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Module 3

3.1 The Human Person

as an Embodied Spirit
The learner understands the human person as an embodied

The learner distinguishes his/her own limitations and the
possibilities for his/her transcendence


3.1 KNOW AND FEEL: Recognize how the human body imposes

3.2 DO: Evaluate own limitations and the possibilities for their

WEEK 6 (OCTOBER 11-14, 2021)
Man, Human,
Human Being,
Personhood and
Human Nature
Here is where you add your talking points.

It is widely and commonly defined to represent the entire human race.

A term used to refer for various classifications and species. For a living
man, human is under the classification of Mammalia
Here is where you add your talking points.

A term used to separate man from other Human Classifications like animals.

Refers to an individual who possess self-awareness, self- determination,

rational mind, and the capacity to interact with other and with
Here is where you add your talking points.

A general term refers to the state of being a person with unique, sacred and ethical
status within him/herself.

A general term refers to the deepest and natural behavior of a person that
distinguish human from animals. A collective traits that formed and
considered the very essence of humanity. Nobody can be considered

man without human nature.

What is Human Person?
Human person is someone with an
exact origin of his/her

Biblical: we came from Adam and


Science: we came from an Ape

under the Class: Mammalia.
What is Embodied Spirit?



Human person is someone with an exact Cognitive Self: something within and
origin of his/her classification. cannot be physically seen. Deals with THE
WHAT OF A PERSON which includes
human persons’ belief, desire, dreams,
Biblical: we came from Adam and Eve. For and intentions.
Science: we came from an Ape under the Physical Self: something can be seen in
Class of Mamallia. his/her physical appearance which deals
with the essential features of the human
way of life or THE WHO OF A PERSON

which includes his/her body type,

strength and appearances.
Human Person

Embodied spirit is an animating core living

within each of us. It is known to be INSEPARABLE UNION OF
the driving force behind what we HUMAN BODY AND SOUL
actually think, do and say. It is indeed the
reflections of our total being by which our
sensations lead to our human feelings,
emotions and decision.
What is Human Person as Embodied Spirit?

1. Self- awareness refers to person having a clear perception of oneself, including his or her
thoughts, emotions, identity, and actions.

2. A human person is able to connect and interact with another person, an animal or an
inanimate object.

3. We are not determined by others. Because we have interiority; we can direct the course of
our own life. This is what we call self-determination which is “the capability of persons to
make choices and decisions based on their own preferences, monitor and regulate their
actions, and be goal oriented and self-directed” Thus human beings are free.

4. A human person has an inherent value and importance. This is what we call dignity.

Human Transcendence


1. Suffering
Life always involves suffering, in obvious and subtle forms.

2. The Cause of Suffering

The cause of suffering is craving and fundamental

3. The End of Suffering

The good news is that our obscurations are
temporary. They are like passing clouds that obscure
the sun of our enlightened nature, which is always
4. The Path

By living ethically, practicing meditation, and developing wisdom,

we can take exactly the same journey to enlightenment and freedom
from suffering that the buddhas do.
Human Transcendence

1. Suffering
Life always involves suffering, in obvious and subtle forms.

2. The Cause of Suffering

The cause of suffering is craving and fundamental

3. The End of Suffering

The good news is that our obscurations are
temporary. They are like passing clouds that obscure
the sun of our enlightened nature, which is always
4. The Path

By living ethically, practicing meditation, and developing wisdom,

we can take exactly the same journey to enlightenment and freedom
from suffering that the buddhas do.
Eightfold Paths

1. Right view
2. Right intention
3. Right speech
4. Right action
5. Right livelihood
6. Right effort
7. Right concentration
8. Right mindfulness
Concepts of Transcendence
The Concept of Dread
We are limited in the sense that we ought to make our own choices yet what comforts us in this
dread is that we have a possibility of decision making in the freest sense.

The Concept of Being with Others

Men as the embodied spirit are not confined only to themselves. He needs to relate to others in
this world. Man is always ‘together with others.

The Concept of Concern

A human person’s relatedness to entities is basically things that he encounters in the world. As
mentioned, man is always existing in a togetherness. This opens the self to be indisposed to

The Concept of Guilt- feeling

It is something that man lacks of or something that is missing in a person. We experience
philosophic guilt when we come face to face our own limitedness- that we are always lacking off or

there is always an unrealized possibility.

Concepts of Transcendence
The Concept of Conscience
Conscience here is not defined as a moral compass but rather it is our capacity of recovery from
being fallen or absorbed by the crowd.

The Concept of Resoluteness

Man’s thrownness in this world is not just marked by dread, concern, etc., there is this
situatedness of man to be in solitude, and in that solitude stems his readiness to be called by

The concept of Temporality

Man’s bodily existence is within the boundaries of time. We are born in a specific moment and
exist in a fleeting present; that each of us has a recollection of past that is no longer, a projection
of a future that is not yet, and a present that is so transitory. But this temporality challenges us to
confront a possibility to live each moment as if it is first and our last.

The Concept of Death


Man’s temporality will eventually find its way to a definite possibility of an end

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