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Statement of purpose

Name: Suhagi Patel

Applied for: The Master Of Business Administration

MBA: “ A holistic perspective over the Business world”.

To stay ahead in the fast changing world required the ability to look beyond the
present. Most of new developments come out from USA and spread across the world.
This has created so many exciting opportunities for our kind of generation. We, Indians
have already proven our capabilities and expertise on world platforms. This is the reason,
motivated me to hunt for MBA.

As an MBA student there is a great networking opportunities. Through this type

of study I will be able to know and interact in a relevant manner in a context that
accentuates my business management capabilities.

Ever since my early academic years, my strengths have always included my

logical, analytical and quantitative skills. I chose Accountancy, Statistics, Economics and
Business Organisation oriented curriculum during senior high school to reinforce these
strengths of mine. I scored 47.54% in S.S.C. and 61.57% in H.S.C. As a result of this and
my continuous interest in the field, I pursued my undergraduate studies in Accounting
and Financial Management under the faculty of commerce at The Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda. I obtained 53.5%(second class) in Bachelor of Commerce.

I further pursued my graduate studies in Business Economics under the Faculty of

Commerce and have obtained 58.13% in 1st academic year of Master of Commerce.

Studying MBA forces me to get out of my comfort zone, deal with the latest
issues, apply the newest management techniques and just constantly will challenge my
practices, my approaches and myself. And that will continue after graduation as well, as
an MBA also provides me with the channels that will keep this challenge alive and will
push me to continuously improve.

Through studying an MBA, these things together will give me a great overview of
the Business world, a deep understanding and certain receptiveness to the slight changes
of this environment. An MBA is definitely going to boost my chances of achieving my

My academic pursuits have not however, prevented me from participating with

interest in various extracurricular activities. I have taken part in various fictitious
activities. I am a good dancer as well. I have participated in various annual functions in
my school events and also participated in youth festival of The Maharaja Sayajirao
University Of Baroda.

Additionally, I have undergone with the industrial visits, debates and quiz competition,
etc. during my academic years in The Maharaja Sayajirao University Of Baroda.

These activities have led me to the development of a multifaceted personality and

have equipped me with strong interpersonal skills. This helped me to lead the followers
and as well as follow the leader when working as a team.

In today’s society there is a massive choice of career fields to choose from and an
abundance of well-educated people to compete with for those careers! With so many
career choices, finding the right post graduate educational program to enroll in can be a
challenge- but if it’s business that I want to go into then it’s a good idea to enroll in a
program that will provide me with the requisite knowledge, skills and ethics to fit right
into the Business community-and an MBA program is the perfect choice. Despite the fact
that an MBA can be an expensive choice it is a richly rewarding undertaking.

The essence of University education lies in the success of the symbolic

relationship between the student and the department. It is with this in mind that I am
looking forward to a long and rewarding relationship with your University. From the
tremendous research options available here, I am confident that I will have the
opportunity to work professionally with faculty on research projects and at the same time,
I can make my research-work more meaningful.

The opportunity to pursue graduate studies at your institute will help me in

becoming the best. By the end of it I expect to have entered into an area of specialized
research and contributed significantly towards it.

American MBA programs are world renowned for giving students a competitive
edge in the business world through excellent education, diverse specialized programs and
unparalleled networking opportunities and resources. American universities also offer a
wealth of specialized MBA.

Thanking you for giving me an opportunity to express myself.

Suhagi Patel

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