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New words – Present Tense Simple

Key words:

- Often = adeseori
Ex: I often go to the store to buy something sweet. = Merg adeseori la magazin sa cumpar ceva

- Seldom = rareori
Ex: You can seldom identify errors, after a good practice. Rareori vei identifica erori, dupa o
buna practica.

- Usually = de obicei
Ex: I usually don’t wake up early in the morning. = De obicei, nu ma trezesc dis-de-dimineata. :D

- Sometimes = cateodata
Ex: It happens sometimes to forget about important things. = Se intampla cateodata sa uit de
lucruri importante.

- Frequently = frecvent
Ex: My students frequently tell me I speak too much. :D

- Never = niciodata
Ex: Never say never. = Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata.

- Always = mereu
Ex: Always remember good things in life. = Sa iti amintesti mereu de lucrurile bune in viata.

- Whenever = ori de cate ori

Ex: Whenever we meet we have a good time together. = De fiecare data cand ne intalnim, ne
simtim bine impreuna.

- Nowadays = in zilele noastre

Ex: Nowadays, people have more access to information as in the past. = In zilele noastre,
oamenii au mai mult acces la informatie, decat in trecut.

P.S: Form your own (ale tale) sentences (propozitii)! Don’t worry (nu te preocupa) about
grammar. Just practice and have more confidence (incredere) in you!

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