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Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background

This chapter consists of six sub-chapters: 1) Background of the Study, 2) Statement of the
Problem, 3) Research Objectives, 4) Significance of the Study, 5) Scope and
Delimitation, and 6) Endnotes in chapter 1.


1. Follow the format of research paper (Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1.5 spacing
(it should be double space but we will modify), 1” on the top, bottom, and right
side, 1.5” on left side of the paper for book binding. ‘Page 1’ should start on the
Introduction. Short bond paper. Justify. Indented paragraph.
2. Paraphrase all of the information, plagiarism will be equivalent to zero (0).
3. Always observe the POV, tenses and other grammar and mechanics when writing.
4. Follow the chronological order of every chapters.
5. Always save the link/URLs of your source for references
6. APA format

A-must Content:

1. Rationale – Supported by 3-5 citations

2. Literature Foundation – Supported by 3-5 citations
3. Seriousness of the Problem – Supported by 3-5 citations
4. Research Objectives – at least 3
5. General Purpose – 1 paragraph with 3-5 sentences

Note: Remove the blue text before you use this file. Other format/reminders will be
disseminated as we start.

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