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Nama : Dinda Dwi Jayanti

NPM : ED191120055
Prodi : D3 – Perpajakan
Matkul : Bahasa Inggris II


1. Tom: I worked late last night. Adam: .

a. So am I

b. So did I

c. So I did

d. Neither do I

2. Adam: My brother likes swimming and playing tennis. Tom: .

a. so do I

b. so he does

c. so am I

d. so was I

3. Tom: I don't know how to roller-skate. Adam: .

a. neither do I

b. neither am I

c. Neither am I

d. Neither do I

4. Adam: I love watching football matches. Tom: .

a. So my father does

b. Neither do my father

c. So does my father
d. So is my father

5. Tom: I don't like cold weather. Adam: .

a. so am I

b. neither do I

c. so do I Neither I do

6. Adam: Colin is a good student. Tom: .

a. So is his brother

b. So do I

c. Neither does he

d. Neither am I
7. Tom: Colin enjoyed the film very much. Adam: .

a. so was I

b. So did I

c. neither was I

d. nether I did

8. Adam: I can't sing very well. Tom: .

a. neither I can’t

b. so can’t I

c. so can I

d. neither can I

9. Karen went to the cinema on Saturday and .

a. So did his brother

b. Neither did his brother

c. So was his brother

d. Neither his brother did

10. John doesn't know how to drive and .

a. neither doesn’t Louise

b. so doesn’t Luise

c. so does Luise

d. neither does Luise


Present Perfect Progressive/Continuous


Circle the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence.

1. a. She has dreamed / dreamed about going to the North Pole since she was young.

b. She has dreamed / dreamed about going to the North Pole last night.

2. a. I have never photographed / never photographed animals in the wild before.

b. We have not photographed / didn’t photograph animals when we were in Alaska.

3. a. Last year, my grandfather has gone / went to Iceland on business twice.

b. My grandfather has gone / went to Iceland on business twice since 2005.

4. a. They haven’t seen / didn’t see any bears on their trip so far.

b. They haven’t seen / didn’t see any bears on their trip last month.


Circle the best answer to complete each question.

1. How long have you taken / been taking classes at this school?

2. How many friends have you made / been making since you started studying here?

3. How many cups of coffee have you bought / been buying this week?

4. How long have you owned / been owning a cell phone?

5. What gifts have you gotten / been getting in the last year?

6. How many times have you eaten / been eating out this month?
7. How much homework have you already done / been doing this week?

8. What TV programs have you watched / been watching this week?


Check your grammar: multiple choice

Read the sentences and circle the correct option.

1. He's waiting for Amy. He arrived 40 minutes ago.

a. He's been waiting for 40 minutes.

b. He waits for 40 minutes

c. He's waited for Amy for 40 minutes

2. Sophie is planning to buy souvenirs. It's on her list of things to do.

a. Sophie's already bought souvenirs

b. Sophie hasn't bought souvenirs already

c. Sophie hasn't bought souvenirs yet.

3. Sophie wanted to visit the Burj Al Arab hotel. She went there two days ago

a. Sophie hasn't been to the Burj Al Arab hotel yet.

b. Sophie has already been to the Burj Al Arab hotel.

c. Sophie has just been to the Burj Al Arab hotel.

4. I don't know what octopus tastes like!

a. I haven't been trying octopus.

b. I've already tried octopus.

c. I've never tried octopus.

5. Ollie took his cake out of the oven a moment ago.

a. Ollie has been making a cake.

b. Ollie has just made a cake.

c. Ollie hasn't made a cake yet.



Choose the best answer to fill the gap in each of the following:

1. I prefer coffee ____tea.

a. to b. than c. from

2. I don't fancy the theatre again. I'd rather to the cinema.

a. to b. go c. going

3. Although I love relaxing on beaches, I think I prefer in the mountains.

a. walk b. walking c. to walk

4. I'd rather speak to him in person things over the phone.

a. than discuss b. to discussing c. to discuss

5. I prefer trains cars.

a. from b. than c. to

6. I'm not a big fan of cars; I prefer by train.

a. travelling b. travel c. to travel

7. If I had a choice I think I'd rather London.

a. live in Paris than in

b. live in Paris to

c. to live in Paris than

8. They'd rather have lunch inside, but I'd prefer outside in the garden.

a. eat b. eating c. to eat


1. Did you enjoy the film last night? No, I'd rather and

watched TV

a. have stayed b. stay c. had stayed d. to have stayed

2. Will you do the dishes? I'd rather I'm very tired.

a. you wash them c. you had washed them

b. you washed them. d. you to wash them

3. I'd than stop playing football.

a. sooner sleep less c. rather had slept

b. sooner to sleep d. rather have slept

4. Anna said they'd sooner the children to the party tomorrow.

a. we not bring c. we wouldn't bring

b. we will not bring d. we didn't bring

5. Did Helen call Adam yesterday? Yes, but I'd rather .........................................................

a. she didn't c. she hadn't

b. she weren't d. she wouldn't



Choose the correct answer.

1. I’m really hungry. I (haven’t eaten / didn’t eat) yet.

2. They (arrived / have arrived) a week ago.

3. We (have worked / worked) here for three years.

4. They (didn’t recognise / haven’t recognised) me at yesterday’s meeting.

5. Our neighbour (was / has been) in hospital since Friday.

6. (Have you travelled / Did you travel) abroad many times?


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or the Present Perfect

1. John Hasn’t called (not call) me recently.

2. They Bought (buy) a new car last month.

3. The teacher Hasn’t Returned (not return) the tests yet.

4. How long Has she Known (know) about this problem?

5. Have you ever Heared (hear) such an unbelievable story?

6. When I was a child, I lived (live) in England for two years.

7. He Bought (buy) me a beautiful gift for my birthday.

8. I am so excited to have a dog. I Have Always Wanted (always / want) one.


Complete the sentences below by using the ‘-ing’ gerund form of the verbs on the right.
1. Eating lots of vegetables is important for good health.

2. Finding a parking space is difficult in the mornings.

3. Cycling to work is a great way to get some exercise.

4. Reading books and magazines can help you to learn English.

5. Cooking is fun. I love making dinner for my friend.

6. Swimming is a great way to get fit, but I’m afraid of the water!

7. Sleeping is an activity that all animals do. However, did you

know that cats sleep for two-thirds of their lives?

8. Smoking cigarettes is very bad for your health.

9. Wacthing TV is bad for my eyes. That’s what my mother says.

10. Dancing about other people and cultures is fascinating.

11. Singing is my sister’s favorite hobby. She has a great voice.

12. Killing and Pillaging is a serious crime.

13. Shopping is boring! I hate shopping malls!

14. Cheating is not allowed during the exam.

15. Travelling makes me nervous. I prefer traveling by train


Circle the correct tag to complete the questions.

1. It's next to the supermarket, don’t it / isn’t it ?

2. You've met my brother before, don’t you / haven’t you ?

3. He was born in 1970, didn’t he / wasn’t he ?

4. Bela can help, can’t she / doesn’t she ?

5. I'm right, aren’t I / am I ?

6. You can't drive down your road, can’t you / can you ?

7. They won't be late, will they / are they ?

8. You're coming tomorrow, aren’t you / do you ?


Which sentences are correct?

1) Which sentence is correct?

a) There's a fly in your soup, is there?

b) There's a fly in your soup, isn't it?

c) There's a fly in your soup, isn't there?

2) Which sentence is correct?

a) I think he's from India, doesn't he?

b) I think he's from India, don't I?

c) I think he's from India, isn't he?

3) Which sentence is correct?

a) Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, do you?

b) Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, will you?

c) Don't talk to Peter during the lesson, won't you?

4) Which sentence is correct?

a) Let's go swimming, aren't we?

b) Let's go swimming, isn't it?

c) Let's go swimming, shall we?

5) Which sentence is correct?

a) Pass me the salt, aren't I?

b) Pass me the salt, aren't you?

c) Pass me the salt, won't you?

6) Which sentence is correct?

a) The sun won't shine tomorrow, will it?

b) The sun won't shine tomorrow, will she?

c) The sun won't shine tomorrow, won't it?

7) Which sentence is correct?

a) We had better leave, hadn't we?

b) We had better leave, haven't we?

c) We had better leave, weren't we?

8) Which sentence is correct?

a) We must be at school at 8 o'clock, aren't we?

b) We must be at school at 8 o'clock, mustn't we?

c) We must be at school at 8 o'clock, needn't we?

9) Which sentence is correct?

a) The slide show was fantastic, isn't it?

b) The slide show was fantastic, was it?

c) The slide show was fantastic, wasn't it?

10) Which sentence is correct?

a) They used to live in New Orleans, aren't they?

b) They used to live in New Orleans, didn't they?

c) They used to live in New Orleans, don't they?

1. Why didn't you write the email to Sharon! - Sharon? Oh, no! I forgot about it. I will write(write)
to her today.

2. Can I help you, madam? - Yes, please. . Will you show (show) me the yellow blouse on the

3. Good Lord! Can you hear? The engine has stopped. I hope the plane will not fall(fall)

4. Why don't you have dinner with us tonight? I I will be cooking (cook) tonight.

5. This time next week, we will be sailing (sail) round the Aegean Sea in Greece.

6. If you take three cartons of apple juice, you will get (get) one cartoon free.

7. Will Finish (finish) your work before they arrive? You should join us.

8. Don’t call me at 10 o’clock, I Will be Taking(take) my English exam tomorrow morning

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