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Name: Clive Harold T.

Baybayon Date: ____________________________

Grade & Section: Grade 10 Del Pilar Teacher: Lily May T. Daraway

I. Directions: INDEPENDENT CRITIQUE OF A CHOSEN SELECTION: Write the letter of the correct answer on
the space provided.

_____1. What piece of writing briefly summarizes and critically evaluates a work or concept?
a. Essay b. Critique c. Editorial d. Argumentative
_____2. As a writer, you provide objective unbiased reportage of the following: The authors overall point or take
away. The main supports for that point.
a. Summary b. Response c. Evaluation d. Introduction
_____3. Textual support in an essay is ____________.
a. An author’s opinion c. an author’s use of humor
b. An author’s prior knowledge d. an author’s use of both personal knowledge and research
_____4. Which is the final step in writing a critique?
a. Introduction b. Evaluation c. Conclusion d. Response
_____5. What does a critique aims to?
a. Summarize the original text c. prove how flattered the literary work is
b. Analyze how well the points in the article are made d. gives the writer concrete ideas for new
_____6. This part is where remind your audience of the overall importance of the topic. You also bring them back to
ground zero.
a. Evaluation b. Conclusion c. Response d. Summary
_____7. Marlon needs to write a critique of an essay, but he does not know how. Which of the following should he
a. He should analyze the essay b. He should write a continuation of the essay
b. He should rewrite the essay d. He should write down the good points of the text
_____8. Which of the following follows the correct steps in writing a critique?
a. State a conclusion as well as reasons for it c. Read and understand the text
b. Review the ideas and their flow in the text d. Orient the reader regarding the text
_____9. This is where your transition is from being a reporter to judge and just like a judge at boxing. You look at
the performance and judge its weak parts and its strong parts.
a. Read and understand the text c. Orient the reader regarding the text
b. Review the ideas and their flow in the text d. State a conclusion as well as reasons of it
_____10. Read and evaluate the given selection. Do you agree or disagree with the points given by the author?
Why or why not? Explain.

The West Philippine Sea must be saved April 19, 2021 4:04 PM PHT 'China’s communist officials may have
thoroughly studied President Duterte’s psyche and concluded that he cannot talk tough against China in the same
way he talks tough against his own people'. The West Philippine Sea is again center stage in addition to COVID-19.
In international law, there are four stages in case of international conflict – short of war – which the Philippines
must undertake.
First, the Philippines should alert the world of the impending trouble. This is what is called "noisy," but not
belligerent, diplomacy. President Aquino did that after exhausting to solve the problem through “silent” diplomacy.
As head of state, he openly called China "a bully." He criticized China’s intrusion, publicly declaring that China's
movements in the South China Sea were comparable to Nazi Germany's expansionist agenda before World War 2.
By his pronouncements, President Aquino warned the international community that the issues are not only a
localized problem, but an international concern. He did the right move.
Second, if nothing happens, a case should be filed with the international tribunal. President Aquino’s
administration filed a case before the Hague international tribunal, resulting in a victory for the Philippines. The
landmark decision was hailed all over the world.
Third, upon receipt of the decision, the Philippines must openly urge the losing country to abide immediately
and strictly by the decision, with an admonition that noncompliance will result in further international recourse.
President Duterte failed to do this upon official receipt of the West Philippine Sea ruling by his administration in the
early part of its term.
China’s garrisons and missiles strategically positioned in the South China Sea must be met by, at the very
least, the Philippines’ overt act manifesting the preparedness to invoke and operationalize the VFA and the MDT.
China’s awareness of a definitive retaliatory response from the US pursuant to the latter’s VFA and MDT
commitments in case of an attack on the Philippines can be an effective deterrent.
The Philippines is in a serious mess. If not corrected, it will worsen, leaving an ugly legacy of President
Duterte’s leadership or, to be more precise, lack of it, in the West Philippine Sea – a facticity second only to Japan’s
Second World War Philippine occupation. The West Philippine Sea must be saved. – Mel Sta. Maria

letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
______1. This concerns class differences, economic, as well as the implications and complications of the capitalist
a. Marxist Approach b. Moralist Approach c. Feminist Approach d. Formalist
______2. Critical thinking centers on exercising a level of_____________, intelligent judgement on a variety of
matter being able to weigh the merits of a matter as opposed to blindly following or deciding.
a. innovative b. critical c. creative d. reflective
______3. Which of these is NOT a use of moral criticism?
a. Education b. Propaganda c. Background d. Appeal
______4. It sees literature as both a reflection and a product of the times and circumstances in which it is written.
a. Literary Devices b. Historical c. Literary Criticism d. Reader-response
______5. It is used to determine whether a work conveys a lesson or message and whether it can help readers lead
better lives and improve their understanding of the world.
a. Formalism b. Moralism c. Feminism d. Marxism
______6. They are interested in how the lower or working classes are oppressed - in everyday life and in literature.
a. Moralist critics b. Feminist critics c. Marxist critics d. Formalist critics
______7. It recognizes that different people view works differently and that people's interpretations change over
a. Literary criticism b. Reader-response c. Sound devices d. Historical
______8. Infer the season on the lines, And both that morning equally lay, In leaves no step had trodden black.
a. Sring b. Autum c. Winter d. Summer
He had always wanted to serve his country, but this seemed like madness. He was supposed to fight a war in a
foreign land, helping to protect people whom he didn’t even know. Peter had a strong sense of patriotism, but he
was worried about the bombs, death and camage that could wait him in Iraq. He pondered whether he would ever
see his family again.
______9. What conclusions can you draw about Peter is feeling about going to war?
a. He is afraid of going into battle. c. He is looking forward to the challenge of being a military.
b. He regrets joining the military d. He feels proud of his country
______10. In the poem, If we Must Die by Claude McKay, why did the author use apostrophe in most of the poem?
If we must die, let it not be like hogs
Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot,
While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs,
Making their mock at our accursed lot.
If we must die, O let us nobly die,
So that our precious blood may not be shed
In vain, then even the monsters we defy.
Shall be constrained to honor us though dead!
O kinsmen! we must meet the common foe!
Though far outnumbered let us show us brave,
And for their thousand blows deal one deathblow!
What though before us lies the open grave?
Like men we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack,
Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back!
a. the speaker fear that the group will be slaughtered like domesticated animals
b. to describe that the oppressors are mad and hungry dogs
c. to address a group of oppressed people who seem to be living under the threat of a certain
d. to mock and cursed the oppressors
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