Kisi Kisi Mid Test

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Sekolah : Carnegie School Alokasi waktu : 90 menit

Mata Pelajaran :Science Jumlah Soal : 15

Kelas/Program : VII/SMP

NO Indikator Berpkir kritis Tingkatan Soal

1 Explain the properties of solids, C2 Write down the properties of solids, liquids, and gases ?
liquids, and gases

2 Explain the properties of solids, C4

liquids, and gases

In the figure above, examine and describe differences in the strength of the attractive
forces between the particles of a solid, a liquid, and a gas. How do these differences
affect the ability of each state of matter to change its shape and volume?

3 Use the particle theory of matter to C5 Name each of the following proceses:
explain the changes of state

4 Explain the changes of state in real C5


How are three states of matter involved when a candle burns?

5 Desribe some common materials C4
and their physical properties? Plastic handle
Metal pan

From the picture above :

a. Why is the pan made of metal?
b. Why is the handle made of plastic?

6 Distinguish between metals and C4 Write any three differences between metals and non metals with respect to their physical
non metals by comparing their properties?
physical properties?

Desribe some common materials C3 What is the difference between plactics and glasses?
7 and their physical properties?

8 Use the pH scale to camporee the C5 The pH scale demonstartes how strong an acid and alkali is. The colour on a p H colour
acidity or alkalinity of solutions. chart show the colour that universal indicators turns with acids and alkalis of different
a) Colour the p H colour chart below to show what colour universal indicator turns
with different strenghts of acids and alkalis.
b) Identify the labels A to E, choosing from the word below:

Strong acid Weak acid Strong alkali Weak alkali

9 Distinguish between acidic and C2 Write down are the properties of acid and alkalis!
alkaline solutions.
10. Distinguish between acidic and C4 Match the parts in the left column with their corresponding pH values in the right
alkaline solutions. coloum.
(A) Soup (1) pH 2
(B) Lemon (2) pH 7
(C) Vinegar (3) pH 3
(D) Water (4) pH 8
(E) Ginger (5) pH 5
11 Examine and classify various types C4 Classify the following rocks into three groups based on how they are formed. Give a
of rocks name to each group

Shale Marble Slate Granite Limestone

Obsidian Sandstone Gneiss Pumice Basalt

12 Examine and classify various types C2 How many types of rocks make up the earth’s crust? Whats are the different of them?
of rocks
13. Understand what is the proceses of C4 What are the proceses normally take place in the transformation of sediment to
rocks sedimentary rocks?
14 Exemine and classify various types C4
of soil Drag the name of this soil to the picture!

15 Know about structure of earth C5 Figure shows the earth;s internal structure.
Describe parts structure of the earth!
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