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IELTS Writing

Task 1 & Task 2

Daniel J. Chen
Task 1 - Visual Types
① Line graph
② Bar chart
③ Pie chart
④ Table
⑤ Diagram
⑥ Map
⑦ Multiple charts
Task 1
Line graph - 数据描写

“ 升高 / 降低 + 幅度” “ 升高 / 降低 + 幅度”
↳ 动词 + 副词 ↳ 形容词 + 名词
❶ 上升: increase/rise/grow ❶ 上升: increase/rise/grow
❷ 下降: fall/drop/decrease ❷ 下降: fall/drop/decrease
❸ ❸ 显著的 / 大幅度的: sharp/rapid/dramatical
显著地 / 大幅度地: sharply/rapidly/dramatically
❹ 持续的 / 稳步的: gradual/steady/consistent

❺ 轻微的 / 小幅度的: slight/marginal/minimal
持续地 / 稳步地: gradually/steadily/consistently

轻微地 / 小幅度地: slightly/marginally/minimally
Task 1
Line graph - 数据描写

“ 波动、保持平衡、到达最高 / 最低点”
❶ 波动: fluctuate vs. experience fluctuation
❷ 保持平衡: remain stable / stay constant
❸ 到达最高点: peak / reach the highest point
❹ 到达最低点: reach the bottom / lowest point
Task 1
Line graph - 句型

句型一: X ( 描述对象 ) + 趋势动词 + 副词 + 时间

The price of textbooks fell sharply in 2022.

句型二: There
There was a rapid decrease in thewas
price of a + 形容词
textbooks in 2022. + 趋势名词 + in X ( 描述对象 ) + 时间

句型三:时间 + saw/experienced/witnessed
The year 2022 witnessed a dramatic drop in the price of textbooks. a + 形容词 + 趋势名词

句型四: A of+textbooks
A sharp fall in the price 形容词 took place + 趋势名词 + took place/occurred + 时间
in 2022.

句型五: X ( 描述对象 ) + showed/took + an upward/downward trend

The price of textbooks showed a downward trend in 2022.
Task 1
Line graph - 连接方式

Starting at 30, X fluctuated around this level in the first decade.
(starting at, beginning from), 通常可以在数据的开头时使用

连接方式二:表示时间的连词 (before, after), 后面接完整句子或者动词的进行式

X had fluctuated around this level in the first decade before it dropped abruptly to 23 in 1970.
Starting at 30, X had fluctuated around this level in the first decade before it dropped abruptly to 23 in 1970.
连接方式三:表示并列或者转折的连词 (but, however, and, in addition)
However, the 1970s witnessed a considerable rise, and then a peak of 60 took place in 1980.
连接方式四:过去分词作状语 (followed by, 紧接着… ), 后面接名词性的短语
However, the 1970s witnessed a considerable rise, and then a peak of 60 took place in 1980, followed by a sharp fall over the next ten-year period.
连接方式五:时间定语从句,在表示时间的词后用 when 引出一个非限定性定语从句
Yet, there had been a stable pattern at 8 until 2000, when it began to increase slowly.
连接方式六:表示时间的副词 (after this, following this period, thereafter)
Nonetheless, X is expected to show a downward trend between 2018 and 2022, and after that, it will probably show an unnoticeable rise and fall.
Task 1
Line graph - 写作着重点


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