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SY 2021-2022


Quarter 2 – MODULE 1



Subject Teacher Ms. Reychel D. Necor, LPT

Class Adviser Mr. Gregorio M. Sinahan


in the Archdiocesan Notre Dame Schools of Cotabato
Strictly not for Public Circulation
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Lesson Topic Time Week Coverage Activities to be Module
No. Allotment Done Page
Nov. 8-12 Mental Break

Week 1
Pre-Assessment to 2
Nov. 15-19
1 Setting 2 weeks Instruction

Week 2
Nov. 22-26 Enrichment to 3
Plot and the Week 3 Pre-Assessment to
2 Dramatic Structure 1 week Nov. 29 - Dec. 3 Evaluation 4-5

Dec. 6-10 Periodical


The course is essentially significant in posing imaginatively ones’ feelings, emotions and
perspective about what’s around him, how others see the various context of things and how one’s reaction
to different mindset can be understood and utilized. Images builds better comprehension and imagination
becomes wider and even deeper as an avenue to a person’s soulful approaches in life.
Moreover, the context of being creative varies from one individual to another. One’s experience
on actual things and exploration on places and objects simply directs a person’s creative understanding.
To be creative means to be authentic, to be sincere, to be polite and to be empathetic.
In this module, you will discover the beauty and excitement in learning imaginatively based on
imagery, imagination, poetry, literary devices, modes of fiction, elements and techniques in specific
forms of literary genres.

Textbook – Wording the World: The Art of Creative Writing
Agusto Antonio A. Aguila, Ph.D.
Ralph Semino Galan, M.A.
John Jack G. Wigley, Ph.D.
C&E Publishing co., 2017

Drama - a play for theater, radio, or television.
Dramatic Structure - the main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and
presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.
Plot - the main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the
writer as an interrelated sequence.
Setting - the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes
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CONTENT: Setting

 The learners have an understanding of drama as a genre and are able to analyze its
elements and techniques.

 The learners shall be able to compose at least one scene for a one-act play that can be

1. Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in drama
2. Understand the element of setting in a play
3. Write an effective setting in a one-act play
4. Integrate wide-ranging strategies in writing an effective setting in a play
Time Allotment: 2 Weeks

When you set your story in a particular geographic area, you are bringing the place alive for
readers who live somewhere else. As with time, you tell your readers whether your story happens during
daytime or nighttime; on a sunny or rainy morning; a few months ago, or two hundred years ago. But
more than the place and time, setting signifies a bigger environment or surrounding. A story becomes
more realistic if you are able to incorporate the following dimensions in depicting setting.

Answer the following questions to know how much you know about setting. Encircle the letter of
the correct answer.

1. What type of setting is mostly used in folktales, fables, and short stories?
A. Backdrop Setting B. Conflict C. Integral Setting D. Theme
2. What is the setting for the show "Spongebob Squarepants?"
A. A beach B. A jungle C. Bikini Bottom D. School
3. What is the time and place of the story?
A. Conflict B. Plot C. Rising Action D. Setting
4. Setting can give clues about a story’s .
A. conflict B. mood C. plot D. place
5. “It was dark and stormy night when my cat ran away.”
A. Conflict B. Plot C. Rising Action D. Setting
Activity 1. Explore
Open your textbook on page 188 and identify the setting of the popular movies. Write
your answer in your activity/assessment sheet.

The place, time, and the bigger environment that the setting signifies create an atmosphere that
affects both the characters and the readers. In literature, atmosphere or mood is the element that evokes
certain feelings or emotion in readers.

Activity 2. Enhance your knowledge

Open your textbook on page 188 to 189 and read what is setting all about. After reading,
answer number 2 Writing Exercise on page 190 of your textbook. Write your answer in your
activity/assessment sheet.
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Open your textbook on page 189 to 190 of your textbook and read the examples of setting in
realistic and non-realistic plays. After reading, answer the activity below.

Activity 3. Review
Answer the questions on page 191 of your textbook. Write your answers in your
activity/assessment sheet.

Activity 4. For Reals!
Read the writing tips on page 190 of your textbook. After reading, write three paragraph
essay that describe your town and discuss a major problem it constantly faces (e.g., garbage,
traffic, lack of livelihood projects, etc.). In your description, make sure to emphasize the physical,
social, and psychological environments and include the solution to the problem. Write your essay
in your activity/assessment sheet.

Activity 5. Write Excellently
Answer Writing Exercise on page 191 of your textbook. Write your answer in your
activity/assessment sheet.
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CONTENT: Plot and the Dramatic Structure

 The learners have an understanding of drama as a genre and are able to analyze its
elements and techniques.

 The learners shall be able to compose at least one scene for a one-act play that can be

1. Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in drama
2. Conceptualize a character/setting/plot for a one-act play
3. Write short exercises involving character, dialogue, plot, and other elements of drama
4. Write at least one scene for one-act play applying the various elements, techniques, and literary

Time Allotment: 1 Week

The major achievement of a play is its capacity to transform the written form into a public
performance. And much of it is worked out principally by mean of dialogue and conversation because the
way to unravel the plot is to understand the words spoken by the characters.

Multiple choice questions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The sequence of events in a story or novel is called the .

A. action B. conflict C. plot D. setting
2. What takes place after the climax that prepares the story for its resolution?
A. Exposition B. Falling action C.Resolution D. Rising Action
3. What is the synonym we use to describe the part of the story where the loose ends are tied up
and the conflict is resolved?
A. Conclusion B. Exposition C. Introduction D. Resolution
4. Which element of plot structure is described as being the "spark" that gets the story
started...when the problem is revealed?
A. Conflict B. Exposition C. Inciting incident D. Introduction
5. Interest and suspense are built during which part of the story? 
A. Climax B. Exposition C. Falling action D. Rising action


Activity 1. Recall
Recall your favorite teleserye. Think of the dramatic action of the teleserye by
remembering the popular lines of the characters. Write them in your activity/assessment sheet as
you recollect.

When we talk about the dramatic structure of a play, we refer to a plot, just like in a novel or
short story. but the narrative structure is not only the consideration we look for in a play since most of
these plays are intended to be performed either in theater, in movie, or on television. Each of these
settings conjures an intrinsic and integral impression upon the dramatic structure.
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Activity 2. Know more

Read and understand what is plot and the dramatic structure on page 162 to 171.

On page 174 of your textbook, read the structural factors and dramatic elements.

Activity 3. Enhance your knowledge

Read the classic Filipino play The World is an Apple on page 177. After reading, Identify
parts of the play on page 186. Write your answer in your activity/assessment sheet.

Activity 3. For Reals!
Think of a plot or storyline that may describe or depicts the following socio-political
themes: the division between the rich and the poor, the joy and suffering of people working
abroad, the search for one’s identity, love for country, and other common leitmotifs found in
Philippine society. Write your plot or storyline in your activity/assessment sheet.

Activity 5. Write more
Write a draft of one-act play by focusing on the skeletal outline of the story. Identify the
six parts of the play as you did in Alberto Florentino’s The World is an Apple. Write your draft in
your activity/assessment sheet.

Rubric for checking your One-act play:

Dialogue – 15
Development – 15
Characters – 10
Structure – 10
Total – 50

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