Words of Gratitude

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To Rev. Fr. Edgardo “Garry” Toribio Jr., our new school director, Mrs. Francie C.

Castro, our Junior

High school assistant principal, Ms. Norma R. Llarenas, our school administrator, to my batch mates,
teachers, parents, families and friends, a pleasant day to one and all!

Way back 2003, there was this famous line in the movie, “Finding Nemo” that I suppose everyone
knows. The line “Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming.” Indeed, all of us here just kept on
swimming. Some of you who kept on swimming became doctors, nurses, engineers, entrepreneurs,
leaders, teachers, and so on. And as we venture the big ocean of life like Dory, we experienced to come
across harmful creatures, big waves, and other circumstances that will make us think to stop. But today,
I am proud to say, that I, together with my batch mates, braved to swim across those harmful creatures
and big waves to reach where we are now. In line with this, I would like to congratulate my fellow batch
mates, for reaching one of our destinations. Let’s give ourselves a virtual round of applause.

In our journey through this school year of being a student in the Junior High School, this is now the
time where we will experience the one of the most exciting and forthcoming moments in the Junior High
School life, this completion ceremony. This Covid-19 pandemic stole the year away from us, even though
we will have it to celebrate online, it was still a good moment that we should cherish and treasure.

As part of this batch, we have brimful of memories. We make friends and become a family. This
online distance learning taught us to be united as one making interactions with one another that also
serves as an inspiration for us to strive harder for accomplishing our activities. Through the activities
that our batch has done, we always reflect to it and learning by heart making us to be better persons
and not just a student. Considering all of these experiences and lessons, they truly help us to improve
more, developed, and explore the skills from ourselves.

We make errors and mistakes and to be honest, our batch is not perfect. But from all of these
mistakes, we are taught that this is not still the end because this is just a lesson for us to move forward
and change for the better, and also to start a new beginning.

I would also like to recognize that our batch is full of talented and athletic individuals. From the
dancers like kuya Steven and ate Alexa, singers like ate Yumi and kuya Cj, and to all of my batch mates, if
I can deliver this valedictory address, I know you can also do it. Because we, the batch “Filipino Icons”
can do all things.

This school year was truly a challenge for us. There are many expectations in this school year that we
want to happen, yet there is a small chance for achieving and doing it. From the daily news we can hear
and read about this global pandemic, there are much worries about our families. Worrying about the
health of our family and studying under this online classes at the same time is a struggle in our life as a
student and as a child. But as we leave the comforts of our school, CSMA, I am confident that we will do
great. Despite from all of these challenges, they mold us to be the best version of ourselves recognizing
that every experiences in our school and moments with our families today is really important.

And today, as we are in our homes and virtually celebrating this completion ceremony as a result
from all of the hard works we did in our Junior High School years, grant and let this ceremony have
moments of appreciation and gratitude from us having the ability to accomplish and make it to this
fruitful day.
To our parents, families, and friends, thank you for always inspiring us when we felt being hopeless.
To our teachers and to the whole CSMA Family, thank you for making us discover different things and
grow and succeed from the lessons we faced. You are the reasons why we become who we are today.
Through your support and love, we make it to this day.

And beyond everything, I want to thank God for keeping us safe in this time of pandemic and always
guiding us in everything we do.

As I end this speech, I would like to remind everyone, to keep swimming. You may pause for a while,
but you shouldn’t stop. Just keep swimming and swimming.

Congratulations, Batch 2021! Once again, thank you batch mates, thank you our dear parents, thank
you teachers and administrators, and thank you, CSMA! God bless us all.

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