Human Behaviour and Development Under High-Altitude Conditions

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Developmental Science 9:4 (2006), pp 400–410

Human behaviour and development under high-altitude

Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Javier Virués-Ortega,1 Eduardo Garrido,2 Casimiro Javierre3 and
Karen C. Kloezeman4
1. Department of Personality, Assessment and Treatment, Universidad de Granada, Spain
2. Sports Medicine & Exercise Physiology Unit, Hospital General de Catalunya-Capio, St Cugat, Spain
3. Department of Physiological Sciences, University of Barcelona, Spain
4. Department of Psychology, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, USA

Although we are far from a universally accepted pattern of impaired function at altitude, there is evidence indicating motor,
perceptual, memory and behavioural deficits in adults. Even relatively low altitudes (2500 m) may delay reaction time, and impair
motor function. Extreme altitude exposure (>5000 m) may result in more pronounced impairment that can persist after returning
to the lowlands. Research into the effects of altitude exposure earlier in development is lacking by comparison. Un-acclimatized
children can suffer from acute mountain sickness, and, in native populations born at altitude, subtle cognitive and behavioural
deficits suggest incomplete adaptation to hypoxia. The study of neurobehavioural functioning at altitude may provide important
information about the effects of clinical hypoxia on the human brain and behavioural development.

Introduction High-altitude mountaineering continues to provide an

important opportunity for research, but the natural set-
Neurobehavioural functioning at altitude has received tings of these studies can result in inconsistent method-
relatively little attention within the hypoxia literature, ology and care is required in the analysis of the existing
but against the background of physiological insights over literature (Bahrke & Shukitt-Hale, 1993; Virués-Ortega,
centuries, research into the cognitive and behavioural Buela-Casal, Garrido & Alcázar, 2004). Indeed, the
effects of high altitude exposure has shown considerable cognitive and behavioural changes described in these early
recent development. Jose de Acosta, a Spanish Jesuit, narratives have been subjected to more rigorous scientific
visited the Andean highlands and gave the first account investigation. Perhaps the first investigator to apply experi-
of mountain sickness in his book, Historia Natural y mental psychology methods in the study of the effects of
Moral de las Indias (Acosta, 1590). However, a descrip- altitude and oxygen deprivation was Ross A. McFarland
tion of the neurological presentation of acute mountain (1901–76). He observed only minimal impairment at low
sickness (AMS) is attributed to Thomas Ravenhill (1913), altitudes, while more complex processes such as arithmetic
a British surgeon working in the mines of northern and decision-making were increasingly affected with ascent
Chile. Janssen (1890) described how the effort needed to to higher altitudes (see Table 1) (McFarland, 1932, 1937,
think was increased by physical exercise while ascending 1972). These seminal papers provided the impetus for
Mount Blanc. Other anecdotal references have appeared subsequent studies investigating the effects of altitude
in the literature, particularly in the descriptions by exposure on motor, memory and ‘frontal-lobe’ function
alpinists in classic Himalayan expeditions (e.g. Dunlap, in adults (see Virués-Ortega et al., 2004, for review). Our
1918; Ruttledge, 1934; Shipton, 1943; Wilmer & Berens, understanding of the pathophysiological effects of altitude
1918). For instance, alterations in perceptual, memory exposure has also benefited from clinical and experimental
and metacognitive processes are described in Herzog’s models of short-term hypoxia adaptation such as
Annapurna narration, the first 8000 m summit to be obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), hypoxia induced in
ascended (Herzog, 1952). hypobaric chambers, or by hypoxic gas mixtures.

Address for correspondence: Javier Virués-Ortega, Centro Nacional de Epidemiología, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, C/Sinesio Delgado, 6, 28029
Madrid, Spain; e-mail:

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and
350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.
Human behaviour and development under high-altitude conditions 401

Table 1 Cognitive capabilities as a fraction of sea-level Nieremyer, Lindgren, Hohigman, Strain & Cairns, 2003).
performance for unacclimatized subjects according to Of greater concern, there is also an increased risk of
McFarland (1972) sudden infant death syndrome (Kohlendorfer, Kiechl &
Altitude Visual Attention Short-term Arithmetic Decision
Sperl, 1998). Taken together, these findings suggest that
(m) sensitivity span memory ability making exposure to altitude is not without risk in the very
2500 83% 100% 97% 100% 100%
3500 67% 83% 91% 95% 98%
In this review, we describe first the physiological
4200 56% 70% 83% 92% 95% processes that occur during human adaptation to high
5000 48% 57% 76% 86% 90% altitude and the effect on motor, perceptual and cogni-
Note: Adapted from McFarland, 1972.
tive function in adults. Secondly, we review the sparse
evidence for the neurobehavioural effects of altitude
exposure in infants and children, describing those studies
investigating AMS alongside studies of native populations
who were born at altitude.

Biological responses to high altitude

The proportion of atmospheric oxygen remains constant

up to the limit of the troposphere (approximately
15,000 m), but the oxygen pressure drops exponentially
with altitude. This leads to a reduction of inspired and
alveolar oxygen pressure, associated with a decreased
oxygen concentration in the blood (hypoxaemia). Hyper-
Figure 1 World locations of studies on cognitive and
behavioural impairments due to altitude exposure in children ventilation may then occur, causing a drop in carbon
and adults. dioxide levels (hypocapnia). Cerebral blood flow (CBF)
Note: Grey stains portray world areas with extensive regions located ≥ 2500 m reflects the balance between the levels of oxygen and
above sea level (modified with permission: Globalis map generator from Global carbon dioxide in blood. At high altitude, there is an
Virtual University – United Nations University). Green diamonds represent
studies with adults and red circles represent studies with children. Database increase in CBF, but severe hypocapnia can cause vaso-
search: Medline (1980 – 2005): Mountaineering [MESH] OR Altitude [MESH] OR constriction to the extent that CBF may be restricted
Altitude [TI]; PsycInfo (1980–2005): ‘Altitude’ (Keyword or Title) or ‘hypoxia’
(Keyword or Title). Additional references were retrieved from the reviews by (Schoene, 1999; Hornbein, 2001). With longer-term
Bahrke and Shukitt-Hale (1993) and Virués et al. (2004). Only empirical studies exposure, other adaptive processes may be detected. An
testing cognitive and behavioural effects of real altitude in children (age 0–18)
and adults (age above 19) were included. Case reports, retrospective studies, increase of red blood cells (polycythaemia) occurs after
simulated altitude studies (hypobaric chamber, gas mixture, aircraft travel) and the first week of continuous exposure to high altitude.
studies with animals were excluded. Thirty-three studies were found; the location
of two studies was unknown. Polycythaemia may improve oxygen uptake and delivery
to the brain (Richalet, Souberbielle, Antezana, Dechaux,
Le Trong, Bienvenu, Daniel, Blanchot & Zittoun, 1994),
While research into the neurobehavioural effects of although this process can result in high blood viscosity,
altitude exposure in adults has thus progressed, the associated with risk of thrombosis and stroke if the
impact on the developing brain is relatively unknown, as red cell number is excessive (al Tahan, Buchur, el
very few data have been reported in infants and children Khwsky, Ogunniyi, al-Rajeh, Larbi, Daif & Bamgboye,
(see Figure 1). It is apparent that lowland children may 1998; Jaillard, Hommel & Mazetti, 1995; Niaz &
display symptoms of AMS (e.g. headache, vomiting, Nayyar, 2003). These processes are described further in
insomnia and cognitive alteration; Hackett, 1999; Hackett Figure 2.
& Roach, 2001) when exposed to high altitudes (Basnyat, Adaptation to chronic hypoxic conditions has been
Sherpa, Basyal & Adhirikari, 1998; Pollard, Murdoch & shown to differ between indigenous populations, sug-
Bärtsch, 1998; Yaron, Waldman, Niermeyer, Nicholas & gesting phenotypic variation in the systemic response
Honigman, 1998). There is also some evidence showing to hypoxia, and a degree of natural selection in the
increased infant mortality in indigenous populations determination of those adaptations that are associated
(see Saco-Pollitt, 1989, for review), and that young chil- with greater survival (e.g. Beall, Song, Elston & Goldstein,
dren living at altitude have stunted growth (Saco-Pollitt, 2004). Himalayan highlanders of Tibetan lineage do not
1981), and may suffer from sleep disturbance (Vázquez, appear to exhibit an exaggerated form of the otherwise
Marentes, Aboitiz, Meza & Pérez-Padilla, 2004; Yaron, expected signs and symptoms of altitude exposure, such

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

402 Javier Virués-Ortega et al.

Figure 2 The biological process underlying altitude neurobehavioural impairment.

Note: CBF = cerebral blood flow, PB = barometric pressure, PiO2 = pressure of inspired oxygen in the trachea, PAO2 = alveolar pressure of oxygen, PaO2 = partial
pressure of oxygen in arterial blood, PaCO2 = partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood, %SaO2 = percent saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen in the
arterial blood.

as periodic sleep apnoeas, polycythaemia and oxyhae- blindness, hemianopia, diplopia and hemiparesis (see
moglobin desaturation, indicating adaptation to altitude Virués-Ortega et al., 2004, for review).
(Beall & Goldstein, 1987). Similar results have been Neuroimaging studies are sparse and focus on adults
reported for Tibetan infants (Niermeyer, Yang, Shan- acutely exposed to high altitude. There is only limited
mina, Drolkar, Zhuang & Moore, 1995). Polycythaemia evidence of focal brain damage to hypoxia-sensitive
is characteristic of Andean communities, while Tibetans brain areas (i.e. cortex, medial temporal lobe), suggest-
have been reported to have near-normal haemoglobin ing that those symptoms described above may be mostly
concentration. Amerindian highlanders have developed transient and associated only with acute perturbations
a bigger chest size; they also have a rise in pulmonary of brain metabolism. While a single climb below 7000 m
pressure causing enlargement of the heart (Beall, 2000a; does not seem to cause brain magnetic resonance image
Niermeyer, Zamudio & Moore, 2001). However, Amharic (MRI) changes (Anooshavirani, Dumont, Mardirosoff,
Ethiopian highlanders settled at 3500 m maintain Soto-Debeuf & Delavelle, 1999), ascent to higher alti-
venous haemoglobin concentrations and arterial oxygen tudes, especially repeatedly and without supplementary
saturation (SaO2) within the range of those populations oxygen, has been associated with leuko-araiosis and mild
living at sea level, and might therefore have developed cortical atrophy in European climbers (Garrido, Castelló,
still unknown altitude-adaptation mechanisms (Beall, Ventura, Capdevila & Rodríguez, 1993). Leuko-araiosis,
Decker, Brittenham, Kushner, Gebremedhin & Strohl, defined by Hachinski, Potter and Merskey (1987) as neuro-
2002). Adaptive mechanisms may help to maintain radiological/MRI signal change in the periventricular
physical and mental performance at altitude. For exam- deep white matter, may reflect exposure to critical levels
ple, Tibetans demonstrate better physical ability at of environmental hypoxia (Houston, Sutton, Cymerman
altitude when compared with lowlanders, Andean com- & Reeves, 1987). Similarly, high signal intensity in the
munities and European high-altitude residents (Moore, splenium of the corpus callosum following rapid ascent
2000; Moore, Curran-Everett, Droma, Groves, McCullough, to 5200 m was reported in one 29-year-old man, although
McCullough, Sun, Sutton, Zamudio & Zhuang, 1992). this signal change normalized after four months (Wong,
Acute exposure to hypoxia is associated with severe Turner, Birchall, Walls, English & Schmid, 2004), and
neurobehavioural dysfunction and loss of consciousness two climbers showed high signal intensity in periven-
after a few minutes at altitudes above 6500 m in non- tricular brain areas immediately after exposure to 8000 m
acclimatized individuals (see Table 1), and it is assumed (Garrido, Segura, Capdevila, Aldoma, Rodriguez, Javierre
that permanent human life is not possible above 5500 m, & Ventura, 1995). Usui, Inoue, Kimura, Kirino, Nagaoka,
although moderate altitudes can sometimes be tolerated Abe, Nagata and Arai (2004) described computerized
without supplementary oxygen. Nevertheless, brain vul- tomography and MRI findings in two women aged 63
nerability to hypoxia increases from 2500 m above sea years. Bilateral basal ganglia abnormality was found in
level (Hackett, 1999; Hackett & Roach, 2001). Exercise both women, leading the authors to hypothesize that
(hyperventilation), insomnia and other processes linked exposure to high altitudes may be associated with ‘sub-
to human activity at high altitudes may contribute to cortical dementia’. Signal abnormality in the globus
this effect. Brain vulnerability can manifest as aphasia, pallidus was also reported in a 49-year-old Korean

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Human behaviour and development under high-altitude conditions 403

patient after an ascent to 4700 m, and was associated factors underlying cultural differences in systemic oxygen
with changes in personality (Jeong, Kwon, Chin, Yoon saturation and transport (Moore, 2001).
& Na, 2002). There is also evidence for brain abnormality In summary, the literature indicates that exposure to
in a study of EEG activity in eight world-class alpinists high and extreme altitudes can result in focal ischemic
(Regard, Oelz, Brugger & Landis, 1989). In addition, damage, although the incidence and extent of neuro-
there is some supportive experimental evidence: for pathology may be determined by the degree to which the
example, rats exposed to an altitude of 6400 m for four individual is habituated to altitude. However, the evi-
days suffered neurotoxicity in the hippocampus subfield dence is sparse and the clinical significance is not clear
CA3 (Shukitt-Hale, Kadar, Marlowe, Stillman, Galli, as brain damage has not been reliably associated with
Levy, Devine & Lieberman, 1996). Accordingly, develop- cognitive and behavioural impairment (Hornbein, 1992),
ment under chronic hypoxia (10% O2) decreases the or with other neurological signs and symptoms.
number of CA1 cells with accompanying memory
impairment in rats (Mikati, Zeinieh, Kurdi, Harb, El
Hokayem, Daderian, Shamseddine, Obeid, Bitar & El Motor function at altitude
Sabban, 2005).
There is even less brain MRI evidence in indigenous Abnormal motor function has frequently been reported
populations but the available data suggest that there is in the altitude literature, for example, evident in reduced
only a minor risk of brain damage, despite repeated speed and precision in finger tapping (Berry, McConnell,
ascents to extreme altitudes (Garrido, Segura, Capdevila, Phillips, Carswell, Lamb & Prine, 1989; Hornbein,
Pujol, Javierre & Ventura, 1996). Specifically, MRI scans Townes, Schoene, Sutton & Houston, 1989). The extent
were obtained from seven Sherpa elite climbers who of environmental oxygen reduction required to demon-
were born and spent most of their life at an average strate this effect is variable: exposure to simulated alti-
altitude of 4000 m. Despite their numerous expeditions tudes through hypobaric chambers and gas mixture
over 8000 m without use of supplementary oxygen, ranging from 2500 to 6000 m (60–95% SaO2) reportedly
minor abnormality was found in only one participant has a negative impact.
(mild cortical atrophy and a degree of leuko-araiosis). The finding of motor deterioration may be con-
The brain MRI findings in this individual were similar founded with fatigue, a variable associated with both
to those observed in European extreme-altitude climbers motor delay and altitude gain (Bolmont, Thullier &
of similar age, but the incidence of abnormality in the Abraini, 2000). Thus, it is not clear if motor deficits are
European climbers was higher (61%). None of a low- a direct consequence of altitude hypoxia, although the
lander control group showed brain MRI alterations. results of one study suggested that the effect of fatigue
The lack of brain abnormality in indigenous popula- is probably spurious (Sharma, Malhotra & Baskaran,
tions may be due to a degree of neuro-protection offered 1975). These authors recorded motor speed using an
by long-term adaptation to chronic hypoxia. Indeed a eye–hand coordination test in 25 Indian young adults
lower resting metabolic rate, particularly in frontal cor- (21–30-years-old) in a community relocated to 4000 m
tical areas, has been described in PET studies of adult from sea level. Importantly, this motor delay did not
Andean natives (Hochachka, Clark, Brown, Stanley, decrease over time, and deficits persisted when people
Stone, Nickles, Zhu, Allen & Holden, 1994). The authors returned to live at lower altitude. Chronic effects on
interpreted these findings as indicative of hypoxic- motor speed may be due to repeated long-term exposure
adaptation. However, the subsequent investigation of to high and extreme altitudes, but there are few longitu-
adult Himalayan natives did not reveal the same changes dinal data to support this hypothesis. In 1981, the
as found in the Andean natives (Hochachka, Clark, American Medical Research Everest Expedition (AMREE)
Monge, Stanley, Brown, Stone, Nickles & Holden, 1996). found significant impairment two years after the termina-
Other authors suggest that there is greater physiological tion of the expedition (West, 1986). In addition, Regard
adaptation to hypoxia in Himalayan natives resulting et al. (1989) noted that finger tapping was significantly
from a longer period for genetic adaptation (Moore, impaired in 25% of world-class alpinists with a long
2001; Wu, Li & Ward, 2005; Niermeyer et al., 2001). history of high and extreme altitude exposures.
Moreover, chronic mountain sickness like Monge’s dis-
ease, or the adult and infantile type of subacute moun-
tain sickness are rare in Tibetans compared to Andean Perceptual and attentional processing
natives or altitude newcomers (Sui, Liu, Cheng, Anand,
Harris & Heath, 1988; Monge, Leon-Velarde & Arregui, Delayed reaction time (RT) in complex target-detection
2001). Further investigation is required to explore genetic tasks is the most frequently reported effect of altitude.

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

404 Javier Virués-Ortega et al.

This phenomenon has been observed in a variety of enon occurred above 6000 m, and may result from brain
experimental settings, including high mountaineering hypoxia, or from other variables such as emotional
expeditions and hypobaric chambers (Bolmont, Bouquet distress, lack of stimulation and physical exhaustion
& Thullier, 2001; Fowler & Prlic, 1995; Kramer, Coyne (Brugger, Regard, Landis & Oelz, 1999; Garrido, Javierre,
& Strayer, 1993; Mackintosh, Thomas, Olive, Chesner & Ventura & Segura, 2000).
Knight, 1988), and significant impairment has been
demonstrated at altitudes as low as 1500 m (Denison,
Ledwith & Poulton, 1966), although more consistent Higher cognitive functions
abnormality is found above 6000 m (e.g. Operation
Everest II; Hornbein et al., 1989). RT delay might reflect
altered sensori-perceptual processing, evident in increased
latency of the P300 component (an event-related poten- The brain areas associated with learning and memory
tial associated with basic stimulus identification and (e.g. structures of the medial temporal lobe) are particu-
processing) (Fowler & Prlic, 1995; Hayashi, Matsuzawa, larly sensitive to hypoxia (e.g. see Raman, Tkac, Ennis,
Kubo & Kobayashi, 2005; Kida, 1997; Soltani & Knight, Georgieff, Gruetter & Rao, 2005), but a direct relation-
2000; Wesensten, Crowley & Thomas, 1993). Abnormality ship between altitude exposure, hippocampal dysfunc-
in ERP components reflecting more complex, response- tion and learning and memory impairment in humans is
related, processing have also been described, e.g. the not established. Nevertheless, Litch and Bishop (1999)
contingent negative variation (Takagi & Watanabe, described two cases of transitory global amnesia associ-
1999). ated with AMS and cerebral oedema at 4400 m and 3750 m;
Auditory discrimination is only slightly affected by Garrido and colleagues (1995) reported a similar case
simulated high altitude exposure. For example, a 2.6dB in a mountaineer climbing to 8000 m. A recent study in
reduction in auditory sensitivity at a simulated altitude humans by Pelamatti, Pascotto and Semenza (2003)
of 3700 m has been reported (McAnally, Watson, Martin showed that 15 adults (29–37 years old), tested under
& Singh, 2003), and longer latency of the auditory high altitude (4500 and 5050 m) conditions, displayed
evoked potential was found in a study conducted in the difficulties on the recall of supraspan word lists, specifi-
Himalayas (4300 m), suggesting a delay in sensory cally those words that came early in the list (primacy
conduction (Singh, Thakur, Anand, Yadav, Banerjee & effect). A number of other studies have shown that ver-
Selvamurthy, 2004). Other sensory modalities can become bal and visual short-term memory capacity and recall is
hypersensitive. An increased luminance threshold for impaired from altitudes starting at 2500 m (Cavaletti,
visual stimuli has been described (Kobrick & Appleton, Moroni, Garavaglia & Tredici, 1987; Hopkins, Kessner
1971), while visual contrast sensitivity remains unaffected & Goldstein, 1995; Hornbein et al., 1989; Phillips &
or even enhanced due to short-term hypobaric hypoxia Pace, 1966; Regard et al., 1989; Townes, Hornbein,
(Benedek, Kéri, Grósz, Tótka, Tóth & Benedek, 2002; Schoene, Sarnquist & Grant, 1984; West, 1984, 1986). In the
Davis, Kamimori, Kulesh, Mehm, Anderson, Elsayed, study by Pelamatti and colleagues (2003) memory recall
Burge & Balkin, 1995). Colour discrimination can also remained impaired 45 days after descent. There is fur-
be altered, particularly on the yellow-blue and red-blue ther evidence that memory impairment may last several
axis (Bouquet, Gardette, Gortan, Therme & Abraini, months after returning to the lowlands. One retrospec-
2000; Leid & Campagne, 2001; Smith, Ernest & Pokorny, tive study administered the Wechsler short stories and
1976; Vingrys & Garner, 1987), suggesting an impair- the Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test to eight world-
ment of retinal ganglion cells. A colour discrimination class (26–44-year-old) alpinists and a control group of
test used by Bouquet and colleagues (Everest-Comex ’97 low-altitude climbers, all but two of whom had never
project) consisted of 24 pairs of identical or different been beyond 4800 m (Regard et al., 1989). Verbal memory
coloured squares. Discrimination errors were altitude- deficit (≥1 SD below the mean of controls) was found in
dependent although the increased error rate only reached five out of the eight participants. However, the results of
statistical significance at 8000 m and 8848 m simulated other longitudinal studies (>1 year) by West (1984, 1986)
altitudes. suggest that memory impairment is reversible.
The measurement of perceptual and attentional pro-
cesses may be influenced by hallucinatory experiences
which can occur at altitude. Two reports describe visual
and auditory hallucinatory episodes, with a high inci- Case reports of transient aphasia associated with high
dence of somesthetic illusions, for example described by altitude have been published (e.g. Botella, Garrido &
climbers as the presence of a ‘companion’. This phenom- Catalá, 1993). Significantly diminished performance on

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Human behaviour and development under high-altitude conditions 405

verbal fluency tests with altitude exposure beyond 6000 m tions is likely to be contentious. The potential effects of
has been reported during actual ascent and in retro- acute, intermittent and/or chronic altitude exposure on
spective studies (Cavaletti et al., 1987; Kennedy, Dunlap, neurobehavioural development is no exception, as there
Banderet, Smith & Houston, 1989; Regard et al., 1989), are few data available in infants and children visiting or
although others have found that impairment at high altitude living at high altitude.
may not persist after descent to sea level (West, 1986). Altitude may have a differential effect on indigenous
Articulation and language processing speed (time required populations of children and adults. Some studies have
to comprehend a sentence) was found to be altitude- shown that infants in communities settled beyond 3000 m
dependent in alpinists climbing Mount Everest (Lieber- have a level of arterial oxyhaemoglobin saturation
man, Protopapas, Reed, Youngs & Kanki, 1994). The (SpO2) that is 13–15% less than lowlanders (∼97%). The
authors described this pattern of deficit as similar to that magnitude of this difference decreases steadily through
seen in Parkinson’s disease, suggesting that the function the first decade of life so that children eventually have a
of frontal-striatal circuits may be adversely affected (Lie- more normal level of SpO2 (∼90%); this level will be
berman, Protopapas & Kanki, 1995); this is consistent maintained with small changes throughout adulthood
with the basal ganglia involvement in those MRI studies (Beall, 2000b; Gamponia, Babaali, Yugar & Gilman,
described above (Usui et al., 2004; Jeong et al., 2002). 1998). Another study of infants born at 1610 m reported
Indeed, articulation impairment has been used as a sim- oxyhaemoglobin saturations of 92–93% during the first
plified assessment strategy of AMS severity (Cymerman, few days of life, increasing only slightly to 93–94%
Lieberman, Hochstadt, Rock, Butterfield & Moore, 2002). (awake) by 3 months of age; but the lowest recorded
values were ∼85% (Thilo, Park-Moore, Berman & Carson,
1991). While close to normative values (∼95%), this level
Executive function
of oxyhaemoglobin saturation is nevertheless lower
To our knowledge, there is little evidence in expedition than normal and suggests potential hazards for young
studies concerning cognitive flexibility and inhibition: children: high altitude pulmonary and cerebral oedema,
executive functions associated with the frontal lobes that and sudden infant death syndrome have been reported
can be assessed by measures such as the Stroop Test and (Samuels, 2004). Infants living at high altitude may also
the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. However, neuro- have an immaturity of the respiratory control mecha-
psychological data from world-class alpinists by Regard nism (Ward, Milledge & West, 2000).
and colleagues (1989), alongside research into clinical Young children experiencing acute exposure to altitude
hypoxia syndromes, suggest that these aspects of cognitive may show symptoms of cerebral hypoxia (Yaron et al.,
functioning may be affected (Crews, Jefferson, Bolduc, 2003). Sleep is described as abnormal and children can
Elliott, Ferro, Broshek, Barth & Robbins, 2001). A few be affected by AMS within 1 or 2 days after ascent,
studies have investigated metacognitive function at high especially in those below 5 years of age, usually mani-
altitude: individuals have been found to underreport festing as excessive crying and irritability, food refusal,
their own problems with performance on motor tasks, playfulness or lethargy. Clinical evaluation of preverbal
long-term memory capacity and their duration of sleep infants by means of AMS diagnostic criteria showed the
(Clark, Heaton & Weins, 1983; Nelson, Dunlowsky, same incidence found for adults up to an altitude of
White, Steinberg, Townes & Anderson, 1990; Reite, 3500 m (22%) (Yaron et al., 1998). There is also a risk
Jackson, Cahoon & Weil, 1975). of high-altitude pulmonary oedema if the child is recov-
ering from a respiratory tract infection (Durmowicz,
Noordeweir, Nicholas & Reeves, 1997). In general, AMS
Developmental perspectives of should be assumed when a child becomes unwell above
neurobehavioural functioning at high altitude 2500 m. Preverbal infants are advised not to sleep above
2000 m, and children aged between 2 and 10 years
We have previously suggested that one of the obvious should not sleep above 3000 m (Pollard et al., 1998).
flaws in altitude research concerns the limited popula- Likewise, prolonged exposure to high altitude should be
tions with which these studies have been carried out avoided under the age of 1 year because of the risk of
(Virués-Ortega et al., 2004). Of necessity, most research ‘infantile subacute mountain sickness’, a congestive type
has involved middle-to-upper social class male alpinists of heart failure. This syndrome can be fatal, presenting
aged between 25 and 45 years, who are of Western Euro- as sleeplessness and irritability, and is not uncommon in
pean/North American nationality. With this in mind, those infants of lowlander parents who are born above
extrapolation or use of adult altitude research as a 3000 m or have migrated from lower altitude shortly
model for cognitive effects of hypoxia in other popula- after birth (Sui et al., 1988).

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

406 Javier Virués-Ortega et al.

Infant cognitive development at altitude is a neglected sectional design to take into account possible long-term
area of research with little evidence in paediatric or psy- adaptation effects. An understanding of epidemiological,
chology journals. Saco-Pollitt (1981) administered the genetic and socio-cultural issues may be of particular
Brazelton Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale to 40 importance. Intrauterine growth restriction, low birth
Peruvian infants born at Cerro de Pasco (4300 m; PiO2 weight and/or foetus mortality is particularly common
∼82 mmHg) and to 40 sex- and age-matched controls in Bolivian women living above 2500 m (Keyes, Armaza,
born in Lima (150 m; PiO2 ∼150 mmHg). High-altitude Niermeyer, Vargas, Young & Moore, 2003), suggesting a
newborns showed diminished stature and signs of behavi- restriction of oxygen delivery during critical stages of
oural immaturity compared to controls. Moreover, the prenatal development. However, Tibetan women with
infants at Cerro de Pasco were significantly less attentive genotypes for high oxygen saturation of haemoglobin
to environmental stimuli, less likely to orient to visual (reduced hypoxia) have more surviving children than
and auditory stimuli and to maintain their heads up, less those with the low oxygen saturation genotype (Beall
active and more hypotonic. However, Haas (1976) also et al., 2004). Indeed, it has been suggested that high
studied Peruvian infants aged between 2 months and altitude offers an ‘experiment of nature’ for investigating
2 years using the Bayleys Scales of Infant Development, genetic factors associated with foetal susceptibility to
but did not find any deficit in early motor development. hypoxia (Moore, Shriver, Bemis, Hickler, Wilson, Brut-
The cohort in Haas’s studies (1976; Haas, Baker & Hunt, saert, Parra & Vargas, 2004). Malnutrition may be a
1977) were at slightly lower altitude (3780 m vs. 4300 m), confounding factor in those children who do survive,
and had greater birth weight (3260 g vs. 2824 g), but being a frequent finding in highlanders (Greene, 1973;
these factors are unlikely to fully account for the con- Harris, Crawford, Yangzom, Pinzo, Gyaltsen & Hudes,
flicting findings. More likely, socioeconomic (but see 2001). In particular, iron deficiency anaemia, associated
Saco-Pollitt, 1989) and as yet unknown adaptive (genetic) with poor cognitive performance, is common in children
mechanisms may be important in determining the quality living at high altitude (Sherriff, Emond, Bell & Golding,
of early development. 2001).
More recent studies with Andean populations settled There are other cultural considerations which may
up to 3500 m above sea level have shown that altitude affect the rate of neurodevelopment (see Saco-Pollitt,
accelerates development of lung function but has 1989, for review). For example, Tronick, Thomas and
negligible effects on a child’s final stature or weight Daltabuit (1994) described how the Manta pouch, a
(Freyre & Ortíz, 1988; Villena, Spielvogel, Vargas, traditional garment used by the Quechua to protect
Obert, Alarcon, Gonzales, Falgairette & Kemper, 1994). newborns against the extreme environment, can lower
However, as these studies focused on anthropometric the partial pressure of oxygen compared to the ambient
variables, the extent to which the behavioural changes environment, but may also dramatically limit the social-
identified by Saco-Pollitt (1981) are associated with ization and stimulation opportunities available to the
long-term cognitive and social development is unknown. child. As a result, exploration and language repertoires
Accelerated lung development in the Peruvian infants may be limited, reflecting a culturally shaped behaviour
described by Villena and colleagues (1994) suggests that and not necessarily an effect solely due to altitude hypoxia.
some indigenous young children may be able to com- In summary, the influence on neurobehavioural develop-
pensate for lowered levels of oxygen, at least initially, ment of the hypoxia to which children are exposed
although chronic hypoxia may still have a deleterious acutely or chronically at altitude remains undetermined.
effect on the brain and cognitive function in the long Notwithstanding the methodological and cultural con-
term. Longitudinal studies extending into adolescence siderations that must be taken into account, this is an
and adulthood are required to address this possibility, important area for research. Adaptation to altitude has
although it is of interest that the higher prevalence of implications for our understanding of the neurobehavi-
chronic neurological diseases (e.g. Parkinson disease) in oural deficits exhibited by lowland children clinically
populations settled at 3500 m (Gonzáles, 1998) might exposed to acute, intermittent and chronic forms of
also be related to long-term failure to adapt to hypoxic hypoxia.
The lack of research on the effects of altitude on neuro-
behavioural development may reflect the methodologi- Acknowledgement
cal complexity of this area. These studies, if they are to
be developed in the future, should compare culturally The authors would like to express their gratitude to
and ethnically matched groups living at low and high Alexandra Hogan, Guest Editor of this Special Issue, for
altitude, and must be of longitudinal as well as cross- her valuable comments.

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

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