Cause and Effect

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Cause and effect

1.Differences in cultural backgrounds

2.Differences parenting styles

3.Dietary restrictions

4.Different religious backgrounds

5.Different custom and traditions

6.Different celebrations

Practise 1 Drawing Conclusions

1.Curiosity on entrepreneurs will help their increase income in business and the entrepreneurs will
thrill and have some passion in their business.The most important thing is entreoreneurs will reap
maximum profit on their business.

2.The new era of 21st century have fully change the system of education.It because of the progress of
globalization.So teacher need to be fully prepared on their teaching skills and must have some
variant teaching learning skills to improve their student result in examination and the activities that
teacher impliment in class is requiring to be suit with the new era of globalization.

3. If you have a good cognitive flexibility, you’ll be energized by change, adapting quickly and readily
to the unknown. You’ll enjoy testing and learning new skills.The most important thing when you
have a good cognitive flexibility you can increase productivity,creativity and do more work with

4. The blue cat cafe, which is the only cat cafe in town where melissa is at, is a busy place and it
would be easier to hide if someone is actually following me in following melissa’s activity.

5.Children with poor bacgrounds of digital literacy will have lack of ability to use information and
communication technologies to find,evaluate and technical skills.So they will not prepared for the
progress of globalization and unexpected challenges for new era of 21 st century.

Practise 2

1.Analytical skills and learning is important thing to increase information reception and increase the
abilities to research,collect,creativity and analyze to developing solutions for the problems.Our
communities will learn something new and be a better society.

2.Bella’s family is a supporting,caring and extraordinary because they accepted the passion in
advanture of Bella’s favourite fairy tale.Cinderella is always get oppressed and had a cruel stepsisters
and a stepmother.But Bella’s family is opposite to her favourite fairy tale because they so
supporting like give Bella oppurtunity to dictate the family vacations.

3.Birthday celebrations is a common traditions in our society .It important to show our honour,
love ,appriciated and strengthen the relationship with each other.

4. The development in dafern oil painting village has threaten the workplace of the artists there who
reproduces famous artworks like Rembrandt, vincent van gogh and leonardo da vinci. along with the
development, the artists started to create their own artworks based on the demand of cultural
appreciation trend instead of the western art.

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