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TOPIC : Railway Reservation System

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mr. Prakash Shrivastava Vishanshu Rajak
Mrs. Shalinee Jadon Rahul Gurbani
Suraj Thakur
Table of Content Topic Page Remarks
1 Introduction 1
2 Features 1
3 Types of forms 2
4 Software 3

5 Disadvantages 3
6 Biblography 4

 Introduction:
This project introduces railway reservation system. It
explains how reservation is being done in Indian
Railways. The step by step procedure is explained.
Proper comments have been given at desired location
to make the project user friendly. Railway reservation
can easily accompany with the help of this.

 Features

1. Searching of the trains is so easy: It is easy to search for the

wished train as train code, train no. are there, you do not need to
remember those, you just have to mention source and destination

2. Provides fare tables for passengers: A fare table is already there

so that passengers can know the specific price of their ticket. And
as it is stored there the amount cannot wrong.
3. Reduce the possibility to make mistake: Due to excessive
amount of work the employers tend to do mistakes by manual
form. Here the chance of mistake is minimum.

4. Reservation can be done very easily: The overall method is

very easy and based on few steps. No huge amount of knowledge
is needed to complete the task.

5. SEAT DETAILS This form is used to know about the seat later
using our PNR no. RESERVATION ENQUIRY This form is used
to know if there is any seat available in a train. Here we need to
provide date, train no, source and destination stations. TRAIN
ENQUIRY Train enquiry is used for knowing available trains
between two stations. We need to provide source and destination
names or codes and then we will be given the train names
CANCELLATION between those two stations.

 FORM : This form consists of cancelation. the user interface

is again easy. One just needs the PNR number to cancel a

FARE RECORDS: This form is used for the fare between two
station with a specific class.
CANCELLATION FORM : This form consists of cancelation.
the user interface is again easy. One just needs the PNR number
to cancel a ticket.

FARE RECORDS: This form is used for the fare between two
station with a specific class.

RESERVATION FORM: This form is used for the reservation

of ticket. The main advantage of the form is that it has the easiest
of the user interface. This makes it user friendly and easy to use.
It has Passenger's name, address, contact no, source and
destination station name and codes.

 Software & Hardware Requrements

Ticket can be book on IRCTC Official website with any device smartphone or desktop/pc

 Disadvantages

It requires a internet connection as well as it also be fail due

to high volume of traffic on the site
 Biblography

-sumita arora

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