the entrance. Withineach car had
somemen and women dressed in blackwith indifferent expressions. Theirbodies are straight, their
facesThey are cold and their eyes are full ofcold breath The leader isimpressively Shi Xiaolan,but
he deliberately changed hisoutfit tonight, and I was even moreslim and graceful when she put on an
evening gown. It is a pity thatthe people behind her aredetermined killers who only kill,and they
don't care at all about yourbeauty right now. Afterthat Gu Ying sighed withself-pity, Shi Xiaolan
brought outa tablet, opened it and beganverify the information thatcontained. The profile is the top
floorfrom the Three Seasons hotel and, in additionOf a garden in the sky, there's only
onePresidential Suite. According to the arrangementfrom Cui Yingxia, this entire three-season hotel
is scattered aroundthe entire elite of the Dragon PalaceHong Kong Gambling Purposeis to ensure
the safety of YeHao. And Harvey York, who had justfight the sword masterof the island nation, must
be in themost exhausting moment in thismoment. To
kill him, it doesn't matterwhether it was the past or the present, there is nobettermomentthatthis
one, squinting at theold buildings in front of her, theShi Xiaolan's eyes were filled with cold.
Thinking of that slap fromToday the light of hatred shone in my eyesfrom Shi Xiaolan right
now,"The last name York, the shame thatyou caused me today, I'll ask you ten Page 707 times, a
hundred times! "" I brought theYemen secret guard,I can definitely kill you! ""I want to cut off all
your hands andfeet, and then throw yourself into the fishbowl.I want you to survive or die!
"According to the rules of theFive Taoist Temples, you will notallowed to intervene in secular
disputes at will. But this time,for York Jiutian and also for thefuture wife positionsect master, Shi
Xiaolan already knewhad given up. After all,after three days, it is likely thatthe Five Taoist Temples
give youan explanation to Yang Diming and YeHao. At that time, it wastoo late for her to
dosomething. Only when Harvey York wentmurdered, her teacher Xiaolan hadthe possibility of
breaking the game.Soon, the car stopped and ShiXiaolan gestured. I saw thoseassassins and pulled
the long knife fromthe island and the mango firearmshort of the trunk one by one. To thesame time,
in a cafeteriaopen 24 hours not far away, aman in suit jogged all thewalked and greeted
respectfullyShi Xiaolan, "Ma'am!" This titlemade Master's heartXiaolan beaming, and he also
madethe last trace of jealousy and alert inhis heart disappears in thisYe Jiutian is willing to confirm
his identity among hissubordinates, what else do you have todoubt Shi Xiaolan? The one who wasin
front of him was one of the confidantsby York Jiutian. This confidant did not knowdared to speak at
will after therespectful greeting. Shi Xiaolan dida full gesture and then saidsolemnly: "What is
thesituation? Is that damnpartner Harvey York in the suitepresidential in the garden of heaven? "The
confidant respectfully said:He's been there the whole time, and he seems to be very tired.the hacker
will enter thesurveillance of the Three Seasons Hotel.I found out that he ordered a noodle
frommeat, but because of the tired, neither Page 708 even ate a bite, I stayedasleep. "" However,
there is at leastless a dozen elites of thedragon palace in the garden of heavenThese people have a
power ofterrible combat and they should not beunderestimated. "" However, hismonitoring team has
beendestroyed by me. It's not difficult to get in. The only problem is the elites of theDragon Palace.

Chapter 2712

Chapter 2712 As He Was Talking, Thisconfidant took out the phone, whatit contained many videos.
Not onlythere is a scene of Harvey York askingfood, but also a scene fromhim lying in the room
because offatigue, even the curtains aretoo late to download them.There is also a video of those
routeselite patrol of the Palace of theDragon, which makes it clear wherethey are now. "Good, very
good!" "Isn't the last name York!? "" Isn't it hitting the Juggernaut fromthe island nation and kick
the MasterLongmen's Hall? "" Whydo you have such a tired moment? ""Now that there is no Yang
Dimingsupport it, I want to see how muchtime can be arrogant! "When the voice fell, Shi
XiaolanHe gestured and saw that a largegroup of people got out of the car.Shi Xiaolan pointed at
the two leadersand whispered, "Number one, you areresponsible for bringing some siblings through
the fire doorand watch the passage. "" In the second,take some people to watchthe special elevator
entrance, and notcan let no one enter orcome out. "" Others, join mestraight into the garden of
heaven andsolve those dragon palaceselite. "" Remember, we have tomake a quick fight, don't
staywith none of them! "" The mostimportant is that Harvey York shouldstay alive, I want youdie!
"A large group of secret guards who played at the Gate of theDragon in Hong Kong whispered"Yes
ma'am!" This title madeWinner Xiaolan will still get excitedplus. He did not repeat the game in this
Page 709 moment, but ordereddirectly "Do it!" When it went downthe voice, she also carrieda long
island country knife, withthree points of excitation, three pointsof resentment, three points ofcalm
and a point of hatred, and enteredthe Three Seasons Hotel. Due to therelative to three in the
morning, the hotel only has a reducedstaff on duty in the lobby. ANDhow could these people be
theelite opponents of these games ofrandom Hong Kong in Yemen? Withyour breakthrough, these
people soonwent into a coma. A large group ofpeople, guarding the road,breaking the goal, and a
lotpeople playing forward,seem to be an unspoken understandingincomparable. Soon, they
traversedthe security forces of more thana dozen stories and headed straight for the Garden of
Heaven in theupstairs. The whole process isalmost as well trained as amercenary army. In
thismoment, the people he ledShi Xiaolan didn't look like anyone.I wanted to kill Harvey York
directlyin the presidential suite. But I do not knowrealized that the entire garden of theheaven was
too quiet inthis moment, I was incrediblysilent. "Hey!" With a soundsoft, various secret guards
thatthey were ready to watch the entrance and the exit were about tohide in the corner and feltthat
his throat was a little cold.Before they could do anysound or movement, itcollapsed on the ground.
Thosethat guarded fire doorsand exclusive elevators received thesame deal. Besides being cutin
silence, they even took thebody. If there weren't a fewdrops of blood on the ground, it would behard
to imagine that many peoplejust died in these places. "Crack-" Seeing that a group ofpeople kept
running towards thepresidential suite without noticing themovement, Cui Wenxing closed theinput
with an expression Page 710 indifferent. At this time I wasfull of admiration for YeHao, worthy of
being the invinciblehead coach, at the timeleft by Longmen Daoguan, prepareda chess hand and
reallyhe waited for the prey. The chief instructorhas said that the huntersSmart people always like to
pretend to be prey. That is whatmeant. Thinking about teachingby Chunchun de Harvey York,
CuiWenxing smiled and walked out with the TangDamage in hand. "Enemy attack!"When Shi
Xiaolan arrived at the suitepresidential with a large group ofdark guards, the palace eliteof the
Dragon with his hand on the doorhe finally made a cry.


Chapter 2713 "Protect theHall Master York! "" Reportquickly to the officer! "Several elitesthe
Dragon Palace seemed to crawl into thebuilding, which caused asarcastic smile appeared on
thecorner of teacher's mouthXiaolan. Harvey York really didn't haveno skill. Even theguards around
him are soshy as a mouse, and not eventhey have the courage to approachdirectly, but do you
decideinform the official? Thatincompetent waste that is suchthing! At this time, Shi Xiaolanwas no
longer polite, but he waved the long island knife in his hand andhe scoffed "Come on!" Each of
thethirty people at the scene took out thelong island swords at their waistsand then flung them
forward. Thepresidential suite foundon top of the Three hotelSeasons covers an area of only
about150 square meters. In thismoment, the people of Shi Xiaolanimmediately surrounded the suite
in theyard. At this time, ShiXiaolan felt that Harvey York was theturtle in the urn. However, due to
the loss, Shi Xiaolan did notcompletely lost vigilance,but noted that afterthey all drew their firearm,
shealso took out the firearm, took out Page 711 the insurance directly and then kickedthe door with
some people.Looking at the dozens of PalaceElite dragon in the living room,Shi Xiaolan looked
arrogant, "Leavelet Harvey York come out and talk to me! ""If you don't come out, I'll kill you!" In
thismoment, Shi Xiaolan isindescribably dominant and indescribable formidable! Looks likethat
this is the only way to do itcome back after the face thatlost yesterday at Longmen Daoguan.It's a
shame that your eyes areshrink abruptly beforefinish your words. Because he sawthat the moment
thebedroom door, Harvey York came outindifferently holding the cuptea, and then sat on the couch
tohimself, apparently not caringby the assassin Shi Xiaolan in thismoment. At the same time, the
Peking Opera accent came fromthe jukebox in the roombe, babbling, verytouching. But Shi
Xiaolanheard the background soundstammering, his face changedsuddenly and whispered"Ambush
everywhere !?"Harvey York was quite surprisedwhen he saw Shi Xiaolan, but nothought it was
aembroidered pillow. Shi Xiaolan,who was tricked intocreated problems, had some cultural
background.ridiculous in Harvey York's eyes, ShiXiaolan had completely lostcalm in this moment.
The fearand anger occupied his sanity assame time. At this time,raised the firearm in his handand
pointed at Harvey York and yelled. "Bush!Do it for me! "" Kill everyone andlet Harvey York
breathe a sigh of relief! "Following Shi Xiaolan's order,the dozen guards behind herthey rushed
forward withknives. However, the imaginary fight did not happen. These elitesapparently scared of
the palaceof the Dragon withdrew at Harvey York's skills soneat. And behind Shi Xiaolan and Page
712 the others, a man with an expressionindifferently entered with a knifeTang. The twelve guards
on the scenethey flippedtheheadunconsciously, and a look ofsurprise and horror appeared in
theireyes, because they clearly saw thatall his classmates wereflabby in a pool of blood. Silently, all
theirbrothers were killed? In thismoment, a great fear seizedof the heart, these secret guardswho bet
on Yemen in HongKong just wanted to turn around andrun away. "Hey!" Before thesehidden guards
might react,Cui Wenxing had already taken a stepgo ahead and came to the place in front ofthem.

Chapter 2714

Chapter 2714A secret guard roared, and the longisland knife in his hand he cut,with a somewhat
hysterical taste. "metallic sound--" Cui Wenxing did not evade,but he held a knife with bothhands,
the blade of the knifeturned into a moonlight in thismoment, and it buzzed like that.
The knifeover the island nation in handof the dark guard becameeasily in two pieces. To thesame
time, the blade shone, alittle red appeared in the throatof the dark guard and thenexpanded rapidly.
The otherssecret guards ran outbreath when they saw this, and unconsciously recoiled,wanting to
use firearmsdesperately. "Puff Puff--" CuiWenxing seemed indifferent andwalked away. In the next
moment, theguards holding weapons offire didn't even have theopportunity to run, everyone
knowscovered the throat withamazing expressions and thenthey fell inert to the ground.
CuiWenxing is enoughstrong enough to overcome the past.Solving so many masters in such an easy
way definitely notis what a soldier can docommon. At this time, Cui Page 713 Wenxing has really
touched theGod of War level threshold. WithoutHowever, after solving thesepeople, Cui Wenxing
did not continueacting but instead looked at ShiXiaolan nonchalantly, with asneer on his
face.Everything in the field returned to calm."Cui Wenxing" Shi Xiaolan looked atCui Wenxing
angrily and screamed."how dare you!?" "How dare you kill so many people !?""Do you know who
owns thesepeople? "" Do you still wantbet between the two cities ofHong Kong!? "" Walking with
YeHao, the way to eat soft riceIt is in the dark, does your Cui familydo you really want to die?
"looking for a dead end! "this moment, Shi Xiaolan wasshaking with anger. These are allelites that
York Jiutian gave him. Arepeople talked about the wife andThey closed their mouths, which left her
extremely satisfied. ShiXiaolan had even startedimagine how you would rewardthese guys when he
becamethe sectmaster's wife. But,unexpectedly, all thesepeople were killed by CuiWenxing. Cui
Wenxing did not speak,but he snapped his fingers and saw footstepsthat came from outside the
door.Soon all the corpses outsidethey were thrown inside. The sametime, there were more than a
dozenHong Kong Gaming Dragon Palace elites holdingfirearms blocking all thepath. At this time,
ShiXiaolan, the general situation hasgone. Shi Xiaolan's eyesthey changed, and after a whilecouldn't
help saying coldly, "Helast name is York, who the hell mebetrayed? "" By betraying you? ", YeHao
almost laughed while drinking tea."Do you think your status is very high,do you have the courage
to be betrayed? "Harvey York looked displeased. "Onlya woman with big breasts and sincere as you
can only helpthe others, how can there be anycourage in being betrayed? "" Without Page 714
However, since you are here,save me some effort. "five masters of the templesTaoists not only
communicate withenemies within and without, butwho also bring a large group ofteachers to attack
me when heblack night wind is strong. ""Am I afraid that the Taoist TempleWu Mei will give me an
explanationabout this matter? ”Hearing this, Shi Xiaolan's mouth twitched andher eyelids moved,
and thenhe said coldly, "All mytonight's actions do not havenothing to do with the Taoist
Templefrom Wu Mei! "" I'm not upsetwith you, Harvey York trusts theappearance of a yang
dogDiming! "" That's it! "finish speaking, Shi Xiaolan saidcoldly: "Harvey York, I have toadmire
you. If you eat soft rice at yourlevel, you can be considered withoutprecedents, and there will be no
one to come! "" Cui Yingxia should havearranged all this tonight,Right? "" Not only did I expect
you toattack and kill you, he also askedyour brother to protect you! ""She loves you so much, but
do you haveso many women out there? "" Are youworthy of it? "

Chapter 2715

Chapter 2715 Obviously To TheShi Xiaolan's eyes on thismoment, Harvey York is still a guythat
has a bad time. Therefore, ShiXiaolan felt that whiledestroyed the relationship between Harvey
York and Cui Yingxia, she still had thepossibility of a return. York haosmiled and said weakly:
"ShiXiaolan, don't you think that in thisat the moment it makes no sense to use thesewords to
stimulate me? "" YesI want to kill you, I just startedpeople why wait untilnow what do you want to
do !?" TheShi Xiaolan's face changedslightly. "It's very simple. Tell mewho is the person behind
you andwho asked you to kill me. I willask for an explanation. "York Haos smiled." Although I
know, there is a highprobability that York Jiutian did nothave a brain. "" But if you insist on Page
715 put the black pot on the head ofthe five Taoist temples, I do not haveopinion. "" After all,
alwaysI have wanted to cause problems in theTaoist temple of Wu Mei ".Speaking of this, Harvey
York seemedcasual. Shi Xiaolan changed colorand said solemnly: "Do you wantcatch York Jiutian?
"York Haohe smiled, "You're right, can you sendso many people to kill me? Can't I fool you? "" But
speaking of which,you are also a poor woman. "" NoI was just playing with her bodybut at this time
I had totake care of it, preparing tobetray his master to protectto a man who did not get into
hisheart. "" Shi Xiaolan, I have a lotcurious, what promise did ye make youJiutian to make you so
devoted tohim? "" Did he promise to love only you? ORHe promised to give you the position of the
ladyYemen Gatekeeper of HongKong Gambling? "" Don't you think you're terribly stupid
andincredibly stupid if you believe inyour nonsense? "Facing Harvey York, theShi Xiaolan's eyelids
jumped.Hao seemed to see through everything, andevery prayer stayed at the doorof Shi Xiaolan's
life, making herdoubting what he had done before andof everything he had done. Lookingto Shi
Xiaolan, who was in a panicand doubting himself, Harvey York gave himpatted his hands and
said:"Okay, it will be dawn soon, I willhave morning tea. "" I'll give you a minute to think about it.
"final, if you want to recruit all fiveTaoist temples, Hong Kong continuesbetting on Yemen. ""
Okayfor me anyway. "Shi Xiaolan's eyelids jumped, andthe next moment his foot struckthe ground,
and immediately saw thatthe tiles were cracking and coming outflying, sweeping
countlessfragments. A group of playersHong Kong elite at the Palaceof the Dragon unconsciously
avoided.In the rolling dust, Shi Xiaolan rolled on the spot and approached YeHao. Then the firearm
in yourhand pointed at Harvey York, and said Page 716 fiercely: "As long as you kill yourself,then
no one needs to explain! ""boom--" When the wordsfell, Shi Xiaolan pulled the triggerfiercely, and
her pretty face wasfull of horrible colors. "Click... "Unfortunately, his shotfailure. When i was about
topull the trigger again, yeHao calmly extended his hand andHe grabbed the slightly warm muzzle.
Following the movementsof Harvey York, the muzzle movedslowly among the endlessShi Xiaolan's
fearful eyes, andfinally pointed to Shi's templeXiaolan. "Say it." "Who is theperson behind you? ""
Or are you going tosell to the master, or are you going to sell to theman? "" Or sell both
sidestogether? "" I am not selling to anyone! "Shi Xiaolan's face was hard to seeto the extreme, the
next moment, adetermined color appeared in his eyes,and then he pulled the trigger violently.
"boom--" A hint ofblush, blooming right now.

Chapter 2716

Chapter 2716When Cui Yingxia led the teamto appear at the hotel's aerial villageThree Seasons,
they had been cleanedthe surroundings and had evenwiped the blood in the cracks ofthe tiles. At the
same time,some people sprayed a lotair cleaner here, mixed withthe smell of photosynthesis in the
gardenof the sky during the day, sothe original smell of death and blood disappeared a lot. In the
middle ofgarden, there is a long table in front of Harvey York with snacks in the style ofHong
Kong, which is refreshing. TO Harvey York is not interested in eating, butlittle by little he's
drinking Pu'er teain the Cup. When he saw Cui appearYingxia, gestured please andHe motioned for
Cui Yingxia to sit down.Meet many women in HongKong and Hong Kong, as HeZhaozhao, Dong
Liya, Jiang Yuyan,etc. But among so many people, CuiYingxia is the only one she really belongs to.
Also, Cui Yingxiaacted decisively, which made Harvey York was greatly appreciated. Page 717 also
the reason whyLast night's events were allelites of the Dragon Palace ofHong Kong game. Because
yeHao believes that Cui Yingxia canhandle things well, so that nohave the least concern. "Thatdo
you think about what happened yesterday? ", YeHao poured a cup of tea for him.Cui Yingxia
himself, and said to thelight. Cui Yingxia did not hesitate, but said solemnly: "York Shao, noyou
should kill Master Xiaolan. ""I didn't kill her" Harvey York shruggedshoulders "She committed
suicide. No onecan stop her by killing her. "" A lotpeople at the scene can testify. "Cui Yingxia
sighed and said, "Theproblem is that those are ours andtheir confessions have novalue. "" The
monitoring team inthe scene was hacked long agotime, so we can'tpresent any evidence thatprove
you didn't kill ShiXiaolan. "Harvey York smiled and said:"That?" "York Jiutian and the
templeTaoist Wu Mei still going toinform the officials? ""Let the Law of the King ofHong Kong
city punish me? "Cui Yingxia tightened her eyebrowsslightly frowned and said withheadache: "If
we let thepeople from the police station take care ofthis matter, then we don't have himfear of
nothing. "" The problem is thatonce Shi Xiaolan died, it washard to find evidence to prove that York
Jiutian instigated YeJiutian to attack you. "" Doesn't existstill the personal testimony ofLong Aohai?
"York saidHao. "Dead" Cui Yingxia lookedugly, "He died in prison last night, andleft a letter saying
it isextremely loyal to Longmen, andLongmen will be destroyed in yourhands sooner or later! ""
AlthoughLong Aohai is a small person,Is willing to die! "spoke, Cui Yingxia took out a
letterabsolute and placed it in front of Harvey York. The letter was swearing, and they were
allwords of death. After what Harvey York looked at him for a while, waved Page 718 his right
hand, which turneddirectly this outstanding letterpowdered. Then he took a look atCui Wenxing and
said: "Long Ao Haicommitted suicide out of fear of crime andhanded over the list of allenemies in
and out beforedie. "" Tell Longmen
to goto the law enforcement room toinform yourself, and you will be treatedindulgently. "" If you
fight to the death, find the coffin first. ""Yes!" Cui Wenxing replied andquickly proceeded to run.He
was also accompanied byvarious Longmen disciples, whocould make sure the ordersof Harvey York
were transmitted to QinMenghan and others ASAP.Cui Yingxia was surprised by the Harvey York's
decision and resolved theaffair with a sharp knife tocut the mess. We can say thatno matter how
long long diedAohai. With LongAohai's death, Harvey York was able to controlquickly the Hall of
theLongmen's Law Enforcement andestablish your own majesty.Regardless of whether deathLong
Aohai's was accidental or ifsomeone deliberately caused it, insummary, at this time, does not

Chapter 2717

Chapter2717 "Long Aohai's Troubleit's settled, on Shi's sideXiaolan "Although Cui Yingxia
knewthat Harvey York must have asolution, he still spoke in a low voice. Harvey York said
lightly:You know, this matter must berelated to York Jiutian. "" It's justthere is no point in
disturbingto York Jiutian with this corpse. ""As far as we know about him, noyou will recognize
this person who saysone thing does one thing and it is unfair. ""Maybe he'll give us some gangsters,
andthings will be even moretroublesome. "" So York Shao,What do you mean? "Cui
Yingxiafrowned slightly asher eyelids fluttered, she probably knew what York HaoI was going to do
it, but I couldn't believe it.Harvey York wagged his finger and threw a Page 719 USB flash drive to
Shi's corpseXiaolan. He said lightly: "Althoughall vigilance has been destroyed,our people used a
mobile phoneto record a video, whatproved that Shi Xiaolan waslooking for death. " "I sent
thecorpse to the five taoist templesand post the video online bytrue. "" I believe that the Taoist
TempleWu Mei will give us an explanation soon. "Harvey York looked indifferent,but Cui Yingxia
was happy.As long as this video is posted online, the blow to the reputation of theWu Mei Taoist
Temple is huge.In regards to the Taoist style offive pieces, I certainly don't knowas Harvey York's
victimthis time, unless all fiveTaoist temples are actuallyirrelevant, definitelythey will find the
problem ofinstigator. And this instigator hadoffended the five Taoist temples, and it would be a bit
embarrassingif you wanted to secure your position asHong Kong's young masterGambling Yemen.
Thinking about this,Cui Yingxia smiled and said, "York Shaois developing a strategy andwill win
thousands of kilometers ofdistance. "" Welcome Xia admire. "Harvey York poured him another cup
of tea andhe whispered, "We'll fix things asas soon as possible. "" Besides, I willinvite someone to
eat. "CuiYingxia was surprised by amoment and said, "Please have dinner? Who?" I really
couldn'tunderstand that Harvey York stillwas interested in inviting thepeople to dinner with so many
eventsimportant things happening together. Or suchonce it should be said, who else isqualified to
ask Harvey York tocome out and ask him to dinner whenplay in the two cities of HongKong?
Harvey York took out his phone andtook a photo. In the photo there was awoman with a noble
temperament ina cheongsam. This woman shouldbe near forty, but the years didn't leave too many
marksin your face. Looking at this photo, CuiYingxia couldn't help but open her mouth Page 720
and said: "The wife of the Master ofthe Hong Kong Gambling SectYemen, Tang Lanruo !? "York
HaoHe said lightly, "It's Tang Lanruo.""She is not only the wife of the currentYemeni sectmaster in
HongKong, but also the older ladyfrom Yanjing's Tangmen. "" I thinkit's time to meet her. "Cui
Yingxiahe said in anguish: "York Shao, whywhat? "" Ms. Tang is not something we can see if we
want to. "that even if they are betting insideYemen in Hong Kong, fewpeople are qualified forsee
her. "" Also, due to his lack ofchildren, the old woman from Yemen fromHong Kong gamblinghas
always wanted to adopt YeJiutian with his name, and then withreason, become the nextYemen
teacher's generation ofHong Kong gambling "." ByTherefore, whether the game YemenHong Kong,
or the old woman, YeJiutian and others, consider the placewhere you live as a placeforbidden. ""
Anyone who triesapproach in vain, kill without mercy! ""So it's very difficult to see her.""Even us,
I'm afraid notwe can do it, not evenwe can approach your residence ".

Chapter 2718

Chapter 2718 YeHao said nonchalantly, "Whywe want to get closer, instead offor her to come out to
see us? "" Can you help meto find someone to pass apost and say, Lingnan YeShizi Harvey York,
please ask theMs. Tang have a meallight. "Seeing the expression Harvey York's determined, Cui
Yingxiahe was a bit surprised. But shestill couldn't help but frownfrowned and said, "Harvey York,
not yetI understand why we should seeTang Lanruo right nowcritical "." Now, due to the
nextYemen old lady's birthdayin Hong Kong, people whobet on Yemen in Hong Kongthey take her
seriously and do not let her in and out at will. "make sure Tang Lanruowill adopt York Jiutian as his
son Page 721 on his birthday. "" With duerespect, invite Ms. Tang tomeeting now is an act of
provokingHong Kong's Yemen game. ""I do not recommend it." Harvey York said tolightly:
"Okay." "Even if notwe have no action now, is itYe Jiutian may not wantkill us? "" Perhaps due to
thenext birthday, York Jiutian nowill continue to play to secure your status. "" But once you
securethe position of the next teacher ofsect, will definitely do everythingpossible to kill me.
"Harvey York seshrugged, seeingclearly. Cui Yingxia saidsolemnly: "Then York Shao,What do you
mean? "Harvey York said to thelightly: "If I remember correctly, theYe family in Lingnan is alsoa
branch of the game Yemen HongKong. "" As Lingnan York Shizi, I havecome to hong kong to
gamblethrough the two cities for so long. I would like to invite mywife to a light meal. "Notoo
much? "" It really isn'ttoo much "Cui Yingxia smiledironically, "However, YeJiutian is probably
going to haveheadache. "When he said this,Cui Yingxia prayed for York Jiutian. YeHao had little
interest inHong Kong bets onYemen. But the repeated attemptsYe Jiutian from provoking York
Haohave given you the desire to take theAlso, once YeHao and Tang Lanruo meet,I'm afraid this is
something that YeJiutian cannot accept at all.After all, Cui Yingxiaguessed a bit if the so-
calledLingnan York Shizi and Hong KongGambling Yemen arerelated. "You will have no pain
fromhead, "Harvey York said lightly," theHong Kong game in Yemen is,after all, your site for
YeJiutian "." Since I took theinitiative, in terms of its energyand identity, there will be waves of
people coming to bother me. "Cui Yingxia sighed and stoppedpersuade Harvey York. I knew that
Page 722 due to the Longmen Daoguan, themost of what York didJiutian and the enemies inside and
outsidethey had already hit the bottom line of Harvey York. Harvey York took the initiativenow.
Besides letting out aunpleasant sigh, the most reasonimportant was that he did not want theancient
clan like Yemen in HongKong fell into the hands of a childlittle boy who knew the enemy within.
Just when Cui Yingxiafelt that York Jiutian had donesomething wrong and could not live,Suddenly,
the cell phone rang Harvey York. This is a numberunknown and most of youthey cannot guess the
origin of it.However, right now, onlythere is a data in this number. "YeJiutian wants to kill Lin Yin
in theGolden Jade Club. "" The mattersuspect is related toTang Lanruo. "Seeing this
message,Harvey York's pupils shrank slightly and a strange colorappeared in his eyes.to start from
the tang sideLanruo, but right nowsomeone sent himself thatmessage. What does this show?Besides
York Jiutian, there is anotherstrength in the Hong Kong game inthe two cities, who wants to be
inthe top! ?

Chapter 2719

Chapter2719 The top of Victoria Peak,Hong Kong City, in the village of theXu family. Guo Yingzi
and XuZhiqiang sat facing each other, their faces a bit ugly. Because,in front of them right
now,There is still a York Qu that I knowgot sick with Erlang's legsleaning up and drinking tea.York
Qubing smiled at Guo Yingzi andXu Zhiqiang after playing with anew mobile phone. Afterthat a
message was sent, York QubingHe smiled and said, "Two of you, allThey are one of the four young
people inHong Kong. You do it or not. "" Yes.we do, we will be ours fromfrom today. As long as
you can be successful in the position, definitely notI'll forget you both. "" If you don't,I just need to
tell York Jiutian that Page 723 you two want to betray him, it'senough. "Obviously, the personwho
had just sent a message to Harvey York was York Qubing. But in themoment he heard theYe
Qubing's words, the face ofGuo Yingzi changed slightly, andit was a long time beforecoldly say:
"Do you use YeJiutian to threaten us? "" YeQubing, do you have a diseased brain? "" Without
evidence, do you think York Jiutianwill he believe you? "" You're just a dog thatraised! "" We have
been with your brotherfor many years. If you tell him thatthe dog he raised is actually awhite eyed
wolf and he wants to be the onemaster of Yemen in Hong Kong,Do you think it will kill you in
oneslap? York Qubing smiledslightly and said, "No, afterEverything, in everyone's eyes, I'm loyal
tohe. Even the status of one of thefour young people that I am nowhas given him! "" Leaving him,
what qualifications do I have to take theinitiative? "" Then, he won't believeyour words. "" On the
contrary, I have avideo here. I hope you twobe as calm as you arenow after seeing it. "spoke, York
Qubing took out his phonemobile and broadcast a video on thelobby tv, and clickedon the center
screen. "The greathusband was born between heaven andland! "" How can I stayhere for a long
time! "picture, Guo Yingzi is domineering, handsome and arrogant, pointing to the country
andexaggerate the words. York QubingHe showed appreciation while playing it.However, Guo's
expressionsYingzi and Xu Zhiqiang wereextremely bleak for amoment. I was photographed insecret
by the bastard York Qubing!"Let's talk, what do you
want me tolet's do!" Guo Yingsenior breatheddeeply and spoke slowly. I knew thatif he did not
accept York's requestQubing right now, both helike Xu Zhiqiang would die. He died at the hands of
York Jiutian, who wasextremely suspicious. "who know today are Page 724 bright, and they are
both worthy ofthe big shots. "York Qubing seHe stood up and smiled. "You twothey don't have
much to do. Onlythey need to publish a news,saying that Harvey York is going tomeet Tang Lanruo,
the ladyof Hong Kong, Yemen. "ANDas the identity of Lingnan YeShizi. "" You have to let them
knowthe others that Lingnan York Shizi is also qualified tobecome the young master ofHong Kong
game in Yemen! "hear these words, theGuo Yingzi and Xu's expressionsZhiqiang changed
drastically.York Qubing smiled slightly and said:"Actually, I have a lotcurious that the
incomparablewife of our porter, afterof everything, appreciate the fact thathas dealt with her since
childhoodand regards her as the thorny YeJiutian. "O Lingnan York Shizi, YeHao." Hearing the last
halffrom the passage, Guo Yingzi's facesand Xu Zhiqiang became even moreugly. They really want
to be inposition, but the methods are notas tough as York Qubing. YeQubing is preparing tokill two
birds with one stone, sit downon the mountain and watch the fighttiger, and kill both Harvey York
andYe Jiutian at once! In thismoment, Guo Yingzi and XuZhiqiang recalled that beforebecome one
of the four youth in the city of Hong Kong,York Qubing seemed to be the first ofthe four masters of
the York familywho ruled Lingnan.

Chapter 2720

Chapter 2720 At The Same Time InGangcheng Ring ExpresswayExpressway, a red Porsche
718dark ran wildly highspeed like chicken blood.driver was Lin Yin from GoldenJade Club, her
face was pale inthis moment and her eyelids throbbedconstantly. She is the person ofTang Lanruo
and has been lurking in the Jinyu Club for manyyears, the purpose is to discoversome news for
Tang Lanruo. Page 725 But right now whenaccidentally passed abox, heard York Baibing speak
andYe Jiutian. "Nine days soonyou'll be on top, and there's not muchdistance to become themaster
of the Yemen Sect. ""As long as that old woman is madeI take care of you on your birthdayyou will
be able to obtain the goods of that housefairly. "" In addition to the assets of my house, the five
houses ofYemen have three houses forsupport you, and you will be so stableas the future owner of
the houseYemeni betting in HongKong! "" Of course, afterthat the matter is resolved, you mustsolve
the old woman as soon as possiblepossible! "" The old woman doesn't like youmuch. If another
white face appears,I could hold that little white face andreplace it with you! "Lin Yinhe was so
scared he broke avase next to him, exposing his identity. Soon someone came out tohunt her down.
Ignored the others, got onto his own Porsche 718 and ran to theHong Kong Garden VillaGambling
Yemen by the sea,where was his teacher, TangLanruo. At this time, Lin Yin,who accidentally
overheard thenews, she asked herself thatjust delivering the news successfullycould survive.Behind
hiscar, I don't know whenthey added some vehiclesToyota commercials. These commercial vehicles
are so fast thatthey are about to reach them. To thelook at a young and beautiful face in
thecommercial car with the helpfrom the rearview mirror, even LinYin couldn't help screaming.
HongKong bets on Yemen, YeSenluo! It is said that once was oneof the four teachers of the
familyYe in Lingnan. After reachingGangcheng, it was extremelydiscreet and became one of theYe
Jiutian confidants. SeeingYe Senluo, Lin Yin was almost certain that everything she had
justlistening was true. In thismoment, its speed was Page 726 extremely fast and droveconstantly to
the place wherewas the garden villa ofYemen Hong Kong. In the vehicleToyota commercial in the
rear,York Senluo stepped on the accelerator toweather. Although he could see that thewoman in
front was not gooddriving, didn't push too much,but slowly turned the wheelwith a cigarette in his
mouth. Don't be rushed, just to make surethe woman did not leave the roadbypass from
otherintersections. Some peopledemanding can probably seethat York's acting styleSenluo right
now it doesn't seembe killing people but morewell how to take the woman in front ofsomewhere.
Soon the traffic to youraround it disappeared, and in its placeA boulevard appeared, this piece
ofland is already considered an asset ofYemen for Hong Kong gambling, and York Senluo
narrowedeyes slightly when he saw thisscene, and quickly and decisivelyhe stepped on the gas, like
he wasabout to directly hit thePorsche across the street. "what what--"Lin Yin, who ran to the end
ofthe road, he couldn't evenbother knocking on the door inthis moment. Stepped on the
gasfrantically and saw the Porsche 718mounted on copper door witha "boom" and knocked on the
door.above. Several Toyota commercial vehicles on the side ofback crossed and gunsthey peeked
out the windows. "BangBang Bang- "

Chapter 2721

Chapter2721 The sound of aseries of firearms and bulletslead fell on the bodyworkof the Porsche
718, leaving holesbullet one by one. It's just that thesebullet holes are so small andridiculous that
did not fall on LinYin. It's just that Lin Yin Jianghulacks experience and she does not giveRealize
this at all, just feel like you're lucky. "boom--" Inthat moment, a green Toyotadominant rushed from
the Page 727 side road without warning andcrashed into the back of aToyota very commercial
vehicleQuick. "boom--" This vehicleToyota commercial flew offsuddenly, and after giving
asomersault on the ground, landedagain. Armed meninside they were all ashamedand
unrecognizable.Toyota did not want to stop, but kept moving forward with great momentum."Boom
boom boom—" AllToyota commercial vehiclesThey capsized and one of them capsized.After the
gunman with theblack mask inside came out, thecar exploded directly into theplace. York Senluo
also crawledoutside the commercial vehicle in thewhich was. His face was full ofglass scum, but his
face wasvery strange, indescribablygloomy, and seemed to have expectedall a long time ago. When
he saw Cui Yingxia in the positionToyota driving keyYa Harvey York in the position ofco-pilot,
York Senluo's face wasfierce. He made a gesture to wipe hisneck to Harvey York from a
distance,then he waved his hand and left withoutdoubt it. In the place, only two burnedToyota
commercial vehicles withoutlicense. Along with the holesbullet and projectiles on the ground,this
scene looks like a scene frombig Hollywood hit. Upon receivingthe inexplicable news, Harvey York
immediately asked the young manMaster Zihai to find out thesource. I must admit that
Gongzihaiyou still have the ability, but youit took more than ten minutes to discoverthat the mobile
phone numberto send the text message wasbought at the post of theroad. Later, Gong Zihaiinvaded
the surveillance of that place,although the buyer was facingexpensive, his car wasindissolubly
related to YeQubing.After learning that the person who sent the message was YeQubing, Harvey
York got it. YeQubing is unwilling to submit to Page 728 the others, and most of themwants to be in
the first position.Organizing this for me this time wasuse me and Tang Lanruo toadd obstacles to
York Jiutian.He was even able to make him and YeJiutianlong will fight each other andhurt both
sides. I mustadmit that York Qu was something famous.Harvey York just wanted to start fromTang
Lanruo, to add a York Jiutian block. So, since YeQubing has that "plan". York haohe also rushed
over withCui Yingxia in a rank stancehalf. It's a shame that, although YeWhat was very ill,
YeSenluo who sent to do thework was too deliberate,causing too many defects in thescene. It is but
afalse tracking throughoutpath. When you shoot with agunslinger don't you know you gottaslightly
hurt people? Hundreds of bullets oflead, but in the end not eventhey touched the hair of a girl
fromYellow hair. Who believes thisaffair? However, the timely Harvey York's arrival helped YeIt is
only to compensate for this defect. YeHao didn't say much, but he opened thekicked the door,
jumped out of the car andwalked to the side of the porsche718. In the car, Lin Yin was ineat from
the seat of theHowever, judging byhis appearance, there should be no shots, but after
repeatedsurprises, he passed out directly.

Chapter 2722

Chapter 2722After thinking for a while, York HaoHe gestured to Cui Yingxia. Hepersonally
dragged Lin Yin,who was in a coma, sincethe driver's seat, whileCui Yingxia took the medicine
cabinet fromtrunk first aid andstarted helping Lin Yin. LinYin, who was too scared,basically had
skin lesionsthroughout the body, so the rescue process proceeded withoutproblems.After
CuiYingxia gave him an injection of Page 729 adrenal hormone, Lin Yinhe regained consciousness.
Seeing that theperson who saved her were actually Harvey York and Cui Yingxia, their eyes
werethey came back extremelycomplicated and wanted to say something butcould not talk. Harvey
York smiledslightly and didn't say much, butnarrowed his eyes in the direction of thegate of the
garden villa in front of him.At this time, a large group of Yemeni bodyguards approachedrunning
with live ammunition.After all, this is a retreatfor Tang Lanruo, the gambling ladyfrom Hong Kong,
Yemen. Now whatsomeone has broken the door and there has beenfierce shooting, in this case, if
thebodyguards don't get togetherquickly, that's the realtrouble. "Do not move!""Who are you!?"
"Which is theproblem !? "The mainYemen's bodyguard opened thesafe directly with the firearm in
hand, looking at York Haoand Cui Yingxia suspiciously. Harvey York sehe shrugged and didn't
speak. CuiYingxia took a step forward,handed over a certificate and told thelightly: "I am Cui
Yingxia, the PalaceHong's Game DragonKong. "" What lies on the ground ishis wife's confidante,
Lin Yin. ""Lin Yin was hunted down and killedA while ago. We passed the two andwe saved her.
"Cui Yingxia did not saynonsense,
but made everything clear andconcise. Hearing Cui Yingxia's words and looking at the
documentsin his hand, the head of theHong Kong bodyguards whobet on Yemen could not avoidbe
stunned. The confidant of thewife was hunted down and killed?Does the person in charge of the
Hong KongGambling Dragon Palace rescued her?It's a coincidence, it doesn't matterhow you look
at it. Wasn't the series filmedtelevision that way? Tenminutes later, Harvey York and CuiYingxia sat
in the luxurious andretro living room. Cui Yingxia seemed to be lost due to theTang Lanruo's
identity. Afterof everything, Hong Kong betting on Page 730 Ms. Tang Yemen, your status
isdefinitely one of the bestin the Hong Kong game. In HongKong, gambling in the twocities, I'm
afraid only theold woman who played in Yemen in HongKong and the five masters of thefive Taoist
temples canmaster the. As for the otherspeople, who have a statusbetter than her have no status,
those who have better status thanshe has energy and those who havebetter energy than she don't
havemoney. In short, the identity ofTang Lanruo is placed here and nobodymay underestimate her,
but Harvey York cannotfelt a lot, stood up andadmired the oil paintings thatthey hung in the
hallway. These paintingsoil paintings are very famous, fromVan Gogh's "Starry Sky" upMunch's
"Scream", they're full ofpostmodernism, represent adespair and endless pain, and give the viewer a
sense ofsuffocation. And Harvey York was surprised todiscover that these oil paintingsthey were
original works, nofakes or reproductions. Bycourse, in terms of resourcesYemen financial and
materialfor Hong gamblingKong, it's not too difficultGet these world famous works.But if these
things are placed here,the things inside probablydon't be so simple. The ownersof these paintings
have lost hope of living for a longweather. I just don't know what poweris supporting her and
prevents her fromrelease. "Da da da-" In thismoment, the sound ofsteps in the hallway next to
thehallway, and then I saw a clothed figurein white coming out. She is tall andelegant, no face
powder, butcan't see the traces of time andhe still has picturesque eyebrows.Ms. Yemen in Hong
Kong, TangLanruo. Reference 2723 Reference2723 When he saw this woman appear, Harvey
York's eyelids turnedthey movedslightly. Page 731 Regardless of yourtemperament, appearance or
style,this woman is the best option, andit was definitely a beauty thatI was all over the country
when it wasThe most tempting thing is that there isa kind of pain in your eyebrows thateveryone
can't helpwanting to feel sorry for her. Evena character like Harvey York has astrange feeling in
your heart inthis moment. However, he was very human after all, andinstantly suppressed
thisstrange feeling, but it went back toexamine not fandai madamTang in front of him. Cui Yingxia
gotstanding right now and saidrespectfully: "Cui Yingxia hasSeen Ms. Tang! "" It's Ying Xia.I
haven't seen you in many years. Have yougrown up like this. "Tang Lanruo noddedslightly to Cui
Yingxia, and thenfell on Harvey York with a lookslightly suspicious, and said withdoubt: "This is".
"Mrs. Tang, allow me to introduce you." "This is theHead of the Application Room of
theLongmen's Law, Lingnan York Shizi,Harvey York. "Cui Yingxia pointed to the Harvey York's
identity. Whenlistened to the director of the Hall ofLongmen's Law Enforcement, theTang Lanruo's
face showed atouch of surprise. Obviously notI could think that Harvey York couldbe under the tens
of thousandspeople in Longmen at an ageearly. But when he heard thethree words York Shizi, Tang
Lanruo's delicate bodysurprised a bit. Obviously,you must know what happened to theYe family in
Lingnan. Personin front of him was Harvey York, whohe was also known as YeShizi. This made
Tang Lanruowas such an indifferent person thatcouldn't help but look at Harvey York withWhen
Tang Lanruo looked at Harvey York, Harvey York also looked atTang Lanruo with eyessquinted.
When he saw that hisscrutinizing gaze swept over her, Harvey York's heart moved, andsuddenly
understood something. In that Page 732 moment, he smiled and suddenly said:"Ms. Tang, are you
sick?" To thehear this, Tang Lanruosurprised for a moment, hisinstantly cold expression. Theface of
several bodyguardsYemenis from Hong Kong who hadBeen standing on the corner
changeddrastically when they heardthis. Ms. Tang has always beendepressed but never admitted
thatI was sick. The people of Yemenen Hong Kong did not dare to saythis in front of her. At this
time,Harvey York said bluntly, in the eyes ofthese people, it was an act of seekingdeath. The former
leader of thebodyguard ran outfirst, he pulled out the firearm andHe pointed at Harvey York, "Bad
son!" "TheMs. Tang is something you canhumiliate !? "" The lady askedkindly come and have acup
of tea in the hallway, so what are youDid you make fun of the lady? "" Bad son,you're looking for
death! "Facing the surrounding firearms, YeHao seemed indifferent at thatmoment, still
squintingeyes at Tang Lanruo, and whispered, "Ms.Tang, are you ill? "" Thisillness makes you
suspicious,get depressed and even want to make youhurt and perish. "" I was right. "As he spoke,
York's gazeHao landed on the vein of the handleft of Tang Lanruo.see some faint traces in
thatplace.Although recovery isvery good, Harvey York still sees that it is a knife mark. If tangLan
unconsciously wantshide his left hand, butshe is very human after all,and at this moment he still
controlsyour emotions, with an expressioncold, "So what?" "And that?" York haosmiled and said,
"You still needmedications for diseasesof the heart. "" Although I am notdoctor, i can treat the
diseasemy wife's heart rate. "I ask if Madam is interestedLet me treat you? "" Of course, I will
definitely have theconditions. "" The condition is that Page 733 Can't promise York Jiutianwho will
adopt York Jiutian in theYemen old lady's birthdayin Hong Kong. "" In short, noyou can recognize
this son. "

Chapter 2724

Chapter 2724Shocking! When Harvey York saidthese words, the expressions ofeveryone in the
audience changeddrastically. The bodyguardswho bet on Yemen in HongKong changed their colors
one by one. The head of the security guardstepped forward, almost puttingthe gun on York's
foreheadHao. He looked gloomy and yelled, "Wrong!child! Who are you? ""provoke the
relationship between ourwife and young master York !? "" Anddare you say that Madam isill ,you
cantreat it? "" Madam illness,the owner does not know how manydoctors have invited to see her,
but nothas no effect! "" Your boydoes not have the same hair says you can treat it!? ""tabloid in
front of us! "Although, the leader of thebodyguard was surprised that Harvey York saw heart
diseaseby Tang Lanruo. But he didn't think thatthis guy could heal tangLanruo. And actually, by
doing suchrequest, it's obviously someoneinstigated to provoke relationshipbetween the lady and
the young master! Yesit wasn't because this place is theresidence of the lady, I neverI would like to
see blood. At this moment, the leader of thebodyguard has pulled the triggerdirectly! "Boy do you
know whereis this? "" This is the garden villa ofYemen in Hong Kong! "" Whichare the
consequences ofnonsense in our place, everhave you thought about it? "" If you areinterested,
please apologize tothe lady quickly, and then come out! ""Otherwise, even if you fightto be
punished by your wife,I will kill! "As he spoke, the head ofbodyguards was full of ura, extremely
cold and Page 734 dominant. The pinnacle ofsoldiers. Harvey York didn't expect thata bodyguard
who followed TangLanruo was actually the bestsoldier of a generation. WithoutHowever, if you
think about itcarefully, it seemsnormal.After all, identityof Tang Lanruo is placed here, and
isnormal to have the soldier king of thetop in your body. Right now,the aura of this top soldier
kingHe kept rising and his eyes filled with a cold scent. It seemed thatif Harvey York didn't
apologize ordragged, would really make amovement. "Noisy!" The eyesof Harvey York got cold
and, in thatmoment, a flick of your fingerfell on the muzzle of the gunfire. "Buzzer--" The
firearmgot up in an instant and beforethat the soldier at the top hadtime to react, he noticed that
aenormous force struck his face, making himthat prevented him from holding the gun inabsolute.
He was surprised and pulled the trigger frantically, but in thismoment, the bullets came out of
thecannon and hit the roofdirectly. Before i couldmake any other move,felt an enormous
forcespread from the firearm,that surprised him, he flew awaystraight and hit the pillarsRomans in
the hall. It's okay. I knowit takes a long time tostand up. All the public stayedout of breath and
allbodyguards were stunned. This top soldieris full of stormy waves in itsheart, which is amazing.
Everythingin front of me, how is it possible! ?This child who did not know wherehad come out was
actually sotyrannical up to this point? Is hetop soldier! Be able tosqueezing with a finger
isdefinitely the level of God ofWar. Being so young has so muchstrength! Such talent and talent are
notless inferior to York Jiutian, theYemeni young teacher in HongKong! Although the others Page
735 bodyguards were shocked, nodared to step back inthis moment, butinstinctively they pointed
thegun to Harvey York andThey prepared to pull the trigger."stop!" At this time, TangLanruo finally
reacted and shegave him a soda. "Retreat to me!"
Chapter 2725

Chapter 2725 Frontat the command of Tang Lanruo, afterthat these bodyguards doubtedfor a time,
everyone hesitated and lowered their firearms. Forside, they wanted to protect securityof Tang
Lanruo and, on the other hand,they had to obey orders andthey were very entangled in thismoment.
"Harvey York, right?I apologize here. Yun Fei wastoo impulsive. "" But thisboy has he never
thought of that. Onlywants to protect my integrity. Noyou have a lot of people soforgive me. "As he
spoke, TangLanruo looked at York Yunfei, who waslooked ugly, and said coldly, "Yunfei, hurry up
and apologize toYe
Shao. "The corner ofYe Yunfei moved "Madam,betting on Yemen in ourport, how can you call
yeShao to an outsider "Tang's faceLanruo was dark and saidcoldly: "I said yes, yes.""apologize!"
The eyelids ofYe Yunfei moved, and in thismoment, he advanced with difficulty,bowing down and
saying "York Shao, whatI'm sorry. "Harvey York said lightly," Youyou are also understanding of
mrs. Asylum, I don't blame you. "" It's justthat it is better to listen to the order of theI love for the
servant in thismoment "." I have goodtemper and i won't be a murderereasily. If you change
someonemore, maybe you're already dead. "Yunfei was still a littledissatisfied, but when he
remembered thescene where Harvey York hadeasily repressed, his eyelidsjumped. Don't look at the
young manin front of you, as if it were aliar. But if you think about it carefully, either to save Page
736 Lin Yin from the hail of bullets or talkin front of Tang Lanruo, has alreadyexplained his
abilities. At least,apart from York Jiutian in the twoHong Kong cities,it's probably hard to
findanother young man who may be soquiet in front of Tang Lanruo. "MeI was also wrong, II forgot
to discipline the people ofdown. "Tang Lanruo smiledslightly. "I'm sorry to tell YeShao here too. ""
Ms Tanges polite. "Harvey York smiled,"I am also wrong aboutthis issue. Obviously i'm notdoctor,
and I keep saying that I cancure the disease. "" It is normallet others not believe it. "The eyesof
Tang Lanruo shimmered slightly,and then indicated to Harvey York tosit down, and after asking
hisservant to change the tea, he rubbedeyebrows and said, "York Shao, you havereason. "" I myself
know mybusiness. "" I'm reallysick. "" So even though my husband found me the top tenfamous
Hong Kong doctors,masters of Nordic medicine and theroyal doctor of the island country, there was
noway to solve it. "" Did you say beforethat you are not a doctor, but you canfix my heart disease?
""Why are you?" Harvey York sighed andhe whispered, "Ms. Tang, although I don't knowyou have
experienced, I think you musthave encountered an eventimportant ten years ago. "" All threemost
important pains in life,resentment and hatred, love separates and cannot be asked for "."these three
pains, it's hard to be the onemore bitter. "" I can't ask for it, asuffering is winning and then
losing,suffering is desperate. "" Inas regards the status of the lady,there can be nothing
beyondexpectations. "" Then whatyou found ten years ago musthaving been won and then lost. ""If
I guessed correctly." "Thelady should have had a child.Whether he died young or he died,died ten
years ago. "" This is the source of your heart disease, Page 737 Right? "York Yunfei and othersthey
changed color instantly! Eastis the biggest secret in the game ofHong Kong in Yemen, and the
largestMs. Tang's heart disease.Harvey York really said everything!

Chapter 2726
Chapter 2726 TheTang Lanruo's expression paled,she bit her thin lipsafter a while and whispered:
"YeShao is indeed an expert. "" Yayou guessed it, you didn'tI'll hide. "" Ten years ago, I was sure I
had a son, butdied young one month after hisbirth "." This is my greatest!heart disease! ""
Duringmany years, no one daredmention gambling inYemen in Hong Kong. "matter where you
heard it from oryou guessed yourself, you justI ask how you gonna solve myheart disease? "" Can
youhelp me find my son? "this point, Tang Lanruo seemedself-critical. According to his thoughts,
just by resurrecting his son fromthe dead can be curedheart disease. Of whatotherwise, everything
else is afoolishness. Harvey York said weakly:"I said, as long as you accept myrequest, I can solve
yourheart disease! "Tang Lanruo turned cold andslowly they said, "If I'm fromokay, can't you figure
it out? "Hao said, "As long as Ms. Tang isOkay, I definitely knowwill resolve. "" Furthermore, in
terms of Yemen's strength in the game ofHong Kong, if I dare to foolMadam in this matter, you
haveminus a hundred ways to kill me. ""Anyway, no one can healyour heart disease. "" Try it,Why
not? "Tang Lan Ruo breatheddeeply and said solemnly: "YeShao, do you know what it means if
youdo I promise this condition? "" Thismeans I'll be on the sideopposite of York Jiutian, and even
ofall Yemen in Hong Kong! ""This means that I will be enemies everywhere!" "And all this, Page
738 because you can cure my diseasecardiac? "" Is it worth the priceWhat did I pay? "Harvey York
smiled,"worry, it must be worth it. ""Besides, I don't think you everyou will regret it. "After
TangLanruo pondered for a moment,He nodded and said, "Okay, I canpromise you, but first I
needsee the effect. "" Do I have to dosome preparations now? ""Do you need me to cooperate with
you? Orrest for a few days? "" There is no need for! "Harvey York shook hishead slightly. In the
nextmoment, he stepped forward anddirectly hit Tang Lanruowith a forehand and a
backhand."Dad--" The slap is crunchy andstrong. Tang Lanruo was beatencompletely unable to
reactnot at all for a while. He hasbet on Yemen in Hong Kongfor many years and has alwaysbeen
pampered. Even afterlosing his son, he was oftenconfused, but no one had dared to treat her like
that. Because she isthe gambling lady from Hong Kong,Yemen. She was slapped in thismoment, I
did not know what expressionshould show. "Is not sufficient,too much! "Harvey York took a
stepforward and re-launched twobig slaps at the same timetook the tea from the table and poured
itdirectly on the head ofTang Lanruo. Tea water was spilled,Tang Lanruo's face turnedinstantly pale,
and his face,which was originally free of Fendai, now had a pinkish color."Lady!" Several
bodyguards werethey gasped when they saw thisscene, after reacting, they tookthe firearms one by
one andthey quickly surrounded them. AlthoughYe Yunfei feared York's strengthHao, he still roared
at this time,"You, you are presumptuous!" Neverthey thought Harvey York was sobold and daring to
slap theMs. Tang, who was like a fairy intheir hearts. And even splashed itwith tea! This is
blasphemy, an insult, a bet on the face of Page 739 Yemen in Hong Kong and aimprudence!

Chapter 2727

Chapter 2727 "Enough, No One Cando it! "At this time, TangLanruo stood up suddenly,reeling, but
his face hadback to normal. "York Shao meis trying. "" No one can berude to him. "York
Yunfeisurprised at this moment andhe whispered, "Mrs. Tang, this boyso offended. "" No
offense,really helped me cure my illness. "If Tang Lan lookedweird, I felt that Harvey York wastoo
presumptuous tobeginning, but after slowing down,coughed up a mouthful of black blood,and at
that moment the whole personrelieved a lot, as if they took awaya stone that pressed against his
heart.Looking at Tang's expressionsLanruo, York Yunfei and others sewere surprised to discover
thatMs. Tang, who was originally socold as a fairy in the sky, nowIt has a hint of human fireworks.
However, this is theencouragement that people should have.There is no doubt that those fewslaps
and a cup of tea that yeHao had just drawn the blood thatwas stuck in theTang Lanruo's heart! What
is itthis operation? ? York Yunfei and theothers were stunned,completely disbelieving in thisscene.
Top ten doctorsfamous Hong Kong, themasters of Nordic medicine andthe royal doctors of the
island country were helpless withMs. Tang's heart disease.Some slaps from the surname York secan
solve with a bowl ofWater? All this can only be saidwhich is amazing. "Mrs. Tang, theslap I just
woke upanger long lost inher heart. "" It made you drop thebruise that was squeezed on yourheart
for the last tenyears. "" Next month, you maysleep well and never have togo back to the day she lost
her son. "Harvey York took out the paper towel Page 740 from the desk and wiped his fingers."It's
just that all of these are justindicators, not a curepermanent. ”Tang Lanruo pattedslightly his
imposing chest and,in fact, he discovered that he wastoo relaxed it's almost likebe reborn. At this
time, I had nodoubts about Harvey York, but he said witha serious expression: "It is not fromwonder
that she is the head of the Hall ofLongmen's Law Enforcementat a young age. "" No wonder Li
Yimei, York Qubing andothers have been operating inLingnan for many years, and aonce were
defeated by you. "doubts about you before, but nowI accept. "" Your conditions,I promise. "Hearing
the wordsTang Lanruo's face, York's faceYunfei drastically changedwhile waiting for his
confidants.If Tang Lan said simply,I promised that gambling inYemen in Hong Kong couldcause
endless bloody storms. "Then howShould I treat it? "asked TangLanruo seriously. Harvey York
smiledand said, "Ms. Tang, you still needa heart medicine andmust tie the hood to alleviate thebell.
"" Who made her sonI couldn't live in the first placebut now you make him unable tolive. "" It is the
supposed murder,life, debt and money! "" If you haverevenge and his thoughts arethey understand
well, their illnessheart for so many years will heal naturally. "" And mycondition is the recipe for
you! "Tang Lanruo's face changedslightly and it was difficult to see theextreme in the next
moment.Harvey York's words weresimple, pointing directly toYe Jiutian as the assassin who
killedto his son. "York Shao, do you have anyevidence? "Tang Lanruo said witha difficult
expression. "You needevidence? "Harvey York seemedindifferent. "If your child exists, whois the
biggest threat, and if your child dies, who is the biggest Page 741 beneficiary. "" I think it is not
difficultfind out with the media andMadam Tang's energy, right? ""Even if you can't figure it
out,Yemen teacher, as teacher ofa sect, can you alwaysfind out? "

Chapter 2728

Chapter 2728: What Happened In Thatthen, I know today. "" Although they haveten years have
passed, there will always beclues if you want to find out. ""Do you need me to give you proof
ofthese things? "" Or in other words, will you and Yemen Master believe theevidence that I
brought? "Tang Lanruo became so gloomy,the next moment, he stood upstanding up, he took a deep
breath and said,
"York Shao,forgive me for not having time toentertain you today. "" However, II will contact you
as soon as possiblepossible and I'll give you an answer. "" Yeseverything is true even without
youcondition, York Jiutian would never wantbe on top! "Harvey York stood upstanding, waved his
hand, and afterleave a phone call, he left with Cui Yingxia. York Yunfei and theothers looked at
their backsdumbfounded. They only know thatsimple slaps from this young man anda few simple
words will dolet Hong Kong bet on Yemen,and even Hong gamblingKong in the two cities,
heavenhas changed! "boom -" Almost at the sametime Harvey York left the village of thegarden,
between office buildingsin Victoria Harbor, York Baibinghe hit the table with an ugly look.Looking
at the photo sent by the eyeliner on the phone, herface was ugly to the extreme. "YeJiutian, your
people are turningmore and more useless now! "" Nojust Lin Yin's little clockoverheard our
conversation! ""Let her into the villa too!Yemen garden in Hong Kong! ""Don't you know that once
was theTang Lanruo's confidant? ""As long as she is alive, she will tellTang Lanruo all I hear! ""At
that time, your superiorswill have problems! "" York Jiutian, you have been living too Page 742
comfortably lately! ""Even the people downstairs don'tcan you control it !? "York Qubing,Guo
Yingzi and Xu Zhiqiang werestanding facing each other. Afterto look at each other in this moment,
allthey looked strange, but no oneshe spoke. But York Senluo knelt downon the ground, with my
face pressed to theground and said solemnly: "MadamYe, all bad things are guiltmine. "" If it had
been fasterthen, I would have killed that little Nizi a long time ago! ""This will not allow Harvey
York and CuiYingxia find the opportunityto enter the villa from the garden. ""Sister, don't blame
YeSenluo. "York Jiutian poured two glassesof champagne and gave York Baibinga drink with a
smile on yourface. "They didn't mean it.""No one thought that Lin Yin would knowhow to go to
Tang Lanruo in search ofhelps at a critical moment with avase like Lin Yin! "" Sen Luo andthe
others have done their best and organized an ambulanceto be ready to fish in watersturbulent at any
time."Unexpectedly, there was no doctorno ambulance in the garden villa. ""Or Lin Yin was lucky
and I don't knowhurt. "" Or Lin Yin is out of luckand he's already dead. "" But whetheris alive or
dead, the little thathe heard, there's no waycondemn us! "" At this time, nowe need to offend Tang
Lanruofor this little man, we don't even needexplain such a trivial matter. "" SiTang Lan was
stunned atover the years, you may notbelieve Lin Yin's words. "" Andwhile we last until the end
ofthe old lady's birthday, whenofficially embrace the past,then everything will be solved. ""as for
Harvey York at the momentsuitable to intervene, I don't think soWhat can I do with Tang Lanruo!
""That is a crazy woman who only knowsworries about herself and complains aboutherself every
day. "I killed simply because it still has use value. "" Is it possible that Page 743 still afraid of him?


Chapter 2729 When YeBaibing heard York's wordsJiutian, he calmed down a bit at thatmoment and
said in a low voice, "Yes, LinYin is a small person, ishappy and nobody believes what he said. ""
WithoutHowever, keeping such a personis a hidden danger aftereverything. "" Find an opportunity
andlet the islanders kill her. "indifferent words of York BaibingThey had already destined the end of
LinYin at this time. In thismoment, York Qubing's phoneit suddenly vibrated violently.He walked to
the corner toanswer, but it was obvious that hisface suddenly changed. Soon, yeQubing ran towards
York Jiutian,whispering: "Young master York,something has happened! "" The news came outfrom
Garden Villa makes amoment! "" If Tang Lan uses hispersonal guards, you will have toinvestigate
the incident ten agoyears! "" It is said that Harvey York persuaded him! "Lin Yin Haya's
testimonycontributed to the incident. "" Crack- "York Baibing's face turned paleand the champagne
in his hand felldirectly to the ground. The expressionYe Jiutian's also changed. Atnext instant, he
took a stepgo ahead and kicked York Senluo, whohe was kneeling on the ground."waste!" "waste!"
"It isbecause of you! That changed thethings! "" No, definitely notwe can let Tang Lanruo find out
the truth about the incidentten years ago. "" Otherwise,I will not only be unstable in positionof
Young Master, but everyonethose involved in this matterthey may have to die! "York Baibing also
changedslightly, and after amoment, he took a deep breath and said:"Nine days, don't get excited,we
handled that incident verycleanly. "" No matter how coollet it be Tang Lan, it's impossiblefind
clues. "" After all, all the people involved in Page 744 that matter are dead. "spoke, York Baibing's
gazeposed on Guo Yingzi and the others, anda slight killing intent flashed inhis eyes. If necessary,
do notit matters to get these people out. York Jiutianswept the crowd in front of him, and
hisexpression was hard to see whenextreme in the next moment.All these people are hisConfident
generals, are you going tocut off his arm now and killall these confident generals? But if he really
acted like this, YeJiutian couldn't sitfirmly in the position of YoungYemen teacher in gamesrandom
from Hong Kong. At the timenext, York Jiutian regained hercalm by force, and then
whispered:"Sister, we all know somerumors, it is nothing, they will all beprosperous and we will
lose everything. "" Andall the people who did it inthose days are dead. ""Then it can't be
foundnothing in this matter. "" Even if you want to find us, it won't happen.for a while. "" While we
canpersist until birthday. ""Then everything will be calm." YeQubing stepped forward with augly
face and solemnly said:"Young Master York, I'm afraid thethings are not as simple asyou think. ""
Madame Tang may beeasy to deal with, but since York Haointervenes in this matter, the thingsthey
will definitely be verytroublesome. "" Young Master York,I'm afraid you have to deal with this a
little more cautiously. ""Otherwise, I'm afraid I willwill sink into the gutter. "" boom-- "Witha kick
with the right foot, YeJiutian kicked the coffee table in front ofhim to the ground, his expression
was ugly. "YeHao, Harvey York again! "" In thiscase, Harvey York must die of allmodes! "" Die
now! "" NoI want you to see the sun tomorrow morningtomorrow! "" is good. "York Baibingtook a
deep breath, reached out,patted York Jiutian's shoulder andHe said in a deep voice, "You are not fit
for this special period. Page 745 I will solve. "

Chapter 2730

Chapter2730 "I'll find a way toconvince this York Shizi. "" Yesdon't really know how to be adiscreet
person, then I don'tmatter, kill him. "The wordsindifferent to York Baibing toorepresented his
determination tosupport York Jiutian in power.Although before he suffered a greatloss at Harvey
York's hands,I wanted to cut it a thousand times, but if Harvey York was willing to give in, York
Baibing wouldn't mindhand over the Dragon Palace toHong Kong game. Hotel of threeseasons.
There was a drizzle on thehoney, you made the whole hotelthe three seasons were involvedin rain.
Not long after leavingof Toyota's domain, Harvey York, whoI was about to enter the lobbysuddenly
heard the roar of ahuge car engine to youraround. Soon a Ferrari 488Red stopped next to Harvey
York.When he rolled down the car window, Harvey York saw a facepretty with picturesque
eyebrows andsoft, along with a smallChanel black dress and glassesGucci sun, she looked
fashionable andhandsome. Looking at the womanlooking like a fairy in front of him, YeHao
frowned slightly.Hong Kong bets on Yemen, YeBaibing. Nor was he surprised by theappearance of
this woman. Given theYe Qubing had organized asuch a great show,would definitely inform
YeJiutian about Tang's resumptionLan from the incident investigationten years ago. So York
Baibingthis woman appeared in front of this, it wasquite normal. It's just that whatmade Harvey
York curious,this woman didn't bring anyone to weara knife and a gun butWas he driving a Ferrari
tofind herself? Harvey York nocould avoid looking to the west, thesun did not come out of there!
Apparentlyaware of Harvey York's doubts,York Baibing grabbed the wheel, leaned against the car
window, Page 746 He looked at Harvey York and smiled and said, "YeHao, get in the car for
somefew words? "" The highway ofbypass is in the rain. It isthe most beautiful landscape. We
canalso go see it? "Expressioncalm, carefree and indifferent,with a somewhat seductive tone.
Peoplecan't help but feel that YeBaibing and Harvey York seem to have avery good relationship. In
thismoment, Harvey York held thecar window with both hands, slightly inclined his head and
said:"Ms. York, if I remember correctly, it seemsthat we are both enemies,Right? "" And it's the one
with a hatreddeep. "" When did ourrelationship became skillto see the rain together and travel
togetherby car? "" This is not right! "After all, Harvey York knew verygood that obtained the Palace
ofHong Kong's Gambling Dragonthis woman. This woman is luckynot to commit suicide, how can
you continuelooking good on herself? If it's a Hongmen banquet,this banquet is inevitablytoo
surprising. "That?Dignified York Shizi and Hall MasterYe, are you really afraid of melike a little
woman? "York Baibingseemed indifferent, with sarcasm ofthree points, three provocationpoints,
three-point charm anddisdain. "You don't dare get intothe car, are you afraid that youeat? "Harvey
York smiled and saidweakly: "It is not like that, I am justworried, it won't be okay if i lose my hand
and hurt my wifefor a while. "" Because of allAnyway, you are an old man, an old man. "Hearing
these words, a lineblack suddenly appeared on thecrystal clear forehead of YeBaibing.Her little aunt
has moreafraid of being called her old man."Don't talk nonsense, you are not yeta man!? "" Dare to
climb thecar !? "York Baibing's gazeit was ugly, but it was extremelysharp. "Dare to get in the
leaving! "" But I hope you never break down! "" Because, in that Page 747 moment, regret
isuseless! "

Chapter 2731

Chapter 2731"Beauty invites, then do wehave fun? "Harvey York looked at YeBaibing with interest.
Wanted to see whatthis woman was going to do. So nothere was nonsense at this time,But he pulled
on the car door and wassat down, then buckled upof security. Seeing York enterHao, York Baibing
chuckledand then he stepped on the gas. I saw theFerrari 488, like a giant rogue, roaring violently
andheading towards the city at greatspeed. After the carhit the road and you could see theshore in
the rain, Harvey York turned thehead to look at the woman whowas at her side and asked,
"Mrs.York can't really come seethe rain with me. , right?""I'm not interested in seeing the rain
eitherwith an old woman. "" You could alsosay you came to see mespecifically at this time,What do
you want to talk about? "York Baibingno said nonsense when he opened thedoor. Instead he
saiddirectly: "I received news fromI heard that you can cure theTang heart diseaseLanruo, and you
have offered theconditions. ” Harvey York shruggedshoulders and said: "The lady is verywell
informed, but don't you know thatmy condition is not to allow YeJiutian adopt Tang's kneesLanruo?
"Hearing the words of Harvey York, York Baibing's facechanged slightly. Harvey York's words
seemed simple, but to YeJiutian was not allowed to pass. But,in fact, as long as theconditions, York
Jiutian, who could notadopt it, you would lose the right to havesuccess as a Yemeni master in
HongKong. York's simple conditionHao can be thought of asmurder and conviction. "York Shao,
noI understand nothing. "" You can beconsidered a character soyou should know that even if you
are the riverDragon, but Hong Kong betfor Yemen, you cannot be an outsider who can intervene. "
Page 748 York Baibing's red lips seopened slightly. "The games ofrandom in Hong Kong Yemen
seis in a critical period ofsuperposition of powers. Looks likequiet outside, but in fact it haslong
been dark andhard. "" Even if the big onesplayers of the circles of theHong Kong's upper classes
and theHong Kong gamblingaccidentally intervene in it,can shatter into pieces. "" What are you
doing as aI miss mixing you up? "" Aren't youhappy to find yourself? "As he spoke, York Baibing
stepped on theaccelerator with the right foot, whichmade the car accelerate alittle more.The corner
of the skirthis right leg swungslightly, revealing a hint ofshocking whiteness. For theYe Baibing's
deliberate temptation,a sarcastic smile appeared on thecorner of Harvey York's mouth. OnlyYou can
tell this little chick is definitely a tea bitchgreen. I am still using thisset when I grow up. Looks
likethat the past has not beensatisfactory. However, thisinvincible means of invincibilityit was
meaningless in front of Harvey York."I'm not interested in anythingbet on Yemen in Hong Kong. ""I
have no interest in whether YeJiutian is in power or not. "Hao leaned in the seat, hisindifferent
expression. "But the treewants to be calm and the wind continues. "" After setting foot inHong
Kong and bet on bothcities, how many times does York Jiutianhave you wanted to kill me? "" Mrs.
York,everyone is a person of thescene, and you should know that what I saidis the truth. "" If it
weren't for theYe Jiutian troubles over and overtime why should i haveproblems with him? "" Since
atrash wants to kill me, instead ofjust watch him come to power,it will come to me with great force.
""Better slap him before he takes office." "I should not have Page 749 no problem with my
shapethink, right? "" In other words,Madam York felt that York JiutianI wanted to kill myself for
granted. "" I,Harvey York, I dare to fight, is it agreat rebellion? "As he spoke, aslight sarcasm
appeared on the faceby Harvey York. Reference 2732Reference 2732 When listening to theword
"waste", York eyesBaibing moved slightly. "YeShao, like you said, everyone isa scene. "" So you
take these things for granted. "shoot you nine days earlier. I will be backand I will teach him a
lesson, and evencan i ask you to come and beexcuse me. "" But I hope Shao Yecan show some
sincerity ofyour side. "" This is for both of yousides can turn conflictsin jade. It's good for you, isn't
it? ""After all, you two are thearrogance of the older generationyoung man. If the tip of the needle
isagainst the Maimang, if I really knowbreaks, it will just be someone else who takes advantage.
"Harvey York chuckled betweenteeth and said, "Show me a littleof sincerity? "" Don't talk about
it,just say yesterday what happened to himLongmen's Taoist Gymnasium, nodo you know in your
heart? "" In the middle ofthe night, Shi Xiaolan of the fiveTaoist temples led a teamto attack and kill
me, don't youdo you really know? "" you keep sayingwhat do you want to turn the fight intojade,
but every step of your way iskill me. "" Even if I go to Mrs.Tang, isn't your careful arrangement? ”
Harvey York had an expressionplayful on her face, then she pulled out hermobile phone and showed
the messageof the unknown number. "Crunch-"The moment he saw theinformation, York Baibing
stepped on thebrake almost unconsciously, whichcaused the Ferrari 488 tomove in the rain. Stopped
thecar forcibly, York Baibing looked at Harvey York and said coldly: "Whosent you this message !?
"In thismoment, York Baibing's heartwas full of anger, and the person who sent this message
probably Page 750 was the person who was next toYe Jiutian. If this is the case,means there is
another force insideYemen in the Hong Kong gamewho wants York Jiutian to die. Onthis moment,
York Baibing feltlucky, she just felt there wascome to Harvey York today as aunexpected joy. A
trace ofUndisguised sarcasm flashed on the Harvey York's eyes, and then said to thelightly: "Ms.
York, what else to pretendright now? "" Isn't that the person who sent the message YeJiutian? "" Let
me appear, saveLin Yin, and then put me incontact with Ms. Tang, isn't yourfix? "" Although I don't
know if you wantuse Madame Tang's hand tokill me, or use my foot to stompMadame Tang to
death! ""But I tell you that your conspiracy hasfailed! "" I have convinced Mrs.Tang that will restart
theinvestigation of the incident tenyears. "" I think the one sent behindscene at that time must have
inextricable relationshipslinked with you and YeJiutian. "" Wait till you die! "York Haohe shrugged
and said thesethings directly, because this waswhat I wanted York Jiutian and YeBaibing knew. If
this wasn't thecase, even if the two of them weredead, it would be impossible forthey knew this.
And these wordsmade York's expressionBaibing will change over and over again. YeHao continued,
"Well, Mrs. York,I don't think I have any sincerity at all! ""Calculating over and over again,
butturning me into a silk ofjade? "" It's okay to live in peace. "fine if I let York Jiutian go. "kneel
down and beg me. "" If this is thecase, I might think about it. "Otherwise, you will let theneck at
home and I'll get itwhen I'm in a good mood. ""Misunderstanding, Shao York, everything is
amisunderstanding. "York Baibingreacted at this moment, lookingto Harvey York with a vague
expression in his eyes, as if he didn't get mad at Page 751 Harvey York's words. "Can Iswear to god,
this messagedefinitely not something thatwe can arrange to ship ".

Chapter 2733

Chapter 2733"I suspect there are other peoplelurking next to York Jiutian.We will investigate this
matter withclarity and we will give you aexplanation. "Harvey York smiledslightly, evasive. '' York
Baibing lookedto Harvey York, the power on his facedisappeared, replaced by tender affection.
"York Shao, I know what I sayNow, you won't believe it. "" ButI still want to ask you one thing,and
is that you tell Tang Lan Ruothat your previous conditions do notare valid. "" York Jiutian stillmay
be your good son. "" All theworld pretends to be deaf and dumb, andwe can live in this day. "York
HaoHe laughed, "Ma'am, are you overconfidentin your own charm or believe that YeHao is an
anxious ghost thathave you ever seen a woman? ""Can you persuade me by spraying some perfume
on me, showing me thesea and saying a few words? ""Do you have to pay for whatdo you want? ""
Do you want a white wolfwith an empty glove, you don't thinktoo beautiful? "what Harvey York
said, York Baibing pleadedwith a pitying face: "York Shao,I definitely won't let you helpin vain. ""
Whenever you go andtalk to Tang Lanruo. "" AlwaysAnd when you swear that you will never
againfight York Jiutian. "" ThenI promise that all grievances between you and us will be erased!
""From now on, playing in HongKong and Hong Kong, you are oursVIP. Can walk sideways
ifwishes, no one will influence you! "" Also,I'll give you 100 billion. "" I'll give
youatownfromhalfmountain. "" I will also hand over allthe hidden lines of Hong KongGambling
Dragon Palace, so whatyour people can control Page 752 completely the Hong KongDragon
Gambling Palace. "" I cangive you money, status and power! "" YeShao, you can help. "" Even
ifyou want other things, you canget them. "York Baibing seunbuckled the seat belt,brought the
picturesque pretty face to YeHao and exhaled like blue. Contourof the chest is even more
invisible,that makes any man bein a trance easily. A smile fromsarcasm appeared on the corner of
Harvey York's mouth, who did not believeThat worthy Miss Yemen Fifth andMs. Da Xia Longdian
from HongKong would betray him for this little thing. Because this istotally illogical! Thinking
ofthis, Harvey York leaned backwith a look of disgust, avoidingto the beauty that kept leaning,and
then calmly said, "Ms. York,I understand that you and York Jiutian, mynephew and you are very
affectionate,but I'm sorry. Can notbelieve it! York Baibing frownedslightly and opened his
mouthslightly, "York Shao, left andright are just a sentence. ""Besides, what you say is your last
name, yeah." "The Lingnan York and Hong FamilyKong Gambling Yemen are alsoa family. "" Do
you really wantso much fighting York Jiutian? "" Or,Do you really want to be on top? "Harvey York
said lightly, "Don'tworry
I'm not at allinterested in the teacher's positionof Yemen's gate in the game ofHong Kong. "" You
beg me, II won't sit on it either. "" It's justthat what York Jiutian did to metoo disgusting. "" By
thefine of the higher ranks, you can communicate with enemiesforeigners, conspire with
theislanders and forget about the clan! "" For theWell of the top rank, dare toclaim to be the head of
Daxia,shamelessly! "" For the sake ofhigher rank, can kill thebabies in diapers, pigs anddogs are not
that good. "" By thefine of the upper ranks, I canuse the woman who loves me so much and Page
753 I will lose consciousness! "" You said, whywhat should i let a person gowho has forgotten their
ancestors, blatantly, depressed and inferiorto pigs and dogs? "


Chapter 2734 "you--"Harvey York's words left YeBaibing a little stunned. Noseemed to think that,
in his eyes, theperfect successor to Yemen of HongKong Gambling don't even knowconsidered a
person in the eyesby Harvey York. However, York Baibingquickly calmed down afterbreath deeply.
When thethings have reached this point, noThere's room for her to step back At this moment, he
looked at YeHao and said with a touch of tenderness:"York Shao, what you said happened.""But
you must also know a phrase,It is said that the one who does the great does notit sticks to the small
”. "York Jiutiandid these things lastresource "." As long as you are successful intake the position,
definitelywill protect the southeast portal of DaXia! "" If he hadn't had suchambitions and
patriotism, howcould I, Mrs. Longdian, help youlike this? "" Even if you can't believe York Jiutian
and me,York Baibing, you can still trust himDragon Palace, right? "" Thisis the cornerstone of
presenceexternal Daxia and the cornerstoneof Daxia's greatest loyalty! ""Dragon Palace, you can
nevermake a mistake. "When he said this, YeBaibing continued to lean towardforward, his face
almost glued to the Harvey York's face, and both sidesthey could smell it. The sweet smell isrushes
to the face, persistent andrefreshing. The combination of noble temperament and
appearancepicturesque makes anyman be tempted. "York Shao, ifconditions that I just gave are
notenough for you, you can still saywhatever you want. "" While thismatter can be resolved, as long
ascan turn the fight into a futurebright. "" As long as I canget the power of Nine Heavens,so I, York
Baibing, can Page 754 give it my all. "Harvey York looked updown to the beauty in front of him,
and hisexpression was a bit strange. YeBaibing, should it be the sister-in-law ofYe Jiutian? But
would a sister-in-law dothis for a nephew? You know yeBaibing is Mrs. Longdian! Thestate of the
game in Hong Kong andtwo cities is alsoextremely high. How couldlean for one more
generationyoung man, even begging for hissexuality? Unreasonable! Is it possiblethat these two
people Thoughtsunthinkable appeared in the mindby Harvey York. If things arereally as I guessed, I
can only say that this York Jiutian is aruthless person! "York Shao, forPlease, please help.
"Beforethat Harvey York could react, YeBaibing seemed to have lost hisstrength. As soon as it got
softfell into the arms of Harvey York and hishands hooked her neck. Thewarm nephrite fragrance
made Harvey York slightly frownedfrown. It's just that it wasn't because of theYe Baibing's
initiative, but YeHao saw a team of teamsdriving from the side. The rear window of the Toyota
Alpha inthe middle fell off, and the faceindifferent to Tang Lanruo wasinside. The image passed as
alightning, but Harvey York and TangLanruo encountered a slighttouch, and the team
hadcompletely gone. Bitch!He did it on purpose! York haoreacted. All behaviorYe Baibing's before
was acting. Noit matters if you drive or hug. To theend, only Tang Lanruo could seethis scene. To
help York Jiutiana get out of the siege, York Baibing evencould afford to do this kind ofstuff. You
can only say that you aretwo people really have oneclose relationship! At the momentnext, Harvey
York kicked YeBaibing, his expression cold at theextreme. "Clicked ..." In thismoment, he saw that
York Baibing closeddirectly the car doorand also locked them both in Page 755 this little space.

Chapter 2735

Chapter 2735 Harvey York Squinted His Eyeseyes to the caravan that disappeared quickly, then
looked at YeBaibing weakly and said withcoldness: "Ms. York, the performance wasfor a long time,
isn't it justfor Madame Tang to see thisscene where I was with you? ? ""Why, the show hasfinished,
you're still going to mekeep locked up here? "" Noyou are afraid that I will kill you oneslap?
"Harvey York looked at the womanin front of him. The purpose of going up to thecar today was to
facedeliberately to York Baibing and let York Jiutian's chaos in. ANDYe Baibing also faced
himdeliberately, leaving him alreadyTang's original fragile allianceLanruo at any time. Onlyyou can
tell that this is a womaninteresting, and being able to use the genre ofa woman to do this isenough
to show yourintentions. It's a shame that you arealleged intrigues, in York's eyesHao, be like
pediatrics, and nothey are worth mentioning. "Yes TangLan is already gone, you won't be able to
catch up when you go out now, and outIt's windy and rainy, isn't York afraidShao catch a cold in the
rain? "YeBaibing leaned back in his position,where there was still the feeling ofbe charming and
charming in thismoment. She just looked at York Haowith a proud face, with a touchof pride in his
eyes. "Is it useful?" YeHao also reduced his emotionsat that time, "The relationshiporiginal between
Ms. Tang and myself wasa relationship of interest. "" The reasonmost importantly why I would
agree with my condition, in additionthat I can help you solve yourheart disease, do you wantknow
the truth ten years ago. ""You can sit in this position, it isan intelligent person. "" If you believethat
if you let Ms. Tang see thescene where we both talkabout love in the car, shewill give up all that
isdoing now, then just Page 756 I can tell that you are too muchnaive! "York Baibing smiledslightly
and said, "If Tang Lan is the Hong Kong gambling lady,Yemen, is also the lady ofYanjing Tangmen
"." A characterwell of course you can see throughof my little tricks. "impossible for her to stop
trackingthings ten years ago because of thisscene. "" But there is one thingyou know. "" That is if
Tang Lan is aperson with feelings andcleanliness. "" He cannot accept thatsomeone trying to betray
hercooperate with her. "" In short,ever since he saw this scene, he is not qualified to see it. "method
of breaking the game is acliche, it's aimed at the heart of thepeople. "" York Shao, you are a
beinghuman. You should know that the mostuncontrollable in this world is not thepower, status or
wealth, but thehuman heart! "beautiful woman who was soAngry, Harvey York sighed and said,
"Ms.York, she's really good atcalculations, has a heart ofsnake and his heart isembarrassing. "York
Baibing smiled sweetly and said," Thank you YeShaomiao for your praise! "York Haonarrowed his
eyes slightly andHe said, "But when it comes to thepeople's hearts, it's possiblethat you don't
understand it better than I do. ""A woman can have feelingsand cleaning. "" But don't forget.Before
today, I did not know her inabsolute. "" I am not her husband or herson, so your cleaningemotional
and his ten years of hateare more important. "" I think theMs. Tang knows more than you and me. ""
Sure? "York Baibing laughed," Whyof course I know. "" But, there is onesomething you may not
know, my roombrother, but he hates me a lot. ""Do you think it will allow aman who is not clean
with YeBaibing continue to approach yourbeloved woman? "
Chapter 2736

Chapter 2736 "What About Theevidence? "Harvey York seemedindifferent. "Don't you think that
once Page 757 get in the car with you, I couldbe a proof of your love for himadultery, right? "" Your
fourth brother is the master ofbets in Yemen in Hong Kong.Is he so naive? "" He will believe it. "
YeBaibing smiled slightly.my fourth brother hates me, whathe cares the most is the reputation
ofHong Kong to bet on Yemen. ""As I go to him and cry, achild who does not know the height of
thebaby, he doesn't just want to pollute me,it also finds theway to get closer to Tang Lanruoand
wear a hat for him. "I thinkthat even if there is only a little evidence, it will kill you. "" And York
Shao,You should believe it too, I wantget some evidence, it's notdifficult! "" Or you kneel down and
beg menow and you will be York Jiutian's dogfrom now on! "" Or,you just wait to die! "Hao raised
his hand to look at hisslap, and then her gaze landedon York Baibing with interest. After,he said
weakly, "York Baibing,Have you ever heard asentence called intelligence isharmed by intelligence?
"" I know who you are. "" In terms of your styleof acting, could you tell meall the calculations that I
have before meeyes? "" Also making fun of mein person? "" You want to piss me off andlet me slap
you,Right? "" You won't be able to do it anymorelate, you put the camera on the seatbutt, I didn't
realize it, did I? ""Or, you and York's feelingsJiutian beyond the bottom lineof ethics, can't I see it?
"next moment. Before YeBaibing stopped, Harvey York had already reached out and grabbed
aanimal-shaped pillow on theback seat of the car, andThen he broke it. Right where I saw myeyes, a
camera appeared inminiature and a voice recorder."For your little lover." "Arereally mean and
intertwined! ""First to provoke me and theTang Lanruo's relationship, and thento provoke me to do
it. " Page 758 "As long as you do, you can edit thevideo before and after, simplyput it on the
Internet or put it in the hands of Yemen Master viaother channels. "" Then,will become evidence
that Iviolently against you and thenprofane. "" At that time, I went toHong Kong to bet on theold
woman and the master of Yemen, and I went toHong Kong to bet on the dogYemen's guardian. ""
They will kill me!Harvey York as your own duty! ""As long as something explodes, thatten years
ago it becomescompletely
insignificant! ""What a mess!" "It's a good one!" "If you really implement thismatter, even if I'm
not dead,Harvey York will have to leave HongKong and bet on the two cities,Right? "" And York
Jiutian could bein the correct position in a periodspecial. "Harvey York spoke withindifference, and
step by step pointed to theYe Baibing's calculations and revealed theYe Baibing's mask little by
little.It can only be said that this womandeserves to be the fifth Miss Yemen ofHong Kong Gambler
and Ms. YeLongdian. Linked to each other, step by step. It's a shame that thesesupposed
calculations are so naiveand ridiculous in front of me. And everytimethat Harvey York said a word,
theYe Baibing's face paled and washard to see the end at the end."Crack-" Harvey York smashed the
cardmonitoring and storage, andregistered again in the car, withoutdrop York Baibing's
underwear.But in the process of looking for thebody, Harvey York's eyes werecold After
discovering twotighter camouflaged button cameras, Harvey York smiledindifference and sat down.


Chapter 2737 "York Shao, You Arereally unexpected! "York Baibingsaw his final preparationshad
been investigated, and theirexpression was hard to see whenextreme right now. Shefrowned slightly,
looked at YeHao narrowed his eyes and saidcoldly: "No wonder Page 759 York Jiutian people have
sufferedfor you one after another. "conspiracy, skill and luck were the best options and are
morebeyond everyone's reach. "" I follow youprovoking and angering you, not only noyou passed
out, but so didyou saw everything. "" I have to admitnow we really underestimate youbefore. "" But
luckily, I justif you are strong enough andcapable, then I'll be moreinterested in killing you. "spoke,
York Baibing stepped on theaccelerator and sent Harvey York to aRing Freeway entrance,
thenopened the car door, "Fuck me!" Harvey York opened the car door, lookedto York Baibing
sideways and then saidwith interest: "Ms York, may you besafe. "" Now that I have come tothis
point, I will dedicate a little of mymind to play with you. "" It's just thatyou're getting old and old,
andI hope you come back and drink moresupplements. "" Otherwise, I wouldI'm afraid you won't
have enoughenergy to play with me! "hear what Harvey York said, "I amold and old, "York's
expressionBaibing instantly turned gloomy. Harvey York got out of the car, butdid not go away.
Instead, he walked towardsthe driver's seat, then lookedto York Baibing with eyessquinted and said,
"Ms York, inI'm actually very curious. ""Are you born a masochist?" "Do you want tohit you like
that? "York Bai said withcoldness: "So what? It's a shame thatalso be a chandelier ofSilver! "" I
gave you a chance! ""Do you dare hit me?" "I'll give youcourage, don't you dare move me! ""York
Shizi? Hall Master York !?" "You don't want to use it, I'm pooh""It snapped ..." Before YeBaibing
could finish speaking,Harvey York slapped the woman's facewith a backhand. Crispy and strong!
scarlet palm printsappeared instantly.Then Harvey York walked away. Seeing Harvey York who
turned around toleave, York Baibing was surprised byone moment. The next moment, Page 760
covered his face and raised his headto laugh. Painful, spiteful andmad! However, the moment he
saw Harvey York walkinghighway entrancebypass, the mad York Baibinghe regained his calm by
force. Ahint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes,then he took out his mobile phone anddialed a number.
"Hey it's me.""Kill it for me!" "Yourconditions, I promised you! "weird Ring City Expressway
exittime is crowded. Due to theheavy rain, no pedestrians orvehicles at this time. Only inthe waiting
room there was a double flash of a discounted taxi, andthere was a bald man of medium sizeold
dozing at the wheel. YeHao took a look at the car, thentook out his mobile phone, seeing that
nothere was a signal, he had no choicethan to touch the window of the taxi."Punch! I didn't see Lao
Tzusleeping! "The bald driverhe was upset and his face wasunhappy, especially when he sawthat
Harvey York's clothes didn't look likethat he could afford to rent, waseven more derogatory. Harvey
York looked at him lightly, hurriedly took out twothousand Hong Kong dollars and threw them
awayin the driver's seat, and said tolightly: "Go to the Sanji hotel." Whensaw the money, the
driver's eyesbald man lit up, then he nodded andgot out of the car to help York Haoto open the door.
By the way, he took out oneEvian mineral water bottlebackseat to show yourI respect.

Chapter 2738

Chapter2738 Harvey York gave him a looklight, then sat on the seatrear and, at the same time,
began to play. All today wascarefully arranged by YeBaibing, which surprised him inevery step of
the way.Fortunately, York Baibing hadcalculations, and also had calculations,Harvey York. Judging
by the developmentof things now, still won thehalf child. Especially for thelast slap, on the one
hand, York HaoI was about to let out the Page 761 disease in his heart and, on the otherside, he
needed to give Tang Lanruoa clear attitude. This slap shows that fire and water enterhe and York
Jiutian are incompatible.He also explained his determinationto take down York Jiutian. Just from
thisTang Lan way can followcooperating with herself if she is aperson with feelings and
cleanliness.As for how this matter came toTang Lanruo's ears, York HaoI was not interested in
lendingattention. I believed that from themoment when he saw him and YeBaibing on the road,
Tang Lanwould pay more attention to this matter. Maybe there were several bodyguardsof Tang
Lanruo looking at the placewhere he slapped. If I didn't even havethis ability, Tang Lanruo, thewife
of the door master,I'd be blinded by nothing But forshow your attitude, afterthinking about it,
Harvey York dialed aWhen you see the movements of Harvey York, the bald driver in
frontimmediately turned off the stereo of thecar. At the same time, it is alsoraised the soundproof
glass beforeand after isolation, so Harvey York could make callswith confidence. York haotook out
two thousand yuan bills witha look of thanks and thethrew in his seat. At this time,the phone was
connected."WHO?" On the other end of the phonecame a cold voice, smelling somethinginhuman
to fireworks. "Ms.Tang, it's me, Harvey York, "York reported.Hao to his family: "It's really
acoincidence that I justmeet on the road ofbypass. "" I just did something else on impulse. I fear
thatI need the help of Ms. Tangto coordinate. "Tang's voiceLanruo was cold and said lightly:"What's
the matter?" Harvey York smiled and said:"I got angry and slapped York Baibing.""I guess now you
want to sendsomeone to hack me. "" Byplease also ask the lady toHail me. "On the other end of the
phone,Tang Lanruo's cold breath was Page 762 dissipated a lot, and then said to thelightly: "York
Shao, don't say such a thing.""You must be determined and move on. Since you slapped YeBaibing,
you naturally thought ofthe consequences of this matter. ""Right now, you tell memuch. You just
want to let me knowthat you and York Baibing don't have oneadventure. Are you twoincompatible
and cannotreconcile? "" Don't you want her toroad scenehigh speed ring road inthis moment affects
the relationship betweenyou and me? ” Harvey York couldn't helppat her palm and said, "Madam is
really smart, you can see it inone moment. I underestimated Madam byplay with this kind of
thinkingcareful in front of Madam. "TangLanruo was silent for amoment, then said lightly:
"Noworry, I know me very welllittle sister. "" She does everythingfor profit. "" And it's York
Jiutian,will definitely do everythingpossible "."chance at this time, everythingwas deliberately
arranged byYe Baibing! "Having said that, Tang Lanruo said lightly," Shewants to use my
emotional cleansingto dilute the relationship between ustwo. "" But she doesn't know. To saytrue,
ten years ago, i couldcooperate with the person whoI hated. How could a cleaningemotional so
small affect myjudgment. "" After all, the mostimportant to me right nowit's the truth. "

Chapter 2739

Chapter 2739 Harvey York Smiledslightly and said, "Ms. Tang, with theDue respect, you need two
things in addition to the truth. "needed !?" Tang lanruoobviously frowned at the otherside of the
phone. "First, you needthe full support of Yemen Master,because you and I know that thetrue ten
years agowill definitely involve theYemen high-level gambling inHong Kong. "" If you don't have
the supportYemen Master's total, including Page 763 if you know the truth what can youdo?
Perhaps you will die in vain! "" Insecond, you need to prepare a substitute. "" After YeJiutian fall,
someone will have totake their place. Hong's gameKong in Yemen will not be complicated,and you
can better control the game ofHong Kong in Yemen with theteacher. "" You are still young. I
thinkthat if you give yourself another twenty years,you will definitely have your ownson, who has
grown up and can be donecharge. "Intentional orunconsciously, Harvey York almostpointed out that
York Jiutian was thereal culprit for that incident ten years ago. At the other side ofphone, Tang Lan
Ruo was onsilence, and after a longtime, he said lightly: "York Shao,I'll consider what you said. ""
Also,you should pay attention to yoursecurity "." Except for the FifthYe Baibing lady from Yemen
inHong Kong, the most important thing isthat she is Mrs. Longdian! "" Not herlook like a white
lotus, but hasthere have been countless men whohave died under his mask at theover the years. ""
Not so, if you haven't helped me find the righttrue together, you will die! "York HaoHe smiled and
said, "Thank you Ms. Tang foryour concern. "" A simple YeBaibing can't kill me. ""Also, I'll talk to
my husbandon this matter, I will find amoment, come to the garden villaand we will both invite you
to eat ",Tang Lanruo said. Harvey York sesurprised for a moment, and thensmiled, "No problem, as
long asYou and Yemen Master be free, II will be free. "There was a bit of warmth in Tang Lanruo's
words, andshe continued, "Besides, it doesn't matterhow things develop, bythe less you helped me
heal a partof my heart disease, whycan
rest well in thenext days. "" Now I invite youofficially to participate in theYemen old lady's
birthdayin Hong Kong. At that moment, youI will introduce some friends. " Page 764 Hao smiled,
knowing it was TangLanruo who threw a branch ofolive. Although he has no interest in the birthday
banquet of theelderly woman from Yemen, did not refuse for themoment. Instead, he smiled and
said:"Although Hong Kong and I did notwe bet on Yemen, since Mrs.Tang is kindly invited,I will
definitely be there on time."After hanging up the phone, YeHao narrowed his eyes and seemedquiet.
I knew what it representedTang Lanruo's invitation andYemen Master. This shows thatTang Lanruo
should have graspedsome evidence in a short time and has persuaded her husband. Now,Above all,
it will verify something. OnlyI ask for a certificate and probablyI will come home to eat thismeal.
At this time, York Haohad to start sighing, howdeep is the water in the gameYemen Hong Kong.
Even if I knowis about a God level characterof the war that intervenes in theYemen gambling in
HongKong at will, it is very likelythat he doesn't even know how to die. ByOf course, Harvey York
is not a God of War figure. Therefore, Harvey York did notpaid attention to nomonster.York Jiutian,
Harvey York didn'tI would let go of power anyway.He vaguely feigned his identity ashead coach
and soaredrepeatedly against him, which already isunforgivable. Furthermore, the point
ofcommunicate with enemiesforeigners completely surpassed the Harvey York's final result. If
theupper class people can go outfrom the seller's country for your ownbenefit and can communicate
with foreign enemies, how canwill that country be prosperous? Fought untildeath on the battlefield
ofEurasia to make Daxiawas on top of the nationsof the world. It is not letting you besecond
generations are theDaxia moths, and then count tothe ancestors and forget the codesand
communicate with enemiesforeign.

Chapter 2740

Chapter Page 765 2740 When Harvey York wasthinking about York's affairsJiutian suddenly felt the
car shake violently. I dont knowwhen the road originallyflat becomes extremelyhilly. Harvey York
opened his eyes andlooked around, then smiled andHe said, "Driver, what is thisplace? "" Or should
I ask,who are you? "" Where are you going tocarry? "The road ahead isobviously a path that has
beenin bad shape for a long timetime.There are many signs ofroadside warning,but it is a bit run
down. At this time, in the interrogation of Harvey York, as soon as thebald driver stepped on the
gas,went straight through the obstacle anddrove to the end of the road. To thesee the desperate gaze
of theconductor, Harvey York's expressionwas indifferent. "What are you doing? Where are
yousend you? "" Of course it isto send you to your death? "The baldmiddle-aged suddenly
smiled,with black blood flowing down thecorner of his mouth. "From theThe moment you get in the
car, your destiny must be doomed! ""King of Hades wants the peopledie by the third watch, whocan
keep people up tofifth watch? "" York Shao, let'sthe road! "" Mrs. York, hello! "the next moment,
the bald ofmiddle-aged stepped on the gasto death, and then bowedhead and died prematurely.
Thegas pedal was stuck with his footright, and rushed straightoff the road and flew towards himsea.
Harvey York shook his head, although he knew that York Baibing wantedcommit suicide, I just
didn't expectlet this woman wait a while. WithoutYet in this little scene,Do you want your own life
To behonest, either York Baibing or YeJiutian, they may be unreachable atthe eyes of others. But
since Harvey York's point of view, the styleto do the things of bothpeople are not really in it Page
766 stage. Seeing that the carhad started to fall, York Haokicked the closed car door in the
nextinstant, and then ran offthe car door when thecar fell into the water. The sametime, the falling
car explodedwith a "boom". In the thick smokecountless pieces ofiron. "call -" Harvey York
seimmersed in the water for almostten meters, then swam towards aside for several dozenmeters
before reappearing. From thebeginning, Harvey York knew that this taxiIt was organized by
someone with a heart. If it weren't for the purposeto find out who organized it and whatforces
behind this incidentthey were ready to intervene, YeHao really wasn't interested.Just when Harvey
York was aboutreturning to shore, he saw that in thismoment, a luxury yacht iswas approaching in
the distance. On the yacht,there are many people, all withblack diving suits, with rifles onhand,
constantly searchingaround. Harvey York felt a trace ofmurderous aura and plunged directly into the
water in thenext instant. "stupid!" "Thesurnamed York is there! "" Swishswish- "Almost at the same
time,dozens of harpoons were thrown at thesame time, buzzing towardswhere Harvey York was.
Although Harvey York's movements wererestricted in the water, preventedserial death that
threatened hislife when it was dangerous anddangerous. Immediately after,He grabbed a rifle and
threw it at himI already. "Swish -" For a moment, I heard some screaming, and thensome figures
fell and the sea wasimmediately flushed withblood. The whole yacht was insilence.Obviously, I did
not expectthat Harvey York could fight back insuch circumstances, andinstantly counterattacked
thethree of their teachers.next moment, those peoplethey directly drew the weapons from Page 767
fire and savagely swept thewater surface. "Puff Puff--" Thelead pump went into the water, even
though the speed waslocked, but left a lot of marksof water in the water, which wasshocking and


Chapter 2741 The Expression of Harvey York was indifferent, and his bodyrolled and avoided in the
water, approachingto the yacht at a very fast speed.In just ten seconds, there was alreadyappeared at
the end of the yacht. With alightly tap with the right hand onthe hull of the yacht, his figure
turnedtowards the deck. At the same time,the rifle he had just snatched shot out. "puff--"sound of
blood splatter.The two armed men whoThey were looking for Harvey York's figure.covered the
throat withexpressions of disbelief andthey collapsed on the ground. York haorolled on the ground
and approacheddirectly to the other two menarmed. The rifle he had in thehand came out and nailed
straight tothe two men on deck."stupid!" At this time, otherarmed men also reacted. In all
directions,more than twenty men armed withblack masks rushed over. Theguns in your hands
alreadythey had opened the insurance, and in thethe moment they saw Harvey York,they pulled the
trigger savagely."Bang Bang Bang-" The bullets oflead buzzed like clouds and sun,destroying
spacesurrounding.On the small deck,became the mostdangerous and dominant of the world.
Thestrong smell of gunpowder spread and Harvey York seemed to have returned to thebattlefield.
Usually,no one can escape death insuch a situation. Even if it doesn't hitin a colander, I'm afraid it
will bebeaten into a hornet's nest.So, at this moment, everyone of these gunmenshowed an
expression of pride."Bang Bang Bang-" However,Harvey York provoked a firearm Page 768
scattered across the floor in aalmost impossible moment, and thenpulled the trigger on an open
window. The steel window isbroke instantly, justblocking the hail of bullets in front of Harvey York.
When it was dangerous anddangerous, it prevented the formationopponent's mortal. "Ding
DingDing— "The other lead bulletsthey hit empty or landed on thecover, and there was a metallic
sound.It wasn't long until thefirearms in the hands of thegunmen were empty, but yeHao had not yet
been scratched oreven for a layer of skin. But other places are full of flaws inthis moment. After
returning torandomly pick up a gun andreplace it with a pile of bulletsof lead, Harvey York said
weakly tothe armed men: "Are you coming?"These gunners were in a trancebut soon everyone
looked updown, they quickly replaced theammunition and once again raised thegun in his hands.
"Bang BangBang- "Without giving these people thechance to start, bothguns in YeHao's hand pulled
the trigger at the sameweather. The lead bullet fell onthe first gunmen, but nothey yelled, but shook
theirbodies, they took a few steps back andtheir faces were filled with pain.But the next second they
came backto raise the gun in his hands andthey pulled the trigger hard. I knowhe poured out a hail
of bullets."Armor?" "It's so yummy!" Seeingthis scene, Harvey York quicklyjudged that the
equipment in the body of theopponent was top-notch and that common firearms were notthey could
harm them at all. Atnext moment, Harvey York threw thegun in his hand and threw itforward. His
figure becameon a strange curve, nogoing backwards but moving forward, justto avoid a wave of
bullets. To thesame time, Harvey York stepped on the ground,and this time more thana dozen bullet
shells Page 769 that had fallen on the deck."Puff Puff--" There was the sound ofblood splatters, and
the five or six armed men who went to thefront were all sprinkled withblood in their throats, and
their facesthey were incredibly weak in theground. Harvey York seemed indifferent, andwith one
movement, her figure enteredin the rest of the crowd.


Chapter 2742 Seeing York Haoenter the crowd, menremaining armed jumped theeyelids. They want
to open asafe distance, but speed istoo slow Some peopletook out their portable daggers, but before
they could move, the Harvey York's figure had already passedamong them. "Puff Puff--" Eachof
these gunmen shook theirbodies, some flew and fell tothe surface of the sea, and somecollapsed to
the ground with aincredible dismay in theirfaces. They couldn't imagine that YeHao was actually
that powerful.The understatement of the cuffs andslaps can send themstraight back to the
West.After solving these problems, Harvey York didn't evenlooked, but instead took a towel
fromclean bathroom on the terrace, dried thehair and entered the cabin with aindifferent expression.
The cabin of theyacht is very luxurious and the decorationinterior is also very stylish.There's a faint
in the airwhich is incompatible with the stylebloody outside. All thedecoration is country
styleislander right now. What's moreof a small table with a heightonly 12 inches in the middle, there
are green moss, exquisite statuesof Buddha, etc. It's hard to imagine thatsomeone's life is so
particular andthat these things are arranged ina small yacht. In the back halfof the cabin, the ground
is coveredwith fine bamboo and wood, and there is astraw mat woven with hamgrass.Although they
are the most common things,how they look, how elegant,how they look and how valuable Page 770
are.On the straw mat, aisland man with a hairstyleMediterranean, gray hair, dressed in an island
yukata and a knifelong islander on thigh kneltand sat there. Holding a cupof amber matcha in hand,
I take itdrank to himself, unspeakablyfreehand, unspeakable andrampant. Behind him, there
waseight island swordsmen withkendo robes, all of themholding the handles of theLong Island
sword around theirwaists, looking like they'reready to go. Harvey York looked atup and down the
island man in front of him, and after a momentHe sat alone and said lightly, "Didn't youis this the
new wise man of the sword,the royal physician of the island country, TianFeng? Shi Lang? " "Not
thesecrying out that you will go to the citymagic to annoy me afteryou leave customs? "" What?
FromI was suddenly too fate, like thisI came to Hong Kong cityto find my problem? ""
WithoutHowever, it seems that the people of hisisland really uses the samepants than York Baibing
and YeJiutian. "made a face. "" Clearly knowingthat the most annoying person of meLife is the
islander, and I sent the islanderto dislike me. "" The heartpoisonous woman! "While Harvey York
muttered, took a sipof the cup of tea on the table. The eightisland country swordsmenwatched this
scene, all of themcondensed, and they were surprised alittle to his surprise, obviously notcould
think that Harvey York, in front of thenew sage Tianfeng ShisiLang sword, he could still lift weights
withso light and calm. TianfengFourteen also raised his head, andafter squinting at YeHao for a
moment saidweakly: "The Hall MasterYe is so brave. "" On my site,dare to drink my tea. "wonder
that you daredkill my closed disciple whenyou were in the magic city, and I didn't Page 771 you
made a face. "" Impressive,I admire. "" Don't admire him, "York smiledHao, holding the teacup
with a nonchalant expression. "Tea isgood. "" But you can't. ""With me, you have no face."


Chapter 2743 "stupid!""presumptuous!" "The Chinese,Who gave you the courage tocry out in front
of our newSword Master !? "" Neverhave you read a dictionary? You do not knowhow to write dead
words? "Each of the eight swordsmenI was angry. Who is TianfengShiro? Not just a
newswordsman, but also the royal medic! It's the real God of War level!It is said to be withdrawn
for manyyears to follow the pathlegendary harmony betweenman and nature. The elevatedstatus of
such an important manin the island country is beyond theimagination.swordsmen of island
countries,they were Miyamoto Musashi and SasakiKojiro those who were alive. ButDaxia man in
front of him, did hedares to open his mouth and ridiculeTianfeng Shirang? Is it tolerable or
unbearable? A slight chillseemed to pierce the calm face andUnyielding by Tian Feng ShiLang.
However, quicklyregained his calm, and then extendedhis left hand and raised itslightly to indicate
to othersto boo. Seeing yourmovements, the eight swordsmenof the island they closed their mouths
withdislike. However, looking at the Harvey York's eyes, it was as ifwas about to strangle himto
death. "York Shao, I know you are a person." "Not a long time ago,the sword saint Yinliu
MiyataShinosuke suffered a great losswith you. "" Due to their relationship, theYinliu's master
almost died andis injured. "" Even the familyof Tuyumen has lost aonmyoji. "" However, alsoyou
should know in your heart thatyou can get a big advantage inMiyata Shinosuke's hands, but it is
Page 772 because you have the god of warNanyang Yang Diming forsupport you. "" How many
skills do you have, don't you know in your heart? ""And today, without Yang Diming tosupport you,
you are alone here, do you thinkWill it be difficult if I want to kill you? "" JustWell, do you dare to
say yet, nodo I have a face in front of you? "" York Shao,I want to ask who, in the end,Who gave
you the courage? "do you even know your level? "" I knowarrogant in front of my Tian Feng
ShiLang, are you qualified? "swordsman from an island country nocould avoid looking at Harvey
York withsadness and said: "The last name is York, you dare to ask the young masterTianfeng
Dadou to remove theconversation. "" Who would dareto touch you, is that you can not takealright
with the god of warNanyang Yang Diming? "" What?Do you think our newcomersare you scared?
"" Who meyou can scare with this skill andskill!? "" I tell them the weatherToday is very good and
the taste ofmatcha is also very wet, forwhat our wise Tianfeng swordis in a good mood, and we'll
have a few words with you withcompassion. "" If it were normal,you'd be a corpse, okay? "I advise
that it is better to kneelnow and pray for the forgiveness of ourMaple Sword SaintHeavenly. "" In
this case, you couldleave a whole corpse! "" Of whatOtherwise, you will not only die, butthat even
the eighteenthgeneration of your ancestors will beunearthed by our newlyarrived, thwarting bones
andashes. ”This new-style swordsman has a grim expression onhis face. For Harvey York, who
isdared to be so disrespectful in front ofTian Feng Shi Lang, reallyI wanted to strangle him to
death."Noisy." "When the master speaks,when a dog is qualified forbark! "" Tianfeng Fourteen,
your guardiannewer doesn't seem to work! "Harvey York held the cup of tea, hisindifferent
expression. "What's more, Page 773 ask yourself did you really kill mewhy were you in a good
mood? ""Not necessarily?"

Chapter 2744

Chapter 2744 "How Do You Saythis? "said Tianfeng Fourteen Langindifferently. "Yes reallyyou
blow as hard as your dogs, noyou need to arrange a taxi soblow up, and you don't need to hireso
many gunmen to deal withwith me. "" What you should do iswalk in front of me with a knifeand
then cut myself in public. "" Butit's not like that. "" You've used so manycomplicated methods to
explainonly one thing. "" I mean, you'rescared! "" You are afraid of not being my opponent. "" You
are afraid of beingslapped to death by me. ""You are afraid that the fate ofMiyata be your destiny.
"York Haohe narrowed his eyes, smiled and said:"The more you prepare and the moreadequate are
the means, moreshows that you don't trust yourskills. "" One more thing, I justto fight with York
Jiutian. Yougeneration of island swordsmenmay appear in Hong Kong soquick, and are you ready to
kill me? ""Don't talk about flying, even rockets aren't that fast,Right? "" The only explanation isthat
when Miyata Shinosuke arrived,you had already come to Port City. "only that you are afraid of me
andyou are scared, so from start tothe end, you don't dare to act on meagainst. "" Even if I shot
today, it wasa last resort. "" Say a thousand wordsand ten thousand, but you feel like you're notmy
opponent. "" You are persuaded! "Harvey York put down his cup of tea, he thought forfor a moment
and said, "From thisperspective, you, the newest swordsman in the island country, are alittle smarter
than miyataShinosuke. "" For the sake of this, noI need to kill you today. "kneel in front of me,
serve me onecup of tea yourself, apologize andthen returns to the island country. "once, I gave you
a face, but didn't youwill I waste? "" presumptuous! ""Baga! You are looking for death!""Insulting
the Sword Saint is the Page 774 guilty! "Harvey York's wordsmade the eight swordsmenthe island
country will get angry. Right now, the country's long swordinsular at her waist she
unsheathedinstantly, while the lightcold flickered, killing intentlooted in the cabin. Harvey York
nihe even looked at these people buthe said nonchalantly, "If you thinkyou can catch me trusting
thisgarbage, then you can try. ""At that time, you will know that nomatter whether there is Yang
Diming or not inLongmen Daoguan thatday. "Tianfeng Fourteenth Langlooked at Harvey York with
narrowed eyes, a moment laterhe giggled and said weakly:"York Shao, I have to admit thatyou have
a lot of confidence. "" ButI should probably understandone truth, that is, in manycases,
overconfidence inis often fatal. "" Do I have youfear? "" Do you think too much of
yourselfyourself? "" The reason I came tothe city of Hong Kong beforeplanned is because I want to
participateon the birthday of the old lady ofYemen in Hong Kong. "" The reason I organize so many
people isbecause I want to see if you are qualifiedto let me make you the knifepersonally. ""
Otherwise,any cat or dog next tothe road needs my TianFeng Shi Lang do it myself as wellI'm very
busy. "" For meexplanation, I don't know if York Shao issatisfied. "Harvey York smiled and
said:"The more explanations and morereasonable are the excuses, moreshows that you are afraid. ""
WithoutHowever, we keep saying this now, and it doesn't make any sense. ""You have such a thick
face, howcan you admit you got mescared? "" So how are youpreparing now? "" Are you going
toyourself, or are you going to let all eightwaste behind you comefirst? "

Chapter 27452745 "Speaking up to this point,it seems like it's really impossibledon't do it.
"Tianfeng Shisi Lang Page 775 He sighed, the coldness in his eyes passedquickly then took the
matchain front of him and said weakly: "With tea instead of wine, I will invite you to theYe Shao's
last cup. It's arespect for you. ” Harvey York helped himselfcup of tea and said lightly:"Then I will
respect the Sage of theMaple sword, I will respect you witheyes and without beads. "two met with
intentionsmurderers, and immediately boththey slightly raised their cups andthey drank in one gulp.
Seeing thefreshness of Harvey York,
TianfengFourteenth Lang said with greatinterest: "You have been so calm and calm since you
entered, dareto drink my tea. "" Aren't you afraid ofpoison me? "Harvey York said tolightly: "Have
they not poisoned youa long time ago? "" Talkingnonsense with me for a long timetime, you're just
waiting for mepoison. "" It's a pity I'm goingto disappoint Heavenly MapleSword Saint. "When
York Haowas on the battlefield, neverhe had seen no insidious poison.It's like he said, for several
yearson Rong, he has seen too many killing techniques and too manypoisons, and has longbeen
invincible. Even though i knewTianfeng Shiro had been poisonedfrom the beginning, I had
nomeaning, so he did not wantbreak it. Tianfeng Fourteen Langlooked surprised and said, "WhatI
prepared for you, Shao York, is themagic medicine transmitted byour new ancestors,
DreamImmortal. "" An affected personby this poison it will be weakened in ashort period of time
and then go into a full coma and nevercan sleep. "" But looking at yourbeen, Shao York in fact not
seenaffected by the poison. ""I wasted my great poison!""How exactly does York Shao avoidpoison,
can you help me? "see that the poison didn't work, TianFeng Shi Lang could not give himself
byexpired, so he wanted to delay theweather. Harvey York smiled slightly and Page 776 He said, "I
can tell you, but you mustanswer me a question. "" That isthe newest stream of his island country,
anyway one of thesix main schools in the countryinsular. "" You Tianfeng Shiro iseven the royal
doctor, and his statusin the island country it is extremelyhigh. "" But why are you willingto be led
by York Jiutian,you're obviously so jealous of me, andyou have to come and do it yourselfyourself?
"" Money, no shortage ofnewcomers. "" Quan, you do not lackthe newcomers. ""what good is it that
Tianfeng Shiro doesn'thesitate? "After TianfengShisilang listened, his pupils turnedshrunk slightly
and there was afierce look in his eyes staring at Harvey York. In the next moment,he scoffed, "This
is all not because of you!York Da Shao! "" If it weren't forour Xintangliu in the capitalmagic, all the
arrangements would have beenruined by you. "" Why me,Tianfeng Shirou, I subordinate myself to
thethe rest? For others to drive!? "" Understood. "Harvey York sighed."Sure enough, the people of
theisland nation is dead, my heart is not dead! "take the bridgehead in themagic city so i brought my
ideato the city of Hong Kong. "" And thatYe Jiutian's little bastard, bythe good of his superiors, he
canaccept any conditions forlose power and humiliate the country. ""Looks like you should die,
YeJiutian should die too! "TianFeng Shi Lang sneered and said, "It'san honor for York Jiutian to
serve forthe Emperor! "" The tombs of theancestors of eight family lives have been smoked and
gainedthis honor! "" Someday you will understandwhat a rare opportunity this is! ""You still don't
have a chance!"Harvey York said lightly, "Let meserve you? Is He Worthy? "

Chapter 2746

Chapter 2746: The Emperor of Hisisland country is known as theunity of theocratic power
andimperial, but since ancient timesUntil the present, it's just a sign Page 777 a puppet and a
costume. "" Heisland power has always beenconcentrated on the shogunate and the cabinet. "" A
puppet will lie to them,called samurai who do not have agood brain. "" Am I right? "Harvey York's
wind rose and theclouds were light, breaking thefact that the warriors of the islandthey were less
willing to accept.That is, the monarch served by hissamurai lost power many agoyears. However,
although afierce look flashed in the eyes ofTianfeng Shisilang, quicklycalmed down and said
slowly: "The last nameIt's York, I don't think you can know about our island country afterread some
history books. ""great emperor, his status, hisenergy and its glory are beyondyour imagination! ""
Sinceyou insulted the great emperor, today youwe will send a funeral! "" Ba Gapress the way!
"Along with theshout of Tianfeng Shihiro,immediately saw that the eightnew style swordsmen
sethey were moving at that time,and they were all killed in thesame place. Eight people chose eight
addresses, allused Iaizan, the most traditional andfierce among the skills with thesword of the island
nation. Whenthey fell together, the blade lingered.Eight sword lights areintertwined, sweeping
toward the Harvey York's direction as ahurricane storm. Harvey York didn't saynonsense, but
pattedon the coffee table in front of him with hisright hand. Suddenly, I saw that thecoffee table
flew out,hitting the first blade of light directly, and instantlyturned into a lump of dust. But Harvey
York jumped out of the cockpit and landedon the side of the deck. Theblood is still there, and
thebullet casings arestained with blood all overparts, looking terribly sad.But the eight swordsmen
of theisland nation not eventhey blinked. At this time, Page 778 moved to the deck, and the
swordlong of the island nation in itshands buzzed again. "boom -" Eight people attacked together
and theswords merged, as if amountain of fortune waspressing at the top, it wasscary. Vaguely, even
thedeck seemed to collapseslightly due to movementsof the eight in the back,Tianfeng Shisilang
came out holdingthe cup of tea and said with a smile:"Shao York, this is our newprincely wind and
thunder! "I taught carefully and I will use it toserve the Emperor in the future. "" Now using them to
deal with you isa deck. "" I hope you have thelucky to leave a whole body. "Hao saw this scene and
said lightly:"Tianfeng Fourteen Lang, everyoneways you are also a generationfrom God of War,
what you taught isa waste? "" It is vulnerable. "When the words fell, in themoment the sword
felllong of the island country with eight hands,Harvey York's toe was alittle on the deck, and his
figurerose into the air, directly out of the blade's space. "Boom-" Ashot was defeated, but theyacht
deck splitstraight into a big hole. Yesdon't avoid it, let the long swordof the island country of eight
hands fallon his body, no one of flesh andbone will be able to resist. Squintingthe eyes before this
scene, the eyes of Harvey York moved slightly. Theisland nation has achieved someprogress over
the years, byfewer similar finishing movesI'd seen on the battlefield back then, but I wasfar from
the current level. If the people ofthe island nation are given another tenor eight years, so that his
generationcan fully grow, I'm afraidthat in the Far East, the nationislander will be a great confidante
forDaxia. This is also whythe one that the people of the island nationbeen trying with all my heartto
build a bridgehead in Page 779 Daxia in recent years.


Chapter 2747 This is due tothat the island nation admires the Daxia culture in particular.
Especiallyadvocating the development ofstrategies, planning and thenthe movement. In the eyes
ofislanders, the most important thing you shoulddo if you want to change a countryinsular to a
continental country isstart with Daxia. While i knowmay occupy part of Daxia, theisland nation has
the opportunity toreally grow. But Harvey York in themagic city and in townport successively
destroyed thesettlement of the island nation. This is also the fundamental reason whythat the wise
men of the sword likeMiyata Shinosuke and Tianfeng Shirothey will personally kill Harvey
York.Because they were afraid that Daxiaappear as second coachin chief. The second legend
thatcrosses the head of the nationinsular. When York's heartHao was spinning, the eight Fengleithey
had already moved their steps tosame time, and their expressionsThey changed from cold to
solemn.They began to walk step by step, and the eight people began tosurround Harvey York, as if
the wind andthunder will flow. TianfengFourteen Lang looked at Harvey York withnarrowed eyes
and said withcoldness: "The wind and thunder areone, one hit of the universe! "Whenthe voice was
heard, the two swordsmenfrom the island country threw themselves at the sametime, and two long
swords of the countryinsular cut off Harvey York's feet.Harvey York unconsciously jumped up,
andsoon two more swordsmenisland country ran off. This time, the space where Harvey York wasI
was moving from left to right I wassealed. Then two swordsmenraised from the back towards
himHeaven, sealing York's retreatHao the last two firedswords from the front to the sametime,
trying to kill York Haodirectly under the long sword ofthe island nation. "interesting." The Harvey
York's expression admired. "It is Page 780 worthy of being one of the sixmajor schools of
nationsisland. "" It is worthy of being a new current stronger than Yin!Liu! "This one named
Fenglei Ba Zi ismuch stronger than the so-calledteachers of the island country Yinliu.These eight
people are alltop soldiers, and all eight aregathered together and they are very powerful.Even if you
want to haunt a godof ordinary war, there is no greattrouble. While admiring, YeHao had already
touched one of thelong island knives, and then hisbody turned around and flew into theair. This
series of actions seemed simple and casual, but simplypointed out the obstacles of the eightsons of
Feng Lei, which caused theTian Feng Shi Lang's face outhard to see in the extreme. "Dad--"Two
crunching noises came out, and inthe moment York Haotook advantage of the momentum to take
off,threw his left and right footdirectly on the faces of thetwo swordsmen from the island
country.The figures of the two swordsmenfrom the island country they flewsuddenly, and the
moment they landed, they all threw amouthful of blood with a sound of"wow", and there were two
more footprints ontheir faces. At the same time, YeHao fell to the ground and, at the sametime, hit
with a backhand. "Dad--"This time, the two swordsmen of theisland country that blocked theway
back from Harvey York they hadpain in the face and black eyes.After that, Harvey York's
figurelanded steadily, and thefaces of the four swordsmen ofthe remaining islands will change
drastically, receding towards theback with an expression ofdisbelief. At
this time,they looked at Harvey York as if they werelooking at a monster. You already know,His
Feng Lei horoscopes claim to beinvincible and invincible. But todayat Harvey York's place, an
injuryface to face was half wounded,you can tell your face is lost.If it weren't because Harvey York
didn't have Page 781 weapons at hand, but had handsnaked, then this Feng Lei BaZi would have
turned into corpses right now. Harvey York was atabout to step forwardwhen he saw that the
fourremaining swordsmen looked at each othereach other, and then everyone waved theright hand
and shurikensthey flew out of the widesleeves. Harvey York frowned andretired, avoiding the plot,
butalso missed the chance tomake up the knife.

Chapter 2748

Chapter 2748 "Stupid!" Seeing Harvey York avoiding his attacksagain, the four remaining
swordsmen of the island country joinedforces again and they launchedforward at the same time.
YeHao randomly pulled out a shurikendrilled into the deck, he raised hisright hand and a blade of
light fromsword buzzed like a moonbright in the sea. Seeing thisscene, Tian Feng Shi's faceLang
changed suddenly and yelled, "Thewind and thunder transform thedoor, everything will not invade!
"next moment, the fourremaining swordsmen drew their knives and retreated at the sametime, and
at the same time,long knives in his hands areoverlapped and placed in front ofthem at the same
time. I must admitthat this tacit understanding isperfect and flawless. You can see theTian Feng Shi
Lang's abilityto teach teachers. "DingDing Ding— "The shuriken in the Harvey York's hand fell on
thelong knife and a spark came outflying immediately. But there wasway to break the protection of
the four people for a while. To thesame time, the other fourisland country swordsmen whothey had
been wounded they swallowed afishy pill quickly inthis moment, and then they came backto kill
with red eyes in thenext moment. Obviously,this pill should be able to delayyour injuries and
stimulate your potential."Wind and thunder transform Page 782 the rain, the thunder is mighty! "see
that Harvey York was so difficult totry, Tianfeng Shisi Lang looked ugly and ordered again, with
alittle grinding of teeth. Theeight winds and thunders uniteagain at this time, and theisland long
swords in theirhands are returned to their sheaths whensame time, but they are removed atsame time
in the nextinstant. "kill!" The island countrydraw fencing! You can saythat this is the strongest
sword of theisland country. The swords of the eightpinnacle soldiers joined in, andcut towards the
place where Harvey York was, suddenly with a bit ofit will swallow mountains and rivers.eight
knives in one, and it looks likecan easily kill anygod of war, making thepeople feel irresistible
andunstoppable! Seeing this scene, thetension on Tian Feng Shi's faceLang calmed down and
calmed down. A trickso big, even if TianfengFourteenth Lang failedstop him, much less Harvey
York.At this time, Tian Feng ShiLang only regretted not letting people come to watch the battle,
otherwiseotherwise, this battleit would definitely be a battle ofXindang's fame. Thinking ofthis,
Tian Feng Shi Lang took out hismobile phone and quickly dialeda video number. The phone
isquickly connected and the picturesqueYe Baibing's face appeared on theopposite side. She was
holding halfof his face at that time, stillsitting in the cockpit of the Ferrari, witha bitter expression
on his face inthat moment, "You guys whose last name is York have beenkilled by you? "" Stillno,
but it will be resolved soon. "" NoI invited Madame to witness thishistorical moment? "spoke, Tian
Feng Shi Lang placedhis mobile phone on the coffee tableby his side. On the opposite side of
thevideo, York Baibing saw York Haobeing besieged and killed by theeight winds and thunders.
"Feng Lei Page 783 Ba Zi! "" The last name is York, you havebad luck, but actuallyyou met Feng
Lei Ba Zi! "" You can stop his tricks, I'll give youyour last name today! "" It's just a facewhite that
can only fightfake people and foxes. Reallydo you think you have the ability togamble in Hong
Kong and causeproblems in the two cities? ""I say to you!" "Today all your pride,all your vanity
and everything will endin front of me, York Baibing! "much that you let yourself be the dog ofYe
Jiutian, just notdid you hear! "" Is everything alrightnow? "" Due to their relationship, the eighteen
generations of theirancestors will be unearthed,thwarting bones and ashes. "turtles that you raise
will be cut withthousands of swords and turned intoturtle cream! "

Chapter 2749

Chapter 2749 There Was A Smiletriumphant on York Baibing's face.He scoffed, he didn't even want
toto blink. I was afraid of losing myselfthe scene where others cut down Harvey York to pieces. And
TianfengFourteenth smiled and said, "Ma'amYe, when my people kill Harvey York, don't forget the
promise that you and theyoung master York made me! "YeBai said coldly, "You don't needso much
nonsense, as long as you kill YeHao, I'll give you diplomatic statusspecial you want! "" Fromnow,
newcomers cando what they want in ourport city! "" Even if you violatethe Law of King
Gangcheng and YeJiutian and I support you, nobody knowsdare to commentirresponsible! "" Now
shut upobediently, don't influence me to watch the good show! "Feng Shi Lang smiled silently,like
working with these people whothey can betray interestsnationals for personal benefit. To thesame
time, in the field, theFeng Lei Ba Zi's sword hadcovered Harvey York's body. Onthis moment,
Harvey York has beenblocked by the light of the sword,the kind that you can't even Page 784 to
avoid. Facing this terrible attackwhole, Harvey York smiled slightly andsaid: "Tianfeng Fourteen,
can you teach Fenglei's eight sons,in fact you are different. "" It is ashame, you met me Harvey
York. ""In front of me, the God of Warit is also an ant, and a lotless a false God of War? "When the
words fell, YeHao stepped forward, nogoing back but moving forward,running straight to thecrowd
and, at the same time,slapped. His expression wasindifferent and his actions werecasual, but their
expressions changed drastically in ainstant. Because in the eyes ofeight sons of Fenglei, Harvey
York, whooriginally it was ordinary and withoutcomplications, the slap thatlaunched at this time
expandedinvisibly. In the end, shakethe world and darken the clouds, andthe whole world seems to
have itjust one palm. "stupid!" Theisland country swordsman whobroke the medicine was rebellious
andhe still forced himself to cut the longknife in his hand at the moment. "Clicked ..."
WithoutHowever, in the next instant,a clear sound came out. Fenglei ba ziwas shocked everywhere
andthen it flew off. "Wow--"When they were in the air, allthey gushed out of blood. Onthe moment
they hit the ground,they were all in a trance and with their facesdull, and not anywaythey could get
up. Feng Lei Ba Zi,Slap in the face! Harvey York seemedindifferent, immobile. Even theInvincible
God of War does not seem to have such an influence."It snapped ..." In front of the phone, theYe
Baibing's phone hit histhigh, but she didn't even notice it.Right now, there was only oneinfinite fear
in his eyes. Knew whatwell that was Harvey York, but neverI would have thought Harvey York was
sopowerful. Fenglei eight children wereslapped by him. This isdefinitely the level of God of Page
785 War. York Jiutian, this time he foundwith your opponent. On the yacht, York Haolooked at
Tianfeng Shisilang indifferently, then stretched out his fingerindex of his right hand andhooked
slightly. Severalarmed men from the island wholurked in the dark they wereoriginally prepared
forshoot cold shots, but whenthey saw this scene, everyone wascold and numb, and not eventhey
had the courage to shoot. Nocould they imagine that Harvey York couldeasily kill all eight sons
ofFenglei grown by TianfengShisi Lang. At this time, they only felt that a certain belief intheir
hearts seemed to be destroyed."amazing." "Now I believe whatyou said. "" Even without Yang
Diming,are you qualified to kill miyataShinosuke! "

Chapter 2750 Tian Feng Shi Langturned off the mobile phone that wasconnected to York Baibing,
and his eyesthey were full of strange colors inthat moment. "So much force, II'm afraid he's almost
close to me. ""This is the force that isinfinitely close to the top of theGod of War! "" If it weren't
forthis force, how could it be easyget rid of my eight children fromwind and thunder? "Tian Feng
ShiLang shook his head and sighed."York Shao, you are really hiding, you have this kind of
strengthat a young age, this is whatyou can do when you are young! ""A person like you, why notdo
you show yourself to the outside world? "" Nopresumed, do not let thepeople, it's hard for usdo it!
"" A person who is notwell prepared can be killedfor you. With whom should wespeak with reason?
"Tian Feng ShiLang smiled nonchalantly andconfidence. "Fortunately, I havebeen in retirement for
many years and I've been understanding thepath of harmony betweenman and nature. Kendo
hasimproved compared to before Page 786 retirement "." Otherwise, thismaybe not your opponent!
"" It istoo bad, Daxia is destined tomiss out on a God of War! "TianFeng Shi Lang shook his head
andhe seemed regretful. The islanders sethey looked one by one, and at the momentnext they
showed ecstasy in theirfaces. They originally thought thathad been defeated, but they couldn't
expect TianfengFourteen Lang was calm andcalm in front of a Harvey York soterrifying The new
Swordmaster,A well-deserved reputation! Onthis moment these islanders feltthat his courage had
returned! "Baga!Have you heard the words ofour Saint of the Maple SwordHeavenly!? "" Don't you
think you're theGod of War and you can pretendbe in front of our Saint of theHeavenly Maple
Sword? "" Boy,you're too cute! "" Even if you've been practicing artsmartial from the belly of
yourmother, you can't be the opponent ofHeavenly Maple Sword Saint! ""Get down on your knees
quickly and do areverence, our Saint of theHeavenly
Maple Sword might stillconsider yourself a God of War andleave you a way out! "" If you want me
totell you, you should be the dog of theMaster Tianfeng and the servant ofour islander! "" Loud!
"Once, it was not Harvey York who spoke, butTianfeng Fourteen Lang. He stepped forward and
slapped aislander. The islander flew off andhit the yacht's engine with a"pop", making a big noise.
Theroaring engine was destroyeddirectly, and the whole yacht wasextremely quiet. The restof the
people of the island was insilence and did not dare to speak inabsolute. At this time,Tianfeng
Fourteen Lang told thelight: "York Shao is the realGod of War, can youridicule people? "" Such a
young man, such strength, even aold man must do his best! ""Such an opponent deservesrespect!
"As he spoke, Tianfeng Page 787 Fourteen Lang performedrespectfully a ceremony ofmartial arts in
Harvey York. Then I knowstepped aside, stood on deck,looked at Harvey York with his
eyessquinted and said arrogantly:"York Shao, I only made three swordstoday! "" As long as you can
stopmy three strongest swords! "I'll give up and kill myself in front of you! "" But if you can't stop
it,then you just accept yourdestiny! "Tian Feng Shi Lang, whosaid this, he was very proud. To
thesame time, he made a gesture,beckoning a buddy toto pass him a long knife ofisland to Harvey
York. Obviously, I was going tofight Harvey York fairly.Harvey York had a strange expressionon
his face, it was the first timeI saw the people of the island country whopaid attention to the so-called
spiritBushido. The moment you took the long country knifeinsular, the cronies thatthey handed over
the knife they blocked itof sight. Wordlessly,Tianfeng Shirano divedabruptly into the sea. He ran!
YeHao saw this scene, his eyesmoved. The god of war from theisland, a new swordsman, ateacher
who understands the unit ofnature and man. Wasso scared by myself! ?

Chapter 2751

Chapter 2751Obviously, although Tian Feng ShiLang is known as the newswordsman, the god of
war of theisland nation, court physicianimperial and the master who pursues theunity of nature and
man.However, this boy is veryclose. Know what it means to knowthe present as a goodman.Today
he prepared manymethods, even the eight sons ofFenglei that he carefully cultivated.But in the end,
they all wentslapped and slapped by YeHao. Under this circumstance, unless Tianfeng Shisi Lang
isreally brave and don't be afraid ofdeath how could I stay andwork with Harvey York? Therefore,
Page 788 after "justly" slappinghis subordinates and smash themotor of the yacht with his
corpse,Tianfeng Shiro ran awaycleanly. Besides, hisescape experience is very rich,at the moment it
is in the sea, butruns extremely fast and isabout to reach the shore in ablink of eyes. Harvey York
looked indifferently at the islandersremaining on the yacht. All of themare in a trance right now,as if
their beliefs hadcompletely collapsed. York haodidn't bother talking nonsense withthese people, but
quicklytook out the phone to send amessage, he also immersed himself in thesea and chased in the
directionwhere Tianfeng Shiriang fled.After all, this is ageneration of God of War, ageneration of
Sword Saint, and the strength is there too. So yeHao wants to do it once for a whileall today.
Otherwise, there is aGod of War hidden in thedarkness, and does not know when to attackin
addition. Although Harvey York was notmatter, you have to think about it forthe people around him.
TianfengFourteenth Lang seemed to havenoticed that Harvey York did not abandon
hisintentions.After reaching theshore, quickly plunged intothe dense forests by the sea.this area, the
rear hill foothills of Taiping Mountainin the city of Hong Kongconsider the back gardens of
theupper circle of the city ofHong Kong, and development isabsolutely prohibited. It is said thatthat
there are many birds and beasts inthis mountain forest, which is aRare clean place in Hong Kong. It
istoo bad Tianfeng Shiro didn'tintend to appreciate thebeautiful scenery right now.He used all his
energy to feed himselfand he didn't know how much effort he had expended, and he finally reached
the brinkoff a cliff in the middle of themountain, where there was a pavilionthat had been in bad
shape Page 789 for a long time. BeforeTianfeng Shisilang will sit atrest, Harvey York came out
withindifference with hands onback in the dense forest not veryfar. "York Shao, you are really adog.
I've already run so far.Can't save some ofenergy? "" I left so many people in theyacht for you, isn't
that enough for you? "" You still insist on chasingmy old bone, don't you know whatit means
respecting the old and lovingthe youth? "Tianfeng FourteenLang looked helpless, it seemed like
Harvey York couldn't help it. But in themoment when Harvey York's figurefell to the ground, the
helpless gaze ofTian Feng Shi Lang rushedsuddenly right now, andthe long knife of the island
country thathad not been unsheathedhe finally whistled at this moment."Eh-" The light from the
blade fell towards Harvey York's front door, maybeit was terrifying. Obviously, under
thecircumstance that there is no escape andan inevitable escape, this newsword master can
onlymake a move withdetermination The opposite, Harvey York,he seemed indifferent, as if he
hadlong awaited thathe would shoot a knife, and now he gave astep forward and slapped him."It
snapped ..." With a crisp sound,I saw the figure of Tian Feng Shi Langflying upside down like a
shooting star. A "boom" fell to theground. Harvey York's figure tooswayed slightly, hisexpression a
little more turbulent.You can only say that thoughTianfeng Fourteen Lang is soshy as a mouse,
despicable andshameless, in fact it's worthyof the title of new teacher of thesword. Reference 2752
Reference2752 With a "wow", he spat out apuff of bruises, in thisTianfeng Shisi Lang momentHe
seemed helpless, "York Shao, you really are amazing." "At an ageearly, I'll grow to the topfrom God
of War. If there wasn'tseen with my own eyes, I never Page 790 would have believed. "" Such a
manarrogant, if he were the noble one of meisland country, that would be great. "York HaoHe said
lightly: "Old dog ofTianfeng, no nonsense cansave you. "" I have sent a messageon the yacht for
people to blockcommunications in this area. ""In short, the message that endssending my back will
never be received by anyone. "Feng Shi Lang condensedslightly, and unconsciouslyHe pulled out
his phone, and then saw thatthere was a red exclamation markversus the text message you sentten
minutes ago to ask for help!"Stupid!" Right now, TianFeng Shi Lang, roaredunconsciously. "Boy of
mouthyellow, you're trying to forcethis master of the sword to livewith you! "" Accept the move!
Undead! "At Tianfeng Shisilang's roar, the swords inboth hands slashed violentlyforward. Dao
Mang LingLing, with the howling sound ofghosts and wolves. Harvey York had toback off with
your bare hands,frowning right now.But when Harvey York thought thatTianfeng Shisi Lang would
take advantage ofsituation to seize the sword,Tian Feng Shi Lang had already passednext to Harvey
York and continued runningtowards the top of the mountain. Thisscene astonished Harvey York.
The worthy God of War was able to arrivewithout shame at this point, andafter pretending to cut
aknife, escaped. "Old dogTianfeng, don't run if there's onespecies, "Harvey York said
coldly."Brother Harvey York, don't chase ifthere is something! "Tian Feng Shisi Lang did notlooked
back and constantlymoved among the dense forests,trying to get rid of York Haowith the help of
dense forests.Harvey York narrowed his eyes at theTian Feng Shi Lang's movements, but the speed
was not hurried, andthe two kept a distancesafe about ten meters. Boththey chased and ran to Page
791 extremely high speedsfast, as if the huntersthey were chasing their prey.Soon, the two of them
came to a clearingnear the top of the mountain. Acruel look crossed Tian's faceFeng Shi Lang, who
was the firstto land, in the next instant,rolled over the place, pullingdirectly from the mechanism
that had been placed on the floor. "BangBang Bang- "In all directions,the eighteen tree poles
thatthey had been preparing for a long timetime flew straight away,attacking and killing where York
wasHao. "Eh-" Harvey York had beenprepared for a long time,twisted his body and fell through
thechaotic tree trunk. WithoutHowever, the momentlanded, Tian Feng Shi Lang, whohe seemed as
shy as a mouse,took a knife again, and this time it fell towards York's heartHao. Right now, the
power offighter that erupted TianfengShiro was over 30% tallerthan when he had just run away.
Butit would have been for the preparation of Harvey York, I'm afraid I would kill him froma single
hit right now."Papa Papa-" The two sidesfought in an instant, and thedebris flew all over the skyon
the ground, and a leaf appearedbetween the two and suddenlyturned to dust. "Qiang——" YeHao
approached him, and almost in aimpossible moment, pulled out the knifeshort from Tianfeng Shisi
waistLang and at the same time slapped him.The ugly-looking Tianfeng Shirirangraised his sword
to salute him, andin the middle of the sky of fire and soundunpleasant, the two men withtowering
vibrations passed.But the moment it isstaggered, Tianfeng Shisi Lang fromsuddenly turned around,
raised theleft hand and arrowmanga fell towards YeHao's back, but Harvey York didn't even look at
him.Instead, he shook the back of hisleft hand. While avoidingXiujian, slapped Tian's face Page 792
Feng Shi Lang with a slap.Reference 2753 Reference 2753"It snapped ..." Tian's figureFeng Shi
Lang flew up in an instant,striking a rock fiercely, andthen her throat turned sweet anda mouthful of
blood nearly gushed out ofnew. At this moment, the face ofTian Feng Shi Lang wascompletely
shaken, his eyes turned extremelydeep and his nerves wereinvisibly tense. Although sincethe
beginning, had made severalcalculations and had already treated York Haoas your enemy for life.
Butit was unexpected that Harvey York was notarrogant or discouraged, and alwayscould keep
calm in suchcircumstances. After pretendingfor a long time, finallycame to the court of his house,
butunexpectedly failed to kill YeHao and finally slapped him. It can only be said that this York Shizi
isreally too charming!"When--" Tianfeng Shisilanggritted his teeth, no nonsense,ignored the palm
printsscarlet on her face, but her figurejumped again and then fell into theair with a knife. This knife
islike a meteor in the sky, thespeed is extreme fast. The Harvey York's expression was
indifferentand cut. With a "cang" sound,the two sides crossedAgain, Harvey York stood on the edge
of the cliff and Tian Feng ShiLang once again stood on theedge of the dense forest. "The hero isa
young man. "Tianfeng Shiranostroked his sword with an expressionof sadness on his face. "For
someonelike you, give you a few more years togrow up, and it may not really beyour opponent. ""
But now, stillI can kill you. "Harvey York said to thelightly: "If you really have thistrust why do you
do so manysmall movements? "" People ofthe island, even if you get to the realm of God of War, it's
hard to be fancyafter all. "" From themoment when you jumped into the seato escape, you can never
Page 793 reach me. "" The reason whyI killed you on the way, I just wantedfind out what else you
have prepared. ""Now I can only say that theiralleged players back to methey
havedisappointed"."Disappointed? I'm afraid it's notnecessarily "Tian Feng Shi Langsmiled softly.
"The last name isYe, do you know what this place is? "" Do you know the consequences ofbe here?
"" If you don't know, thenI'll tell you! "When the voice fell,Tianfeng Shisi Lang movedviolently his
right hand andcut the floor. "Boom-" The vibrationviolent spread, and the placewhere Harvey York
was shatteredinstantly. York's eyesHao condensed and the knifeshort in his hand came loose in
thismoment. "puff -" with splashesblood, Harvey York's knifefell on TianfengShisilang's body. He
laughed wildly andstepped back, apparently withoutregret it at all. For anotherside, Harvey York's
figure wasunconsciously on the whereabouts.A hundred meter cliff, aplace to kill. This made the
complexion Harvey York was extremelyserious, her hands kept shootingand the protruding stones,
thegrowing branches, etc., arethey became their toolsto slow down your falling
speed."Disappointed!" With the last shot of the palm of the hand, YeHao flew out of the sky,
flyingtowards the place where anatural hot spring in the air. Witha sound, Harvey York felldirectly
to the hot springs,eliminating all the urge to fallfrom a great height. But almost in themoment when
Harvey York fell to thewater, a woman who originallyhad bathed in a hot springjumped out of the
water. With long hair andshawls, she stepped on the ground barefoot,wrapped in a bath towel,
exposing shouldersfragrant, long legs and feet ofjade that can only be held. Page 794 Harvey York's
eyelids jumpedstraight out of the water, and actuallyjumped into the girl's bathroom. "Swish -"But
in an instant, more than onedozen dao robed girlsthey ran in from the outside,each of them with
their longswords out of their sheaths,aiming at Harvey York in the watershot springs. "Holy, what
happened !?"

Chapter 2754

Chapter 2754 "Saint?" "Tunica?" "FiveTaoist temples? "" Are you ShiFeixian !? "Harvey York
looked at the womanwrapped in a bath towel in frontat him with a look of surprise, and hisface was
strange to the extreme.I couldn't even think that I would fallin the bathroom of the five saintsTaoists
Fei Xian. Looking at the facewho looked like an immortal despitethat was thin and dusty, yeHao
first understood bythat this woman could be called ShiFeixian. Judging from his appearance and
temperament, he is almost the same as thesky fairy. Drop into thejade pool of the saint, geta great
bargain, is the arduous calculationby Tianfeng Shiro? If this is the case,Aren't you afraid that York
Jiutian willslap to death? Yes ye haoremember correctly, thatfellow York Jiutian seemsconsider
Saint Feixian as yourgirlfriend, right? Glassy eyesShi Feixian were also alittle scared right now.this
moment, she fought back her panic and her eyes narrowed.posed on Harvey York. After atime, he
also recognized who he wasthe disciple who suddenly appearedin your bathroom. At this moment,
shehe said coldly, "Harvey York ?!""What !? It's York's assholeHao! "" He didn't just slap ourfive
taoist temples in the faceseveral times, but alsoruined our auction! "" Beforeto kill the younger
sister ShiXiaolan, and then dared to leavefive Taoist temples to give him an explanation in three
days?what this guy's face is sobig? "" Holy, your presence here Page 795 is the biggest pollution for
you,should die! "A disciple withfive taoist temples was angryat this moment, randirectly and was
about tostab Harvey York with a sword."Chang!" Shi Feixian movedslightly his right hand and
openedthe long sword. Then he turned andhe walked behind the screen, he changedof clothes and
said lightly: "It is rare that there is a natural hot spring inHong Kong. Don't screw it up for theblood.
"The group of female disciples whothey all shot, bowed their heads,"Holy, we are reckless,Let's get
him out and kill him! "Whenthe words fell, these womenthey drew their swords aggressively
andThey looked at Harvey York who has not yetI was out of the bathroom in thismoment. This
layman, who alwayshas disagreed with thefive Taoist temples, dares totouch the toilet of the saint!
This is looking for death! "You canlet me explain? Don't limit yourself tofight and kill at every turn.
"York Haosigh. I ran to the other's bathroomgirl and I looked at the other person withoutany kind of
courtesy, I waslost for all this. So inright now, Harvey York didn't have theintention to do nothing.
Instead,she innocently said, "Someonehe cheated on the cliff and then hewent down. "" When I was
in the air, I sawa hot spring here soI jumped. "" I didn't do it on purpose. "" What !? "the five taoist
temples remainedamazed. Looking towards the cliffalmost 100 meters high, nocould they believe
Harvey York would fallfrom there. One hundred meters high!Wouldn't you die if you fell?
Thatjoke! ? Could it be that the saint took himto the bathroom to give this man asupposed
confession? So, theSanta is again the eldest daughter ofHuanghua, inexperienced, scared? Bythat
made so much noise. So hesaint found an excuse to cover himself up! ? These five female
disciplesTaoists often see the series ofdominant chairman television Page 796 and, at that time, they
helpedinstantly to Harvey York and ShiFeixian to make up somegreat dramas. But each ofthey did
not dare to show anystrange expression, fearing that theholy see any clue.


Chapter 2755 Shi Feixian Sedressed and went out. At this moment, sheit wasn't really different from
Fairy.His glassy eyes stared at Harvey York coldly, and only after atime said weakly: "You used
toShi Xiaolan to ask us tolet's explain "." TodayI broke into my bathroom again.Logically speaking,
it shouldhave killed you. "" But ourfive taoist temples owe you oneexplanation after all. "" I
thinkit's so clear, do you have aopinion? "" Huh !? " Hearing theShi Feixian's words, thedisciples of
the five templesTaoists were all in a trance. Seeing an event as important as thebath of the saint, is it
so easy toclean up? Oh the five templesTaoists had to explain this to himto the one with the last
name York, and this was howstep? So at the end of thismatter, who is going to lose? ? Adisciple
subconsciously looked atShi Feixian, her eyelids popped.Could it be that this man whohas always
disagreed withthe five Taoist temples, inactually let the saint take aglance? Harvey York also felt
speechless for a while.I really didn't know the circuitcerebral of this woman who did not seemeat
the fireworks. Buttoday, after all, I wasWhen he came out of the bathroomhot springs, took a
towelfragrant and dried her face and hairunder Shi's murderous gazeFeixian. Seeing their
movementsrandom, a disciple saidunconsciously: "It was the holywho cleaned his body. "" Eh-
"Before this disciple finished speaking, a trace ofcrimson color crossed Shi's faceFeixian. The next
moment, he gave Page 797 one step, a palm fell on him Harvey York's heart. "Clicked ..."Harvey
York pushed it away, but it seemedembarrassed and didn't use much force,and fell at the entrance
with a staturelight. It must be a god, but YeHao discovered that the fragrant towelin his hand had
been snatched bythe saint. "lewd man!" TheShi Feixian's pretty face turned back tocool color. At
this moment, his icy eyes fell on Harvey York andthey coldly said, "You and Iwe have cleaned the
five templesTaoists! Get out of here! "Harvey York's twitched and felt angerOf the other part. It is
estimated that if notescapes, the holy teacher Feixianwill have to take a long swordto cut yourself.
Harvey York smiled, gaveturned around and said, "I'll go now, butI still have to say one thingmore.
"" Today is all, if it really isan accident, then you stillI owe an explanation to the saint. "" but
"Speaking of this, the eyes of Harvey York were a bit cold. "Yeslet me know, the taoist temple of
WuMei and the island nation want to doa game against Harvey York. "" ThenI don't mind going to
the door andtear down the five signs of theTaoism! "" you-- "Shi Feixian, whowas about to turn
around,he had a chill in his eyes. Onthat moment, he said coldly, "Noyou want to give yourself the
face of the surname York,and you dare to keep saying thatI want to knock down my five Taoist
signs? "" Why is your face sobig? "" Do you think you have thisstrength? "" You can't evenbeat me,
and you want to come to ourfive Taoist temples to causeproblems? "" I advise you to leaveaside
your thoughtsignorant. "" I am not the garbage ofShi Xiaolan, it irritates me, you can'tget out of the
port city! "" Sothat I actually met today,Let me give you a suggestion! "Hao bowed his head and
said, "SantaWoman, please speak. "" Get out of Port City! "" Never come back! "

Chapter 2756

Chapter 2756"As long as you can get out of town Page

798 Hong Kong within 24hours, then I won't just stopchase your past actions,our five taoist
templesthey can even give you a littlebenefit. "Shi Feixian said with aserious face. Harvey York
smiled and said:"Holy woman, if you and I arefull today, is the second time that wesee, right? ""
You hate meso much? "" So you want me to leave Hong Kong city? ""Yes!" "Since he came to Port
City,the entire port city has been abackground, and there is a vague tendencyto the fragmentation in
Yemen ofPort Gambling. "Shi's expressionFeixian was cold, and while she dranka sip of tea from a
disciple,he continued speaking lightly. "TheHong Kong game stabilityin Yemen is essential
forstability of the two cities. "Itsexistence makes Hong Kong andHong Kong play precariously, so I
hope I cando it ASAP. "" In thiscase, it's good for Hong Kongbet on Yemen. "" It's goodbet on the
two cities of HongKong "." It is also by your ownfine. "" As long as you go, with aso simple
condition, we cankill three birds with one stone. Bywhat not? "Harvey York bowed his head andHe
said with a slight smile: "ShiFeixian, what you said is biased. ""Only one thing has happened, and
that isYe Jiutiande is not coordinated. "" With me, he couldn't sitfirmly in the young man's
positionteacher, and could not sit on thedoor master position "."So all this has nothingto do with me.
"Hong Kong city by this guyof things. "Shi Fei's Xiandai frownsHe frowned weakly, and said
withcoldness: "Harvey York, do you reallydo you want to be so stubborn? "" This is
notstubbornness, but I have the consciencequiet, why should I leave theHong Kong city? ” Harvey
York shrugged, very direct."Although I don't really like thisplace, but I'm free to come and go, Page
799 nobody says anything. "" Don't say that yourfive Taoist temples still meowe an explanation. ""
Even ifthere is no such thing, just by looking at it,Do you want me out? "" Are you theMaster
Feixian too goodto do business? "" Also, yesyou want to have no breast, but noyou want to have
buttocks, I'm aboutof having a needle eye aftera few looks! "" You said you'd use this to make up
for whatyou were trying to give me, andI admit. "" I ate this withloss! "" Why, do you still planuse
this to force me to quitHong Kong city? "" Shi Feixian,Do you value yourself too much? "" Do you
reallydo you think I haven't seen a woman? ""Do you really think you are a fairyin heaven? "" You
are not yetqualified to let me take alook at Harvey York Gao. "qualified? "Shi Feixian came out
withan indifferent expression. He was mid-head shorter than Harvey York. In thismoment, raised
his headlightly, he looked at Harvey York withnarrowed eyes, and a smell oforchid fragrance
reached herface instantly. "Harvey York,Do you know why i hate you so much fromfirst time I saw
you? "" Because you,a person, you don't know whatmeans being a good teacher! "" YeJiutian, for
the sake of his position, forlong-term stability of the gamefrom Hong Kong to Yemen and
HongKong, can even lower his face and surrender his dignity to earn andplease the people of the
countriesinsular. "" But what about you?Apart from sensationalism andbrag, what else do you do?
""As the head coach with aknife. "" Obviously you're going toadd lock on Zhang Murphy
andothers, but you just want to fight fordo it with justice! "" And in the end, did youyou lost, and
you still screamed, sayingwho are you the head coach? ""Do you think you are worthy of this
facehonorable? "

Chapter 2757

Chapter 2757" The head coach isfull of heroism and his aura isoverwhelming forever! "" It is Page
800 our military legend in Daxia, aliving legend! "" Why do you giveso ashamed to say your
ownhead coach? "" Don't you thinkwhen you said this prayer, alreadyyou corrupted the first
threewords from the Head Master? "ShiFeixian looked Harvey York in the eye witha hint of
indifference andcontempt. "At this point, I hate you!absolutely! "" If not for my personal balance,
that does not allow mekill innocent peopleindiscriminately. "make you can't get out of myfive
Taoist temples today! "York HaoHe shrugged and said, "Whatwhat I'm saying is the truth,
whatbelieve it or not! "" At this point, yesyou still say something like this,you don't really have any
merit. "A slight anger appeared on the face ofShi Feixian. It was obvious that thehead coach was his
idol, andHe would never allow anyone to desecrate his idol. At that time, he gave astepped back and
said coldly: "Comehere, take the man named York,like it or not, kick him out of townport "." Also,
as mypassword, Harvey York will dare tocall yourself the coach inboss in the future, and will he
dare toappear in the two cities ofHong Kong and play! "" FiveTaoist temples kill mercilessly!
"When the voice fell, Shi Feixianturned around and was about to leave.In the next instant, more
than a dozen female disciples with fiveTaoist temples came forward,pointing their swords at YeHao.
One of them had a facepretty and said sharply: "YeHao, get out! "Harvey York ignoredYingying
Yanyan by his side, nor did he lendAttention to those swords and swords.He simply looked at Shi
Feixian witheyes narrowed and saidweakly: "Shi Feixian, stillI said that, if you want me to leave
theWumei Taoist Temple, you cando it. If you want me to leave Hong Kong and bet on bothcities,
you don't have to think about that"." As for the head coach, Page 801 you don't think i'm the coach
inboss. Well let me ask yousomething. "" Has been circulating outsidethat York Jiutian, who will
soon behired by the Ministry ofDaxia War as the instructorHead of the Ninth DepartmentMilitary,
isn't it the legendaryTang Daoying's chief instructor? ""Don't talk about age, ability oranything else,
I'll just ask you! "" Do you think York Jiutianis he the head coach? "" In theEurasian battlefield,
thechief instructor pushed all fivepowers across the country and killedmany master
swordsmen,ninja kings and yin masters andYang in the island country. "" Do you thinkit is
necessary that a person likethe head coach bows down tothe people of the island nation by
theYemen captain post in HongKong? "Or to put it bluntly,Do you think someone like York Jiutian
deserves the title of coach inboss? "" He's not worthy! "" And you support himso much because you
think it's himhead coach in your mindShi Feixian! "" But Shi Feixian,wake up, the real coach inboss
won't come to play this kind ofgame. "" Don't say nodespises the position of the guardianYemen in
the Hong gameKong. Even if you are interested,wants to sit down. It's just onesentence. "" Then,
Shi Feixian,stop dreaming! "" I know you want to marry the head coach,but with your sight and
your coefficientintellectual, I think you'll never havea chance. "" boom-- "Whenthe words fell,
Harvey York saw thatShi Feixian could no longer contain himself,directly drew the long
swordaround his waist and hit himwith a sword. Harvey York smiled, hisbody moved and withdrew
to the partbehind. In the distance, the sword ofShi Feixian was half cut andcould not be cut. His
expression isunpredictable. The entire HongKong game in the two cities wasagreed that York
Jiutian was thelegendary head coach. But Page 802 nowadays some people saythat York Jiutiande is
not worthy, is notworthy at all!

Chapter 2758

Chapter 2758 In The Forbidden Areabehind the five Taoist temples,Tian Feng Shi's right handLang
covered the bloody woundOn his abdomen, his face looked like alittle awful. But he soon pulled out
onepill and swallowed it, and then foughtby lying on the edge of the cliff, watching the position
ofdown with some binoculars. Afterfor a while, he looked pale, sighed andhe muttered:
"Unexpectedly, ShiFeixian did not kill this child. "" Thischild deserves to be born with soft rice,and
women are not willing tokill him! "After saying this, TianFeng Shi Lang stood up and,after
carefully erasingthe traces he left, he wanted toturn and go. However, whenstood up, heard a soft
"pop"behind him. Tianfeng Shiro seems to have noticed something, quicklywrapped the wound
with gauze andthen, grabbing his long knife fromthe island, solemnly looked at the placebehind
him. Over time,the surrounding air becameextremely dignified. Seems to bea minute, and it's like
they'veten thousand years past. Afterlong time, I finally saw aold man in the forest walking
withhands behind his back. Looked likeindifferent and extraordinary, and hiseyes gazed at Tian
Feng Shi Lang with mild killing intent.Tianfeng Fourteen Lang squintedeyes to the old man on the
opposite side,and after a while he laughed betweenteeth and said: "Nanyang God of theWar, Yang
Diming? "YangDiming said lightly, "Since Iyou know, you should also knowthat I asked your son
to bring you. ""It seems your Saint of the Sword ofCelestial Maple is taking themy Yang Diming's
words likethe wind in your ears. "" how? ""I, Emperor Yang, asleep for ten years, have you
forgotten theworld of my character? "Tianfeng Shisilang eyelids se Page 803 moved slightly, of
coursewho knew Yang Diming, the godof the war in the South Seas.Nanyang Kingdom has not
beendestroyed by Siam and Tianzhufor so many years, and even hasa considerable influence on
theEast China Sea. One of themost important reasons is YangDiming. It is said that the
ancestorEmperor Yang Ming came from Daxia, and after his branchmoved to Nanyang, trusted
herown strength to wage a greatbattle. God of WarNanyang not only represents therespect from the
Nanyang Kingdom of allthe country, but also representshis strength to oppress the
KingdomNanyang. In short, theNanyang Kingdom only has oneGod of war, but this God ofwar can
overwhelm allenemies. At least Tian Feng ShiLang knew very well that in his current state, he was
definitely notYang Diming's opponent. Onright now, Tianfeng Shiro is nothe intended to do
nothing.He smiled and said, "God ofthe Yang war, you are from Nanyang andI am from an island
country. Ourtwo countries have always beenharmonious and there has never beenno dispute. "" And
you, country ofNanyang and
Daxia, there are disputesoccasional at sea. "" Are yousure, at this moment, that you are going to
meoffend for being a Daxia person? "" To offend our country?insular? "" You must know that
althoughmy Tianfeng Shisi Lang alonerepresents the new stream, six o'clockmain schools in our
countryinsular and the five schoolsImperials have always been in thesame spirit! "" You alone, the
familyYang in a small area, can youoffend so many of us? "" If youyou turn around and go now, I'll
assumethat nothing has happened. Maybe in thefuture, our Xindongliu mayhave more cooperation
with your Nanyang Gang. "" God of WarYang, Xixi in the world is all withprofit, are you right? "
Page 804 Tianfeng Fourteen Lang looked likewas pushing his heart towardshis stomach, as if he
wanted tohold Yang Diming to worshipthe handle now.

Chapter 2759

Chapter 2759 Yang Diming Said Conindifference: "It is said that the islandersThey are eloquent,
and I have seen it today. ""If I were a great god of war fromsummer who told me these thingsnow, I
would definitely believe it. "" But the people of your island have alwaysbeen used todisbelief and
betrayal. "" HowCan I believe what you say? "" What's more,although I am a dead old man,I also
understand the truth of thedeath with cold lips and teeth. ""Although our Nanyang country
hasdisputes with Daxia, they are allwithin a controllable range! ""But if one day, your island
country isreally able to achieve yourtarget, then the Nanyang countrymight not have a good life,
right? "" So I, theEmperor Yang, I'm public andprivate. Isn't it reasonable to be on theopposite side
of your Tian Feng ShiLang? "Seeing that he didn't have thepossibility of persuading YangDiming,
Tian Feng Shi Lang breatheddeep and then said slowly: "Yesyou say so are you yang diminggoing
into the dark? "" If that's thecase, you can let it pass. ""I'll send out on the road! "Yang Diming in
front of him, theTianfeng FourteenLang's expression was a bit dignified and at the sametime, the
killing intent towards YeHao in his heart became even morestrong. How long has it beensince this
boy came to hongKong to bet on bothcities? In a short time, they havegathered so many characters
and so muchEnergy. If it is not destroyed, I fearthat in the near future, the islanderswill have a hard
time progressingboth in Hong Kong and thetown. "Send me to the road, II'm afraid you can't do it.
"" You can't do it at a peak, andyou can do it now. "" If you wantkill me, I'm afraid you have to Page
805 ask your new and old MasterYamamoto Sect that has aonly heart. "Yang Diming
seemedindifferent. "You still don't have thatrating. "Tianfeng Shihirosighed and said, "My heart
hasbeen hidden for manyyears and won't ask me aboutworld affairs. "" To avoidthat you young
people annoyhis father. "" I should work harder! "As he spoke, Tian FengShi Lang took out a pill
and gave it to him.drink. After the entrance of thepill, his muscles collapsed andhis eyes turned
redscarlet. In the next moment,Tianfeng Shisilang raised his handright and a Xiujian fell towards
theYang Diming's main gate.Yang Diming waved his right hand,wide sleeves swept with astrong
wind and threw directly into theXiujian aside. "Boom--" There was aloud noise and a group of
flames exploded in the forest. This scenemade Yang Diming's eyeswill blink, and you can only say
thatthe people of the island are reallyshameless. A generation ofGod of War and a generation
ofSword Sage did not need to usefair and honest tricks, and they usedall secondary roads,which is
really embarrassing.After avoiding this move,Yang Diming's figure came outfired and his fist
explodedstraight ahead. Tianfeng Fourteen Lang sneered,as if i had no interest inface the Yang
Emperor. Witha wave of his right hand,several arrows from the sleeve flew out."Boom boom boom
—" The strong onenoise kept coming out, explodinga ball of flames in the forestYang Diming paid
no attention toabsolute but kept getting closer,appearing behind TianfengShirirang as a ghost, and
thenthe sword fell with his hand and thesword fell with his palm. "boom -" Facing this palm, Tian's
eyesFeng Shi Lang were worthy ofextreme. Now this Nanyang Page 806 God of War is not inferior
to that of agoten years. This is enough toshow that you have recovered theminus 80% of your skills.
Yesthere were no injuries on his body,Tian Feng Shi Lang naturallyI could fight Yang Dimingbut
obviously now it was difficult. Onthis moment, Tian Feng's hatredShi Lang by Harvey York

Chapter 2760

Chapter2760 "Qiang ——" Facing the Palmof the sword, Tian Feng Shi Lang did nothad no choice
but to attack with asingle hit. This knife forcedYang Diming to back off, sowho had to float to avoid
it, and at thesame time, Tian Feng Shi Langstaggered Yang's killing blowDiming. It's just that such
a stabmade Tianfeng Shiro's woundooze blood. He took a few deep breathshow many times to stop
the pain,but the hatred for Harvey York on his faceit became stronger. Staring at TianFeng Shi Lang
with a horrible faceat this time, Yang Diming saidwith a flat expression: "In myopinion, you're not
as good asMiyata. He can fight YeShao anyway. "" But whatwhat about you? "" I really didn't
dareto do nothing. I was surprised by theMiyata's death long agotime. "" So, you couldn't help
Harvey York's knife in the lastmoment. "" And your knife cankill you now! "Tianfeng FourteenLang
scoffed and said, "Harvey York, just a yellow-mouthed boy!" "ButI would have rushed out of
thecustoms this time, I accidentallyI got into a demon and hurt mylungs! "" How could I have
thechance to pretend to be aghost !? "" When I return to the countryinsular this time, I'll dive
foranother year and a half. At that moment,I'll let little Harvey York know thatI am very good at
TianfengFourteen. "Yang Diming sighed andHe said, "If you now admit that you are notas good as
Harvey York, I can still take a good look at you. "a defeated dog that barks. ""Tianfeng Fourteen
Lang, really Page 807 you have humiliated the god of warfrom your island nation and to the
newSword Master. "" I'll cut you offhands and feet and I'll give it to YeShao as a gift. "" Then noyou
have the opportunity to return to the countryinsular. "When the wordsthey fell, Yang Diming took
another step,this time with a claw towards the placewhere was Tian Feng ShiLang. Tianfeng
Shiranang looked scary and was about to makea movement, but in thismoment, there was a sound
from thedistance. "boom--" Floating towardsoutside, Yang Diming frownedslightly, and on one side
of yourfigure, a long bullet passed right throughher hair, piercing directlya big tree behind him.
YangDiming looked forward withoutunderstand and saw a manstanding on a rock holdinga sniper
firearm inanother hill. He smiled slightly at YangDiming, made a gesture of cutting histhroat and
then raised thegun in his hand. Yang dimingnarrowed his eyes slightly andfelt it was definitely
aunmatched gunman and what shouldbelong to the opponent. Seeing thisscene, Tian Feng Shi Lang
onlysurprised for a moment and atnext moment he rolled overplace, disappearing into the forestlike
a cheetah. Figure ofYang Diming was blocked,was silent right now, he just frowned and looked at
theopposite mountain. Seeing that YangDiming had no intention of doingone move, the man on the
sideopposite of the mountain smiledslightly and then jumped off the rock,his figure disappeared.
Yang dimingI didn't mean to chase himInstead, he looked back.Taoist temples had already noticed
themovement and they sent a guardat that moment. Yang Diming I don't knowit took longer,
instead, it marked the Harvey York's number as he rapidly descended from themountain, "York
Shao, Tian Feng ShiLang is gone. "" The opponent Page 808 he also has a gunman like no other.
"On the opposite side of the phone, YeHao, who had just gotten into the taxi,He sighed and said, "I
see Mr. Yang,thank you this time. "" Tianfeng Shiro,leave it to me for the moment. ""Even if you
can't figure it out thistime, next time I'll work morehard and I'll go to the island country. "time, on
the highwayBypass, a Toyota Airte stopped next to York's FerrariBaibing.

Chapter 2761

Chapter2761 Toyota Electric DoorAlpha slowly opened and YeJiutian walked in the rain with
ablack umbrella. Then he called theFerrari window and pointed to YeBaibing to roll down the
window. YeBaibing recovered from the trance, andwhen he saw the soft smile on theYe Jiutian's
face, he couldn't sayHow was it. After muchtime, he opened the car door,He leaned into the man's
arms in the rain and whispered, "Nine days,I failed. "" Either persuading him orkilling him, I failed.
"making fun of other people liketrash. "" Unexpectedly, I was notdifferent from them when i
foundthis last name York. "Speaking of which,York Baibing's face showed alittle mockery. York
Jiutian extended hisright hand and lightly pattedYe's heart backBaibing. After a while, he said
tolightly: "According to the news thatreceived, that guy entered the forbidden area of the back
mountain ofthe Five Taoist Temples andreunited with Shi Feixian, right? "York Baibing whispered:
"Tianfeng ShisiLang originally wanted to kill himwith the help of five templesTaoists, but now it
seems that thisplan has failed. "" Stupid islander. "York Jiutian couldn't help but hold herfist. "Not
only did he not kill Harvey York,it also allowed him to meetofficially with Shi Feixian! "" Thetype
that was less successful thanfailed! "When he said this, York Jiutian's face was calm.whether York
Baibing or Shi Xiaolan,including Xu Mixue and other women, Page 809 they are only women by
his side, they are notwomen who reallylike it. The enormous game of chance ofHong Kong in the
two cities, YeJiutian, can you make him say thatreally loves you, only Shi Feixian.It's a shame that
the relationship between him andShi Feixian has always been afoolishness. York Jiutian, who has
agood control of the hearts of thewomen, can't always control Shi's body and mindFeixian.But
now, that boy YeHao met Shi Feixian bychance? In addition, according toinside news, ye
bastardHao fell into the water baththermal springs of the Taoist Temple ofWumei, and even saw Shi
Feixianthat he had not hanged himselfinch. Thinking about this, YeJiutian wanted to strangle York
Haoto death. Because thisbehavior doesn't just slap you,It also humiliates their dignity and tramples
on their sincerity. "Givesda da- "Right now, behindYe Jiutian, York Qubing came closerslowly.
Seeing a man anda woman embraced in the rain,York Qubing's expression did notchanged a lot, but
whispered: "YeShao, the birthday is coming soonof the old woman. "" There is no needof having
problems because of awoman! "" The general situation isimportant! "" As long as you
cansuccessfully ascend to the position ofMaster of the door, there is nothing but a saint within your
reachhand! "York Jiutian stroked the longYe Baibing's hair, then looked atYe Qubing and said
coldly: "Thethings I'm looking at can onlybe mine. "" Doesn't matter if I get itor not, no one can get
close. "that Harvey York has raped myban, let's send it to theroad! "Hearing this, theYe Baibing's
body in the armsYe Jiutian's moved slightly.Then he raised his eyes, looked at YeJiutian with
narrowed eyes and said, "Nine days, the last name York noit is as easy to handle asyou think. "" If
you really want to do it, Page 810 you must be careful. "" Also, ifyou're jealous of fighting for the
wind andyou make the determination to kill him,that determination definitelyIt is not something you
should take in thismoment. "" Could it be thatyou really ruined your heart forbe an immortal flying
master? "

Chapter 2762

Chapter 2762 "If Thisis really the case then justI can say that I, York Baibing, have not entrusted
anyone! "misunderstood all these years! "Baibing looked up, lookingseriously to York Jiutian. She
does notseemed to think that a generationof young Yemeni teachersbetting in Hong Kong would
bereally so impulsive for awoman. "Bai Bing, this is not aa matter of momentum or not, but
allHong Kong game cityknow that the five Taoist templesare behind me. "York Jiutian spokeeach
word. Even if Shi Feixian had just met Harvey York fromchance, but in terms of theShi Feixian's
identity and status,if anyone is willing to use thisto tell some rumors thenmaybe it will damage the
original relationshipbetween us and the Wumei Taoist.Temper. Weak alliance! " "It's more,as a man
I can't accept thatmay my dignity be insulted! ""I would rather die than see ShiFeixian tangle with
that man. "York Baibing extended his hand,Mosuo held York Jiutian's beautiful face, and a long
timebefore he whispered softly:"Would you rather die?" "Nine days, thiskind of thing is not
something I shouldsay a superior person. "" Nowyou are in a critical period. You haveto think about
it when you speak andyou do things. Do not let thesethings affect your superiority. "" Yesnot for
you, how would I fix thempersonally today!? "" WithoutHowever, now I feel like mybehavior this
time is alsoa little impulsive. "" The right thing to do nowis perhaps to leave it temporarily. ""When
we get the things that Page 811 the more we want, we will be able tosolve York's little bastardHao
with thunderous force! "Although York Baibing hated YeHao, he calmed down after sitting downin
the car. The little man whodared to slap her was reallystrong and confident. Before YeJiutian was in
power, yeahcontinued to fight aman like that, apart from affecting his own power, what
benefitswould have? Therefore, what we havewhat to do right now shouldbe make decisions and
then followahead. Harvey York's slap did notonly made York Baibing havefear and anger, but
alsomade this arrogant womana little wise. At least it used to be theMrs. Longdian and the fifth
MissYemen from Hong Kong Gambling.I did not know at all how to writethe word tolerance.
York's voiceJiutian was silent for a long time before whispering:"We can leave York
Haotemporarily, or we can ignorethe matter between him and Shi Feixiantemporarily. "" Even I
canlet it go temporarily for the sakefrom the superior! "" The question is, am IWilling to let go, will
you let me go? ""Put aside, just say TangLanruo, how far have you tracedthat incident ten years
ago? "" Thismatter, but Harvey York provoked it. ""Once Tang Lan findssome real evidence, much
less the upper ranks, my lifeIt won't be guaranteed, right? ""A bad one is the end of the exile in
theforeigner. "Having said that, YeJiutian laughed lightly with asneer on his face.Many things are
called timedestiny and vitality. Mayrefrain, but the general situationit does not allow you to abstain.
The eyes ofYe Baibing were cold, and passedlong beforewhisper: "You must tie the bellto unleash
the bell. The solution to this issue may notnecessarily start with YeHao. "" We can begin Page 812
directly with this Tang womanLanruo. "" A hen that cannotlay eggs, even if it diedsuddenly, no one
would lend himtoo much attention, right? "" Alexcept the old woman, I don't want this onedaughter-
in-law for a long time. "


Chapter 2763 York's EyesJiutian glowed, and waitlater, he spoke with a voice that onlytwo of them
could hear: "I am afraid I must be more cautiousto start with my mothercheap. "" Over the years, it
hassuspected, but my fourth unclestill loves her very much. "" Even herside is accompanied by the
soldierfrom the top all year long. "" Yeswe want to kill her, we will only be moremoderate unless
we doall the work. "" It won't be too muchdifficult. "York Baibing smiled, took out thephone and
called a number. "Thekiller organization number one ofDaxia, Xinghualou. "" It turns out that they
owe me a favor. "In the morningnext, Harvey York, who woke upof the hotel's presidential
suiteThree Seasons, found somemore messages on your phone. One isYang Youxuan's report
onTianfeng Fourteen Lang. TOexception of the first evil TianFeng Shi Lang escaped
withouttrouble, all the other islandersfell into the hands of the gangNanyang and they would not end
well. Theanother is the information about thatunparalleled gunman. Now CuiYingxia suspects that
it is YeJiufeng, a young master who haslong gone fromHong Kong gambling Yemen. I knowsays
this young master is adirect line to the third house ofYemen in Hong Kong. Has beenprowling the
battlefield in theMiddle East for many years.He rarely returns to Hong Kong, buthas recently
returned. Thelast information was sent byYoung Master Hai, who followed the Harvey York's
request to investigate the origin of the five priestsTaoists, Fei Xian. It's a shame thateven the
invincible Young Master Page 813 Hai, who has always been invincible,have lost ground this
time.to be able to discover what was supposedthat Shi Fei Xian was a babyabandoned adopted by
five ShiTai that year, could not be foundother information. We can say thathis past is blank. But
thisKind of emptiness makes peoplefeel more mysterious and seductive.Harvey York narrowed his
eyes for a moment, then gave another order,then got up and startedwash up. When he finished
washing andwas about to have breakfast, receiveda phone call. Personwho called was Tang Lanruo,
whoinformed Harvey York that something hadpassed and hoped that York Haocome. Harvey York
was surprised by amoment, but he did not hesitate, butchanged clothes, called anothercar and drove
to the placewhere was the garden villa ofYemen Gambling in Hong Kong.Due to the morning rush,
YeHao spent almost two hours in thistrip, when he reached the Garden Villa,it was already ten in
the morning.Soon, someone brought Harvey York to thedoor to Tang Lanruo's study.Tang Lanruo
wore a cheongsamcoincidentally, her hair wasrolled up and did not use pink powders orblacks on
the face. But even so, hisappearance and temperament followbeing like a goddess, sacred
andinviolable. He looked at his study withindifference, a mess inside. Harvey York stepped forward
andfound that the entire study seemeddeliberately set on fire,and some materials were reduced
toashes. "This is what happened atfive or six in the morning. "Yes TangLan saw Harvey York
coming, said withindifference. "Before the incident, themonitoring was goodconditions, and half an
hour laterof the incident, the data was almostburned and the alarm sounded "."this point of view
should be aknown who committed the crime. "" The burned material is not anotherthing, it's just the
wholeinformation that I collected these days, Page 814 about the incident ten agoyears. "" You seem
to be right.Someone did it on purpose ten years agoyears. "" Otherwise, no one willWill risk and set
me on firepurpose. "

Chapter 2764

Chapter2764 Although the outside world hasbeen saying that Tang Lanruo hasbeen a little crazy to
think about herdead son over the years.But from her analysis, this woman has regained her calm
andyouthful decision, and analyzed quickly anddecisively the truth of whathappened here. Having
said this,Tang Lanruo turned and looked at YeHao, as if wanting to know what it wasYour opinion.
Harvey York shruggedshoulders and said, "Ms. Tang, won't yousays there is no copy ofsecurity of
the data you collected? ""I have." Tang Lan Ruo spoke witha voice that only two of them
couldlisten. "I have arranged forhave my buddies scan all of these materials, including
someconfidential documents that are notmaycopiedonabsolute. "Having said that, TangLanruo
couldn't help rubbing hiseyebrows and said in a low voice, "Then,things are very embarrassingnow.
"" I can continue to trustthis information to verify, butwhen everything comes from the truth,I can't
show anyevidence. "" Because the documentsscanned do not have anylegal meaning. "Harvey York
smiled and said weakly," Ms. Tang, you area leaf that covers his eyes, he does not seeTaishan! ""
Some tests havedisappeared, in fact they havedisappeared. "" But somepeople not necessarilyyou
need proof, right? "example, Yemen Master "."wants to know the truth about thepremature death of
his father and hisson in these years? "" As for theold woman
who bet on Yemen inHong Kong. "" Is it important toDoes she have real proof? "" She believes that
everything is true, and wants to protect Page 815 to the killer, so even if he hasiron tests, you will
not have anyeffect. ”Tang Lanruo was surprisedfor a moment and reacted laterof a time. I'm
tooobsessed with the four wordsof truthful evidence, but in manycases, it does not matter if there is
evidencetruthful or not. After realizingof this, Tang Lanruo greeted hismen to clean thescene. And
she herself carried York Haoto the restaurant, apparently planning to invite Harvey York for a
drinktea in the morning.the dining room table, Tang Lanruolooked at Harvey York with a lookdeep.
After a longtime, he suddenly sighed and said, "ASometimes I wonder if I had ason, i would grow
up to be like you, or yeJiutian. Like that. "York Haosmiled and said weakly: "Theprobability is that
York Jiutian islike this, but it doesn't seem to have otherdeficiencies besides being cruel,shameless,
inferior to pigs and dogs, and unfit forvirtue. "When Tang Lan heard Harvey York's evaluation of
YeJiutian, was surprised by amoment, and then shookhead, "York Shao, I know that you and
YeJiutian are not dealing with thisperson, and I even suspect thatwhat happened ten years ago was
veryresembling him. Associate "."problem is that York Jiutian should notbe underestimated. "" May
becomeon the young master from Yemen in theHong Kong gambling, not by luck, but by actual
skill. ""Do you know how many people have fallenin your hands at the game in HongKong and the
two cities alongthe years? "" Even some peoplethat have happened to Jiang Raptors havesuffered a
great loss under theirhands. "" Otherwise, howcan you sit so calm andcomfortably in the position
ofYoung Master Yemen in the game ofHong Kong? ” Harvey York leaned inthe seat and smiled
slightly,"I never underestimated him. After all, the lion fights the rabbit and Page 816 uses all his
strength. "" SimplyI look at it from above! "Tang Lanruowas surprised for a moment,He laughed
later. While the twothey were talking, at the timethere was a knock on the door, Tang Lanruolooked
at the surveillance.asked his bodyguard toverify the identity of the otherpart before letting in.


Chapter 2765 Seeing Thisscene, Harvey York smiled and said:"It seems that after this incident, it
will be a good thing foryou, Ms. Tang. "" At least you arecareful enough! "TangLanruo said
nonchalantly, "Eata ditch and gain wisdom. If i keepbeing the same as before, maybe neithereven
know how to die. "" Afterof everything, since I restarted theincident ten years ago, I thinka lot of
people want me to die. "hear these words, the eyes of Harvey York narrowedslightly. Because it
shows thatthere were many, many people involved in the incidentten years. Even the entire city
ofHong Kong game will beinvolved in it. Harvey York narrowedeyes and looked at the dark sky
outsideof the window. This is stormy!As the two of them talked, they sawa slim and looking
waitressnice coming in with the wagonrestaurant. Greeted respectfullyto Tang Lanruo and then
whispered:"Ma'am, the morning tea isready. "" Then put it on. "TangLanruo waved his hand, and
soon, the wonton noodles, the porridgeoatmeal, pineapple butter,walnut buns, meatballscrystal
shrimp, etc., were filledof dazzling arrangements in thedesk. Also, there is a cup of tea fromginseng
and a cup of Pu'er tea onthe table.Pu'er tea is prepared for Harvey York, because it is the standard
for theHong Kong-style morning tea.Ginseng tea is the hobby ofTang Lanruo, because he has
alwaysbeen used tohealth preservation. After the waitress had made the tea Page 817 in the
morning, Tang Lanruo waved hishand to indicate that it could come out.Then, Tang Lanruo took the
tea fromginseng and blew on it gently.As he blew it, he smiled and said:"York Shao, I know you
didn't have breakfast,this food is considered a littlemine. "" If there's anything you wanteat, you can
talk. My chefI should be able to. "spoke, Tang Lanruo was aboutdrinking the cup of ginseng tea.But
Harvey York took a deep breath, his face suddenly changed. "Ma'am, waita minute! "Harvey York
ignored thelabel and took the cup of tea in theTang Lanruo's hand. Aftersome sniffing, their eyes
landedin the waitress who was about toleave. Then he said weakly: "Theginseng is a great tonic.
EitherKorean ginseng or ginsengAmerican, can replenish qi andactivate the blood, which
isextremely valuable. "" But inthis world, there is a kind ofginseng that you can't eat. "" That's ghost
face ginseng. ""This type of ginseng only grows inthe tombs of the mountainsdeep, and what
attracts is the YinCorpse Qi. "" Doesn't look verydifferent from ordinary ginseng and smellsthe
same. "" But once you drink the teaof ginseng that it produces, you will not feelnothing at first. ""
But afterthree days, your whole body will be alittle paralyzed, and eventuallyyou will lose all
consciousness andyou will become a vegetativeaware of five senses, but immobile! "" And this kind
of poison fromginseng with a ghost face I don't knowcan detect! "" Especiallyafter the incident, it
doesn't matterhow it is checked, its toxicitywill disappear without a trace. "" Ajudgment of all
doctors, theperson who swallowed ginseng faceghost can only be a vegetable. ""The only way to
distinguish betweenghost noodles and ginsengcommon is that when thetea, the center of the ginseng
slicescracks, like a ghost noodle, emitting a fragrance Page 818 lovely! "" Give him this to
drinkkind of ginseng tea to Ms. Tang! ""His heart is punishable!" When thevoice fell, the cup of tea
in the hand of Harvey York flew directly,pounding forward.

Chapter 2766 "Crack-" In themoment when the cup of tea in the Harvey York's hand fell off, the
prettywaitress instinctively avoided her.Then her beautiful facecame back cold, knowing that
hisInstinctive actions had exposed his identity. Right now, at thewaitress didn't care about anything
else,as soon as he raised his handright, saw a piece of needlesilver wrapped addresswhere was
Harvey York.York Haohe lifted the napkin in his hand withan indifferent expression, anddirectly
involved allsilver needles in it. ANDtaking advantage of this opportunity, thewaitress was short and
did not know whenhe had a thin blade in his hand.At this moment, he rolled over and approached
Tang Lanruo's face, thengot up and slapped his throat."Bang Bang Bang-" It's just that theblade just
got up in the middle, andTang Lanruo, who seems to have nopower to tie the chicken, don't
knowwhen do you have a firearm fromshort handle in hand. He pressed thetrigger with indifferent
expression andfired all six lead bullets from thegun to the waitress. Thewaitress struggled for a
moment andfell to the ground with a lookhideous. He couldn't understand how, Tang Lanruo, who
seemed to have nopower to tie a chicken, hadgot this firearm from where."Cha, from the
eighteenthgeneration of their ancestors, allfamily and friends must bearrested for questioning! "As a
large group ofYemeni bodyguard, TangLanruo wiped his fingers with anapkin and gave orders
withindifference. "At the same time,anyone who is incontact with her today, even a dog, must be
discovered. " Page 819 know who you contactedand who gave the orders. "" I canlurk in the garden
villa ofYemen in our port duringhalf-year. It seems that someoneI wanted him to die half agoyear.
"Along with the order of TangLanruo, a large group ofbodyguard, presumablyit will be a bloody
storm forgreet the cities of Hong Kongand Bets below. Soon,the body was taken away, the
restaurant was cleaned and there was even a slightfragrance in the air. If you didn't see it withhis
own eyes, who could believethat a murder broke out in this placeA while ago? Harvey York looked
atTang Lanruo with interest, and nowfelt he was doing a goodI work with this movement. To
theless, the methods of Tang Lanruothey were beyond his imagination.After taking a sip of the
teaPu'er just changed in front of him, YeHao smiled and said, "Ms. Tang,Who do you think will
send someone to murder her right nowcritical? "" Besides, such a personimportant that has been
lurkingfor many days it has beenactivated? "" I think your missionoriginal shouldn't be this. "I'm
afraid there are only women whothey can do such crazy things. "Hao looked at some photos on
hisphone and then said with interest:"Is your sister-in-law, Miss Fifth fromYemen in Hong Kong,
Mrs.Longdian, York Baibing? "" Do you wantdie? "" It won't be her. "Tang Lanruo's expression
wasindifferent, without the slightestconfusion, but what he said wasshocking. "If she did, I would
alreadyI'd know. "" That woman didn't evenwill have a chance to shoot. "hearing this, Harvey York
seemedsurprised, and then wanted to understand.Presumably some of theYe Baibing's confidants, or
evenall, belong to Tang Lanruo,truth? It can only be said that theRico is really interesting, II am in
you and you in me. "So what do you think is who is going to Page 820 kill? ", Harvey York asked
this questionwhich could be called heartbreaking.

Chapter 2767

Chapter 2767 "YeJiutian. "Tang Lanruo did not hesitate thistime. "Among all the Yemen that
playsin Hong Kong, there is only one YeJiutian who has the opportunity toattack me, is qualified
toattack me and I can't even give myselfaccount. "" It's just that I didn't expectthat he wanted me to
die with so muchimpatience. "" After all,I will soon be his nominal mother. "YeHao shrugged and
said:"So I said it a long time ago,not worthy of virtue. "Tang LanRuo said lightly, "You can'tjust say
that. "" Aftereverything, I'm restartinginvestigation of the incident from agoten years, then it's
meant totouch the interests of manypeople. "" York Jiutian not only wantslet him die, there are more
people thanthey want me to die. "" It's a shamethat, although they want to kill me,they fear me too
and try not to provoke me. "" Because they want to orno now i'm the janitor's wifeYemen from
Hong Kong. "" TheHong Kong's second
player inYemen. "" Among so many people, onlya few dare to do something. ""And York Jiutian is
definitely themore daring. ” Harvey York smiled and said:"From this, can it be inferred that
theperson who did it ten years agowas York Jiutian? "Tang Lanruofrowned slightly, and passedlong
before sheslowly say, "York Jiutian was only thirteen or fourteen at that time.moment. Can a child
solittle one have such an intriguedeep? "" So even though thissubject is inextricably linkedto him, I
am even more convincedthat there are people who arecontributing to this "." For example,Hong
Kong bets on YemenDafang, York Wencheng. "" HongKong bets on the five houses ofYemen, York
Baibing. "" Even if yourfour rooms work together,it might not be impossible. "YeHao sighed,
rubbed his eyebrows and said: Page 821 "Although this is not a big deal forme. "" But from his
point of view,Mrs Tang, you are now bettingfor Yemen in Hong Kong and allthey are enemies!
"Tang Lanruo turnedto shake his head and said, "Yesyou think about things from ten agoyears,
people who used to do amove will not make anothermove right now and Iirritate again. ""
BecauseRandom shots will only be exposed tothemselves. "" Therefore, among those who really
dare tomake a move, there's only onewho can do it. "" That's YeJiutian! "Speaking of which, the
eyesof Tang Lanruo were filled withemotion, "After all, YeJiutian has already gone crazy forbet on
the position of Master ofYemen sect in Hong Kong "."Anyone who gets in your waypath, will
eliminate the opponent byall means and will never allowlet others get involved. "York Haonarrowed
her eyes to look at the cup of tea in her hand, and then said to thelight after a while, "The onlypity is
that if people die, nothere is evidence! "" And that staffrelated probably won't be able toask a
reason, otherwise,can you give York Jiutian a strongslap in the face! "" York Jiutianmust be behind
the scenes butyou definitely won't be able to catch itat all. ”Tang Lanruo spoke to thelight. "At least,
you can'tcatch right now. "" Peoplelike him, he just needs to give a hint, someone will fix these
things. "Hao said lightly: "It may notbe necessary. We can alsoplan if we want York Jiutiando
something. "" For example, alwaysthat we tell the outside world,the assassin who tried to
assassinate theHong Kong gambling lady,Yemen, he was captured alive. "" I thinkthat next, there
will be surpriseswaiting for me! "Harvey York's words, Tang's eyesLanruoI know Page 822 they
came backinstantly extremely deep.

Chapter 2768

Chapter2768 In York's office buildingJiutian in Victoria Harbor, YeJiutian, who had just sat down
bya short time suddenly shookviolently your phonemobile Moments afteranswer the phone, his
facechanged over and over, and finallybecame extremely ugly."What is the problem? Is it
possiblethat if Tang Lan is paired,could it fail? "York Baibing said witha slightly furrowed brow to
one side. York Jiutian's face wasgrim and nodded slightly, and said:"Not only did he fail, but the
killer ofXinghualou was also capturedfor the life of Tang Lanruo. "" WithoutHowever, the killer is
said to bein a coma now, and still hasn't beenquestioned nothing. "" But TangLanruo has already
called the master ofthe sect and has asked him to send fromI return to a group of teachers whoare
good for questioning. "" I thinkthat, if nothing happens, alwayswhen given enough time, they will
definitely be able tofind us. "" Although there is noevidence, it is also verytroublesome. "" Once
you havenews on this matter, couldaffect my superior position. "After saying this, York Jiutian did
notcould avoid rubbing his eyebrows, noI could think about the problem. Will kill Harvey York
failed, and kill a TangLanruo also failed. In thismoment, he had to question hisstrength and energy.
When listening to thesewords, York Baibing was also shocked. After a while,He said in a cold
voice: "Nine days, nomatter what, this killer mustdie. "" Even if he is immortal, he mustfall into our
hands "."otherwise, it will definitely be abig problem! "" I understand "YeJiutian took a deep breath
and stood up.standing, pacing the hall with thehands behind his back. After along time, he opened
the safe andtook out an encrypted cell phone. Page 823 Shortly after, after YeJiutian entered the
password and verified his fingerprints andpupils, the phone was dialedquickly. A voice a littlesevere
came through the phone,"What's the matter?" York Jiutian said withcoldness: "I just got newsthat
the murderer of Xinghualoutried to assassinate Ms. Tang in theHong gambling companyKong and
Yemen failed! "" Stopcheck for otherconspiracies in Xinghualou,I want you to bring that killer
fromturn. "" I don't want this incident to turn into dirty water!poured over me by someone
withheart! "After the voice to theother side of the phone stayed onsilence for a moment, finallyHe
said lightly: "York Jiutian,Do you remember, this is the last timeyou asked me to act like himyoung
master of games of chancefrom Hong Kong, Yemen. "" I'll do mybest effort. "" But afterthis matter,
unless you reallybecome the master of the gameYemen Hong Kong. "" Otherwise, you and I have
nothingto do with you. "A coldnessappeared on York Jiutian's face,but there was still a smile on
theirwords, and said, "Jiufeng, can yoube sure. "" My older brotherit won't hurt you. "The afternoon
camequickly and the rain fell from theopaque sky, adding a littlecold to the already boring weather.
Coldautumn wind also represents thearrival of winter.moment, a row of Toyotascamouflaged
roaring into the door of the garden villa in Yemen,Hong Kong, totaling nearly twentycars. At that
moment, the doorsof these twenty dominant carsToyota kicked open thesame time, and then a
biggroup of men with gunsfire leapt to the ground. One of theHong's strongest hole cardsKong in
Yemen, York Wei! Whensaw these people,Yemeni bodyguards who were Page 824 responsible for
guarding the villas of theThe garden looked at each other one by one, all giving up the idea of
blocking them.Because York Wei's position in theHong Kong Yemen is too muchspecial.

Chapter 2769

Chapter2769 The so-called York Wei, the stateYemen in the Hong Kong gameIt is something
similar to that of the agencies oflaw enforcement and agenciesviolent They are not only
responsibleto protect important figures inHong Kong's gambling gate,but also to investigate
certaininternal security and solve somehidden internal dangers. In short, York Wei needs to doclean
things. Dirty thingsthey also need York Weimake. To keep the power offights for many years, theYe
Wei's staff spends half a yearwalking through the field ofextermination outside the country. For
theSo much so, these people are reallylicking the blood on the edge of therazor, and the strength of
each isbeyond imagination, and it is notcomparable to the bodyguards ofcommon Hong Kong game
in Yemen. Soon, under the leadership ofa man dressed in a suitwhite and combing his hair, nearfifty
ye wei menthey walked towards the entrance of themain building of the garden villaan imposing
manner. Harvey York, whathad not left, stood in front of thedoor with great interest in thismoment.
Originally wantedwait for York Jiutian to come, butI did not expect York Jiutian notcome, but the
gunmanincomparable from Hong Kong who played in Yemen, York Jiufeng from thethird room.
Thinking about theYang Diming's attention to YeJiufeng on the phone, the look Harvey York's
indifferent settled on hishand. When looking at the corns on theBaijing palms, YeHao paid more
attention to YeJiufeng, who was known as aunparalleled gunman. The soldierTang Lanruo's staff,
YeYunfei, walked towards the door in Page 825 this moment, he looked at York
Jiufengnonchalantly and said lightly, "York Sanshao, right?" "Come toGarden Villa right now, you
areso bold! "At that moment, the leaderYe Jiufeng opened the umbrellablack man in his hand, he
looked atYe Yunfei with interest and said to thelightly: "When would a servant or abodyguard is
qualified toscream in front of me !? "" Since Iyou know, York Jiufeng, you should know thatI'm the
person in charge of York Wei andI am responsible for the security ofall game companies ofhigh-
level gambling in Yemen. "I just received a report thatXinghualou's assassin triedkill Ms. Tang in
Yemen,Hong Kong. The matter involvedsecurity of many gameshigh-level bets in Yemen onHong
Kong, as well as the face ofYemen gambling inHong Kong. ! "" Then York Weiwants to take her
away! "" Except for theresults of the interrogation, weWe will take care of whatever I knowshould
do. Whether it's hitting or killing,We will inform Ms. Tang at that time! "" York Yunfei, even though
you arethe lady's personal soldier king,there is no place for you to speak here! ""I, York Jiufeng, bet
on Yemenin Hong Kong, betting first andthen playing, the franchisemonarch! "" It doesn't matter
who you wantstop me from handling the case, justthere is a dead word! ""So, I hope that you
YeYunfei, know who you are, nospoil my interest and slow down myefficiency! "As they spoke,
allYe Weid's dozens of people took a step, each of themtook the firearms out of theirwaists.
Someone pushed theTang Lanruo's bodyguard,ready to break into the buildingmain to catch
someone. OnYe Yunfei's forehead, they pointedat least three firearms in thismoment. Obviously, as
long asmake a movereckless, these York Wei peopleI would shoot without hesitation. The
expression Page 826 York Yunfei's was ugly untilextreme in an instant, though he was the king of
the soldiers, he was theTang's number one subordinateLanruo. But facing this moment,York
Jiufeng, the lord of York Wei, nohe had the right to speak. Seeing thegesture of York Yunfei, York
Jiufengreached out and gave her somepatting on the face, apparentlysatisfied to know howbehave.
After that, YeJiufeng stepped forward and wasabout to enter the buildingprincipal.

Chapter 2770

Chapter2770 In front of the main building, only Harvey York was at his place inthis moment,
justblocking York's pathJiufeng,
York Jiufeng's cold eyesthey alighted on Harvey York, frowningfrowning and saying, "I don't
carewho you are! "" It doesn't matter what you areexperience! "" A good dog does notit's on the
way! "" Get out of here! "Hearing the arrogant wordsYe Jiufeng, Harvey York was notangry, but
instead looked at York Jiufengwith interest, and then he smiled and said:"You don't know me?" "In
the forbidden area behind the mountainTaiping, for your island master, theperson who sneakily
blockedYang Diming so he wouldn't killTianfeng Shi Lang, was it you? ""I've clearly been the dog
of aisland nation, so I didn't killTianfeng Shiro. "" Now you pretend notget to know me. "" Is this
interesting? "Hearing Harvey York's wordswith a smile but not a smile,York Jiufeng instantly
turnedfurious. "To shut up!" The last timeshot for York Jiutian, it was to return a favor, and this time
it was thesame. But he couldn't wait for theidentity you worked so hard forto hide out almost
transparentin front of Harvey York. Although it was thefirst time they met, YeJiufeng felt a little
more jealousof Harvey York in his heart. How was ithopefully, it was a person whocaused York so
much headacheJiutian as York Baibing. "Byof course I know you, don't you get Page 827 advantage
eating soft foods,Harvey York, the head of the Longmen Law Enforcement Hall? ""But let me tell
you, the last name isYe! "" Don't think you're fromLongmen,noCan Ihelp you! "" This is bothHong
gambling citiesKong, and here is our site ofHong Kong gambling inYemen! "" If you think you're
standingas the Hall Master ofLongmen, you dare to bet on himYemen territory in Hong Kong!
""Then I tell you it is a greatmistake! "" This is where our Yemen in Hong Kong has thelast word!
"" Your status asclassroom teacher is worth nothing to myeyes! "" Ben Shao plays in HongKong
and in the two cities, allthe months trample several old men,princes and magnates every year. ""
YesI want, it's not too much of a problempinch you to death. "YeJiufeng looked at Harvey York
from abovedown, and said in a cold voice: "The reasonwhy I do not move you is only forshow
Madam Tang, aftereverything, this is their territory. "Hey, do you still know Ms.Tang here? "" Do
you still know thatshe is the wife of the teacher ofsect? "A sardonic smileappeared on Harvey
York's face."So what do you think you aredoing here? The nexthumiliation? Arrogant anddominant?
Right or wrong? "" Also,as the person in charge of York Wei,you are so disrespectful to the wifeof
the door master. Arereally amazing! "" Those whothey know, they know they're here to catch the
killer. "they don't know, they think they are hereto kill the master's ladysect to achieve an ulterior
motive. ""York Jiufeng, did I say wrong?"York Jiu's cover went cold and saidcoldly: "Shut up with
himlast name York! "" What green onionare you!? "" Here's your voice !? "Hao smiled and said
lightly: Page 828 "I didn't really say anything when bettingfor Yemen in Hong Kong. "" But
theXinghualou's assassin, even though he wassuspected of assaulting Ms. Tang, he also attacked
me. "Director of the Application Roomof Longmen's Law, I asked theMs. Tang to borrow aplace to
interrogate the murderer whotried to assassinate the Longmen ofhigh level. "" Does it have
something to do withyour Hong Kong Yemen game byhalf a penny? "" If you wanttake the killer,
you can! "" Waituntil we have enoughinterrogations at the Longmen andget the confession thatwe
need. "I will pass the killer to you." I hope the person in charge Yeunderstand. "" You-- "" Are
youlooking for death !? "York Jiufengdid not think that Harvey York reallywould start early, sothat
first he put on a bighat and was furious in thismoment.

Chapter 2771"What? Are you dissatisfied?"Harvey York stepped forward, extended his hand andHe
gently stroked York Jiufeng's face a couple oftimes."If you are not convinced, you will kill
me!""You dare?"Seeing Harvey York's indifferent expression, the cornersYe Jiufeng's eyes
twitched.The next moment, he could no longer contain it, and took outdirectly the short-handled
firearm of yourwaist and pressed it against Harvey York's forehead."The last name York, shut up!""I
tell you!""This is the place whereyou play with Yemen in Hong Kong! "" In our placewhere you
play with Yemen in Hong Kong, it's the dragon,you have to hold it, and it is the tiger. Get your
belly! "" We bet on the port of Yemen, too!flaws inget arrogant and despotic! ""I already told you, I
do not care that the murderers do nothave been hurt, I don't care about that! You don't want to
questionto the target! ""I'm just asking, do you want to hand someone over? ""If you don't, don't
blame me for not putting a face onLongmen and just kill you! ""I know you can fight, but if you can
fight Page 829 again, you can fight. Firearms !? "Thevoice lowered, and nearly fifty York Wei elites
moved theirfirearms in your hands at the same time, pointingtheir mouths up and down everywhere.
.Obviously, at this time, as long as York Jiufenggave an order, these York Wei elites could beat
YeHao in a colander.Harvey York looked indifferent, insensitive to everything, he justsmile at this
moment, he shrugged and said, "If you want to take people away fromhands youhas to show some
real skills. ""Just trust you Jiufeng, just rely! Withthese few firearms, I'm afraid you're not there
yetqualified! ""Qualified !?"scoffed York Jiufeng."I tell you, bet in Yemen at our port, theDragon
Palace is useless, Dragon Prison is useless,Dragon Guards are useless, even your Longmenthey are
useless! ""Follow the rules of the four cornerstones, thefive doors, and the top ten families. ""who
bet Yemen port in Hong Kong bettwo, it's the best day! ""I don't care that they are recruited by
Target Harvey York,which is protected the value of long Wei mention! ""in everything, words and
summary, in Hong Kong is betting on the two cities, I York Jiufeng wantAct,You can only
cooperate! ""Don't try to stop, otherwise you won't just die,this garden villa will also be razed by
me! "'don't think, Hong Kong I don't dare kill the ownerfrom Yemen's DoorMaster! 'Harvey York's
face was slapped, York's expressionJiufeng was cold to the extreme, and intent to killhe was also
strong to the extreme."Smash the garden villa to the ground?"Harvey York, as if he had heard the
joke the mostworld's greatest, his indifferent eyes fell onthose York Wei."You guys are not qualified
enough!" Atnext moment, Harvey York took another step, his auracomplete at this time.It was just a
moment, those York Wei who wereaccustomed to seeing great scenes on the battlefield felt a tremor
in their hearts andcasinothey could avoid taking a step back.At this time, these proud York Wei no
longerthey felt anger and arrogance, but a deep vigilance andabsolute vigilance!Because under his
oppression, the man in front of him couldRelease the pressure like a mountain Page 830 At this
moment, these York Wei could not helpthink of one thing.That was the Sword Saint Miyata of the
island country, whichseemed to have been kicked to death by this guyin front of him.That is the real
level of God of War!Only the God of War can kill the God ofWar.Could it be that the last name York
in front of me is atrue God of war without water! ?how can it be! In

Chapter 2772,compared to the shock and disbelief of theseYe Wei, at this time York Jiufeng has
been veiled by thego to.At this moment, he fiercely waved his hand andhe scoffed, "Since the
person surnamed York does not give theface, then take the person away! ""Who dares to resist, kill
without mercy!"Hearing this order, York Wei's eyelids alltrembled slightly., But the absolute order
forced them totake a step forward even in the case of fear andafraid.Senran's firearm was aimed at
the signsvitals from Harvey York's body right now.These York Wei slowly approached step by
step,apparently worried that Harvey York would suddenlytake action and destroy them!Harvey York
stepped forward again and said nonchalantly, "Did I say you could move?"A simple action, a simple
sentence, contained aunspeakable coercion.An aura that looked like a crushing eternal blue sky
wasextended, causing York's elite firearmsWei moved downwards almost unconsciously.It seemed
like it was blasphemy and disrespectfuluse a firearm against the man in front of him in
thismoment.The subtle movements of a group of subordinatesmade York Jiufeng's expression
morebleak.His eyelids moved slightly and then he looked at YeHao. "The last name is York, I know
you can beat him." "I also know thatyou killed Miyata with your bare hands. "" Alsoyou killed the
new prince Fenglei. ""Tianfeng Shiran didn't even dare to face you head on!""You are very
powerful and powerful, but have you everthought of one thing? ""What is it called Kung Fu, you
can beat a weapon offire?"You alone, can you be the opponent of the fiftyYe Wei's firearms? ""Even
if you can resolve our York Wei, we still Page 831 we have three thousand guards in Yemen in
Hong Kong! ""It really can't. We can also deploy themanpower of all forces in Hong Kong and the
twocities. By then there will be 80,000 if not 100,000!"You alone, can you beat so many
people?""For Longmen's sake, you don't want to fight with you,but if you have to fight me "I don't
mind killing youfirst!""I am now. Just for the last time, I want to takepeople, will you go out or wait
to die! "At this time, York Jiufeng showed Harvey York theabsolute value. Yemeni power in Hong
Kong and the twocities.I was telling Harvey York about the raptor, buthow a man should be."Of
course I know the capacity and energy ofYemen to gamble in Hong Kong and Hong Kong. "Harvey
York seemed indifferent, but instead looked at YeJiufeng with interest."But you forgot one thing."
"Where is this place?","Villas with a garden in Yemen,Hong Kong. "" The retirement of Tang
Lanruo, the wife ofYemen, Hong Kong "."To York Jiufeng, York Wei, head of it, what is yourpower
to bring people to this place? ""I have read the house rules I bet port ofYemen. "" want said parents
Ms. Tang hands, or can getyour front door order! ""or committed
a serious crime, then you, York Wei,can go straight into the arrest. ""But for now, neither of these
two conditionscan be fulfilled. ""Your behavior from York Jiufeng tonightalready violates Yemen's
house rules in games ofrandom from Hong Kong. ""If I remember correctly, according to the rules
of thehouse, you have to wet the pig cage. "York Wei Jingrui's face changed slightly and herspirit
was a bit in a trance.They did not expect a Yemen of gambling that does notout of hong kong i was
really here to chatwith them on the house rules of gamblingin Yemen from Hong Kong.This scene is
just amazing, but the problem is that Harvey York is right.What they did tonight, according to the
rulesfrom the house, they really had to get soaked in the cageof pigs.

Chapter 2773Ye Jiufeng's eyelids moved slightly,seeming to have taken this into account.Not angry,
he quickly regained his calm and then saidcoldly: "If I remember correctly, Tang Lanruo is thewife
of the sectmaster, but for ten years, Page 832 he has stopped playing in Hong Kong because of the
pain of losing.your son. The power and status of the gate. ""If you want to prove that we violate the
family rules,I'm afraid you first have to prove that TangLanruo is still the supposed wife of the
goalkeeper, noa sick patient. ""You know you won't cry without seeing the coffin." Harvey York
smiledand held out his hand to York Yunfei.York Yunfei was shocked for a moment. After a while,
he took out a golden token from hisarms and placed hercarefully in Harvey York's hand.Harvey
York hit the golden token on York Jiufeng's facewith a "pop" and said coldly: "Keep your eyes well!
open your dog! ""Hong Kong Gambling Yemen Sect Master Order, youSect Master left something
for the wife to protect hisbody! ""Seeing the token is like seeing the sect master!""Now commit the
crime, what crime should Icommit? ""Do you just want to take people out of here?flatten the garden
villa?"Let me tell you, there is no talk about you, York Jiufeng,Even if the York Jiutian boy comes
after you, he won'tdare you move this place at all! ""Seriously?"York Jiufeng's face was cold, so at
this moment he was caught by York. Hao completelyannoyed.At that time, the firearm he had in
hisThe hand was turned and the trigger was pulled with a "hit" on thegolden token.The token was
pierced in an instant and never lost itsoriginal appearance.York Jiufeng said coldly: "Where is the
orderteacher? Why didn't I see her !? ""Since there is no master order, we are the mostbig in this
three-acre area, York Wei! "next moment, York Jiufeng waved his hand withnonchalance, "Take
someone!""Rebels, kill them on the spot!""Surrender!"Before York Wei's elite could move, YeHao
stepped forward and slapped him in the nextinstant.“Slap!” A slap fell, and York Jiufeng had no
time tododge it. Instead, Harvey York slapped his eyes andbleeds from the corner of his mouth,
staggering towardbehind.Everyone in the audience was stunned and in a trance.Those York Wei
elites almost had trouble with their eyes,and some even unconsciously took drops toeyes to drop.
Page 833 As for the bodyguards and servants of thosevillas with gardens, everyone was in a trance,
with aincredible expression on their faces.Who is York Jiufeng? The people who bet onYemen in
Hong Kong knows this very well.Among the younger generation, all of Hong Kongbetting on
Yemen, only young master York Jiutiancan master it.Due to his relationship with York Wei, even
some of thesecond-generation elders who bet on Yemen in Hong Kong treated him with respect
andI dont knowthey dared to offend him.It can be said that York Jiufeng has never suffered asuch a
great loss.But today, he was slapped by an outsider! ?Is this York Jiufeng kicking the iron plate?Or
was it overturned in the gutter?York Yunfei couldn't help pinching his thigh tightly,the tingling
sensation made him gasp and thenreacted.Really, this scene is really true!"Smack-"Just when York
Wei reacted sharply, yelling andrushing forward one by one, Harvey York had alreadyhit his
backhand again and hit York straightJiufeng to the ground.There weren't enough slaps, Harvey York
kicked again andHe directly kicked York Jiufeng who was unable to respond, and then stepped on
his chest with one foot."Don't act rash, otherwise I'll kill him!first! "

Chapter 2774voice was indifferent and cold, but at this moment he suppressedto the audience, so
the elite dragon guards onefor one they would not dare to step forward in thismoment.Right now, no
one doubted York's abilityHao.After all, he could even stomp Miyata down todeath with one foot,
so York Jiufeng, who did notpracticed martial arts, had no difficulty intrample to death.But at this
moment, York Jiufeng, who was kicked to theground finally reacted.The corners of his eyes were
constantly contractingand his face was constantly contorted.He really didn't expect Harvey York to
be crazy up to this point.Obviously disadvantaged and disadvantaged, do you dareto punch York
Jiufeng in the face in public?And dare to step on it! ?At this moment, York Jiufeng looked at
Harvey York for the first time.time.It is no wonder that people like York Jiutianbe very afraid of
Harvey York. Page 834 It turned out that it wasn't that York Jiutian wasn't that good.like before, but
Harvey York was really charming anddominant.At least, in York Jiufeng's cognition, none of
theContinent elders dare to be so arrogant!"Asshole, let the nine masters!""We will let you go
immediately, otherwise you willwe will kill! ""Boy, don't forget, whose site is this!"A large group of
elite dragon guards finally reacted to this. Moment., One peronetook the firearm in his hand, aimed
at York Haoagain, and then he kept screaming.York Yunfei also looked strange and whispered:
"YoungMaster York, don't waste your time. If you kill York Jiufeng,the matter will not end! ""After
all, he is the Young Master of the ThreeHouses".York Jiufeng narrowed his eyes. in Harvey York.
Saidcoldly: "The one with the last name York, you're in trouble!"Harvey York smiled slightly and
said, "In Hong Kong and Hong Kong!Kong, there are a lot of people who tell me this kind of thing!
""Guo Yingzi, Chen Taidi, Takei Naoto""There are too many, I forget how many of these peopleare.
"But you know, whoever tells me these things will end? ""Kacha—" When thevoice dropped,
Harvey York came out with his left foot and directly stepped on York Jiufeng's left wrist,lightly
forcefully, directly hit her wrist."This is his end." "Ah-"A scream was heard and York Jiufeng
almost turned around frompain. If it hadn't been for Harvey York stepped on his chest,I would
almost jump right now. .And this scene again made the audiencecome back slow.Right now, there
were at least fifty weapons offire in front of Harvey York, and each of them had opened thesafe. As
the trigger is pulled, the lead bulletsthey would fly away.But in such a situation, Harvey York
continued to be fearless anddirectly stepped on York Jiufeng's left hand! ?Is it true that I don't know
how to write the four words,Or do I really have the confidence to actrecklessly? Many people have
complex expressions and everyone knowsthat tonight's things are destined to endin peace.For a
gunslinger like York Jiufeng, his hands areextremely important to him.Harvey York stepped on one
of his hands, which amounted to abolishinghalf his ability. Page 835 In such circumstances, both
parties are destinedto die incessantly!And the people from the garden villa also seemedcomplicated
and impatient.It's been a long time since Hong Kong playsin both cities.York Yunfei was also
dumbfounded, unable totalk for a long time."Motherfucker!"After a moment of silence, the
atmospherecame back extremely hard again. Almost all those firearms had reached thein front of
Harvey York right now.

Chapter 2775Murderer, right now, out of madness.They are all killers, ready to act in
anymoment.York Jiufeng's face turned pale and he finally leftscreaming.Then, a smile appeared on
the corner of hismouth."York Shizi, Hall Master York, you have a type!""You dare step on my
hand!""But I tell you, you only dare to step on my hand!"“Don't you dare step on me to death! "'Do
you know what this means?''means they're still scared after all!''also means that you are destined not
to playwith me! '"I tell you, if you have a species, step in Inow! ""Otherwise, I will kill you!""Then
push the person I love away!""You can try and see if you have other options!"After saying this,
York Jiufeng said nervously.He knew that his left hand had been abolished, butat the time it looked
horrible and distorted as ifI would have taken a stimulant.Harvey York looked at York Jiufeng with
narrowed eyes inright now, and he had to admit that this guy wasn't justcapable but crazy
enough.Although Meng Hu, one of the four youngest inPort City, had that temper before, it was
much worsethan York Jiufeng.However, Hong Kong Yemen gamblinghas been able to stay in the
two gambling cities ofHong Kong for many years, and it is natural that there are several capable
people.In the next instant, Harvey York stepped on the right handof York Jiufeng with his left foot,
but said lightly:"I'm here tonight, none of you cantake it away. ""As for killing you, I'm not
interested." "But I will also abolish your right hand! ""Aren't you a peerless gunslinger? Can't you
use Yang Page 836 with a hundred steps? ""I want to see, wait until you put your handsabove. After
you are abandoned, you, aPeerless gunman, how can you scream. ""Abandon my hands !?" York
Jiufeng was notthreatened at all, "The last name is York, if you want to giveUpstairs, you should
know the consequences! ""Then I'll hug you and die together!""If you have the ability, you will kill
me now!""If you don't have the ability, you can kneel down and bow. For mercy, thenI could leave
youto go! ""Otherwise, I With an order, you don't just want it,But everyone present is going to die!
""I will kill you. I am not at all lost for gatheringso many of you! "Harvey York shrugged and said
lightly.I laughed? So you take everyone to die together and Ido you show one? ""Now you
are the bug on the soles of my feet. YesI want you to make him die, you have to die. "'I want you to
live so that I can live.'of course you can fight, and you can jump towardsabove."'But these don't
make any sense to me.'"it is ? ",York Jiufeng sneered, and sneered at that moment."Brothers, let this
guy see what we York Wei are capable of!" When thevoice fell, one of York Wei's elite membershe
narrowed his eyes slightly and then took off his suitbulletproof at the same time."Beep, you idiot
—"When the sound came out, I saw that there was a strong explosivetied to York Wei's elite body,
and the wick of theexplosive was connected to his heart. It was obvious thatas long as the elite
heartbeat stopped, theexplosive would explode.We will all die together.Under York Jiufeng's eyes,
this elite took out a weapon fromrevolver fire then buckled a bullet then spungently compass."Ka
—" Thecompass stopped, and the elite York Wei took the weapon fromrevolver fire and directly
pulled the trigger on histemple.
Chapter 2776 "Ah ..."This shot was empty, but many servants of theGarden Villa were shocked.It
can only be said that York Jiufeng's hand istoo ruthless. Has a look that randomly wearseveryone to
die together, like meat on a plate, whichit's frightening.Before anyone could say anything, York
Jiufeng already Page 837 he had smiled again and then snapped his fingers."Kacha—"York Wei,
who was tied up with high explosivespower, he pulled the trigger again.This time it was still an
empty bullet, but the processonce again frightened the bodyguards and servants ofthe garden
villas.Everyone was shocked by York Wei's madnessand they wanted to take a step back, but right
now,they were worried that York Jiufeng was putting everyone to death for his actions.York Yunfei
couldn't help but roar: "York Jiufeng, you bastard!""The lady has one long and two shorts, I see how
you canface your life! ""Hahahaha-""At that moment, everyone embraces. To death and to
becompany on Huangquan Road. Now what a lifeI need to survive!? ""Do you have the ability to
go to the underworld, you kill meagain !? "York Jiufeng smiled wildly, looking at Harvey York,who
was stepping on his right hand, and said coldly,"last name" York's, if you have the ability, kill me.
""If you don't have the ability, you will let me go and kneel down!""Otherwise, if I give an order, it
will fire athird shot! "'Nobody that I know, if there is a bullet in the nexttake, don't know, next take,
does everyone die together! ''How?'," It is exciting? ""It's fun, isn't it fun?"At this moment, York
Jiufeng laughed forward andbackwards, laughing arrogantly, "Kidnap me?Threaten me? Hit me in
the face? ""Do you think Lao Tzu is like that Meng Hu guy, he's asilver candle? ""Lao Tzu tells you
that Lao Tzu was killed at seablood, the least fear is threats, the leastfear is dying together ".Before
Harvey York could speak, York Jiufeng returned tofinger snapping."Kacha—"Good luck, this shot
is still empty, but it has alreadyscared the bodyguards and servants intoThe more empty bombs at
the front, the morewill be the probability that they are directly solidat the rear.Also, even with good
luck, the next twoshots are still empty, but with the last shot, nobodycan run away!"A
shame".Harvey York narrowed his eyes at crazy York Jiufeng, saw hisacting jump up and down, and
then he smiled and said, "Have you Page 838 heard a word? ""Those who really want to die, I
disdain to act!"You can act like this, which means you don't wantdie and you are not willing to die.
""So why should I be afraid of you?""Don't say there aren't any!" York Jiufeng looked
stubborn."The last name York, if you have a species, will you bow with me to the end! "" If you
don't dare tobow down with me, let me go, bow down and excuse me! let me interrupt you with one
hand and onefoot, and thenlet me take the killer away. ""Otherwise, the entire garden villa will die
thisevening! ""This place will be full of corpses, and blood will flowto the rivers! "Thevoice
dropped, and York Jiufeng broke his fingers again, whichIt was the first time, four shots, and within
this planethere is already the smell of death.Harvey York said lightly: "York Jiufeng, it seems that
you arereally crazy, thinking you can threaten me forthose means? ""Are you too naive?""You can
not?" York Jiufeng smiled grimly. that YeWei who was sweating all over."What are you doing?
Hurry up and shoot!"

Chapter2777"Kacha——" The fourth shot was still empty, but this time, noit was just the elite York
Wei with the bomb tied to his bodyhe was sweating when he fired the shot.Even the other York Wei
elites, their eyelids jumpedwildly.If the first three shots are controllable, eachof the three shots to
the rear is equivalent to walkingover a ghost door.And York Yunfei turned pale at this moment,
almostrunning forward to snatch the gunin York Wei's elite hand, but he resistedabruptly.As he
feared the impulse of the other party, he pulled the triggerrepeatedly.The cloud of death engulfed
everyone on the scene inthis moment, and everyone felt cold all over.York Jiufeng let out a stern
grimace, twistinghis body and said: "The last name is York, do not let me go, do not tearrodilles and
apologize, the nextshot, everyonethey could die together!"Harvey York smiled and laughed.In the
next moment, Harvey York stepped forward,reaching extreme speed.The moment York Wei, who
was tied up with apowerful explosive, unable to react, Harvey York slashed Page 839 directly his
hand and grabbed the gun from theopponent's revolver."Douchebag!",York Jiufeng was shaking
with anger, his chest hurt.But Harvey York looked at him and pointed the gun directlyof fire from
the revolver to the elite York Wei who was tiedwith a high explosive.He then smiled softly and said,
"York Jiufeng, since youhe likes to play so much, we will continue playing. ""In this firearm, there
are two more chances." "This time we will all die together, or thenext it's timethat they all die
together. Die together! ""Now the initiative is mine."Speaking of this, Harvey York showed a
smileplayful. "Come, interrupt your right hand, kneel down andbow to Ms. Tang to admit her
mistake. ""Otherwise, I'll shoot."York Jiufeng was shocked. Then he scoffed. "If you arenamed
York, I don't think you can think of it! ""Your mainland people are greedy forlife and fear of death!
""If you have the ability, you can shoot!""You don't shoot this shot." You're the sonbastard turtle!
""You— "" Kacha— "BeforeYe Jiufeng finished speaking, he saw Harvey York squeezingthe
trigger with an indifferent expression.At this moment, including York Jiufeng, all the facesYe Wei's
elite turned pale.The arrogant York Jiufeng unconsciously wantedback to the ground.Fortunately,
the firing pin fell and the bullet was stillempty.They all sighed.But Harvey York raised the revolver
firearm andlooked, then smiled and said, "It looks like the next shotIt must be a hundred shots.
""Come on, York Jiufeng, tell me, now you're going down witharrogance. in front of me., or
interrupt your hand? ""I give you three seconds, you should know that I have alwayshad little
patience ”." Three, two, one "“The last name is York! You dare! "York Jiu Feng struggled to get up
off the ground and ran towards Harvey York. But at this moment, Harvey York had already
squeezed thetrigger nonchalantly."Kacha——"Accompanied by Harvey York's movements, the
entirescene freezes and freezes almost at the same time.Except for the elite York Wei who was tied
up withhigh explosives, the other York Wei elitesthey had unconsciously dragged along the ground.
Page 840 York Jiufeng, who had originally pouncedabout Harvey York, crawled behind
him."Ahhhhh, I don't want to die"

Chapter 2778No one thought that York Jiufeng, who was arrogant andcrazy, he would be scared at
the last minute.And York Jiufeng himself could not think that he wascrazy enough, but he couldn't
think that Harvey York,who seemed indifferent, was a little crazier than him.Seeing York Jiufeng
who yelled at his mother, all thepresent were in a trance, unable to react at all.Is this the original
face of crazy York Jiufeng?But after a moment of trance, alltalents suddenly reacted and did not
explode! ?Why didn't it explode? ?Isn't this shot, will they all die together?Why is everything okay
now?The expression of fear on York Jiufeng's face turnedsuddenly solidified.At that moment he
also reacted, at that momenthe could only wait for a crack to penetrate the ground.York Jiufeng,
who has always used life and deathto intimidate everyone, he was crying to his motherat the time of
life and death. At this time,York Jiufeng would rather be scared and cry straightlike Meng Hu.In the
middle of the field.Harvey York looked at the revolver firearm in his hand with a look of surprise,
and then said withinterest:"Is it stuck?""It seems everyone is lucky!" Whilespoke, Harvey York
pointed the firearm againfrom the revolver to that body. York Wei Jingrui, who wasstrapped with
high explosives, he tried to squeeze thetrigger several times.The sound of "Papa Papa" was heard,
but they did not come outbullets, obviously the gun was really jammed.But even so, every time
Harvey York pulls the trigger onthis moment, it's like I'm in the heart ofeverybody.Simple
movements and simple voice madea group of York Wei elites would seem difficult to see
theextreme.No matter how arrogant they usually are, theywonderful they are.Her boss called her
mother at the critical moment of life or death, and now she can'tlet.The so-called York Wei, perhaps
from today, will becomein the biggest joke in Hong Kong and the two cities."It's boring, come on,
let's change a gun andcontinue playing".Harvey York dropped the jammed revolver on the ground,
thenhe clapped his hands and walked over to York Jiufeng. Page 841 Then he reached out to remove
the revolver from theYe Jiufeng's waist.But York Jiufeng, who had just walked through the door of
theghost, he unconsciously avoided it at this time, hisface turned pale.Only those who almost died
once know theimportance of life.At this moment, York Jiufeng was reallyafraid."What?
You York Jiufeng is not the person in charge of YeWei? "" Aren't you arrogantly coming looking for
someone? ""I did not threaten myself, if you do not deliver someone or kneelfor you, are you ready
to hug Will you die together with everyone? ""What? Can't it be fun?"Harvey York extended his
right hand and slapped YeJiufeng in the face."Don't be ashamed if you can't play it!""Who do you
think yourtricks? "It's rubbish "."Did it give you the confidence to pretend to be in front of me?"Are
you worthy?"Harvey York's tone was nonchalant, but it was stern.These words made York Jiufeng,
the person tocharge of York Wei's face, it will change over and over again.When Harvey York
reached out his hand to slap him out ofAgain, York Jiufeng finally got angry."The last name York is
enough!" "If you have the ability to hit me again,I'll say, I ""Slap-"Harvey York seemed indifferent,
he slapped York Jiufeng withhis backhand and jerked abruptly to the ground.Then he took out a
tissue and wiped his handright, and said lightly: "I'm going to hit, what are you going todo with me?
""Or what can you do with me !?"

Chapter 2779Ye Jiufeng covered her face, her expression was difficult tosee to the extreme.Facing
Harvey York's cooking meat, who is not afraid of himto death, this type of person who is more
ruthlessthat he really has the feeling of crying without tears.York Jiufeng's heart was already
persuaded, but thelong-standing high level made him unable to give up his dignityand beg for
mercy right now.And he knows well that if he kneels down to beg for mercy now, whether it be
York Jiufeng or York Wei,become the biggest joke in Hong Kong and thetwo cities."I give you one
last chance, interrupt your handright, kneel down and apologize to Ms. Tang and doa bow to Ms.
Tang. ""Otherwise, wait for death!",York Haofeng said lightly, but he had already declared the Page
842 York Jiufeng's fate. .Just when York Jiufeng looked gloomy andpreparing to interrupt his right
hand.At this moment, there was a great roar from the sky.After that, ten huge machines
roaredblack.It is a gunboat, they come from far and near,crossing the sea, carrying an indescribable
killer smelland violent.By the time everyone could barely react, these armed helicopters
arrivedquickly to the top of the garden villa.Then a giant firearm spread out from thecabin and
locked up all the York Wei in the field.Then, there was an indifferent voice in the air."This is the
guard of the Yemen sect master fromHong Kong gambling "."We have taken over this place "."Take
the gun, but don't kill! "Hearing this, York Jiufeng's face changed, andfinished!And the York Wei
elite softened one by one, and the weapon offire in his hand fell to the ground.These people, who
play in Hong Kong and bothcities, dare to step on everyone's faces.But in front of the gatekeeper's
guards, who daresto master?York Yunfei unconsciously said, "The master has returned!"Harvey
York subconsciously looked at the team in midairLike a torrent of steel, with an expression of
interestin your face.York Wenzheng, the Hong Kong player in Yemen, isa bit interesting.Did he
really return from abroad with thousands of troops?Will this come back to save relatives? Or
returnwith King Qin?Under Harvey York's interesting gaze, thesehelicopters descended one by one
and stopped atthe open garden.Later, while the Sen Cold Firearm enclosedto everyone, the cabin
was opened.Then I saw more than 20 men in black uniformsjumping, all with guns in hand, staring
ateveryone in the field with indifferent expressions.The murderous air in them is a little scarier than
that of the York Wei, the most important thing is that guyfromindifference to life and death, which
makes thepeople cannot avoid fear.Hong Kong bets on Yemen, the master ofguard.This is one of the
strongest hole cards among theHong Kong bets in Yemen.And the gatekeeper's guards came, who
also Page 843 they represented the goalkeeper.Soon, some men, women and children came out
whothey looked like ordinary people, like touristsparticipated in a tour group, no different from
thecommon people.But Harvey York recognized him at a glance. This peopleThey are top-notch
teachers, but their aura is well hiddenand ordinary people can't see any clues at all.It can be said that
these people are the elite of theFinally, a young woman in a black suit and tailhorse came out
holding an umbrella and protecting atall handsome middle-aged man.The moment this middle-aged
manhe left, nobody cared about his clothes, but in thismoment, it seemed to have become the center
of thisworld naturally.Hong Kong, Yemen's Gate Master, YeWenzheng!One of the people at the top
of the Great Pyramid ofXia power.

Chapter 2780Either York Wei, or the bodyguards and servants ofThose garden villas, they can't help
but bend their kneesat this time.But York Jiufeng, who has always been arrogant andarrogant and
arrogant, he suddenly felt like aclown in front of York Wenzheng, looking so ridiculous andIgnorant
His madness, his hysteria, there is nothing in front of this man.After a while, almost everyone
leaned towardback and said respectfully, "I have seen the master!"Only Harvey York did not salute,
but looked at the man frommiddle-aged aura in front of him with interest.Regardless of whether
York Wenzheng's returnthis time it's accidental or unavoidable, I don't seem to needsing for the big
show tonight.Tang Lanruo and the garden villa will receive manycomplaints.This can save you a lot
of effort.In Harvey York's gaze with a smile but asmile, York Jiufeng on the ground staggered,
thencovered his face and walked in front of York Wenzheng,squeezing the "fourth guy".Obviously,
at this moment, York Jiufeng tried touse weak relatives from Hong Kong withinYemen to find an
opportunity for himself. York Wenzheng looked at this nephew with aexpressionindifferent and then
said lightly, "York Wei has thespecial authority of the monarchy, first cuts andthen play, this is what
I said. "" I have to follow thepower urgently, and I can understand itEven if I break the rules "You
broke my ordersectmaster, and I'm not going to hold you responsible. ""After all, I have always
supported York's work Page 844 Wei. With the existence of York Wei, Hong Kong can onlybet on
Yemen with a single iron cube."However, having taken control of thevilla in the garden, who did
not act according to the rules,trying to fight and kill, and did not respect the wife of
thegoalie.""Even when you're about to do it, you don't know ifyou will listen to me "."If I don't
come back tonight, even your fourth aunt, the dignifiedGatemaster's wife, will she be killed by you?
spoke, York Wenzheng reached out to raise theYe Jiufeng's chin and turned her back on him. . Head
said to thelightly, "Do you think YeJiutian will be in charge after the birthday of theold woman. ""
Then I, York Wenzheng, became weak andcheated?""Sixth uncle, I don't dare, I don't have such a
situation."Thoughts, I have always respected you as always!""It's just that today is urgent, others
irritated me!"York Jiufeng's eyelids jumped wildly intothis moment.Originally it meant that if Tang
Lan did not suffernothing, on the contrary, suffered a great loss.But I felt it was too embarrassing to
say thesethings in front of York Wenzheng.At the moment, he could only clench his teeth and said,
"Youyou are the sectmaster one day, and you will always be the sectmaster.How can I offend you
and the fourth aunt? ". YeWenzheng smiled and said: Do you think I am weak andincompetent, or
do you think I'm weak and incompetent? Myold eyes are dull? "While talking, he instructed York
Jiufeng to take a look at thecameras in the corner.Obviously, York Wenzheng had already seen
everythingIt happened just now through the camera.At this moment, York Jiufeng couldn't help
thecorners of his eyes moved, his face was difficult tosee in extreme.If I knew that, it would be
better not to come tonight.It was not only embarrassing, but it also offended theteacher.This is all
due to partner Harvey York.Right now, it can be said that York Jiufeng hates Harvey York. York
Wenzheng's faint gaze fell on the faceof York Jiufeng, and then said in a deep voice: "York
Jiufeng,Are you guilty? "" You led the team to surround the villagegarden, ruined the owner's order,
and actedarbitrarily. These are nothing. ""If you follow the process, even if you call me, this tooit is
a ruler.""In this case, I certainly understand what you do."'Even if you are civilized and harmonious,
don't do the Page 845 things in such a barbarous and embarrassing way. ''I'm not going to say
much.'"But I have been treated for many years.York Wei's attention was regarded as a letter
fromtriumph that he could act recklessly. ""You gon 'stomp on me for so many years to
memorizefor York Wei "."York Jiufeng, you really disappointed me."After saying this, York
Wenzheng looked at York Jiufeng with a sigh.York Jiufeng hesitated, his expression was ugly.But at
this moment, the York Wei elite looked at each other one by one.one, and they all knelt with a
"pop."“I will ask the teacher to punish me when he knows myerror!"York Jiufeng looked at the
kneeling man, his eyelidsthey jumped wildly.He knew very well that if he knelt in front of thisMan,
he would never stand up for the rest of his life.At this moment, York Jiufeng cracked a smile and
said:"Uncle Si, I didn't disrespect you. The reason I came hereit's to catch Xinghualou's killer. ""I'm
afraid there will be other assassins lurking. In HongKong. The high-level game in Yemen in Hong
Kong iswaiting for the opportunity! "" I'm afraid ofsomething happens, so I'm in a hurry! "" If what
I did makes you feel bad, then you canapologize! ""Excuse Ms. Tang!""If the lady feels
uncomfortable, she can slap me acouple times. I definitely won't dodge it. "York Jiufeng
deliberately revealed his left handbroken and his face covered with palm prints whileHe spoke,
seeming to be silent. this conflict.York Jiufeng used this trick to retreat as aAdvance.As long as
York Wenzheng had the slightest intentionto give
in or let go, York Jiufeng felt that he could take advantage ofthe opportunity to trample Harvey
York to death.Harvey York watched this scene with a smile, hisindifferent expression.Harvey York
probably guessed why York Wenzhengreturned at a critical time.If York Jiufeng is still going to
wear the same set of thepast to fool York Wenzheng, he can only say that he is too naive."I said, you
circled the garden house. I can forgive you." "You threatened to crush the garden house. While notit
happened, I could forgive you. ""But you used a dead man to scare me."Ms? "“Have you forgotten
that in addition to being your teacher, I am aman and husband? "York Wenzheng interrupted York
Jiufeng with a Page 846 indifferent expression, and at the same time extended his handright.The
woman holding the umbrella carefully took outa revolver with body temperature of the arms,
thentook out five lead bullets, only the last one remained, and thenHe spun the wheel before putting
the revolver on. to York Wenzheng.This scene made Harvey York and York Yunfei both eyeswill
condense slightly.As for the people around, they breathed almost frozen."As a man, as a husband,
whether he is in ahigh position or at the base ","It is natural to protect my wife and seek justice
formy children"."You York Jiufeng stepped on my head today""If I don't teach you a lesson, is it
tomorrow, do you planBury Me Alive? "
Chapter 2782"You like to play, so I'll play with you." "The five lead bullets removed represent
thefive Yemeni houses in Hong Kong, which gives you fivecool faces. ""Finally. One bullet from
the slogan represents theconfession that a man and a husband need. ""The next thing depends on
your own luck!" Afterthat the wordsfell, York Wenzheng directly reached for the revolverin his
hand and reached for York Jiu, Feng's right shoulder.Then he pulled the trigger with a nonchalant
expression."Bang-"York Jiufeng shook his entire body with a loud noise, andhis figure was
propelled by the enormous force to fly.The moment it hit the ground, it convulsedall, wanting to cry,
but clenched his teeth toavoid yelling.A lead bullet was fired on the first shot. Onlyit can be said
that York Jiufeng's luck is reallybad.Harvey York took a deep look at York Wenzheng.I must admit
that the Yemeni sectmaster inHong Kong really has a little skill and a littleof courage.But this is
also normal. If you don't have the capacity,How can Yemen's heart be stifled from gamblingHong
Kong? '' On the ground, York Jiufeng kept moving, trying toget up, but because he didn't have both
hands, he justhe was able to fight on the ground like a dead dog.And all the elites below him were
kneeling in theground, and no one dared come to support him.At this moment, a hint of resentment
flashed acrossthe depths of York Jiufeng's eyes.In the past, even if I did something wrong, I would
only receivea reprimand with a few words.After all, York Wenzheng has no queen and Page 847 he
has always valued his nephews.Even if he was really angry, he would hit andI'd kick a few feet at
most.This is already a pediatrics for young people who bet onYemen in Hong Kong, and it's
nothing.But York Jiufeng couldn't imagine that York Wenzhengwould directly use firearms, and a
single shotdestroy the right arm that he relied on to survive!For York Jiufeng, this is not only a great
shame inlife, it also means that your future and your futurehave ended at this time.Furthermore, he
is the young owner of the third house, and hisfather is the head of the third house of
gamblingYemen Hong Kong.But York Wenzheng did not face his father whenacted like this!"I just
said that the five lead bullets removedrepresent the five faces of the five houses of Yemenin Hong
Kong, and the last lead bullet represents mystory as man and husband"I will give you enough face
and your father.""If that's not the case, the six lead bullets will enteron your body tonight. "York
Wenzheng handed over the revolver firearm inhis hand to the woman beside him, and then he took
it. He wiped his right hand with a handkerchief.He then narrowed his eyes and watched York
Jiufeng say tolightly: "I'm acting like this, do youunderstand? "York Jiufeng was out of breath, his
faceit was horrible and his heart was filled with resentment.I abolished myself and wondered if I
would accept it! ?Right now, York Jiufeng just wanted to bite YeWenzheng to death.But how
resentful does it matter who was in yourheart and her face was ugly, York Jiufeng did not dare
totalking nonsense right now. I could only squeezed theteeth and said, "Nine seals are taken.""I
hope they are convinced, not just verbally."Because next time. If you have something similar,
don'tblame me, my fourth uncle, for not giving you a chance anduse you to kill chickens and
monkeys. "York Wenzheng looked indifferent, and then noddedhead towards Harvey York, who had
been watching the show, and nonchalantly issued the order "XieBing,pass my order. "

Chapter 2783"First of all, from now on, York Wei changesowner, and York Yunfei is in charge. The
original person acharge, from York Jiufeng, will be sent to Yemen Application ofthe Law Hall of
interrogation. ""Second, Hong Kong gamblingabout Yemen Garden Villa is listed as an
arearestricted. Anyone who dares to run wild, killsmercilessly. " Page 848 "Third, Harvey York is
the Hall Master ofLongmen Law Enforcement. It has a distinguished status.From this moment on,
he is my distinguished guest. itsidentity is the same as mine in Hong Kong and Hong Kong.
""Those who offend Harvey York, like Offend me YeWenzheng. ""Kill without mercy!"After saying
this, York Wenzheng's eyes settled on Harvey York, as if a slight color
passedfromappreciation.Harvey York looked deeply at York Wenzheng and thenHe smiled, "Thank
you Master from Yemen for your love."Harvey York believes that this Master from Yemen must
haveclear what he has done in Hong Kong and the two citiesthese days.It was clear that he still
considered himself a guestdistinguished, which actually represented his attitude.Xie Bing, the
woman who held an umbrella for him, toohe looked at Harvey York in surprise.Obviously, I don't
understand, this man who seemsordinary and looks a bit seductive, is there somewhere thatYemen
Master value that much?However, she has always commanded and forbidden, and notthere is
nonsense at the moment. Instead he leanedforward and said "Yes!"And York Jiufeng immediately
trembled when he heard the three words "Law ", and hisface paled. and said: "Uncle Si, I'm your
nephew.!" "I've always been loyal to you so you can't trywith me ah! ""!Tetra! "Yewen Zimmer
gazed indifferently at thedepths of Villa, as not Hear the sound ingeneral.And Xie Bing waved his
hand indifferently, and he soon sawsome gatekeeper guards buckle York Jiufeng andsend them
directly to the cockpit of a helicopter.This conflict tonight.York Jiufeng lost power and York Yunfei
took over, andwas destined to sweep away a great wave of games ofrandom in Yemen in Hong
Kong.And Harvey York also officially appeared in the grandHong Kong and Hong Kong gambling
sceneKong, becoming one of the protagonists.Hong Kong, the guest of the door masterfromYemen,
your status is extremely honorable,Anyone who dares to offend will not be amnestied!It can be said
that from this moment, in the eyesof many people, Harvey York has changed from onelittle person
to a bright star that embraces theYe Wenzheng's thighs.York Wenzheng walked up to the third floor
of the Page 849 garden, at the door of his wife's room.Looking at the closed door, he hesitated for a
moment beforeto push it slowly to open it.Originally in the cognition of York Wenzheng,
TangLanruo, who had been a bit neurotic these years,You might be scared by what happened
tonight, and I knowI had prepared to comfort him.But the moment he walked in, he saw his wife
standingby the window, holding a cup of coffee and lookingthe sea calmly It seems that what
happened outside has nothing to dowith her, as if she had already controlled everything.York
Wenzheng suddenly felt a little trancein front of him. It seemed that when they first metOnce, the
elder lady of the Yanjing Tang Sect wasso calm and calm.This is why you fell in love with her at
firstsight and then kept chasing her.Only after marriage, the happiness of the two does notlasted a
long time, and the boy he finally asked for diedprematurely in less than a month.From that day on,
there was no joy and vitality in thishome.As of that day, Tang Lanruo seemed to haveturned into a
zombie.But today's Tang Lanruo looks more like aliving person, so York Wenzheng was
astonishedto the extreme. "Lan Ruo, are you okay?""I came back late."No matter how many
thoughts went through yourmind, York Wenzheng stepped forward in thismoment, he touched Tang
Lanruo's head and spoke in a voicecome down.

Chapter 2784"I'm fine"Tang Lanruo looked back, his bright eyes turningposed on York Wenzheng's
body, and after atime, a trace of apology flashed deep in theireyes."In the last ten years, I have
failed you." "I've always felt ashamed for my children, andI've never considered your feelings.
""This makes you have to act with manyrestrictions and worrying about my ass. . ""And since I
never wanted to have a child and a half sincemy son died early, that's why the old woman forced
you to accept York Jiutian, a cheap son! ""Because of this, York Jiutian is only now. You havemuch
power within Yemen in the gambling ofHong Kong, whatplacesin danger now "." It's my fault that
made them get soaway. ”Hearing Tang Lanruo's words, YeWenzheng was a bit shocked, he couldn't
think Suwife, who always only sheds tears, can Page 850 understand herself.It seems that before
someone said that the last nameYe cured your wife's heart disease, right?After all, due to the heart
disease ofTang Lanruo, York Wenzheng did not know how much energy andconnections had
deployed, but did not know how manyteachers were invited.But it never had any effect.But that
Harvey York slapped his wife a couple of times and let her go back to normal?Although York
Wenzheng did
not understand, he even wantedteach Harvey York several times.But seeing that his wife was
normal right now,He was no longer complaining to Harvey York, he was just grateful.At this
moment, York Wenzheng grabbed the hand ofTang Lanruo and whispered: "In fact, I never blamed
you." "Because I know your feelings for your children. ""However, now that this matter is over, we
canstart again".TangLanruo suddenly got cold, and then whispered "No, thismatter has not yet
passed. "York Wenzheng was shockedfor a while.Tang Lanruo solemnly said, "I have activated all
theenergy that I have and began to investigate the truth aboutthe untimely death of my son ten years
ago! ""No matter who gets involved in this matter, I will make him pay the price of his life!""Only
in this way can my heart diseasebecured. Only in this way can it be considered thatthis matter has
passed! York Wenzheng's eyes turnedthey shrugged slightly and then said coldly, "ThenYe Jiufeng
and they came tonight because of ""No, it's wrong, because I verified some information."
"Yesterday they didn't just let people burn myinformation, but also organized a murderer
ofXinghualou to attack me and kill me. ""But this morning the killer missed and was shotme ...
""but I got a press release, said theXing Hua Lou's assassin did not die, but fell into myhands, due to
judgment and in a coma "."So there is this tonight. "Yewen Zimmer Mouguang couldn't 'To avoid
freezing, he couldn't think about the appearance of thisevening,and there were such causes and
consequences.Then his gaze fell on the gardenunconsciously, and then whispered: "Where is
Harvey York? "" I'm gambling in Hong Kongand Hong Kong. Apart from a few confidants, there is
nomore reliable people. ""But Harvey York and us. The interests are the same,So I can trust him! "
Page 851 "The appearance tonight, I don't just want you to seehow other people bully me, the
teacher's wifesect. ""I want you to see this too." This comes fromthe York family in Lingnan. York
Shizi, the family member,has some skills. ""At least I admire him."York Wenzheng frowned deeply
and said:"What do you mean?" "York Jiutiande is not worthy. I will not accept this son." "But, we
have to make arrangements for a young manteacher who bet on Yemen in Hong Kong,truth?""But,
we have to make arrangements for a young manteacher who bet on Yemen in Hong Kong,Right? "

Chapter 2785Tang Lanruo spoke with York Wenzheng and asked HongKong who bet on Yemen to
change a young manteacher at the same time.In a hidden villa in Central, Hong Kong.York Baibing
was awakened by the ringtone of thephone while sleeping. After the phone wentconnected, his face
abruptly changed.After that, he left his room and called theYe Jiutian gate. Then she looked ugly
and said, "Something!it happened! ""York Jiufeng was also shot down." "He went to catch the
assassin in Xinghualou tokill him. At the time, there was a conflict with the garden villa!"'Harvey
York's curse was really there. Not just oneslap York Jiufeng a few times and slap him on theface, he
lost his face too! '"And the point is! At that time, York Wenzhengreally came back! ""He took action
personally and abolished the handYe Jiufeng's right! ""The most important thing is that he also took
the position ofYe Jiufeng and asked him to go to the police. roominterrogationsTang Lanruo's
confidant, York Yunfei, becamecharge and took over York Wei "."That bastard Harvey York became
the guestdistinguished from York Wenzheng, with the same status as him.Anyone who dares to
offend him will kill him! "" Nine days, we can't wait and die! "" Yesthis continues, there will be
fewer and fewer people at youraround!""The energy that you can use will also be every
timeless!"Due to the multi-tasking arrangement, it is a bituncomfortable. York Jiutian, who had just
fallen asleep,he frowned slightly at this time.He picked up the phone that he had set to silent
anddiscovered that many people were sending messages to Page 852 report the situation.However,
at this time, afterquickly grasp the situation, he poured himself a glass ofboiling water and leaned
against the bar for a fewsips."Nine days, what the hell are you doing !?""When is it, are you still
calm?"“Don't you know that everyone is already here?” York Baibing looked extremely ugly."Hurry
up and let the people from the Hall ofLaw Enforcement Release York Jiufeng, And Don't Let YeYun
fly to the top, otherwise, if York Wei falls intoTang Lanruo's hands, we will be very passive! "isYe
Wenzheng's order, stop. Do not stop! ""Come on, let's go to the old woman, only she cancontrol the
situation! "York Baibing's expression was ugly at that moment.I couldn't helplessly see how the
things that belongedYe Jiutian fell into the hands of others.York Jiutian smiled, narrowed his eyes
and whisperedgently: "Do not be scared, things have not come tothat point "."Go ask the old woman
to get off the mountain now!It will only reduce our weight on your heart! ""And, at this moment. At
this moment, someone ismore nervous than us. "'Why are you so ignorant !?' York Baibing
watchedat York Jiutian with a solemn expression: 'Os Jiufeng wassent by you, in any case. '"No one
has brought it in now. York Jiufeng still entered,which means we can't kill people! ""Then while
Xinghualou's assassinsell, then we'll be in trouble! ""And Tang Lanruo could take this
chance.Continue to investigate what happened ten years ago! "'In that case, we'd be quite
upset!''also, the youngest had no affection for you, but nowwill suffer even more! '"Maybe it will.
Stand up fully. On the side!from York Wenzheng, let's kill you together! "Obviously, York Baibing
feared that York's stateJiutian was affected by this incident."No, not really!" York Jiutian remained

Chapter 2786"I gave York Jiu a young master order." "But he was concerned about the safety of the
game ofhighlevel of Yemen in Hong Kong, so I wanted to question theXinghualou assassin. ""The
master of Xinghualou,I'm sure I killed Tang Lanruo too!"" As a young master of Hong's internal
designationKong Gambling Yemen, when I exercise authority in acritical moment, at most I can be
punished with theaccusation of not asking myself. that to what Page 853 can i blame ""I didn't order
York Jiufeng to bump into Tang Lanruo, orI let York Wei's people be arrogant and domineering!
"York Jiutian drank the water, her expression extremelyquiet."Also, according to the news that I
justreceive, the assassin in Xinghualou died at the scene agolong time!""The reason the news was
released earlier wasthat Tang Lanruo and Harvey York joined forces to make thegame, the purpose
is to deceive me. ""It's just that they wouldn't have thought it wasn't me who joinedforces to play
the game, but York Jiufeng ""Xinghualou's killer is dead !?"York Baibing was shocked. It is what
worries the most, but yesthere are no witnesses, what are you afraid of?York Jiutian smiled, took
out his mobile phone, and called avideo you just sent.In the video, Xinghualou's killer is
beingburied in a well.After seeing this scene, York Baibing finally sighed, and then clenched his
teeth a little,"This whoreTang Lanruo has a leg with that Harvey York!? ""Dammit!""Thanks to
them, we actually lost a powerfulreinforcement!",York Jiutian smiled and said, "If you lose your
horse, you know whatit's wrong!""When I let York Jiufeng shoot, actuallyI considered the
consequences of his mistake "."It's just that he hoped Harvey York would defend himself
withstrength, but I did not expect my fourth uncle to return fromForeign!"But it's okay. Whatever
happens, this time the Liangzi fromthe three rooms and the four rooms has beenresolved! ""The
fourth uncle has abolished York Jiufeng and deprived thethird hall of authority. I don't think that he
is always neutral.third uncle will pay under such circumstances. Able tostay neutral! ""Even if it can
continue to be neutral, I also believeit will be tilted. "Hearing this and seeing York's determined
expressionJiutian, York Baibing finally smiled.She couldn't help hugging York Jiutian, looking
atthis young man dozingly, and said with an expressionsatisfied, "We are planning and earning
thousands of miles ofdistance. This is the Sabed, Jiutian I "."That said, this one. No matter how
thethings, it's good for us. "York Jiutian smiled and said," Yes. ""What about that ten years ago?"
York Baibing thought of Page 854 something else, "Since the fourth son has returned, if Tang LanI
would definitely let him verify the incident tenyears. ""Although we have destroyed some key
evidence, theThe problem is that when it comes to the character of the roomchild, while in doubt, he
will follow up. the end ""In this case, I'm afraid that happened ten years ago."Onat this point, a look
of concern appeared on theYe Baibing's eyes.She was not worried about his life or death, but about
whetherYe Jiutian would be affected by this incident.York Jiutian said nonchalantly, "I also have
thearrangements for this matter. ""I'm not saying that those inside and those who knew the
yearsincident ten ago have already left Hong Kong city. ""I have also leave them for safety in
recentdays . Someone will arrange for them to dieunexpectedly. ""And they are all very unexpected
accidents. No one candiscover the type of clues "."Don't Worry."

Chapter 2787Hearing York Jiutian's confident words, the faceYe Baibing's finally blossomed with a
smile.He stretched out a lazy waist, and thenhe chuckled, "Then we don't have to do anythingNow
do you just lay back and watch the third and fourthsquats? "York Jiutian smiled slightly and said,"
What do we have to do. ""Anyway, I asked York Jiufeng to stop theassassin.""Now that it ends this
way, I'm a littleresponsable"."If I do nothing, the third guy and the third roomThere will definitely
be opinions. ""But saving people, I don't think it's necessary to saveReally "."Sometimes we can
behave, stage, deso that Sanfang feels that we have done our bestto do my best. ""After all, this
world is what it is. The easiestis to behave! ""I
want to see how the teacher from Yemen, who has beenabroad for a long time, will be strong in
frontto the game Yemen divided internally in Hong Kong!"Our Master from Yemen, if you release
York Jiufeng dueto your plea between you and me, what is the authority of yourTeacher? ""If he
doesn't give us face at all and insists on punishing YeJiufeng, then the three chambersWhere is the
face? "" I'm really looking forward toI arrived. I want to see what the end result of ourYemen
teacher ". Page 855 Obviously, although York Jiutian has suffered successivelyin Harvey York's
hands these days, the consequence of the laloss is Ling. Make it more cautious.Its purpose is simple,
to damage York's prestigeWenzheng, the master of the Yemeni sect of Hong Kong gambling, to
benefit him.His calculations are so delicate that York Baibing has alook of admiration."Nine days, if
you count that long, I feel comfortable.""Indeed, the Yemen of the Hong Kong gamehe confessed
that he did "."In the future, our Hong Kong game Yemen isin your hands, and you will definitely go
ahead and reproduce theglory of the first of the five gates. "ye Baibing said with a smile on his face.
.York Jiutian smiled slightly, did not reply, but narrowedeyes and said, "Is there any newsthe old
woman? "York Baibing smiled and said," I heard that theolder brother and older sister are
accompanied bytheold woman. Ms. "" Now the fourth. When you return, yourolder brother should
be more inseparable "."After all, distance leads him to door fourrooms, and it's just one step away.
""This matter is not resolved" The older brother did not know.will move away from the old
woman's side. Half a step, "York saidBaibing with excitement.Immediately, he said withdeep voice:
"Speaking of which, everything is blamedto the room. If I hadn't stolen the big brother jobback then
how could there be something so badnow? "Obviously, after York When Wenzhengcame to power,
there were many restrictions on the gamesfrom Hong Kong within Yemen.She York Baibing also
had to marry the man who is neither male nor female for the benefitfrom Hong's gameKong in
Yemen.The great youth was sold to a eunuch, and each timeI thought about this, York Baibing
wanted to crush YeWenzheng.York Jiutian reached out his hand and poured a glass of water toYe
Baibing to restore your mood.Then he whispered, "Some things are not suitable formy". "But you
are suitable "."Call my dad, tell him about it and let him knowunexpectedly to the old woman. ""As
for the third uncle." . ", You should also put yourself incontact, calm your third uncle's emotions and
tell him thathis precious son York Jiufeng was almost killed by the fourthuncle".York Jiutian put
down her wine glass and smiled and said, "As soon asme, as a Hong Kong player. The
representative of the Page 856 younger generation, the worthy young master. ""I should go too, I'm

Chapter 2788Hong Kong bets on Yemen Garden Villa.Due to the series of events last night, Tang
Lan saidthat he was worried about Harvey York's safety, sowho forcibly retained the guests and
asked him tostay at the garden villa during your game in Hong Kongand Hong Kong.Harvey York
refused to be fruitless and could only be ofagreement at the end.After all, the Garden Villa is
somewhat crowded andis much better than Three Seasons Hotel ice cream. Also, Harvey York had a
feeling thatwhatIt happened last night it was just the opening of a great show.So I did not intend to
go, but I was going to see a greatshow.When he woke up, he took out his cell phone to checkyour
mail.These are some of the latest news from the capitalGongzihai magic.According to his news,
Mandy Zimmer has officially takenthe post in the magic city, but his position is notstable.Because
there is no shortage of people in yourroom that want to be superior, now it isquestioning his status
and birth.Mandy Zimmer is said to be working hard nowto stabilize internal affairs and draw the
attention ofthe top management of the Zhen family, the magical capital.Harvey York sighed with the
growth of Mandy Zimmer andI was a little worried about his overexertion.But when he pulled out
his cell phone and wanted to send atext message, Harvey York struggled for a moment, then
leftyour cellphone.In front of other people, he was able to remain calm.Alone in front of his
nominal wife, Harvey York couldn't copewith that with indifference.Because besides these, Gong
Zihai also mentionedin email, consciously or unconsciously,that Lilian Yate's heart is not dead.
Although nowhas recovered, is constantly in contact withsome big and young from the upper class
in Daxia and wants to arrange a blind date with Mandy Zimmer .In the eyes of this cheap mother-
in-law, Harvey York is not worthy of Mandy Zimmer anyway.For example, your refusal to hand
over all the assets of theTianri Group for its operation has already touched the scalerebel of Lilian
Yate.After sending a message for Gong Zihaikeep paying attention to these things, Harvey York
sighed andhe hung up the call he was about to make.On the phone, there are some things that cannot
be said. Page 857 So what you should do now is let theHong Kong gambling in the two cities
endASAP and then return to the magical capital.After hanging up the phone and going to the
bathroom to wash, YeHao was wide awake.He walked to the balcony of the guest room, lookedthe
white curtain of heaven outside and began to enjoythis rare good time.Just when Harvey York was
about to ask hisservant to bring you breakfast to enjoy.Outside the garden villa, there was a sudden
noise.I saw that there were several luxury cars parked outsidethe garden villa right now.Then one by
one, handsome or beautiful figures came outrespectfully from the luxurious car.York Jiutian was
impressively at the forefront.At that time, his white shirt, lookinghaggard who hadn't slept all night,
he walkedstep by step to the gate of the garden villa.Then, with a "pop," he knelt in the doorway
without saying anything, and said aloud, "Hong Kong was gambledin Yemen YEJiutian, and the
imperial government was not strict, which causedYe Jiufeng to make a big mistake! ""York Jiutian
is here to please the door, byfavor. The Lord punishes! "AtThe next second, the other young men
knelt down one by one.one.These people are the geniuses of the Yemeni generationHong Kong
gambling, including York Qubing,York Senluo and others.At this moment, they all said in unison:
"York Jiufeng!ignore the majesty of Madame Tang, and the followingcrimes should be severely
punished! ""I am York Jiufeng's brothers and sisters. His fault!It's our fault!""I am willing to be

Chapter 2789"I am willing to be punished even if I wait!" Onthis moment, another group of people
left. Arepeople are no longer Yemeni people who play in HongKong, but they are great figures of
the younger generationfrom Hong Kong playing in the two cities.Guo Yingzi, Xu Zhiqiang, Chen
Hongdou, and others werepresent.It can be said that these people gathered all theelites of the
younger generation of the gambling cities ofHong Kong and Hong Kong, and they cannot be
underestimated.Harvey York looked at this scene with great interest.He trampled many York Jiutian
people to death,and it also attracted many neutral people.But he didn't expect York Jiutian to be
unexpected, and he still had such an influence.Hong Kong, young master from Yemen, I can only
saywhich is well deserved! Page 858 Furthermore, Harvey York took a closer look and found that
inthe five houses of Yemen, Hong Kong gambling, toExcept for the fourth room without a queen,
people came fromall other rooms.Accompanied by the screams of these people, in thisAt the
moment, the balconies of many rooms in the VillaGarden have made a hole.Xie Bing, York Yunfei
and others also appeared one afteranother, but they all frowned slightly.However, York Wenzheng,
the gate keeperYemen in Hong Kong, and the wife of thedoor, Tang Lanruo, they didn't show
up.This scene made Harvey York look at York a littleJiutiangao.His behavior is not necessarily a
plea,but it's definitely to force the palace, andit is definitely to buy people's hearts.And it also put
York Wenzheng in a quandary.If you walk in, you will not face the people in front ofyou at all, and
it is equivalent to not giving face togreats that are behind them.If he retires, York Wenzheng will
completely lose face tofrom now on.By bringing thousands of soldiers to rescue his wife, ayoung
man hit him in the face the next day. So YeWenzheng, the Yemeni gambling master inHong Kong,
couldn't you? Simply put, York Jiutian's move wasdefeat York Wenzheng's army.Most people can't
really help you.Seeing this scene with great interest, Harvey York has already seenthat it is difficult
for York Wenzheng to make a perfect break up.Thinking of this, he called out to Cui Yingxia with
great interest andthen he waited in silence.Soon, Xie Bing kicked open the copper doorwith a group
of guards, coldly staring at York Jiutian.She coldly said, "Young Master York, early in thetomorrow,
he came to make a noise! ""Don't you know that the sectmaster came back from a raida thousand
miles and now he's resting? ""I upset the sectmaster's rest, whatshould you do Sin!? ""Thank you,
secretary! York Jiutian's fault is the faultof my thousands of mistakes! "Seeing Xie Bing's
appearance, York Jiutian's faceHe showed a smile, and then said seriously."I asked you to do York
Jiufeng's case!""Although my intention was good, it was to prevent the talllevel of our Hong Kong
gambling Yemen to beattacked by the Xinghualou assassins! ""But I have not personally come to
suppress the battle,This made York Jiufeng feel stimulated by Harvey York,and acted so fiercely
that he ran into Ms. Tang! " Page 859 "It's all my fault!""I think I should accept the punishment!""I
hope the sect master I can free York!Jiufeng, grab me and interrupt my hands and feet! "" I am
willing to be punished! ",York Jiutian said loudly, his expression was ineffable andsincere, it
seemed she didn't get York's replyWenzheng. It would never
rise the sameOthers also replied, "York Jiufeng iswrong, I'm willing to be punished together and
I'mwilling to be punished together with Young Master York! "Obviously, the trick that York Jiutian
used right nowit was the same punishment.He didn't ask for mercy or forgiveness, he only asked to
be punished by YeJiufeng.In the eyes of outsiders, York Jiutian is sentimental andrighteous, and
morally noble!At the same time, it also put great pressure onYe Wenzheng.

Chapter 2790How can Xie Bing not understand this?Of course, he knew that if York Wenzheng was
allowedshow up, it would be absolutely impossible to deal with it.She said with a cold face, "Young
master York, you'retrying to force the palace! "York Jiutian shook his head and said, "Thank
youSecretary, you have not understood me! ""How could I force the palace?""I have always only
respected and admired the teacher. No!there are other emotions! ""I just feel ashamed of the
greathopes that the teacher has placed in me. I did not teach wellto my brothers and sisters, and I let
them do such a thing!""I just hope everything is wrong. It's my fault, don't punish them!""York
Jiufeng's incident has been handed over to the Hall ofLaw Enforcement, and Law Enforcement
Hallwill give a fair, fair and open treatment. bill. Xie Bing seemedindifferent."As for whether you
young Master York is guilty, andif people are going to be involved, they told me it doesn't count,
thesect master said it does not count, only the application of the LawHall has the last word! ""But in
this case, you are here. Force the palace, by thepresent support Jing and please sin! ""What the hell
do you want to do !?"Xie Bing is not a fool either, her eyes fell on YeJiufeng, and it seemed like he
could easily see through hismind. There is still a ghost in your heart, do you knowclearly? ""You
don't need me to point it out, do you?""Then, Young Master York, please go."York Jiutian smiled
slightly and then said solemnly:"Thank you Secretary, we are indeed guilty." The crime Page 860
carelessness! ""Then, I think he should be punished. If the teacherdo not punish me, I will ask the
old woman to punish me! ""I think the old woman, her old man, will give us this opportunity!to be
punished! ""York Jiutian, are you trying to cause trouble !?Do you still have to use the old woman
to suppress the doorman?!? "Xie Bing looked ugly.She has seen many reporters appear in the
distance, and they are all extremelyexcited.After all, this is a great event. One timeexposed, it will
make a reporter famous in one fell swoop!Even if it is not handled well, the news of the
turmoilinternal in Yemen, Hong Kong, they will fly through the sky!It will even affect the stability
of the two cities ofHong Kong and gambling.If you have to count, all these reporters werereported
by York Jiutian.The purpose is to force York Wenzheng to submit.Seeing the appearance of these
reporters, York Jiutianexcited even more. At this moment, he said aloud: "Whatever happens, please
come out and see us! "" If thedoorman won't come out, we'll kneel here for three days and
threenights! ""People won't punish me. I punish myself!""Only then, we can receive a warning and
nevermake similar mistakes in the future! "Hearing this, the other youth all replied, "Themaster will
not punish me, I will wait for self-punishment.! "Xie Bing's expression was difficult to see in the
extreme, YeJiutian almost engraved the next words on his face.But the problem is that this matter is
extremelycomplicated.Whether moving forward or backward, everything is fightingagainst York
Wenzheng's face.Just when Xie Bing was about to dial theYe Wenzheng's number and report the
situation, saw thedoor location and Harvey York came out with a smile.He walked towards York
Jiutian with an indifferent expression, he looked at the young master of the Yemen in HongKong
and said witha look of surprise: "Young Master York, although wewe've known for several days,
you don't need to see it,that is all. A great gift, right? ""It's hard for me to do it like this!""Why not
so, I also give you a great gift, whatsuch?"
Chapter 2791Ye Jiutian's face darkened in an instant, he didn't think Harvey York would give
himself a giftsame.Just when he was about to ask Harvey York something, he saw Harvey York
snap the Page 861 fingers, and then he heard a "pop." Several Longmen children came out of the
corner holdinga cardboard box."This is the wedding photo of our young master York Jiutian and his
fiancee!""Has Young Master York not really revealed who his fiancé is?""You're not
interested?"Those Longmen kids leaned on the group of reporters. One by one he smiled
anddistributed the set of photos in their hands.The reporters originally came for York Jiutian and
York Wenzheng.When collecting the photos, everyone was reluctant.But when they saw the Bi
people couple in the photo, their eyes lit up.The background of the photo is Victoria Harbor in Hong
Kong city, and the man is YeJiutian, handsome and handsome.And women, a lot of people don't
know.But the sweet smile on her face seemed to come from the heart.Being able to take a series of
wedding photos with York Jiutian has actually explainedmany problems.Just when everyone is
thinking about who he is.But when Harvey York waved his hand to signal a Longmen boy to come
closer, YeHao took a handful of photos and held it up violently.The photos flying all over the sky,
like snowflakes, the content of the photos that YeJiutian and other people kneeling on the ground
finally saw at this time.At the time of seeing it clearly, I do not know how many people drastically
changed thefaces.Because everyone knows the heroine in the photo.York Jiutian's face turned pale,
and she subconsciously said, "Impossible! I already destroyed thenegatives, how could these things
appear !? ""Why is it impossible?"Harvey York stood in front of York Jiutian, Rao looked at him
with interest, "York Shaozhu, have you forgotten thatnow is the digital age and the internet age?
Photo negatives are stored in thecomputer and on the USB flash drive. ""And whenever you find a
computer expert, it must not take half an hourrecover deleted photos from a family's wedding
photos. "" It's just that you're also aruthless man. To make this woman sell you thelife, you even
took wedding photos with her."It's a pity that he died because of that in the end."Hearing Harvey
York's indifferent words, each of the reporters squeezed out likesmelling shark blood, trying to hear
what Harvey York was going to say tocontinuation.Harvey York holds up a photo. This photo is not
a wedding dress, but a photo of a womanhappy and York Jiutian.With York Jiutian's hideous
complexion, Harvey York smiled at the surroundings and said, "This heroine, everyonein the upper
circle present, they know. ""It's just that no one dares to say his name.""Because she is the deceased
woman." disciple of the five Taoist temples, Shi Xiaolan! ""A woman who died for love and for her
lover."What a song and tear! ""Guys, don't you want to give the world a beautiful gift for love?"
The newspaper? "Next moment, these reporters were boiling.The civil conflict of the rich is indeed
great news, but it is not enough to call theattention.But the rich, the young, and the holy land of
martial arts claimed that they neverthey would marry female disciples, and there is an image and the
truth. Page 862 Also, the disciple is dead and is still getting up out of love.These reporters can think
clearly with their thumbs, which news is more valuable.

Chapter 2792"Bad son!"York Jiutian was furious, and Harvey York's seemingly random movements
brokethe general situation of his forced palace.At this moment, he was about to run forward and
snatch the photo from Harvey York."Slap-"Harvey York slapped with a backhand, directly slapped
York Jiutian.He then apologized and said, "Young Master York, I'm sorry, I'm used to hitting
thepeople and slapping, and I just missed it. "words made the audience unable to remain silent.Slap
York Jiutian slap, is it for a foul?Do you need to be so shallow, do you think York Jiutian is stupid?
York Jiutian struggled to get up, her expression was hard to see in the extreme in thismoment.Then
he ran forward and yelled, "Go ahead, kill him for me!"At this time, York Jiutian had forgotten all
the tactics and the decisive victory to thousands ofkilometers of distance.The scarlet palm print on
his face made him jump in rage. If Harvey York isn'tkilled today, this matter will never end.Harvey
York seemed to back away helplessly, and said aloud: "Young Master York, I really don'tI was
serious. ""I was like this now.I waved like this. "" Slap ... "Harvey York didn't. He finished
explaining, but slapped York Jiutian across the face again.York Jiutian's figure, which originally
seemed rebellious, flew up again, this time Harvey York did notI had control.When I saw York
Jiutian who was about to kill someone, his eyes darkened, hisbody trembled and fainted."It's over, I
failed again.""Young Master York was knocked unconscious for me.""Hurry up and call an
ambulance!""I will pay the medical bills and pay the mental damage!""Hurry!"A group of reporters
stood up. more excited.York Jiutian and the disciples of the Wumei Taoist temple are passionate
about love andadultery.Harvey York slapped York Jiutian with two slaps.This is all great news!Even
sexier than the lace news from the entertainment stars.Right now, who still remembers York
Jiutian's original purpose?While the other second generations were watching this scene, they all
looked ugly until theextreme.York Jiutian is dizzy! ?Ruined!The so-called forced palace today is
meaningless without York Jiutian. Lose the whole game!At this moment, these people looked at
Harvey York's expression, almost as if they wereabout to kill.At the window of the main house on
the third floor of the Garden Villa, York Wenzheng, whoHe had originally viewed this scene
indifferently, he suddenly showed a smile. Page 863 Harvey York's rest seemed simple and casual,
but it pointed to York Jiutian's weakness.I'm afraid that
in the next few days, York Jiutian will have to hide in the hospital torecuperate.Otherwise, the mere
news of lace with the disciples of the Taoist temple of Wumeiwould allow large numbers of
reporters at home and abroad to come to him tointerviews.Soon, dozens of ambulances roared and
took York Jiutian and his gang away.Harvey York did as he was told. He drew the check directly
and signed a check for 100 millionyuan to the doctor who led the team. He told him that if he could
perform the surgery, he wouldthey would anesthetize.With everything, in short, how expensive it is,
do not save money, master, I have money.Even if you accidentally kill someone during an
operation, I won't pay you anycompensation.Seeing Harvey York's expression wishing that the
hospital could kill York Jiutian, howcould the doctor leading the team dare to receive the check?
After putting people in the car, they just flew away.This made Harvey York regret a lot, he was even
prepared for losshead of the Yemen House gambling house in Hong Kong.It's a shame these doctors
didn't give you the chance.

Chapter 2794Even Harvey York, a person who is used to the delights of the world, couldn't help
butpraise him onthis moment, saying, "Good crafts." York Wenzheng, who was drinking water,he
finally raised his head and looked at York. Hao right now. He smiled and said, "They're
justhomemade dishes made by yourself. York Shao doesn't dislike them. "Hearing this, Harvey
York's eyes narrowed slightly, and then his gaze fell on thesauteed radish dish. in front of him
again.The size of each piece of radish is extremely uniform, even the color has nono difference,
seemingly random, but with a casual freehand brushstroke.I can only say, good skill!This York Clan
master probably has decades of weapon cultivation skills.Although he did not deliberately reveal
anything, but from the plate that Harvey York fried, he could see thatthis York Clan master was at
least at the level of God of War.Furthermore, he was not yet York Jiutian's God of War who used
drugs, but a trueGod of War.While Harvey York was thinking about the strength of York Wenzheng
York Wenzheng Harvey York scrutinized, and smiled, "Os Shao, they are York Shizi's Lingnan, and
they are also the HallLongmen Law Enforcement Master. ""You have this status to a young woman,
indeed. You are already a superior."Harvey York didn't know what York Wenzheng suddenly said
about this, but he still smiled and said, "Don't you dare, just a small achievement. ""York Shao
Guoqian." York Wenzheng suddenly smiled. "Actually, they sent me theirresume last night "."
Thebuilding a pool of 100 billionyuan with bare hands was betrayed by the York family, but
returned to the top threeyears later and got everything back. that was lost "." Li Yimei, York Qubing
is something of acharacter "."You kicked him back to Hong Kong city. ""I heard that Li Yimei will
tremble with anger now when he hears your name. ""Pass your hands over the clouds, cover your
hands like rain, and take theposition of the Master of the Longmen Law Enforcement Hall. ""Kill
Miyata Masanosuke, and shocked Tenkaed Shiro.""Any record is very outstanding, and it is beyond
everyone's reach." Page 864 Harvey York smiled and said, "Is Master York's kind invitation today
onlyto congratulate me a few words? ""I can't afford things like this."York Wenzheng said seriously:
"It is not to praise you, but to appreciate you." "At the same time, it is considered an apology.
""Apologize?" Harvey York was a bit surprised."York Qingmei is my adopted daughter." York
Wenzheng did not hide it, but spoke directly.Hearing these words, Harvey York let out a soft "Oh",
and many doubts werethey resolved.It's no wonder Li Yimei, who is by nature, has a raised eyebrow
at York Qing.No wonder York Qingmei and York Jiutian didn't get along as superiors orlower.Even
if she was taken away by the Dragon Prison, she enjoyed the highest level of treatment.no one
would dare to embarrass her in the Dragon Prison. This is all because York Qingmei is theYe
Wenzheng's adopted daughter.Adoptive daughter of the master of the Yemen sect of Hong Kong
gambling, Eaststatus is really very high."So York Sect Master, are you going to drop York Qing's
eyebrows?" Harvey York thought for amoment and said."No" York Wenzheng said lightly "If you
make a mistake, you have to admit it.""If he admits it, they will be punished.""I will be punished all
that should be punished.""If I were Yemen's gatekeeper in Hong Kong, I can't even make my
adopted daughterobey the law, so how can I control the huge Hong Kong gambling gamein Yemen?
""So many people looking me up and down, they are waiting for me to make mistakes.""So, so York
Jiutian can be in power."

Chapter 2796"Me?"Hearing York Wenzheng's words, Harvey York was shocked for a moment and
thenRiver."Does the Master from Yemen really want to ask me to teach me, or are you ready toput
me to the test? "York Wenzheng said with interest." How about you really ask for advice?How
about you try out for school? ",Harvey York said nonchalantly. "They really ask me for advice. I'll
tell you a word, put it to thedeath and live after. ""If you just try my school, I'll tell you it's enough
to maintain the status quo.""It's just that I'm talking this way, if one is careless, probablywill finish.
It won't be great. ""Of course, if Yemen dominates, it has great courage and energy to suppress
allYemen, so no matter what you do, it's okay. ""Let him die and resurrect?""Isn't it broken?"long
pain better than short pain? ",York Wenzheng muttered.For him, York Jiutian and the others are
already the Yemen tumors of the Hong Kong game, and they arethe kind that goes deep into the
bone marrow.If you want to squeeze out this malignant tumor, Hong Kong Gambling Yemen might
just crumble andhe too could die. However, if this tumor is not squeezed out, Hong Kong
gamblingin yemen stillthey will persist. Maybe it will completely decrease due to this incident.It's
too bad that even York Wenzheng's generation heroes can't take Page 865 a decision.What Harvey
York said today made him sober.Long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain and a big
breakout."So if I'm going to die and live, can York Shao help me?" York Wenzheng's eyes
turnedposed on Harvey York.Harvey York smiled and said: "Dangtanggang is betting on Yemen's
housework, it isinappropriate for me to intervene. ""No, you are suitable. You are Lingnan York
Shizi. To some extent, you are also a player ofYemen in Hong Kong "."You cannot intervene, and
you can even take theinitiative if you want. "York Wenzheng spoke, I saw Tang Lanruo coming
from the living room,squinting at Harvey York to speak."If York Shao is willing to take over, the
others don't care, but I, Tang!Lanruo, I am willing to support you! "Whensaid this, Tang Lanruo's
expression was extremely serious. Obviously, alwaysWhen Harvey York is willing to nod her head,
she will definitely do her best.Harvey York smiled, and said, "Ms. Tang made a joke.""Hong Kong
is full of talents in Yemen. When is it my turn to be a stranger?""Also, I have said this with the
Yemen Master, and there is no other purpose. I am justmaking a suggestion. ""If I want to be in
thehigher ranksDoesn't everyone think I have ulterior motives when I say this? "" YeShao, it doesn't
have to be this way. York Wenzheng looked serious."What you said is die and live. Serious I have
considered a long time ago. It's just thatI cannot make this determination. ""Now you tell me this, I
made up my mind instead.""If this is the case, it is better than York. There are few greetings and
good people to do it until theend, and send the Buddha west. ""Could you also tell me, if York
Jiutian is ripped off, who can be in the position?"“At least currently, there is no second generation
Yemeni in Hong Kongthat I can overcome it. Yes! "York Wenzheng looked solemn and asked
seriously Since this is the real dilemmafaces Yemen in the gambling ofHong Kong, how can you
make a decision if it is not resolved and there is no way out?Harvey York smiled and said, "Master
York, you are blinded by seeing Mount Tai.""Actually, you've already cultivated a good heiress, but
you've never taken her seriously.""It is","York Qingmei."

Chapter 2797 Harvey York looked indifferent when he left the garden villa.He knew that what he
said was a great shock to York Wenzheng.I'm afraid York Wenzheng has never considered whether
to let York Qingmei take over.At this time, I made it clear: As long as York Wenzheng carefully
considers it anddecide, then in Hong Kong, gambling will definitely be organized in theYemeni old
lady's birthday.Harvey York, who was not interested in betting on the Yemeni old woman's birthday
inHong Kong, felt the need to ask Tang Lanruo to send him an invitation letter.After all, such a
great show cannot be seen anywhere.While Harvey York was thinking about this, a Toyota Elfa that
hadn't been photographed stoppedsuddenly beside him.Then the back door opened and a cold-
looking, short-haired woman in uniformlow. Page 866 He had a tablet in his hand, which contained
photos of Harvey York from many angles.She took the photo and compared it for a while, and then
said weakly, "Harvey York, right?""San York wants to see you.""Please get in the car." "San York?
", Harvey York looked at this woman with interest. Judging from the wrinkles in her clothes, she
shouldhave been waiting here for a long time.I've been waiting for my appearance."What Sanye?"
Thecold woman said slowly: "Of course it is Yemen, York Wenchuan, York Sanye!""York
Wenchuan? Hong Kong betting on Yemen Sanfang Fangtou?""York Jiufeng your father?"Harvey
York was quite stubborn. Surprised, "Don't you wantkill me now? What do you mean by wanting to
see me? "" Looking for an opportunity tokill me? "The uniformed woman's eyelids moved and she
whispered," York Sanye has no othermeaning, he just wants to buy you a cup of tea. "Harvey York
smiled and said lightly: "As the saying goes, there is no good meeting, there is nogood party. "., But
I am very curious, at this critical moment, what our YeSanye wants to do and what we want to say.
the way."Harvey York did not forcibly refuse.Since you have been involved in Yemeni gambling in
Hong Kong, you aredestined to meet these figures of the game in Yemen of Hong Kong.Since York
Wenchuan has shot, he has to move, right?Seeing Harvey York's promise, the cold woman did not
say anything else, instead she gave Harvey York to thecar with a gesture please.Soon, the car began
to move silently down the road.About half an hour later, the car stopped under a building ofoffices
on the outskirts of the city center.The cold woman led Harvey York to the top floor and knocked on
the door of the president's office.The president's office is not too big, only about 100 square
meters.However, in the city of Hong Kong, where every inch of land is rich, thisoffice is worth at
least tens of millions.As for the luxurious interior decoration, it has become an ornament in front of
this priceof housing.There are many authentic works of famous paintings hanging on the walls, and
the porcelain, theivory, etc., are all precious things.The Hainan Huanghuali sofa in the middle of the
room exudes a faint fragrance, which is veryrefreshing.Harvey York walked to the sofa and sat
alone, by the way, he lifted his legs and took the cigarSouth American from the table to
play.Although a hint of anger crossed the Qing Leng woman's face, she still walked towardsthe
inner place and whispered "San York, I have brought it.""Okay, just come." OnNejin's office, there
was a hearty laugh.After a while, a man with gold glasses and who looked to be in his fortiesFifty
years old, dressed in a top-notch suit, he went out with coffee.He has a refined temperament, but
without losing strength, he seems like a long-term superior.

Chapter 2798Hong Kong Gambling Yemen, the third room, York Wenchuan At this time, York
WenchuanHe walked into the living room. After squintingEyes to Harvey York for a moment, he
whispered, "York Shao, right? You're very good."Harvey York smiled, grilled the cigar in his hand
and said lightly "Yes. Page 867 River ". "Thethird teacher isA character like me, in front of your
father, there is no place for arrogance "."NoI endure this good comment. ”Ye Wenchuan's eyes
narrowed slightly, as ifif he couldn't think of Harvey York, so sharp.He immediately condensed the
different colors in his eyes, sat in front of Harvey York tohimself, and then looked Harvey York up
and down and said, "At a young age, I canbecome a Lingnan York Shizi. ""At the Dragon Gate, he
can easily reach the top position."'at least. I wasn't that accomplished when I was his age. ''Among
the younger generation, they are very good.''You are even better than my filial little son!'Hearing the
three words of the non-filial son, Harvey York shrugged, he knew that thedrama was
coming."About York Shao, I have heard many rumors." York Wenchuan indicated to the Qing
womanLeng to go, then narrowed his eyes and continued speaking."For example, you were able to
kill Miyata Shinosuke that day because the God of War of the Seaof the South, Yang Diming,
suppressed the audience for you, and even wounded Miyata Juggernaut witha mighty force in
advance. ""Ten Feng Shiro withdrew in the face of that, afterwards it was also found that Yang
Diminghe was also present on the scene. "'so I'm curious, if you're strong enough, or because of
Yang's backingDiming, who has become so bold and reckless? 'When it comes down to these four
words, bold and reckless. , York Wenchuan's eyesthey became extremely sharp.He looked at Harvey
York with narrowed eyes, as if to see through his heart, throughall your defenses.Harvey York
smiled and said lightly, "York Sanye is superior, omnipresent and omnipotent. Whydon't you guess?
"York Wenchuan said lightly: "We bet on Yemen in Hong Kong. It is one of the fivemain doors in
the old times, although I am not a door. Lord, but there is stillsome perception. ""There is no such
thing as a young God of War, but it is rare in ancient times, and allthose people came into being!
"Your generation, in Daxia, there is only one. The head coach is thewho was born. ""And the others
don't.""I have seen your resume and you have never entered the Tang Dao camp, then you canDon't
be the god of war taught by the head coach! ""So if what I was hoping for is good, you should be a
generation of soldiers, maybe thepinnacle of soldiers, maybe not, right? "York Wenchuan seemed
determined.In his opinion, even if Yang Diming suppressed the audience, but Harvey York was able
to killMiyata Shinosuke, would also have the strength of the King of Soldiers.Otherwise all
explanations will be meaningless.Harvey York looked at York Wenchuan with interest and said
sarcastically, "York Sanye's eyes arelike torches, and I admire him. "Seeing Harvey York's evasive
expression, York Wenchuan was more determined in his heart,thinking their guesses were true."It
seems like I wasn't expecting anything bad." "And it's hard to say that Yang Diming, the god of war,
is indeed your sponsor. " Page 868 "It's just that, Shao York, have you considered a question? No
matter how strong Yang is.Diming is, he's only from the Nanyang Kingdom. A small place,There is
notovernight guarantee. "" Even if he can protect you for a while, I'm afraid he won'tcan protect you
for the rest of my life. , truth? "" Due to Yang Diming's asylum, youYou behave in such a wicked
way. I'm afraid it's not good?

Chapter 2799 Harvey York said lightly, "What? York Sanye called me today to teach me a lesson."
"So let me behave with my tail? "Feeling the coldness in Harvey York's words, York Wenchuan
comfortably bowed. Atsofa, then narrowed his eyes slightly.From the mainland, a generation of
soldiers, relying on a Nanyang man asback.I don't know if the sky is high and the earth is thick, but
I thought it was really good.York Wenchuan quickly made a judgment on Harvey York, and then
extended his right hand andhe gestured quickly.I soon saw the door open and three black-clad
bodyguards entered with aplate each.York Wenchuan narrowed his eyes to look at Harvey York and
said lightly, "I asked York Shaoto come today, not to teach you or to avenge you. "" What I want to
do is a situation in whicheveryone wins, that is. , everyone makes abusiness."Satisfy each other."As
he spoke, York Wenchuan snapped his fingers and saw the first bodyguard liftthe red cloth on the
wooden plate in front of him, and a book about to decompose appeared inits interior."The martial
arts holy land practice books are only half a volume,but they are enough for you, Shao York, to
make a breakthrough and advance to the level ofGod of War.""This is considered my reunion gift to
you, and it also represents my goodWill. Please, you're welcome too, Shao York. "spoke, the black
bodyguard placed the wooden plaque in front of Harvey York, his expressionindifferent.Harvey
York narrowed his eyes to look at this, but sighed at York's generous work.Wenchuan.It can only be
said that the dead camel is bigger than the horse.Even if Hong Kong Gambling Yemen is the bottom
of the five main gates, itsNet worth is not what ordinary people can imagine."Such a thing as a
reunion ceremony, York Sanye is really generous!"Harvey York smiled and said.York Wenchuan
smiled and said, "I said, this is a win-win situation."Then he waved his hand again and the second
wooden plaque was opened with a red certificateof real estate inside.York Wenchuan picked up the
real estate certificate, flipped it over for a moment beforepush him in front of Harvey York.Harvey
York narrowed his eyes at this thing and said lightly, "This shouldn't be something YeSanye gave
me free, right? ""Intelligent!",York Wenchuan gave Harvey York a thumbs up."Let me introduce
you first, what is this." "This villa adjacent to the Wumei Taoist Temple is the favorite residence of
practitioners.of martial arts "."It is said that such a place gathers the spirit of heaven and earth and
lives here. You can make your Page 869 martial arts progress a lot. ""Such a village is worth no less
than a billion, and it is not even money for money.""What is the price?" Harvey York said
nonchalantly. "Witnessing proves that York Jiufeng did not crash.with Ms. Tang last night. He just
collided with you. ""You are willing to mediate and not hold York Jiufeng responsible."Harvey York
was shocked for a moment, and then I couldn't help but laugh. There are not too manyaccidentsYe
Jiufeng is York Wenchuan's precious son.I'm afraid it's only for York Jiufeng's business to make
people like York Wenchuanbe humble and give this to that.If Harvey York agrees this time, it means
that York Wenzheng's handling last night wasunfair.York Jiufeng can then resume his post, regain
his position, and assume power.And York Wenchuan only needs to pay for something that he doesn't
need, and it can only be said that it is abig profit!After all, for people like York Wenchuan, what is a
secret of the artsmartial? How about a villa?Betting on Yemen's high position in Hong Kong is the
real deal.

Chapter 2800OnSimply put, York Wenchuan definitely doesn't want York Jiufeng to stop betting
onYemen in Hong Kong because of this.After York Jiutian was unable to force the palace, he was
ready to use a soft knife."York Shao, I know doing this will make it difficult for you to be a man in
front of TangLanruo. "" But imagine that the opportunity to become a god of war is just right.in
front of you, and my absolute friendship with York Wenchuan. ""And what you have to do, just say
a few words and make a transcript!""You can't miss the opportunity and don't come back
again!",Harvey York smiled, he didn't answer right away. York Wenchuan, but looked at the last
plate and said:"So what is this in the end? Something?""What is the point?" Themore important
things and hole cards should be placed last.So Harvey York wanted to know what exactly York
Wenchuan came up with and what requirementshe was going to play himself."These are ten share
transfer contracts."York Wenchuan personally raised the last red cloth and then threw the contract
on thecoffee table in front of Harvey York."These shares come from the ten largest publicly traded
companies in
PortCity. With these actions, you can directly establish a superior family in Port City. ""So, become
the fifth youngest in Port City!",Harvey York couldn't help but clap his hands. his hands and said
nonchalantly. "it really is a lot of money! "A lot of money,"The total value of these equity stakes is
probably no less than dozensof billions. ""But I don't know. Give me so many things. What price
should I pay this time?""Very simple" York Wenchuan smiled slightly, "I have a test in hand, a
testfrom that incident ten years ago. "“This evidence can prove that, with the exception of our third
room, the otherrooms have been involved in the incident ten years ago! ""So this evidence cannot
flow out of my hands."“But I hope it happens. York Shao, your hand appeared in front of my fourth
brother and fourthyounger siblings in a reasonable and reasonable manner! " Page 870 "After
everything is done, you Harvey York, you are the fifth youngest in Port City!"Harvey York's eyes
twinkled slightly when he heard these words and then understoodInstantly.York Wenchuan wanted
to put York Jiufeng on top!Once this alleged evidence falls into Tang Lanruo's hands through
hisown hands, there will be ghosts between the great room and the fourth without killing a
torrentblood.And York Wenchuan's goal is to completely ruin Yemen's game in Hong Kong.Then
your precious son can really take over, instead of being the assistant toYe Jiutian.When he thought
of this, Harvey York couldn't help but caress his palm, he chuckled, "Goodcalculation, York Sanye
is really a good calculation. ""In front of me, he almost killed your son.""Not only do you speak,
but I also want to. Use my hand to push your son to the top.""Just at this point, you are so much
better than your son!""I feel like York Jiufeng is not qualified to be a superior position, but your old
man is.absolutely qualified to be a superior position. "Harvey York's tone was slightly ridiculed, and
the few men present frownedHe slightly frowned, feeling that he was too disrespectful to York
Wenchuan.York Wenchuan did not mind, but said flatly: "I am old and I am not in a
goodposition"."And how can I be comfortable when I am the emperor?" "And I am the emperor, I

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