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Kristian Božić

TASK 1: picture description

The focus during the assessment should be on task fulfilment and content. It is also important to assess their organization and how they deliver their ideas. The
testees should talk about the chosen pictures without any problems and they should include all the questions from the instructions in their speech.
cut off point: min. 20/35 total points


The content of the output is Excellent pronunciation with
The duration of the speech is Very wide range of
fully relevant and very little influence if L1
4-5 minutes. Describing vocabulary. Always Very few grammatical
appropriate to the chosen accent that does not cause any
9- elements are clearly stated or almost always errors. Good variety in
image. The output contains 5 difficulties. Intonation is
10 and are easy to follow. good choice and the use of grammatical
answers to all 5 appropriate and sentence and
There is a good variety of appropriate use of forms and structures
questions/elements from the word stress is accurately
appropriate connectives. vocabulary
task instructions. placed.
The content of the output is The duration of the speech is Very good pronunciation with
almost fully relevant and 3.5-4.5 minutes. Describing very little influence if L1 Wide range of
Few grammatical errors.
appropriate to the chosen elements stand out and there accent that causes little to no vocabulary. Mostly
7- Mostly good variety in
image. The output contains is a logical sequence with 4 difficulties. Intonation is good choice and
8 the use of grammatical
answers to 4 the use of relatively appropriate and sentence and appropriate use of
forms and structures.
questions/elements from the appropriate and repetitive word stress is appropriately vocabulary.
task instructions. connectives. placed with some errors.
The duration of the speech is
The content of the output is Good pronunciation, the Considerable number of
3-6 minutes. Describing
partially relevant and influence of L1 accent is Good range of grammatical errors.
elements are somewhat
appropriate to the chosen present and may cause vocabulary. Good Mostly the use of
5- difficult to follow and
image. The output contains 3 difficulties. Intonation is choice and identical simple
6 connectives are largely
answers to 3 generally appropriate, and appropriate use of grammatical forms and
absent, or they are repetitive.
questions/elements from the sentence and word stress is vocabulary structures. Text is mostly
Mostly simple sentences are
task instructions. generally accurately placed. comprehensible.
The content of the output is
poorly relevant and The duration of the speech is
Poor pronunciation; L1 accent Frequent grammatical
appropriate to the chosen 2-7 minutes. Describing Limited range of
is largely present and it causes errors. Identical simple
image. The output contains elements are hard to follow vocabulary. Often
3- difficulties. Intonation is grammatical forms and
answers to only 1-2 and there is no logical 2 wrong choice and
4 inappropriate and sentence and structures.
questions/elements from the sequence. Connectives are inappropriate use of
word stress is inappropriately Comprehensibility
task instructions. The not used and sentences are vocabulary.
placed with errors. difficult.
examiner is asking helpful very simple.
The content of the output is Bad pronunciation; L1 accent
The speech lasts under a
irrelevant and inappropriate is dominating and it causes Very limited range of
minute/there is no organized Very frequent
to the chosen image. The many difficulties. Intonation is vocabulary. Very
1- speech, or the speech is too grammatical errors. Text
output is completely 1 inappropriate and sentence and often wrong choice
2 long. The speech is almost
unrelated to the task even word stress is inappropriately and inappropriate use
unconnected, unorganized, incomprehensible.
with the help of the placed with many errors. The of vocabulary
and incoherent.
examiner. speaker is incomprehensible.

Scoring of productive skills.pdf – Moodle FFOS, slide 12
Rating scale 2, Rating scale 3 – Moodle FFOS
TASK 2: role play
cut off point: min. 18/32 total pts

POV was Natural like interaction with the Output is always in line with
Plenty vocabulary Speech is always clear and
always interlocutor, good flow, responses the situation and the context
knowledge, excellent easy to understand, proper
7-8 realistic and are relevant to the interlocutor’s given, all the time appropriate 4
and appropriate choice management of grammatical
consistently messages and the information is speech acts and address forms
of vocabulary structures
in character easily given/gotten are used
Very good interaction with the
POV was interlocutor, responses to the Output is often in line with the Enough vocabulary Speech is often usually clear
often interlocutor’s messages are often situation and the context given; knowledge, very good and easy to understand, some
5-6 3
realistic and relevant and the information is appropriate speech acts and and appropriate choice errors in the use of
in character given/gotten without some major address forms are usually used of vocabulary grammatical structures
Decent interaction with the
Output is mostly in line with
interlocutor, messages are somehow Some vocabulary
POV was the situation and the context Speech is somewhat clear
conveyed and responses to the knowledge, mostly
3-4 usually in given; appropriate speech acts 2 and easy to understand, often
interlocutor’s messages are not good choice of
character and address forms are mostly grammatical errors
always relevant, the information is vocabulary
given/gotten with difficulties
Output is not in line with the
POV was Almost no interaction with the Insufficient vocabulary Speech is unclear and rarely
situation and the context given;
rarely interlocutor, the information is not knowledge, easy to understand,
1-2 speech acts and address forms 1
realistic in given/gotten, and the inappropriate choice of grammatical errors cause
used are incorrect and
character communication is non-existent vocabulary incomprehensibility


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