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Jalan Temugiring I, Gentasari, Kroya, Cilacap,Kode Pos 53282 Telepon 0282-5293845
Faksimile 0282-5293845 Surat Elektronik

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 16 Maret 2022

Kelas : XI MIPA & XI IPS Waktu : 08.00 - 09.00

Petunjuk Umum :
1. Tulislah terlebuh dahulu Nama, Kelas dan Nomor Test pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia
2. Bacalah terlebih dahulu setiap soal, sebelum anda menjawabnya
3. Kerjakan terlebih dahulu soal soal yang anda anggap mudah
4. Kerjakan dengan penuh kejujuran
5. Periksa kembali pekerjaan anda, sebelum lembar jawab dikumpulkan kepada pengawas

Petunjuk Khusus :

A. Berilah Tanda Silang ( X ) pada huruf A, B, C, D,atau E pada jawaban yang paling

1. I love living in Australia …. the weather.

A. Because
B. Since
C. As
D. because of
E. But
2. Keith lost his job due …. cutbacks in the department.
A. For
B. At
C. To
D. By
E. either
3. I can’t go further …. the street congestion.
A. Because
B. because of
C. Although
D. Otherwise
E. whereas
4. She has decided to move to Portland …. there are more opportunities for employment in that
A. Because
B. Wherever
C. If
D. as long as
E. whenever
5. We should avoid oily food …. be healthy.
A. Finally
B. in order to
C. Consequently
D. For
E. always
Kupang, April 2, 2018
Dear Paula,
Hello Paula, how are you? It’s been a month since l last heard from you. Well l just
wanted to tell you that I was in a hospital last week. According to the doctor l was infected by
dengue fever.

At first, I felt my body became weak then fainted when was studying in the classroom. Then, I
was taken to the hospital because of the high fever.

At the hospital, I was brought into the emergency unit. The doctor immediately gave some
treatments. Finally, l had to stay there for one week. Everyday the doctor kept me on a drip. At
the seventh day, my condition was getting better. After the final check, the doctor gave me
permission to go home. Now, I’m okay and because of my illness, I am now more careful about
keeping in my house clean especially my room, I don’t want to get the same illness again.

OK, think that’s all from me, write to me soon ok?


6. What is the topic of the letter above?

A. Getting Fever
B. Went to hospital
C. The doctor recipe
D. In hospital
E. Sickness
7. What did the writer do when she felt her body became weak?
A. She bought medicine
B. She consumed the medicine
C. She took a rest all day
D. She went to hospital
E. She does nothing
8. What was the disease that she got?
A. Stomach
B. Toothache
C. Dengue Fever
D. Sorethroat
E. Influenza
9. Why the writer was taken to the hospital?
A. She got high fever
B. She got diarrhea
C. She got headache
D. She got broken bones
E. She got toothache
10. How long she was taken care in the hospital?
A. Four days
B. Five days
C. Six days
D. Eight days
E. Seven days
B. Soal Essay
1. Write down three sentences each using
A. Because
B. Because of
Dear Aunt Nia
Aunty, I have some good news for you. Last month I passed my final examination. A week ago I
succeeded to join in a senior high school English competition. Last night my parents promised to
send me to a famous English course in my town. They also promised me if my scores in English
are good, they’ll send me to a foreign university. Great, isn’t it? I’ll work hard. I want to be a
great pediatrician like you, Aunty.
Well, that’s all for now. Looking forward to having your news.

2. What is the purpose of the text?

3. What did her parents promise her?

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