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“In recent years, higher education institution in the Philippines have

Abstraction joined in the internal focus on the need to include in the teaching-
learning process the assessment and documentation of the student
{INCLUDEPICT learning outcomes. This focus is in the recognition of the importance
U of information on learning in the improvement of the educational
RE \d experiences that colleges and universities offer” (Navarro & Santos,
"https://en 2013, p. 16). That is why, authentic assessment has been pushed
cr ypted- through.
c. Authentic assessments attempt to demonstrate what a student actually
com/images? learns in class rather than the student’s ability to do well on traditional
q= tests and quizzes. Many have claimed this type of assessment an
tbn:ANd9GcQ excellent means of evaluating a student’s knowledge of subject matter.
tq7MiMsN05w Characteristics of Authentic Assessment
wd 1. Authentic Assessment starts with clear definite criteria of
8xzkOaaHmJc performance made known to the students.
Fk 2. Authentic Assessment is a criterion- referenced rather than
qVf90uQA&us norm- referenced and so it identifies strengths and weaknesses,
qp but does not compare students nor rank their levels of
=CAU" \* performance.
MERGEFORMATI 3. Authentic Assessment requires students to make their own
N ET } answer to questions rather than select from given options as in
multiple choice items, and requires them to use a range of
higher order thinking skills (HOTS).
4. Authentic Assessment often emphasizes performance and
therefore students are required to demonstrate their knowledge,
skills or competencies in appropriate situations. Authentic
assessment does not rely on ability to recall facts or memorize
details, instead students are asked to demonstrate skills and
concepts they have learned
5. Authentic Assessment encourages both teacher and students to
determine their rate of progress in cooperatively attaining the
desired student learning outcomes.
6. Authentic Assessment does not encourage rote learning and
passive taking of test; instead, students are required to
demonstrate analytical skills, ability to integrate what they
learn, creativity, and ability to work in group, skills in oral and
written communications. In brief, authentic assessment values
not only the finished products which are the learning outcomes,
but also the process of learning.
7. Authentic Assessment changes the role of students as passive
test takers into become active and involve participants in
assessment activities that emphasize what they are capable of
doing instead test to measure students’ skills or retained facts
has come under scrutiny because of the limitation encountered
in determining the students’ capability to utilized their
knowledge and skills in work and professional practice.

Phases of Authentic Assessment

1. Identifying the most important knowledge and skills that
students should be able to demonstrate as a result of their
learning activities.
2. Determining the criteria and standards of outcomes
performance and the acceptable evidence that may be
presented as proof of outcomes’ attainment.
3. Implementation of the supporting activities that will facilitate
the attainment of the desired student learning outcomes.
4. Measuring the extent at which the student is attaining the
desired learning outcomes.
5. Interpreting the assessment results and evaluating whether they
indicate attainment of the desired outcomes and utilizing them
for continuous improvement
Basic Difference Between Traditional Assessment and Authentic

Teachers do not have to select which assessment should be used. Take

note that the mastery of skills and knowledge that can be found in
traditional assessment is very important because this will be serve as a
foundation that will be used later in demonstrating and performing the
tasks that students are expected to perform in the real world. In other
words, authentic assessment compliments traditional assessment.

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