Name: Bunag, Patricia Bianca S. Course: LJPS01 Acids and Bases I. in 3-5 Sentences, Briefly Answer The Following Review Questions 1

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Name: Bunag, Patricia Bianca S.

Course: LJPS01
Acids and Bases
I. In 3-5 sentences, briefly answer the following review questions
1. Why is water necessary for life?
One of the six basic nutrients is water (along with carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and
minerals). Water serves a variety of functions in the body, including eliminating waste, maintaining body
temperature, transporting nutrients, and aiding digestion. It's no surprise that it's regarded "vital!"
2. Contemplate biochemistry if atoms did not differ in electronegativity.
There would be no polar bonding if atoms did not differ in electronegativity. This would have a
significant impact on all biochemical activities involving functional groups containing oxygen or nitrogen.
Both strong bonds that hold molecules together and weaker bonds that form temporary connections are
necessary for the chemistry of our bodies and the existence of life.
3. How are hydrogen bonds involved in the transfer of genetic information?
Hydrogen bonding of complementary nucleotides to the DNA template strand is required for DNA
replication and transcription to RNA. The double-helix structure is formed by hydrogen bonding between
nitrogenous bases in nucleotides on the two strands of DNA; they create specific pairs with one another
that are stabilized by hydrogen bonds (guanine couples with cytosine, adenine pairs with thymine).
4. List the criteria used to select a buffer for a biochemical reaction.
Buffer System Selection The following criteria are used to select a buffer system for a specific reaction:
1. At the necessary pH, a significant buffering capacity is required (i.e. choose the weak acid whose pKa is
closes to the desired pH). The ideal pH for most biochemical investigations is in the range of 6–8. The
dissociation constant of the buffer's weak acid component (pKa) plus or minus one pH unit represents the
buffer's ideal buffering range.
2. The participants in the reaction under consideration must not be harmed by the buffer system.

5. A frequently recommended treatment for hiccups is to hold one’s breath. The resulting
condition, hypoventilation, causes buildup of carbon dioxide in the lungs. Predict the effect on
the pH of blood.
When a person hyperventilates, they exhale significantly more carbon dioxide than they normally
would. As a result, the blood carbon dioxide level drops, and the bicarbonate/carbonic acid equilibrium
changes to the left. Hypoventilations induces a drop in H3O+ concentration, which causes a rise in ph. a
hypoventilation lowers the pH of blood, making it more acidic.
II. Define the following:
1. Acid dissociation constant
The acid dissociation constant, denoted by Ka, is the equilibrium constant of an acid's dissociation
reaction. This equilibrium constant is a numerical representation of an acid's strength in a solution. Ka is
often stated in mol/L units. The equilibrium reaction in an aqueous solution is: HA + H2O A- + H3O+,
where HA is an acid that dissociates in the conjugate base of the acid A- and a hydrogen ion that reacts with

Biochemistry, 5th Edition, pp 55 - 57

water to generate the hydronium ion H3O+. The reaction is at equilibrium when the concentrations of HA,
A-, and H3O+ do not change over time, and the dissociation constant may be computed as Ka = [A-][H3O+]
/ [HA][H2O], where the square brackets denote concentration.

2. Acid strength
The ability of an acid to lose its H+ ion is measured by its acid strength. A stronger acid is one that has
a higher degree of dissociation. the variables that influence an acid's strength. The degree of dissociation of
an acid is determined by the two criteria listed below.
1.H-A bond strength
2.H-A bond polarity
In general, the weaker the H-A link, the stronger the acid. Similarly, the stronger the acid, the higher
the polarity of the H-A bond. Both of these factors make it easier for acid molecules to dissociate into H+
and A-, increasing acidity.

3. Amphipathic

The term "amphipathic" refers to a chemical substance that has both polar (water-soluble) and
nonpolar (non-water-soluble) components in its structure. It could also refer to a molecule with both
hydrophobic and hydrophilic areas. Amphipathic molecules play a crucial role in the production of
biological membranes and micelles in biology.
4. Buffering capacity
The amount of acid that buffers can absorb before breaking the capacity for adding strong acid is
referred to as buffer capacity. When adding a strong acid, solutions with a weaker base have more buffer
capacity. When a strong base is added to a solution with more weak acid, the buffer capacity increases.
5. Equivalence point
The equivalency point, also known as the stoichiometric point, is the point in a titration where the
amount of titrant administered is just enough to totally neutralize the analyte solution. In an acid-base
titration, moles of base equal moles of acid, and the solution includes just salt and water at the equivalence
point. The equivalency point for an acid-base reaction is the point at which the moles of acid and base
would neutralize each other according to the chemical reaction.

6. Hydrophilic
The term "hydrophilic" refers to someone who has a strong affinity for water. Something that is
hydrophilic dissolves quickly in water and is soluble in it. The opposite of hydrophobic is hydrophilic. Both
hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces have major applications in engineering, especially chemical

7. Hydrophobic

Biochemistry, 5th Edition, pp 55 - 57

The term "hydrophobic" literally means "fear of water." Water is repelled by hydrophobic
molecules and surfaces. Oil and other hydrophobic liquids will separate from water. The atoms that make
up a hydrophobic molecule are usually nonpolar, which means they don't form a static electric field. These
opposing regions of electrical energy attract water molecules in polar molecules. Water cannot form
hydrogen bonds with molecules unless the electrical charges on the molecules are opposing. The nonpolar
molecules clump together as the water molecules make more hydrogen bonds with one other; causing the
hydrophobic effect.

8. Nonpolar
Covalent bonds can also be non-polar bonds. Non-polar bonds, unlike polar bonds, have an equal
number of electrons. A non-polar bond is one in which two or more atoms have the same electronegativity
or a difference in electronegativities of less than 0.4. The bond in chlorine is an example of a non-polar
bond. Two chlorine atoms make up chlorine. Because the electronegativity difference between the two
atoms is zero, the electrons are shared equally.

9. Polar
A sort of covalent bond is a polar bond. If the electronegativities of two or more atoms are
sufficiently different (>0.4), the bond is polar. Polar bonds do not share electrons uniformly, which means
that the negative charge from the electrons is not spread evenly throughout the molecule. A dipole moment
is created as a result of this. When one end of a bond is positive and the other is negative, a dipole moment
develops. The hydrogen-oxygen link in water is a classic example of a polar bond. Because of the huge
electronegativity difference of 1.4, the bond is categorized as a polar bond. Because oxygen is more
electronegative, the electrons in hydrogen are more attracted to the electrons in oxygen.

10. Titration
Titration is the gradual addition of a known concentration solution (called a titrant) to a known
volume of an unknown concentration solution until the reaction approaches neutrality, which is typically
signaled by a color change. The titrant solution must meet the appropriate criteria to be used as a primary
or secondary standard. A method or procedure for estimating the concentration of a dissolved material in
terms of the least amount of known concentration reagent necessary to produce a given effect in interaction
with a known volume of the test solution in a broad sense.

III. Analyze and solve the following. Show your solution.

1. Calculate the hydrogen ion concentration, [H], and hydroxide ion concentration, [OH-] for
each of the following materials:
a. Saliva, pH 6.5
pH = -log [H+]
6.5 = -log[H+]
-6.5 = log[H+]
Inverse log -6.5 = [H+]

Biochemistry, 5th Edition, pp 55 - 57

[H+] = 3.16x10-7M

b. Intracellular fluid of liver, pH 6.9

pH = -log [H+]
6.9 = -log[H+]
-6.9 = log[H+]
Inverse log -6.9= [H+]
[H+] = 1.26x10-7M

c. Tomato juice, pH 4.3

pH = -log [H+]
4.3 = -log[H+]
-4.3 = log[H+]
Inverse log -4.3 = [H+]
[H+] = 5.01x10-5 M
[OH]=10-10 /5.01x10-5 M

d. Grapefruit juice, pH 3.2

pH = -log [H+]
3.2 = -log[H+]
-3.2 = log[H+]
Inverse log -3.2 = [H+]
[H+] = 6.3x10-4 M
[OH]=10-2/-6.3x10-4 M

2. What is the [CH3COO ]/[CH3COOH] ratio in an acetate buffer at pH 5.00?

using the HH equation
= ph=pka+log([b]/[a])
= 5.00=4.76 + log (b/A)
= -4.76
=0.24=log (b/a), take inverse log (10^)
= ratio is (1.7/1 or 17:1)

Biochemistry, 5th Edition, pp 55 - 57

3. Calculate the pH of a buffer solution prepared by mixing 25 mL of 1.0 M lactic acid and 75
mL of 1.0 M sodium lactate.
pka =3.86
(acid) 25ml x 1.0moles/1000 ml=0.025M
(base) 75ml x 1.0 moles/1000ml=0.075
use HH equation
ph=3.86 = log (0.075/0.025M) =
=3.86 + 0.48 =

ph = 4.34

Biochemistry, 5th Edition, pp 55 - 57

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