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In a group of 5 to 6 peoples, students are required to PLAN and ORGANIZE an

ONLINE EVENT of their choice. The Online Events must be more than 30 minutes in
duration and must be related to their company products or services or events that can
help to promote company branding.

For example, your company can host online business events such as how-to’s, tutorials,
and classes. If you have a product or service that needs some explaining, a how-to or
tutorial is a good way to provide tips, tricks, and instructions. You can also share
exercise and cooking classes online.


Students have to show participation, teamwork and critical thinking in handling any
problems and situations when organizing their online event.

This group assignment allocates 65% of marks (Proposal: 15%, Group Project Report:
30%, Group Project Presentation: 20%).

Submission date: 28 May 2021
1 The first part of this process is to conceptualize, in your mind and then on paper,
what this event is going to be like.
2 Please refer to Appendix A to help you paint a mental picture of the type of event
you would like to plan.
3 After that, write a proposal for your online event in not more than 10 pages. Your
proposal must include
a. Event details
b. Event descriptions
Your description should include:
● An overview of the event (include the number of days/hours over which
the event will be held, how many participants are expected, the venue for
the event and the most important feature of the event)
● The objectives of the event

● The benefits of the event to the organization, the community and other
c. Committee members.
● Provide an organization chart and include an explanation of the
organization chart. The roles of some event personnel may need to be
d. Platform for hosting your online event
e. Equipment Needs


● Provide a list of equipment that is needed for the event. Your list should
state what items you already have and what items need to be procured.
f. Project Schedule (Gantt Chart)
g. Budget
h. Conclusion


Submission date: 18 June 2021
1 Write a Report for your project.
2 Event report must contain information on Pre-Event, During Event and Post Event.
(discussion and recommendation)
3 Plagiarism, copying and cheating will not be tolerated, where no marks will be
awarded and disciplinary actions can be taken.


Submission date: 18 June 2021
1 Prepare a presentation slide.
● Design and prepare a presentation slide. You can use any software of your liking.

● Your slide must include details and screenshots showing all the processes you
have gone through when you organize your event.
● For presentation purposes, include voice over / video whichever you prefer as a
narrative to your presentation slide.
● Submit your presentation slide at Google Classroom.

Prepared by: Verified by: Endorsed by:


_______________ ________________ _______________

( ) ( ) ( )



Who are you? For example, do you work for a
non-profit organization? or are you a family
member planning a family celebration? or do
you own and manage a private event planning

What is your role? Volunteer? Paid staff?

What type of event are you

planning? Conference, art festival, sporting
tournament, block party, age milestone
celebration, meeting, sporting competition such
as a fun run, gallery opening, fund-raising
benefit, etc.

What is the purpose of the event and what is

the impact you want to create? (Celebration,
draw tourists to your community, increase
awareness of a cause, help people get to know
each other, raise money, etc.)

Approximately how many people are you

planning for? Or, how many people are you
hoping will attend?

Who are the participants?

Will you have a committee to help you

(recommended), or will you be planning the
majority of the event on your own?

Do you have a predetermined budget? If so,

what is it? If not, will the event be break-
even or profit-oriented?

Do you have a predetermined time of year

that you would like to hold the event? If so,


when is it?

Is there an online platform that you have in

mind for this event in your community? If
so, what is it? What amenities does this
platform have (e.g. live stream, stories
highlight, events promotion, online tickets
Do you have a particular theme in mind?

Any other info you would like to share?

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