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Highly Contagious
and Resistent

Our PCR Test for a Reliable Virus Detection

„The most reliable detection methods for noroviruses are
gene-based (RT-PCR) tests carried out on faecal samples.“
Robert-Koch-Institut (Germany) 2007

PCR-tests for a reliable virus detection

MutaREAL®/ REX® Norovirus* 100% nel
For real time PCR in capillary systems (e.g. LightCycler™) 20

MutaPLATE®/ PLEX® Norovirus*

For real time PCR in open systems (e.g. Rotor-Gene™, SmartCycler®)
With separate RNA-extraction control NEW!

* Licenced by Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
Norovirus cannot be cultivated through classical microbiological methods which
means that there is no system of a cell culture for the evidence of infected samples.
Common ELISA verification procedures are definately inferior to highly specific
and highly sensitve RT-PCR (RNA Virus)!

„These results indicate that neither the Denka kit nor the Dako kit has all the performance
characteristics required to replace the RT-PCR methodes used to detect HuNVs.“
Burton-MacLeod J A (2004) Evaluation and comparison of two commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits for detection of antigenically
diverse human noroviruses in stool samples. J Clin Microbiol 42: 2587-2595

„Testkits für den Nachweis viraler Proteine stehen zur Verfügung, die aber im Hinblick auf die Sensitivität und Spezifität noch besser werden sollten, so dass
dem molekularen Virusnachweis der Vorzug zu geben ist.“

„Testkits for the detection of viral proteins are provided. But these tests have still to increase in
terms of sensitivity and specifity meaning that the molecular detection of the virus has to be
given its priority in the future.“
Thieves M und Schmitt Y (2007) Noro-Viren – Die unterschätzte Epidemie. VACUETTE Aktuelle Laborinformationen 1:2-4

RT-PCR is a well-established technique and, if a suitable protocol is chosen, it is overall better

than any other diagnostic procedure.“
Marshall J et al. (2006) Laboratory diagnosis of norovirus. Clin Lab 52: 571-581

MutaPLATE® Norovirus MutaREAL® Norovirus

Matrix RNA (Stool) Matrix RNA (Stool)
Sample volume 200 µl Sample volume 200 µl
Test principle real time RT-PCR ( open system) Test principle real time RT-PCR (capillary system)
Cat. No. KP1934196 Cat. No. KP2934196

MutaPLEX® Norovirus MutaREX® Norovirus

Matrix RNA (Stool) Matrix RNA (Stool)
Sample volume 200 µl Sample volume 200 µl
Test principle real time RT-PCR (open systems) Test principle real time RT-PCR (capillary system)
(+ extraction control) (+ extraction control)
Cat. No. KG190132 Cat. No. KG290196

Immundiagnostik AG
FLMB11 November 2015

Stubenwald-Allee 8a
64625 Bensheim, Germany
Phone: +49 6251 701900
Fax: +49 6251 849430
US: all products: Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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