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Cambridge past papers- Essay p.

To begin with, whether music is helpful in someone’s life or not is a
controversial issue and there are many different views on the subject. Some people
think that music must be taught in schools as one of the basic courses and others
As the first text mentions, music effects human emotions and it can bring
someone at his lows or highest. Moreover humans are more musical than a language
expressive kind. In addition every person interprets music differently from their own
perspective. Besides that there are many quotes about how music is enriching our
lives from famous poets such as Shakespeare.
Nowadays a topic subjected to discussions is whether, children must learn
music at a young age or not. Studies have shown that playing a music instrument
helps at the understanding of mathematics. With that being said some people argue
that music is as important as other subjects at school such as reading and writing.
Another aspect regarding music is also that it is stimulating each person's potential
of succeeding on its life and that leads us to think about the necessity of teaching
music in an early age. It is also important to mention that the kind of music that
helps the most with learning is subjective.
To sum up, teaching music in schools is very helpful for the students as it
expands their learning horizons and it is lots of fun to learn how to sing or play an
instrument or even compose. Also people can express themselves through music,
connect memories with it and study more efficiently and concentrate better while
listening to.
Cambridge past papers- Essay p.40
Initially, whether cinema is still a magical experience or not is a controversial
issue and there are many different views on the subject. Although it could be
described as a modern innovation in entertainment some people seem to not
appreciate it so much.
As the first text mentions, movies are able to transport us to another world
and help us forget about the daily life and its problems. Moreover, movies effect
especially the attitude of teenagers and have a great impact on each generation in a
different way. Movies make us talk, think and interact with each other about
multiple topics either social or personal. Moreover there is nothing better than a
discussion with your friends after a movie.
Currently, a topic which is highly discussed is whether, some movies are not
worth the time that someone will dedicate to go and watch them. With that being
said, nowadays lots of film producing companies concern more about profit than
quality as they prefer to have a limited budget than a remarkable production or they
choose to have famous well-known actors but not a quality case in the film, which is
such a shame. Besides that, going to the cinema to watch a film used to be a luxury
but now this has disintegrated as there are many films that are not worthwhile.
To conclude, in my opinion, when someone wants to go to the cinema these
days, it would be good to search the movie on the internet to see different reviews
or opinions about it, to be sure that it is a good quality movie.
Cambridge past papers- Essay p.80
Initially, whether reading is still as interesting as it used to be for
all ages is a controversial issue and there are many different views on
the subject. People nowadays seem to enjoy more the time that they
spend on their phones and internet than reading an inspiring literature
novel that has a lot to offer.
As the first text mentions, reading has stopped being a fun activity
and it became a chore to most people as when facing with lots of
obligatory reading (for University or school) it is time consuming and
tiring. Furthermore books do have a positive effect on the ones who pass
their time reading, they widen our horizons and develop our
imagination. Though it depends on the kind of books that someone
prefers to read, for example if someone reads science-fiction books they
mentally promote them to have a need to explore the world or become
scientists. Moreover books stimulate each person’s personality.
Currently, a topic which is highly discussed is whether, reading
aloud is more effective than reading normally. It can surely help
someone understand a text better but some people prefer to spend
their time and have it as a hobby. With that being said reading aloud is a
satisfactory activity which helps people connect memories but also to
make the world a better place.
To conclude, it would be good to include reading in our daily lives
as it has lots of thing to offer to each one of us and it is also better than
watching television all the time.
Cambridge past papers- Article p.81
“Edinburgh in November”
I am sure that anyone could agree that travels especially in foreign countries,
can change someone’s life. I personally believe that each travel has some special
moments which we need to celebrate and not forget. In this article I will describe the
only travel that was able to change my life. It was my birthday gift from my parents
when I turned thirteen, a trip to Scotland for one week with my best friend.
For a start it was November and that is what made Edinburgh so lovely. The
rustling of the leaves as it blew was simply enchanting. We stayed in a hotel in the
centre of the old town as it is more traditional. We visited some art galleries,
museums and so many shops. On top of that it was a five day journey so we had all
the time we needed in order to pay a visit to all the famous landmarks. My personal
favorite was the Edinburgh Castle and the Scottish National Gallery. Apart from that
another time-worth experience was to visit the Royal Botanic Garden, it is
breathtaking and such a masterpiece.
I love traveling and especially with the people I love and are important to me,
that is what makes this journey so unique and special. This travel was with my
parents and my best friend these three are the people that mean the most to me.
This experience made me see life differently and appreciate each moment as you
never know what may happen afterwards.
To conclude, I strongly recommend anyone to visit Edinburgh with their loved
ones. Moreover it would be unforgettable and such an honor to be part of your new
book entitled “Travel Changes Lives”.
Cambridge past papers- Essay p.60
Initially, whether food habits have changed in today's fast moving
world is an interesting and controversial issue and there are many
different views on the subject. People nowadays seem to not have time
for their loved ones to enjoy food together as a family, that is why they
prefer convenience food, such as microwavable meals.
As the first text mentions, eating together with family or friends is
an opportunity to express our love and happiness. But it can also provide
warmth and security, because they have someone that supports and
loves them. Moreover cooking homemade food to expressing our
culture’s identity. Furthermore as it is known many cultures have food as
a way of strengthening the sense of cultural and national identity and
convey their traditions.
Currently, a topic which is highly discussed is whether,
convenience food is taking over our family gatherings great home
cooked food and delicious delicacies. It can surely help someone finish
quicker and with less trouble. With that being said, it is not essential to
transfer the food from the plastic containers to dishes, so it's easier. It is
also important to mention that microwavable food has a lot of
dangerous for our health components. In addition microwavable meals
do not taste as good as homemade food and they do not give the
opportunity to display care and affection through hospitality.
To conclude, it would be good to restore the family gatherings As
they provide us with feelings of belonging and they foster love, but they
also have a lot of things to offer to each one of us. Microwavable meals
may be an easy alternative, for days in a rush but they cannot compare
from quality to taste with homemade food.
Cambridge past papers- Article p.41
I am sure that anyone everyone could agree that each one of us should not let our
language skills fade outside the classroom. I personally believe that there are lots of
ways that help students improve their language skills every day just by using their
cell phone. It is common these days for students to learn at least one foreign
language, as it is usually a condition for finding a job and communicating with other
people and it is very handy when you are on vacation.

As it is mentioned above, our phones can help us meet and get in touch with new
people from all over the world through social media or blogs. Moreover, in some
schools and colleges there are Erasmus programs that help the students to expand
their horizons and meet new coevals people. Apart from that, another way to help
students improve their language skills is for each educational unit to organize after-
school programs in order to help students meet with other fellow students and
cooperate using a foreign language, so they can understand its daily use.
Furthermore, the students can create a group chat with their new friends from the
Erasmus programs so they can keep in touch, while still talking and developing their
language skills.

The more effective way to help students improve their language skills is the Erasmus
program, the implementation of this program can also develop the social skills of the
students and help them in the future in their work and to have a friend who helped
them a lot greatly. Additionally, each student may meet a lifetime friend and create a
friendship incidentally.

To conclude, I would strongly recommend to all students to take part in the Erasmus
program and not to miss this opportunity. Ιn addition, they should not miss the
opportunity to get in touch with people of other nationalities through social media
and to take advantage of the opportunity they find if they improve their knowledge.
Cambridge past papers- Report p. 21
Last Saturday I visited the Stavros Niarchos foundation park in Athens, Greece. It has
received wide recognition from citizens of Greece and tourists and the wonderful
reviews that have been written about it. I chose this park because it is widely known
to tourists that come to Athens to enjoy their vacation. The park’s premises are
huge vast and most of them are available accessible every day to the visitors. In this
report includes recommendations that could enhance the park and help it attract
even more visitors.

As I mentioned above, the park’s facilities are surprisingly very large, enormous, for
an inside city-park as the location approximately close it is very close to the centre of
Athens. Moreover, the park premises include some gardens, sport fields, a cinema, a
library, a theatre and a restaurant with a magnificent view. As known As advised in
the information, some of the park’s attractions are free to be visited by everyone
and some others need the visitors to buy a ticket in order to join enjoy them.
Furthermore, this the park has a medium-sized canal a man-made waterway that
goes through it which is illuminated and is lightened and filled with fountains which
are synchronized to classical music making it appeal more to the visitors.

On the other side though However, though the park size is impressive, the park is
tremendously-sized and it is difficult for new visitors to find their way out around or
the root to the facilities attractions that they want to join visit. The lack of signs and
information makes it very difficult for people find their way around. and there are
not enough signs for people to orient. Additionally, the access for disabled visitors is
extremely difficult as the park is always overcrowded and but there are also very few
passages and ramps for them.

In my view In conclusion, there are two main improvements that need to be made
and would immediately attract more visitors to the park. There should be added
ramps and passages for the disabled citizens that want to visit the park and enjoy its
facilities and attractions. In addition, it would be also helpful if there were added
signs for every direction, as it would be easier for the visitors not to get lost inside.
Cambridge past papers- Letter p. 21
Dear Sir/ Madam./ To whom it may concern.
After reading your article on the International magazine on the topic of friendship I
was triggered inspired and couldn't wait to share with you my views on the matter.
This letter will include my experience with long-gone friendships and the changes
that friendships can experience during time.

Making new friendships friends and meeting new people are precious valuable ways
that our minds use to satisfy their the need for attention and affection. Furthermore,
friendships are a way of expressing ourselves and someone’s friends can say a lot
about these person’s personality. I personally have had long lasting friendships
during the years and some of them have been life stations changing for me. A special
friendship that I had was with a girl from high school named Despina. We were going
attended to the same school and spending spent all of our time together playing
games and talking. It seemed that our friendship would last forever as we were there
for each other during hard times, but it turned out that to maintain a this friendship,
both of the people sides should needed to be committed and putting contribute the
same level of effort into it. It ended in a very hard way for both of us, as plus people
were starting to influence us both negatively about each other and pursuing
pressuring us into arguing. We are still talking but each friendship is different and
people do change overtime, it is be it has been for the best though.

Furthermore, it will be explained I will try to explain what the difficulties of

maintaining friendships over during changing circumstances may be. For a start,
giving paying attention to other people more attention other people’s opinions may
be the way that a young friendship can easily end. Moreover, a difficulty that some
friendships have to face is when the one person goes through family problems, the
other one has to be there for them during this these hard times and support them
throughout everything unconditionally. Another struggle cause of conflict that adult
friendships can face is when one side of the two is more successful and wealthy from
than the other, that has a result for that can potentially have a negative impact on
the other person to feel left out or even incapable.

To conclude, it can be pretty hard to maintain friendship over the years but when
the persons are committed and love each other it is easier for them to strive for the
best together, supporting each other. Making new friends can be fun and interesting,
but in the end only the real ones will stay and be there for you.

Yours sincerely,
Cambridge past papers- Letter p. 61
To whom it may concern.
In my opinion, the past has a great impact on our lives and our future, this is why it is
important to study and understand it well. In Greece there have been are several
events in the past which are to we honour the past because they have played a
major role in how our country and the several changes that our country had to face
in order to earn it's freedom. This letter will include a very important event regarding
for my country’s history, which I believe needs that needs to be shared worldwide as
this is a perfect example of our present existence having been shaped by our past.
but also the great extent which the past has nowadays.

In Greece there is a celebration to our ancestors every year on 28 th October. This day
is extremely important to Greeks as on this day our country said “no” to the Italians
that when they asked us to surrender to them without a war. Our ancestors were
determined to fight for their freedom until they earned it and that is one of the
reasons why Greece is now a liberated self-governing country. The decision of the
Greeks to fight for their freedom had harsh consequences as that is the reason why
Greece entered the Second World war and also the start of the Greek-Italian war in
1940. On this day we commemorate our citizens that fought for freedom ancestors
every year as it is a public holiday and it is also celebrated with a parade.

Many people assume that the past is better not to be known investigated as it may
include some unwanted consequences or believe it is fruitless objective useless as
the world has dramatically changed. In my opinion the past is a significant measure
of human behaviour extremely important as often what happens in the past is
repeated in the future. Furthermore, each country’s allies may change overtime
based on its needs, the country’s past always stays the same. Moreover, it is
believed some believe that the present and the past are not united and each one has
nothing to do with the other. This opinion may be increasing/ burgeoning blowing up
on social media but it has been proven false. Nowadays, some people believe that
learning about the past is overrated as technology is improving and taking over our
lives; knowing about your country’s history can be life changing as people can have a
greater width depth of knowledge and be more prudent in some decisions.

To conclude, it is important to learn about the past and its secrets as it is fun but also
educational. It is also seen as a treasure box of enlightenment, you can open it and
discover the treasures or you can keep it hidden without ever knowing.

Yours faithfully,
Can a film be life-changing or not? That is a question that concerns is highly provokes the discussion
of lots of people nowadays. Is a film able to change someone’s perspective and the way they view
life and it’s experiences? Well I believe yes. There are some unique und sometimes memorable
masterpieces that are able to alter the way we behave and think of the world around us. Such is the
film named ‘Lion’, as it concerns the story of an Indian man who was separated from his family at
the age of five.

This film is actually based on a real story and also a book concerning an Indian boy, having coming
from a poor and rural background that he needed to steal coal with his brother for his family to eat
survive. At the age of five, while the two brothers went to ‘work’ he loses his brother and gets on
the a train hoping to find him. Albeit he gets forgotten lost on the train and arrives in another Indian
city, far away from his home because he fell asleep. Being a homeless and hopeless child in a big city
is indeed terrifying and after a while of searching for his mother and brother while and getting in
danger, he gets taken away in to a center for lost children. While social workers tried to find him a
home, an Australian family suggested proposes to adopt him. As he grows older and goes to college,
he is determined to find his old family and this emotional story goes on.

This masterpiece is an unforgettable experience and the original Indian actors are the reason for it,
while superb acting is characteristic, all their interpretations are breathtaking. Furthermore, the fact
that the idea for a real story came to the director’s mind is remarkable as he managed to reenact it
at its whole glory. This movie has won multiple awards, as and it was also nominated for six Oscars.
Its director named Garth Davis had the amazing idea to shoot the film in exotic locations, such as
Tasmania and Austria. The reason why this film has stuck in my mind is because it contains real
experiences of an Indian family but it also broaches the importance of family and how people are in
need for their family even if they have not seen them for years.

I personally would recommend this film unreservedly to all who want to feel closer to their family
but also feel gratitude for them. Moreover this moving story can also be extremely inspiring for
some. However, make sure you have all snacks prepared and a notable number of tissues as it is a
pretty long film and I assure you it will be the most touching story you have ever seen.
Cambridge past papers- Review p. 41
Technology is surely the our present, our the future and one of the most important aspects
of our lives and we cannot avert the massive immense effect it has on us. There are lots of
inventions technological innovations that help us daily and can provide us with knowledge,
news and sometimes even entertaining content. Moreover, important to mention is the fact
that quarantine has provided forced/ pressured people to use these us with new
technologies. and multiple ways to access it.

There are continuously introducing forms of technology, such as applications for mobile
phones and easier to use- cutting edge software for our computers that provide us with
more access for our needs. Technology has given us access to knowledge and libraries but in
the same time it is argued that social interaction has diminished because of has draft us
apart with robots and computers replacing human relations. In my experience many people
do not want to embrace the changes that have been made to our lives by electronics. Smart
phones, computers, drones and even PlayStation consoles provide us with easily accessible
entertainment and nowadays they can sometimes be widely recognizable as a pastime.

In my opinion, the most helpful application of our phones and computers is the provision
Emails. Emails are the normal way the world we communicates with each other and keep us
informed whenever something comes up happens. We can use our email for subscribing to
an online course but at the same time they can include business duties and are also ideal for
personal use. The application is easy to use as these electronic letters are our form of
telecommunicating with no need of calling the others. The main reasons why emails have
become so popular is because we can enclose also files, documents or even videos and
movies in them.

Consequently, all the aspects of technology cannot be described in a single review as the
help support it offers us has become an integral part of our existence. is of great
importance. However, it must be stated that is of note to see the improvement and
progress that has been made in recent years it is quiet formidable how on a global basis
humans have access to the worldwide web. to achieve almost all people have access to

315 words
Recycling Advanced English- Essay p.220
Controversially, whether we should change our eating habits and stop eating
meat is a widely discussed issue and there are many different views on the
subject. It is reported that all humans we are designed to digest all kinds of
food, including meat and that is when the matter becomes extremely

As the first text mentions, as humans we fail to understand the fact that
animals have feelings too as well as sensing pain. Moreover, it claims that our
methods of farming and slaughtering livestock are cruel and brutal and that we
choose to ignore the pain we cause them. Furthermore, it confronts the
actions humans and says that the farming of animals is used for profit. The
text in discussion urges us to adopt a more environmental friendly attitude
towards animals and become vegetarians in order to allow animals to exist

The second text adopts the opposite opinion on the matter, thus making the
topic even more controversial. It points out the fact that our bodies are not
meant to survive only with vegetables and that meat is extremely valuable
source of protein for us. Moreover, this text also encourages individual
consumers to purchase meat only from farmers, who use more traditional and
ethical approaches and allow animals to roam free, thus feeding them with
grass and no additives/ with natural feed.

To conclude, we should not keep animals in unpleasant environment or cause

them unnecessary pain. Personally, I believe we should not keep raising
livestock for meat. More importantly, the complications for the planet if we
continue to destroy the natural food chain. Some people do understand that
eating meat is in our habitual part of our lives, though we need to change
some of our eating habits to protect all lives on the planet.

280 words
Cambridge past papers 2- p.21 article

‘Can we still have contact with nature or not’

This question puzzles many citizens nowadays. With the urbanisation rate growing higher
and higher many of us may feel the need to get more connected with the outwards. Fresh
air, breath-taking views and beautiful waterfalls are only a few of nature’s miracles we can
enjoy. Some people may have grown up in the city and not feel the need of getting out of it
and being close to bugs, the sun and others, but even these should try and go for a hike or
enjoy a hot summer day in the beach watching the waves. I can remember myself as a kid
jumping up and down each time my parents said we were going to spend a day in the beach
or in the winter we would go for a hike. In the present article, I will describe one of my
experiences with nature and in the end, we will evaluate its role in the modern-human life.

It was three years ago when I was around the age of ten that I felt the closest to nature I
have ever been in my whole life. My friend and I went for holidays in Epirus and specifically
in the river Acheron to feel this place as described in the Greek-mythology books we read.
When we arrived, the shore was so overcrowded that we couldn’t walk. There was a
moment though when everyone started putting their bathing suits on and started walking
inside the river, keep in mind it was still February. So, we were tempted to follow them
inside the river, though we still had our clothes on at the time. We got so drenched with
water and at one moment we started to drift away from our course as the water currents
were extremely strong and everyone was trying to stay as stable as they could. After an
hour, tired and soaked in the cold water of the river we finally reached our final destination,
the so called ‘gates of the underworld’.

This experience made me feel so close to nature as the satisfaction we got when reaching
our destination was the best feeling ever. It was particularly the toughness of the way that
made it so special, we felt such excitement over a simple river and like mother nature has
allowed us to be there in this specific time period. The most important lesson I learned from
this ride though was to never give up, it’s not immediately attached to our ride, but this
played a major role to it. Meaning while we fought to walk inside the river, we saw many
people giving up and others fainting from the tiredness. Though we still continued in order
to reach our goal.

What role can nature play in our lives though? Nowadays nature is slowly disappearing as
cities are constantly being built. Though we need nature in our lives as it is our power
source, and it helps us refill our batteries and continue. Most people who live in cities do not
have easy access to nature and this is disappointing as others who may live in villages or
islands can always enjoy its wonders. Very important to mention is also the fact that while
we grow up contact with nature is necessary as we learn how to treat it and co-exist with it,
without having to eliminate it where it’s not needed.
Cambridge English proficiency 2- essay p.60

Why do we always try to look presentable every time we go out? Is there an

explanation or is this just a habit of ours? It has always been a point of discussion
about an explanation. Whether we are to visit a friend or go to work, we always the
majority of people feel they need to tend to dress nicely and suitably for the
location. It is believed that the style of each person can express their inner self but
sometimes also their occupation.
As the first text mentions, we can't ignore the fact that professionals always
seem to dress in formal clothes so as possibly in order to express efficiently their
stand on a plethora of issues giving an impression of authority. Mentioning lawyers
and bank managers, this text describes the image of such professionals and the
messages they want to communicate. Highlighting that by wearing such clothing
professionals manage to inspire trust and make their clients feel reassured by them.
Besides that there are many researches that confirm that people’s opinions of a
person can change depending on their image and clothing choices.
The second text adopts a complimentary opinion on the matter, confirming
that the clothing style an individual adopts, does have a great impact on both the
psychology and the outside image of the person. Mentioning, as an example, the
disadvantageous behaviour of many employers to their employees about their
clothing at work. Moreover, this text also encourages individuals to dress accordingly
to the situation they are going to find themselves into. While also urging us to try
and customise our everyday style based on our activities and not on fashion trends.
To conclude, in my opinion we should always try our best when it comes to
dressing for an important occasion but also never forget, that in our fast-paced
dynamic society most people on the appearance of people do tend to get
judgmental about others based on the way they choose to express themselves there
is a section of society who are judgemental. More importantly, we should keep in
mind that no one is obliged to follow any trend or style advice if they don't feel
comfortable in them, but there are situations where appropriate style of dress is

312 words

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