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Evaluation rubric

Total 100

Paper Content / Instructions and Word Count 25

Less than 60% of the order instructions are met. ☐

More than 40% of generic and/or irrelevant content in the paper. ☐

60-69% of the requirements mentioned in order description or in files are met. ☐

More than 275 words are missing. ☐

Writer follows instructions in description box, messages, and files attached on order (70- ☐
-15 89% of the instructions are followed).

126-275 words are missing. ☐

90% of the requirements are met. ☐

1-125 words are missing. ☐

-5 95% of the requirements followed. ☐

The total word count exceeds the ordered one by more than 131 words. ☐

Grammar and Style 25

There are more than 5 grammar mistakes per page. ☐

-25 Style chosen does not correspond to theme and level of the paper ordered. ☐

Writer repeats several paragraphs (considerable part of the paragraphs) within a paper. ☐

5 grammar mistakes per page are detected. ☐

Paper contains colloquialisms / informal expressions, contractions, phrasal verbs / ☐

-20 idioms, rhetorical questions, personal pronouns (unless required in the instructions).

Paper is too repetitive, or writer repeats the whole paragraph (considerable part of the ☐

There are 4 grammar mistakes per page. ☐

Paper is overloaded with transitional words / there are no transitional words at all (unless ☐
-15 required in the instructions).

There is repetition of some words and phrases (except scientific terms and abbreviations) ☐
(3-4 sentences per 2 pages).

2-3 grammar mistakes per page are found. ☐

Writer uses different styles / structure of the sentences or theses (important for bullet ☐
-10 points) within a paper.

There is repetition of some words and phrases (except scientific terms and abbreviations) ☐
(1-2 sentences per 2 pages).

The paper contains 1-2 grammar mistakes per page. ☐

Minor style mistake (1 mistake per page) is detected. ☐

-2 There is 1-2 grammar mistake(s) per paper. ☐

Structure 20

-20 Paper does not correspond to the type of the assignment chosen / template or outline ☐
sent by the client is not used.

Paragraph structure has some mistakes: ☐

- less than 65 or more than 190 words per paragraph;
- less than 3 sentences in a paragraph;
- less than 2 paragraphs per page;
- no proper topic and/or concluding sentence(s) in a paragraph.
5 poor structured paragraphs per 2 pages.
Introduction and/or conclusion are absent (unless required in instructions). ☐

Thesis statement is wrong or absent (unless required in instructions/paper type). ☐

Sentence structure has some mistakes: ☐

- more than 35 words (more than 55 words for Masters/PhD level paper) in a
- less than 10 words in a sentence
5 poor structured sentences per 2 pages.

Paragraph structure has some mistakes: ☐

- less than 65 or more than 190 words per paragraph;
- less than 3 sentences in a paragraph;
- less than 2 paragraphs per page;
-10 - no proper topic and/or concluding sentence(s) in a paragraph.
3-4 poor structured paragraphs per 2 pages.

Sentence structure has some mistakes: ☐

- more than 35 words (more than 55 words for Masters/PhD level paper) in a
- less than 10 words in a sentence.
3-4 poor structured sentences per 2 pages.

Thesis statement is weak / does not correspond to the type of assignment. ☐

Paragraph structure has some mistakes: ☐

- less than 65 or more than 190 words per paragraph;
- less than 3 sentences in a paragraph;
- less than 2 paragraphs per page;
-5 - no proper topic and/or concluding sentence(s) in a paragraph.
2 poor structured paragraphs per 2 pages.

Sentence structure has some mistakes: ☐

- more than 35 words (more than 55 words for Masters/PhD level paper) in a
- less than 10 words in a sentence.
2 poor structured sentences per 2 pages.

Paragraph structure has some mistakes: ☐

- less than 65 or more than 190 words per paragraph;
- less than 3 sentences in a paragraph;
- less than 2 paragraphs per page;
- no proper topic and/or concluding sentence(s) in a paragraph.
-3 1 poor structured paragraphs per 2 pages.

Sentence structure has some mistakes: ☐

- more than 35 words (more than 55 words for Masters/PhD level paper) in a
- less than 10 words in a sentence.
1 poor structured sentences per 2 pages.
Paragraph/sentence structure requirements may be ignored if required in instructions or because of
limited word count.
Format 15

Writer uses wrong citation style. ☐

Paper has more than 15% of citations. ☐

Reference list is absent (unless required in instructions). ☐

There are some mistakes in citation style (2-3 mistakes per up to 6 sources on the ☐
reference list).

-10 There are some mistakes in in-text citations (2-3 mistakes per 2 pages). ☐

Abstract (if needed) is absent. ☐

There are some mistakes in citation style (1 mistake per up to 6 sources on the reference ☐

-5 There are some mistakes in in-text citations (1 mistake per 2 pages). ☐

Title page and outline are absent (even though ordered). ☐

Title page is absent (even though ordered). ☐

The paper contains minor сompany format mistakes in spacing, font, alignment and/or ☐

Punctuation marks, omitted initials of the 2 /3 first names of the authors, capitalization, and
nd rd

spaces are not counted as mistakes (on reference list) unless there are too many errors, and they
are evident.

Research 15

More than 3 or all the sources ordered are not verifiable / not credible / older than 5 ☐
years (unless required in instructions / allowed by customer) or do not correspond to the
topic chosen.
Writer used no sources (unless required in instructions). ☐

There is data/statement with no reference (more than 2 cases per paper). ☐

2-3 sources used are not verifiable / not credible / older than 5 years (unless required in ☐
instructions / allowed by customer) or do not correspond to the topic chosen.

-10 Writer uses fewer sources than ordered (unless required in instructions / allowed by ☐

There is data/statement with no reference (max. 2 cases per paper). ☐

-5 1 source used is not verifiable / not credible / older than 5 years (unless required in ☐
instructions / allowed by customer) or does not correspond to the topic chosen.

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