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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VII (Tujuh) Forgiveness
Actually, there is only a one in 11.5 million chance of this happening. But if you like swimming
in the sea, you shouldn’t wear shiny jewellery. Sharks might think you are a tasty fish. And if
you cut your foot on a rock or a shell in the sea, get out quickly. Sharks can smell blood from a
long way away. If you are really unlucky and a shark approaches you, you should hit it between
the eyes repeatedly. Hopefully, it will swim away.
Unless you are on a reality TV show, this probably won’t happen. But if it does, the first thing
you should do is make a fire. If people see the smoke, they will come and rescue you. Then you
should look for fresh water (try digging underground) and food. You can usually find coconuts,
crabs,berries and fruits on desert islands.
You shouldn’t try to open the doors and jump out. Instead, you should sit in the corner or lie
down on the floor. This will stop you getting hurt when the lift suddenly stops.

I. answer the following questions based on the text above!

1. Are shark attacks very common? 
2. Why shouldn’t you wear shiny jewellery when you swim in the sea??
3. Why should you get out of the sea if you cut yourself?? 
4. Why is it a good idea to make a fire if you are stuck on a desert island?
5. Where should you look for water that you can drink?

II. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c, or d (x) on the answer sheet!
My hero isn’t very famous, but she ought to be. She’s Mary Anning, who was only 12 years old
and from a poor family when she made an amazing discovery. She found the first dinosaur
skeleton, that of an ichthyosaur, on the cliffs of Lyme Regis in the south of England. That was in
1811, and until then people had thought that it was impossible for an animal to become extinct.
Because she was a woman and didn’t have enough money for a proper education, she wasn’t
able to take part properly in the scientific community of the time. But she read as much scientific
literature as she could and continued to search for fossils, often risking her own life to get them
by climbing dangerous cliffs. She once nearly died in a landslide which killed her dog. Although
she didn’t write famous books about fossils, her contribution to paleontology, the study of
fossils, is said to be enormous. I admire her because she kept on trying to make new discoveries
at a time when usually only men, and men with money, were allowed to be scientists. After her
death the writer Charles Dickens said that ‘the carpenter’s daughter has won a name for herself,
and has deserved to win it’.
My hero is Kailash Satyarthi, who has been campaigning against child slavery for years. He is
from India and first became aware of the problem of children working when he was 6 and
noticed that a boy younger than himself had to spend all day polishing shoes and was unable to
go to school. When he was 11, he began to collect money to help buy textbooks for other
children, and when he was 26 he gave up his job as an electrical engineer to fight child slavery in
India, by doing things like raiding factories where children were forced to work, making rugs or
glass bottles. He introduced a programme first called RugMark, now known as Goodweave,
which puts tags on child-labour-free rugs made in factories. He has saved many thousands of
children, over 80,000, from a terrible life of enforced labour in South Asia and helped them to
get an education. He has often been physically attacked for helping children, for example for
trying to free Nepalese children forced to work in a circus. He regularly risks his life to fight
injustice; two of his colleagues have been murdered. I believe that the best thing he has done is
to change how people think about child slavery and to make it an international issue.
I’m really interested in ecology and my hero, or heroine, is Rachel Carson because she first got
people thinking about the way we humans are causing permanent damage to the Earth’s
ecosystems. She began as a biologist, specialising in writing about the sea, but she gradually
became aware of the danger of  using pesticides like DDT and the way they can harm the whole
of the food chain, from the worm to humans! She wrote her classic book Silent Spring in 1962 to
explain this to the general public, to explain how humans and nature are interdependent. The title
of Silent Spring refers to the fact that one day all the birds might be dead so they won’t be able to
sing in the springtime. The agricultural and chemical industries reacted very badly to the book
and said she was unprofessional. But further research by other scientists proved that she was
right about the dangers of chemicals used to kill insects. Nowadays there is a growing movement
for organic food production, but unfortunately things in general are still getting worse, rather
than better. We still need to read Rachel Carson’s book and think about its message.
My choice of hero isn’t very original, I’m afraid, but he’s the person I would most like to have
met: John Lennon. He died a long time before I was born, and his most famous songs were
written long before that, but when I listen to his music I really feel as if he’s speaking to me
personally. I love the whole range of the Beatles’ music, from the early pop songs to the very
experimental music at the end of their time as a group. John Lennon was the most innovative
writer in the Beatles and he continued to create exciting music when he left and went solo. But
although I love his music, what I admire about him is his dedication to universal peace. It’s
amazing that the song Imagine, written in 1971, is still incredibly popular after all this time. It’s
about a world where everyone can be equal, a world with no wars, no divisions between
countries, no greed, no hunger, no material possessions ...  I’d like to meet him because he was a
lifelong rebel, and although he could be a difficult person, he was original, clever and funny. It
was awful that he was killed in 1980 when he was only 40. I wonder what he would be doing if
he was alive now.

1. Mary Anning's discovery was important because it showed that ... .

a. fossils could teach us about the past c. the shape of the coast was constantly
b. an animal could become extinct changing
d. a,b,c, and d are correct
2. Mary Anning's dog died because ... .
a. it fell off a cliff c. it got stuck down a hole while
b. a large amount of earth and rocks fell looking for fossils
on it d. a,b,c, and d are correct
3. Mary Anning didn't write a famous book because... .
a. she was too busy exploring the cliffs c. she believed only men could be
b. she did not have access to a formal scientists
education d. a,b,c, and d are correct
4. Kailash Satyarthi first saw the problems of child slavery when he was... .
a. 6 years old c. 26 years old
b. 11 years old d. a,b,c, and d are correct
5. Kailash Satyarthi has saved over ... children from enforced labour.
a. 18,000 c. 800,000
b. 80,000 d. a,b,c, and d are correct
6. Because of their work, two of Kailash Satyarthi's... .
a. friends were injured c. co-workers were murdered
b. children were attacked d. a,b,c, and d are correct
7. Rachel Carson first specialised in ... .
a. human biology c. marine biology
b. the study of insects d. a,b,c, and d are correct
8. Rachel Carson's book made people realise that... .
a. using pesticides was damaging the c. humans cannot control nature
ecosystem d. a,b,c, and d are correct
b. birdsong is essential to humans
9. These days, more and more people are buying ... .
a. powerful pesticides c. Rachel Carson's book
b. organic food d. a,b,c, and d are correct
10. The speaker is apologetic because ... .
a. she doesn't know very much about c. John Lennon is an obvious choice of
John Lennon hero
b. she gets upset when she thinks about d. a,b,c, and d are correct
John Lennon
11. The speaker likes ... .
a. all the Beatles' songs and Lennon's c. only the Beatles songs that Lennon
solo music wrote
b. all of the Beatles' music, but not d. a,b,c, and d are correct
Lennon's solo music
12. It's amazing that Imagine ... .
a. is still so well loved today c. contained so many important themes
b. really changed the way things were d. a,b,c, and d are correct

For no. 12-19. Circle the speaker based on the text “my hero” above.
13. Someone who was dedicated to world peace.
a. A b. B c. C d. D
14. Someone who has been the victim of violence as a result of their campaigning.
a. A b. B c. C d. D
15. Someone who left a more conventional job to help young people in their country.
a. A b. B c. C d. D
16. Someone who was excluded from the professional community of the time.
a. A b. B c. C d. D
17. Someone who she wishes she could meet.
a. A b. B c. C d. D
18. Someone who wrote a book about the effect humans could have on nature.
a. A b. B c. C d. D
19. Someone who made an important scientific discovery while still a child.
a. A b. B c. C d. D
20. Someone who faced strong criticism from big business.
a. A b. B c. C d. D

For number 21 – 30, read the following passage.

It is bad to have food stuck between your teeth for long periods of time. This is because food
attracts germs, germs produce acid, and acid hurts your teeth and gums. Flossing helps to remove
the food that gets stuck between your teeth. This explains why flossing helps to keep your mouth
healthy, but some doctors say that flossing can be also good for your heart.
It may seem strange that something you do for your teeth can have any effect on your heart.
Doctors have come up with a few ideas about how flossing works to keep your heart healthy.
One idea is that the germs that hurt your teeth can leave the mouth and travel into your blood.
Germs that get into the blood can then attack your heart. Another idea is based on the fact that
when there are too many germs in your mouth, the body tries to fight against these germs. For
some reason, the way the body fights these mouth germs may end up weakening the heart over
Not every doctor agrees about these ideas. Some doctors think that the link between good
flossing habits and good heart health is only a coincidence. A coincidence is the occurrence of
two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance. The incidence of these events is
completely random, as they do not admit of any reliable cause and effect relationship between
them. For example, every time I wash my car, it rains. This does not mean that when I wash my
car, I somehow change the weather. This is only a coincidence. Likewise, some doctors think
that people who have bad flossing habits just happen to also have heart problems, and people
who have good flossing habits just happen to have healthy hearts.
The theory that flossing your teeth helps to keep your heart healthy might not be true. But every
doctor agrees that flossing is a great way to keep your teeth healthy. So even if flossing does not
help your heart, it is sure to help your teeth. This is enough of a reason for everyone to floss their
teeth every day.
21. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
a. Why Doctors Disagree about Flossing c. Flossing Your Way to a Healthy Heart
b. How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy d. Flossing by Coincidence
22. Flossing effectively helps to keep your mouth healthy by preventing ...
a. germs from producing acid c. germs from entering into your blood
b. food from entering your body d. acid from contacting your teeth and gums
23. In paragraph 2, the author introduces ideas about how flossing works to keep your heart
healthy. Exactly how many of these ideas does the author put forth in this paragraph?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
24. Based on information in paragraph 2, it can be understood that germs in the mouth may harm
your heart by ... .
I. getting into the blood that flows to the heart
II. forcing the body to fight against too many of them
III. causing food to get stuck in the arteries
a. 1 only b. 1 and 2 only c. 2 and 3 only d. 1,2, and 3
25. In paragraph 2, the author explains how having too many germs in your mouth can "end up
weakening the heart." Using the passage as a guide, it can be understood that with respect to the
actual way in which this occurs, doctors are... .
a. reluctant to hypothesize c. extremely knowledgeable
b. confident in their estimations d. uncertain but speculative
26. In paragraph 3 the author writes, "Not every doctor agrees about these ideas." The author's
purpose in writing this sentence is to ... .
a. provide an example c. change a previous statement
b. introduce a new topic d. clarify an earlier assertion
27. Using information in paragraph 3 as a guide, which of the following is the best example of a
a. Jim wakes up with a sore throat. He eats a piece of bacon for breakfast. By noon, he feels
much better. Jim decides that the bacon has cured his sore throat.
b. Laura remembers to brush her teeth every day, but she only remembers to floss once a week.
She writes a note to herself, reminding herself to floss and sticks it to her bathroom mirror.
c. Mario is not very good at baseball. He practices playing every day. After a several months of
practice, he is a much better baseball player.
d. Jai has a bad heart. Her doctor tells her to eat more vegetables and less junk food. After nearly
a year of doing this, the doctor tells Jai that her heart is doing much better.
28. Based on its use in the final paragraph, it can be inferred that theory belongs to which of the
following word groups?
a. query, question, interrogation b. assertion, declaration, affirmation
c. hypothesis, supposition, belief d. idea, thought, notion
29. Which of the following best states the main idea of the final paragraph?
a. Because doctors do not agree that flossing will help your heart, it is useless to floss.
b. It is a fact that flossing can help your heart as well as your teeth.
c. Even if flossing is only good for your teeth, you should still do it every day.
d. There is no good reason to believe that flossing will help your heart, but it is still a good
idea to do it every day.
30. The silent consonant word below is ... .
a. silent b. honest c. tell d. shall
Read the following transcript to answer no. 31 – 38
Presenter 1: Guinness World Records that was come up to showcase the fact that the world has
some talent.
Presenter 2: We have a lot to get through here, so just bear with us because these are pretty
astonishing records. OK.
Presenter 1: Apparently …!
Presenter 2: We’re going to do a trip around the world. First stop, is the world’s largest walking
robot. It’s a fire-breathing dragon.
Presenter 1: Was this the one you used on the break, on that Japanese game show?
Presenter 2: I don’t know, but people try and fight it apparently in Montana. Next up, I love this
Presenter 1: Whaaaat!
Presenter 2: Most full body revolutions by a woman from Florida.
Presenter 1: Leilani Franko, I think is her name.
Presenter 2: Yeah, that’s impressive.
Presenter 1: And she is pouring tea with her feet!
Presenter 2: Yep. This is Happy the goat, breaking the world record for the farthest distance
travelled on a skateboard. 36 metres in 25 seconds.
Presenter 1: Amazing ...
Presenter 2: And then the world’s smallest dog, this is Millie.
Presenter 1: Ah, that’s pretty cool, my, look at the size difference there.
Presenter 2: Millie’s pretty small.
Presenter 1: That bowl is huge.
Presenter 2: Next stop here is, road smallest roadworthy car, I believe. It’s the thing with Austin
Coulson, in the US.
Presenter 1: Really that’s the smallest?
Presenter 2: Yes, that’s it.
Presenter 1: Arh … I thought it would be a little smaller.
Presenter 2: Yep and this is the room containing the world’s largest collection of Star Wars
Presenter 1: Ahhhhh
Presenter 2: I didn’t know there was a record for that!
Presenter 1: And that man is very proud!
Presenter 2: Yep
Presenter 1: Very proud.
Presenter 2: ... the world’s largest motorcycle.
Presenter 1: You would need like a class 7 licence to ride that bad boy!
Presenter 2: Oh, I just love this, I love this time every year.
Presenter 1: More … ?
Presenter 2: Are there more? Oh, what’s this?
Presenter 1: High heels.
Presenter 2: Oh, golden high-heeled shoes.
Presenter 1: Hundred metre sprint, look at the velocity … even a timer!
Presenter 2: The official timer there.
Presenter 1: They don’t mess about with Guinness!
Presenter 2: That’s gold!
Presenter 1: You need an official timekeeper.
Presenter 2: Oh, and this is your favourite one.
Presenter 1: The world's shortest woman. OK, 2 feet 7/10ths of an inch tall. So cute. So happy
Presenter 2: So happy.
Presenter 1: That’s a cute little dress.
Presenter 2: And then just as a bonus because we love it. Let’s go back to the most full body
revolutions. I can’t get enough of this story, I could watch this all day. Ha ha ha ha ...
Presenter 1: It’s a good chiropractor. She’s not even sweating really. No, what is that, 6 ...?
Presenter 2: (inaudible)
Presenter 1: 6, 7, 8, 9, … who’s going to top that record? Whoa! It’s the creativity to come up
these things too, really. Well done. The world has talent and there’s your evidence.
Presenter 2: What else do you want? I don’t know ...
31. What is the largest walking robot?
a. A lizard b. A dragon c. A bird d. A dog
32. Where does Leilani Franko, who does the 'most full body revolutions', come from?
a. New York b. Washington c. Florida d. North Carolina
33. What does Leilani Franko do with her feet?
a. Pour water b. Pour tea c. Pour coffee d. Pour sugar
34. How far did Happy the goat travel on a skateboard?
a. 36 metres in 25 b. 25 metres in 36 c. 63 metres in 52 d. 36 metres in 36
seconds seconds seconds seconds
35. What is the world's smallest dog called?
a. Millie b. Tillie c. Molly d. Tolly
36. Which film did the largest collection of memorabilia come from?
a. Star Trek b. Z Wars c. Star Wars d. Avengers
37. Which race did the woman run in her golden high-heeled shoes?
a. A 100m sprint b. A 150m sprint c. A 50m sprint d. A 200m sprint
38. How tall is the smallest woman?
a. 2ft 10 inches tall c. 2ft 7 inches tall
b. 2ft 7/10ths of an inch d. 2ft 6 inch tall

Read the following passage to answer no 39 – 44

World's Oldest Person Turns 128 by Thomson Fontaine Dominicans yesterday celebrated
the birthday of the World’s oldest living person Elizabeth (Ma Pampo) Israel who turned 128.
Unfortunately, the Guinness Book of World Records has not officially recognized Ma
Pampo since they are still checking the facts. A certificate has been issued by the Roman
Catholic Church with her birth date stated as January 27, 1875, but since it is not an official
record, it cannot be used to confirm the claim.
The claim was further thrown into doubt when it was learned that at some point in her life
she was called Minetta George. Guinness officials have said that it is important to clarify these
issues before Ma Pampo can be given the title of the oldest person on earth.
Born in Portsmouth, Dominica, and the daughter of slaves, she started working on a
plantation at the age of 25 and retired 79 years later. Ma Pampo says the reason for her long life
is her diet - including lots of dumplings (cooked food made from flour and water) and bush tea.
She has survived her husband and two children.
Dominica’s largely untouched and unspoilt environment, which is still unpolluted, has
been given as the main reason for longevity on the Island.
Editor's Note Since the publication of this article in January 2003 Ma Pampo died in
October of that year without ever being recognised as the World's Oldest Person by the Guinness
Book of World Records. Unfortunately, her death came before the scientific community could
confirm her age.
39. The text is about someone who
a. was the world’s oldest person. c. may have been the world’s oldest person.
b. will be the world’s oldest person. d.a,b,c,d, are incorrect
40.Who says Ma Pampo is the oldest person on earth?
a. The Church. c. The Guinness Book of Records.
b. People in her country. d.a,b,c,d, are incorrect
41. What is the position of the Guinness Book of Records?
a. They refuse to give Ma Pampo the title. c. They will give Ma Pampo the title.
b. They want to check the facts. d.a,b,c,d, are incorrect
42. What is Ma Pampo’s explanation for her long life?
a. She worked hard all her life. c. She ate the right kind of food.
b. She ate lots of cooked food. d. d.a,b,c,d, are incorrect
43. Ma Pampo’s husband is...
a. still alive. c. dead.
b. younger than her. d.a,b,c,d, are incorrect
44. Why do people in Dominica live a long time? Because
a. of the clean atmosphere. c. the people live in a happy society.
b. the country has a small population. d. a,b,c, and d are incorrect
45. The silent consonant word below is ... .
a. climb b. cup c. dark d. banana
46. The correct form of conditional sentence from the following is ... .
a. If it rains, I don’t go to the beach. c. I won’t go to the beach if it rains.
b. I don’t go to the beach if it rains. d. If it rains I won’t go to the beach.
47. The correct form of conditional sentence from the following is ... .
a. We won’t pass the test if we don’t work c. I don’t go to the beach if it rains.
hard d. If it rains I don’t go to the beach.
b. If we don’t work hard we won’t pass the
48. The correct form of conditional sentence from the following is ... .
a. If I see him I give him the card c. I give him the card if I will see him
b. I give him the card if I see him. d. I’ll give him the card if I see him
49. The incorrect form of conditional sentence from the following is ... .
a. If you decide to come I will meet you at c. I will find you if you let me know.
the cinema. d. I will see you if you let me know.
b. I will meet you at the cinema if you
decide to come.
50. The incorrect form of conditional sentence from the following is ... .
a. He won’t make it if you leave him. c. They don’t know it if you do not let them
b. She won’t arrive on time if she misses the know.
train. d. I will call them if they don’t come here.

III. Answer the following questions on the answer sheet.

1. Make 3 sentences using if (first conditional sentence)

2. Make 3 sentences using when showing a situation you will do

3. Give 3 points of advice to your friends who cannot do math using should.

4. Write 3 sentences talking about experience using Present Perfect Tese

5. Write a sentence for each of the following word: arrogant, sympathetic, thoughtless, bad-

“ There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful,
who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation
also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”

1 Cor. 10:13

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