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77-725 MICROSOFT WORD 2016


STUDENT NAME: Rajaram A/L Jayabal


77-725 MOS WORD 2016

1. Answer ALL questions in the provided space.

2. Write the appropriate procedures or steps that are relevant to perform the given
Task: Set the margin of the new blank document as Moderate.
Solution: Start screen > Blank document > Layout > Margins > Moderate

3. After completing all tasks in all projects, save your work as PDF file before
4. Submit your work in the assigned Google Drive.
In the Google Drive, create a folder with your full name and upload the answered
questions (in PDF format) together with all supporting documents (if applicable)
and/or edited files (in Word document .docx format) to the created folder.
5. Please be sincere by answering the questions by your own. Do not plagiarize other
people’s work.
77-725 MOS WORD 2016


1. Open the Word_3-1 document and in the Consultation Request section, convert the
paragraphs that follow the heading into a page-width table with five equal-width
[2 marks]
Answer: Select the text that you want to convert, and then click Insert > Table >
Convert Text to Table. In the Convert Text to Table box, choose the options you want.
Under Table size, make sure the numbers match the numbers of columns and rows
you want.

2. Based on the table in the Consultation Request section, apply the Plain Table 1 built-in
table style to the table. Configure the table style options to emphasize the first column
and to have banded columns. (Clear all other check boxes.)
Marks] Answer; Go to Table Tools > Design, or the Table tab on a Mac, and in the
Table Style Options group, check or uncheck any of the following Header Row Apply
or remove formatting from the first row in the table.

3. In the Mileage section, convert the tabbed list into a table that has two columns and six
rows. Ensure that each column exactly fits its contents.
[3 marks] Answer: Under table tools click the Layout tab. In the
cell size area select autofit content from the autofit dropdown to adjust table cells to
the size of the cell containing the most content

4. Based on the table in the Mileage section, apply the Grid Table 4 – Accent 1 built-in
table style to the table. Configure the table style options to emphasize the header row
and to have banded columns. (Clear all other check boxes.)
marks] Answer: To alternate row or column colours and make tables easier to read,
select Design > Banded Rows or Design > Banded Columns.

5. In the Consultation section, convert the table to a tabbed list.

[2 Mark]
Answer: If you don't see the magic gizmo click the mouse within the table from the
table tools Layout tab choose convert to text. Select the separator I recommend tabs
click OK

/15 marks

77-725 MOS WORD 2016

1. In the blank paragraph below the Estimate heading in Word_3-1 document, insert an
empty table that is three columns wide and four rows high, with each column exactly
1.5” wide.

2. Apply the List Table 5 Dark – Accent 1 built-in table style to the table, with the default
table style options.
Marks] Answer: you can create a blank table, convert text to a table, and apply a
variety of styles and formats to existing tables.

3. Select the title text Wide World Importers and format it as a WordArt object, using a
built-in style of your choice.
Marks] Answer: select the style, colour, width, and location of the border, you can
select Options to specify its distance from the text . Apply paragraph formatting.

4. With the WordArt object selected, do the following:

a. Set the Text Fill colour to Gold, Accent 6.
[2 Ma
rks] Answer: Select the word or paragraph that you want to apply shading to.
On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the arrow next to Shading.
Under Theme Colours, click the colour that you want to use to shade your

b. Set the Text Outline colour to Black, Text 1, Lighter 50%.

[2 Ma
rks] Answer: shape after we changed the border to orange, the fill to a light
green, and the text to black. We used the Shape Outline, Shape Fill.

c. Set the Reflection effect to Tight Reflection: Touching.

[2 Ma
rks] Answer: Select the text that you want to add an effect to. On the Home
tab, in the Font group, click Text Effect. Click the effect that you want. For
more choices, point to Outline, Shadow, Reflection, or Glow, and then click
the effect that you want to

5. Change the Page color to Gold, Accent 5, Lighter 60%.

Mark] Answer: Reopen the Shading drop-down list and choose More Colors. The Colors dialog
box opens. Click the Standard tab, click a light yellow square, and then click OK to accept the new
color choice.
77-725 MOS WORD 2016

/15 marks


1. Open Word_3-2 document and in the Customer List section, delete the ID column from
the table.
[2 Marks]
Answer: Right-click the header row of the column that you want to remove.
Click Delete Field on the shortcut menu.
Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

2. Perform a nested sort to sort the table in ascending order by State, then by City and
then by Last Name.
[4 Marks] Answer: Select a cell within the data.
Select Home > Sort & Filter. Or, select Data > Sort.
Select an option: Sort A to Z - sorts the selected column in an ascending order. Sort Z
to A - sorts the selected column in a descending order.

3. Delete all rows that contain contacts located in Boston, MA.

[2 Marks]
Answer: Click Find All, and immediately after that Ctrl + A.
Click Close to close the window.
With the cells selected, press Ctrl + – to open the Delete.

4. Change the Page color to Light Turquoise, Background 2, Lighter 80%.

Mark] Answer: Reopen the Shading drop-down list and choose More Colors. The
Colors dialog box opens. Click the Standard tab, click a light yellow square, and then
click OK to accept the new color choice.

/10 marks

1. Add two blank columns to the right side of the table. In the header row, enter Date at
the top of the first column and Time at the top of the second column.
[3 Marks]
Answer: Click in a cell to the left or right of where you want to add a column. Under Table
Tools, on the Layout tab, do one of the following: To add a column to the left of the cell, click
Insert Left in the Rows and Columns group. To add a column to the right of the cell, click Insert
Right in the Rows and Columns group.
77-725 MOS WORD 2016

2. Add a blank row to the top of the table. In the table style options, turn off the Header
Row formatting.
Marks] Answer: Click where you want in your table to add a row or column and then
click the Layout tab (this is the tab next to the Table Design tab on the ribbon).
To add rows, click Insert Above or Insert Below and to add columns, click Insert Left
or Insert Right.

3. In the blank row, merge the cells above the Last Name, First Name, Address, City and
State columns into one cell. Enter Customer in the merged cell.
[2 Marks]
Answer: (text or data) in Excel from two or more cells make it appear as if a cell has been split by
merging the cells above it.

4. In the same row, merge the cells above the Date and Time columns. Enter Appointment
in the merged cell.
Marks] Answer: Tools Layout tab this one right here table tools Layout tab after you
click on table tools Layout tab you go to merge. Group. And then you click merge

5. Select the top two rows of the table. Format the text as bold, and center the text
horizontally and vertically within the cells. Then, change the width of the table to 100
Percent of the page width.
[3 Marks]
Answer: Click button to select the range that you want to select all the bold cells.
And then click Choose Format from Cell button to choose one cell that has bold value.
In the attribute list box, check Bold option under Font section.

6. Select the table rows that contain customer information. Set the height of the rows to
0.4” and the cell alignment to Align Centre Left.
Marks] Answer: To set the row height to a specific measurement, click a cell in the
row that you want to resize

7. Configure the table to repeat the Customer/Appointment header row at the top of the
second page.
Mark] Answer: In the Table Properties dialog box, on the Row tab, select the Repeat
as header row at the top of each page check box.

/15 marks
77-725 MOS WORD 2016


1. Open Word_3-3 document and in the Characters of a Hit Fantasy section, format the
four paragraphs as a bulleted list that uses the standard bullet character ().
Marks] Answer: Select an existing list you want to format. On the Home tab, click the
dropdown arrow next to the Bullets command

2. In the sections titled The Hero and The Teacher, format the paragraphs as bulleted lists
that uses a custom bullet symbol of Character Code: 182 from the Wingdings font.
Marks] Answer: bulleted lists can help arrange Word documents so they are clearer.
numbered lists, select symbols as bullets, and format multilevel lists.

3. In the Plot Elements of a Hit Fantasy section, format the three paragraphs as a bulleted
list that uses the four-diamond character ().
[2 Marks] Answer: To insert a symbol, click Symbol. In the
resulting dialog, choose an appropriate font and symbol character. For instance,
change the Font to Wingdings and then select the diamond. Click OK twice.

4. In the section titled The Sequence of Events, format the four paragraphs below the
heading as a numbered list that uses the A. B. C. number format.
Marks] Answer: To add a heading style to text in Word, select the text, choose the
home tab in the ribbon, and in the Styles box, pick the heading style you want. When
you save your document in another format for download, such as HTML or PDF,
Word retains the headings styles, so everyone can still get the benefits of your

5. Paste a copy of the list into the last blank paragraph of the document, and restart the list
numbering. Change the number format of the second list to the 1) 2) 3) format.
[2 Marks]
Answer: Click the item that you want to be the first item in the new list.
On the Format menu, click Bullets and Numbering, and then click the Numbered tab.
Under List numbering, click Restart numbering.

6. Immediately below the second list, paste another copy of the list and change it to the
second-level list. Then, change the second-level list to a bulleted list that uses the
square bullet character ().
[4 Marks]
Answer: Select an existing list you want to format. On the Home tab, click the dropdown
77-725 MOS WORD 2016

arrow next to the Bullets command. Select Define New Bullet from the dropdown menu.
The Define New Bullet dialog box will appear

/15 marks


1. Open the Word_4-1 document. In the About the Brothers Grimm section, immediately
after the name Jacob, insert an endnote that says Jacob Grimm lived from 1785 –
1863. Then, immediately after the name Wilhelm, insert an endnote that says
Wilhelm Grimm lived from 1786 – 1859.
Marks] Answer: Grimm's Fairy Tales, classic and influential collection of folklore by
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, first published in two volumes as Kinder- und Huarache
(1812–15; “Children's and Household Tales”) and later revised and enlarged seven times
between 1819 and 1857.

2. After the name Hanau, insert a footnote that says Hanau is located near Frankfurt, in
the German state of Hesse.
[2 Marks]
Answer: Hanau is famous for being the birthplace of the Grimm brothers, the publishers of the
well-loved fairy tales. The city is also the start of the Deutsche Merchantries (German fairy-tale
road), a scenic route that leads a few hundred km across Germany to Bremen in the north.

3. Modify the footnote location so that it appears immediately below the text on page 1.
Then, convert the two endnotes to footnotes, either individually or at the same time.
Marks] Answer: Open the dropdown menu to the right of that option and you can
change your footnote location to either the bottom of the page or below the text.

4. Change the footnote numbering format to a diamond symbol.

Marks] Answer: Click on Symbol next to Custom mark, and customize as per the
symbol available.

5. Position the cursor at the end of the first paragraph after the About the Brothers Grimm
heading. Then, create a bibliography source placeholder with the name GrimmData.
Marks] Answer: Create and manage bibliography citation sources · Position the
cursor at the end of the first paragraph after the heading About the Brothers

6. Edit the placeholder to create a bibliography source that cites the online article at Use the Document from Web Site
77-725 MOS WORD 2016

source type. Add the author name as “Catherine Dale”, name the Web page as “The
Brothers Grimm Life” and fill in the remaining required fields, using the current date.
Marks] Answer: After retiring from teaching, the brothers devoted themselves to the
German Dictionary for the rest of their lives. Wilhelm died of an infection in Berlin

/15 marks


1. In the Word_4-1 document, locate the first graphic. Caption the graphic as Figure 1.
Man sleeping under apple tree, with the caption below the graphic.
Marks] Answer: The Graduate School requires that you have a caption for each table and
figure in your ETDR. The ETDR template is configured to automatically

2. Locate the second graphic. Caption the graphic as Figure 2. The fox, with the caption
located above the graphic. Resize the caption container to remove the extra white
space that blocks the graphic or the text paragraph.
[3 Marks] Answer: font-size:0 on element that contains the images. display:
block on image (will have issue putting images side by side)
eliminate ALL white space between end of image and beginning of next open html tag

3. Locate the third graphic. Caption the graphic as Figure 3. Golden bird in a cage, with
the . Resize the caption container to remove the extra white space that blocks the
graphic or the text paragraph caption above the graphic. Widen the caption container
to fit the entire caption on one line.
Marks] Answer: HTML5 introduced an element to insert a figure with a caption.
(We'll show a convention to do the same with HTML4 below.

4. Open Word_4-2a document. In the blank paragraph after the title (Office Procedures),
insert a table of contents that uses the built-in Automatic Table 1 style. Take the
necessary steps to ensure that the page numbers in the table of contents are correct
after the TOC is inserted.
Marks] Answer: Microsoft Word has an automatic table of contents function that
can ... you a lot of manuals revising each time your page numbers or chapter titles

5. Insert a cover page using the Austin style.

77-725 MOS WORD 2016

Marks] Answer: Click the Insert tab. On the Insert tab in the Pages group, click Cover
Page. A drop-down list will appear displaying built-in style templates of cover pages;
select the style you want. A cover page will appear in the document; make your
changes to it.

6. On the cover page, replace the Document Title property placeholder with Office
Procedures. Provide information for any of the other document properties on the
cover page. Then delete the title from the table of contents page.
Marks] Answer: Open the Microsoft Word file and click "Tools." Click "Options.
Click the "Security" tab. Select "Remove any personal information from file
properties on save."

/15 marks


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