CONFLICT - San Beda Memory Aide 2019

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c·oN-FLICT 0.F.

A - • 0 0

,~- .· ·_c·ONFLTCT o~ LA:WS . Basic Cause forConflict of Laws· Case

. They come. i~to being 'throuqh varianee ·in .'
municipal laws .of the -countries., involved, Even
(PRiVATE)NTE°ilNATIONAL . a_ssuming .. that .laws in· various countries are
. ~LAW). . .. .: uniformly the same, still different municipal .tribunals ·
may -qive identical -Jaws, varying · interpretations.
· , · . ··.. -·'' .. · · '(PARA'S, Conflict; supt» si.e; .. . . :· · . . ·.
Conflict of Laws . or Prlvate International Law ·· · , ... - · ..
Cor.if!i~.!..of laws is'tha~ part of.the. ~uni_ci&al 1'aw"o( a 'Three-Fold Functions of P.riv1te· '111fei~ational.
sfc~tei"'.which .. dire8s its courts· 'and -~:ad_mir,iistrative Law: .. '. . . .. · _ :·· . · ': -~' :/ . , :. -: · .
.. . · ~gel)cies, when contronted: with ·.'a legal problem 1. - Ouestion o{ Jurlsdlctlon ---~ , prescribes the
. inVOIVJng'.a· fo(eJgn··elernenf/-whetheJ:·Or not/they . conditions Under Which' a .courtcraqency ..Is • •
should apply 'a foreign law orforeig_n laws (PARAS; . competent to entertain proceedingswitl}·for~ign
• , Philippine ·Conflict ofLaws'(1996), p, 2 [Hereinafter, ' elements .. · · · , . ~ . ; '. · · :· .•..~ ·::- :,:: : · . '.
'. PARAS, Gbnllictj)'. · -·. · · ·.. -· · . ·. ··. ·- .' ' 2. : ·auesti'on· of· Appllcabllityc-of.-a "Foreiqn
. ' ., \ :'. . . . . - .Judqrnent .: specifies thf:.: circumstances in
Th.e lai;v concerninqthe ,r-ights.of personswithin tl}Jl - .which foreiqn judgm.en.t will be recoqnized as·
't~r.ritory_'and dbrrini9n: o( C>h~---~a~i?,h; ~¥ 5~~s.9n of':. . valid anc:J_binc;ling in the forum.. . , .x .
acts,. private or, public, -done~_w1th1n-ttfe dom1(11on of l Questi6n of Choice, of L~w _ determines,ihe · .
.. :another nation (Hilton v. Gi.Jyqt, '-1'59. U.S. · 1-1 J; June · ,. · · · · ·· · - · ' : 1 ·.
· · · · ·· particUlar'system·of law for each class of cases
'3,- 18ft5J- · ·.:·.· ·-·- .. .-:·· .. .- ... ·. . . . to as.certain· ,-the· rights oP'pa/ties (PARA~,.
It_ is. fundamentally a .. problem 9f· choice /of law ·conflict; s_u' 8) ...
bety;e~n-·fo~eign law and· _locai:or mi:lpicipal :l?w, by Elements cif.
Conflict of.:t.'a~s: .- . : ---_,, ·.. :-~ .
the 'court, with !oca.l i;)r)nuriicipal la~' as its 1~ Lilgai prob'l~m. or .. G8·s~: ,inv~lyin'g'° a-;dqreign·.
starting. p.oint.. (AGPALQ, · G_onf!ict_p.f'Layvs· (2004), elemer.-it,(and·· . . . · ,,·_ . • • :r····":° . .' '! ~-- :(· ..: .•

p.11 {ti~reinafter,·AGPALO,_ CQrifllct])., ,·.,' .. · · 1> -:it\ ' ..: ·· · ·, ,, · '··\ . · . .

. . .-: : ..... _. .. ·.·. , .. J'• 'L . >-1.;·,. . 'N·ot'.~~-:;,~;i_qlei~},;e_nJ' ~ f~r.fii~}.'sit;'JaU~n: ..
Conflict of La~s.-ca?e · ·., ·" · · _. · f'\ ... ;,_· ·, -?~ttm,.g ic~~~.?-·:t~_r.r,)tor!al, ,affec_t~~-- bY,_
. .An:f yP~~ 'lfi~olving_,facts OC?;~r.r~)1'g)n-_ . ore tl}a't on~ . d1yerse .llaws ·.-of. two br. more .. States· .. Th~
. . . ·.state ·or nation ~hat JTIUSt choossll,betw.eerfJne"law~·. :P.· rel ..e. nc_.]/·:Of~.-f~_re_·_'igij ,: ·ale_'m_··;.nf/in. a'._· ca~_e:
· . ·' ·o_f diff_erer.1!'.'slal~s u.i ·t;uui_1l1_ie,··I~ ,ecicl1n.·t:'
~-. ,Jl1e g,,..· .cas·e
\.lo-.. ..... · ".·•.:. ·. . .~,.e
"' t~:errr.pne~, "' •.th" t
1.•,.~ .• e;1_s ei:i~e. o _a. . )' · o_t l"W
f c ori.fll"t ~ $
. . (SE{Mf/0-DIY,-. Hanabook · . · -onf/Jcpl"of L'aws, ·· , 's1.(ual!?~,~~,~e'~h$r~·~s no'foreign el~me~t;·.~o
._J~_-_?o_4;._),·p._ 1:lh_.. ,e_ ~~(n_:a-.ft.·e·~·. / . _.Q.:i~.i'q:_06rfffi~1.·_1Y~\~
:_/3EM_ , co;;"fhc oF faws · exists. (A.GJJAL~,- (:,;onfl1ct,-
. "' . ., · suprc1 a.t 12):-.:. · . ·. · '· ·: · ·-.:. : ":_,·.
V'J~at D.o~:> :·~tate" ..M.1:?a.n In ~or;1fl~~tofl.,a".)'.~_?-·. ·. --- . . . . . . . ; :. .. ; . : .• ., .:. ~-·~- .
It moludes-not of11y fore1gn-:?ov.e(e1gn cod°qtnes or "'foreign. element is: anything .which. is not
·state_s .put· ?ISO p~litical s'Libdivi~ions, q,f'st?te""!"1f~_o"':'r";.. ......~--aomestic'ari'd has a fdreign·co'lnpbnent to it.It
countries which·have their~own legal systems (ld ... at· ·· can be .. a fqreign9r, ·~-· foreign ·CoiJ)br8t!Onr·:ari · .· ·
'.3). .·. y . ' . ·: '1· '. .. ·. •,, i~~ident :tia_~-per,in~:in, 8: fo~~ig,i1 _·countr1)~r :a, . :
'i.: .
:. • , • .JI.
::.::· t ·~ .. ·-. : . . ~ ··: ,•
~CUITVECOMMI~E·. ! SO'BJECT_COMMITI.EE_ . 1\1.EMBERS. ' . 4I)VISE_RS":. . .,;:·_, .,~<:
MJ\RY,C~LL c. ~UMi\NQUI,' :MA CRISTINA , D. ARROYO· ELLA.IN° GtPEI.'fyO; MfRRfy · .1)c:1!1'ED~eEm:s.:'Al.13~0,\ .,
Over-all Chairperso,i; 'ERlCA · Subjecf Chair, MARY CI-IERWYN IqUSTIE .. lvj.. - Fru\NCiA, -Dean'UI.PIANO P. SARMI{:.ITTO
MAE c. yisr'A Chairj>,r..: L. .. cAsfro.. : Assistai,t. ~ubjec~ .. CHAR,MIE. ROSE . DX* . R. m, Atty. MANUJ!.L P. CASINQ,'.
Acqqen:iics, ~EN . REI '. E. · Chai;, .Jf,.YSOI:j_ P:. HI~UI;ANA . RO~O. ' • ·-:···, :.. . 0 ~lly. D~ Q. DELA:CR!JZ,.
BARBERO.Chairperson for Hotel _Stibkct Elec(fonic' Data frocessing, .. JANINE·,· CAMELI£·: · T. · -Alty. ROWELL ·D. 'ILAGAN;
Ope~tions, ]1-IELSEA I.,OUISE B.:. , lv1Aiuft.A!'!GELICA R.. LOVERIA_ · . G!'-SCpN;'°MA CJ:-~ru;E JANE. '._fl;tty. JOSJ:.PfI FERD!f'l~ t-1: \
·--n~OYi'ce·Chairperson.for. ·c;o[iflict-·':of 'Laws,, SOPHIA G.· YIB,_i\Af.9f_O> ~LA-:· DECI;IA~i: -1\tty._?,T~~ -·
. ·,).
. .... -:
M ..... :VICTORIA:
'· . ,,. .
E.' MlNA Persons .
and., . MAE .
B: MAMARIL ~MMA- .-:GENEVIEVE NUE\!EtCO' ., : -.:- '
'•, .- .. j-·.- .l."'.1
•• ·: ••• • ·'' •.• { • )' •• : •• ;,:,' •• -~~-

YAM!3_f..P:·Yice,_fl_i<f:i;person-:fbr .. _.!!y.'...,_. ·Relations, JOANNA ;1:.. : QY~. : l,3ENISit .. I:)· · : . : ·. ·. ' -<.. :·· . .:_._ ·.,'' : .. _.. ·,
· · Operatio!!s; M4, _ANG~LIS:A; .'B. . ELIZABETII , . KAMLA . . . C: . MADAMBA; D9NNA ~J:S. . .. . :-· · · ·.. . , ·:.. . . .
. DE·LEON- Vice .Ch_airpersqn for.'. M/11:,CONTEN_TO Property and. B. · ·,. GOMEZ, . JA~ON .. ·. : ....
Finan~~. :' A.ruti\':'di.MAYA -j: 'Lani. Title~ --~'nd Deeds, . KEVIN JEREMIAH • G.. :;').UNE:S; .. _· -:-
)i:N5ANGAN Vice''Chairp~r~on . C~Slµ\N .. ·Ai . ·PASION GERARD,. t.EASAR· .. s.
_;forAu_dit;JORDAN.N. CI;lAVEZ' . .'Succession, JAMJL,·P. · DALIDIG ·BAGUIO,· CAMJLLE · C.. ,· '·
, '.Vi_ce'C,hairpersbiifor EDP,-:HANz,; ·.0,5/igalions· .. ' and _Cc_,l!tracis, CI}LZQ,' MORRIS. MEDEL F. · · ·
'c_Jr_airpirs~nfo;-Ldgi~lifS: a.~{:~: . -~al~~ qnd Le~se, _KORil'J~-~ES.·t,,I. . ROMEO . V. _ ~,ALVACIQN, ..
_.DOHN ALFRED, E. AQ'l!!!,I~ .. CUEVA Parfne,:sh!P. a?d Agency, LOIS · RENEE, R ·.TI!BON,
Vice Chairperson/or Membership ~ -ANA · ANGELA T. CZESKA JOHANN ··G. CO,
. -siMPAO :credit- Transactions, . JEANNE. PAULINE. F.
con ..F:Ll:'CT ,OF LAWS

·foreign Jaw chosen by. the parties. ·without a,

foreign element, the case is only a domestic ·
problem (PE BENITO, ·Gonflict ot Caws (201'6), Transactions" entered Strictly private in. nature
p.·11) [hereinafter, PE BENITO, Conflict]. into which generally
affect 'public: interest;
2. Determination of whether the law or- judgments transactions in which
.. of other St'ate/s will govern and if so.The extent sovereign ·Siates are
of its . recoqnition/applicatlon in. the . forum interested
. ~ Contilct of Laws·.- Cases Materials· and
. •' Comments°'r,20,00) p.57) [hereinafter,. COQUIA;
· · ·· . Contlict]. · · In case/of violation .cif Resort. to. municipal
internatio~ar Caw; -tribunals
resort 'may be peaceful
or'forcible: . ·

. )

· .. lrit~rr,atioh,i:11'. . ·~- . \--_ i.n National, . m.uni,<;:ip_aJ~.o~:

. ·. · ctia~a~t~_r, ' local in: character (P_E .
- , ·- : - ·, BENITO,_ Conilict, ~upra·
.. - -: .-,·- . at ?2· ·

_So~e~~jg·~ ·. st~te;. ~ri:cf

f?rivaie, individuals. or -. _:· ..
entities 'possessed of .corporations
internatlonal: · .. · ··~ . ~ ..!.: ... · ·
;,.._ · formal ..treaty Is not the priih~ry sou'.~ce.. or
·.customary.:'.internatid~~l:.law_. - . }.inong Q,th~,tthings; .•
personality, ... - . . ". •. courts, consider internatioriat' evidence of.
exceptionally; c:I· general practice ..accepted as: raw~ vvhere tb.ere·· is
mdlvlduals, too rio treaty, ·a'n.cJ. no controllinq executive or _legislative
act' orjudicial decision, resortmust be had · tothe
customs and usages .of cJyilited· nations (.Ab,dullahi ·
v, Ptize«, ltic., 562F.3d 163; January 30, 2009).

2 I 2019
,; .. .

History and Development Kinds ofduris diction in Conflict of Laws:

.1. 141h century (Theory .of Statutes) - Bartolus, 1. .Judlcial Jurisdiction - power.or authority of a
"Father· of Conflict of Laws",· formulated the. court to try a case-render judgment and execute
Theory of Statutes. in· which · Conflicts": were it in accordancewith law.
resolved by classifying the issues based on real, 2. Leqistatlveduriadiction-; ability oJ the-State to
personal, and· . ~ mixed statutes. The promulgate laws and enforce them .on all .
classifications were overlapping.' · persons and · _property within its·. territory
2. 161" century> CustOIT)S were used for 'r!isolying·, (COQUIA, Conflict, supre at 20):
Conflicts.·· . · · ·,
~- .·\ .
3".- ·17thcentury · (Doctrine q(Comitas · Gen.ti um) - · " Jurtsdlctlon-end choice are two distinct :
Relied on · the 'theory q(
!;,fate. sovereiqnty: concepts. Junsdlctionconslders whether it ls fair to·.
·. deriied . that. States were.· Linder any IEigal. . cause a · defendant · to travel to this
obliqation to apply foreig"ri'law, unless made'out ' state; _cliojce asks . the further· question
of considerations of courtesy.. and. expediency- • ·.·' whether. the application.of. a substantive law which- .
4." -Beginning .of: codifications ..:.. : Co'nfli.~~ . 9( laws ·· will .:g_eterm_ine the.rrierits of the fai°r to both
provisions were.included-ln the civil codesof thEr · par.t[e~. The··p_<;iw@"r to .exercise jurisdiction does not
states· (SALO.NGA, Private, intemstionet Law . automatically· give a .state constitutional .authority to ·. i
(1995), ... p.15-17)" [heteiria.ftei,._ ,$ALONGA, apply forum la_w._Wbile:jurisdiction arid the.choice of
Conflict}: · '· .the .Jex. . (ori. will . often. 'coincide,. .. the . "minimum ' .
' '~

cont9cts~::Ao~,., one ·; c10 'not" always provide , the , ,


Phases lnConflicts Resolutlon _ necessary-rsiqnlficarn contacts" for. the other. The

. 1: . .Jurisdiction ~ coricerns'the authority cir-a· ~purl question of whether the law of a state can be applied
of law to take coqnizance of a case (Where can to a transaction is different from the question of
. or shouta tiiiqetion be"initiaiecf?):: · . : r; •. .• • whether the courts of- that state have jurisdiction to
2. Choice of Law - refe·rs· to the applicable law'lo - ente{ _a .. judg_m~nl. 111 (Saudi Arabian Airlines
the problem (Which iiiwWilithe cqurf 9pp_l~?). . _ (Saudja) v~ Rebesencio, G.R No. 198587, [January
3. · Recognitiqn .a.nd Enf9rceri1ent::.. concerns· the J.4_,. -?01.;5_.1_)~. . ,·· -· - -
· -enforcement of .foreign 1ciih"s..:a1· j~cigpjents lr · Jft\.
~-nother, j:u~isdi,ctiori" (Wh,ere · ·qa.~ lbef result_il)g .. Ste"p~ iri ;eafrn~. with. a ~ro.~lem i,n C9nflict. <;>f
. Jucfgm,ont·~o·o_nfor·c.od_?_:J... - . .A__ · ... ·._k~.
. ~ .AP."' • ~
..·.- ·. -,... t ·r: -
Laws: -x -f'··.\'· ·., . -, .
1. ·- 'Detefrriin_e· wtiett:i"er_,;the . court has . jurisdiction.
These .three. phases· are s~par'ate fr.or:'() each-.olhe~ -_ ·.;. .. - ov~~th.~~s_e, ha·s· no jurisdietion, the case
and ~ .de, fense .·'.i{ ~ofa~d_efer].J;1¥ in-o,(h· r ~ e. . . ' s~€l.~e ~~~~ on ~hat ground.: . . • .
phases (PE BENrrp;conflict, supra gt::nJ. - . ·, .·. 2 .. ,Jf)t fiaSiJ!!!ll§J:lrqt1qn, 1t may: , ,·. . ·.
· .· · ... ,. :: : . . . .. --/ ·:. · . ~ ·•' .· .· · 'a_: · Refuse' tcfassume jurisdiction.on the ground
_ID.the.judicial re~olu.tion of corinicts p~9.~h~~ •. threi;). .· of"forum'non· conyeniens; or . · ·. . .. · .
consecutive phases· are ir,i.~qlyed: j_u~isdj_2~9n, c~oice .. Asi,;°ume jurisdicjion,, in' which ·case it may
of law, · and· recognition ·i:lnq enforcement or__.,...., .....,.eitner: _ -~ . . .· _· . · ·
judgmenls .. Corre'spondf r:ig t_o these phases ar(the. . i. : AppJy _ the internal" law of the _forurri (lex

. ~~llo~~~r~uceas~i~~~'.~~u-1a :1;tig_aUon'be:;~it;a_ted; ; .
2. Which(law wilfthe·court apply; and· · : '.· · .: ·
._iL .~;Z(y' Jti{ pr~per foreign. la~ .. (lex
·. qau_sae)_(PA RAS,'Cbnfli~t,-_si.Jpra·ai 25).

_3 .. , Wher~ cat{ the. resulting }i.Jcjgme.nt be. e·nforc'ed · · ..

.- ... (Hasegaw? · Ii. Kitami.J.r:a, GR .. ·No,: ·14~177, . TYPES OF JL!IJICiAL-JlJRISDICTION
No\1err,!Jer 2~, 200/). , .·. . . . ··,. ---. , . 1. ~Jurisdiction over the person ' ·.
. The c9mpet¢nce or. power of a .courno r.ender a
- .. 1
·· jl,l.d!;jrhent tha_t will. Bind· the . par:ti'es, !o a· cas,e
•' .·
. · _.·:·. ·. I.· _:. 1•
__ • (SE;_MPI0,--°-1~,. Conflfct, supra at _5},,, ·· · · -
- ;J.URIS:OICTIO-N .. · · How Ac;quir~d: · . . . . ·.·· ·- ...

·'. ..
. "'-'
: a., ', Jurisdiction ove'r the person plairi"tiff is .; . _·
.. acquired fr'bi°Tlt~e - m9ment. he ·in_vokes the.,.
aid or.-power' of the court:_Qy_ ,in"stituting. an.
/" Gen·e,al RuJe~. It- _is _th_e)ight. bf;'a' Sfat_~ tp ~xer~is~ ·. •\, ... acti9n' tl)rough-proper pleading:: · · .. · -
·aut~o-rity. __ 9ver. - persons·: ana · things ·.within it~
boundaries· (HQrigkong . and Shanghai- . Ba(lking
· · b: ;. J,urisdict_ion c/ver the. peq,.on ofth"e.defend.ant
. is_ acquired thrnu~h: . . . . -.· . . '·-·.
·. Corporation v: jaqk· Rdb.ert"Sh°e{JTian et el, GiR. No ..
i. Volunfary·appearance_ where action·is in
72494; ~{!gust 1.1, 1989). - . · · _- ~ ·-
· p.ersonam -(RULES OF COURT, R_UL£
'· -14,.Seq. 20);. , ·:."



IL . Coercive 'process through·-personal or f9T8;Re,rs of7vfora/es v. Agustin, G.R. No.

-substituted service.of summons·where. 2'24849, JL1ne 6, 2018).· ·
l._ ·.'
-. · . action is in. personam (RULES OF . ·
· .COURT, RU.LE ·14, Secs, 6' and ·7); Quasi in rem jurisdiction: affects only the
iii. Constructive ": Service'< by Publication interests of 'particular- persons in the thinq, In
Where·-· the identity/whereabouts 'of such case, the court may render valid judgment
·9efen'dant i_$ ··..unknown . (RULES OF when. it has jurisdiction over the· particular
COURT,,RU/iE~14; Sec. 14);·" - '. · . persons whose interests areaffected (SEMP/0-
iv. - Extra-territorial Service · (RULES OF 0/Y, Conflict, supra at 7). · ·
. ,.. -, . ·. GdiJRT," Rule .14, Secs .. 15:and-16}; and Lqng-arm,Statute
v. Service upon 'a forelqrr.prtvate. juridical . .
:entity which hastransacted businessin A law that allows a plaintiff:to; rnake-a.clairn-
the .-"Philippi_n.e's. ·through . its resident" aqainst El non-resident. d..ef(;lnq9nti.. provided
aqent desiqnated · in accordance With there are minimum contacts with the forum· to
·, law: ro·r. that purpose. or if"·n ne, the 9 justify · its. e~e-rcis~ of.,·jurisdiGtio_n·-: over . him
· ·. · gov.eminent offjcial desiqrrated-bylaw to (COQUIA, Conflict, supra at:36). ·. · . ·
. ". -)hc1t-eff~.ct:or~[ly _of!its,dffic~rs c;>r. aqents: . .. . .. . ' . \_ .
• · ·· ..... ·. within: !he·-~PbiliP,pine:5. ·, If the ,.f9reigo 3. .Jurisdlction ·over the Subject Matter> ·
· · · · ·· : · . private juridical entlty'is not reqisteredto It is conferred, by laW -a~'d .is .the. power .. of the
,· ... · / dobusiness .in -Hie Philippiries_.~iee=,
-:.: · . · .. : . may be·eg throu~~: ~y,-·Qf the.
.... '- , . . following means: , _ . , ·//'..;- . ~. .
u·. NC
..._~o1urt tot hearh~.nhddth~te~m1~ecad~esof_ the g_~net_ral
~SS O "'! ,IC " ~ ~r.o~~Et l~QS ._ln:'_gu_e~ 10~-
belong JSEMPtq-01~,.f:JonJ1ct,,supra a,t 5).-·_ .
. · ...~_.::', · ... · 1·.-)' _By, - · personal .·· ser,vicQe.our:sed~ .j ·f. ~. . ·., ·. · · . . . :.
. . · . ··:·:-tl=lrqEJgh-'the 'appr,o,ia;,e·:cl:l6rt'flfthe . · .·. ln*on(l~~P.~ L9w~. _th.~,,couQ ri:u~~ c9~s1qer, 1n
· ... , : f t:"'r."\'7-_.:t;, · .. 4
··.·. ,· .;: .. : "_:-- ; •. ·.forei~n·C?u.ntry tit~t~~\ a.fsistan.,.~~~t:~111§
· ._.-_., qf th'E; OFfA; · W?.
;.f:1.a~~r ·. [qf] ,J~n~d.t~tior-i,,. !he
W . P,O~si_bl ,ezy~~fl~b1l!tY __ of 1~s,q_e.~!$IOf), _1c9.,fore1gn_
2 ) ~rn:C~f~~?ft.;~~c~~{j;~e~. ~ ' ~· 6\a\ S, SO!<J{t'9b'S of ~~Jd \l:\e~ (/d al

· •· .
· · f,~
.defend_ent Be fo r:i~ r _8
1- f ~{!:) ~--
·· . : serving · . I · ., .c~py. ·: ·. . . - /: ··,4
m1 · ~ ~-ll"J.i
· Note~
· ,
·In the ~P-h1hpi01nes Junsd1ct1on over the
· \\ r
~St,Jbject m'atte~
,r ' · -
conferred. b'y° law;. e.g.', the.·
··. · · ./. _. '-~um_m_<,ms/~if~-1- -o~r\:...; :.· a~· . a_·Co~tttutLo ..nfincCJ~e J~~i~ia'Y, -~ep.rn~ni~aHc:in,
·.. . _:· . :·_·. :;fs~:fen~.l~~~nto;~?-~~' -~s b.y~ -~· .:· .- 'Ac(~~~~i-~~--(~.f'- 1_29,_:~J_µ~ic:i~8::· 1;\~~:,?f
... , . 3)
, f .. ,1.• 1
_., 8.Y-~cs1m1e·~0r
Y\~l'J .
a y- r co§rnze ~-
ct~ ,I.Ji);
~:a~:7 /. ·. ,.
}!18,,a~ amencfieyR.A. 9252)..... ·. - .
:: · · -'· :-
. ··.··'· \.:,· ·_..,;:~e!e~tr9nic1 ··-.1~a-~s: ·-t~~~ ~~~1<¥'. . r~st~ffi{{~~i.~~/cti~~- vv~~th.e~_fh_~_ la~ ~e:7ti,l,JP-?n··
.· - . " .. : : ,,- ·. gl:nerate_ proo,(lf sei:v1~~e:.0r . - .. , . , . !Wtc1hlltiaj!,'.'th.e power _tq. ·~fl!en,1pon J~e.;.'l@l!.ll:Y
.. . . : . . · · ·· - 4 .. ); _By., su~~-ot_h~r_·!Jl~~rns _a -r. th~ CQYJ _;[Ef.:tJJ~) ~·v.:·
9 :fatficia~- Ji-!c:,- ·, G_R: No/' =.195834;
; . . _ m_ay dtre.~t .m its c;l1 creb_o~ At:M. ··J~/lloven1be'r''f9~~9)l). · ·. . · · .. · ' ·.. . . .
. ·.. :·· · ·. -,·3::.6-SC)·':·.· :,· ... · ..(_Q~ 1 • \'\ ~/:·,.,.~.
.1., .,·-·\, .. ,:"
_2 .. ·. Ju~1_s~1~t~off
/,- '_.': .-./·;· .: ·.VJ._·.· M
· . .. ·. ·-· .~ , ': ·?Y:":"-.·. · ~.-~e:f~s- ·=· -:_, . r ·. • -~ • .
1.§.~~~;;nc;:ip.!e~- .~-~d-~rlyi~~~-·,Aii"_-·'i\u;~_s·
JJ~dici!on · ... ·:·· · ·
,·of . .:-_
-~,_- .. ·: ':· ._· ·· .. '-'. · :,. . ,, ..
· Jl!nsd,_1c_t1.oh oyer}l:lE; ·!)ar:ticu.l~r -~-~bJl?c_t, mat_ter ,11.,, 't"/J,:State ct9e.s net; h.~Y? juri~.~tz.t~?~jll t~-~ ~?~~Qce pf_ .
. contr9yefSy'., re_ga,rdles.,~ .of th(!l -p~rs_ons wtio may · some reasonable· basis for· 1t, -wlietlier tl:le ·· · ,
be.i~_tere~ted:.the.reili-'C(:'~RAS/OC:.J~fl(ct/supra:N:_':.' . - p'ro'cee'.ct.[ngr -are·., 'in tem;"-:Jii;,_as';__ in\/e'm: -·:.ot'··;n . _.
:29,'.:$_EMPIQ-D1'(~ qonflJ.ct,.·$upra·_-atJ): ·: . . :persoi:,'am; To be.
·.•'.I· .. '.>'.. . . ' .- "" .< . •:c • . .- be 'based on S0mff minimum conta"cts •that. will bot'•
. -Refelrecttb:a~·ir,1--rem jtiri$diction i_ff con_trasttoin.: '· . O~E}nd 1rc1~i([o11a! r;l'q.tiO:n$,.O~}~frp!i:iY ~:nct's~q~fonti~I •
p~r~o"n~m .. juris~di~tidn;'.· ..Whrch ,Oin'ds·:· O~n'fy.. the · ju_~tice: (SAL ONG.A, Coiiflic{, sqpra,_ at 95): ··· ~ · · · . ·-- 4 -.
p_c:irti~s,.·· and: :,tti~_it Sl.JC.C~~sors-in~'f~terest. ··A.". . • . • . -· ' , , ..: I . ··:' . . •. · . • ', · - 0" . • ;
p~rsonal action, h(?,, e;;onve/ted to . )Thus, an e.ssential' element cif:,conflict, rules,is the
. '_jr,",(~7TJ•Dy, attachment-bf; p~ope·rity, a~ong 'otpers· . •.. _:!~di~ati~n O~ a "t'3St;'. ~r: ".~pr;,n,ecting)a9.tpr'.'.Qr :"1ioi~_f
· ($EMF'/<IJ";D[.Y,·.Conllict;· · . '· ' ·. . 6fc:ontact":·ch6ice-0Hay/'rt.ile.s·:iri\iariabl'y-"cbnsi~t· of
. · ,',;· :···. r: .· · · .... · ·· .. .' · :. . " . .a f~Gt!,J,a.1. r~!9ti0[1ShJp, -.(~,u~_h: ,as. prpp~[!x,,rigrr
.. ·,How:Acqi'.iir.~·d;,; ,; · . ' · '.. ,: :, , .. " · , ': \. .. · -_..' · G_ohtr~w.t: ¢1ai'rnJ aniL:~. c",c5~-~~e9Ijfig' f~cter".P.qinr. t;,J,.
... : · :a:, ·:Seiz~'re of-p_rope_rtfun~er, a. )egal-proc'ess·; or ; cp~fa,t_t, · s.~-~-~' -~~- !he' si~_u_s· of :t.~e· r~.9,)h~· pl~g<( 6.f
· __.:. b. · _rnstitution, of · leg13I !pf.6~e~di.QQS ..'wh.~rein, ·, celebtatioh;--thi place .of peiforms:ince, or"the·. place
. . . u'nder,speci~l-pfovisions ·of law, the powe.r of ·,of. -$;t6"r1gdoing'~-(¢'otittn~rit1i'.'~itfcfon~ii~; '· lnc/: v:
.. ·--~ the~"co:cift, ot'er::the. property: -i~·- recognized . (, ~ Bass_o,. 'G:R .. Nos.·_ 1783_82-83;'$eptember 23,_·._20·15; ..
and "maqe .eff,e.cJive. (Q.QQ'l:JIA, C_onflict; .· · · . ·se.y a/so 'the discussion under. th~ .. doctrin$ of
supra _a't 23, .El Banco EspaiioJ:Fifipino .11. · . ch~iacteriz_aJion below).
Palanq_a, G.R. No. L-11'3~0,'. March 26/ '·.
. '··

. ·4

• I •••. • ' • ',
SAN BfDA lAV{..CENTRALIZED BAR OPEMTl9N!i -. M_EMq~;A·ll?.~01.9.

. .
· .Mi.nimum Contacts .Test. and Fundamental · the court's desista·nce.''.. As the propriety of applying
Fairness Test forum non .conve,niens,_. is contingent" on a factual.
· To bind a defendant.absent f~om the territory ofthe . determ1nation,: it i~. therefo~e. a matter .. of defense
forum to ? ~iudgrnent/in · persoitetn, due process (Sc1u;ii · Arabian Airlines CSaudiaj .· v. Rebesencio,
. requires that . he should have certain . minimum GR. No.:19.858!-_, January 14,·2015). · .
. ...
· .. · contactswith it and that the maintenance of the suit
: doe_s not. ~ffE~nd.-tfaditlorial notions of fair play and ~o~e-~ It r,elc3t_es. t~··: forum, · not· .. to" the. choice of
substantialjustice ( Shaffer v. Heitner, 433 U.S. 186, go.verqing law (PFBEf\{ITO,. Conflict, supre.ei 29) ..
June 241 1977). ·~ , ·.:: · ·. · "·· · ·· · · :. · - ·· ·· ·-
.. ./: ·.. . ., ·. . :. . . . . Forum.non convenieiis 'fs1 a device aki~ to'the. rule
Note: For in .rem 'and quesi-in re.m: due process. is _against forum shopplnq. ft is deslqned - lo frustrate .
'satlsfied _when'. defendant is giv.en adequate riotice .. i!li_cit. ,m,e<;1~~.. fQ_r,"'$.~~.Li~i.r;i_g_, ap_d .. v.~xing
. and opportunity to be heard ·by service of summons .h!!g~~ts th_~~ ~?ul_q ;~~.~·$3... be .J?~?~ibJ~ lf_ the
· through puqli.catjpn (COQUIA, Conttict, sypra al 24). · .., v~nue .of. ht!gat1on .(W, d1sptJte_,reso·1ut10n) were left
· · · - . ·· ·., · · ·· entirely to the whim 'of.either party .(Sa.udi Arabian
Points to R-~mi!mbe/on'Juris'c1iction : ,· /1.irlinei( (5:aµdia) v.. R_eb_~s'eJJC(O, .G.R. N9_. .19.8587, .
r: In choosinq a 'particular forum, the: plaintiff . January .14, 2~15), ' /' · . · ·· ·
· .accepts the forum's entire juqicial machinery, so · · . . · · ··· · · ·
'thatfie must accept riotonly .its benefits-but its ·· a'o_~t,rin~·- ~-~-~ul{ g~n.erai"ly_. aP,R.I.Y' only if the
burdens as well (SEMP/0-0/Y, Contiict, supra ?t : }e(~~panUs_, a_pJ~pQratio~: If. th_E;l defendant is 'an
.10);·. . - ·· · ' - - . mdiv~dua_l, t1:ie _prop~~ ~or:l!.m _may npt b.e·.able to
. 2 .. The j~ri~d.ictidn .o.fthe·couri· contin.ues 'evJn if the :. a_C}]Uire -j_urisdjcti.on. 0".'er' hjm {Le .. , he may not -be
. defendal)t leav·es the!te of the. forum prior to r~sidjng there)_, leaving -.the plain.tiff without any
~~; :~-~lo1te~~i~a.t:.~n ~f the ~~tf on. agai~s~i£n . r~medy ( S,EM~(Q.-Pl_y;Conflitt, SUP.ff! at '11 f)nd 12) ..

. 3:·~r_The parties ·10 a cbnt.rad m. ay s•ipulate on., he

ln~t.an2~~ Wh-~rft:Forilril Non C61ii/enie.hs-ma; be
.lnvo"ea~ ~ v. . . ' .. . . . .
: . fore_ign _law to gover"0 disp'utes,arising from the I)

,. 9ontfa'ct ..(AGPA~p; Co.hfl[q'f;_ supra at,G@),p .. _., ~ -~~u'rt_, t~o~ ~-'.i,Lh~~):1ri~diGtion: .. ~~er .a case, may
· · 4: ~he : .patties in~y stip.ulate.: ~n. a <)u~isdi~ti?J.r ~ ., . de~!m~ to ex~rc.tse ·.it, in view of any of the f9llo"".ing
. c;ial!~~·} ~ont~~c~ si~.~s_e..:~hlfh::.,Brqyidesft~at .. ~r5:1ct!"1i·lon\:- · .. -, . , · · . . . ._: . :_ .. . .
: .. · ,~ny. d1sput~ · an~mg·'from t!].e,...contract_ ~II tie , 1. -~_v1d.r,icet ?J\d ""'.1tnes~ ·: may not, 9e readily .
. ·< · ".tried befpre ·:the. cqmpete11Us1lecific:tourt :of''§\ - , : av~~a_j).le~rt~h"e.f~tl!m;, : . . . . . . '-
, {7. ~'
· parficyl~·r..St_ati<. . .. :_/-'-:·
~· ; A court, ,in, assuming jurisclictioTo:vfr'ltrie. ~ase;
· · ·. . :·4_. .· Col!Jrt dock of. .tbe·..Jorum. may already. be
_;_ : ·.ct~g·ge~ .cJ, " , wmit\ir-ig. a·ddjtion,al 'c~s~s ,Wou)d
may apply·tbe_JQt~~~a! lav/6t-the·f~ (Jex'fun)}_ ,harpp'er~m • _pe~dy adm_inistration qfjusti9e;· .
. _or ·the ·_law ··me_' other' state(s) (i;\['AUD,. 3. .!3elief that the .. matter ca'n·· be better tried and
. · · Conflict,·supr;a at 25);- and . · · · . . ... '' dec;ided~-ln anoJher. jurisdict[on,· either b~cause
6 .. ·· ;rh'e · .case'. may,· -oe · dismissea · for ack ci · · th~fuair·~spect~foUhe ca_se·fr~nspired .there or
· . ~ur(~d!9t(.9\) of._i9~ co~rt or. its refusal !~:a·:isum-e.--.----- ......Jthe1.mateirlal. witQess·es · h~ve their.:-residence
· · JU~1sd~ct1on 9\;ler t~~ case_-~1:1rsµant ~arum. n~m·, · · . lheir.e;<·~·. , · . · · : · · ·
: convenief!s (SEMP/0-DIY, Conflict, $.Upra at . ··. 4~ :· ;T~\urb'tt,e·ev(ls :of forum:shopping;~ ~ .:
10)., · · ··' · ·· ·· ' · .·. · - . · -- 5. · Forum-b·as-no· particular interest, in th·· .
. · ·.. . : 6.: ·.otner': cqLirt~:··are open: and the case· ina'y be
. Principle of Forum Non-Conv~hiens · - -. · ·.: . . , , bette"(tried therein; ~ :· ·· , · . .. .
~- GOU rt'~ diS~fefionary p,qwer}o .de<::!ine the ex_ercise' . 7_. . lnad~qua_c::y·(;l.f the: icical.judi<:i~l _machi"J'1ery; !3nd <
· :of its jurisdictipri where·. an_othe_r eourt inay rrore. 8. . £?.(ffic:ulty of ascertaining . the foreign_ law·
· conveniently bear ~ .ca·s~ . (SAL_()NGA, . Conflict, . · ·· applicable .(SEMPIO-fJIY;· Conflict,. supra at 10-
... supra. at .56). · Accoraingly,._under the doctrine of-· '11).__· :_ . :< ·:, . ; · ... ·: · .. · ' . ..
forum nqh· comieniens;: <!·-court·; in--conflict of laws . ·· · · · ·
.· cases; ·may refuse '.irripo~iticins on: its .j~·risdiction .. Note::.,1'11~. c;9_ur:.0Wrii;>l tjismiss .the::case unde~·.the ~- .
wher,e·. it is: nof-the'.." mosf 'convenient' or· available·· . . doctrine Linl.ess4Jie plqi_ntiff·.ha.s a_r:iother {oruni open
: ."f?rUIJl .· and, th~_. i:iarti_e.s' are." riot:· pr¢cltided·. froi:n ·,/ . t~}im ·(AGRALO,· Conf(ict;,supra _at"4~8).1 ,: .-·· . .'
-.. seekingrehiedies elsewhere.- ·· · · : . ·.- -- ··· · · · · · · · ·· ... ·.. · ·
·:'.: . ·... :_..;,.; . ·. . / ·:: . :._·,.·c .., ·.,_·· .. : . : · . ·. . ·.On lhEl other hand,:.courts,.:rjfa~?,cho_o_s~-·t(i a,ssume.;
...... ·:fh~ .. ·u.~e- o"~ tt:ie. w.ord· ~ "rfiay''. . (Le:, . :'.may refuse jurisdiction. subject· to the fol_lo.yving\reqt..!isites·:· "(·1J i
• •• J.•
.. in:ipositions on its jorisdictior:i'.') shqws that the matter 'ttiat t~.$, Phi,lippine. Co_urt i;;·oneJo: i.rvhi,ch th'e· parties
. · qt ju_risdiction re::;ts oii the 'sound · discretion of" a . . may 'c,onvenien.tly..{esort)o; .. (2) ·ttiat-_the Phili1:1'Pine
, :.court. Neither the mere, invocation .of forum non · i_n.a,p:os.itioi'\~o-p:1c,:1ke,an intelligen.t d~cision
·co'!veniens; nor ttie ·av~rrrie:!1·t q( (oreign eleni~nts. · ·;>·tbe la.w ar:id the f~cts~ and (3) that the Ph_ilippine _
op~rates . fo automatically. divest . a. court of . . Court .has on··is ..likely to ·-havE:1 pow~r. to _enforce its
ji.Jrisdic_tion .. Rathe"r, -~.<? "9our_t. shol!Jd ~¢nounce decision" (Philippif/e Nati.onai Construction Corp: v.
jurisdiction only "after 'vital facts are e~tablished,, to Asiavest Mercna_n! .B_ankers (M) B.erhad, G.R. No.
determine whether special. circumstances' r~quire · 172~01; August 19, 2015). ., ·
. .. .. ··-. .



. Note: Jurisdlction and choice of law are two distinct -Note: Courts may use public J?Olicy to: (a)
concepts. Jurisdiction considers whether it is fair ·to . _refuse to .entertain· the case and .dismiss it
cause a
defendant to travel to this state; choice i:if .w!thout prejudice becay!>e its enfqrcement is
law.asks.the further question whether the application against public pol.icy; (b) entertain the case
of.asubstantive law wtiich willdeterrnine the merits· arid·:apply domestic law; cir (o)·entertain the.--=-· ,
of the case is fair to both parties. The power -. to . case but invoke its.qwn' public iiolicy to apply
. exercise [urisdiction does· not .automatically give·-:a . . the rorum's dqmestic law ..
state constitutional authority to, apply "forum law
(Hasegr1wa v ... Kiiemure, G.R. '<No. ·149177, ' ·b. The J9reign law is contrary tci the almost
N~veinbe.r.2.3, 2007). uriive~sally cqnceded principle~ of morality
(Contra. 8bnos. Mores) (e.g. fQreign l~ws
Justifications· for the appljcation 'of iot.ern:?·, la....; recognizing prostit_ytion) (Id. at'14); ·
of the forum· {lextori} to Cpnflict of Laws cases: . .
1. When the local law expressly $0 provides c. The foreign law . is penal in ·character
·rcoQUIA, Conflict, supra _ar-145); .. . . (AGPALO, Conflict, ~upra at 671;
a.: Law governing property transactions, (CIVIL
·. C_ODE,.Art. 16,.par. 1); .. _. _.. · · · Exception: . .
. . . .. . . . ., .. . ,: · .. ·.;. .. ,. .., . Whe.n the local law adopts the.penal law.of
Rea.son: 'Alt 1_6 oithe ~'Y!! ~9de IT!_?~da,tes. . . · ··.oth~r countries as part thereof (Id).,-' ..
_ the application of lex situs qr, tex re, sitee to · . · · · . ·
}\:)'.. _ ~.en?I claus~" in a c~ntra_cfentere?·,into-:, ,·
all properties, vy,hether'-~rEt13l
found and located here. ·
. ·. . . ~. , J.. v.: .
f at;Jroad may be enforced here because such
b. · Law:· overnin -: . the· order · an~6fa,~ i/,,?ot\~i'~\~a!
out civil. in ..n.atw~ •. providing
g .
. successional
g. · .- . . . r..~
ngjlts; .. , 1~tnn1?.l9'
,1:iiL-! " · .;f__::_..:...:.:. ~nly)(l)l1 uidated damages (SEMPIO-DIY,
1.~J_1a1µf~---......._Cb fli t: r t . · · .:
testamentary ·provisi_~~s~al,'::~i)<:3t:1ty .to ~;;::, Ye.· _, \ · n :~;,)!:{ _a a : · .. _
. c. ~~';see~~~~~~~n~oitl~:\~1
_ n:iarri;:ige (FAMIL y qbfi)E -A~ ao/f~i:i.d · r~\. .
!~:~~-[· ~.
1(· ·:-: · -~~te: "'~~~~ce~ent. of foreiqn penal _l~w~
rp1,1s! b1. ~ti;\g~rsh~d from_ their rec~~~1t1on,
d. · Laws qovernjnq re
CODE Art-'829)·
,. : .. _'· . .. :
· ·.. ~~
r . · l:
,f of ',\'jlls (.<;;l:VJL;:.: ~·j· ,. ./, .
_- · · . ·~ . · ~~1~ ._:~:
a s~ate !TI~}~ie,cjgrnze fore1_gn 8enal !.a~s. for .
~a[IOUS,._thoug,h rt 'NIH not ~,reclly .
. · infor,G·e,~s8c~111•ws-'init.s juri~c;J.iction .(
Q.!f0;. (,). fl1qt,A·.. Ht' "·.
2. When}he fo~eign law o.~ j.~Qfuint
. prop·erly·pleaded•and·pr9.
· supra·at 145);.
. , . ..'. · '. · . ·

\U'"' \;
: . . · · · · \ ·. . . \, . fU:. . .

.,~ . · ,. ·, ~,@?' _a
= · . ~
. ~~'.

· ~
~tJ 7 . ·
t:J/: . ~- .. . :_ ..

I . "

la11~v.olve~ P.r.~~edural matters

(~GP ~o,.-~onfhct, .supra .at 66); _. ..
• • .' .•

. .·. Rea_s.o~: Qur ~ourts do·noti~eJ~?1c1~I·~~~~~ ... _ · · ,: · . . .: .. /. . , ,· .. · .·. · .· --· ·

.. · ··. for:e,~n Judgf!1e~t: an~ _l~~t~0~e:1gn.1ya~l\1.._~ls-..rr:,,:-'1'1'.'\~, :..·Reasor:i;· lfj_fore1gn ~rocepmcfla":'s were to
·. an~-- !ts ·authent1c1ty m_4st ·be J{OV~n;,<;1s~tafrl.EN_l.1E?'~e'e,J2.Pl.~~-!t ~ould·r~v.olve a m..a~1r.1~ ?ver of
~C~Lnery. Jor . the ~dmm1:tra\1~~ of ·
. .. . u~der our, r_ul~s on ~vrden.ce.~- to~th,e_r@jtq"lfi~~~~h~\;
ah.en's'A'. to sf:to~nvJfect M A.~)j~ee in. th'e forur:11. ProcecJ,ural .issues are
-~f the.judgment'o_n the ~lien liimself (/We~~-· ·1.v J.0-.,..___....-.~~;verned by foru.m law ~o as noH?·,Unduly ·
.. :

' . . Koike, ·.G.R. No:. 215723, ..:July 27, · ~()1(j).: ~e~. ·bur9eri or _c9mphcate the. tc1sk .of th~ ·court
discussion,.': on - Doctrine ... ·-·of'· ·Pr6'cessual .· . : with th~ ·Study of -uncommqti. ,pe~uliarities
:·Pre.sUmptiOn:. · ·~>· · . · ·~ ·:. · i' : ·.. ~. ,:an·a >re'fiQ~ment$ of another :1egal/sySt$m
. · · :· ·.·', · ·"v · · . • .· ... · .. . . · , ·(CQSu.tA,· G_onflict, .supra at-.88): .· :_:·· 1
3. When 'the·,c~e. involyes.a.Qy exceptji:ms to
. tbe .applica_tipn .of the.p:coper· foreign li:\w · .. _.. · e: · .:~oriign raw is~-~u;e1y fisGator ·adrninistrati~~ ·
a .. The appHcation 'of foreign lpW-.rtins·. count~r · :: <· in nc1ti.1re-(i:e_. yolle~tion oftaxes by·.for~igr.i:
' a.
. ··. to s.ound an'd establisbe·d .public'· policy of_ '... ,COU(ltrie·s or relating . · t9' ;- gove'rnmental
- 'the·. fort,Jm.. (i.e. -inc\~~tLJOCJS ·mama·g~·:or· join-t. . •.. ·functions) ·(S~MP.70..-DIY;-Conflict, ~upr.a at .
. wlll)':( S[;MPIG-DIY-, ·.Cdiiflict;,1 ~);. . · . 15:\ .. . .
. . : 'It :~ .
. ·,, .
. Kinds of ,pub.l_ic -p-olicy ''as·· to ·extent' o.f · Note:· ·A sov.ereign has_ no leg91 puty to .
· .. :op~rations: .. ·... ~"- ,·,· ·-'°:-.. ;: -~· -: .. . :c1ssfst foreign .gov'ernments in the miancing .·
i. ...ope'i-'ates·'no m~tter wherl3 ·.the eve·nt-:or . ofiheir activities.
· tran·saGti.on t;:ikes placE?_;'and · · . . • · ·
ii. O'ne· 'which:. operates., 'only·: \\' 'the· t ·· ·The .applicaiio_n .· of. foreign ·1aw invo1ve's ·
event or. transactio'n tak'es place in'• the . uride1;1Iable · injustice to .. the -citizens or
. forum . and . is . riot- 'offended : :.jf. ttie resident~:- of the forum or ·en.dang~rs .f.the
trai:isadiO.rr is cornpleted .abi-oifo·. · for~ign relati9'ns: or vital interests of the. state
". '• ' I

{le/.. at . 15: and.. 16); and
1.if. r.

f/· .
:g. The case Involves real-or personal 'property
,. . 2. UnwritfenLaw
,~.- . . J;:.'~t" our cou~try ((w/L C°:OE: Ari 16,
a.. By oral . testimony ·of:: expert · witnesses
.: · (SEMPI0-0/Y, Conflict, ·supra at 13);·.or

~( Instances Ex.empting the Appli.cation of Internal. · Npte: Tt:ie testimony of ~n ·~xpert .Witness
tf. to Conflict of Laws Cases . · . - ·may. be allowed to·prove a·foreign law. S_ec.
t~· 1. A. foreign 'sovereign, diplomatic official; ?~ public· 25, Rule 132 of the· Rules of Court does not
""~ · . vessel or property of another state rs involved exclude' the' presentation of other competent
~~{..:... (SALONGA; Conflict, 'supra at 63); '. .. ; ...evidence to prove. t_he existence of' a foreign.
'·\'..}. '. The . State accepted a llmitation upon its ,' law. ( Li(!)iie.d -v,.
CA, G.R. No.
Jff.: · [urtsdictlon 'over .. : certain persons or .thlnqs of · .·128803;-Septem/,)er 25, 1 ~98): . . ·:
"''.\' ·a··erState through a treaty {Id.); or ... •.·
.r : . .
. ·;./ ~- Foreig'ri law. tias been 'pleaded a[icl · proved . b . .By'printed and puolished books of repo_rts·of
~::: ·. (RU~E,s '" _c~~RT, .RULE 1_32, Sec, 2~). . ... decisl_ons (?f the co't;mtry involved, ·if.proved .. ,
:< . to . be commonly admitted . in its. courts
lf.rt Ma~ner of Foreign Laws .·· _ (RULES Of COURT, . RULE . t 30,
. .
45) ..
§¥.: General -Rule: Courts are not authorized to take
i'i' judicial,.notice of foreign laws. The laws· <?fa foreign>
t•l'./countiy must be properly -pleaqed and proved as. proving foreign law:
. ....

Exceptions to the procec;tural re~uiremenfs for

-· · · ·


~1~/ (acts ·(Chiquita Brends, Int. v.: Omelia, G.R. No:· 1 .. · Pr~seritation of a ~~reign-licensed attorn.ey w~.o
ft"" 1,89102,. ·June 7., 2017), .in the manner· provided ',Viii. testify in. open .·:col)rt· concerning _'her
r,, 'under: the Rules 0L9ou~ (Ne.dlloyd Lijnen BY l<no,w[edge of· the. law itJ question' (Mercantile
i'\· Rotterdam .v. Glow ~aks Enterprises, Ltd., G.R. No. Insurance Co., Inc. v.· Yi, G.R. No.. 234501,
t.·. 156330,NoVember .19, 2014). · · . )· .
[M.a-rch 18, 2019);, · .. · tiye·. agen.cies recogn~ing
·· · ·
~\' 1·. written Law · . ---...i:1aws··without proof ther:eof; . ·
ft .. > . a.· By .. official publication (S,EN(PI0-0/Y,l!. . Lacl<ofpbjection -to. ti,e. improper presentation
,~-.: .
.({;·: . Contiici, supra at 13};
b, -Copy , ·attested
by. "officer ~aying. legal
"'t-:,, - .
1"~ .'
,;r~~ . . . . .
by ~ne p~~ of proof cif foreign. la.w; an? .
4. Laws /appearing. in . _official.

websi'fes_, of

2:-..; · · . - custody ..thereof. If the record .. is ·_p9t k"tptin go~e~rl]eilt. ag~n~ies which have c_uslody. · of
.. the Philippines', a. certificate with s~eaFfrbm a • • la!~E.BEJ:JITO, Conflict. supra ·c;Jt 80): ·
:"';- ·. secretary ofthe embassy,~tiqn, c~nsul 1

:' ·· general, consul, - vi9e ~on~uJ~consul9r . In lnTernafi,J'; aw,;juris_dicti.on is often ·defined as:
;;(. · a9ent, or any officer in _tq_~·for,eign serviceof . the rigliref..? St,ite-to exercise authority over·persons
~~-· the Philippines . s_tationecl i.Qj;llie, ·foreig~ · .. and .things. within its _)Joundatfes subject ·to certain
:7:'-~. country to. the: eftect thatJ?id· offic,¢r has . exceptions .. Thus, .a ·State does ·not as'si.ime
t. :·
. custqdy is require<;! (RULES p~cb.URT,
RULE 132, Sec. 24);. and. ,. c· :·. - ,
jdrildi.ction over traveling sovereigns·, ambassador's .
an'a. diplomatic representatiyes_ ·of-.othe~:States, and
~r · · · c. A · published treatise ··q.n. th.e subject· law .foreign military . units stationed in or' . mar~hiiig.
; ·. . provid~d that the c9u~·takes judicial 9otice . through State-territory wjth the permis'sion ci( the
·- · of the competence 9f the writer, or evidence .latte.r's· a,uthoriti§lS/ This ·:authority, which fih.ds its -
.,.. ·.is··: introduc:ed to .. ,establish the.'or's s.ource in the concept ·of· sove_reign.ty,, is· exclus1ve ·
{:'':· · ·comp,etence .(RULES' 'OF ·coURT;. RU'CE within'·and throughout ·the domain ·of'th.e ·state .. A

t, • Thet~a:ec~:
> -

' .

6~~ summary judgment Where
questions of 'fact are in Jssue or where material
allegations of tt;ie pleadings are ·in dispute. The
SfatE{is'comp.~tent. to take'hold ..of an'y judjcia.1 n:iatter
it sees fit by maki,ng it~ co·urts. arid agencie~ · ·
juris.diction c:iver all kinds ·of c·ases brought before ·
them (H.ongkon{/ and Shai]g/iiar Banking ·.Corp: v.
She[man~ G.R. No. 72494, August_ 11, 198_9).
resolution of w,hether a. foreign la"'{ allows 'only'
&:, .... the reqo..xery, of adual da(llages· js a question of Effec( of Failure to Pie,a'd or Prqve Foreign Law: .
'fact,as (ar as the trial co-urFis cor:icerried sinc;:e. . 1. ·. Defendant·may moveAor Demurrer to. Evidence
foreign laws· do· not prove· themselves in· our · if' plaintiffs cause .. of action rests. 6!1 unproven···
.cou:~s. ·Foreign laws· ar¢ n'ot a m;,itter 'of-judicial fq'reign law, resu'iting' in' no c·aµse .o.f aqtic,n .to the
/."lo ·~.
noti.ce. ·Uke·any other' fact, they must be alleged.· plait"!tiff's case. lflhe defense rests·6n Liri'prpverr.
and p'roven (MahUfaclurers·Hanover Trust Co:y. foreign ·law,. th.e .. d_efense fails (AQUINO,·
~uerfero, G.R. No. 1'36804, February .19, 2003). Elements of Private International Law '{2006) p.·
'101 · [he.reinafter, .AQUINO, Elements· of
Conflict]). ·

. .
~htt@tW!t ,:ws@0&'Rif;Ft! m:p,w•••@we-•Si 'if#Mid? 5 •§\J?2: 1~: it•«&&·aawsG&i& awe..e(ss:;,r1:u'*si f M , , -

2. The. case will not be dismissed; the doctrine of . Sison v, the Boerdot Accountancy, G.R. No. L-
· processual presumption-will become operative · -2?29, December 31;·· 1949, . citing Hilton v.
(COQUIA, , Conflict,.· supra· . at ·132, · Chiquita Gpyot). . -
Brands, Inc. v. Omelia, G.R: No. 189102, June·
" .; . 7, -,2017). - . . . . . .: .. ·.: ~ ," ... ": . ' . . . .. ·~. .. -,
· Two Principles upon which.Theory ofComlty
Doctrine of
Processual. Presumption .. 'or Rests: · - ' · · ··
Presumed-ldentity.Approach' -c,.,a. Comity based on reciprocity; and
In the-absence of pleading and proof, the laws of the
foreign .countryor .state will be presumed to be the Note: ,If the laws a,:id.judgq,ents ofth~ forum.
· same as our: local or domestic law. This is known as .are.reccqnized in a foreign state,- the forum
. processual .. presumption . (Nedlloyd .. Lijner: B. V. in tvrfi w_il!. r~cogniie,. the laws and
Rotterdam v. Glow ~aks Enterprise; Ltd., G.Ri No. . j!,.ld_gmeril~ emanating from: said. foreign
. 15~330, November 19, 2914). state (Hilto.n ii. 'Guyot, 159 'U.S. 113, June 3,
1895). .. . . '. ..

. _ __ _ . ,I
b ..
Comity _ba·s~d on -the 'persuasiveness ·of.
foreign judg_me~t: _ . . .. . . ... . . . : _ .
·-ciiorG1{0F-. LAw ·· . · ._.. ·~.. ·
· -, · ·
Note: · If -theTorurri is persuaded th~t. a
.'.1 .. - .. ·. ':·
A 'ff
' . . . ·,. .·. ~ .· -~~- · ... forei~n _ a~~ has
• _ • • r- • • - • / 1'.. oe~ rendered by· a. court of+competent
Qli'e~.ti~ns tha_t ehriice-?f-~p_pl_icable~~i~iEfeks 'l , _ ·-!,: j~ri2~j~ti_?Q,.-!t\~ifl n?thesfta~e to e~forc~ ihat
. . . to Answer: . ·· , . ,? -, .~£
.: :. . . . ', - . _- f.!)~~·!gn J~dg.me_r,t in !he f?.r~m ,.e_v_e:ri..·if the
. : .. . 1. Wha_t, _lega_l -syste,:n. shoul~f\::"~r.1_tro1..;a g~µ~ ~oreJ_g~· . does . not reciprocate
. .
O(?~U~red,10-two or st~te~~;'i .·
2: To. ~.hat_ :extent· shouldJ.tne cl'losen sysJe;rn _,_p..

. situati.d~h_ere s?m_e, of)'l_e.~1~ic_ant"."facts, . .:?} "',;. ""\(J61Jnstrw\\
JP , £. ~
f,:·n\ .
· 1924).
&. . COf11Pa'fl~ie _' ~~nerale·
V/cji~?i[lfJnti~e1 · 243 N. Y( 5.41, :July 11,
._·. . ,' . .:.
regulate the situation (COQ':!,J{\/ Conflict,-sul]ra'. f" ·11 V > · ,.
. af 57). ·,· :·. · : '.' · · ' ~·
.. '. · _- . · - · · . . -,
~-·fj . _-· 1-.
. ·
~ · , .,,.-.,~ t .
·\ ~- .
- ·· · · '
f<:>:r'~ig,p~nal 1ju.dg[i,ent ·or final. order "is
. -~- · ·_P,resumpt1ve_'eY1aenc;:e·.of 9 righ_t as between
· N9.te:_-' Foreign !;:iw_ has. no ,e J~1~r~ito'ri~l'{ect. 13nd WI} a,- ·. (~~:Rartie_~.,.ai:i_.&ltheir succe~sors in-interest.
, , _any' exceptio_n, .to this right . usH ~e · ~?.-a~fU9 t e ... · ·-:::.~,, · IYf,scJ.l?sJqq:~5~t1e".arid.\'rnaybe repelled by-:,
cons~n_L?f- 'the, nafion ·(AGP.'A~l!U~'_P~on!fl.tJ.:..di)fira ,k_}ef
ati·'. <fef~J. · · en'cjF-o~.:,w'~.~t of· ju_ri_~diction;'_w'ar,t ?f-
: --, . !?)\ · ·- : _ · · ._- · : U- · · < "{'~' ·-!~( ~{w.;j~~~i~~iPth~~arty,.c()llus1on, fraud( or clear
· .!·_ .' · •• · , • ~ , · • . ,'· • ·.. ·.' ~j}"·~- · ~;; m1stte o(Jaw,'or _fact" (R,L!LES:OF COURT, ···
sX/.48). . ,'' .... ·
It '),S · appro~riat~ to asSLJIT)\3 that- _Gong_re_s~ha
doi:nesfic)'.coocerns .in ]l1ind,'.)ihis., c!SSUrriptio!JSis--.1 . '\i..Y\-i_~·~i.. · /': · · .
9im_ilc:1r::.tP __ tne..: le~al_ presl!rfipti~l\_:tba_\)~~~~~S'~
. · .• ·
z~:- ·-~ · : '., , . · ,. , . : . · . ·.
· : Ryj,e 39,

ested igh ~-1:0~PfX .. · . . : . -· : ·:-, .. -.:.: -

or_d1~ar!l11n~en~s· 1t7 st~_tu_tes·. tqJiav~O.(l1~}1Gnr(?t~od~~~ljf©fc.~:-~o\ ~he: fo_~el9!J._ la\f\.'. 9·r '.9~_El_lgn
extrat~rntonal · appl1,cat1on:' The: Gol!it~ssu.J:!Jef. a ~ 1_· j -J\~J~ci'gmen(b_qt-tt)e..nghy'~ vestEld .,und~r~sucn law
co'ngr~?si0nak intent. that Jh~: phrc1se "cqnviE:tecl [~ . 1V~~jt1cfgme_rit. lJ1u~. rights acq4ir.ed .. in. pne
. any e_outt" aP.PliElS .domestrcally, ·no_t"extr~territ~l~coun(ry,_': rnu's_f the;. ·.,aria. -\leg<?_IIY. . ...
:... ,. unless )he· ~latutory _ langu·pge,:-'.l:;o[il!:)Xt,. hi~Joty.;, ·¢r · .,. . .. -\e-c;;fed)i:i oth:e('cc;,I..Jntlies,, The .forqrri· will .n9f'· ·
-: . purpose sh_q-.ys ther contrary (Sm~// t;t/LJn_ited Slates;·, apP,)y-'thf'l~- fpr~ign· layv bu~ :~ii) .sirTJl:ilf r~.cognize · .
' 54.4 U,S. _385;·-Apri/·26>2005).:. ·. ,.· · ,. · -:·, the rigb't. y_es_te'd OY- ·,said·: law,:· (SALON.GA,
~. ·-.... · .. · · ..... :: _.' :-:· ·, .• ·• . · . ·1 ·" Confl{c.t,.si.fprai~(Z-2)..·. _· . ·:-. . ~ .: · , .'· .
_Jh';,,~r!E?,s,:~11·J_4.!}!ifY.}.11€J ~h~ Aµ,plicatior o(~~r_e.i_g~- . . :,-:.·.' · .. :.::...:, - ··:.~ '0'..---: • _·... ./. -. ;: ,
law m ~o,nflJc~s.Cases: · . . · · ,.. -~ . 3 .. · tq_c,alJ~w T,h.eo!)' ·_·._-_. .. . ._r . . ,
: · 1._. . -T~:eory of Coni_ity ·. . · .' ~ ·. · .. ·.; . ,,. .. . ...... · . Tnis).fivolv.esJhe _9pp'ropriati6'n of a_ fpr1ig·n r,ule .
: . : . })e,a_pplic~tjo_n_ of foreigp.l~~j~I sy,~~rn~·ir:i;?a.~es- ?Y . :-.' ttit?J~t~?f,t_he-i9r~~5lr.fQ;!~~(·ftl!~
., . .-, - 1nypl~1,n._gJ9rr-1g~_- e~ei:n~nt 1s. ~r8P~f •.· -~~t~fiYJ!S~; .... _a.10.~~~.t)gJpl~:.·1\(qr~1gr:i_1f.".". 1,s}pr.1_1.~,d_?-e~-a~.~e · -·: ·
. : . ,thE?· non~9pp!1cat1pn ."Yo.ul_dp;~n.sN.tAt~ ,<'! }J1;,~egard. · · o~r-.?~1!:.Lc;1~ ..' ~Y _a_pp)1'.mg, ~, _s1~111la_~ rule,,-re~u1res · : >
. of for.eign .sovereignty or.Jack of .c.omi\y, towards · · .· us to do·so, as _if rn~·foreign lawh.?s oec·o~e.part
_ ptber _$tates.{PA°F?A'S,/J9htlfct;: ~upra._ -at '65). . '. ·.·_ .. ·· ·of.quf-C?'.w~-.-i~fe[nar or.:,do01e$tic· ia~ [S?MPIO~ . . . ' .
:: · . · ' · ·. · · · · · QIY; Conf{Lct, 'supff:!~at 20): · .. ·: . ·.
. ~or:nity .. . ·., _ - . . ·· . . . . ,
. ' the·. recognition which cine' 'nation ,allows 1ilus.tration: .~:ri/}6; ~a·r. 2 9f· ti,~ Ci~il':tode
.· within its ferrffory,'to ire legislative; execuli'·~e·. or requir,es th_e appli_i:::ation of the _national law <JfthE!
juaicial ac_ts .of another nation, having .clue 'rega'rd- • ... :. . · ~ _deces:is.ed in the-rric1tter of his testate or intestate
'to both internatioi:ial 'duty _arid convenience. and . success16n (Id: at 26/. · · - · . . .· _· ·
'· .. to th_(;).rights of its qwn citizens·; of other pers·ons.
who':;are yn9er the 'protec;tion of.'its Jaws u A- ·.


. .··. . . . ' .
4. Theory of ~usticef (Caver's -Principles of · Two Kinds ·of Conflict. Rules
· Prefere·nce) · 1. One-s1d~d rule - iridiccj_tes when Philippine .law
The thesis of .. Prof. Da\/id F. Cavers'· article will apply, .e.g., Art. 15 an~LAri. 818 of the Civil·
.. entitled "A Critique o( the (:9nflict ·of Code only apply. to Filipinos · (SEMP/0-DIY;
Problerri"' was. that· choice ·of <law should _conflict, supra at 23).; ..
deterrhined _by "considerations. of.,justice and
. social expedier:icy" and should·not be the· re.suJt. 2: · Al.I-sided or · m~ltifateral rule -... indicates
of .rn.echanical application orthe rule qr_principle .. whether to· apply .the local law or the proper
of selectior1: ( COQUIA; Conflict, supra at 66): foreign law, e.g., Firstparaqraphs of Art. 16 ·arid
, .< .' Art. 17; Art. 1763 and Art. 1039 of-the. Civil Gode
. '. '.._ . . i ~
. (Id: at 23). · . . . . -'.-'. ·, . .. .

N'ote:· 'Justice Sernpio-Diy observes· ·that while Art.

· 15 of the Civil Code- applies only to illpinos ·a~d is f
. 'actually a one-sided rule, the Supreme Court has - .
·. . giveri 'it a multi-lateral application W.l'Jeri it held. that .
. . : .f\).reigners. ,in''th_~_ir status a_nd l~gal;.capacities~· are
govenietl ; by their -riational · laws ( Gibbs v., The
Government of the- Philippine Islands., .G.R. No. L-
3f?6~_4,-0e'cember ~3; -1933). . .,
. ". . . -/ . . (. -. .
The nationality theory has been .applied 'by the
Supreme Court even to persons who are citizens of
countries: following thedomiciliary theory (SEMPI0-
0/Y Conflict, supra at. 38). . ,. ..: .: .: .
... . t . ~
,i . •

Parts of Conflict Rules · .. ,

1.. OBjJctfcrr\th•f Factual Situation -. th~ set; of
facts o'f
•I Jtl •
.,. .
presen_ting a Conflicts problem I •

:.~t.~w.,~e·f ;_r\ is.:. fo.tgn ele~;·~~ i?~lve_d_ (/~: .

. 2. :,L~~al C_q.ns~ences or the f>9~')t of Contact .:
-: ... ·,. ar~,on~ectJng;,J;~ctor_·-. t~e l~w o!Jh~ sountry_:
w1t~~yvhMtJuhe~fc:1ctual _s.1tuat1_on rs most intimately
· c_qnnected·(/_d: et 24). . ·. . ·- , · · .:
..... . ': -
, 'i:.
Chara_~,t~7at!On or.Doctrine-of Quilifi~a~ion or·.
~1~Cla~s1f1catio.n . ...,. . . ·, ··: .. . . . .. : , . "·. ', . ·,
-. .....,..,...
-, --.-.-,.,.. ,-,_,... ......,....;..;...,...,......,.. __ ..:;.;.,,.,...,...;..;.;,.:...~ ( · "Before' a'
choice, of applicable law can . .be made, it is.
· c·onflict.Ru.les ·. · . . . . ... · .. _.. 11ecessar'y. tq .de.terinin·e . undet what category a,.
A· pr9vrsiorf_fopnd ·in-' ~Ur: oihn·(.1.a~.w~i~h gove;hs·-a. . . certa.jn_ ~~t·of ~act$ O'., rul.~s faU; Th_is -~et~.rrrj1nation .
factlJql ~itu.ation pqsses~ed-of a forei,g.n-eJern,enL It i~ 'P.roce7~ IS k_r:iow~· -a~ ~ha.ra?t~n;':at1~n , .. or_. the 1

:u·sually . exp're;!ssed in ... the -~form of an - abstract· .. d0ctnne._.: o! q~al1ficat1on :~ It 1~·· th,e_ ·,Process. of
· · proj)cisi_ti~m th:~r"a giv~ri .legi(qu~~t.rorr:fs g0'(,_erned' · 9ecid(n·g Whet~~r ~ci~ t~e f~:cts relat;·to the kind of;or.
.: by o~ -p~rti9ula_r cou.ntry (Whicl;l n:iay.· an pe qu;_stion spe_c,1_f•:9 '.~.a.conflict~: rule .. ,:he. purpose_
ir;iterna! ·i_av/ or . ther. prop~t· Joreigh law),· tQ be . of c~a_r.acfer!zat19n. !s:;'.o e_n~b!~ !~~ f.oru~ to select ..
ascertainE!!J in._th:_e ma~ner,iil.di~aJed.i_ii"the,Jir?vision . , th~ proper !a~ (SaudtAra_b!ao-A,rlmes v. Gou~ _of_
· (SEMPJO-Q/Y, Cb/flflict, supra at 22), .-/: . ·. · .- , -Appeals,:G.R._No.'· 122191,_ October 8, 1998) .. - >.
v. ·co'riflict R~les.
• '-. • ., • I • •• : ' '' ~ • ... ' ' • • I .: ~ • ~ • • ' • ~/ •

·: Orclina'ry :lnie.rnai'Rul~'s i. · T,h'e' law ct,o_se11 should be applied only ins'ofar as'it
.-,--:-. , ' • - :.______
·-- ~ • •· • •• • 0 •• • ·-' - . • "brings-_ about.the goog. it intended IQ bri_ng~ The
selected-proper law i~_applied to the f~rctual situation
to·d~d9e:··(1.) le,gal· resulting from th_e
Au~hbriZe; ··c~mman'd; ..o_i-'. -Pe:cici'es\ih: which. law or ..
situatfdn;: .or ''(2f)nter'ests ,created in. th_e thing · iri '·
prqhibit::. certa'ln .inpde 'of jurisdiction .w,1i . give·. the ·question._ . · · ·
coi:iduct (~:g., Art. 796 of .final· ~ply_tion to . the ... ·.· . . . . . (. . . .
the.Civil _Code). Its legal cfvestion:.(e.g., Art. 1·5, ·Steps in <;:_n'aracteriz;~t\oh: WSR~PProPleA) .• '
effect.s are. imm~diately p~r. ·1 ana Art. ~ 7. par. 2 1. The determination:of tne Eacts involved; . '.
iridica~ed ·(e.g.,·. Express of the Civil Cod~f 2. The .characterization-of the.factual Situation;. ··
prqhibitio·n),. · · · 3. The deterhiin~tion,of'the' conflicts Rule which is
·( 22) to b.~ applied; . - .



4. The characterization of the ,Eo.iht of contact Single-Aspect Method·

wti.ere the· cci.nnecting·fc!ctor; In order to connect the case t6 P particular legal
5. The characterization of the .. Problem as community, choice-of-law theories· - · tiave.
procedural or su.bstantive; :· . - · . concentrated on one element of a situation to' foster
6. Th.e:·Pleading and proving of the prope·r fcireign simpl_icity, convenience, arid uniformity of.' results.
, law and·. · - ·. . · . (COQlJIA. Conflict, supra at.82). ·
7.. The -~pplic;3tio~ of the proper f~reign -law to ·the
pr_oblem (PARAS, Conflict,. supr,a at 88). . . Two Types of-Characterization un~er-the:s,in'g1e'-
Aspect Method · ·· - .: '. · ·. ·
Note: Only steps 2~5 concern themselves with 1. Subject-rriatterCharacterization . . . ·.
characterization 'prop_er (PARAS, Conflfct, Calls for, classification qy a. courtof a factual
- 88)'., · . . ·situation.into· a legal .cateqory.-lt ls.relevantin a
sinqle-aspect ' method because .the · legal .
Noter As to the first step, the starting point of · cateqory to· whicf .an issue is' .assjqned
anatysials nota '!_~gal relation, but a factual situation, determines 'the governing law (Id. at 84).
·event;· 'or operative . fact.: An essential .eiement of 2., Substance-Procedure Cha'ra'cterization:.
conflict rules. ·is . the indication of . a . "test" .or Directs the,ihe .extent it·w.ill apply foreign
."con'nec!ing ·factor'.';o~ "point of°c'onta.ct.".One or more: law. If the issue _is substantive, the court. may
circumstances may'. ''b_ef present to serve as th~ . apply foreign' law· but if' it is' procedural, it is

possible test for the determination of the appli·cable
law .. , . . .... ~ UN8r.h·· . · ·:_ ... '. ·.
. . supposed to follow the law of the forum (lg. at ·

,Thes~· "test facto;;, -~r; "p.ointsjof ~t'ac~e~R~.Jles ·i,leiia~a~terlzatio~ of. Pn:>_ced:ial ,~nd
"connectinq'factors" could~be·an~66~ft'. ~ {oll6~irJg; · Sub~'t~ritiv~4_Ies · · ... · · . - ",
1.';._The.nationality of a pers.oa,-his dr~ef«ms ~E'- Genf'lral Ru)$: ~an issue is substantive; .apply
residence, his· place of sojof:i~or J' 1s,opgin; 1ffi I ,
:ror~ign law. If i\iirs procedural, apply the forum law or
2. . ~he sea~ of a legal or juridical petso~. such _asJ!i ~~ · ./~\ (o:J. \. \ ~ ~~ ·, · . · ·. ·
corporation; . . . .J . ./ -; · . · ,r-..,Y.\ j . ·- \(.,: . .,. - · . ·. . · . · -
3. _.T~e si_~us .of a _thing, th~! 1s;l~e pla~e where·~ .: 'I --~t.:Jmin:.-mts. ·t.
an Issue as· Procedura] or
·: th1~~ 1s,. or ._1s· de~me~-<i9!' U?~ s1tuate~n?, · · ~\._S~Bsta11t1ve . l~ .. . . · . ·
. ~articular,. the lex_ s1tul~~~ec1~1~e w'hen :-re~-~~-
~ _nghts.are involved, · . . -~ \ · r.1' . ... . .
1. 1Quest10
. .· . f . . .. - .
5:"~f1E~1d~nc_e -))roce~_ural : ..

4 .. The· pJa·cef ·i,yhere -an .'a tih~~(~e~h_1}bn_~ _the1= ~ ? sf!{ute~o'f·~~~d~. . . . ·... ·... · · .
. : . locus actus, su~h as.the~~la~;tw~ere\~~tra~~~- £.@:t -~ _S'Yf.>sta_~~t- 1f. .!be. Jaw.· !prb.!ds · the
· . h~s ~e~n Tflade, a .. m~mage celebrat~1r'tfc!~IF '· ,.,,,. ~ · p~l_1gatlo,.V/:~: VO/?
con.t'.acts., ... :...
· . .s1g_n_e9 or, a to~. CO!flm1tted\.[h.e lex.loc,Jc.J,t!fs- s , . . .b. Procedljal 1f the· l~w:, f,?.rb1d.s • th~
. p9rt1cula~ly impc;ntanFin cont~t.s..arn'j~rts'zS0~E· ~'!"'('\ h . enfor~m~nt.df ~~e.obligi3t1on. ·.. . . .
5 .. Tl'Je·_place where ah act is inter~~d to Go~tb' · l"! U , · -°t"~- !#1.enfor_cea/,)!f/ con_trac(s, ·Ad. 1403
. effect,· e.g.,. _t_he· plac~~- yr· P.\:l~O~~~l 0fi · _'
c0ntrac;:tual. q1:ities, or the plaGe·.wh"'ere _atpoier M /\ ~-
,· •.},,<j;.<iJ1~il-Code: (ld:supra at-92). · . .· ·.
~~ -. . .. . · .•. · · ' •·.
of attptney. is to'-.oe-exercised;· -·-. ·. 'X'.:::t .: l v 1._r\...,..yE!o'irov-1ing ~tatutes. and ·Statt..ite :of
.. 6. : T~e inten'tioo,.of t~e contractin!f partie·s .as]9"Ttre~ ~im_it~_tioris .
· _law that should g0vern~ their:-agreement, ttje /ex · ·: · · ·- ,.
, Ji5Cf.ii1lehti6nis;. ·····~ .. ·.-. . :· .. ·_ .. ~. :. :.. ', · .·. · ·~~-~r¢>}~tat'u_t;~ ,· .'· .... ;··; ··p#~.:.. •. ..

7. . Th~i- pl~'cef' wne,r~:. judicial or .administra.tiv~· . . Qirects t~:e st_ate of

tffe'Jcfrum to.apply\ha rqr~ig_n: ..
., · . , proc.ee_dir\gs are, instituted or done. The /~x fori . · statute of limitaJions to.the pe6,aing· clc;1ims·ba'se·d ·
.: ·.~· the.:Ja~-- of...the foruni_ .. ·~·-is pa~i'cuJarly . qn a.forelgh)a~·.(.Lvy'V'G<?~S/(u~tio'n Corp. .' v.
· · 'irriportant. b~cause- roatters_ of Jp·roced.ure' ,. not · _Dupo, G.R-.No. ~172342,' July 1 ~. 2Q09). '
. gqing t9 t.he 'substance of the cJaiin Jn.v9lved are
. g0verrie<;l by ·ifr an~'becal.Jse Jhe /?Jx' for,j.. appiies. · Stafute. of limitations. . . .
: wt)~neve~ . the~.corit<3nt ·. of: the qthe~ise . spedticity :rest -:.;.: .lJmitation is :'.substaotive ·.
· .app_licable · foreig·n ·1aw is - eJ,Cclude.c;I · _from· . when it is airedect at the· newly created.'liability;.
_ application in a. givsn cas.e for t~i3t it w9rsai:iting a
q~~l.ification..of the right (Bournias
· falls · µnder · ohe . of the· exceptions· to )he. v.,.Atl~ritic :Maritime ·ca., ltd:,: ·220 F.' 2d '152, ·
. applications of foreign law; and ·, ·. . F~bru_aiy 10; 1955), -,.. . .· · . · · · ·
· 8.,, _-The . flag of a ship, which· in_ n,apy_ ca~~s · is
~~ .. ,',
decisive of ~ractically all ·legal. relation.ships bf
the .ship and of its-master such: It
' also covers cqritrac~ual relationships particularly
contracts cf· affre!ghtment. .· (Saudi Arabian
Airlines v, Court of-Appeals:· supca.) ,.


Md Cid hiJF! WSWMF S §s !f&WSiiM?tiWRl\tkriAif ?MESI ¥¥4
e '
L.iniitation is procedural if°it operates to ba.r only · 3. The 'Analytlc · .Jurlsprudence ·and
·the . legal · remedy, without 'irnpairinq the .: .Cornparatlve Law Solution ' . .
su.bstantiv_e j-jght inv?lved. The court determines the common patrimony of
juridical_. concepts and employs universal .. or
Thecharacterizatlon of a statute of limitation into quasl-uruversal characterization.
procedural or substantive . ·becomes irrelevant . . . "
when the country ofthe forum· has· a borrowing 4. The Double Characterization Soiution
.stalute, which has the practical ~J(ect of treating · It couplesthe lex for(and iex causae solution,
the · foreign · statute of limitation· as one .. of
· .substantjyetaw {GOODRICH, Conflict of Laws 5. Substancev. Procedure Principle · ..
(193.8), p. 152-153). . . Matters of Procedure .:_ qoverned by the law of
the forum where the case is filed. ' .
Note: A law on: prescription is sui qenetis 1.n
· Conflict of.· Laws as ir- may be .. viewed as MattersotSubatance - governed by thelawof
procedural. or substantive, -dependinq on the·· the country where the .actlonarose (AG~Alb,- -r
, · characterization given (Cedeiinv. Pee, G.R. No. Contiict; supra at ·37) ...
1~4776, December B; 1~94).
As1~··ge~er~l .rule, a-·f6r~ig~ pro·6ed~~~l 'law will. ·
.The modern trend is to consider the, prescriptive " not be applied in the forum .. Procedural'matters,.
- periods or the Statute of Fraudsthat the. parties . such· as service of process, [cinder of actions,
had in mind .. at the time' the transaction. took period aridrequlsites for appeal, and so-forth,
place ·(SEMR!O-DIY,'.Conflict, supra at- 27). .. are- g~verned by' the laws qf'th~ forum .. This Is
.true even if the action· is bas.ed ':JPOn a foreign
'substantive law (Cada/in · v. Administretor,
"L..._..._Philippine . . Overseas · . . Employment
'cfminis.t'r'ation, G.R. No. '104176; December 5,
19911)~ · .

- The ·: characterization. · of . a statute into. a

procea'ur~i. \;r . substantive law -becornes
.· irreliian whln· the country of the forum has 'a
. · "bo1rowing s~atute.". Said statute· h~s· the
prac~i'cal~trecf ofl'~re?ting the foreiqn statute of
limitatio~s .one of 'substance (Cada/in v.
Adrninistretor; Philippine Oveisee« Employment
___ Administration, G.R. No." 104776, December 5,·
·1,994). . ..

6 .. Center of G.ravity'Do'ctrine
Application .of. the law o( .the_ 'jurisdiction .which
has the most 'significant : relationship _to . or .
·:co.ntact with the event, p"arties, and issue's.(/

· 7. The Autononious'Theory .
Forum considers .the Characteriza.tion · ()f the
Reason:· Lex. fori determines characterization· . ·~ . . country . referre~ to :. iri /ex· qausae · (PARAS; .
. . because·
. .
of practical.
. ..
necessity .... Conflict; ~!-fpra at 99).

Exception: When .Iex- tori characterlzation will 8. Totafity Theory · . . ....

result in clear. injustice, lex fori·characterization Determines the intended· l~w of tiie. parties and 1..
will not apply '(SEMP/0-DiY, Conflict, supra at applies . trfe . characterization· given by the.
27).'· . . intended -law (Id.). ·

. 2. The Lex Causae Solution

· The characterization will depend on the
governing ·,aw: .:

. I


Laws rel;3t_ing to family rights and duties. or to status·,

:I PERSONAL LAW .. ··,:.-
•. '.
eohdition and_.capacity c:if persons are binding upon
citizens of t}:le Philippines even though living abroad
'(CIVIL COQE, Art. 15). ' ..._

The law which attaches to a person wherever he . Nationallty ,

rnayqo and generally governs his status, capacity, It ~fers tfrthe membership in a.political community,
condition, family relations, and the consequences of· c;:,ne that is personal and rnore or les~ permanent. In
his actuations (SEMPIO-DIY, Conflict, sµpra·at-36). ·. Conflict of laws, nationality and citizenship· are used
• • ,> • . • .\~, _,;; .~, • ""'-'
. ·interchaogeably._(SEMPIO-DIY, .. Conflict, supra. c!l-.
It allowscourts to. exercise. Jlirisdi~tian· or determine . 31). .
the qovernint; · .choice-of-Iaw · rule ori .. a. specific
situation or. transaction involvinq.a person wherever Status,
he. may be· (COOYIA, Conilict; Sl}pra at 88). · Re,fers the pl~ce. of an individual in society. and ·to.
. . . consists 'of 'more or less , permanent. -personal
Pift~rent Theories of. Pen:iori~f:L~, :. . . qualities arrd 'relationships with which· the state and
1-. The Nationality Theory or Personal Theory - 'corn(lluni'ty' are cor1cerned.(/cf .. al 29). . . .
the status <and · capacity ,pf .? . , person. is .... _.
d_et~rmii:ied by .the _!aw _,qf_ his n_atr9nality' 'or _. . Capacity ·· .. ' : . . . .
national. law (SEMPjO-D~Y,,..Con(l!c\ ~lh,is~art·of cine's_.sta_t_us_.and is the sum total of_
3 ?t- · · · · ·. .· · A.}f .-.Ulj: · 'eneys ~gihts and obliqations (Id. at 30). · (see further

Note: .Tt:ie". Philipplnes follows •th~(~~ionaiity . · 1d}scuss~o~'1f!_,er'al Status and Capacity as_.
Theory qc1. at 30~~1( ·., --~- .. :Q/:,~~~-~-;/°1hlk,'J!P,o!:~~acity)_ . .. .. _ .,. -.
. . . .. . ~)~~ ... .b.r.N·t· 1· . . . .
g:"- TBe Domiciliary Theo"iy ci'r; T.errit,oria!,l:ft~9ry .,;?-. I-\C~l,l~~1t10~\Q- a IOn,a It~·-
_. 'the- status and capa;it-~ if:per~bn 1~ A~ .' .. ', . .-
\qt~;b~rn _c1t~zens ar~ ?1.~1ze~s,of:the· B•i:., -~
~~H.~t 19\,~~?
· determined by the law of/is-domicile (!cf.). - . 1"' , Phil1ppme.s tro~l;i1rth without having to perform·

.countries, _f5)11ows ·the dormc11ia'ry theo~··(Jc!$?
.... ~_~fl a~ '.(~ -~·
!.: . ]!;a._ {'-!s ·$o_l~ ~~zeosh.!P
or'.p~.?ct ""?" Ue!--~~t
1~ acquired ?Y being .
. • 30:31). ·. · ·. J ~~-' ·. ·. ~:
/-'..t""tf;,l. ~f]]!J!Y:~; · . born 11\'.llJl_in-t~eJ terntonal bounqcir.1es _of a
\.. ·.. ,, : · .. · 1-~
3... Th_e: _Sit~s.
0 ?~ _!=_clectic,fhl~, ~-.(~eri~~~~J~
._Pl.ace. Or. SltUS. ·of .a~. ·eie.ot_.o . tr?~S~0n 'I~~_
1 ~-,.·. :A.tJr~~~i'
l\/" ·• ~:::::,... c
, "~
:JI'afe·(PE{.BENlfO, Confffot;·supra 'at .138f · .
$ahg«Jjfis 7 citize1;;>hip ,racq·uired .
bJoza relationship V{jth_ the/parent

. ;e~er~lly ~h~{opfr.ol.lmg _1~/1~.-. at 3P!: ~tri. · '' _ _ _{SJ(fd!j:·- · ...-.' _ . ): -· '.:. _. . · ·. . : ') · ·' ~ _· .
·. )
Jus_tj_!i.catio.n'of:~:r~onat.~a.__~ .,· \>:.;_ . . ~~Eour:191mgs;-~Y. hos~ a~~ndon_ed chil¢r~n-_wijh ·. · .. _..: .
Pr~f. R:H. Gr:~v_e§on,;.a .~rpfess ,!;~m~,~~~fl<n'~ :.,patu~al parents, a'r~· n~atur~i,J:,orn. i;·. : .
Uf)1ve.rs1trof -~ond<:J.Jl. ~r.J!e~ J_tJqt . hE:,,tW.:9' ~f.l,t~t1ieA~eeau?e .. they are·n!)t an exelO_d_ec:l',cl~~-~.
per~<?_na_l .I~~ ._~s ,~as.ep. on t~~ .con9\'l~.,l0~?,V.~~s.
~.,soc1al_.~~1ng, S<? th'.?t ~h_qs_e}~an~~ct1~~~-0f~c{a1ly. .
,\~U~~---~M~fconstituti~.n. ~o lo~g. a~ ther.~ is-a:·hjgh ·.:.
_r\;.~g_!Sb~ity- -~hat-, the tq~.mdh~g'.;5 __ . Pc!r:ent~ a_re. .. . ..
. .:. ·-:

. hfe,_ which. ?tfec~/11'!1 I'1.?s.t: ·?los.\'ll¥ ~.i:1; ?. · p.·e1.,5_onal= · ... 'Filipinos,! that- pe'rson. will:be con'sidered natur~I:. . ·
s~i:is~, :su2h. a~ m._~rn<;)ge, _c:l1vp_r~~··.l_e..g1_~.1~c;t~Y.., rn~ny_ . . born_'. (F/oe,'t_lamf[nzwes -~.. COME.LE.c,·~·,G.R. -~· · '
k1~~$ of caRc1~1tx; :~d'.succes~1.on: m_aybe .~?yer~~!-:l.. . l- Nos, 221697;·.March;"B;:.201·6}:'- ... . c".··-· . > . ·. ·
unr'?frSf111Y by _that-syst~m .o(J?.~_·.m,os.t.ALiJtab)e. 1~ · .. · · .... , . · -: ·. .. · · . · ·
-, adequate·fqr.the purpose." (1fl_74) ·~· · •• : .' · Reason: ,:i·~ d~ny ·full' 'Filipi~o c;ipzerJihip·: t~ -;11
· -: : . ' ·.. ' ;: ·. > · 2: · ·. : · · '.·., ·.·. · · .- · .:."' ' >. "•
Jo.undiings · 'and· fender th'em- sfaieless: .,}usr
. Nat!or'lality o"r Per:;;"onaJ.Th:eC?IY or: Lex·,Nc1!ionalfi · b.ecaus·e .there. may be:;a·. tt;_·eo~e' ctiancie.. that:
' . .:. It: is::,!he theory · qy' virtCie c:if. which the . stat.~~-: and .. ··~
. . . . . . one .among the. thol:Jsands of thes~ foundlings ".'1 , .
. . capa.9ity of an i.i:idiyidu9l·.ar~- ge,~erfl.lJX 9-9Y.~rp~cj by_·,.· of
. f54~::~~. of hls nati9o~lity:_(f\4.Rf\p; .CorJf(i'ct,-}:1era
.,,, ·
~t. : . , ·'-,might be -the child hot -just :bne, 'but';·.iwo, ' . .
and ·unjLJ_st· · (Poe:.Oarha'nzares ·v: CQMELEC,

The: personal la.w .of ·ari'_iodividuai is; his _nationc~I law... G.R. Nos. 2216.9l-221700; ·March 8, 2016) ..
This·ttieoty i$ ,€1dbpted mostly_'.bY civil law CO\.!ntries . •. ·,· ..... · '_. ,''. \. . -~ '. " ·-... : . . ... · .. · ...
like ,the :P.hilippinElS Where:, the identity .an'd 'legaf.: . 2·. .:Natt.rali:2a.tion .. ·.' · ,, · ": ,,;,:· . . . ' ':. ·, .. , · . ·
p'o~ition -of· th~ir .. citizen$·: are .. gu~ranteei:l ,by ··a .'. : . : · .. · ,t.. is, th~jpr_o~ess of-c;¢nfirmirig· on· a_n ~!Jen lhe .
con:iistent' ·applicatio'n bytheir na_tional· laws o·n ... · . cjtizenship of. a·noth~'r' country,._by any of- the
status arid fam'ily relati"qns wherever they may go means provided by law (SEMPIO-DI.Y, Conflict,
(SEMP/0,-f?!Y, Conflict, supra a't 31). .'. ·:--.. supra a(14). - . . . . '

'_., .. ) ..

12 r2019-sAN
. . sEoALAwcE.NtRAuzEp.BAR-
. . .
. . . .

l'Jatwalization is .a-mode for both acqui~ition ~nd Filipino oniy. during 'his, "minority
reacq_uisitio,n ~ of ·.8hilippine · citizenship. f!}..s a un1e·ss
. . . he· resides p~rmanently-·
. \
. n,ode of initially acquiring Philippine-citizen.ship, . the Philippines when still a mirior, iA · ·
n~t.urc1lizat!on. is gov.erred· qy Commonwealth .. whjch_case lie wili'continue to ~ea'
: Act No. 473, as amended, Naturalizatian·:as a .Fi!ipino···9itizen eveh:aft~r b~comlng
. · rnode for reacquiring Philippine citfzenshiR is . of age (Commonw_ea(th. Ac.t.. ·No ..
, _go"verried · ·by. Commonwealth Act N.6. 63 473; .Sectio(i"15).' ·
(B_engso'n. Ill v." H9use of:~Rfpresenta_ti~es
. Ele"C_toral Trib'unal, G.R. No .. 142840, May 7, b. Mi~or born after.. naturalizajion' .· '.;
.' 2001), · . i, · Born in .tl:ie ,P~jl_ippine.s .; Fijipii,o ...
ii. .. '. Born outside .the Philippines -. shallbe
-Modes' ot'Nattiralization .constdered 9 ···~ilipirio ·-'.cit_izen.,:- unless .
a.· •"<!lfzatio.n·· . withiQ one year "after reachinq the age 6J .
-, . . · _i. • J_udicial" PrOC!=!SS_ - Commonwealth Act . 'rnaj<xity .-he fa[1$. to r~giste~ him~elf, as a.· ·
· ·.:Nb.A75" as amended by RA 530 (Id: qt Filipino citizen , in' 'i·th~>,- Rliilippi.n.(;) ·
· 45).. . 1
.. ' "cim'sul?t~ .·q( t)le cciuhtiy wl{e'r~· · he
-, - .-- .... ·ii. .. _L:egislative., Process PhiJippine ::r~sides and to take' th~ necessary .oath.' · .
.. .. · · , :-- ". Citizenship conferred by Congress }Id. of' allegiance- (Commohwealth ..Act" No .. '
. ·: .... at 45).· " .. _.. - -, , . . - . . - ·._4:73, se.q~to"iy.1_$)."" ,' ·-\:_ · : .·
· . ., . · iii. . Administrative · Process , - __ .'.'The . . .· . · . .. . : ·, .. ; . · ·. i". . ·. .. , ··• . _
, . .. .·· · Administ~ativM. Naturalization : Law . 6j ,
. In case of.' children already. ofaqe atthe time of
-; · : · :·.·. _200P''. or _RA-9139._A· 'parent's naturallzajion- . ..:=- not a· Filipirr'o unless·
•. . is ' approve, deny, or -reject they: themselves · be;- "naturalized- .·(PARAS,-
' .. : - · 9pplicatio~~-f<;>r patLir~lizi:l(i_on.,iled. itj, .· Conflict;· supr« at ·128-12"9)': . ·' . :· :'.. . - ' · · ·.
., · · sa,rd .committee (Id. a( 45). · f· ·~ . . . ·. . .. . ., ··. . . .
: ·. :·-:--, .'"':·· . .' . · ..- , , . -· · ' . ·. . ·. . . . ,.,· - The 1 ~~:~f-°~o~stjtutiorJ ·P.i-o'vi~e~ )haf citiz~ns' ?f .
b. ·. Derivative·Naturalization. · .. · · the PH11t1wmes· who marry .._.altens· shall' retain .
. · i:_. · ,Wjfe.:6f a-,riatljra)ized_ hust5ana~, . their .citi!elJship unfE!SS by. their act or o.mi$Sion" ·
_ 'ii .. '·fv1inor. children of.naturali~ea.father; pr;
· , _iii: · -Alier;i. ··wif~ .. ·of . a· , ~tural-oo"r'n' or
. i'e'
. . _tb"ey [eemed:,
. · reno-W1cea ,t . . . - . :·-:
·und~r:. the: >faw;;:10·: have_ ·,
. · . · . · ·
·_. ·. · _n~_H.ir_ali_zed-~(tiz __e_.!1 adfat 45).- i. t!b.c -i_ . ,[ ~.. :.
· . . . . . . ; . . . · ·;: ·.~ :
" · "If .11e befame a wic;Jow before th_~.:._etfectivity of .
. 1(a worri"ari _is :repatria}ecl;'!"her_.:repatriation .· . ··: Commonwealth hlct 63, which is'on.'October 21, · ..
does not- carry ~with it llie .repatr.iati~n .bfttlie- : .. ·. 1963i~ i!"Dm.e(jia!_~ly ."re-aC:c:ju_irej ·~PtJii'ippfu~ -,~, .
·' , chil,d:. aJ.::f~e: 'rni~or. w~~~. _.a . ~ilip.i_'J,J. ·... . cjtizeQship (.Talaroc·· v. Uy;· G.R,: No. C.:5397; · I._
prevrousJy: Commo.nwealtti,,1-ct. No.- 6B does·. · ...._ ·-....· Sep(f;mber 26; 1952). ·.. ~· --,._ ·. · · ·· · ·
.. n?~:; :p~6'-:idt:?"'tha(·wpori'. /~p~riatio.~·-: pf. a . ' ·. -·'. · · .·. . . .. ·. ,:._ ·. ·.- . '
. F_,l!_pma, .. h:e.r· children _acq~ir't. P~,l~p_!Pe·-. ----If she-Became.a~\iJi&~w on or:after 0ctober-2t,
·, . I • . c11lzens_h1p. -It wouJ.d: be· 1!Jog1cal!to conSJ~er . 1963·,, shei. has. to.-:repatrrate ·. herietf, ·other.wise
.. · , his. son repattiatEld l_ike his-_m.oth'e~. b~~ause --: . 'sh,;{ r~rriir:is., ,:~:.·· fo_~~igr1~r~~(Vil(~h~erf!70Sa, V:, ....
. . . ·. · he never li\'.~S a Filipino .citlzemc1r:ia cpLfld'not· · ·C.omm1ss1017er of lmm1gralion sup_ra)> , . · '. ..
' ,. '·:have· ·. ,reacq.uire'd : I. SUCh··. · Citizenship" .. . . ' ' ... - .
> (·'.:- (Vi~lahern19sa. ·_._. .. v... · Commi~_sioner of. Prob.l~~s: iftA~~iyi_~g th~·Nai°i~~~~lit;:p~if1ciple ·in : ...
.. i : ·.·_-.·1r:nm~gr~tion1_. G.R.,: No. L.:1'663, / .'3.-1, ,Dt.i'al or. M_ui!iple Citizens.h_ip·. · \ . :· .. _.,:. ::_ . · :· ·. ·. ~·, ·
· · . .- .. · · · : 1948) · ·· · ·,' ' It ·aris~~ .froni the. ¢_9,ncl.lrrer:it. appl(cation··.c;it.ju~ so{i" .
·. :.:~ _;;· <><': .-'.: ,· : . '.·: · : . · · · . . . . . . anqj4s sanguiois at bi.rtt) od~cilrri.a-refusaloLc(:!rtain
. · · ::: " If ins(ead . of repatriatioQ; .. the wido·w .had ·. States. to: accept. a-"full..applicatiori .. Qf -tJ1.e .po,drir1e:of
~ -. ·.. , ;;_ ·: . : ·, 9i.iforp~tically:, ·. .,r~gain'i:id . Pj1i_ljppi,n~ expatriation,· fro'm ·marri~ge; or. from c1 .Johna I: ~nq
· . .- ·. ··. : ·.. :citize·nship, th·~ nall9nality o('her mfnor' child . · vb)ur1tary.-act. ·. . .. . . · '. .. · . . · ..
•. ' '.WOLllc{follow h~rs" (Talarpc v:- Uy, G.R. No .. · '
j . ' .• 1. )n : lilatters . of. ·status, a _pers·o~. d$· ( tfs.ually .
. _: . . . ·.. ·;. L-5397,.~eptem/Jw.26,· '1,952). . '•· ~- · . -· cqnsidered l?Y th~ Jqr~ni ,a§. excltJsiv.elY.: i~"S own. · .
· ' · . ·\ ·, - . ·. , · · · · national. fi.iS: additional· .foreigri · Nrtionality-. ·is: '
..: . .- ... \ . Effect of Naturali~ation on Wife and
Ch11dren, ·· ·· · ; .: · · .
>: .
· -- . .-
.·; ·
.< disregardecl:" . . ';.. . . ' :·. '. . .· ,· .
2. · -1n-9ase.litigatio~ arise.sJrr-a·"thJrd country; Jhe.J9w .
. :.

. . a. "Minor born before naturalization . .. most consistently ·applied:·is that" of the. country
:sorn · i:· . in the. Philippines·.- Filipino .. · . , . of..whic_h. th_e pers,bn :ls: nof ci~iy ~(nalionaj."bu_t_
"ii/. Born outside the.Phfli"ppine~· . . .. where he also has:·.his· dor:nicit:e:.qr habitua1.··
> ·. ·.. 1.} -Residing in)he· Philippines:-:arthe or
- residence·, .. in the··. abseri'Ce ·.th.ereof, his
. · : . "time ,:of .. parent's . natur.alization - . residenc~ (Hague· Con_vention ·cin Conflict. of ·
Fiiipino · ' · · Nationality. L~'fS, Art. .5J: · ' ·' ·
· . 2.). out~ide the· Phil.ippines at
· · the time of.parent's riaturaliza.tion.-



.. ·~J\.1P.#\#Q!#dtt5;
@#§@IY&SS ii#ie:wsvn,ih®ifi!6%
. . .!''% ~'.!',7t?Utt5m,e:wtsa,2iiit
. .. ...%.?Mi-5Ad29i4UMl
. ..
.... \

Dual Citizenship Distinguished from Dual 2: De Facto Statelessness -A perso~ possessed

Allegiance of.a nationality but whose country does· not 'give
. 'Dual differerit from dual allegiance. The· him protection.· outside- its 01/<ln territory
former arises when, as. 9 result of the -concurrent (refugees)·(/d. a{200-201).
. applitation ... of the different lqWS of t\,yO .or more
states·, a· person is simultaneously considered a : Causes of Statele!isness · .
national by .the sa'fd states. bual ailegiance refers· to 1,· Deprivation of citizenship for any cause, e.g.,
the situation in which a person simultaneously owes; . cciinmission·of a crime;· .
by some positive act; loyalty to two or l')lore states. 2.· Renunciation of.'nationality by express·or implied
_While dual citfien~hip is jnvoluntary, dLJal-alfegic;1nce acts; · .
is ttie r~sult oLan individual's volition (MercadcfJ 3.· Voluntary release .from original state; and ··
Manza,:,o, G.R . .No. 135083, May 26, 1_999). 4. . If born in ·a_g_ountry recognizing only the principle
· · of ... jus. sanguinis -of ·parents·· 'whose law.
General 'Principles in Dealinq With Co.nflict of. :· recognizes only the principle of jus soli (PARAS,·
-, Nationality· .· . '; Conf/i¢t, supra at 110).· . .. .
1. It is for each State to determine· who are its
.. nationals .. and er. its . own law, - which 'shall be Note: The ,Cor:1ite~ritjo_o oi:i the ReducJion of
. . ·. . · db h
recognize· . y ot er- tates;
s .
· .
.. h .
Statelessness; adopted in 196-1 r.mandates that
· . .. · , · ·· ·. - · · · r
t e P!~ senqumt« ~o~-~t~ ~r:a._rJ_t its ~at1ona tty tp

u- ~
2. Any question as to the possession of nationality ·
shall be determined in accordance 'with the 1~p_ers?n born w1thm. its- twnto~. 1f h~ w~uld
·. - _. of thpt-Sta.te; . ··· ·: · .: t\. . L,. ~o~t;te~1se ,.bE: -sta_t.~les_s, and '.he jus soi, c:nt(
3: A person havinqtwo or more-natioMlit1es"'rnaY. 1:_Vtbf~xf~ru its.~atio~ahty toaperson ~ho . o~d
· . · · · · : . · ·.· ,r. ~: · 1 .._ ~ther.vJs'e Be.considered stateless when one of
be, regarded as a national by each of.,the Sta_tes . . . · h" v
.t 1·1 h l. 'Y/ ~'-V . · 1S''\.. . itl
~s"cl c1 izen o
· f th · · l t
~ con 1 rac 1·mg s a e.
w.h ose nanonauty eposse~J?s:,~/ ~-~'-.,... -~ - .. -.' . .
1· . A St~te -~ay .n~t ~-fford d_i~)<i,~~c2r~t1Gll_~n· ~~) . ''f· "\"l" .st~eless 'P.e$bn~ are g~n.e;ally subje~t to th~e
on~ .. of..! s _na~i.onals agfi~s r~:;~.t~- l. "'. os.., ( .m... lay.,·~f the~!foroiple or habitual r~sid_ence, -, and .
- . nationality such p~rson aJ_so_p~~iess~l . ,, - in default the3'or.;\ the law of. their temporary
5. Th_eory of E_ffecbve ~a;•~~~D' - ~}tird:-~ta_te · . . .'-: res.ide,n_c~·~. (~9J1~ ·con(c'renco · of 1928 · on
shall re~ogrJ_tze ,exclu?1vt,l_f;;.it3.t1fs Jern_tqry e1!!J.W7 11 "'.:""~/nt!3kflfionaj'Privat1Law). · . . · :·
, t~_e _nat1_on~l\tY of· ·_th~ co.~nt~ :of _wh1~ri· oneQ~ ... ·. I -~ :.- . ~· .. : ,: ;~, · _ .· . : -..· - . .
J:ia~1tual(~. _and pnn_c!p~II_Y¢tj~·~1d~~\l\ ~! t~~~~;- ..: -~ , _5Ji;;1 ; ·~- -~ .. · : _ _ ..
- ·.· na!1p11ahty of thE:; count.~ ~tb "V~~~tr);"!~e,"'
_ ·. circums'tances on~. apl?~~te
. . closely c_onnected, an.d __\
'1$. in~~~~oJi-J, .
. . .. ~P~"'. o. 2!! ~ ~
J:~ ~ _
- ~- J~
. ·· ·- ···
1_ , . ,. . · ,
- · ·. · · :

,.. 6. ·. A}>erson po_s~e~sing_ t~o ~tion~_i~s:a~~- ~a ? . •. ~ ~ -~ _;,,4C::~UI~IT10~- A_CT. _OF·

. without. !;my v?luntary ·acf o.n h1s~a.rt in.aY~ n,· ,2 , "03 (R~-A~· N-0. 9225).
. ~eri9unce qne- of them,with~ t\!._h~ ·autfi~~ird~ v · . :~ · : ,. · "f:: · . . ._ · · ·· ·: · - · .. ·. ·.
of:.t.~e State. :whose -nationalit} ·~e~cf~,i~s .~q..;__~:\ . ~/ . ·': ·. ~-, .. :~- . ·
. surr~n_der ·, (Hag_ue -. yOf!Ve~tio~·· on?'fJ._ifa_in M
.. · ·.
. _Question~ Relating to ~hf;l .G_onf/1ct of roatf12flality IV1land·ret.ei:i!10n· of.._Ph1J1pp1ne c1t~ze_ns~1p by: ·
~.1\ _92251was .en~~te?· ~o ?ll?w t~e re-acquisition_
. .
Laws). . ...· ·. · ., . . ·., ~1~tural-born·cit1zens·who.wer~ de~m~d tb.h'ave·
,. · :.- . '· · · . . · ,( · · '·.. . , "i.o'st their~Philipp1rie citizerisl:tip by reasb.n.of the_ir ..
. .. Causes of. lYlultipl~ Gitizensliip. - . . ·,· · ,·,,'-: na)ufalization as ·c;it[zens ·of,:a'. for.eig.n· cou"iitry; · .
- 1. 'A . -naturalized ci.titen·s· · failu're to effectively . .· ,_.and'·;'. : .. : ·. · . . . · .. · .. · ........ :.
.. r$nou·nce -his Jar.mer na'ti-onality; ·- . . .' 2.: Natural-born ·citizens o( the Philippines who; .
2. Applicatjdn. 'o,f Jus So'li,':and JI.Js Sanguih1s·
= . . aft Jr ~h~'.effectjvity:of. the· _law,-be~ame .cJtizens· of
, . prihcjp.les;' · ·. · · · · '. · · . , · _; · .' · · cdQr~ign coun,trY:-: · , .. · · · -· -·
3 .. The !~gislc;\tlve act of Sta'tes;·or ' ·· · ·
4.· Tti? .volt.i.'ritary ac{ ?f the( inpividua_l c~ce.rned T°f1~. I~,;; ~~ovides:.that !h-~y' are deemed t~ have r.e-
.(<:,;OQUIA, Conflict, -supra at,195-196). · · their Philippin~ citizenship upon=
. · ·. . .·.'. .. . .· . . . . · .. ... ta.king. 'tne :_ ·0ath 'cif ·allegiance .•.. (Ma_quiiihg. v.
Two. Se rises .of Statei~ssn.ess · .. · ·. ·. ·.. .-· · . :C.ommiss{on dn' Elec_tions; G:'R:--'No. 1.95649, April
. . . . . :---- .... - . . . r . .. . - :._ - ... • .. . _., ., .
-1. ···De· Ju.r~ Statelessness .;. A'i:>erson has'. been . _. 1'6, 20J3). '·-.._ . . . . /.'", '·"
. ..stripped_: · pf. ·•_hi~ . l)~tiohality by ·.,
. . : \:. - . his·.. formi§r
·, ..
. . _Sec. 2.- qe_claratio~ ·ot
Policy • ~
. governme.nt. :wit~·out. havin·g ·an· oppbrtun)ty to.
·a~cjuire a'notti,er; . .. .. . . ·.: . . . ' -'I .. All Philippine· citiz:ens of 'anottier country :shall oe
. d~emed nottb h~IVEHost·theii- Philippine citi;z:enship
under tlie conditions ofthis Act,··. '



- ,'.v!EMORY AID 2019

Sec. 3. Retention of Philippine Citizens;hip but who· reacquired or retained their 'Philippine
Any_provision of lc!W to:the contrary notwithstanding, .. citizenship (1) . to take ·the oath of allegiance
natural~born citiz~nship by reason . -of their under Section· 3 'of Republic. Act 922.5, and (2) .
naturalization as citizens of a foreign country. are for those seeking elective public offices in the .
hereby deemed to have re-acquireq ··Philippine Philippines, to· additionally execute a personal '.
citizenship upon taking the oath of allegiance to t~e and sworn renunciation of any and -alt foreign
Republi~. · · citizenship before an authorized public officer
prior -or simultaneous ... to . the filing. of. their
Natural-born citizens of the_ Philippines who, c:ifter the.:. -; certificates of . 'candidacy. .. to . qualify . as
effeciivity of this Act, become .citizens of ·foreign a .. , . candidates" in-. Philippine· elections. T-he rule
country shall retain their' Philippine citizenship Lipon applies to all those who "have re-acquired their
ta~ing ~he.aforesaid.oath.·, · ! Filipino citizeriship.withoutreqardas to whether
. .. ~ . ' . . they are still -dual citizens or not It ·is a pre-
Re-acquisition Distinguished from Retention -requisite ··imposed for' the exercise· of the, right to
Although the heading of-Section 3 fa ''.Retention_ of ·a run for public office. · ·
Philippine ··citizenship"; the. author_s _of th.e. _law
_. intentjonally· employed th·e terms "re-ac,quire'.' and· .. Notehowever.. in- Maquiling-v. · COME[EC (G.R
"retain" to·describe the legal effect of faking the oath -No. 195649,, April .16, 201J), -peti~i6ner ·was
of allegiance to the Republic· of the ·Philippines. This. repatriated under R.A. f]225 and made· his oath
is also evident from·the title of the law using of allegiance and renunciation. of us 'citizensnip.
acqu~sition·.~nd retention·.,-fhe ~eacquisiticili will appjx · Thereafter', he repeatedly used his:US_P.assport.
to those.who lost their-Ptiilippin~ ~itizenship by virtµe · The Supreme Coµrt-_ruled that the repeated use
of Commo'riwealth Act 63. The second aspect is he of the US passport is a 'positive declaration that
, '.ete.ntion of Phi_lippine ~-i~_izen~~ip applying to tJ~~ . he 'is .a, us citizen, reverting him back to the
instances (David v. Agbay, G.R: No. 199113, Marc,,h L..o .......... sta'tus'-as·
""""~ if; no oath. of renunciation
.. . was 'm. ade,
18, 2015). .. _,,,,/'

Sec·. 4. Derivative Citizen_s~ip . ~..('

The unmarried_ child, ".".hetheE_legitirna~ill~~c!te,
or adopted, below eighteen (18) years.:of age, of ·
_ >
-· .~::t:JA;:i:~:::::.;::::l~c~::.:: P:::: .
.subscrib ·and swear to fll) oath o.f alleqiarice to·
those who- reacquire Philippifr'e citizerisnip ·upon the/ep~blic of the Philippines and its· duly
effectivity of.· . .......
this Act shall be deeme.Q...citizens of, ttie . _ ~onstituted..-autl:iSfities .prior to their assumption ·
Pl:ii]ippines. · · . of-o~~~lea, that theyrenounce theiroath
. _,. ., . . ,. of all~giance to the country-where they took that
. Sec. 5. Civil and Pqlitical:Rights and Liabilitie · oath; ~ ; ·
Those who retain cf re-acquire Ph_ilippine ·citizenship .: · 21-"."""tThose ,intending 'to -practice their profession in
under this Act shall enjoy full civil ~~d<-political. figh1!.lts,i. .....,,_!clth~e.,....84,.!.!hilippines··:shall
apply witn:--the proper
and be· subject, to all, ~ttel'.l._da_nt licibilities~ and_ . authority-for a •license' or permit totenqaqe in
responsibilities under existing laW's bf tlie Rhilippines .· ·
0 such practice; and .
and the following conditlons: . . . . · ·s: Th'at right to. vote or be elected or appointed to
. .: ...... any pubHc .office'. ln -the. Philippines ·carinqi-:b~-~ ·
1. Tho.?e· interiqing to. exe.rds~· thei~. right; of'·. exercised by, or extended to,' those wn.o: ...
.suffrage must meet ttie reqliireme.nts under Sec; · a. -candidates · for· or are .occupylnq: any
·1. Article V of. the Constitution; Republic
~ Act . public office. in thecountry of.which they are
9189;· ·otherwise· known. as .·"The. Overseas . n:atar,alifed.,cit.ize_n~t and/or . ': . . . . \
.. ·Absentee Veiling Act of 2003" a·nd other e\istrng-. · b/ Are lrtactive service .as commissioned or .
laws; . . .. . • . ·._ no~~comrni~sioned officers in ·:the. 'arm~d--
2: ,Those. ·se'eking elective RllbliC: .'OffiCEl' in the forces of the- country whi€h they _- are
. Philippines. shall . m~et the quqlificc;1tions for · .. .: . naturalized citizens. . .
holding. such public;; ,office .as r~quired_·by ttje : . . .. .· . _. )· . .... .
Constitution- c!nd existing laws and; at tt,e tirrie of ·R.A No;::9.225 provides for c_,1 .deeper effect ·_by
· the filing o( the certificat~ of candidacy, make _a declaring it a·. State policy ·toat _unde_r its terms "all ·
perscmal .and sworn renunciation of. any ·and ·all : · PhiljppinEf ·citizer:is o( anottier country .. shall be
. foreign citizenship before •,any public officer dee'med Mt to nave lost thefr.Philippine citizeilstjip"
.authorized ·to ;3dminister an oath; · ·· und~r th°E;l ·conditioi:is provided therein (Arnado. ·v:-
Cpmmis~jon .6n Elections,.· G.R. _No.' ·210164, August
In Sobejana-Condon v. COMELEC, al. (G.R. .et 18, 2015). ·. . . -
No. 198742, August 10, 20.12), · the Supreme
Court ruled that Section 5(2).of Republic Act No.
9225 compels natural-born Filipinos,' who have
- been _na_turalized as citizens ofa foreign country,


. . .
Domiciliary or TerrttorlatTheory/Lex Domicilii . iii. Legitimated ::-- domicile of the father at
The person's status," conditlon, rights, obligations ·the time . of his birth controls, as the
and capacity . are determined by. the - law "of his effects of· legitimation retroacts to the
domicile (SEM.PI0-01.Y/ C.onflict, supra at 51). . - time' of the child's birth (FAMILY GODE,
'Art. 180). .
. If assumes that the attributes which make up one's -iv.· Adopted Child - domicile of-real parents
· status . and personal .relations: are intimately· 'at the time of his birth; not the dornlcile · . ·
connected with· the country where they have made of the adopters (SEMP/0-0/Y, Conflict,
their home (Id. at 31 and 32). · · supra flt 54). · .. ·
. v.. Foun_dling, -'--. domicile is the country
where founclling:was: found: .

b. Married. Women

The · husband and wife shall fix the family·
' ' D<:)°fy!I.CIL~ comiclle. In case ofidisaqreernent, the .court ·
..,, shall decide (FAMILY <;pbE, Art. 69). .

Legal Classjflcation of Dci~iciie·

· . . ·
· . 1;=··:.0,.?<;ile:,: of .·..ori~i~
qr. -~irttii·:-
the domicile .~ . , .. ·,
.. . assigned 'by law 'Id a p·erso'n .at the moment of .·. -,
· .. -his birth .($EMPIO_=DIY; .. ·e,6nflict,: svpra:c!.t:53),' ·. ·.
. a>' Mir1ofa . , :_- .. · .. . - ·-. · · '· ·- ·
-. i. ( ~:. that ·.o( .Pc:lJ:~nJ~: fl!.lh.e ·
· · safr:ie'time.-ofch)la'.?.'btrth; _ if'the'parehts
are separated;'. the domicile of 'the
custodial parent..· · . : ·.
ii: . Illegitimate - that- of the mother at the
'time. of child's birth. ·.: .
,,·· ....

1'6 I 2019
. . SAN

. . - . ·. . OPERATIONS
. ..
· ":214i"'*_ry5:%i#\ SSSOH»Allii&k@ii lili&G,· ,hliliit'IY!MW::111-PM W :: illlrn@sfr og. ,W Ai#@Nk$$Mll:\ISs::',1'U'
· . i. If thefe .·'ii{: (egal ... separation or b. /\n i_ntention to _.r.erriain th~re·. (animus
s~paration de facto, the· wife can hav.e mam;ind1); <'!rid . . ·
... ·her own domicile of choice (De Ca Vioa c. An .intention to ·abandon the o'id domicile ·
v. Vi/fare?!,. G.R .. No. 13982, July 31, (animus ··(}On revertend1) ( V. ·
1_9'20).· .. . "RT_C, f3ranch 7, ·,rac/oban City, ·G.R. No. ·
104960,··september 1'4, 19.93).
ii.If. the marriage
is .voidable,.
same rules . as wtjen the- rr:iarri.age ·is
apply the .
· - vali_d~. After ailnulmerit,· ,the vYife · can ..
freely" select her own domicile of choice
' - (SE!vJPJQ-DiY; Conflict, supra at 56). . . .
iij.'. 'If the m~~rriage,is ", a? therei? really . ' 'Assiqned", by As·s.igned .. ·. ·by Result".0f: the
_· . · n·o marfiag~{ the... wife .;can · have· a . law.. :"'.. ' law. . voluntary will
- :, dom[9ile separate from the husband (Id. and ·. action · of ·
· a_t56)... : . _.. · · .... ·. . the : person
·~··· .· ···,: - .. ·:---.... concer.Aed.·
. d. .Other Persons .. · . :':· · · . . .. '--'-'--,--'-'·._·-,-- _ __,__.1_·-','-----'-'----__._, _.J

... ··· :.. i..· r;onvict qr prisoner. - tie to ,·($EMPIO-DIY; Conflict, supra a.t 54): : .
.. . .. · have· a dorrilcile of choicer his '8omicile .. · . ,, . · · ·
. ·.':. :·-: ·. i's thatyJtiiqh ti.e ha,q 'possessed prior to .~ot~:. l.iJo(llicile·of · origin \ n~ot e~sily_. lost. -To
· ·. : ... his. incarceratlon .... ! . .• · . . succ_essfully ~ffect. a change ·oLdomicile,·one· must
·ii. Soldiers.e- since· they 'are . demonstrate: . 1 _.. ' .. · ., ' ..
f~llm~ .-· th~ 'dldat~~ ·.~f· the "military, 1: An actual removal O( an actual chanqe of .. :
. domicile is that before their ·enlisJment. .: : "domicile; .
,iii.·· .P.ubli,c officials or. empJo.'i_:e~~a~rq~d_ .. lj.·k_~ 2. A bone fide intention of. abandoning .the former
d I t I ff I t . place, ofresldence ·ari.d establishing a'new one;
·. · , 1p oma s, cons.u ar o _ 1c11:1 s,..e c:- s~ce and , ·. . . . ,. . . . ._ .
, their .. s.t9y' lri' their of~i~,a~
. n0.t: in .Iheir . personal capae1ty, their. ~Gts-w~ ch correspond . with -the. purpose
domicile .is 'the ·:one:-before,..they ..;Vfere .(Romualclez.:Marcos 'v, Commission on
. assigned .elsewhere, · ];jnl_e,~s. ':
th.\t¥- .. ., '. ··: .· Eled~pfsJ·'\,Q)~-; f:1.9· :1_ Sept.em~e~. 18, <· _t9?f6!
vol.i.mtari_ly" _adopr .·. the}!> place? -.~f . . - 1995,J~~O~-- Y..?pfla, Jt-., G.R. No .. 209285 ..
, · employm_er')t . a$ . tnejr - . 'P.e.r:roan~nt. . · '(Notice), &uire 28, 2016). ·· · · · . '__ ··
. '.. -. ·.r.esid~n.ce • '(.SE~RI :D/)1;,. ii .Conflicf':\ -~ .. . . I .. . ·\-. : .·. . ..,· . . ,_
__ . ·.supra at 56):. - . ,,. . _':-:.~--, .. ·~··
\. ·". ,. . _: _.· . : · . , . . :'.. ~IJ!: . : .
.. ,.,, . ~~~ue ~t~-~~eeding:~ ihl,,s . :·· .
.,. _I h.e acll.'ff{~~~I\J!=!it;.~. or pla~e .?.f' abo~e- of_ a p~~s?n,·
., ..

'cic:,rj,icile·of Origin V:. Ct?nstn.ictive'Oomlclle. . ·· ..... m~tead of.h1s~dom1c1le, IS .s1g_nific;;ant m 1~.term1nip.~

. . · . ... ·. ,: , . . . . . . _ the venue o~ e~tate prqceedmg~: gnd Qrdm_ary. c1v1l
· a~tions (Jao· v._ CA, :GB. No. 128?14, May2f},: 2.002) ..
, . . ... ' " ...

~i:......-_ Fer.... J:>UrJ:>eses ~-f :_fixi~g ·venu~ .una.i·the' Rules, 9f

,. ·.c9ur;t,·the ~:resid(;lnc,e"·.of a pers"on'is his personal,,
. -. aetual or physical"habitation, ·or actual or
.. · ·place. of aboc;le, whjth may 'not nec~ssar..iiy ·be his
' -· legal 'rE:lSidence Or ..
domi9i!e· provi.ded·:_'he r~sides
, th~reiri.-V\lf_t~ c.o~tinui_ty .and· c~nsjsten_~y· (Sail' Lu/s v.
8an LLJis, _(]J~. Nos_: -1337 43;. February 6; 2Q07)'. .
'.') , . • : •. • • • • - • r •

Sit~s·or Eclecti~::rtjeory' - . .. .
. :i;he_-:capacity, _conditic_:m,_.i;,r st~tus <?f. a-· "i:>erson is .
Never changes. · · .. May' ch~nge 'ftom time tci ·) · _gpver,:ied ·by the la\'J of the place (situsJ where an ·
.\,. ·::..:. ~ . · ·tim~. , · ·· ' ·.'
·· '. ·. iinf:?°Ortant . ele_1J1ent of .the . p'r9bl~in ocqµrs 'or. fs·· .
., .. . :,. . . , .. :sili:Jatea'(SEMPJ.O~D1Y,. Conflict; s:iipra· at· 57)... .
{Id. t:it 53::54): '... :· .· '- · .. . .. . . .. - . . ...
.: ' . . . . . \ -.-...· ,· • ·. ; , . ·-, : .i. ·'.. .. . .. ' . : T,;;o·: Kind~ ~i
Partici~·aiidri:· l~~r~·idua;: of. the'.
3.': . 'Domicile of Choice· PX V9luntc'!ry Domicile ;;..._ .-"c:o~cerned . . . . ,. ; .. ·. i· , ·. . - . .'
... ( Ptade ~r~ely,qhose~.bY:a J5e!S9ri sui )w;is as his. 1 .. · Active·:.,~ :.If" the" 'perspn·· :act~: vo_iuntarily, ·the -
, · ljome and ·10 which; whenever he.·iS abse·nt he· .. ·:· gove.rning Jaw is the Jaw Of. the actual situs Of the .
· jntends to. return (Id. -at 53).· · .. . '· . . . ." trarisacti.6n..or eve~·!; ,ahtj · · .: .. : ·. . .
- _.
.. . . 2. Passive _.:: When ·the .effects of the act are.·sef
·.Require.m~r:\ts: · · . forth·or det~rmined by l,aw,,.the g'over.nih;'w is.
a.· )~esidenc.e · or . ~pdily presence· in ·a n·ew the)'aw of the 'legal situs; "i.e.; the domicile ·of the
.1 ' individ1,1<3,I c'dnce.r~e·d .{Id. at 57): . . .
. _ · · localfty;·
. I
. . .

. ' '


. I 17

General Rules on Domicile: Four Ways of Treating theRenvoi Problem

1. No person shall be without domicile. 1. ; Rejectio11 (Internal Law Solution) - If" the
2. · A person. cannot -have -_tw9 simultaneous Conflict. rules of the forum refer the· case to the.
. "domiciles: . . . l9W_ of another_ state, it is.deemed to":mean oniy
3. Every natural person, as he is free 'and · the internal law of that state .. Thus, the court will·
sui juris, .. may. change his domicile at his apply the foreign law·(PARAs: Conflict, ~supra at
· . pleasure. ·. . . · 216). .
4- . Domicile, once acquired: is-retained unless a
new one is,g.ained. .• . . . 2. Acceptance (Single . Rerivoi '<-or Single
5. .The presumption is in favor of the· .continuance Transmission)- If the-Conflict rules of the forum
of. domicile. The burden of proof is' on . the
. one (•
r~fer" to.the.lav-rof another state, it is
who alleges that a change of domicile has taken deemed to include the totality of the foreign law
place.· · ' ·: (internal law_ and ·conflict 6f laws rule_s). Thus,
6. To acquire a fresh domicile, . residence and the· court will recognize the refe"rral batk and
intention must' concur; to retain ah existinq .. .: apply local·_law (Id.).'
. domicile, elther residence there orintentlon lb .
remain must be present-to abandona dqmi_Gile, 3._Qesistment "Theory (Mutual Disclaimer of.
. reside~c¢ _.ii"!- P -;n.~w place· a(l<;l·_ i~t_entioi\ to ~~-rls_<:li~tio~· _The(?ry) .'.... _T~e f<?ru!!l'.~?urt upc.n
abandon theold. place must concur (G?llego. v: . · reference to another state s law sees that such
:· Verra, G.R._No. 48641, N'overnberA4, ·1941._ •.-- . . i_s:li~i~e~. in t~.its-qwn_ n~~ion:als_·.
· · . · ... ·. · .. · U-• ]\ J~!G..IJ.,~d.m_1_ts te!r.1tory ancl· pr?v1s1qr\-t~r
· · · · · · - ~ J..V a_.wlJ11~at1on to nationals dq~rnc1l~_d outside.of the .
· _._ · ~- ~-'= .,. . . . _·__
territ~l'~~e! the local court_·wifl_apply local
. RENVOI-' ~ Y.:. · · . ! law" . -Q '>;A\ .: - . . · - - .. .
_ . ·: .: · ... · . · ..'. ·-· · . ,·' ·/ . ·--~~/ . . {.r·.;__IP~. ~
h~s·tl~~arl\~- ~es~-lt_as.\he"a~c~p_tance,.of
L&. - the)envoi d?J\~e b~t the: pr?cess_ use~ ~Y the
Renvoi -. . . · .· f - ,· . ,,-,..-"'~ forum cou~s to.desist applying the foreign law.
A procedu_re. where~y--? _juia11:mat~_.r. presented-i :.,:, ·__ (Id.). · · ~.::......i,: . · ·· . _
ref!!Jrr~_d by t~e. Con~rct o~,1aw,~~~-op~e\fo.r~~0--~ 4W ·. . ~, . ri; t:z. . · ._ ... .
a for~rgn-st~e, t_~~-Confhct:Cf-l~{rule-ofrh1c~ ·/ · · --~J
Foreign. Courit>aJiJeor-y .: Porum court assumes:"
l~rn ~ef~rs tpe. m~tt~r. back~t~ __ Ifie: a~ forum~;./ lk\p~
'th s%~ p~sitiorhh'at the forefgn COLI.rt-. VJOUld .
(rem1s?1on) or a th1r(I state.(tr.ans. is~1oi~·~©.~G}l:JIA'
- . ta,~if.),the
. la'se-:iY"'itigated. in ~the foreign state ..
Conflict ·supra at 102):" ·
. • '_;-' .·• ·.·· ., • •
\'1 · . \. · -~ · ~
.JP."j ··
. \. • ·: -~
'1 · ·
· · ·· · : ·
• ~~~(~.
• ' • • ·_- • • •• .• ' . I

It_ i~ _io_m~times ~~ll~d "!•table_ .t~(lnis:·- ~ory_.\.rs,J~ D~e Reny__oi ~ t_~t- w~i~h-oc~!Jrn. w~en. the_ iocal ·. ·.·
. I~'.':' 1~ b_emg _ _refe~r.ed ?~~k a_nd~forth yom~h.~f~~~~uiS_frnidbptihg·-~·e foreign_ c?urt. th~o.ry, ·disc_gvers ·
. '\ ~aw ~~- t~-~ lci:vv :0:
dqrn1c1le or ~he_ f~~~gn. J'.>.~f<W~W):l~tri~ft'H~rror.eigncourt aqc~pt~ the renyb{ (S.EMPIO-
!nypJve~ .a- co_nfl,ct o:lay;s_ rule(_p~1~g:&a~~t~ ·. ;....eF't;Q~q_fli~si/pra·.at.62J. . · · ... '· . .:
. fo_r:u_f1:1_ l_~w ~\_<:\PP~lc"abl~: lclw~ (Af Pl!.~~Jf c;f, . N-.\:~ . _. . ·. . · :. ·
r :_ -. . · . ~:
. su:ra at 3~)- . ~ · _ ·~ . ·. ~
.·· F, h · · d · n· h
\ _·. : . ~~-
. .·· ... · f -b· ... k"' · . .
Mffi~·~s·?~:._ the- pr?~ess__ of a~R_!y~n_g,t~-~ la,"Y._.of _ :· ·...
aff0re1gn stqte tlir.ough the law of a se<;:ond for..e1gn . ..
I t. 1s.
a renc wor ·w ,c . means· re er· ac
-- • . . a·-;- ,.. .. ·, ... ,... ··- . .
. . . .. ..
. · .- · ' ·. · ·. ·-',..
state (Id. at 62).
· ·. ·.
, .
·· ·
', ·. ·· · · · · · ·
_ · .
·.... _ "retum''..:Jn Ar.iglo-~mencan ·cmuntnes.-th~ ..term used ·· .· · · . ,·· · - .:· · ; · ·
is . ~remfs.sion",'. ··niean_in'g" ·"Jo_·. re.fer. a· m_att_e-i-- for:' ·.. ' . . . . .- . ..
It is_ not"the san:ie as renvoi. Renvoi two (2)
. qbnsideration or judgment ($1;.MPIO,DIY, .Conflict, law_s _\vhile .tr~hs.mi_ssion. _inyplves:·-thre~e, (3)' l_qw~:
., .
. ., ···:~ 59f.
. -. ·.. • . .. . ~ •, : ·- · . .
.-.--r' . •"-{PARAS, C.ooflict,
. siipra
' ' ar-215):'.'''
. .· . ; :,... . .: .·.·.
. -!- -

< I~ j!-(risai_~ti6~-s~.:~~d1 have.. ~E;)~-~gni2~9 Vie_·_.u~e· bf · 11iust~~tiqn·; · An ·-1ialian-~d6.n:iici!e<;f in the -~-~ili~pi~_es

renvoi,: _i!l _choice~qf:da,.,/ ~n?!Y.Sis_,, it_ :,~~-s b_eeh, clj~s i_n "England .. .lf the case is trie_d in:Engla'ng, _the _ .
. ernplpyed ·m<cases where lhl?· d_orn1q)iary. and : · . ·Englis_!:i cburt (fol[bVJing,tl:ie doniidliary._thedty.) l:~fers ,_ :· · _
· ,.natio~ij-lity:laws:a_re"indiviaua! in.i?~1,1es · _. ·. to "the Jaw ·of the· Philippines, but" ai~covers that_ the·
involving succession; d_omestic rel~tions,."·arid real PhilippiRes, . in turn\ r~fer.s.. ·the ma_tt~r _ to Italy
pr?P~rt]e~ (GOQ(!IA, ·ejonflict, .SUP;c{at .102): ... · (following· our·. n;;·theoiy):·. Hence;; Ei;i_g(arid,.
· ,. ·· - . tbru_ Phi!ippine Law.- ultimately' applies :Italian. law
' "The recogtiition of.the renvoith.e:ory_implies that·the · ·
· rul~s-·of the conflict of. laws are:fo .be·-undersf60d ·as ·.. (Id).
rncorporating: n"qt only the or.dinary_.or internal law-of
'the foreigh. state or. cou"ntiy,. ·,but .it~ rules "of. th_e.
conflict of laws .as' well, According'-to .this theory_:'the .
ia'A!. of a cou.ntry' means the whole its lqW (Aznar- of
v. Garcia, G:R.. ·.
No.. t--16749,-Jamiary
·. . .
31, 1963)..

\ ..
.. .
A 5 f¥iWIMN'SiE2¥11Ji? ii?Ji¢fw&H &#Libiti5#Sd NAU RhSIARBit#i #Mt Wb&HSS#¥MNMP583GM M-e+ti@Rr- ~
. .
. As. stated above, Capacity_:is a part of·one's status.
and-is. the sum total of one's rights and obliqations
(Id.) ... -
Reference \ is -Reference is That · · :which
made back to made to a third occurs when the Kindsof Capacity: . · ·:
the law of state; · involves 'local court, in 1 .. · Capacity to Act . .:. .. power to do acts with legal . ·
forum; .involves three laws. adopting the· · ' .effect; and . . . · · ·. · --·
two laws: foreign · court 2. · .Jurldical Capacity - the fitness to ·be the
theory, discovers . -subject of fegal relations.' . . .
that the ", foreign
·. court accepts the In the determination of-status and capacity of·
renvoi: persons; OUf Civil Code+follows .· the nationality ..
principle when dealing with Filipinos (SEMP/0-0/Y,
(SEMP/0-0/Y, Contiictoi t.ews, supra_~t 62)1 · Conflict, supra at.-70) ..

How_to Resolve Renvo;°Problem in. the. Absence When· deaiing- .. with aliens, it .depends on.· which.
of Definitive Laws on the Matter' . ·- - principle their country follows, but if the alien is in the
The -theory to be. adopted should be· that' which, . Philippines, . the nationality . theory is applied .by
considering' the circumstances of a .. given. situation, implication·.(/d. at-70). · . .
• •t,

will best result in fairness,' equity, and justice (Id. at

217). . . A person's capacity to contract is g-~verned by his
.. - personal law, whether the /ex netioneiit or the /ex
domlcilii,. The exception 'in· the: Philippines .are
contracts involving.real or personal property in \,vhich .
cases the lex situs or lex reisitee applies (Id. at 70). ·

Answer ; , Yes, 'provided 'that. at- .the tirnecof _the

heel.ring of the petition 'he, is _al.ready 1,8 years old. If
at the-sald time. he is not yet' 18 years of age, the.
r,i~arir:ig of the petition will. have 'to. be. postponed •..
notwithstanding .. the fact that· in· his own country, he.
has already reached the age of majority (PARAS,
Conflict, supreei ·226/ . . . .
. -· ·~ . . . .
~ :..· Rules on Status

Beginning . of personality·
of-natural persons '.
~ge 'of Mi:ljority
, · ",
National law of the Child

. Under-"th.e Ci~ir:_·coqe, ·_qu·estions-of'Jamily rights,

. .
l .

Use of Names' .. and (¢/VIC CO__ ._DE, A.rt.. 15) duties, status, conditions, and capacity.are-qoverned
Surnames . .· .. : .by lex netionetii (CIVIL.CO[)_E; Art. 15). ·
us'e_ of Title~nlf Nobility
Marriage- -.
Absence · . Marriaqe is a· union of OM man with one woman or
Pres\.1m.ptions of Death· 'Lex Foti. the reciprocal blesslnqsofa domestic home life, and·
and Survivorship for ·the birth,· rearing, and education· 'of· children
.. (PARAS, Cpntlict, 'supre at ?-32), · .
- I, ~ . • •

(Id. :at 222;


· ~\)ii9##e ¥&@ s ;: :2¥¥&»•®:w=!'*!'" *:14 ses:mwe2±:•,mrn@ ?eS:&tsZ·a&££Wt,5':*®;®MW@im+@PW:;::A!M,WatJS;;s•1SW2iw-ti~:awa
Of"all domestic relations-, marriage. is'. ~he most ii.
When either or. both parties below are
impQrtant. The validity··.of a marriage contracted iri 18 years of age · eyen with · parental
one.State may be at issue in arjother State. in cases consent (FAMILY CODE, Art. 35, par.
of annulment; actign~ -fqr support and ·CUStQdy of 1);
child~~n. · proceedings. involving. legitimacy· of iii. Bigamous and polygamous. marriages
··children, . tax . cases, divorce suits, inheritance· (FAMILY CODE, Art: 35, par. 4);· .
problems, or . criminal pro's'ecuti.cfn- for qigamy. iv. Mistake as to identity of a contractinq
. (SALONGA, Contiict, supra·at.255). · · party (FAMILY CODf, Art. 35; par. 5); ~
v ... A - subsequent marriage performed
1. Marriage-as.a Contract without recording in the Civil Registry
"a.. E;xtrinsic'.Validity, - governed by /ex loci. the . judgment - of annulment ·or
. ceiebretionts. . . . . . . declaration of nullity, partition·. and
distribution bf properties, a·nq the .:
Reason: The predictability and . the . -. -deiivery of the children's presumptive·
interstate. order- arisinq.'. from . 'society's legitlmes (FAMILY CODE, Art -. 53);
interest in :marrfage· (PE BENiTQ, :Conflic,t; vi. · Mardages Where ··either spouse . is. ·
..~upra at ~f?5). . p~ycJiolOJJit~II~ .in_capacitatedJFA.MILY :.
.. · . . CODE, Art. 36); . . .. . .. · . . . \ ·:=
:. Formal .Re_quisite's 8'tMarriag.~ under _ vii. in.cest_Jc)lis-'ma·rriiige's (FA'Mi(Y 66o°E;· .. '
Philippine Law: . ·
i:.: Authority of th.e,soJemnizin~icer~·
-, . .

ii. .Valid marr!aQ~ _ 1.iS~nse ;xcept iJ;".!,l)e

, ~-
·. U· ·
N1viii Void rnarriaqes by' reason of .public.
~poli,;;y (FAMJLY CODE( Art. ~8)-._ ·

·. cases. provided f?~ in CJ'iap"fR~· ~ ~ill~ V ~ . '.: . . . . ., . . .
l;·c)nd, ~ ~ .··/{;;-~'.-~ ·~ · ;~·- .. · ·~No~:~1'.hes.~ exce~t19.ns put mt.o ,~~u~ th~-
iii. . A~mar~iag~·~·ewrno;~n!cjpa~1s"P1~a.~'.!Y 9t 1pe_:
With_ tl)e appe~ran~~,~~e. ~oriiaC!lri'p) ·
parties · before t~t ·so1e.r.nizmgroM'-c~r · ,~.
·i x .
. . _- rrq_u,re~jht"\.\ -marnaqe,
part1e~ to enter - mt~ ·~ti~.
,1-~'.r.~~~and r~[~te .. t~- -ihe -S~?Stan_tiye
_ s,~ce, th~ .
and their pe_rsoryiJ,c:ig__clar~tionkth~t.Ltlfo.y, _ ,,.~ .· ·12,erso1J~.i(1sw·o~he parties, e.g., t~.e'national ... ··
take ea~h otheJra~~~~d·a.r,id'\~if§~'ln ' it ~""" , ~t"Y.
o~ Fuliljpir~q.s; 9?'./E:rn$ u.1e ql;J_eslions 9f ·
. ,, . . th.e prese~·ce (?f.
w1triesses·o'f le ala_ge. FAM · C_fJDE;
l~ss .. tlar:i~tWo~ •' · , .. '" ~, : : 'J1.l~l~SIC Y~"~Jt} of . marn~g!3S. betv-.:~en ....
~ . , ffi112mos ~Qfe>jld~ the ,ab~ve ·e~~11J~rat1<:>r:is . · ·.
· . Art. 3). ,. -,~· .. ~ __ :..., ·-· - : · ~. : 2~3J~xcepJi°.:!}sj:-to-_ /_ex. foe~- c~l~bratio_lJ,iS· -. ·.
.· . : . · . . . (/). . 0 . ·. til · JP),.: . . (g_r:7.?lS~lt~g~9U§~ tli~y are con~roll_~~. by /~X
- ~en~ra'!·Ru~s:, . . • - . - .. ' . . .~ ~.. -.q_njlfto,na/11. rszsE r.'p/Q-D/.Y, ()~nfltcti supra ~a( .
L Al! ~-ta~_e~ recogrn7~ _ ~s. ·~ah <lffi · e .' . {SSl/7).j. . -: .. ' . · . . . . _. : : .
.. · marriages! c-ele~rcated '. 1~.-fo~9 · . . L. ·· ·.. -.·:.· .· · :. - :· · ':
.· ·, co~n!ries · ·)f. ·they ·)cpmp1y·., , ft1~~~~ffN1)~b . ·I, trinsic '{_ali_q_ity;-con~m(LedJ>y' ... ·
'· ,. · .· ;· fot.malities P:~s.cribe? .· th~.~egr · Hqgu'e· _. f · ·: ~e~Q.OaJ.llaws, , ..e,< e.1ther .. do!!11c1J1~ry o~ ..• · ·,
'· .... Co!J~enti6~): . . · .... -~ ~~-, · Vl. ·.-."" .,.,:,, ·:~on·ahty. ·. ·';~ . ,,,_. .. ·... , . ·: ... ·.. .
!ll.:--T~e,forms arid ~ol_ef:'(llt~es_oteo~f(~.=lis, 'Mt\.\_~-):~ . : . ·. . ~. '.': . -,. . ':
·. · . wJII~, :and ot_her pu~hc i'f1s,trum~~"i,;s all. 0- _. _lnt~1~s1~ Requirem_e.nt~. of t\ll~rna,ge ~n~~r
.- : be gover-n.ed by the laws ;of ·the. cour.qy . - Phrhppme La'{'!~ (F_J;!MI(..y_ C,00,E, A(t._ 2).•,. ·. ~
.. 'in. wh.i,eh the'y.::.were: ·~Xe_cu.t~dd¢W£L; .·. . ·.}: -~~~~-' c~_pa~i!y-~f t~~ .c0nira~t(.~~y::ir.t!e~· ·. ·:. ~
CODE;;· Art_.: 17). · ·. --. . . . ... ~---· .. · ~ . ~. -:·. .. .- :- w!)~ n.1;~s.! b~ _f!1aie . . a.~-?:fe,~_9!e; ~~9-<.t· · .
iii. All· .ITJ~r-~iages i:s6femniz£:ld ,ciu.tsid,e the ·: · ·11,., · -:Coris~nl' fr~·e.!¥, 9,1~(;:!~,m· t~~· pre,sen~~'.Qf_
Philippines; iri accordance V;Jith'tbe laws tqe solen:irnz11:1g .office_:·. . 1 :

. -~·' in t.Orde)rl tb,e· cou11try~Wher~ . .ttfey··w.~re· : .. ·. : · · . ·, <. . . · •• '.:·. :-a··· ~ .· · ~· -~·.:~·· .. · :~- , ·. ,:
. solemnized . ancl' Valid·. there · suchas . Marn~g~ Contracte_d. Oufs1de th_e P~!)tpprn~~,: :
.s~a11 >a1s~ '.be·. v.aiid · ir\ .. th.i~ ·-~e:>"untr,y ,.· .. ' :: , The,> P.hilippir:e,s ·,t~uows: the . ir-ryperat_i'i~. :·or.... ;.,
-.., : .. .. (FAMlt y CODE/Art.·26y ·<>, ': ,.· ... ·:cornpul~pry .rule. "".'br~h. means.: that a m~rr1age
. . · - .· · .. , : · .formally. valid where .celebrated --: is>Lvalid ·.
-..,..E.xception~.; . .. , e_l.s_ewhere . .(CIVI~ GbbE,;. ·.fid..,:
17(1),\F~M1il; Y:· .
c_o. DE, Art.. · 26). _;.; ..., . ··. ,, ·. · ·. ·. ·
. The Jollqvvi'r1g ~f.m:! v9id, marriage~.·- in· ;the· · ,
· P.hilipptne~ · · eyeri:.:rif valid in .th"'e ~fo~8igri· · · · ' · · 1
••• --, • • ..... '!: · ·. · · ·
country.where,c·e1~b(ate:ct ·. - .. : · : . :, . · . Marriage performed by a consular or diplomatic · . ·.
. .. ,. . i. ... S~me:sex ·m'a:fr'iatefes:, ,l;i5:_· contracting c1gerit_ empowered by .'the{j~ridi_n~r.:ft~~e,·-~o. ·· .. ·
parties must··. be male : an·d .. female- offid.ate marriage is v'alid in' the receiving iWe,' · ·
(FAMIL'. CODE) Art. 2;;· .. only 'if the· latterJ1as. c;ig~eect to. his· acting.,i~: that
. capacity (~ALONf?A,. Conf!ict,§_Upra_ at _2§_3). ·
... •.


. '•

Reason; When' the. parties choose a place a.s~ b. Common Law Marriages ·.
the loci ceteoretionis of.their-marriage, they are If valid - in the State where the parties · .
considered to. have: subjected all, questions of cohabited while." holding. themselves '
.· ·· form to the law of that place, and if yalid there it • ,m<;1n, and.wife, it is giv,en recoqnition i.h sisler ,
, . should b~ c~nsidered valid everywhere (Id.) .: - States 'which J.lo not permlt . this 'informal
. ,·
method of entering into the. marital status.
• - ·- • ,I. •

· Illustration:
· a.- · Filipinp · · first cousin? got . married in · Note: Common _law·. rriarriaqes . are .not
' . · . Califorftia-where the marriage ls 'considered reccqnized under Philippine 'law ·(PARAS,
valid," \'Viii .their marriage be recoqnized in · . _ Conflict, supra· at 235/
-~. . ...... . ... ·. ' , ·.
.. the Philippines? · · -. ' 1; • l • I : • / '• ,

c. Marriage· orrBoard a Vessel on High seas

Answer: , No, .. because .such marriage. is · Since the nation whose Tlag the ship is flying'
. incestuousas d.ei~rmiried byPhlflpplne Lavy· ·· has· Jurfsdiciio11. over the .. sF1ip, compliance
(F?ARAS, Conflict, supra at 236). · · ., . \Villi thi.§'la't{ ifrequired for, §.I." rnarriaqe to be
. . . . . · .. ,,.
.... . validly contracted (Id. . pt 7.7).
. . ·. .. · ·
b. , .:-A. Filipino step-broiher wanted to marry his
. ··, ·rilipino step-sister in-the ·Philippines,· but d. · C"c;i!isular·M·~rr1ages . <: ' ,
. . . ·, because in our : country; . a step-brother Marriaqes ,belw~en Filipjno citizens abroad .
· ', . cannot 'validly marry _hi~ "step-sister. the _two may 'be solemnized _by a eonsul-qeneral, ·
decided-to get marjiedin California, .where .consul, or. vice-consul .of the. Philippines
·the·· marriage [s valid. Wili our country (FAMILY_CooE, Art, 1of. · ... · .. ·.
: recognize th'e .validity . of' their rnarriaq
abroad?· · ~-· Plural Marriages . :. · .·· . '. .. .
If .th~; p~rtie!,,. or at: :fe~~t · the hu.sband i& _a
Mushm . (whose rehg1on al19ws plura.1
mc;miag·es')'. .it is_ believed. that we· would
. . ·rec~g,ze up
_to fo;ur.rnarr!ages of !lie same .
tiusb~ntL(as - recognized ·by, ·the· Philjppii:ie .·
. • f - ... . '
, - .• - Muslir,· €ode· on -Persor,al Laws) to prot!,lct
:-- -::-:_tl.f~ ..lf.~gh\."}.Qt ·th~-; _wives >r:id-·1childre'ri~·- .
. :: N~·t~: If .this. ~artiage ~a~ ~~e~. ~eirf~-r~e'd · · ·. . · '(~EMRIO-'DI'(, Conf/1c_t;. supra at 77). ·
. )J1side., th~ Philippi_ne . (?Qristi~e in San
. Fr~n~i§CO by. our·. cons_ul~r ,~~cef.C~~sul,ftt.J.e . · 'MjxedJ~ij_d_sige~: :·: i -"·. - , . < .· · . :· · ", .
. · . m_amage. will be deem ea to haYe taken · : a: Marriage.·. Be.tween a, filipi_no and:: a
. ~-. .. pl?CE;_ i1! the Ph_ilippines, anp~~ t_)lerefo're _le : . .. F or~ign-~r-· abroad - -If.the i:nairiage .i~ valid
considered '(Qi_d, _(P/:!.RAS, Confirl'.9t
svp~a-_a.t · uncler th~ la_v(of "6n~· bf \h~- spC)lJSes_· whiie
_ . 237).:..-;. . ;'. . -~ .. A•_ _....,.:.:. . . . ~it.ti,,.;.:.VY.£0.W under the law of.the ·other, we· should
... :.· up~olci. the· valf~ity. of the marri_age, ~nl!3?·s· .
. / .-·· .R.ui~s ·.on ·. E~t-~i~"si_c \(alidit;. o · Cert~in _the: mar-riage is. universally iocesfuous or .
:. '. ·.. · S_it1Ja~ior:1~: .. ~ ":", . . ·: highly irri~oral. (ld.'·?t. 77) ... ·.. . . -.
~-: a. Prox·y'Marriages.: ., · . -· ·· · # ' "· .r .-. · •• ·- • •

· · · Ge-rteral'Ru.le: Where perh1itted by the l~w . Nq.te:.Sam~·:rule.-asJo-for~igners wh'o marry - .

: , ·. o(t~e. pl~~·e,wh.ere th_e.P:roxtparti~ip~t(;is. in · -.· . · .,. ··abroaq: · · · -, · ·: · ·
. ..t_he marriage· ceremony, they are entitled to.:-· · ·· -, ·
recognition io' countr_ies apherihg to lex lo_ci' : b. Mar'ri,fg~-: b~t:,veen - a-·· Filipino-· ·a~d a
.. , ·celebtationis-rule, atleasfinsofar as formal· - fore.igner in--the Ph.ilippin~s:- Philippin_e
, validity .. :. is' .. ~.c::oncernec:f (SEMPI0-6IY,, . · la"w should" be followed; otherwise.: public
. Conhict,.s!)
. \ ... 77).
. · - policywouid
. . . .
be .yiolatea·(ld.
. -~·
at ... .
78/ .. ·
N_ite?. Phil_ipp/i:i{ :iaw. b~es:. not .sanctio~ · ·. . .. . ~. \ ... -
· ., - . · · . 'proxy· m('!rriages; but· ·if. celebrated .. in: a
·,· . ·. ·. . · · foreig"n .·. state' _;~!1- a'cc9~dar,ce . ·with th!3
. . formalities· by its laws~ it may ,be··
:.. recogriized·,n the Philippines under the lex
. ··loci celebrationis rule,(ld. ·a_t 77) .. · . . .
.. , .. · .. · . ~ . ..


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