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Senior High School

Organization and Management

Quarter 2 – Module 9 – Lesson 1:
The Concept and Nature of

T-II Justino Sevilla High School, Arayat
JANE P. VALENCIA, EdD – Math/ABM Supervisor
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
Staffing. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning
situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The
lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in
which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now

The module consists of one lesson, namely:

• Lesson 1 – The Concept and Nature of Staffing

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. discuss the nature of staffing;
2. explain the functions and importance of staffing;
3. elucidate the function of human resource inventory; and
4. identify the components and the various steps in staffing.

What I Know

Hi future Human Resource professional, let’s evaluate your comprehension about

the topic of Staffing, one of the most salient HR facets in an organization.
Your prior understanding about the lesson will be quantified by this pre-

DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. It is the process of identifying, attracting, hiring, and retaining people with the
necessary qualifications to fill the responsibilities of current and future jobs in
the organization.
a. Directing
b. Organizing
c. Planning
d. Staffing

2. Its objective is to train and develop the existing personnel for career
advancement. This will meet the requirements of the company in the future.
a. Building Higher Morale
b. Development of Human Capital
c. Effective Use of Technology
d. Motivation of Human Resource

3. It is the human factor that is instrumental in the effective utilization of the latest
technology, capital, and resources that the management can guarantee the right
types of personnel by performing the staffing function.
a. Building Higher Morale
b. Development of Human Capital
c. Effective Use of Technology
d. Motivation of Human Resource

4. The financial and non-financial incentives which allow organizational workforce

to perform their job responsibilities and tasks properly in achieving
organizational goals.
a. Building Higher Morale
b. Development of Human Capital
c. Effective Use of Technology
d. Motivation of Human Resource

5. Also known as the skills inventory comprehensively lists down the basic
information on all the employees, like their education, experience, skills, age,
gender, salary-related data, job preference, and special achievements.
a. Human Resource Inventory
b. Human Resource Management
c. Management Staffing
d. Organizational Finances

6. The entity of an organization which main role if to execute appropriate staffing,

recruitment, training, payroll and employee development.
a. Human Resource Inventory
b. Human Resource Management
c. Management Staffing
d. Organizational Finances

7. Recruitment category where the management hires the most qualified applicant
outside the company’s vicinity.
a. External recruitment
b. Internal recruitment
c. Job vacancy
d. Promotion

8. It refers to the reassignment of a higher level job to an internal employee with

delegation of responsibilities and authority required to perform that higher job
and normally with higher pay.
a. External recruitment
b. Internal recruitment
c. Job vacancy
d. Promotion

9. Recruitment type where an employee within the organization fills the job
vacancy declared by the human resource department.
a. External recruitment
b. Internal recruitment
c. Job vacancy
d. Promotion
10. The two main components of staffing are ___________ and ____________.
a. external and internal staffing
b. long-term and short-term staffing
c. recruitment and selection
d. strategies and tactics

11. Human resource inventory aids human resource personnel to make better
decisions and in several areas of the organizations. The following are the main
functions of human resource inventory EXCEPT:
a. Allocation of the right employee to the right job
b. Ensuring organizational success by efficient staffing
c. Strategizing a workforce plan for the future needs of the business
d. Technology inconsistencies of an organization in hiring people

12. The following are the nature or characteristics of staffing process essential for
the growth of an organization EXPECT:
a. Adapt incompetent hiring strategies from a competitor
b. Concerned with the optimum utilization of human resource
c. Dynamic and never-ending process
d. Staffing is a management function

13. Proper planning measures that the organization acquires and utilizes the
manpower effectively to achieve organizational objectives. It focuses on
the minimizing the overall cost of production.
a. Hiring strategies
b. Management goals
c. Optimum utilization of human resource
d. Production cost

14. The following are the functions of staffing EXCEPT:

a. Continuity of organizational growth through development
b. Ensure better utilization of human resources
c. Job satisfaction of increase of employees’ morale
d. Promotes minimum employee productivity

15. The process which includes analyzing the requirements of a job, attracting
employees to that job, screening and selecting applicants, hiring, and
integrating the new employee to the organization
a. Recruitment
b. Satisfaction
c. Selection
d. Training
The Concept and Nature of
1 Staffing

This lesson gives you a better understanding of the meaning and nature of staffing,
the purpose of staffing to organizations, functions and importance of staffing within
company setting. It also discusses the idea about human resource inventory and the
two components of staffing as well as the steps of the staffing process.

What’s In

To associate the previous topic with the present lesson, the activity presented
below will provide you a brief review which will help you realize their linkage.
DIRECTION: The following are some of the organizational tasks under the nature of
organizing within the company. Provide the job description and job specification of
personnel related to the given organizational task.

Nature of Organizing Job Description Job Specification

Assigning tasks

Grouping tasks into

Delegating authority

Allocating resources
across the organization

Notes to the Teacher

This module was designed for the students to fully acquire
the expected learning competencies. It includes series of activities
which are suggested to be accomplished for better understanding
and mastery of the lesson. The teacher should give proper
assistance when necessary.
What’s New

Familiarizing with the terms related to the lesson is evidently useful. The
challenge for you is to discover new vocabularies relevant to staffing. Answer the
activity and be amazed how proficient you are in the terms associated in the lesson.
DIRECTION: Using the clues, unscramble each jumbled letters to form words.

1. Process of recruiting people.

FFGIASTN ___________________________________

2. Finding the most competent applicant.

RMTECINTURE ____________________________________

3. Choosing the suitable personnel based on qualifications.

NETIESCOL ____________________________________

4. Someone applying for the job.

PTAPLCINA ____________________________________

5. Deals with staffing and training of employees.

UNHMA ROEUCSRE ____________________________________

6. Entity which has not been filled.

BJO YVCANCA ____________________________________

7. Individuals engaged in a job.

FOWRKCEOR ____________________________________

8. Accomplishing a task in an organization.

FERCEMAOPRN ____________________________________

9. Attaining utmost productivity.

TEFCIFIEN ____________________________________

10. Body of individuals sharing the same purpose.

TIOORINAGZNA ___________________________________
What is It

We are done assessing your prior knowledge about the lesson. Allow me to
formally start learning this important topic.
The lesson about staffing will commence here. Let’s find out more about the topic.

Staffing is a critical organizational function that consists of the process of
acquiring, deploying, and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to
create positive impacts on the effectiveness of the organization. It is one of the
significant functions of management.

Nature of Staffing

• It is a universal function. It is the responsibility of every manager.

• It is a continuous function performed by every manager to ensure the
successful functioning of his department and to develop his successors.
Since staffing is a continuous function, it will be effective in realizing its
• It is a dynamic and never-ending process. With changes in the size and
environment of the organization, changes take place in personnel.
• Human resources expect and deserve dignity. So the success of the staffing
function lies in involving every individual in the organization in the task of
achieving organizational goals.
• It is a difficult function with problems of social, philosophical, and
psychological nature.
• Staffing is a management function.
• It is an essential part of the management process.
• Staffing is the persistent function of management.
• Staffing is concerned with the optimum utilization of human resources.

Functions of Staffing
• The first and foremost function of staffing is to acquire both qualified and
competent personnel for various job positions in the organization.
• In staffing, the right applicant is recruited for the right jobs; therefore it leads to
maximum productivity and higher performance.
• It helps in promoting the optimum utilization of human resources through
various aspects.
• Job satisfaction and morale of the workers increases through the staffing of the
right person.
• Staffing helps guarantee better utilization of human resources.
• It ensures the continuity and growth of the organization, through development
Importance of Planning

• Efficient Performance of Other Functions. For the efficient performance of

other functions of management, staffing is its key. Since, if an organization
does not have competent personnel, then it cannot perform the functions of
management like planning, organizing, and control functions properly.
• Effective Use of Technology and Other Resources. What is staffing and
technology’s connection? Well, it is the human factor that is instrumental in the
effective utilization of the latest technology, capital, material, etc. the
management can ensure the right kinds of personnel by performing the staffing
• Optimum Utilization of Human Resources. The wage bill of big concerns is quite
high. Also, a huge amount is spent on recruitment, selection, training, and
development of employees. To get the optimum output, the staffing function
should be performed efficiently.
• Development of Human Capital. Another function of staffing is concerned with
human capital requirements. Since the management is required to determine in
advance the manpower requirements. Therefore, it has also to train and develop
the existing personnel for career advancement. This will meet the requirements
of the company in the future.
• The Motivation of Human Resources. In an organization, the behavior of
individuals is influenced by various factors that are involved such as education
level, needs, socio-cultural factors, etc. Therefore, the human aspects of the
organization have become very important and so that the workers can also be
motivated by financial and non-financial incentives to perform their functions
properly in achieving the objectives.
• Building Higher Morale. The right type of climate should be created for the
workers to contribute to the achievement of the organizational objectives.
Therefore, by performing the staffing function effectively and efficiently, the
management can describe the significance and importance which it attaches to
the personnel working in the enterprise.

The Human Resources Inventory

Human Resource Inventory, also known as the skills inventory comprehensively
lists down the basic information on all the employees, like their education, experience,
skills, age, gender, salary-related data, job preference, and special achievements. It is
a vital tool used in HR planning and policymaking.
The information contained in the human resource inventory should be such
that it is not only relevant to the current job position that an employee holds, but can
also be used by recruiters to consider the individual for other job openings that might
come up in the future. Thus, the basic premise of maintaining a current skills
inventory is to identify if there are gaps between the current level of skills and relevant
knowledge possessed by the employees and the Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs)
needed to meet future business goals.
This aids the HR managers to make better decisions in several areas, including
but not limited to:
1. Hiring qualified staff for meeting current as well as future needs of various business
2. Allocation of the right employee to the right job
3. Ensuring organizational success by efficient staffing
4. Analyzing current deficits and taking up the right training programs to bridge the
skill gaps
5. Strategizing a workforce plan for the future needs of the business.

Having updated skills inventory benefits HR as they can efficiently evaluate and
compare information on several employees within the organization. This can then be
used to decide upon items like promotions, pieces of training, raises, and future
recruitment needs of the organization. However, it is of utmost importance that the HR
inventory is updated frequently to ensure it is relevant and useful. Gathering accurate
information on each employee in the company is often a time-consuming and
cumbersome task, which is very challenging if maintained on paper. As the human
resource inventory is also known as the ‘snapshot’ of an organization, a static
inventory is of no value.

Two Components of Staffing

Staffing has two main components: recruitment and selection. The process of
finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an
organization) for a job opening, in a timely and cost-effective manner is called
recruitment. The recruitment process includes analyzing the requirements of a job,
attracting employees to that job, screening and selecting applicants, hiring, and
integrating the new employee to the organization while the selection is the process of
picking or choosing the right candidate, who is most suitable for a vacant job position
in an organization. In other words, selection can also be explained as the process of
interviewing the candidates and evaluating their qualities, which are required for a
specific job and then choosing a suitable candidate for the position. The selection of
the right applicant for a vacant position will be an asset to the organization, which
will be helping the organization in reaching its objectives.

Below are the steps in the staffing process:

Step 1: Identifying job position vacancies;

Step 2: Checking the internal environment of the organization for human resources;
Step 3: External recruiting;
Step 4: Selecting those with essential qualifications for the job opening;
Step 5: Placing the selected applicant;
Step 6: Promoting;
Step 7: Evaluating performance;
Step 8: Planning of employee’s career;
Step 9: Training of human resources; and
Step 10: Compensating human resources.

What’s More

Have you realized how crucial the lesson about staffing is? Indeed, the
lesson provides you understanding relative to human resources and people

Let’s gauge your learning regarding staffing. Answer the following

Activity 1
1. Define staffing.

2. Give at least four (4) activities or processes involved in staffing.

a. _______________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________________

Activity 2

Expound the two main components of staffing – recruitment and selection, in a

matrix. Come up with at least 2 themes (as points of discussion) and comprehensively
discuss their similarities/differences.

Theme 1: _________________________________________________________________

Recruitment Selection

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Theme 2: _________________________________________________________________

Recruitment Selection
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

2. Assume that you are the Human Resource Manager in your company, fill up a
human resource inventory. You may ask a friend or relative who is working in any
organization. Use the sample format below.
Human Resource Inventory

Name of Employee: ___________________________ Date Hired: __________________

Position: _____________________________________ Department: _________________
Age and Gender: _____________________________ Salary: ______________________
Educational Attainment: _____________________
Job Experiences: (cite experiences form most recent)
Job Title: Company: Exclusive Years:
____________________________ ___________________________ _______________
____________________________ ___________________________ _______________
____________________________ ___________________________ _______________
____________________________ ___________________________ _______________

Special Achievement/s:


Activity 3
1. Give your own example of an external technology change that may affect

2. Interview two department chairpersons in your school regarding their

information gathering methods for identifying present and future needs for
human resources. List down their answers and give your comments.

Method Comment/s

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.
What I Have Learned

Supposing now that you learned about the concept and nature of staffing, I am
certain that you discovered new significant management wisdom. Let’s measure how
well verse you are with the lesson by answering the activity.

DIRECTION: Read the case study vigilantly; answer the following questions after
analyzing the case.

Case Study

Deca MaGarne Da Construction Inc. is the leading wholesale distributor of

construction supplies in the Philippines, and one of the country’s largest distributors
of hardware equipment, tools, and other interior and exterior building commodities
and related products. The business started in late 1980’s and grown its countrywide
organization with more than 369 facilities and branches in most of the cities in the
Philippines. The business venture reached over P50 billion sales and has existing four
ISO certifications, certificates which issued to companies with enhanced quality
management system. It has over 8,000 direct-hired employees who stayed for an
average of 12 years in the company due to better staffing approach and retention

Deca MaGarne Da Construction Inc. in Pampanga market, which included 12

different stores, required instantaneous provisional workers to convene their staffing
demands due to natural hazards and risks such as typhoon and earthquakes that
happened in Pampanga in the summer of 2019. Previously, the company had never
outsourced a temporary recruitment agency domestically for their staffing motives,
however due to the exigency, the company executives decided to tie up with human
resource staffing agencies. High number of competent workers needed is the main
reason of the decision of company to come up in partnering with staffing firms to
acquire the lack of workforce they had locally in their Human Resource department.
The competency, educational attainment, and job experience of the needed employees
were an extensive range which requires various recruitment personnel to handle each.
The following job vacancies include purchasing, sales, warehouse managers, general
labours and clerical employees. Time frame of two weeks was set up to deliver a total
of 175 employees in the first month.


1. Describe the main challenge/s of Deca MaGarne Da Construction Inc.?

2. If you are the Human Resource Director of the company, how will you help
solve the challenge/s?

3. What interventions will you propose and recommend to the company executives
relative to staffing concerns?

What I Can Do

Are you confident about how adept you are about the lesson staffing?

Let’s figure it out by answering this activity. Relax this is just a piece of cake!

You were hired as the new Talent Acquisition Head in a service-provider

company. You were tasked by the top management to personally hire the new
Operations Manager who will be responsible in overseeing the day-to-day operations of
your company. List the steps you will be implementing in hiring the said vacant
position. Use the template below. Specify the details of your output.

Job Title: Operations Manager

Applicant’s Hiring Information

Name: _______________________________ Years of Experience: _________________
Age and Gender: _____________________ Educational Attainment: _____________

Step 1: ______________________________________________________________________
Step 2: ______________________________________________________________________
Step 3: ______________________________________________________________________
Step 4: ______________________________________________________________________
Step 5: ______________________________________________________________________
Step 6: ______________________________________________________________________
Step 7: ______________________________________________________________________
Step 8: ______________________________________________________________________
Step 9: ______________________________________________________________________
Step 10: _____________________________________________________________________


Bravo! You did a great job. I bet you are ready to further evaluate your learning
about the lesson.
This assessment will gauge your mastery on the lesson about staffing.
COMPLETE THE SENTENCES: Choose the correct word or phrase from the box below
to complete each sentence.


1. ______________ is the process of picking or choosing the right candidate, who is most
suitable for a vacant job position in an organization.

2. Strategizing a _____________ plan for the future needs of the business is one of the
main functions of human resource inventory.

3. _____________ the process of finding the right employee with appropriate

qualifications or experience and recruiting them to fill a position, role, or job.

4. A huge amount is spent on recruitment, selection, training, and development of

employees. To get the ______________ output, the staffing function should be
performed efficiently.
5. By performing the staffing function effectively and efficiently, the ______________ can
describe the significance and importance which it attaches to the personnel working in
the enterprise.

6. Human Resource Inventory, also known as the ___________________ comprehensively

lists down the basic information on all the employees, like their education, experience,
skills, age, gender, salary-related data, job preference, and special achievements.

7. Staffing is a ______________ function. It is the responsibility of every manager.

8. Human resources expect and deserve dignity. So the ______________ of the

staffing function lies in involving every individual in the organization in the task of
achieving organizational goals.

9. Job ________________ and morale of the workers increases through the recruitment of
the right person.

10. In an organization, the behaviour of individuals is influenced by various factors

that are involved such as education level, needs, socio-cultural factors, etc. Therefore,
the human aspects of the organization have become very important and so that the
workers can also be motivated by financial and non-financial incentives to perform
their functions properly in achieving the _________________.

TRUE OR FALSE: Read the sentences properly. Identify if the statement, write TRUE
is the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
___________ 1. The right type of climate should be created for the workers to contribute
to the achievement of the organizational objectives.

___________ 2. Human resource inventory is the most neglected tool used in HR

planning and policymaking.
___________ 3. For the efficient performance of other functions of management,
appropriate staffing is its key since without considering this, it cannot perform the
functions of management properly.
___________ 4. Recruitment is the process of picking or choosing the right candidate,
who is most suitable for a vacant job position in an organization.
___________ 5. Training of human resources and compensating human resources are
the steps in organizational planning.

Additional Activities

Awesome job! Now I prepared another activity which will allow you to summarize
what you have learned in the lesson.

DIRECTION: Answer the following questions or situations based on what you’ve

learned from the lesson.
1. How can managers evaluate if organizational staffing procedures are sufficient?

2. Should a human resource personnel need to have a human resource inventory?

Justify your answer.

3. Differentiate recruitment and selection.


4. If you could add one step in the staffing process, which one is it? Why?

5. If you could eliminate one step in the staffing process, which one is it? Why?
Answer Key

1. Selection
2. Workforce
3. Staffing
What's New What I Know
4. Optimum 1. Staffing 1. D

5. Management 2. Recruitment 2. B

6. Skills inventory 3. Selection 3. C

7. Universal 4. Applicant 4. D

8. Success 5. Human Resource 5. A

9. Satisfaction 6. Job Vacancy 6. B

10. Objectives 7. Workforce 7. A

8. Performance 8. D

TRUE OR FALSE 9. Efficient 9. B

1. True 10. Organization 10. C

2. False 11. D

3. True 12. A

4. False 13. C

5. False 14. D
15. A

Cabrera H. M., Altajeros, A. DC., Benjamin, R., Del Castillo, C. D., (2016).
Organization and Management.

Heneman, H. III, Judge, T., Kammeyer-Mueller, J. (2014). Staffing Organizations 7th

Edition. New York:McGraw-Hill.

Criteria for Activities

Areas of 4 3 2 1
Ideas Presents ideas in Presents ideas in Ideas are too Ideas are vague
an original a consistent general or unclear
manner manner
Organization Strong and Organized Some No organization;
organized beg/mid/end organization; lack
beg/mid/end attempt at a beg/mid/end
Understanding Writing shows Writing shows a Writing shows Writing shows
strong clear adequate little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
Word Choice Sophisticated use Nouns and verbs Needs more Little or no use
of nouns and make essay nouns and verbs of nouns and
verbs make the informative verbs
essay very
Sentence Sentence Sentence Sentence No sense of
Structure structure structure is structure is sentence
enhances evident; limited; structure or
meaning; flows sentences mostly sentences need flow
throughout the flow to flow
Mechanics Few (if any) errors Few errors Several errors Numerous
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

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Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

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