What A Sequence (Chain

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6 SERIES (a ) BINOMIAL EXPANSION (i ) (a+bx) n ¿ For (a−bx ) n you write it as(a+(−bx)) n ] C0 n a n

(bx ) 0 +C1 n a n−1 (bx ) 1 +C2 n a n−2 (bx ) 2 +…+Cr n a n−r (bx ) r +… [note thatCr n is( n r)∧n !=n
(n−1)(n−2) ……2×1] (ii ) To find the coefficient of a particular term in x e.g. Find the coefficient of x
3∈the expansion of( 2 x− 1 3 x ) 11 . Pick the exes( x )only∧let the power of the SECOND x be r. Then
form the equation ( x ) 11−r .( 1 x ) r =x 3 [ don’t include coefficients] Now focus on the powers
11−r−r=3 so r=4 ∨sin θ∨tan θ=0∨1∨−1¿ ¿ θ=90 °;270 ° sin θ= −1 3 ¿ the quadrants youchoose take
care of the minus. ¿ Go sin−1 ( 1 3 )=19.47 19,47 19,47 θ=180+19,47=199,5∨360−19,47=340,5. ¿ If
0≤θ≤ 360 ¿ Or θ = −19,5∨19,47−180=−160,5[If−180≤ θ≤1When sketching y=tan θ→ go∈steps of 90
°∨ 1 2 π . Asymptotes are at these intervals. When sketching y=tan 2θ→go∈steps of 45 °∨ 1 4 π .
Asymptotes are at these intervals. When sketching y=tan 1 2 θ→ go∈steps of 180 °∨π . Asymptotes
are at these intervals Given y=asin bx ¿ find a−itisthe max of the graphonther vertical axis. ¿ find
b−itisthe number of cyclesthe graph makes∈interval 2π . [ period – is the angular distance or time
the graph takes to start repeating itself. Frequency f= 1 period , amplitude A=max .of the graphonthe
vertical axis.] Given y=a+bcos cx−determine the horizontalline wherethe graphwaves about then
apply theabove . (ii ) EXACT VALUES OF SPECIAL ANGLES [30 °∨ π 6 ;60 °∨ π 3 ;45 °∨ π 4 ∧theirrelated
angles¿ If your calculator does not give exact values you can use the following two triangles: 30° √3 2
1 60 ° sin 30= 1 2 sin 150= 1 2 sin The∑of the first ntermsis denoted by Sn . Sn= n 2 [ 2 a+(n−1 )d ] or
Sn= n 2 [ a+l] if you have thelast terml . Given a formula for Sn substitute n=1¿ get S1whichwill be
the first terma; then substitute n=2 to get S2 which is the sum of the first two terms. Find the
difference S2−S1 this gives you the second term. (c ) GEOMETRIC PROGRESSIONS 1 st 2nd 3rd 4
thnth a+ar+ar 2 +ar 3 +…….+ar n−1 +……. a 1 st term;r commonratio[r= 2 nd term 1 st term ∨r= 3 rd
term 2 ndterm etc alues are −π 2 ≤ x ≤ π 2 . GRAPHS OF THE INVERSE TRIG. FUNCTIONS. y=sin−of 45
°∨ 1 4 π . When sketching y=sin 3 θ→go∈steps of 30°∨ 1 6 π . When sketching y=sin 1 2 θ→go∈steps
of 180° If you have the m and one point then go y− y1=m( x−x1 ) and simplify. Note that a straight
line can also be given as ax+by+c=0. However,if youwant m∨c , put it ∈the std .form. (ii ) MID POINT;
LENGTH OF A LINE. Mid point of A( x1 ; y1) B( x2 ; y2)is M ( x1+x2 2 ; y1+ y2 2 ) The length of line
AB→l=√( x2−x1) 2 +( y2−y1) 2 or the equivalent. If asked for coordinates of a point, it will be either
mid-point or intersection of two lines. If you have the mid-point and one of the points, you can find
the other point by using formula for mid-point. (iii ) THE CIRCLE (a) The expanded form of the
equation of a circle is x 2 + y 2 +2 gx+2fy+c=0 Note that the coefficients of x 2∧y 2 must be the same.
When you complete the square for each variable the constant term taken to the right hand side
must be positive. (b) The equation above can be put in the form: ( x−a) 2 +( y−b) 2=r 2 by completing
the square for each variable. Centre (a; b) ; radius r. (c) When working out questions recall and use
all the geometrical properties of the circle e.g. radius and tangent meet at 90° etc up d units (x ;
y)→(x ; y+d) f ( x )−d Vertical translation down d units (x ; y)→(x ; y−d) f ( x+c ) Horizontal translation
left c units (x ; y)→(x−c ; y) f ( x−c ) Horizontal translation right c units (x ; y)→(x+c ; y ) −f (x)
Reflection in the x axis (x ; y)→(x ;−y ) f (−x) Reflection in the y axis (x ; y)→(−x ; y ) a f (x) Vertical
Stretch if |a|>1 (x ; y)→(x ;a y ) Vertical compression if −1<a1 (x ; y)→( x b ; y This is a one to one
function This is a many to one function and it has an inverse. and it does not have an inverse. (iii)
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN A FUNCTION AND ITS INVERSE (a ) How to find the inverse of a one to one
function: Given f ( x )replace it by y ↓ Interchange x∧y ↓ Make y subject. [ In cases where you found
the square root, put ± then go to the domain of f (x) to see whether you plus or minus. Don’t leave it
as ±.] (b ) The graph of a function and its inverse. f ( x )=3 x+3 3 y=x −1 3 − function takes us from the
range of f(x) back to the domain of f(x). Note that the range of f(x) is the domain of the inverse
function i.e. if asked for the domain of f −1 (x) first find the range of f(x) that gives you the domain of
the inverse function and if asked for the range of the inverse function just give the domain of f(xy .
To find the range of a function sketch the graph of the function to see the values of y. (e ) INVERSE
FUNCTION f −1 (x) f (x) domain range 2 8 1 1 1 0 range [of f −1 (x)¿ domain [of f −1SOLVING
SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS→ 1 LINEAR 1 QUADRATIC Make one of the variables in the linear
equation subject ↓ Substitute the variable in the quadratic equation. ↓ Solve the quadratic and
then find the solutions but you must pair them. (v) SOLVING EQUATIONS REDUCIBLE TO QUADRATIC
FORM e.g. y 4−7 y 2 +12= of x 2 is negative The line of symmetry is x=−b. (ii) THE DISCRIMINANT
From the quadratic formula x= −b± √b 2−4 ac 2 a b 2−4 ac is the discriminant because it can tell us
what type of roots the quadratic equation has. (a) b 2−4 ac>0 we get two distinct (unequal) real
roots. . (b )b 2−4 ac=0 we get one repeated real root[dvise of Atty. Almadro that he never received a
copy of the complaint up to the time that he referred the case to their Law Office. To bolster their
claim of good faith, they attached a photocopy of the letter of Atty. Almadro dated November 9,
20003 stating that he had not actually received a copy of the complaint of Mr. Perea. The Court is
not fully convinced. A perusal of the aforesaid letter of Atty. Almadro reveals that indeed stated that
he had not received a copy of the complaint. However, in Atty. Almadro’s three Motions for
Extension of Time to Comment4 which he filed before the Court before engaging the services of the
law office, there was no mention that he had not received a copy of the complaThis refers to an
offshoot incident in the disbarment case1 filed by Edgar O. Perea against AttOLVING QUADRATIC
EQUATIONS AND QUADRATIC INEQUALITIES Quadratic Equations If it factorizes → factorize and
equate the factors to zero and get the roots. If it does not factorize → use the quadratic formula ; x=
−b± √b 2−4 ac 2 a make sure you get the a; b; and c with their correct signs. You can use completing
the square but remember when you find the square root put ±. e.g. 3 x 2−2 x−5=0 (a )make
coefficient of x 2 1 x 2− 2 3 x= 5 3 (b )complete the square x 2− 2 3 x+ 1 9 = 5 3 + 1 9 →( x− 1 3 ) 2 =
16 9 ( c ) takethe square root ( x− 1 3 )=± 4 3 x= 5 3 ∨−1. Quadratic Inequalities (a) Bring all terms to
one side and factorize. (b) Equate the factors to zero and get the roots.y. Ruben L. Almadro. Atty.
Ruben L. Almadro engaged the services of the Sua & Alambra Law Offices to represent him inSaid
statement shows very clearly that Atty. Almadro has received a copy of the complaint. For how can
he prepare a draft of his comment if it were not so? This should have alerted Atty. Alambra to verify
the veracity of the claim of Atty. Almadro. Atty. Alambra should not have relied on the statement
given by Atty. Almadro. Their being classmates in the law school is not a reason to be less cautious in
his dealings with the Court. He is an officer of the court, and as such, he owes candor, fairness and
good faith to the Court.5 As explicitly stated in Rule 10.01, Canon 10 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility, for their deliberate falsehood and misrepresentation in the preparation of the answer
for respondent, and accordingly remanded the case to the IBP for further action on the contempt
proceedings. Here is something to note about GP questions: If given say : Acertain∑of
money∨asubstance increases by 5% of the previousamount . Then know straight away know that it
is a GP of r = 1,05. This is how you get it: [say the starting figure is 500] 1st 2nd 3rd etc 500+[500+ 5
100 ×500] 500+500[1+0,05] 500+500 [ 1,05]+500 [ 1,05] 2 1.7 DIFFERENCIATION (i ) Idea of a limit: in
Maths a limit is what a sequence[chain of values] approaches. e.g.
2,5→2,4→2,3→2,2→2,1→2,08→2,05→2,03→2,01→2,009→2,007 etc points out to 2,0 so the
sequence has a limit of 2. (ii ) The gradient of a curve varies from one point to another. Gradient of a
curve is defined as the gradient of the tangent to the curve at that point. This gradient is a limit of a
sequence of the gradients of the chords to the curve about the point where you want to find the
gradient. Q(x ; y)

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