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Look into Salvatore’s life through Maugham’s eyes, and discover the goodness of his

character that impressed the author.

W.Sommerset Maugham was a humanist. Almost all his writings have strong undertones of
human suffering – from broken marriages, devastated families, poverty, and colonial
exploitation. Salvatore is another such story that portrays the travails of a young man who
has suffered great setbacks in life, but has managed to re-build his life through astounding
forbearance and equanimity.

Salvatore went on naval duty to far-off China when he had never gone out of his village even
once. When the war duty came, he was an adolescent. He had been gripped by the first
flush of intoxicating romance with a local girl. The conscription call tore him away from his
village and from his girl. He didn’t rage, nor did he try to evade. He fell in line, like any other
young man with a sense of responsibility and patriotism. In far-away China, he was crippled
by rheumatism – a deadly misfortune to befall a young man from a working class family.
Again, he took the misfortune in its stride.

When he couldn’t spot his beloved in the shore among the crowd gathered to welcome him
back, he was shocked, but the deadliest blow came when she told him plainly that the
marriage had been aborted due to his physical disability. Salvatore didn’t remonstrate,
didn’t curse her, and didn’t decide to end his life. Unlike most jilted lovers, he returned
home dejected, but not the least vengeful. The wound in his heart was oozing blood, but he
managed to hide it from public view. He remained quiet.

After his marriage to Assunta, he never looked back. He became a loving husband and a
doting father. He toiled to make his living. In the midst of his two children and his wife
Assunta, he found bliss and fulfilment. In more ways than one, Salvatore emerges as an
ideal young man. Spite, revenge and cursing don’t touch his heart. As a young recruit, and
later as Assunta’s husband, he remained committed to his duty. The story doesn’t have a
spectacular end, but the uneventful end imparts a rare goodness to the character of

Discuss the themes of Salvatore

In Salvatore by W. Somerset Maugham we have the theme of responsibility, acceptance,

happiness, dignity and humility. Salvatore is responsible for looking after his two younger
brothers. Which may be important as it suggests that Salvatore’s parents trust him to look
after his younger siblings. It is also noticeable that Salvatore is good-natured. He takes
everything in his stride particularly the fear he has when he has to enlist in the Navy.
Salvatore doesn’t want to leave home but he knows that he must accept the position he
finds himself in. He is dignified though at the same time scared about what might happen
him considering that he has never left home before. This may be important as Maugham
may be suggesting that by joining the navy there will be a transition from boyhood to
manhood for Salvatore. There is also no disputing that Salvatore is in love. Something that is
noticeable by the fact that Salvatore writes so many letters to his girlfriend.
It is also noticeable that Salvatore when he discovers that his girlfriend doesn’t want to
marry him fully accepts the position he finds himself in. Again there is a sense that Salvatore
is acting with dignity or as the narrator prefers to say at the end of the story ‘goodness.’ He
does not have a bad word to say about his girlfriend. Even though some critics might
suggest he has a right to considering that his girlfriend abandoned him. Maugham also
manages to make Salvatore human by way of his comment about Assunta – ‘she’s as ugly as
the devil.’ Similarly the fears that Salvatore has about joining the navy also make him very
human. Assunta is also an interesting character as she seems to compliment Salvatore’s
character. She is level-headed and like Salvatore she has a good-heart. It is also noticeable
that when Salvatore’s children are born he acts as a good father to them as well being a
hard worker (when he can).

Salvatore also appears to be a very humble person. He doesn’t take himself or his situation
(rheumatism) too serious. He is content in his marriage to Assunta and he seems to accept
his limitations. Doing what he can in the vineyard and fishing. In all likelihood there doesn’t
seem to be anything that will faze Salvatore. He has complete acceptance about where he is
in life. Which probably helps him to be so humble. There is also no mention of Salvatore
wanting for anything. He has his fishing and vineyard businesses and he has his wife and his
children. The past is exactly that to Salvatore and if anything Salvatore lives in the present.
Where many would wallow in self-pity should their past mirror Salvatore’s this is not the
case for Salvatore. He finds joy in the simple things in life. Things like bathing his children in
the sea bring Salvatore much happiness.  Again there is a sense that Salvatore no matter
what circumstances he might find himself in. Will accept whatever is happening to him.

Which is important as life is easier when an individual has the ability to accept everything
around them. It is half the battle in living when a person finds the courage to realise that
they have no control over outside influences. Salvatore’s ex-girlfriend being an example.
Maugham has managed to write a story about a young man who though he has been
challenged by life has overcome any obstacle that has been put in front of him. Salvatore
has managed to prosper despite incurring difficulties in life and at the same time he holds
no ill will towards others. Where many would have been beaten by the rejection that
Salvatore received from his ex-girlfriend. Salvatore kept looking forward and found
happiness with Assunta and his children. In reality Salvatore is a good man who is dignified
and humble. Two character traits that a lot of people in life could learn from. He
understands the importance of family and the character traits he had as a brother he has
carried through as a father. Life is a lesson and there are some people who learn the lesson
well. Salvatore is one of these people. Whatever life has thrown at Salvatore he has
accepted his situation, moved on and prospered.

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