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Technique to Teach Speaking Skill

Submitted to fulfill paper assignments in courses

Methodology in TESOL

Supporting Lecturer: Mega Fariziah Nur Humairoh, M.Pd.


Marisa Nur Izza Afkarina (T20196169)

Dwi Putri Indah Sari (T20196181)

Ika Lutfita Intan Cahyani (T20196173)




March 2021

We give thanks for the presence of Allah SWT, who has given His grace and
guidance so we can complete our paper assignment entitled "Technique to Teach
Speaking Skill".

The purpose of the writing of this paper is to fulfill the assignment of Ms. Mega
Fariziah Nur Humairoh, M.Pd. in the Methodology in TESOL course. Apart from that,
this paper also aims to add insight into this topic for readers as well as for writers.

We would like to thank Ms. Mega Fariziah Nur Humairoh, M.Pd. as a lecturer in
the Methodology in TESOL course who has given this assignment so that we can add
knowledge and insight according to the field of study we are working on.

We also would like to thank all those who have shared some of their knowledge so
that we can complete this paper.

We realize that the paper we write is far from perfect. Therefore, we will wait for
constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper.

Jember, 20th March 2021




TABLE OF CONTENS.......................................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I.........................................................................................................................1


A. Background of the paper....................................................................................1

B. Purpose of the paper..........................................................................................1
C. Problem formulation..........................................................................................1

CHAPTER II.......................................................................................................................2

THEORY AND DISCUSSION...........................................................................................2

A. Technique........................................................................................................2
B. Teaching Speaking...........................................................................................2
C. Technique to Teach Speaking Skill.................................................................3
D. The Benefits of Applying Speaking Techniques.............................................6

CHAPTER III......................................................................................................................7





A. Background of the paper

The objectives of making this paper are to describe the techniques applied by the teacher
in teaching speaking; techniques to overcome problems faced by students, and the writers found
that the techniques used by teachers in teaching speaking were question and answer techniques,
role-playing, and games. It can help students to further develop or encourage students to improve
their speaking skills so that after studying this speaking material students can speak English well
and fluently.

Learning how to speak English accurately and fluently is always a big task for students
who are studying English because of the importance of interaction between teachers and students
in schools, speaking competence can hardly be overestimated. It is also because a lack of
speaking competence hinders students' opportunities to interact with teachers and peers in class.
Besides, teachers' techniques in teaching and students' techniques in speaking English are factors
that influence the success of teaching and learning to speak. The main function of spoken
language is interactional, it is to maintain and social relationships between one another (Brown
and Yule, 1983). Therefore, we will discuss what techniques can help students improve their
speaking skills in English.

B. Problem formulation
a. What is technique?
b. What is speaking and teaching speaking?
c. What are the techniques to teach speaking skill?
d. What are the benefits of applying Speaking Techniques?

1.3. Purpose of the paper

a. To knowing what is technique.

b. To knowing what is speaking and teaching speaking.
c. To knowing about the techniques can be used to teach speaking skill.
d. To knowing about the benefits of applying speaking technique.



A. Technique
The technique is a conceptual structure composed of related functions that work as a
unit to achieve the desired result. So, it can be concluded that the notion of technique is a set
of elements that are mutually arranged or bound in efforts to achieve the desired goals. (John
McManama, 1971).
Techniques are strategies, inventions, certain tricks used to achieve an expected or
desired goal. It must be consistent with a method, and therefore be in tune with an approach.
(Anthonys in Fauziati, 2009: 17). Thus, we can understand that the technique includes the
behavior and practice of actual events that operate in the teaching of language according to
certain methods. In other words, technique is a classroom practice that is carried out by the
teacher when presenting a language program, it is the way classroom activities are integrated
into lessons and used as a basis for teaching and learning. We can also mention that
technique is a classroom practice carried out by the teacher when presenting a language
program. We can also mention that a technique is an implementation-that actually takes
place in a classroom, it is a certain trick, a procedure to achieve an immediate goal. It must
be consistent with the method as well as in harmony with the approach.
For example, we can see that in our daily lives, such as asking students about their
situation. It has prompted them to practice their speaking skills, and more detailed
techniques will be discussed below. However, it would be nice if we studied what teaching
speaking is first.

B. Teaching Speaking
Speaking is the process of oral communication involving the interaction both speaker
and listener in sharing information, but speaking also involves more than just using words to
articulate what we think. Especially in speaking a foreign language that we are learning for
the first time, we need to learn several stages, structural, and new vocabulary. According to
Willem J.M. Levelt (in Speaking from intention to articulation, 1938), speaking is one of
man’s most complex skills. It is a skill that is unique to our species.
Speaking in a foreign language, however, is a challenging task for language learners
since they decide to learn a language. According to Fauziati (2008: 15), states that teaching
speaking skills should be considered as central in foreign language pedagogy, and the aim of
teaching speaking is for communicative efficiency.
Speaking is a skill that students will rate the most in real-life situations. It is the part
most often giving a person's first impression is based on his or her ability to speak fluently

and completely, as well as an essential part of daily interactions. So, teachers have a big
responsibility to prepare their students to be able to speak in the real world. Talking about
speaking, it is a skill, like driving a car, playing Ping-Pong, swimming. Too often, in
traditional classrooms, English learning is shifted only to linguistic knowledge. For example,
knowledge of vocabulary and grammar rules, with little or no attention paid to practicing
language skills.

C. Technique to Teach Speaking Skill.

For teach the speaking skill, so that the speaking skill can increase, it takes many
techniques for that. As the teacher, we must be creative, and as possible to try to improve
speaking skills.
The following are some of the principles for designing speaking techniques:
1. Techniques should cover everything that relates to the needs of the learner from a
language-based focus on accuracy to a message-based focus on interaction, meaning,
and fluency.
2. The technique must intrinsically motivate the learner.
3. Techniques should encourage students to use authentic language in meaningful
4. Provide feedback and appropriate corrections to the learning process.
5. Take advantage of the natural connection between listening and speaking.
6. Encourage the development of a speaking strategy (Brown, 1987).

And still, there are many techniques to teach speaking skill are implemented by a
teacher within an interesting:

1. Game.
Playing games, but by including material in the lesson can make students more
interested and not bored in learning so that students enjoy and feel happy and this can
make learning more effective. For example, connect the word from the last letter that was
pronounced by a friend, for example, the teacher gave the word "flower" the last letter "r"
so the student had to look for a word that started with the letter "r" and so on. We can also
try to pronounce a simple tongue twister.
a. Advantages:
 Can reduce the saturation of students in the learning process in the classroom.
 With competition between students, it can foster their enthusiasm to be more
advanced, especially in improving their speaking skills.
 With the game, it can foster relationships between students both individually and
in groups and can develop students' social competition.

b. Disadvantages:
 Sometimes, the number of students is too large, so it can cause difficulty to
involve all students in a game.
 In general, games are not considered a language learning program but are only an
2. Role-Playing.
Role-Playing can be a creating dramatic situation in a classroom or a part, simply
acting out dialogues, but also in part re-labeling objects and people in the room to prepare
for imaginative role-playing (Newmar in Fauziati, 2010:19). For example, the teacher
uses role-playing techniques in teaching speaking so that students can explore their
abilities by playing the role of legends or stories in one country or another.
a. Advantages:
 Students are free to make decisions and express themselves as a whole.
 Teachers can evaluate student experiences through observations when doing role-
 Can impress students strongly and last a long time. Besides, it is an experience
that is fun to forget.
 Very attractive to students, allowing the class to be dynamic and full of
 Generating passion and optimism in students and fostering a high sense of
togetherness and social solidarity.
 Possible to improve students' professional abilities, and can grow or open
opportunities for employment.
 Can help students be more confident and improve their speaking skills.
b. Disadvantages:
 The role-playing method requires a relatively long time.
 Requires high creativity on the part of both teachers and students. And not all
teachers have it.
 Most of the students who were cast were embarrassed to need a particular scene.
 If the implementation of role-playing fails, it can give a bad impression, and at the
same time mean that the teaching objectives are not achieved.
3. Song.
Just like games, learning speaking skills by using songs makes students happy,
cheerful, and in good mood, so that what they sing can be perfectly pronounced. For
example, the teacher asks students to sing a song together, and then the teacher recites
some difficult words, and the students repeat after the teacher pronounces the word so,
that they know the correct pronunciation.

a. Advantages:
 Helping students to develop and increase readiness and mastery of speaking skills
in the learning and teaching process.
 Singing a song can inspire students' enthusiasm for learning, giving students
opportunities to develop and progress according to their individual abilities.
 As well as being able to direct students' learning methods, so that they have more
strong motivation to study harder.
 Students learn the pronunciation indirectly.
b. Disadvantages:
 Students are emphasized that they must have the mental readiness and maturity to
 Students must have the courage to want to know their surroundings well. It only
emphasizes the understanding process, paying less attention to the development or
formation of attitudes and skills.
 If the class is too large, it is less effective to use.
4. Discussion.
Discussion can be composed of four to five students. Discussion, such as group
work, it can train students to speak by delivering their opinions into the association of the
group. For example, the teacher asks students to choose a topic and discuss it with their
group so that students get used to talking with their friends in front of the class, so they
are not afraid to speak.
a. Advantages:
 Make students aware that by discussing, they can mutually express opinions
constructively in order to get better decisions and dare to express their opinions.
 Teach students to be willing to listen to other people's opinions even though they
differ from their opinions.
 Accustom students to have an attitude of tolerance and help them to improve their
speaking skills.
b. Disadvantages:
 Cannot be used in large groups.
 Discussion participants receive limited information.
 Can be controlled by people who like to talk.
 Usually people prefer to accept a more formal approach.
5. Problem Solving.
Same with discussion, students can be divided into pair work or small groups to
solve existing problems, so here, students will talk to convey their opinions and thoughts.

For example, the teacher gives some simple problems to students and then asks the
students to express their opinion about the problem.
a. Advantages:
 Train students to design an invention well, creatively and brave to speak up.
 Solve the problems faced by being realistic and thought out carefully.
 Train students to be able to think critically, creatively and improve their speaking
 Train students to identify and conduct investigations related to a problem they
 Can make school education more relevant to life, especially the world of work.
b. Disadvantages:
 Involves more people and takes a lot of time to complete.
 Can change students' learning habits by listening and receiving information from
the teacher to learn by thinking a lot of solving problems alone or in groups,
which sometimes is a difficulty for students because students need various
learning resources.
 Some topics of discussion are very difficult to apply this method, because of the
limited laboratory equipment so that it makes it difficult for students to see,
observe and be able to conclude the event or concept.

D. The Benefits of Applying Speaking Techniques.

The benefit of applying speaking techniques in the teaching and learning process is
self-confidence. How can the confidence of a student be grown, because in speaking
students must have a lot of practice so that their English speaking skills become better.  And
in speaking, students have the opportunity to speak in front of the crowd in English. Even
so, the benefits of speaking are not limited to that. Besides having an impact on one's self-
confidence, speaking in the context of English is one of the most important factors in
developing other English skills. In speaking it can all end in speaking and also based on
speaking. For example, when learning writing or mastering various types of tenses, so that
when we speak, our grammar and vocabulary choices are not wrong. Then, in listening when
participating in listening activities or just listening to English, at least the listener can say it
again.  And in reading, which is reading the reading text of course, it will become speaking
as well. That's why speaking can be an attraction.



A. Conclusion
Techniques are strategies, inventions, certain tricks used to achieve an expected or
desired goal. It must be consistent with a method, and therefore be in tune with an approach.
And speaking is the process of oral communication involving the interaction both speaker
and listener in sharing information, but speaking also involves more than just using words to
articulate what we think. There are many techniques that we can use, to teach speaking skill,
such as game, role-playing, song, discussion, and problem solving.


Brown, Gillian and George Yule. 1983. Teaching the spoken Language: An Approach based on
the analysis of Conversational English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Brown, D. H. 1987. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. 2nd Edition. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc.

Fauziati, Endang. 2009. Introduction to Methods and Approaches in Second Foreign Language
Teaching. Surakarta: Muhammadyah University of Surakarta.

Fauziati, Endang. 2008. Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah

University of Surakarta.

Fauziati, Endang. 2010. Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah

University of Surakarta.

McManama, John. 1971. System Analysis for Effective School Administration. California: Parker
Pub. Co.Inc.

Richard, Jack. C & Rodgers, Theodore. 1993. Approaches & Methods in Language Teaching.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Willem J.M. Levelt. 1938. Speaking from intention to articulation. Cambridge, Mass.

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