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Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111129

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Influence of ground motion duration and isolation bearings on the seismic T

response of base-isolated bridges

Afraa Labiba Hassana, AHM Muntasir Billahb,
Department of Civil Engineering, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1, Canada
Department of Civil Engineering, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1, Canada


Keywords: This study investigates the effect of ground motion duration on the seismic response of base-isolated bridges.
Long-duration motion Three different isolation bearings are considered in this study, such as lead rubber bearing (LRB), Shape memory
Seismic isolation alloy wire-based lead rubber bearing (SLRB), and Friction pendulum system (FPS). Each isolation system is
Highway bridges designed to provide a similar isolation period so that the seismic response is comparable. Using 20 long-duration
Residual displacement
motions and 20 spectrally matched short-duration records; the seismic performance of the base-isolated bridges
Seismic response
is evaluated and compared using nonlinear time history analyses. Response parameters considered for this study
are the base shear in the piers, the acceleration of the bridge deck, maximum and residual displacement of the
isolation bearings as well as the energy dissipation capacity. The results indicate that the long-duration motions
cause more damage to different bridge components as compared to the short-duration motions in-terms of higher
deck acceleration, pier base shear, and residual isolator displacement. It is also observed that ground motions
having similar magnitude with different significant durations can significantly affect the isolator as well as the
bridge response.

1. Introduction One of the main objectives of using isolation bearings is to modify

the fundamental period of the structure away from the predominant
Seismic base isolation is a proven technique for reducing the seismic earthquake period thus reducing the seismic demand on the structure.
demand on structures and improving seismic performance. Seismically However, the occurrence of several long-duration earthquakes over the
isolated structures have shown reduced damage and superior seismic last decade has created interest among researchers on evaluating the
performance during extreme earthquake events. The advantages of seismic performance of structures under long-duration motions. Long-
protecting structures in seismic regions using isolation bearings have duration motions typically occur in subduction zones which are plate
been recognized all over the world [1–5]. Especially for bridges, seismic boundaries such as Tokyo (Japan), Taiwan (China), and Santiago
isolation bearings are the preferred choice over other seismic protection (Chile). In western North America, the Cascadia subduction zone,
systems for seismic upgrading of existing structures and new con- stretching from northern Vancouver Island in British Columbia to
structions. Different types of rubber-based seismic isolation bearings northern California is the probable location that could experience long-
such as high damping rubber bearings (HDRB), steel-reinforced elas- duration ground motions. Recent studies [10] on the impact of sub-
tomeric bearings (SREB), lead rubber bearings (LRB), fiber-reinforced duction zone earthquakes have indicated that the long-duration mo-
elastomeric bearings (FREB), and friction pendulum systems (FPS) have tions can have a detrimental effect on structures having a fundamental
gained popularity for effective seismic control and improving the period of vibration of 1.0 s or larger. However, base-isolated structures
seismic performance of infrastructures [6–9]. Among many advantages typically have a fundamental period of vibration longer than 1.0 s.
base-isolated bridges have over non-isolated bridges, major advantages Because of this fact, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of base-
include: (i) decoupling of superstructure and substructure, (ii) reduced isolated bridges under long-duration earthquakes. For any structure
seismic force demand in substructure, (iii) reduced substructure and whose performance continues to worsen under reversed cyclic loading,
foundation dimensions, (iv) avoid retrofit and traffic disruptions after the ground motion duration is thought to be a substantive parameter for
strong earthquakes, and (v) overall reduction in the life cycle cost of the performance prediction [11]. However, there is still a lack of consensus
bridge. among the researchers whether the ground motion duration should be

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.M. Billah).
Received 24 January 2020; Received in revised form 12 June 2020; Accepted 14 July 2020
Available online 23 July 2020
0141-0296/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.L. Hassan and A.M. Billah Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111129

considered as a significant parameter for seismic performance assess- Lead Rubber Bearing (SLRB), and Friction Pendulum System (FPS).
ment and design of structures [12]. Using 20 long-duration (LD) motions and 20 spectrally matched short-
In the case of isolated bridges, earthquake duration effects have not duration (SD) records, the performance of a three-span bridge isolated
been studied despite most bridges located in areas susceptible to long- with three different isolation systems are evaluated. Response para-
duration motions being equipped with different types of isolation meters considered for this study are the base shear in the piers, the
bearings. Han et al. [13] investigated 320 damaged bridges following acceleration of the bridge deck, maximum and residual displacement of
the Wenchuan (China) earthquake in 2008. They found that 14% of the the isolation bearings as well as the energy dissipation capacity.
bridges were severely damaged while 39% of bridges suffered moderate
damage. Among the damaged bridges, many of them were isolated with 2. Ground motion Duration:
laminated rubber bearings [14]. For performance-based seismic design
(PBSD) of new bridges or seismic retrofitting of existing bridges, it is The seismic performance of bridges is significantly influenced by the
required that the isolated bridge must satisfy the life safety criteria and ground motion intensity, frequency content, and duration of ground
meet collapse prevention objectives under large infrequent earth- motion. The seismic response of bridges during a long-duration earth-
quakes. However, current design codes and guidelines do not consider quake can vary significantly from short-duration ground motions [15].
the effect of long-duration earthquakes on the design of seismically During a long-duration earthquake, a bridge structure is expected to
isolated bridges neither for new construction nor for the retrofitting of experience a large number of inelastic displacement reversals, which
existing bridges. A good number of studies have been conducted over tend to cause significant damage and degradation of strength and
the past several years that explored the ground motion duration effect stiffness [24]. To evaluate the seismic response under long-duration
on different types of structures. Chandramohan et al. [15] investigated motion, it is necessary to quantify the duration metric to define a
the collapse response of a steel moment frame and bridge pier under ground motion as a long-duration motion. Different definitions of
long-duration and spectrally matched short-duration motions. This ground motion duration exist in the literature. Bommer and Martinez-
study shows that long-duration motions tend to decrease the collapse Pereira [25] reviewed approximately 30 different definitions of strong-
capacity of the bridge pier as compared to the short-duration motions. motion duration. Among various duration matrices, arias intensity (AI)
Lopez et al. [16] experimentally investigated the performance of sub- [26], significant duration (tD5-95) [27], bracketed duration (DB) [28],
standard bridge columns under long-duration motions. They found that Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV) [29], and dimensionless duration
bridge piers experienced severe damage under the long-duration mo- metric (ID) [30] are commonly used to define the ground motion
tions as compared to the spectrally equivalent crustal ones. Pan et al. duration metric.
[17] investigated the seismic performance of conventional low-rise All these duration matrices have been used by different researchers
light-frame wood houses under long-duration ground motions. They for specific purposes. Among these matrices, 5%-75% significant
concluded that the median collapse capacities of the studied buildings duration (Ds5-75) has been used and recommended by most of the re-
reduced by 26%-61% under the long-duration motions as compared to searchers [11,12,15,31,32] for evaluating structural response under
the short-duration motions. Hammad and Moustafa [18] numerically long-duration motions. Based on the recommendations from previous
investigated the performance of a special concentrically braced frame studies, this study employed a 5%-75% significant duration (Ds5-75) to
(SCBF) under short and long-duration ground motions. They found that, quantify the ground motion duration. The calculation of the significant
for a given intensity measure, the long-duration motions result in a duration of a specific ground motion is shown in Fig. 1, which re-
higher probability of collapse. Kabir et al. [19] evaluated the seismic presents the time interval over which a specific percentage of the in-
fragility of a highway bridge under long-duration, near-fault, and short- tegral (shown in equation (1)) is accumulated:
duration far-field motions. They concluded that long-duration ground
motions dominate both component level and bridge system failure π
AI =
∫ a2 (t ) dt
0 (1)
All past studies that investigated the performance of seismically
isolated bridges, compared the performance under near-fault motions where a(t) represents ground acceleration history, Tr denotes the total
with pulse-like velocity and far-field motions. Shen et al. [20] evaluated recorded time of the ground motion, and g is the acceleration due to
the performance of a lead rubber bearing isolated bridge under pulse- gravity.
like near-fault motions. They found that when the pulse period of the Previous researchers [15] suggested that spectral shapes need to be
ground motion is close to the effective period of the system, the bridge taken into account when assessing structural response to long-duration
response is amplified. Dicleli [21] studied the impact of substructure motions. While investigating the ground motion duration effect on the
and isolator properties along with the frequency characteristics of the seismic response of structures, it is desirable to compare the response
ground motions on the performance of seismically isolated bridges. with ‘similar’ short-duration ground motion. This “similarity” can be
They identified the selection of ground motions according to the site achieved by matching the spectral acceleration shape [33]. In this
characteristics as a major factor for effective isolation system design. study, the duration effect on the seismic response is evaluated by
Ozbulut and Hurlebaus [22] investigated the comparative performance comparing the responses under a long-duration record set and a spec-
of different isolation bearings under near-fault motions. Eröz and Des- trally matched short-duration record set both containing 20 ground
Roches [23] compared the performance of LRB and FPS isolation motions.
bearings in a typical Multi-Span Continuous Concrete Girder bridge In this study, a set of 50 long-duration ground motions are first
considering the effect of vertical ground motions. They concluded that selected from six different historical earthquake events: 2011 Tohoku,
both FPS and LRB improved the seismic performance of the bridge Japan; 2010 Maule, Chile; 2007 Sumatra, Indonesia; 2003 Hokkaido;
comparably. Although the vast literature supports the advantages of Japan, 1999 Chichi, Taiwan; and 1985 Valparaiso, Chile. These ground
seismic isolation, no literature can be found that investigated the motion records are obtained from the PEER NGA West2 ground motion
seismic performance of isolated bridges under long-duration motions. database [34] and the Center for Engineering Strong Motion Data [35].
This study aims to evaluate the seismic response of isolated bridges The list of selected long-duration motions is provided in Table 1.
under long-duration motions. Three different seismic isolation systems Among these ground motions, records having tD5-75 > 25 sec are se-
and spectrally matched long and short-duration record sets are em- lected as the long-duration motions. All the selected ground motions
ployed to demonstrate the effect of ground motion duration on the have a PGA > 0.1 g and PGV > 10 cm/sec. This ground motion
seismic response of isolated bridges. The isolation bearings considered selection process provided a suite of long-duration motions containing
include Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB), Shape memory alloy wire-based 32 records, with a geometric mean Ds5-75 of 34 sec. To compare the

A.L. Hassan and A.M. Billah Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111129

Fig. 1. Significant duration calculation of a ground motion.

seismic performance of the three isolated bridges under the long and and short-duration set each containing 20 records. Since the short-
short-duration motions, another 40 ground motions are selected from duration motions are spectrally matched to long-duration motions, the
the PEER NGA-West2 database [34]. Among these ground motions, differences in the seismic response of the isolated bridges could be at-
records having Ds5-75 < 20 sec and epicentral distance of more than tributed to the difference in their duration characteristics.
15 km are selected. The short-duration accelerograms are selected using Fig. 2A compares the response spectrum of a long-duration ground
the spectral equivalency approach of Chandramohan et al. [15] which motion (from the 1992 Landers earthquake) and the spectrally
resulted in similar spectral shapes like the long-duration counterpart in equivalent short-duration motion (from the 1986 Taiwan earthquake).
the period range of [0.05, 4.00] s. To minimize the sum of squared error Fig. 2B shows the acceleration time histories of the two records. The list
differences of the 5%-damped linear response spectra associated with of selected 40 ground motions (20 long-duration and 20 spectrally
each pair of short and long-duration records, a matching process is equivalent short-duration motions) are provided in Table 1. Fig. 3
performed. To minimize the error, the short-duration motions are am- shows the selected scaled short and long-duration individual records
plitude scaled, without affecting the frequency content of the ground along with their means as compared to the target spectrum.
motions, when necessary using a simple amplitude scaling factor of up
to 5. This resulted in the creation of a spectrally matched long-duration

Table 1
Database of long-duration and spectrally equivalent short-duration motion.
Long Duration Motions Spectrally matched short duration motion

GM Pair Earthquake Year Station Magnitude Ds 5–75 Earthquake Year Station Magnitude Ds 5–75
No. (s) (s)

1 Landers 1992 Thousands Palm post 7.2 26 Taiwan SMART1(45) 1986 SMART1 I11 6.3 11
2 Landers 1992 Indio-Jackson Road 7.2 26 Northridge-01 1994 Camarillo 6.7 14
3 Valparaiso, Chile 1985 Vina del Mar 7.8 32 Iwate 2008 Miyagino-ku 6.9 6
4 Valparaiso, Chile 1986 Zaplar 7.8 30 Morgan Hill 1984 Hollister Diff Array #1 6.2 11
5 Valparaiso, Chile 1985 Llolleo 7.8 28 Northridge-01 1994 Sun Valley - Roscoe Blvd 6.7 6
6 Valparaiso, Chile 1986 San Isidro 7.8 30 Christchurch, New 2011 SWNC 6.1 2
7 Maule, Chile 2010 Santiago Maipu 8.8 33 Northridge-01 1994 LA - Pico & Sentous 6.7 9
8 Maule, Chile 2010 Talca 8.8 53 Taiwan SMART1(5) 1986 SMART1 M10 6.3 4
9 Maule, Chile 20,101 Angol 8.8 31 Irpinia, Italy-01 1980 Brienza 6.9 4
10 Tohuku Japan 2011 Sendai 9.0 55 Kobe, Japan 1995 Kobe University 6.9 3
11 Tohuku Japan 2012 Sakura 9.0 29 Chi-Chi, Taiwan-03 1999 CHY028 6.2 6
12 Tohuku Japan 2011 Shiogama 9.0 56 Northridge-01 1994 Tarzana - Cedar Hill A 6.7 4
13 Tohuku Japan 2012 Tsukidate 9.0 58 Iwate 2008 Maekawa Miyagi 6.9 7
Kawasaki City
14 Michoacan, 1985 Villita Corona Centro 8.0 32 Darfield, New Zealand 2010 Heathcote Valley 7.3 8
Mexico Primary School
15 Kocaeli, Turkey 1999 Fatih 7.5 28 Chi-Chi, Taiwan-06 1999 HWA025 6.2 3
16 Kocaeli, Turkey 2000 Bursa Tofas 7.5 26 Chi-Chi, Taiwan-04 1999 KAU085 6.2 20
17 El Mayor-Cucapah 2010 Ejido Saltillo 7.2 33 Chi-Chi, Taiwan 1999 TCU075 6.2 18
18 El Mayor-Cucapah 2010 Tamaulipas 7.2 27 Landers 1992 Amboy 7.2 17
19 Hokkaido, Japan 2003 Hayakita 8.3 25 Chi-Chi, Taiwan 1999 TTN026 6.2 20
20 ChiChi, Taiwan 1999 CHY008 7.6 32 Christchurch, New 2011 LINC 6.2 7

A.L. Hassan and A.M. Billah Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111129

Fig. 2. Comparison of the (a) response spectra and (b) time histories of spectrally equivalent long-duration and short-duration record. The long-duration record is
from the 1992 Landers earthquake, recorded at the Thousands palm post office station. The short-duration record is from the 1986 Taiwan earthquake, recorded at
the SMART1 I11 station, scaled by a factor of 0.75.

3. Description of the bridge pendulum system (FPS), and Shape memory alloy wire-based lead
rubber bearing (SLRB). Among these three types of bearings, LRB and
A three-span continuous concrete girder bridge located in Victoria, FPS have been widely implemented around the world for seismic iso-
British Columbia, Canada is considered in this study. The bridge su- lation of bridges and buildings. Over the last few years, researchers
perstructure is supported on two-column bents with unequal bent have developed several configurations of shape memory alloy (SMA)
heights of 15.5 m and 11.5 m. The concrete superstructure is composed wire-based isolation bearings [22,37,38] and reported improved per-
of 250 mm thick cast in place concrete slab supported on three simply formance under seismic actions. In this study, SMA-based LRB equipped
supported precast concrete University of Nebraska (NU) I-girders (NU with the double-cross wire configuration [39] has been considered to
2000) girders at 4.5 m spacing as shown in Fig. 4. The existing bridge is evaluate its effectiveness under the long-duration motions.
not equipped with seismic isolation bearings. The concrete super- To achieve comparable structural performance with three different
structure sits on elastomeric pads at each abutment and pier locations. types of isolation bearings, the main design objective of the three iso-
Each column bent has two circular piers connected by a rectangular lation systems is to achieve a similar fundamental isolation period of
concrete pier cap. The column spacing within a bent is 6.6 m. The the bridge while keeping the column elastic under the design level
1500 mm circular reinforced concrete piers are reinforced with earthquake. The target isolation period is set as 1.5 s. The design and
28–30 M (diameter 29.9 mm) longitudinal rebars and 15 M (diameter analysis of the LRB and FPS are performed to satisfy the requirements of
16 mm) bars as spiral reinforcement. The considered bridge is classified CHBDC [36] and the provisions of the AASHTO Guide Specifications for
as a major route bridge according to the current Canadian Highway Seismic Isolation Design [40] following the procedure outlined in
Bridge Design Code (CHBDC) [36]. However, with the current struc- NCHRP Report [41]. The design of SLRB is performed following the
tural configuration, the bridge does not satisfy the performance re- method described by [38,42] while meeting the requirements of the
quirements of a major route bridge outlined in CHBDC. The bridge is CHBDC [36]. The properties of the three isolation bearings used in this
founded on deep foundations both at the pier and abutment locations study are summarized in Table 3.
which consist of steel HP - Bearing Piles (H-shaped cross-section having
parallel flange surfaces and equal web and flange thicknesses). The pier 5. Finite element modeling
columns sit on a rectangular concrete pile cap which is connected to
two rows of steel HP Piles. Conventional seat type abutments supported A detailed three dimensional (3D) finite element model of the
on steel HP piles support the bridge ends. The details of the geometric bridge is developed using a nonlinear fiber-based finite element pro-
properties of different bridge components are provided in Table 2. gram Seismostruct (Seismosoft 2020) [43]. Fig. 5 shows the different
components of the finite element model of the bridge which includes
4. Seismic isolation bearings some idealizations and realistic assumptions. For seismically isolated
bridges, it is a common assumption that the superstructure (girder and
To investigate the effect of ground motion duration on seismically deck) will remain elastic under seismic excitation. As a result, the
isolated bridges, three different types of isolation bearings are con- concrete girders are modeled using an elastic beam element having
sidered in this study, namely lead rubber bearing (LRB), Friction equivalent stiffness and mass. Using the NU2000 girder geometry and

Fig. 3. Mean response spectra for long-duration (a) and short-duration (b) ground motions compared to the target response spectrum of bridge location.

A.L. Hassan and A.M. Billah Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111129

Fig. 4. (a) Plan and Elevation of the bridge, (b) Typical cross section at pier location, (c) Cross section of the pier cap beam, and (d) Cross section of the column.

Table 2 segments based on the tributary area of each girder segment. Forced-
Geometric properties of the bridge. based fiber elements in Seismostruct are used to model the circular
Properties Dimension Unit
concrete columns and the bent cap (Fig. 5c). For defining the confined
and unconfined concrete, the constitutive relationship proposed by
Dimension of the pier cap (L × d × w) 11,392 x1,600 × 1,800 mm Mander et al. [44] is used. The steel reinforcement is defined using the
Dimension of pier (diameter) 1500 mm Menegotto-Pinto stress-strain relationship [45] that includes the iso-
Dimension of the pier pile cap (L × d × w) 12,500 × 1,800 × 4,000 mm
Deck Thickness 250 mm
tropic strain hardening property. This steel model considers low-cycle
Pile Section HP 360 × 132 fatigue for steel bars [46]. However, to predict the actual effect of
Girder Section NU2000 ground motion type, capturing the cyclic deterioration of the structure
Length of pile (varies) 20–25 m is crucial. Analytical validation of experimental cyclic deterioration by
No. of piles at pier 12
Billah et al. [47] demonstrates the accuracy of the program Seismos-
No. of piles at abutment 12
truct in predicting the cyclic strength degradation of structures under
long-duration motions.
concrete properties, the elastic beam elements are defined by calcu- Since the bridge is supported on seat type abutments, the abutment
lating the values of EA, EI2, EI3 and GJ, where A is the cross-section response in both longitudinal and transverse directions is represented
area, E is the elastic modulus, I2 and I3 are the moments of inertia using bilinear springs as recommended by Caltrans [48] and CHBDC
around local axes (2) and (3), G is the shear modulus, and J is the [36]. The abutment longitudinal response is modeled combining the
torsional constant (Fig. 5b). Lumped masses are defined on girder soil response and pile response as shown in Fig. 5d. Ignoring the con-
tribution of the wing wall, only the pile response in the transverse

Table 3
Properties of the three isolation bearings.

Parameter Value Unit Parameter Value Unit Parameter Value Unit

Characteristic Strength 187 kN Shear Stiffness, Ks 9 kN/mm Shear Stiffness, Ks 9.3 kN/mm
Post Elastic Stiffness 1.75 kN/mm Friction coefficient at fast velocities 0.06 SMA wire diameter 2.5 mm
Effective Stiffness 3.6 kN/mm Friction coefficient at slow velocities 0.03 Superelastic strain limit 13.5 %
Yield Force 231 kN Curvature radii of friction pendulum 2.5 m Characteristic Strength 61 kN
Post-yield hardening ratio, r 0.19 Bearing hardening ratio 0.117
Initial Stiffness, Ki 9.23 kN/mm

A.L. Hassan and A.M. Billah Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111129

Fig. 5. Details of the finite element model of the bridge (a) Modeling details at pier location, (b) elastic beam element for superstructure, (c) nonlinear beam-column
element for column and bent cap, (d) abutment model in longitudinal direction, (e) abutment model in transverse direction, (f) gap element model, (g) bilinear model
of LRB, (h) bearing 2 model of FPS, and (i) bearing 1 model of SLRB.

direction is considered as shown in Fig. 5e. Other researchers have used hardening model could not accurately capture the response of SLRB
a similar approach for modeling the abutment response under seismic under reversed cyclic loading. This bearing 1 element requires defining
excitation [49]. The gap between the deck and abutment is modeled some dimensionless parameters A, β, and γ. The parameters β and γ
using a zero-length nonlinear spring (bilinear gap element) following represent the hysteretic shape variable that controls the shape of the
the suggestion of Muthukumar and DesRoches [50]. This impact ele- hysteretic loop. As suggested by Constantinou and Adnane [55], the
ment requires the definition of several parameters (Kt1, Kt2, Δy, and Δm) rule A/(β + γ) = 1 is followed for defining the hysteretic shape vari-
as shown in Fig. 5f. Here, the maximum gap opening (Δm) is considered ables. Following this, the values for the parameters A, β, and γ are
to be 25.4 mm with the yield displacement (Δy) is assumed to be 10% of defined as 1, 0.5, and 0.5, respectively.
Δm .
In this study, the isolation bearings are modeled using a zero-length
5.1. Validation of finite element model
link element. The hysteretic behavior of LRB is represented using a
bilinear kinematic hardening model available in Seismostruct. Three
Although the ability of the FE program in predicting structural re-
parameters are needed to define the hysteresis behavior of LRB such as,
sponse under static and dynamic loading has been verified by different
the initial stiffness (Ki), post-yield hardening ratio (r), and yield force
researchers [56,57], the accuracy of the adopted bearing modeling
(Fy), which are obtained from the properties of LRB as shown in Table 3.
techniques is verified against available experimental results to confirm
The FPS bearing is defined using the zero-length bearing 2 element
the adequacy of the isolation bearing models used in this study. Fig. 6
(friction pendulum bearing) available in Seismostruct. The model re-
shows the comparison of the lateral load-displacement response of the
quires the definition of friction coefficient, which is calculated ac-
three isolation bearings obtained from the experiment and the finite
cording to the Constantinou et al. [51] friction model, the radius of
element models. The first two experiments of LRB and FPS bearings are
curvature of the friction pendulum, and vertical force on the bearing.
reported in Constantinou et al. [58]. The LRB was tested under vertical
Since the bridge considered does not have any shear key, the cutting off
stress of 6.7 MPa under lateral sinusoidal motion with a frequency of
process of shear keys [52] has not been considered in this study. For
0.35 Hz and a peak shear strain of 58%. Fig. 6a compares the hysteretic
representing the SLRB, the zero-length bearing 1 element is used which
behavior of the LRB specimen calculated from the FE model and the
follows the hysteretic rules proposed by Wen [53] and Park et al. [54].
experiment. The comparison shows that the bilinear kinematic model
Previously, Dezfuli and Alam [39] showed that the bilinear kinematic
can mimic the experimental force-displacement behavior with

A.L. Hassan and A.M. Billah Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111129

Fig. 6. Experimental and simulated force-displacement histories of three isolation bearings (a) LRB [54], (b) FPS [54], and (c) SLRB [35].

reasonable accuracy. Fig. 6b shows the hysteretic response of the FPS response can be compared. All three isolated bridges achieved a vi-
bearing obtained from the experiment and the numerical model. The bration period close to the target period of 1.5 s.
FPS was subjected to a lateral displacement cycle having a frequency of
0.6 Hz and constant vertical pressure of 30.8 MPa. Fig. 6b compares the 6. Results and discussions
normalized force-displacement histories recorded during the experi-
ment and simulation for the first three cycles. The simulated force- The performance of the three isolation systems under the long-
displacement relationship obtained using the bearing 2 elements could duration and spectrally equivalent short-duration motions are com-
predict the experimental results with reasonable accuracy. The nu- pared in terms of different structural response parameters such as
merical model of the SLRB is validated against the experimental results maximum isolator displacement (MID), residual isolator displacement
of Dezfuli and Alam [39]. The bearing was equipped with 2.5 mm SMA (RID), peak normalized base shear (PNBS) in the column, maximum
wire in double-cross configuration and subjected to sinusoidal loading pier deformation (MPD), maximum deck acceleration (MDA), and iso-
up to 200% shear strain. Fig. 6c compares the hysteretic response ob- lator energy dissipation (IED). The seismic response of the isolated
tained from the test and numerical model confirming the accuracy of bridges subjected to the ground motions described above is compared
bearing 1 element in replicating the response of SMA-LRB under re- through nonlinear time history analysis.
versed cyclic loading.
6.1. Pier base shear
5.2. Modal analysis of the isolated bridges
One of the main objectives of seismically isolated bridges is to de-
One of the main design objectives of the three isolation systems was couple the superstructure from substructure to reduce the seismic de-
to achieve a similar vibration period for the three bridges. Before per- mand on the bridge piers. This reduced base shear demand can reduce
forming nonlinear time history analysis, modal analysis of the three the overall dimension of the substructure including the foundation re-
isolated bridges was conducted. Table 4 summarizes the first three sulting in a cost reduction. In this study, the pier base shear in different
modal periods of the three isolated bridges along with the direction of isolated bridges under the two sets of ground motions is compared in
vibration. From Table 4 it can be seen that all three isolated bridges terms of the peak normalized base shear (PNBS). The base shear ob-
have very similar modal behavior, which ensures that their seismic tained from the time history analysis of the different isolated bridges is

Table 4
Modal analysis results of the three isolated bridges.
Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3

Isolation System Period, T (s) Direction Period, T (s) Direction Period, T (s) Direction

LRB 1.527 Transverse 1.305 Longitudinal 1.032 Torsional

FPS 1.534 Transverse 1.316 Longitudinal 1.037 Torsional
SLRB 1.521 Transverse 1.299 Longitudinal 1.029 Torsional

A.L. Hassan and A.M. Billah Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111129

Fig. 7. Peak normalized base shear (PNBS) for bridge piers isolated with different isolation bearings under LD and SD ground motions (a) LRB, (b) SLRB, and (c) FPS.

normalized by the weight of the deck. Fig. 7 shows the box plots of the isolated bridge. Analogous to the PNBS, the maximum pier displace-
PNBS obtained from the dynamic analysis of the bridges isolated with ment (MPD) is also influenced by the ground motion duration which is
three different systems under the LD and SD ground motions. In each reflected by the increased pier displacement under the LD motions.
figure, the PNBS of each isolated bridge is compared under the LD and Because of the accumulated damage under the LD motions, the stiffness
spectrally equivalent SD ground motions. In each diagram, the height of the pier was reduced, resulting in an elongated period of the bridge
represents the numerical range of the data (maximum and minimum thereby increasing the maximum pier displacement. Among the three
values) for the PNBS. The “boxes” represent the 25th through the 75th isolated bridges, the LRB isolated bridge pier experienced maximum
percentile. The horizontal line inside the box is the median value (or average displacement of 53 mm under the LD motions which is 4% and
50th percentile) and the cross mark (x) with value represents the mean 20% higher than the FPS and SLRB isolated bridge pier average max-
value of the response parameter. From Fig. 7, it can be observed that imum displacement, respectively. Conversely, under the SD motions,
irrespective of the isolation system used, the LD ground motions tend to SLRB isolated pier experienced the smallest deformation which is 25%
increase the base shear demand in the pier. This can be attributed to the and 31% less than the LRB and FPS system, respectively. However, ir-
higher seismic energy imparted by LD motions which resulted in higher respective of the isolation system used LD motions tend to increase the
base shear demand. This outcome is in agreement with previous re- displacement demand in the bridge pier as compared to the SD motions.
search, which has shown that LD motions increase the base shear de- Evaluation of the pier top displacement for all three isolation systems
mand. The largest individual PNBS is observed in the SLRB system reveals that there is an average 30% increase in MPD under the LD
under the LD ground motions. However, among the three isolation motions as compared to the SD motions.
systems, SLRB resulted in the largest average PNBS of 0.43 under the LD
ground motion suite. On the other hand, under the SD motions, the
average PNBS obtained from the SLRB isolated system is only 0.27. 6.3. Maximum deck acceleration
From the average values of PNBS presented in Fig. 7, it can be observed
that under the SD motions, the average PNBS of the three systems is Another major objective of using seismic isolation bearing is to re-
almost identical. On the other hand, under the LD motions the values duce the acceleration of the bridge deck induced by the ground motion.
are significantly different where the bridge piers with SLRB experience Typically, the deck acceleration is proportional to the seismic force
7.5% and 22% higher PNBS as compared to the bridges with FPS and applied to the structure. Fig. 9 compares the deck acceleration in the
LRB bearings, respectively. Additionally, the PNBS experienced under three isolated bridges under the LD and SD ground motions. All three
the LD motions is significantly larger for all three isolation systems as systems experienced higher deck accelerations when subjected to the
compared to the SD counterpart. This indicates that the isolated bridges LD ground motions. In this regard, it should be noted that similar
designed following current design codes can significantly under- performances of the bridges under LD motions which increased the base
estimate the substructure design forces under the LD ground motions. shear lead to analogous performances in increasing the peak deck ac-
celeration. Of the three isolation systems, SLRB effectively reduced the
bridge deck acceleration as compared to the FPS and LRB systems ir-
6.2. Maximum pier displacement respective of the ground motion duration. As seen from Fig. 7, the SLRB
resulted in higher shear force in the pier but resulted in smaller deck
Fig. 8 compares the maximum displacement experienced by the acceleration (Fig. 9). Dezfuli and Alam [39] reported a similar ob-
bridge piers isolated with three different bearings under the LD and SD servation where they compared the performance of SLRB and LRB
ground motions. Since isolation bearings increase the flexibility of the under near-fault ground motions. For the LRB system, the LD motion
structure, it is expected that the pier displacement will increase for an increased the deck acceleration by 30% as compared to the SD motions

Fig. 8. Maximum pier displacement (MPD) for bridge piers isolated with different isolation bearings under LD and SD ground motions (a) LRB, (b) SLRB, and (c) FPS.

A.L. Hassan and A.M. Billah Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111129

Fig. 9. Maximum deck acceleration (MDA) for bridges isolated with different isolation bearings under LD and SD ground motions (a) LRB, (b) SLRB, and (c) FPS.

whereas this increase is 25% and 32% for SLRB and FPS system, re- |F +| + |F −|
keff =
spectively. |Δ+| + |Δ−|

where Δ+ and Δ- are the maximum and minimum horizontal dis-

6.4. Isolation bearing response placements obtained from each time history analysis, and F+ and F- are
the corresponding forces. From Fig. 14, it can be observed that, under
To compare the performance of the three isolation systems, different LD motions, the maximum values of isolator displacement are generally
operational characteristics of the isolation bearings such as the max- smaller as compared to the spectrally equivalent SD motions while the
imum shear strain (γmax), residual displacement (RD), effective hor- corresponding forces are higher. As a result, under the LD motions, the
izontal stiffness (KH,eff), and total dissipated energy (E) are obtained for bearings exhibited a higher effective horizontal stiffness. The mean
the two sets of ground motions. Table 5 summarizes the average values effective horizontal stiffness of SLRB is much higher than that of LRB
of these parameters obtained from the dynamic analysis of the three and FPS. For example, under SD motions, the mean value of KH,eff of
isolated bridges under the LD and SD ground motions suite. SLRB is 80% and 49% higher than that of LRB and FPS, respectively
The maximum isolator displacement (MID) and residual isolator which is 52% and 15% higher under LD motions as compared to the
displacement (RID) obtained from the nonlinear time history analyses LRB and FPS, respectively. This supports the results obtained for PNBS
using 40 ground motions are summarized in Figs. 10 and 11, respec- which showed that the bridge pier isolated with SLRB experienced
tively. These figures present the 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentile larger base shear as compared to LRB and FPS isolated bridges.
cumulative probabilities of MID and RID along with the mean value of The post-earthquake functionality of bridges is one of the major
each response parameter Fig. 12 shows the time variation of lateral requirements of the current performance-based seismic design.
displacement of the three isolation bearings under the LD motion #7 Isolation bearings need to have an adequate re-centering capacity to
and spectrally equivalent SD ground #7. ensure the post-earthquake functionality of bridges. A large amount of
A general comparative assessment from the average values in residual deformation, accumulated after the end of an earthquake, in-
Figs. 10 and 11 show that the LRB experienced larger MID and RID as dicates the inadequate restoring capacity of the isolation system [59].
compared to SLRB and FPS irrespective of the ground motion type. As Different researchers proposed several advanced isolation systems for
seen from Fig. 10, the SD motions tend to impose higher deformation on controlling the residual displacement in isolation bearings
the isolation bearings as compared to the LD motions irrespective of the [37,38,60,61]. In an attempt to reduce the residual displacement of
bearing types. For example, the SD motion increases the MID for LRB conventional isolation bearing, Wei et al. [60] proposed a vertical
and FPS on an average by 20% whereas it is increased by 35% for SLRB. spring-viscous damper-concave Coulomb friction isolation system.
Among the three bearing types, SLRB sustained the smallest MID for Through an extensive performance-based assessment, they found that it
both SD and LD ground motions. As reported in Table 5, LRB reached an is possible to achieve zero residual displacements on the proposed
average maximum shear strain of 100% whereas the maximum shear isolation system by using super lubrication in the middle of the contact
strain in FPS and SLRB is 88% and 82%, respectively under the SD surface and a variable increment ratio of concave friction distribution.
ground motions. Similarly, under the LD motions, the mean peak shear Fig. 11 shows the summary of residual isolator displacement (RID)
strain is 78%, 52%, and 77%, for LRB, SLRB, and FPS, respectively. This experienced by different isolations systems under the LD and SD mo-
phenomenon can be attributed to the differences in the bearings’ ef- tions. From Fig. 11, it is evident that irrespective of the bearing used,
fective horizontal stiffness (Table 5). In this study, the bearings’ effec- the LD motions tend to increase the RID significantly. The results show
tive stiffness is calculated as the secant stiffness of the isolation system that the SLRB system is successful in recovering the deformation at the
at the amplitude of interest. Here, the effective stiffness of the isolation end of ground motions for both LD and SD motions. Under the SD
system under the LD and SD ground motions is calculated using the motions, SLRB experienced a mean RID of 10 mm, which is increased
following expression [58]: up to 14 mm under the LD motions. The recentering ability of the SMA
wires used in the SLRB system resulted in the near-perfect restoring
Table 5 characteristics. On the other hand, the LRB system experienced 28 mm
Mean operational characteristics of different isolation bearings. RID under the SD motions, which is increased by more than two times
Ground Motions Isolation KH,eff (kN/ E (kN.m) γmax (%) RID (mm)
under the LD motions. Compared to LRB, the FPS system experienced
System mm) 32% and 56% less mean RID under the SD and LD motions, respec-
Short-Duration LRB 1 430 100 28 The behavior of the three isolation systems under SD and LD ground
SLRB 1.8 337 82 10
FPS 1.21 401 88 19
motions can be compared by looking at Fig. 12 which compares the
variation of bearing displacement with time for ground motion pair #7
Long-Duration LRB 1.56 554 78 65
(SD and LD) along with their MID and RID. Irrespective of the isolation
SLRB 2.38 422 52 14
FPS 2.17 502 77 28 system used, the SD motions resulted in higher MID as compared to the
LD motions. This phenomenon can be attributed to the differences in

A.L. Hassan and A.M. Billah Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111129

Fig. 10. Maximum isolator displacement (MID) for bridges isolated with different isolation bearings under LD and SD ground motions (a) LRB, (b) SLRB, and (c) FPS.

the bearings’ effective horizontal stiffness (Table 5) under the SD and SLRB system under the ground motion pair #18 where both LD and SD
LD motions. Under the LD motions, the bearings exhibited a higher motions have the same magnitude (Mw = 7.2) but different significant
effective horizontal stiffness which in turn resulted in lower MIDs as durations of 27 s and 17 s, respectively. It is found that, under the LD
compared to the SD motions. An opposite trend is observed for RIDs motion, the RID for the SLRB is 14.4 mm which is only 2.6 mm under
which are larger under the LD motions as compared to the SD motions. the SD motion. Similar observations are found for the FPS system where
For the same ground motion, the LRB sustained a RID of 41 mm under the ground motion duration is found to have a significant impact on the
the LD motion which is only 3 mm and 11 mm for the SLRB and FPS, isolation bearing restoring capacity.
respectively. Similarly, under the SD motion, the LRB experienced the
largest RID (22 mm) which is 95% and 82% higher than that of SLRB
6.5. Isolator energy dissipation
and FPS, respectively. The results indicate that LRB may not be suitable
isolation bearing option when subjected to long-duration motions. On
The energy dissipation capacity of the isolation bearing indicates
the other hand, both FPS and SLRB can be an effective option in seismic
the isolator’s ability to dissipate a large amount of energy imparted by
zones susceptible to long-duration motions. These systems can effec-
the ground motion. Increased duration of ground motion indicates that
tively prevent the maximum displacement of the bearing, reduce the
the structure will be subjected to a higher number of displacement
residual deformation and thus the collapse probability of the bridge
cycles thus experience large energy demand, which can introduce sig-
during a long-duration motion can be avoided.
nificant structural damage. Fig. 14 compares the hysteretic response of
Fig. 13 shows the relationship between the ground motion duration,
the three isolation bearings under the LD and SD ground motion pair
magnitude, and the accumulated residual displacement in three dif-
#10. The total energy dissipation is obtained by calculating the area
ferent isolation systems under long-duration motions. From Figs. 11 and
enclosed by the hysteresis loop as shown in Fig. 14. Table 5 also sum-
12, it has been observed that the long-duration motions tend to increase
marizes the mean isolator energy dissipation of the three systems under
the residual displacement demand in the isolation bearings as opposed
the SD and LD ground motion suite. From these results, it can be ob-
to the MID which tends to decrease under long-duration motions
served that, under LD motions, the maximum values of isolator dis-
(Fig. 10). This can be attributed to the fact that the LD motions impose a
placement are generally about the same or smaller as compared to
large number of inelastic displacement cycles as compared to SD mo-
spectrally equivalent SD motions. On the other hand, cumulative values
tions, which reduce the re-centering capability of the isolation bearings.
such as the cumulative energy dissipation of the isolation system are
From Fig. 13 it can be seen that, as the ground motion duration and
larger under the LD motions as compared to the SD counterpart. This
magnitude increase, the RID also increases. However, a large magni-
outcome is due to the increased number of inelastic cycles imposed by
tude does not affect the RID if the duration is smaller. For example,
long-duration motion records that significantly increase the cumulative
when the LRB is subjected to the Mw 8.8 motion with a significant
energy dissipated. From Table 5 it can be observed that, under both LD
duration of 31 s (LD#9), the RID is 45 mm. On the other hand, when the
and SD motions, the LRB system has the highest energy dissipation
significant duration is increased to 53 s under Mw 8.8 motion (LD#8),
capacity as compared to the FPS and SLRB systems. A similar ob-
the RID is increased by 200% to 135 mm. It is to be noted that both
servation can be made from Fig. 14, which shows a fatter hysteretic
LD#8 and LD#9 are the recorded ground motions from the 2010 Maule,
curve for the LRB system indicating larger energy dissipation. The LRB
Chile earthquake recorded at different stations. This indicates the
system dissipates energy via the lead core deformation whereas the FPS
ground motion duration significantly affects the restoring capacity of
system dissipates hysteretic energy via friction. In the SLRB system, the
the isolation bearing which can significantly affect the post-earthquake
SMA wires act as supplemental dampers which could result in increased
functionality of the bridge. An additional comparison is made for the
energy dissipation. However, due to the re-centering ability of the SMA

Fig. 11. Residual isolator displacement (RID) for bridges isolated with different isolation bearings under LD and SD ground motions (a) LRB, (b) SLRB, and (c) FPS.

A.L. Hassan and A.M. Billah Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111129

Fig. 12. Time variation of lateral displacement of (a)LRB, (b) SLRB and (c) FPS under long duration and spectrally equivalent short duration motion pair #7.

wires in the SLRB system, the resulting hysteresis curve is thinner than the cumulative damage effects from long-duration seismic events and
the LRB and FPS system, which resulted in the reduction of total energy imparts more energy to the structure. Based on the study the following
dissipated by the SLRB system. Moreover, due to increased effective conclusions are drawn:
horizontal stiffness of the SLRB system (see Table 5) resulting from the
inclusion of SMA wire, the force demand on the isolation bearings in- • It is possible to achieve a similar isolation period for bridges with
creased thus increasing the pier base shear as observed in the previous three different isolation systems. Although the performances of the
section. isolated bridges are comparable under the SD ground motions, their
response significantly varied under the LD motions.
7. Conclusions • Long-duration motions cause more damage to different bridge
components as compared to the short-duration motions in-terms of
Observation from recent earthquakes and the damage of structures higher deck acceleration, pier base shear, and residual isolator dis-
have revealed the susceptibility of the existing structures to long- placement. Although differences that should be captured exist be-
duration ground motions. However, current design codes, as well as tween the response under two sets of ground motions, the overall
different performance-based design methodologies, are typically based benefit of seismic performance improvement of the isolated bridges
on response and damage measures calibrated to short-duration non- is comparably and successfully achieved over non-isolated bridges.
pulse type earthquakes. The current seismic isolation bearing design • Under LD motions, LRB systems are susceptible to significantly large
guidelines are not adequately equipped to incorporate the effects of residual displacement which might eventually disrupt the post-
longer duration in the design process. Hence, this study aimed to pro- earthquake functionality of the bridge. However, the FPS system
vide new insight into the response of seismically isolated bridges showed promising performance in reducing the RID and im-
equipped with three different isolation bearings subjected to long- plementing the SLRB system could effectively eliminate the RID is-
duration motions and to contrast the demands under spectrally sues associated with conventional LRB bearings.
equivalent short-duration motions. In general, it has been observed that • Under SD motions, the bridge piers experienced similar base shear
the ground motion duration affects the seismic response of the isolated irrespective of the isolation systems. When subjected to LD motions,
bridges. This can be attributed to a large number of cycles that result in SLRB experienced 7.5% and 22% higher PNBS as compared to the

A.L. Hassan and A.M. Billah Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111129

Fig. 13. Relationship of residual isolator displacement (RID) with significant duration and magnitude under LD ground motion.

FPS and LRB bearings, respectively. On the other hand, the LRB d) Testing requirements should be imposed to evaluate the damping
system experienced 30% higher deck acceleration under LD motions mechanism and energy dissipation capacity under a large number of
whereas this increase is 25% and 32% for SLRB and FPS system, displacement reversals before implementing in sites susceptible to
respectively compared to SD motions. long-duration motions.
• The maximum displacement demand on the isolation bearings
varied from 10% (LRB and FPS) to 18% (LRB and SLRB) under the The current study did not consider the effect of heating and sub-
SD motions, which are increased up to 35% under the LD motions. sequent strength degradation on the analytical model of the isolation
Compared to the LRB, the FPS system experienced 32% and 56% less bearings. However, that requires testing of isolation bearings under
mean RID under SD and LD motions, respectively. This is a clear long-duration motions to include the effects of the large number of
indication that considering the duration effect is more important in displacement cycles along with longer durations. Further studies need
the design of the isolators and less on assessing the effectiveness of to be conducted considering different bridge models with uncertainty in
seismic isolation on bridge substructure protection. geometry/material properties as well as isolation bearing character-
• As the ground motion duration and magnitude increases, the RID istics at material fiber levels. Future studies should consider near-fault
also increases. The residual displacement demand in the isolation ground motions with velocity pulse to evaluate the comparative re-
bearing increases with the elongation of ground motion duration. sponse of isolated bridges under long-duration motions and pulse-like
However, a large magnitude does not affect the RID if the duration is near-fault motions.
smaller. Ground motions having similar magnitude with different
significant durations can significantly affect the isolator as well as Declaration of Competing Interest
the bridge response.
• Based on the analytical results of this study, the following con-
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
siderations should be taken into account for practical design of
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
isolated bridges under long-duration ground motions:
ence the work reported in this paper.
a) Design targets should be set at critical values of residual deforma-
tion as LD motions tend to increase the residual deformation sig-
nificantly. Based on this study, it is recommended to consider lower Acknowledgment
residual displacement capacity for the isolation bearings when
subjected to long-duration motion or consider higher spectral ac- The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of
celeration demands. Canada through the Discovery Grant and Lakehead University SRC
b) It is recommended to increase the energy dissipation capacity of the Research Development Fund (RDF) supported this study. The financial
bridge system either by increasing the number of isolation bearings supports are greatly appreciated.
or adding supplementary energy dissipation devices.
c) Since the long-duration motions increase the pier base shear de- Appendix A. Supplementary material
mand, a site and structural system-specific adjustment should be
implemented for the base shear demand for designing bridge piers in Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
locations where long-duration ground motions are expected.

A.L. Hassan and A.M. Billah Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111129

Fig. 14. Hysteretic response of (a) LRB, (b) SLRB and (c) FPS under long duration and spectrally equivalent short duration motion pair #10.

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