Block 3

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Basics of Persian
Indira Gandhi National Open University Language
School of Foreign Languages


Block Introduction 3

The Family 5

Conversation Between Employer and 15

Directions 27

The Post Office 35

Etiquette 44

Conversation with Brother, Sister and Friend 49

This is the third and final Block of Course one of the Certficate in Persian
Language Programme.This block contains folloiwing six Units:
Unit 13: The Family: The main objective of this unit is to enable you to
learn some common and frequently used Persian words for the family.
Unit 14: The Conversation between Empolyer and a Empolyee: This unit
aims to familiarize you with some common words and sentences used in the
conversation between the employer and the employee. These words and
sentences have been carefully chosen to give you an idea about the
conversation on above mentioned subject.
Unit 15: Directions: This unit has been designed to make you familiar with
directions in Persian.You will equally learn few new words related to the
Directions and nature.
Unit 16: The Post Office: The present unit has been designed to make you
familiar with day to day communication in a post office.
Unit 17: Etiquette: Objective of the present unit is to make you aware of the
common words and expressions related to the Persian etiquette and social
behavior while interacting in various capacities in day to day communication.
Unit 18: Conversation with Brother, Sister and Mother: The objective of
this unit is to make the learners aware about the conversation among the
brothers, sisters and the friends in ordinary life situations.
II The Family
UNIT 13 THE FAMILY !"#$%& (Khaanwaade)

13.0 Objectives
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Revision
13.3 New Words
13.4 Exercise-1
13.5 Exercise-2
13.6 Exercise-3
13.7 Exercise-4
13.8 Exercise-5
13.9 Exercise-6
13.10 Exercise-7
13.11 Writing Skills
13.12 Table-1

The main objective of this unit is to enable you to learn some common and
frequently used Persian words for the family members. The unit is supported
by many exercises to consolidate your learning.

In this unit you will learn ten new Persian words and their uses. These are
very common and frequently used Persian words for the family. The unit
contains some exercises to enhance and consolidate your learning process
and make you completely familiar with these common Persian words. The
attempt has been made to ensure the practice of writing by giving exercises
on Persian alphabets. Let us start with a quick revision of some Persian

Meaning Transliteration Persian words
What? Che '()
Who? Ky, chekasi '+-,() /*'+,
Where? Kojaa '%.,
How? Chetor '/#0)
When? Key *'+,1
Reading and Writing-III
Whom? / Whose? Che kasi raa '"/*+-,()
Why? Cheraa '*"2)
Which? Kodaam '*3"4,
How much? / How Che qadr / Chand taa '%647) /*'/45)


In this unit you will learn ten new Persian words defining the relationship in
the family.

Meaning Transliteration Persian words

Father Pedar */1 48

Mother Maadar */!%9
Brother Baraadar */!"2:
Sister Khaahar *21 ;"#&
Grand Father Pedar-bozorg </=:/48
Grand Mother Maadar-bozorg *</=:/!%9
Son Pesar *21 -8
Daughter Dokhtar *21 >&!
Husband Showhar *2;#?
Wife Hamsar 2-@;

Match the words with correct meanings:

Persian English

/48 (pedar) Mother

/!%9 (Maadar) Father

/!"2: (Baraadar) Grand Father

*21 ;"#& (Khaahar) Brother

</=:/48 (pedar -bozorg) Sister

II The Family
</=:*/!%9 (Maadar -bozorg) Wife

*21 -8 (pesar) Daughter

*21 >&! (dokhtar) Son

2;#? (shohar) Grand Mother

2-@; (humsar) Husband

This exercise is designed to teach you very important words such as “my” ,
“your” , “his” and “her” etc. such words are often used in our daily
conversation, and without mastering them you can not learn Persian properly.
So pay special attention and practice them as much as possible. So far you
have leant few new Persian words, let us see how many sentences you can
form out of them. The more you practice the more you will get the benefit.

In Persian, possessive adjectives such as “my, your, his and her” is made by
adding suffixes at the end of the nouns. The full details are given the
following table.

English Transliteration Persian

My Man *A9
Your Shomaa *%@?
Your Tu *#6
His Ou *B"
Her Ou B"
In the following table examples are given for your better understanding.

English Transliteration Persian

My house Khaane-ye-man *A9*C$%&

Your house Khaane-ye-Shomaa *%@?*C$%&
Your house Khaane-ye-tu *#6*C$%&
His house Khaane-ye-ou *B"*C$%&
Her house Khaane-ye-ou B"*C$%&

Reading and Writing-III
This exercise is designed to teach the structures like “my brother” and “your
brother” etc.

Persian Transliteration English

A9*/1 !"2: Baraadar-e man My brother

%@?*/1 !"2: Baraadar-e Shomaa Your brother

B"*21 ;"#& Khaahar-e ou His / Her sister

A9*/1 48 Pedar-e man My father

#6*/1 !%9 Maadare-tu Your mother

%@?*21 ;#? Showhar-e Shomaa Your husband

A921 -@; Hamsar-e man My wife

%@?*21 -8 Pesar-e Shomaa Your son

A9*21 >&! Dokhtar-e man My daughter

%9*1</=:/!%9 Maadare-e bozorg-e maa Our grand mother

In the above exercise you will notice a slight difference from the following
exercises. In Persian above mentioned structure is usually formed as given
below. You are required to complete the following exercise and while
complete the exercises pronounce the words loudly.

Word My Our His Her Your

/!%9 A9*/1 !%9 %9*/1 !%9 B"*/1 !%9 B"*/1 !%9 %@?*/1 !%9
Maadar Maadar-e Maadar-e Maadar-e Maadar-e Maadar-e
(Mother) man maa ou ou Shomaa
(my (our (his (her (your
mother) mother) mother) mother) mother)

2;"#& A9*21 ;"#& %9*21 ;"#& B"*21 ;"#& B"*21 ;"#& *21 ;"#&
Khaahar Khaahr-e Khaahr-e Khaahr-e Khaahr-e %@?
(Sister) man maa ou ou Khaahr-e
(my sister) (our sister) (his sister) (her sister) Shomaa
(your sister)

*/1 48 *1</=:/48 *1</=:/48 *1</=:/48 *1</=:/48 *1</=:/48

* /=: A9 %9 B" B" %@?
Pedar- Pedar- Pedar- Pedar-e Pedar- Pedar-
bozorg bozorg bozorg bozuog ou bozorge ou bozorg
II (Grand man maa (his (her Shomaa The Family
Father) (my (our grandfathe grandfathe (your
grandfathe grandfathe r) r) grandfathe
r) r) r)

/=:/!%9 *1</=:/!%9 *1</=:/!%9 *1</=:/!%9 *1</=:/!%9 1</=:/!%9

< A9 %9 B" B" %@?
Maadar- Maadar- Maadar- Maadar- Maadar- Maadar-
bozorg bozorg bozorg bozorg ou bozorg ou bozorg
(Grand man maa (his grand (her grand Shomaa
Mother) (my grand (our grand mother) mother) (your
mother) mother) grand

2-8 A9*21 -8 %9*21 -8 B"*21 -8 B"*21 -8 %@?*21 -8

Pesar Pesar-e Pesar-e Pesar-e ou Pesar-e ou Pesar-e
(Son) man maa (his son) (her son) Shomaa
(my son) (our son) (your son)

2>&! A9*21 >&! %9*21 >&! B"*21 >&! B"*21 >&! %@?*21 >&!
Dokhtar Dokhtar-e Dokhtar-e Dokhtar-e Dokhtar-e Dokhtar-e
(Daughter man maa ou ou Shomaa
) (my (our (his (her (your
daughter) daughter) daughter) daughter) daughter)

/48 A9*/1 48 %9*/1 48 B"*/1 48 B"*/1 48 %@?*/1 48

Pedar Pedar-e Pedar-e Pedar-e ou Pedar-e ou Pedar-e
(Father) man maa (his father) (her father) Shomaa
(my father) (our (your
father) father)

In the above exercise you have learnt the formation of a couple of different
kinds of sentences. On the same pattern make more sentences using the
words from the following table and pronounce them loudly.
Persian Transliteration English
/"!" Edaare Office

D,2?* Sherkat Company

(E/49 Madrase School

AF?%9 Masheen Car

GHI* Qalam Pen

2>J! Daftar Notebook

KF, Keef Bag

L>; hotel Hotel

Reading and Writing-III
Read the following sentences carefully. (Practice of who is this….? And how
to answer it?)
English Transliteration Persian
Who is this? In kist? 'D-F,*AM"
This is my brother. In Baraadar-e man .DE"*A9*/1 !"2:*AM"
Who is this? In kist? 'D-F,*AM"
This is his grand In pEdaare-e .DEB"*1</=:/48*AM"
father. bozorg-e oust.

English Transliteration Persian

Who is she? Ou kist? 'D-F,*B"
She is her mother. Ou maadar-e ust. .DEB"*/1 !%9*B"

English Transliteration Persian

Is he your son? AAayaa ou pesar-e 'DE%@?*21 -8*B"*%MN
Shomaa ast?
Yes he is my son. Bayle, ou pesar-e .DE"*A9*21 -8*B" .+H:
man ast.

English Transliteration Persian

Is she your sister? AAayaa ou 'DE%@?*21 ;"#&*B"*%MN
Khaahar-e sh ast?
Yes she is my Bale, ou Khaahar-e .DE"*A9*21 ;"#&*B" .+H:
sister. man ast.

English Transliteration Persian

Who is she? Ou kist? 'D-F,*B"
She is my Ou dokhtar-e man .DE"*A9*21 >&!*B"
daughter. ast.

English Transliteration Persian

Is she your daughter? AAayaa ou dokhtar-e 'DE%@?*21 >&!*B"*%MN
Shomaa ast?
II The Family
Yes she is my Bayle, ou dokhtar-e man *A9*21 >&!*B" .+H:
daughter. ast.

English Transliteration Persian

Who is she? Ou kist? 'D-F,*B"
She is my wife. Ou hamsar-e man ast. .DE"*A9*2-@;*B"

English Transliteration Persian

Is she your wife? AAayaa ou hamsar-e *21 -@;*B"*%MN
Shomaa ast?
Yes, she is my wife. Bale, ou hamsar-e man *A921 -@;*B" .+H:
In the above exercise, you have leant how to ask questions, and how to
answer it. If you practice them well, you can form any question based on the
structure of who is he / she? Not only this, even you can reply to the question
based on the structure He / She is a…

13.10 EXERCISE-7
Translate the following sentences into Persian, and while translating
pronounce them loudly. These types of sentences will help you speak Persian
quickly, so practice them diligently.
English Transliteration Translate into Persian
Who is he? Ou kist?

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

He is my father. Ou pedar-e man ast.

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

He is your father. Ou pedar-e Shomaa ast.

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

He is his father. Ou pedar-e oust.

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

This is your car. Inotomobil-e Shomaa ast.

Reading and Writing-III
English Transliteration Translate into Persian
This is my chair. In sandal-e man ast.

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

This is my hotel. In hotel-e man ast.

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

This is my school. In Maadarsa-e man ast.

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

Is he your son? AAayaa ou pesar-e Shomaa

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

Is he your wife? AAayaa ou hamsar-e Shomaa

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

Yes she is my wife. Bayle, ou hamsar-e man

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

Is he your grand AAayaa ou Pedar-bozorg-e
father? Shomaa ast.

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

Whose pen is this? In qalam-e kist?

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

Whose house is this? In khaana-e kist?

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

Where is your bag? Keef-e Shomaa koja

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

Where is your father? Pedar-e Shomaa koja
II The Family

English Transliteration Translate into Persian

Where is your car? Masheen-e Shomaakoja


The following tables and exercises are designed to help you improve your
Persian writing skills.
Note: learning of the alphabets involves the pronunciation also, therefore, it is
recommended to be in touch with your counselor.

13.12 TABLE-1
This table contains all the 33 alphabets.
(How to pronounce) (Equivalent in (Persian alphabet)
Alif a "
Be b O
Pe p P
Te t

Se s/th !
Jim j "
Che ch #
He h $
Khe kh %
Dal d &
Zal z '
Re r (
Ze z )
Zhe zh *
Sin s +
Shin sh ,
Sad s -
Zad z .
Reading and Writing-III
Ta t /
Za z 0
Ayn ’/a 1
Ghyn gh 2
Fe f 3
ghaf gh / q 4
kaf k 5
gaf g 6
lam l 7
mim m 8
nun n 9
waw v/w :
he h ;
Ye y <

II Conversation
and Employee
#%&'(#)*+,-%(#$-./ !"#$% (Mokaalme
baine kaarmand va kaarfarme)

14.0 Objectives
14.1 Introduction
14.2 New Words
14.3 Revision
14.4 Conversation-1
14.5 Conversation-2
14.6 Exercise-1
14.7 Exercise-2
14.8 Exercise-3
14.9 Exercise-4
14.10 Exercise-5
14.11 Exercise-6

The following unit aims to familiarize you with some common words and
sentences used between the employer and the employee. These words and
sentences have been carefully chosen to give you an idea about the
conversation on above mentioned subject.

You often need to talk to your employer regarding your job, promotion,
salary, problrms of working condition and the problems and issues created by
your colleagues inside the office. Some times you need to talk to your
employer about all subjects related to the work that you are doing. In Persian,
like many other important langauges, there are a variety of expressions to
convey the meaning. In the following unit, we will try our best to make you
familiar with these common expressions. Apart from the fulfilling the needs
of the white collar employees, a separate model of the dialougues has been
given to take care the needs of ordinary workers.


Meaning Transliteration Persian words
Employer Kaarfarmaa #%&'(#)
Reading and Writing-III
Employee Kaarmand *,-%(#)
Telephone Telefon *0123
Office Edaare *4(565
Computer kaamputer &37.8%#)
Internet Internet *;<&9-:5
Discussion Bahs =>?
English Englisi @A.2B<5
Arabic Arabi @?&C
Persian Farsi @D(#'
Language Zabaan E#?F

Meaning Transliteration Persian words
Father Pedar *(,G
Mother Maadar *(6#%
Brother Baraadar *(65&?
Sister Khaahar *&H57I
Grand Father Pedar-bozorg J(K?(,G
Grand Mother Maadar-bozorg *J(K?(6#%
Son Pesar *&AG
Daughter Dokhtar *&9I6
Husband Showhar *&H7L
Wife Hamsar &A!H

Dialougue between Employer and Employee
English Transliteration Persian
Employer: Your Kaarfarmaa: Esm-e MD5:#%&'(#)
name please. Shomaachist?
Employee: My name Kaarmand: Esm-e man *&.!D*0% MD5:,-%(#)
is Sameer. Sameer ast.
II Conversation
Employer: Where are Karfarmaa: Shomaa ahle *PH5*#!L :#%&'(#) between Employer
you from? kujaid? and Employee
Employee: I am Kaarmand: Man hindi *R,-H*0% :,-%(#)
Indian. hastam.
Employer: What is Kaarfarmaa: tehsilat-e *ST.U>3 :#%&'(#)
your qualification? shomaa chist?
Employee: I am Kaarmand: man az IIT *0% :,-%(#)
engineer from IIT Delhi Mohandes hastam.
Delhi. *@2H6*@3.RV.RVF5
.M9AH*W,- %
Employer: What is Kaarfarmaa: Shomaa dar *XO*(6*#!L :#%&'(#)
your area of che reshte takhassos
specialization? daarid? N,:(56*YUZ3 X9L(
Employee: Oil and Kaarmand: man kashif-e *[L#)*0% :,-%(#)
natural gas naft-o- gaaz-e tabiee
exploration. hastam. *@\./]*F^ #_*+*;1<
Employer: Have you Kaarfarmaa: aayaa hich *;a+*`.H*#:V :#%&'(#)
ever been in the waqt dar khalij budeed?
Gulf? N,:67?*b.2I*(6
Employee: No Sir, Kaarmand: nakheyr aaqaaa, *0% .#aV*&.Z< :,-%(#)
first time I am man nakhostin baar be
visiting an Arab keshwar-e arab mirawam. *X? X)*;D5*(#?0.9AZ<
country. .d+(@%*@?&C*(7c)
Employer: Do you Kaarfarma: aayaa Shomaa *`.H*#!L*#:V :#%&'(#)
have any work hich tajarba-e kaar daarid?
experience? N,:(56*(#)*e?&Q3
Employee: Yes, I Kaarmand: bale, man 0% .@2? :,-%(#)
have two years tajarbai-e do-sala-e dar
experience in ONGC sherkat-e naft-o- gaaz –e- *(6*X"#D+6*e?&Q3
India. tabiee hend daaram. *F^ #_*+*;1<*;^ )&L
Employer: Would Kaarfarmaa: aayaa Shomaa *(6*#!L*#:V :#%&'(#)
you like to work in dar prozhe-e maa dar dubai
our project at Dubai? kar khahid kard? *(#)*@?f6*(6*#%*gh+&G
Employee: Yes, off Kaarmand: bale aaqaa, .i #*!9j .#aV*@2? :,-%(#)
course Sir. hatman.

Employer: We are Kaarfarma: maa pishnahaad *6^ # -c.G*#% :#%&'(#)

offering you the hamkari dar sherkat-e khud
employment in our raa be Shomaa *; ^ )&L*(6*R(#$!H
corporation. arzemikonim. *Xk&lC*#!L*X?*5(*67I
Reading and Writing-III
Employee: Thank Kaarmand: motashakkeram .#aV*d&$c9% :,-%(#)
you Sir. aaqaa.

English Transliteration Persian
Employer: Who are Kaarfarmaa: Shomaa N,.9AH*@)*#!L :#%&'*(#)
you? ky hastid?
Employee: I am Kaarmand: man .M9AH*m.\L*0% :,-%(#)
Shoeb. shoeib hastam.
Employer: What is Kaarfarmaa: shoghal-e N;A.O*#!L*PnL :#%&'(#)
your profession? Shomaa chist?
Employee: I am a Kaarmand: man . !"#$%&'(&)$*+ :,-%(#)
Gardner. baaghban hastam.
Employer: do you Kaarfarma: aayaa $780),12$&34$&56 :&+,-.&/
have any experience? Shomaa tajarba-i-
darid? 9:5.8;
Employee: Yes, I Kaarmand: bale, man $0),12$*+.=>) ::<+.&/
have experience. tajrobe daaram.
Employer: Which Kaarfarmaa: Shomaa $@A$?8:/$&34 :&+,-.&/
flowers do you like kudaam gol raa az
the most? hame behtar 9:5:<"D=+$,!B)$03#C88.
Employee: I like all Kaarmand: man $8.$&B>A$?&32$*+ ::<+.&/
the flowers but I like tamam-e golha raa
rose very much. doust daaram, wali $I,F$@A$=HG .?.8;$EFG;
gol-e sorkh raa khaile .?.8; EFG;$=>JK$8.
doust daaram.
Employer: I also like Kaarfarmaa: man ham $I,F$@A$
the rose. gol-e sorkh raa doust
L #$*+ :&+,-$.&/
daaram. .?.8;$EFG;$8.
Employer: Can you Kaarfarmaa: aayaa $:JM8N2=+$&34$&56 :&+,-.&/
bring different types Shomaa mitavaanid
of roses? anwa-e mukhtalif- 8.&#@A$O>!P+$Q8NM8
egulha beawarid? 9:5.G&J)
Employee: Yes, Sir. Kaarmand: bale, aaqaa $&R6$=>) ::<+.&/
Employer: From Kaarfarmaa: az koja? 9&1/$C8 :&+,-$.&/
Employee: From the Kaarmand: az bazar. $.8C&)$C8 ::<+.&/
Employer: I will give Kaarfarmaa: man, $:TS5$8;,-$*+ :&+,-.&/
you one hundred Fardaa yek Sad rupey
rupees tomorrow. be Shomaa khaaham .;8; #8NK$&34$0)$0JDG.
II Conversation
Employee: Thank you Kaarmand: $?,UV!+ ::<+.&/ between Employer
mutashakkeram. and Employee

Employer: Have you Kaarfarmaa: aayaa $?&32$&34$&56 :&+,-.&/

got all types of roses? Shomaa tamam-e
anwa-e golha daarid? 9:5.8;$8.$&#@A$Q8NM8
Employee: No Sir. Kaarmand: Nakheyr .&R6$,JPM ::<+.&/

Employer: Where to Kaarfarmaa: az kuja 9:5.&J)$&1/$C8 :&+,-.&/

get it from? beyrid?

Employee: No Idea Kaarmand: man hich $=WXY8$ZJ#$*+ ::<+.&/

sir. ettellaee na daaram,
aaqaa. .&R6.?.8:M
Employer: Come to Kaarfarmaa: be Edaare $&+ .:J5&J)$[.8;8$0) :&+,-.&/
the office, there is a beaid, maa anja
computer with komputer ba internet $EM,!<58$&)$,2NJ\+&/$&1M6
internet. daarim. . 5.8;
Employee: What do I Kaarmand: man baa $.&/0]$%6$&)$*+ ::<+.&/
do with it? an che kaar kunam?
. </
Employer: I will Kaarfarmaa: man dar $EM,!<58$.;$*+ :&+,-.&/
search it on the internet jostju
internet and inform mikunam wa be $&34$0)$G$ </=+$N1!"^
you. Shomaa ettelaa me . #;=+$QXY8

Employee: Thank Kaarmand: man az $,UV2$&34$C8$*+ ::<+.&/

you. Shomaa tashakkur
mikunam. . </=+
Employer: Have you Kaarfarmaa: aayaa $%&)C$&34$&56 :&+,-.&/
learnt English Shomaa Zabaan-
language? einglisi raa yaad 9:J!-,A$;&5$8.$="J>_M8

Employee: No Sir. Kaarmand: Nakheyr, .&R6$,JPM ::<+.&/


Employer: Have you Kaarfarmaa: aayaa $%&)C$&34$&56 :&+,-.&/

learnt Persian Shomaa Zabaan-e farsi
language? raa yaad gerafteed? 9:J!-,A$;&5$8.$=F.&-
Employee: I have Kaarmand: man kami $=F.&-$=3/$*+ ::<+.&/
learnt a little bit. faarsi yaad gerafteam.
Employer: This is an Kaarfarmaa: in yek $%&)C$S5$*58 :&+,-.&/
important language, Zabaan-e mohim ast
you should learn it. ke Shomaa baayad $&34$0/$EF8$=3B+
yaad begirid. .:5,J_);&5:5&)
Reading and Writing-III
In the following exercise we are trying to help you memorize some very
important words related to various professions, the purpose is to enable you
to tell others about your profession in Persian language.
English Transliteration Persian
Who are you? shomaa che kare-id? 9:J!"B#.&/0]$&34
I am a doctor. man pezeshk hastam. . !F$S4`D$*+

English Transliteration Persian

Who are you? Shomaa che kare-id? 9:J!"#$[.&/0]$&34
I am an engineer. man Mohandes hastam. . !"#$a:<B+$*+

English Transliteration Persian

Who are you? Shomaa che kare-id? 9:J!"# [.&/0]$&34
I am a driver. man ranendeh hastam. . !"B#:<M8.$*+

English Transliteration Persian

Who are you? Shomaa che kare-id? 9:J!"#$[.&/0]&34
I am a guard. man paasdaar hastam. . !"#$.8:F&D$*+

English Transliteration Persian

Who are you? Shomaa che kare-id? 9:58[.&/0]$&34
I am a teacher. man yek moallem hastam. . !"#$ >b+$S5$*+

English Transliteration Persian

Who are you? Shomaa che kare-id? 9:58[.&/0]&34
I am a writer. man yek newisendeh hastam. $[:<"5NM$S5$*+
. !"#

English Transliteration Persian

Who are you? Shomaa che kare-id? 9:58[.&/0]$&34
I am a man yek motarjem hastam. . !"#$ ^,!+$S5$*+

II Conversation
14.7 EXERCISE-2 between Employer
and Employee
You have seen in the dialogue between employer and employee, the
employee is a Gardner who tells his employer about the flowers he likes the
most. Here in this exercise we are trying to help you in memorizing many
important Persian words on the same pattern.

English Transliteration Persian

Which flower do you Shomaa Kodaam gol $EFG;$8.$@A$?8:/$&34
like? raa doust daarid?
I like the rose. man, gol-e sorkh raa $EFG;$8.$I,F$@A$*+
doust daaram.

English Transliteration Persian

Which fruit do you Shomaa Kodaam $EFG;$8.$[NJ+$?8:/$&34
like? mive raa dost daarid?
I like the banana. man, mooz raa doust .?.8;$EFG;$8.$CN+$*+

English Transliteration Persian

Which city do you Shomaa Kodaam $EFG;$8.$,B4$?8:/$&34
like? sheher raa doust
daarid? 9:5.8;
I like the city of man, sheher-e delhi $EFG;$8.$=>#;$,B4$*+
Delhi. raa doust daaram.

English Transliteration Persian

Which country Shomaa Kodaam $EFG;$8.$.NV/$?8:/$&34
do you like? keshwar raa doust daarid?
I like india. man kishvare hindoustan $%&!FG:<#.NV/$*+
raa doust daaram.

English Transliteration Persian

Which language Shomaa Kodaam Zabaan $EFG;$8.$%&)C$?8:/$&34
do you like? raa doust daarid?
I like Persian man, Zabaan-e faarsi raa $EFG;$8.$=F.&-$%&)C$*+
language. doust daaram.

Reading and Writing-III
English Transliteration Persian
Which company Shomaa Kodaam sherkat $EFG;$8.$E/,4$?8:/$&34
do you like? raa doust daarid?
I like India oil man, sherkat-e naft-e hend $8.$:<#$EcM$E/,4$*+
company. raa doust daaram.

English Transliteration Persian

Which color do Shomaa Kodaam rang raa $EFG;$8.$dM.$?8:/$&34
you like? doust daarid?
I like green man, rang-e sabz raa $EFG;$8.$`'F$dM.$*+
color. doust daaram.

English Transliteration Persian

Which food do Shomaa Kodaam ghiza $EFG;$8.$8e($?8:/$&34
you like? raa doust daarid?
I like the Indian man, ghiza-e hendi raa $EFG;$8.$7:<#$78e($*+
food. doust daaram.

English Transliteration Persian

Which animal Shomaa Kodaam heyvan $EFG;$8.$%8NJf$?8:/$&34
do you like? raa doust daarid?
I like the horse. man, asb raa doust .?.8;$EFG;$8.$gF8$*+

English Transliteration Persian

Which bird do Shomaa Kodaam 9:5.8;$EFG;$8.$[:M,D$?8:/$&34
you like? parinde raa doust
I like the man, tuti raa doust .?.8; EFG;8.$=YNY$*+
parrot. daaram.

In the following exercise wea re trying to help you practice the use of some
important Persian words of daily use. Some of these words you have already
learnt in the previous units, the idea behind putting the same words again and
again is to help you consolidate your learning.

II Conversation
English Transliteration Persian between Employer
and Employee
Do you have a aayaa Shomaa 9:5.8;$ >R$&34$&56
pen? qalam daarid?
Yes, I have a bale, man qalam .?.8;$ >R$*+$0>)
pen. daaram.

English Transliteration Persian

Do you have a aayaa Shomaa 9:5.8;$ >b+$&34$&56
teacher? moallim daarid?
No, I do not Nakaheyr, man .?.8:M$ >b+$*+$,JPM
have a teacher. moallim nadaaram.

English Transliteration Persian

Do you have a aayaa Shomaa 9:5.8;$h&!/$&34$&56
book? Ketaab daarid?
Yes, I have a bale, man Ketaab .?.8;$h&!/$*+$0>)
book. daaram.

English Transliteration Persian

Do you have a aayaa Shomaa 9:5.8;$0JDG.$&34$&56
rupee? rupiye daarid?
Yes, I have bale, man rupiye .?.8;$0JDG.$*+$0>)
rupee. daaram.

English Transliteration Persian

Do you have a aayaa Shomaa dost 9:5.8;$EFG;$&34$&56
friend? daarid?
no, I do not Nakheyr, man dost ?.8:M$EFG;$*+ .,JPM
have a friend nadaaram.

English Transliteration Persian

Do you have a aayaa Shomaa 9:5.8;$*J4&+$&34$&56
car? maashin daarid?
Yes, I have a bale, man maashin .?.8;$*J4&+$*+$0>)
car. daaram.

Reading and Writing-III
English Transliteration Persian
Do you have a aayaa Shomaa 9:5.8;$[:<M8.$&34$&56
driver? ranande daarid?
No I do not Nakheyr, man .?.8:M$[:<M8.$*+ .,JPM
have a driver. ranande nadaaram.

The following exercise is aimed to make you familiar with important words
used in interrogative sentences. Give the answers in “yes” or “no”

English Transliteration Persian

Have you learnt aayaa Shomaa $;&5$8.$=F.&-$%&)C$&34$&56
Persian Zabaan-e farsi raa
Language? yaad gereftid? 9:J!-,A
yes / no bale / nakheyr ,JPM /$=>)

English Transliteration Persian

Have you learnt aayaa Shomaa 9:J!-,A$;&5$8.$G;.8$%&)C$&34$&56
Urdu Zabaan-e Urdu raa
Language? yaad gereftid?
yes / no bale / nakheyr ,JPM /$=>)

English Transliteration Persian

Have you learnt aayaa Shomaa $;&5$8.$="J>_M8$%&)C$&34$&56
English Zabaan-e Engelisi
Language? raa yaad gereftid? 9:J!-,A
yes / no bale / nakheyr ,JPM /$=>)

English Transliteration Persian

Have you learnt aayaa Shomaa $=HNJM&\F8$%&)C$&34$&56
Spanish Zabaan-e Espanioli
Language? raa yaad gereftid? 9:J!-,A;&58.
yes / no bale / nakheyr ,JPM /$=>)

14.10 EXERCISE-5
Match the following words and pronounce them loudly. You have already
learnt these words.
II Conversation
English Transliteration Farsi between Employer
and Employee
Employer Internet EM,!<58
Internet Kaarmand $:<+.&/
Telephone Edaare [.8;8
Office Karfarmaa &+,-.&/
Language Sherkat E/,4
Employee Zabaan %&)C
Company telefon *c>2

14.11 EXERCISE-6
Listen the following sentences carefully and request your teacher to read
them loudly and try to follow the pronunciation properly.

English Transliteration Persian

I am Imaan Man Imaan hastam. . !"# %&358$*+
I am Iranian. Man irani hastam. . !"# =M8,58$*+
We live in India. Maa dar Hindoustan $=A:MC$%&!FG:<#$.;$&+
zindagi mikonim.
. </=+
My family does not Khanwada-e man $=A:MC$:<#$.;$*+$i;8NM&K
live in India. dar hend zindagi
name kunad. .:</=3M
They live in Iran. Aanhaa dar Iran .:<</=+$=A:MC$%8,58$.;$&BM6
zindagi mikonand.
I have two brothers Man do Baraadar-o- $,#8NK$S5$G$.;8,)$G;$*+
and one sisiter. yek khaahar daaram.
My father is a Pedar-e man .EF8$:<+.&/$*+$.:D
worker. Kaarmand ast.
He works in a Ou dar bank kaar .:</=+.&/$SM&)$.;$G8
bank. mikunad.
My mother is a Madar-e man .EF8$.8;$0M&K$*+$.;&+
housewife. Khaane daar ast.
I like Persian and Man Zabaan-e farsi $8.$7:<#$G$=F.&-$%&)C$*+
Hindi wa hindi raa dost
daaram. .?.8;$EFG;

Reading and Writing-III
My brother Ali is a Baraadar-e man Ali .EF8$N1VM8;$=>W$*+$.;8,)
student. daneshju ast.
Aazar is my sister. Aazar Khaahar-e .EF8$*+$,#8NK$.j6
man ast.
She is a doctor. Ou doctor ast. .EF8$,!/;$G8
She works in a Ou dar bimaarestaan .:</=+$.&/$%&!F.&3J)$.;$G8
hospital. kaar mikunad.
I am the student of Man danishjui-e $k5.&2$l!4.$7N1VM8;$*+
History. rishta-e tarikh
hastam. . !"#
My university is in Daanishgahe man .EF8$=>#;$.;$*+$[&_VM8;
Delhi. dar delhi ast.
The name of my Isme daaneshgaah-e $@bH$,#8N^$*+$[&_VM8;$ F8
university is man Jawaaherlal
Jawaharlal Nehru. Nehru ast. .EF8$G,BM
Our university is Daaneshgah-e maa $G$m.`)$=>JK$&+$[&_VM8;
very big and old. kheyli bozorg wa
qadimi ast. .EF8$=35:R

II Directions
UNIT 15 DIRECTIONS #$ %&/#$ !"(Semt ha /
Jehat ha)

15.0 Objectives
15.1 Introduction
13.2 Revision
15.3 New Words
15.4 Exercise-1
15.5 Exercise-2
15.6 Exercise-3
15.7 Exercise-4
15.8 Exercise-5
15.9 Exercise-6
15.10 Writing Skills
15.11 Exercise-7
15.12 Exercise-8
15.13 Exercise-9

The objective of the present unit is to make you familiarize with common
words and terminologies related to the Directions so that by the end of this
unit you will be able to locate the directions in order to communicate your
opinion and thoughts.

The present unit has been designed to make you familiar with the universal
concept of Directions; the unit is supported by various exercises to
consolidate your level of learning and understanding. You will learn few new
words related to the Directions and nature so that you can communicate the
location of proper nouns with respect to their directions.

Read the following words loudly.

Meaning Transliteration Persian words

Employer Kaarfarmaa #'()*#+
employee Kaarmand ,-.'*#+
Telephone Telefon ,/012
Reading and Writing-III
Office Edaare ,3*454
Computer komputer (2678'#+
Internet Internet , 9(:.;4
Discussion Bahs <=>
English Englisi !"#$%&
Arabic Arabi '()
Persian Faarsi *+,-
Language Zabaan .,'/


Read the following new words carefully and loudly.

English Transliteration Persian

West Gharb 01
East Sharq 5(4
South Janub 3786
North Shomaal 9,:4
South pole Qutb-e janub 3786 ;<=
North pole Qutb-e shomaal 9,:4 ;
0> <=
North west Shomaal-e gharbi '(2 90> ,:4
South east Janub-e sharqi =(403786
North east Shomaal-e sharqi =(4 90> ,:4
South west Janub-e gharbi '(2 3
0> 786
Ocean oqyaanus @7%,"=? &0
River roud AB+
Mountain Kouh C7D
Desert Beyaabaan .,',"'
Fertile Baarwar +B+,'
Temperature Darja-e haraarat E+&(F0G6+A
Wind Baad A,'
II Directions
Persian Gulf countries Keshwarhai khalij-e @+,-0H"#I0J,K+7LD
The sun Khursheed M"4+7I
The moon Maah C,N
Stars Setaare ,KC+,O*
Constellation Surat-e falaki P#-0E+7Q

Read the following carefully.

English Transliteration Persian

This is west. In gharb ast. .R*&03(20ST&
That is east. Aan sharq ast. .R*&05(40.U
This is north In shomaal ast. .R*&09,:40ST&
That is south. Aan janub ast. .R*&037860.U
Kashmir is in north. Kashmir dar .R*&09,:40+A0(":LD
shomaal ast.
Kanyakumari is in Kanyakumari dar .R*&037860+A0J+,:D0,"8D
south janub ast.
Gujarat is in west Gujrat dar gharb .R*&03(20+A0E&(VW
Assam is in east. Assam dar sharq .R*&05(40+A0X,*U
There are two poles. Do Qutb hastand .M8O!K0;<=0BA
North pole is cold. Qutb-e shemal sard .R*&0A(*09,:40;<=
South pole is hot. Qutb-e janub gar .R*&0X(W037860;<=
Does the post office Aaya edaare pust 0S"'0E,NMI0R!Y0Z+&A&0,TU
provide international khidmaat-e bainul-
services? melali farahm ]M8D N0[K&(-0 ##:\&
Yes it provides Bale, in khidmaate- ##:\&0S"'0E,NMI ST&0G#'
international bainul-milali raa
services. faraham mikunad. .M8D N0[K&(-0&+
The postal system Seestam-e pusti 0GP^LT&+&A0 O!Y0[O!"*
has very good daarai shibke
network across India. besyaar khub dar 0(*&(*0+M'7I+,"!'
saraasar hend ast. .R*&M8K
Reading and Writing-III
Customers are very Mushtariyan az 0E,NMI0/&0.,T(OLN
much satisfied with khadamaat-e pusti
the postal services. besyaar raazi .M8O!K0 _&++,"!^"O!Y

Read the following words carefully.

English Transliteration Persian

Ocean Aqyaanus @7%,"=&
Pacific ocean Aqyaanus-e saakin SD,*0@7%,"=&
Atlantic ocean Aqyaanus-e atlas `#a&0@7%,"=&
River Rood AB+
Ganga river Roud-e Ganga ,$8W0AB+
Yamuna river Roud-e Yamuna ,8:0? T0AB+
Nile river Roud-e Neel b"%0AB+
Mountain Kouh C7D
The HimalAayaa Kouh-e Himaalyaa ,"\,:K0C7D
The albruz Kouh-e Alborz /(^\&0C7D
Desert Beyabaan .,',"'
Sahara desert Beyabaan-e sahara &+,c*0.,',"'
Thaar desert Beyabaan-e Thaar +,d0.,',"'
India Hind M8K
Direction Semt R:*

English Transliteration Persian
The sun rises in the Khorshid dar sharq 0e7#<=(40+A0M"4+7I
east. tolo mikunad.
.M8D N

The sun sets in the Khorshid dar gharb 03(20+A0M"4+7I

west. ghorub mikunud.
.M8D N03B(2
The ganga flows from Rud-e Ganga az 0G'09,:40/&0,$8W0AB+
north to south. shomaal be janub
jeryan dard. .A+&A0.,T(603786
II Directions
I am going towards Man be samt-e gharb 03(20R:*0G'0SN
west. mirawam.
.XB+ N
His school is in south Madars-e ou dar samt- 0R:*0+A0B&0f*+MN
direction. e janub ast.
We pray towards Maa be samt-e gharb 03(20R:*0G'0,N
west. ebaadat mikonim.
.["8D N0EA,^)

Makkah is in west of Makkah dar gharb-e .R*&0M8K03

> (20+A0GPN
India. Hend ast.
North India is more Shemal-e Hend .R*&0(d,^T/0M8K09,:4
beautiful. zeebatar ast.
South India has many Janub-e Hend besyaar 0+,"!'0M8K03786
old temples. maabadha qadeemi
daarad. .A+&A0 :TM=0J,KM^gN
East India has scenic Sharq-e hend manzarh 0J,KC(h8N0M8K05(4
beauty. hai zibaa daarad.
West India has many Gharb-e Hend besyaar 0+,"!'0bF&7*0M8K03(2
beaches. sawahel daarad.

Match the following with correct meanings.
English Persian
West (Gharb) 9,:4 ;<=
East (Sharq) '(209,:4
South (Janub) =(403786
North (Shemaal) =(409,:4
South pole (Qutb-e janub) 3(2
North pole (Qutb-e shemal) 5(4
North west (Shemal-e gharb) 3786
South east (Janub-e sharq) 9,:4
North east (Shemaal-e sharq) 3786 ;<=

Give the Persian equivalents of the following words.

Reading and Writing-III
English Persian
Ocean (Aoqyaanus)
Pacific ocean (Aqyaanus-e saakin)
Atlantic ocean (Aqyaanus-e atlas)
River (Rood)
Ganga river (Roud-e Ganga)
Yamuna river (Roud-e Yamuna)
Nile river (Roud-e Neel)
Mountain (Kouh)
The HimalAayaa (Kouh-e
The Alborz (Kouh-e Alborz)

Give the English equivalent of the following words.
Persian English

AB+ (rood)
C7D (Kouh)
.,',"' (bayaban)
+B+,' (baarwar)
3(2 (gharb)
5(4 (sharq)
3786 (janub)
9,:4 (shemaal)
3786 ;<= (Qutb-e janub)
9,:4 ;<= (Qutb-e shemaal)


Now we expect that you can recognize easy words by adjoining the two or
more letters. In the following exercises we will try to develop your writing
skills further.

15.11 EXERCISE-7
Re-write the following words. You are also suggested to pronounce them
II Directions
&MI Khodaa

&M6 Jodaa


15.12 EXERCISE-8
Join the following letters / words to form an expression.

j[O!K0S"cN0SN0 [O!K +0S"cN +0SN

0R*& +0(!Y +0B&
0& +0X +0k
C +0B +0l
5 +0+ +0k
3 +0+ +0m
3 +0B +0. +0n
9 +0& +0X +0k
@ +0B +0. +0& +0J +05 +0&
A +0B +0+
+ + B +0+ +0& +03
& +0o +0. +0o
& +0+ +0& +0C +0@
. +0B +0E +0@
R*& +0,^T/ +0B&
R*& +0o+p' +0+7LD +0M8K
E +0X +0@
A +0. +0C
Reading and Writing-III
15.13 EXERCISE-9
Re-write the following words five times, pronounce it loudly while writing
these words.

AB+ (rood)
C7D (Kouh)
.,',"' (bayaban)
+B+,' (baarwar)
3786 ;<=(Qutb-e Janub)
9,:4 ;<= Qutb-e

+,D (Kaar)

II The Post Office
(edaar-e pust)

16.0 Objectives
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Revision
16.3 New Words
16.4 Exercise-1
16.5 Exercise-2
16.6 Exercise-3
16.7 Exercise-4
16.8 Exercise-5
16.9 Exercise-6
16.10 Writing Skills
16.11 Exercise-7
16.12 Exercise-8

Objective of the present unit “The Post Office” is to make you aware of the
common words and expressions used in the post office in day to day

The present unit has been designed to make you familiar with day to day
communication in a post office. The unit is supported by various exercises to
consolidate your level of learning and understanding. You will learn few new
words related to the post office and it’s functioning so that you can
communicate easily while interacting in a post office.

Read the following words loudly.
English Transliteration Persian
West Gharb !"
East Sharq #!$
South Jonub %&'
North Shomaal ()*$
Reading and Writing-III
South pole Qutb-e jonub %&' +,-
North pole Qutb-e Shomaal ()*$ +
./ ,-
North west Shomaal-e gharbi 10!" (./ )*$
South east Jonub-e sharqi 1-!$ ./ %&'
North east Shomaal-e sharqi 1-!$ (./ )*$
South west Jonub-e gharbi 10!". %&'
Ocean oqyaanus 2%3)4-5
River rood 678
Mountain Kouh 9%:
Desert Beyaban ;)0)40
Fertile Baarwar 878)0
Temperature Darjai-e haraarat >85!? ='86


Read the following new words carefully and loudly.

English Transliteration Persian

Post office Edaare-pust @AB.98565
Postal services Khidmat-e pusti 1FAB.>)CDE
Indian postal service Khidmat-e pusti-e hind D&G4FAB.>)CDE
Postal system Sistam-e pusti 1FAB.HFA4I
Speed post Pust-e Sarea KJ!I @AB
Registered post Pust-e Sufareshi 1$8)LI.@AB
Currier Pust-e khususi 1M%NE.@AB
stamp Tambur / Mohr !O*P /.!GC
Postal stamp Tambur-e pusti 1FAB.!O*P
Money order Hawalai poole pusti 1FAB (%BRQ5%?
Services Khadamaat >)CDE
Customer care Moraqebat-e Mushtari S!FTC @O-5!C
Surcharge Ezafe Bahaa )G0.UV)W5
II The Post Office
Postal code Kud-e pusti 1FAB.D:
Other services Khadamaat-e digar !XJ6 >)CDE
Open Baaz Y)0
Close Bastan ZFA0
Customer care services Khadamaat-e S!FTC .@
/ O-5!C >)CDE
moraqebat-e mushtari
National services Khadamaat-e melli 1[C.>)CDE
International services Khadmaat-e bainul- 1[[*Q5Z40.>)CDE
Inland letters Naameha-ye daakheli 1[E56.S)\UC)3

Match the following words with their correct meanings.
English Persian
Post office (Edaarepust) 1$8)LI.@AB
Postal services (Khidmat-e pusti) .1M%NE.@AB
Indian postal service (Khidmat-e pusti-e !O*P /.!GC
Postal system (Sistam-e pusti) 1FAB.!O*P
Speed post (Pust-e Surat) 1FA]Q%B UQ5%?
Registered post (Pust-e Sabt) >)CDE
Currier (Char-khamsaaz) @AB.98565
stamp(Tambur / Mohr) 1FAB.>)CDE
Postal stamp (Tambur-e pusti) D&\ 1FAB.>)CDE
Money order (Hawalaipust) 1FAB.HFA4I
Services (Khidmaat) KJ!I @AB

Read the following sentences carefully.
English Transliteration Persian
This is a post In edaare-ye pust ast. .@I)FAB ^8565.ZJ5
Reading and Writing-III office.
The post office Edaare pustsaaet-e noh- .`OM 9.@_)I.@AB.98565
opens at 9 AM. e sub’h baaz mishawad.
It gets close at In dar sa’aet-e Se baste .UFA0.UI.@_)I.86.ZJ5
3PM mishawad.
Postal services in Khadamaat-e pusti dar .8)4A0.D&\.8D4FAB.>)CDE
India are very hend besyaar khoob ast.
good. @I5. %E
India Postal Khadamaat-e pusti-e .D&\ 1FA]P)CDE
services are Hend sareetar wa
quicker and arzaantarast. .@I5!F35Y857!FaJ!I
There are four Chehaar noe az .1FAB.>)CDEY5.c%3.8)Gb
types of postal khadamaat-e pusti
services. wojud daarad. .68566%'7
Speed post, Pust-e surat, pust-e sabt, .d1$8)LAFAB.d@_!I.@AB
registered post, pust-e khususi va pust-e
currier and aadi maamul hastand. .1M%NE.@AB
ordinary post are .D&FA\.(%*a*J6)aFAB7
Ordinary post is Pust-e maamuli .ZJ!F35Y8)4Q%*aC.@AB
cheapest one. arzaantareen ast.
Registered post is Pust-e sabt geraantareen .@I5.ZJ!F35!f.@Oe.@AB
costliest one. ast.
There are various Anwaa-e mukhtalef-e 6856.6%'7!O*FL[FgC.c5%35
types of stamps. tambr wojud daarad.
Through money Dar saraasar hend .UhJ!i.Y5D&\.!I5!I.86
order we send aztariq-e hawale bank
money all over iarsaal-e pool anjaam k)l35 (%B.()I8)j3)0.UQ5%?
India. mishawad. .6%$1C
The surcharge for Jareeme braai hawala-e (%B.UQ5%?.S5!0.)G0.UV)W5
money order is 5% pool pusti faghat panj
only. darsad ast. .@I5 DM8Dl&],hV 1FAB

Read the following sentences loudly.

English Transliteration Persian

Is post office a edaar pusti yek .UAI%C.mJ.1FAB.98565.)Jn
government moassese dolati ast?
institution? o@I5.1FQ76
Yes it is a Bali, in yek mossassi .1FQ76.UAI%C.mJ.ZJ5.1[0
II government dolati ast. The Post Office
What are the In kudaam khidmaat .H\5!V.58.>)CDE.k5D:.ZJ5
services it provides? raa faraham mikunad.
It provides various In khidmaat-e .D&3)C.p[FgC.>)CDE.ZJ5
services like money mukhtalif maanand
order, speed post hawale poole pusti, .@AB .1FAB (%B.UQ5%?
and currier etc. pust-e sare wa peek .H\5!V.9!4"7.m4B.7.KJ!I
waghaira farahm .D&:1C
What is the Sar-baar braaye ersaal- UQ5%qQ)I8)J5!0.)G0UV)W5
surcharge for e hawale poolepusti
sending money cheghadr? o@I5.8D-Ub 1FAB.(%B
It is just 5% Faqat panj dar sad ast. @I5DM86 5.rhV
Does the post office edaare pust khidmaat- .Z40.>)CDE.@AB.^8565.)Jn
provide international e bainul-melali farahm
services? mikunad. oD&:1C.H\5!V.1[[*Q5
Yes it provides Bale, in khidmaate- 1[[*Q5.Z40.>)CDE ZJ5.U[0
international bainul-milali raa
services. faraham mikunad. .D&:1C.H\5!V.58
The postal system Seestam-e pusti daarai .UjOTJ5856.1FAB.HFA4I
has very good shibke besyaar khub
network across dar saraasar hend ast. .!I5!I.8D0%E8)4A0
India. .@I5D&\
Customers are very Mushtariyan az .>)CDE.Y5.;)J!FTC
much satisfied with khadamaat-e pusti
the postal services. besyaar raazi hastand. .D&FA\.1W588)4AO4FAB

Practice the following question answer exercise.

Where are you Sowaal: Shomaakuja oDJ781C.)l:.)*$

going? miraweed?

I am going to post man be edaare pust .@AB.98565.U0.ZC

office. mirawam.
Where is the post Sowaal: edaare pust o@I5.)l:.@AB.98565
office? kujaast?

The post office is Edaare pust dar muheet- .Ui%qC.86.@AB.98565

in IGNOU campus. e IGNOU ast.
How far it is from Sowaal: az khaane .958.8D-.Ub.)*$.U3)E.Y5
Shomaa cheqadar raah 39
Reading and Writing-III your home? ast? o@I5
It is only 5 az khaane man in faqat .s&B.rhV.ZJ5.ZC.U3)E.Y5
kilometers from panj kilometer ast.
my home. .@I5.!FC.%[4:
Do you know the Sowaal: aayaa Shomaa .58.1tFAB.)*$.)Jn
post man? pustchi raa mishinase?
Yes, I know the bale, man pustchiraa .58.1tFAB.ZC.1[0
post man. mishinasum.
Can you send the Sowaal: aayaa Shomaa .U:.D435%P1C.)*$.)Jn
money order to my mitawaneed ke ersaal-e
mother? pool be maadram .k86)C.U0.58.(%B.()I85
befarasteed? oD4FI!L0
Yes, why not. bale, albatte .UFOQ5 .1[0
Is this service Sowaal: aayaa in .!FaJ!I.@CDE.ZJ5.)Jn
faster? khidmate sareetarast?
Yes it is faster. bale in sareetarast. .@I5.!FaJ!I.ZJ5.1[0
How many days it Sowaal: in chand ruz .(%i.Y78.D&b.ZJ5
will take? tool khahad kasheed?
It will take three in se ruz tool khahad .(%i.Y78.UI.ZJ5
days. kasheed.

Match the following with their correct meanings.

English Transliteration Persian

This is a post (In edaare pustast) .s&B.rhV.ZJ5.ZC R3)E.Y5
The post office (Edaare pust da rsaaet-e .958.8D-.Ub.)*$ R3)E.Y5
opens at 9 AM. noh subahb aaz
mishawad.) o@I5

It gets close at (In darsaaet-e Se baste .D\5%E.(%i.Y78.UI.ZJ5

3PM mishawad.)

Postal services in (Khidmaat-e pustidar .58.1tFAB.)*$.)Jn

India are very hend besyaarkhoobast.)
good. oD4I)&$1C
II The Post Office
Do you know the ( Shomaa pustchi raa .@I5.@AB.98565.ZJ5
post man? midaaneed?)

It will take three (in se ruz tool 9.@_)I.86.@AB.98565

days. khahadkasheed.)

How far it is from (azkhaaneShomaacheqa .UFA0.UI.@_)I.86.ZJ5

your home? darraahast?)
It is only 5 (azkhaane man in .8)4A0.D&\.8D4FAB.>)CDE
kilometers from faqatpanj kilometer
my home. ast.) .@I5. %E

Translate the following into Persian.
English / Transliteration Persian
The post office is in IGNOU campus.
(edaar-e pust dar muheet-e IGNOU

It will take three days.

(in se ruz tool khahadkasheed.)

This is a post office.

(In edaarepustast.)

Do you know the post man?

( Shomaapustchiraa mishenasid?)

What is the surcharge for sending

money order?
(Sar-baar braai arsaal-e hawalechist?)

Customer care services

(Khidmaat-e-Movazibeat-e mushtari)

National services
(Khidmaat-e melli)

International services
(Khidmaat-e bainul-melali)

Postal services in India are very good.

(Khidmaat-e pustidar hend
Reading and Writing-III
Does the post office provide
international services?
(Aayaedaarepustkhidmaat-e bainul-
melalifarahm mikunad.)


Now we expect that you can recognize easy words by adjoining the two or
more letters. In the following exercises, we will try to develop your writing
skills further.

16.11 EXERCISE-7
Write the following words six times, pronounce these words loudly while

.@AB @AB .HFA4I .>)CDE .>)CDE .98565

1$8)LI KJ!I 1FAB D&\ 1FAB 1FAB @AB

16.12 EXERCISE-8
Write the following words five times.

II The Post Office

Reading and Writing-III
UNIT 17 ETIQUETTE$%&'/ !"#(rasoom /
17.0 Objectives
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Revision
17.3 New Words
17.4 Exercise-1
17.5 Exercise-2
17.6 Exercise-3
17.7 Exercise-4
17.8 Exercise-5

Objective of the present unit “The Etiquette” is to make you aware of the
common words and expressions related to the !"#$%&' !($)*!((! and social
behavior while interacting in various capacities in day to day communication.

The present unit has been designed to make you familiar with day to day
communication in terms of social behavior, norms of interaction etc.The unit
is supported by various exercises to consolidate your level of learning and
understanding. You will learn few new words related to the etiquette and its
use so that you can communicate day to day manners politely.

Read the following words loudly.
English Transliteration Persian
Post office Edaare-pust !"#$%&'&
Postal services Khadamaat-e pusti -.!"#()*+,
Indian postal service Khadamaat-e pusti-e hind +01/.!"#()*+,
Postal system Sistem-e pusti -.!"#2.!34
Speed post Pust-e Sarie 7654 !"
Registered post Pust-e Sefarishe -8%)94# !"
Currier Pust-e khususi -:;<,# !"
stamp Tambur / Mohr 5=>? /#51*
II Etiquette
Postal stamp Tambur-e pusti -.!"#5=>?
Money order Hawalai poole puste -.!" @;"#AB&;C
Services Khidmaat ()*+,


English Transliteration Persian
Hello Alo ;B&
Salam Salaam DE4
Excuse me Be-bakhshid +3FG=H
Thanks Tashakkur 5IF?
Thank God Khuda raa shukr 5I8#&%#&+,
God willing ensha-Allah J)FK&
May God bless you Khodawand be Shomaa # M5H#)>8#AH#+KL&+,
barkat be-dahad
Good bye Khoda-negehdaar / %&+1QK#&+, /#OP)C#&+,
Khodaa Hafiz
Please Lutfan R )#9SB
My pleasure Baisaa kuhsh halia man #V*#-B)W8;, TU)H
Miss you Delam baraayat tang $+8#X0?# 6&5H#2B'
I like you Doostat daaram D%&'# .4L'
Take your seat Benasheen #V3F0H
Turn the cell phone off Telfon-e- hamraah Z;*), &% $&5>N#V9Y?
khamoosh kun
Smoking is prohibited Sigaar kashidan mamnu #\;0>*#[+3FM%)Q34
Warm welcome Esteqbaal-e garm D5]#@)=^.4&
Welcome Khush aamdeed #+6+*_#Z;,
May I come in Mitawanam waarid be- #D;FH#'%&L#2K&;?-*
May I help you Mitawanam be Shomaa #`>M#)>8#AH#2K&;?-*
komak konam
God is great Khodaa bozorg ast 4&#b%cH#&+,
So nice of you Khubi az Shomaast 4)>8#d)3H;,
With due respect Baa tawajje Ae;?#)H

Reading and Writing-III
Match the following words with their correct meanings
Persian English
Excuse me(Be-bakhshid) R)#R9# SB
Thanks (Baa tashakkur) 4&#V*#-B)W8;,#TU)H
Thank God(Khuda ra ashukr) $+8#X0?# 6&5H#2B'
God willing (Enshaa-Allaah) D%&'# .4L'
Please (Lotfan) #V3F0H
My pleasure(Iftekhaar-e man) +3FG=H
Miss you(Delambarayat tang shudeh) 5IF?#)H
I Like you (Doostat daaram) 5I8#&%#&+,
Take your seat (Binasheen J)FK&

Give the Persian equivalent of the following words.
English Persian
Turn the cell phone off(Telfon-e
hamraah raa khamoosh kun)
Smoking is prohibited (Sigaar
kashidan mamnu ast)
Warm welcome (Esteqbaal-e garm)
Welcome (Khush aamdeed)
May I come in(Mitawanam waarid
May I help you (Mitawanam be
Shomaa komak konam)
God is great (Khodaa bozorgast)
So nice of you(Khoob az Shomaa)

Read the following carefully.

English Transliteration Persian

Please take your Lutfan sandal-e khud raa &%#';,#-B+0:#R)9SB
seat. begeer
II Etiquette
Kindly give me Lutfan qalam-e Shomaa raa $+H#V>H &%)>8#2Yf#R)9SB
your pen be man bedeh
How are you? Haal-e Shomaa chetor ast? a 4&#%;Sg#)>8#@)C
I am fine, thank Man khoob hastam, [;0>*i2.!N#h;,#V*
you mamnoon
Can I help you? Mitawanam be Shomaa #`>M#)>8#AH 2K&;?#-*
komak konam
God bless you my Aziz-e man! Khodaawand #)>8#+KL&+,!V*#c6cU
dear Shomaa raa barkat be- +N+H# M5H#&%
So nice of you Khoob az Shomaa )>8#d&#-H;,
I am always at Man hameshe dar khidmat- # *+,#%'#AF3>N#V*
your service e Shomaa hastam
It is an honor to be In iftekhaar-e man ast ke #AM# 4&#V*%)G.P&#V6&
with you baa to baasham
I respect your Bi ehsaasaat-e Shomaa raa #)>8#()4)!C&#AH
emotions ehteram miguzaaram
Welcome to my Khush aamdeed be khan-e V* kK),#AH#+6+*_#Z;,
house man
I missed you so Delam baraayat tang $+8#X0?# 6&5H#2B'
much shudeh
They are my Aanhaa doustaan-e man +0.!N V*#[).4L'#)1K_
friends hastand
They are my Aanhaa mehmaan-e man +0.!N#V*#[)>1*#)1K_
guests hastand.

Translste the following sentences into Farsi
English Persian
Please take your seat.
Kindly give me your pen
How are you?
I am fine, thank you.
Can I help you?
God bless you my dear
So nice of you

Reading and Writing-III
Read the following question answer carefully.
English Transliteration Persian
good morning sobh bekhair 53,#AH#l=:
good morning sobh bekhair 53,#AH#l=:

English Transliteration Persian

Please take your lotfan befarmayid +36)*59H#R)9SB
thank you Mutashakirum .D5IF.*
English Transliteration Persian

How was your safar-e Shomaa #a';H#%;Sg#)>8#594

journey? chetor bood?

it was good and az rahm-o-karam-e #V6&#&+,#D5M#L#2C%#d&

safe by the grace of Khodaa. in khoob wa
God mehfooz bood ';H#m;9W*#L#h;,.

English Transliteration Persian

How was your stay in aaqaaamat-e Shomaa dar #[&56&#%'#)>8# *)f&
Iran? Iran cheor bood?
it was memorable for in baraaye man jaalib #nB)e#V*#o&5H#V6&
me bood

English Transliteration Persian

What about the people Dar baaraie mardom-e #[&56&#D'5*#$%)H#%'
of Iran? Iran che?
They are cooperative Aanhaan hamdel va #56jpB'#L#@+>N#[)1K_
and pleasant. delpezir hastand.

II Conversation with
UNIT 18 CONVERSATION WITH Brother, Sister and
FRIEND/01(1*,)#- .+()*" !" #$%&'
(Goftagu baa baraadar, khaahar va

18.0 Objectives
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Revision
18.3 Conversation
18.4 Exercise-1
18.5 Exercise-2
18.6 Exercise-3
18.7 Exercise-4

The objective of this unit is to make the learners aware about the
conversation that take place among the brothers, sisters and the friends in day
to day communication.

We talk to our friends and family members about the daily routine, about the
examination, happenings in the school or college and so on, we get familiar
with day to day happenings with our brothers, sisters and friends to make
ourselves more social. in this unit we will learn the expressions dealing with
conversation between the friends and the brothers & sisters.

Read the following words carefully.
English Transliteration Persian
Hello Alo #2)
Salam Salaam 340
Excuse me Be-bakhshid 56789"
Thanks Baa tashakkur *:7; !"
Thank God Khuda raa shukr *:< )+ )5-
God willing Enshaa-Allaah =!7>)
Reading and Writing-III
God bless you Khodawand be !.!) &'() *+, -) !"#$!%
Shomaa barkat be-
Good bye Khoda-negehdaar / 2$!34" $!% / /0*1 $!%
Khodaa Hafiz
Please Lutfan 5 *678
My pleasure Baaese khush hali-ye &@$ >? 98*:,;% <=*)
man ast
Miss you Delam baraayat tang D!, EFG &C$() A8B
I like you Doostat daaram H2$B &I@#B
Take your seat Benasheen >JKF)
Turn the cell phone Telfon-e hamraah ra >' M;?*% $2 D$(+. >6LG
off khamoosh kun
Smoking is Sigaar kashidan &@$ O;F+? N!JK' 2*4J@
prohibited mamnu ast
Warm welcome Esteqbaal-e garm H(P Q*RSI@$
Welcome Khush aamadid !C!?T M;%
May I come in? Mitawanam waared U H;K) B2$# A"$;G 9?
May I help you Mitawanam be V+' *+, -) A"$;G 9?
Shomaa komak konam
God is great Khodaa bozorg ast &@$ W2X) $!%
So nice of you Khubi az Shomaa ast &@$ *+, Y*J);%
With due respect Baa tawajjoh -Z;G *)

Meaning Transliteration Sentence
Brother: Good Brathar: Sub’h bakhair, ([ .$;%(J% -) \R] :2B$()
morning, my dear Khaahar-e azizam.
sister. .HXCX=

Sister: Good Khaahar: Sub’h (J% -) \R] :(.$;%

morning, my dear bakhair, brathar-e
brother. azizam. HXCX= 2[ B$()
Brother: Today I Brathar: Emrouz man N*:I?$ >? Y#(?$ :2B$()
have half yearly imtehane sheshmahi
examination. daaram. .H2$B 9.*+K,
Sister: I am going to Khaahar: Man brayat &C$() >? :(.$;%
II prepare breakfast for subhaneh dorust mee Conversation with
.AF'9? &@2B -"*:R] Brother, Sister and
you. kunam. Friend
Brother: I like soup. Brathar: Man soup raa &@#B $2 ^;@ >? :2B$()
Please Prepare soup dost daaram. Brayam
for me. faqat soup dorust kunid. .H2$B
&@2B ^;@ _S0 AC$()
Sister: Take bath. Khaahar: To doush .(J4) M#B ;G :(.$;%
Brother: Where is Brathar: Lebasam U&@$ *`' A@*R8 :2B$()
my dress? kujaast?
Sister: Your dress is Khaahar: Lebasat ro -e &bG a#2 &@*R8 :(.$;%
on the bed. takht -e khab ast.
.&@$ c$;%
Friend: Ahmad, Dost: Ahmad to kay -) 9' ;G !+1$ :&@#B
When will you go to beh dabestaan khahi
school? raft? U&02 9.$;% N*Id)B
Imaan: I’ll go to Imaan: Man saate hasht -) &K. &=*@ >? :N*+C$
school at eight beh dabestaan khaham
o’clck. raft. .&02 A.$;% N*Id)B
Friend: I’ll also Dost: Man ham ba to -) ;G *) A. >? :&@#B
accompany you to beh dabestaan khaham
school. raft. .&02 A.$;% N*Id)B
Ahmad: O.k. Ahmad: Baasheh. .-,*) :!+1$
Brother: I took bath. Brathar: Man doush .AI0(P M#B >? :2B$()
Sister: The breakfast Khaahar: subhaneh DB*?T -"*:R] :(.$;%
is ready. Aamadeh ast.
Imaan: My dear Imaan: Dost-e azizam, ;G HXCX= &
[ @#B :N*+C$
friend, did you take to subhaneh khordi?
breakfast? UaB2;% -"*:R]

Friend: No, I have not Dost: Nakhair, man >? (Jb" :&@#B
taken breakfast. subhaneh nakhurdeh
am. .H$DB2;b" -"*:R]
Imaan: Come, let’s Imaan: Beya, baa ham -"*:R] A. *) *J) :N*+C$
have breakfast together. subhaneh bekhurem.
Dost: o.k. Dost: Baasheh. .-,*) :&@#B
Brother: The breakfast Brathar: subhaneh 9LJ% -"*:R] :2B$()
is very testy. khaili khushmazeh
hast. .&@$ DX+,;%

Reading and Writing-III
Khaahar: A Khaahar: Nush-e jan! N*Z M;" :(.$;%
complementary phrase
used at meals.
Friend: Thanks a lot. Dost: Khaili .A";F+? 9LJ% :&@#B
Brother: Sister, now we Brathar: Khaahar, *) *? e*1 (.$;% :2B$()
are going to school haalaa maa baa ham
together. beh dabestaan .AC#29? N*Id)B -) A.
Brother: Good bye. Brathar: khodaa Haafez /0*1 $!% :2B$()
Friend: Good bye. Dost: khodaa Haafez /0*1 $!% :&@#B
Sister: Good bye. Khaahar: 2$!34" $!% :(.$;%

In the following exercise we are trying to help you memorize some very
important words related to various professions. The purpose is to enable you
to tell others about your professions in Persian. Form simple sentences on the
pattern given below and use the words related to the various professions.
Meaning Translitera Answer Meaning Transliter Question
tion ation

I am a Man ;`K"$B >? Who are Shomaa U!JIdJ' *+,

student. Danishju you? kisteed?
hastam. .AId.
I am a Man V,Xf >? Who are Shomaa U!JIdJ' *+,
doctor. pezeshk you? kisteed?
hastam. AId.
I am an Man g!F3? >? Who are Shomaa U!JIdJ' *+,
engineer Mohandes you? kisteed?
. hastam. AId.
I am a Man D!F"$2 >? Who are Shomaa U!JIdJ' *+,
driver. raanande you? kisteed?
hastam. AId.
I am a Man darban N*)2B >? Who are Shomaa U!JIdJ' *+,
guard. hastam. you? kisteed?
I am a Man sepah 9.*h@ >? Who are Shomaa U!JIdJ' *+,
soldier. hastam. you? kisteed?
I am a Man ALi? >? Who are Shomaa U!JIdJ' *+,
teacher. moallim you? kisteed?
hastam. AId.
II Conversation with
I am a Man >? Who are Shomaa U!JIdJ' *+, Brother, Sister and
writer. navisandeh you? kisteed? Friend
hastam. D!FdC;"
I am a Man AZ(I? >? Who are Shomaa U!JIdJ' *+,
translator. motarjim you? kisteed?
hastam. AId.

You have seen in the dialogue between brother and sister that the brother is
the student who tells his sister about the food he likes the most. Here in this
exercise we are trying to help you memories many important Persian words
on the same pattern.
Meaning Transliteration Answer Meaning Transliteration Question
I like Man ghaza-e a$kj >? Which Kudaam ghaza $2 $kj H$!'
Indian Hindi raa dost food do raa dost daarid?
food. daram $2 a!F. you like? U!C2$B &@#B
H2$B &@#B
I like Man shahare (3, >? Which Kudaam shahar $2 (3, H$!'
Delhi. Dehli raa dost town do raa dost daarid?
daaram. $2 9L.B you like? U!C2$B &@#B
H2$B &@#B
I like Man keshware 2;K' >? Which Kudaam $2 2;K' H$!'
India. hend raa dost country keshwar raa dost
daaram. &@#B $2 !F. do you daarid? U!C2$B &@#B
H2$B like?
I like Man Zabaane N*)Y >? Which Kudaam Zabaan $2 N*)Y H$!'
Persian faarsi raa dost language raa dost daarid?
language. daaram. $2 9@2*0 do you U!C2$B &@#B
H2$B &@#B like?
I like Man Mirza l8*j >? Which Kudaam shaer $2 (=*, H$!'
Mirza Ghalib-e poet do raa dost daarid?
Ghalib of Delhavi raa dost $2 a;L.B you like? U!C2$B &@#B
Delhi. daaram. H2$B &@#B
I like Man rang-e sabz XR@ E"2 >? Which Kudaam rang $2 E"2 H$!'
green raa dost daaram. colour do raa dost daarid?
colour. H2$B &@#B $2 you like? U!C2$B &@#B
I like Man Amir >? Which Kudaam D!FdC;" H$!'
Amir Khusraw raa writer do nawisandeh raa
Khusraw. dost daaram. $2 #(d%(J?$ you like? dost daarid? &@#B $2
H2$B &@#B U!C2$B
I like Man D*4K"$B >? Which Kudaam D*4K"$B H$!'
Jawaharla daaneshgaah-e universit daaneshgaah raa
l Nehru jawaharlal mi8 (.$;Z y do you dost daarid? &@#B $2
university Nehru raa dost $2 #(3" like? U!C2$B
. daaram.
H2$B &@#B
Reading and Writing-III
In the following exercise we are trying to help you practice the use of the
Persian word !!"#$which means you have / keep / possess, in various ways.
In the process you will learn some important Persian words of daily use.
Some of these words you might have already learnt in the previous units and
lessons. The idea behind putting / repeating the same word again and again is
to help you consolidate your learning.
Meaning Transliteration Answer Meaning Transliteration Question
Yes, I Bali, man ALn >? .-L) Do you Shomaa qalam ALn *+, *CT
have a qalam daaram. have a daarid?
pen. .H2$B Pen? U!C2$B
No, I do Nakhair, man >? (Jb" Do you Shomaa c*I' *+, *CT
not have ketaab have a Ketaab dared?
a book. nadaaram. c*I' book? U!C2$B
Yes, I Bali, man >? -L) Do you Shomaa sikkeh -o@ *+, *CT
have a sikkeh daaram. have a dared?
coin. .H2$B -o@ coin? U!C2$B
No, I do Nakhair, man >? (Jb" Do you Shomaa dost-e &@#B *+, *CT
not have dost-e samimi have a samimi dared?
a bosom nadaaram. &@#B bosom U!C2$B 9+J+]
friend. 9+J+] friend?

The following exercise is aimed at making you familiar with the important
Persian word i.e. aayaa used in interrogative sentences. In this exercise you
will also learn the names of different languages in Persian. Now form
sentences on the same pattern and give answer in yes or no.

Meaning Translite Answer Meaning Transliteration Question


Yes. Bali. -L) Do you know Aaya Shomaa N*)Y *+, *CT
Arabic Zabaan-e Arabi
language? meedaneed? U!J"$B9? 9)(=
No. Nakhair. (Jb" Do you know Aaya Shomaa N*)Y *+, *CT
Persian Zabaan-e- Faarsi
language? meedaneed? U!J"$B9? 9@2*0
Yes. Bali. -L) Do you know Aaya Shomaa N*)Y *+, *CT
English Zabaan-e- Engelisi
language? meedaneed? U!J"$B9? 9dJL4"$

II Conversation with
Brother, Sister and
No. Nakhair. (Jb" Do you know Aaya Shomaa N*)Y *+, *CT
French Zabaan-e franseh
language? meedaneed? U!J"$B9? -d"$(0
Yes. Bali. -L) Do you know Aaya Shomaa N*)Y *+, *CT
Russian Zabaan-e rusiyeh
language? meedaneed? U!J"$B9? -J@#2
Yes. Bali. -L) Do you know Aaya Shomaa N*)Y *+, *CT
Hindi language? Zabaan-e hindi
meedaneed? U!J"$B9? a!F.


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