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Module 1
MODULE 1 – What is CLIL?

Tasks and Activities

Tasks and
Task 1

What do you know about CLIL?

Answer using bullet points. See how many things you can think of.

Now return to Instructions for Module 1.

Task 2

Watch the video again, in these stages.

Stage 1 – from 00.00 – 00.20

Complete the following definition of CLIL. Click on the space and write the missing word.

CLIL is a - focused educational approach in which an language is used for the learning
and teaching of both and language with the objective of promoting both and
mastery to pre-defined .

Stage 2 – from 00.21 to 03.10

Tick  next to the appropriate answer or fill in with the appropriate word.

1. The key word in CLIL is:

content integrated language

2. CLIL requires the use of : - an additional language

- students' / teachers' mother tongue

3. Changing the __________ (medium / method) of instruction requires changing the

__________ (medium / method) of instruction.

4. CLIL requires teaching both language and content. In a school year, official curricula tell us
what we have to teach with regard to:

- content
- an additional language

Stage 3 – from 04.06 to 05.29

Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives.

1. CLIL is a/an _______________ way of teaching and learning.

2. It requires __________________ adjustments in the teaching practice.
3. The teaching and learning process needs to be ___________ and democratic.

Watch the video as many times as you need to.

Now continue working in your diary and do Tasks 3 and 4.

Task 3

Read about the benefits of CLIL on Page 8-10 of the CLIL4U Guidebook.

Task 4

What do you think are the three most important benefits of CLIL?

Write in bullet points.

Now return to Instructions for Module 1.

CLIL Techniques to Support Learning
Which CLIL teaching techniques did we use in this Module to help you understand?
Hint: Look at the phrases in bold on this page.

Think about these questions, and if possible, discuss your answers with a colleague.


What did I do during this Module?

What was the Module about?
So what?
on your
What did I learn from it? learning
What did I feel about it?
How does my experience link to classroom concepts?

Now what?

Where can I get more information?

How can I benefit from what I’ve learnt?
What information can I share with other people?
Which colleagues can I discuss this with?

Think about your own teaching context. Write

two questions about this Module to bring to
the final Face-to-Face session.

What? Who? How? Why? ....

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