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Differences Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research


Qualitative Research is used to understanding of the problem to giving the solution, situation,
human behavior, discovery, experience, and motivations that used to studying find out the people

Quantitative Research is used to studying in experiment, correlation or associated of two

variables, cause and effect that aims establishing by using statistical methods.


1. Qualitative research is a method to understanding on human and social to find the way
people thinking. Quantitative Research is a scientific research method that is used to
generate data and statistical.
2. Sampling technique that used in qualitative research is purposive sampling that selected
with a view to get a throughout understanding of the target concept in a small sample
size. Sampling technique that used in quantitative research is relies random sampling that
chosen in order to form an opinion or estimated about something from known facts the
results to the whole population in a large size sample.
3. Qualitative research is relating or concerned with complete system (holistic) in nature
while quantitative research is a tendency to explain complex social phenomena in term of
a single causative factor (particularistic)
4. Qualitative Research is aim to studying exploring and discovering ideas. Purpose in
quantitative research is to examine the studying cause and effect and relationship between
5. Qualitative research used in the analysis are words, pictures, and objects while that of
quantitative research is statistical data.

The Parts of Research Manuscript

Chapter 1: Introduction – it’s a general statement that provides the overview in your study.
a. Background of the study- a statement of the origin of the problem and the conduct of the
b. Statement of the Problem- the problems in the research to trying find the solution or the
important questions that study needs to find answer or result.
c. Hypothesis- these are tentative statement or intelligence guess that used null and
alternative hypothesis about the given research topic.
d. Objective of the Study- The main goal of the research that you find the result in SOP.
e. Significance of the Study- this is to identify what the study will contribute and who will
benefit and how they benefitted from the research to used it for the readers or next
f. Theoretical Framework- presented in more details about the theories of this research
g. Conceptual Framework- this is based on accepted methods.
h. Scope and Delimitation- is the determines the coverage or identify a reasonable of the
i. Definition in Terms- is to defines terms based on how used in the study and to understand
the words in the paper.

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature- it’s an evidence that you knowledgeable about your
research topic and it’s serve as the foundation of your research.

Chapter 3: Methodology- is to provide the detail, clear and understandable statements to answer
why the method used is appropriate for the study.

a. Research Design- to know what type of design you used and why it’s chosen.
b. Research Locale- to know where the location of respondents or participants you chosen.
c. Participants- describe your respondents, who, where they are from, and what their profile
d. Sampling Technique- to know what type of sampling technique that how you choose the
e. Instrumentation- describes and identify your instrument that which is the questionnaire
that will you use the variables in your study.
f. Data Gathering Procedures- the process undergoes by the study that eventually leads to
g. Statistical Treatment- discuss how the data will analyzed and how use formula to come
up with finding out of the data gathered.

Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data- its tells how you organized the
findings ,its summarizes the data collected and present its analysis, all data gathered using in the
questionnaire by tabulating all the gathered information.

Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations- the last chapter which includes an
overview of the research.

a. Summary- it’s an overview of the study and not a summary of your findings. Summarizes
the interpretations of data and the directly answer your SOP.
b. Conclusion- This is where your hypotheses are prove, and this provides the answer of
every SOP.
c. Recommendation- it’s should be directly based on conclusion and significance of the

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