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Before anyone can actually start writing you need to do the different pre-writing

processes which were already mentioned in the activity above.

You must brainstorm for ideas, research if necessary, and take notes on information
that you need or details that you want to include, make an outline, organize your notes
into groups that would make sense before you can create a rough draft.
Revising is the process of reviewing your work and making changes to improve your
writing. Once you’ve finished the prewriting stage and written a rough draft, you should:
 Reread your work and look for problems.
 Correct spelling and grammar errors.
 Watch out for wordy phrases.
 Get rid of text that does not relate to your topic.
 Make sure your writing is clear and interesting
 Ask someone else to read your first draft.
 Write your final draft.
Writers put effort hoping that what they have written will be understood.
Revising for clarity
1. Remove “non-essential” words.
2. Use simple constructions to explain ideas.
3. Avoid repeating the same idea in similar wording from one sentence to the next.
4. Use the best words, not the most words.
5. Sympathize with the reader.
Revising for correct punctuation marks
1. Use a period at the end of a declarative sentence and in abbreviations.
Example: I know how to write a complete sentence.
2. Use a question mark after an interrogative sentence.
Example: Are you alright?
3. Use quotation marks for direct quotations.
Example: “I will get it for you,” said Ana.
4. Use an apostrophe in contractions and to indicate possession.
Example: The members’ votes were recorded and tallied.
5. Use a comma to separate items in series.
Example: She is cooking chicken, potatoes, corn, and carrot.
6. Use a hyphen to join words serving as single adjective before a noun, in number
words, and to divide words into syllables.
Example: The design is state-of-the-art.
7. Use an exclamation point to show strong emotion or to give command.
Example: The rain did not stop for four days!
8. Use a colon to introduce a list and before a final clause that explains something
in the sentence.
Example: There are two choices at this time: run away or fight.
9. Use parentheses around extra non-essential information that is too important to
omit. Example: Ayrton (like his father, Paolo) was victorious in the bike race.
10. Use a semicolon to join two independent clauses that are not connected with a
coordinate conjunction.
Example: You should stop eating so much food; you will have to go on a diet.
Task 1. Revision Revise the story below. Do not forget to follow the steps in
revising that you’ve learned.

This year I had the best summer vacation ever. My whole family went to Aklan where
my grandparents live. They live near the ocean. While we were there we did a lot of fun
stuff. My grandfather taught me how to play chess, and I found out that I am good at it.
My little sister had day camp so I didn’t have to watch her all day like I usually do in the
summer. I took sailing lessons. My boat tipped over so many times but I learned how to
take the water out of the boat and get back on it. I hope I can go back to Aklan next

Task 2. Help!
Problems often come our way. It is something that needs fixing or resolving. Try to give
solutions to some of the problems below. Write down your answers on a sheet of paper.
1. You have an exam but your mother is sick. She needs you to take care of your
younger sister. What will you do?
2. You were so fond of playing computer games that you did not bother to study at all.
You received your first summative test result and you failed. What will you do?
3. You wanted to go out with your friends but your father asked you to help him clean
the garage. What will you do?
Task 3. Write It Down
Think of a problem that you had and state how you were able to resolve it. Write a
three- paragraph composition showing your problem and your solution(s).
Prepared by:
Master Teacher I

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