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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

on 24 March 2021 by MS Teams

Present:, E. John (Secretary), A. Robinson (Treasurer), P Robinson (Vice-Chair), K. Peek (Events
Officer), L. Peek, P Struik, C. Gent, K. Peek, Cllr S. Penneck, Cllr M. Heron

Apologies: Prof (Emeritus) C. Orton (outgoing chair)

1. Welcome and introductions

The vice-chair, as acting chair, welcomed everyone to the virtual meeting (held by Teams call
in view of the continuing Coronavirus pandemic) and the participants on the call introduced

2. Invited guest speakers: Councillors 

Councillor Steve Penneck reported that Sutton has received the full £11,346,704 applied for
from the Future High Street Fund.

Cllr Penneck reported that the local plan had designated the development of flats and
dwellings for single people in and around Sutton High St in Masterplan in order to be able to
resist back-garden development. Lots of back-garden development had been successfully
resisted because the development was focussed in town centre, although it was inevitable
that the town centre would undergo some change as a result.

Cllr Penneck noted that town centre retail was in decline and the retail offer in Sutton had
deterioriated. The Future High Street Funds proposal was designed to change High St away
from shops to a more local offering of leisure and cultural activities.

The Fund allowed the local authority to be able to develop in new ways to take account of
the apartment blocks – which were bringing in an increasing number of young people
interests and demands – who may be working from home for the foreseeable future.

Recent developments included the Sound Lounge (which opened during the pandemic, but
which has a bright future).

Future developments included the Chicago Rock Café by Trinity Square – which was Council
owned – which would now be developed as a cultural hub amongst other cultural assets
dispersed along the High St. Edward House – the vacant building at the junction of the High
Street and Marshalls Road opposite Asda – was to become part of cultural offering and was
planned to have facilities including a raft of workshops and performance space. Sutton

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207
Works – the upper storeys of the former BHS building, the ground storey of which was now
H&M would become co-working spaces.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was a defined % of development value paid to the
Council to mitigate against impact, for example, in respect of the Prince Regent. CIL was
partitioned between Strategic CIL (borough-wide) and Neighbourhood CIL)

There had been many objections to the Topps Tiles redevelopment proposals. 3 proposals
had gone in with different proposals:

 DM2021/00043, 2 blocks: Block B Five storey facing the High St with 25 flats, Block A
Four storey in car park in Vale Road with 9 flats
 DM2021/00042, 2 blocks: Block B Six storey facing the High St with 30 flats, Block A Four
storey in car park in Vale Road with 9 flats
 DM2021/00066, 1 block: Block A Four storey in car park in Vale Road only with 9 flats

All three applications had been "de-delegated", which meant all three would be dealt with
by the planning committee. The local authority was encouraging objections as the proposals
all breached height restrictions and would have an adverse impact on Victoria Gardens.
There was also no proposal to include affordable housing.

There was a regeneration of estate, e.g. Benhill, Chaucer and Elm Grove.

The Rose Hill schools appeal decision was to be handed down tomorrow. It had been
delayed following the report to the minister – who had sought clarification of the lease
position. It was likely the appeal would be allowed, although possible conditions to be
imposed on the development if the appeal was successful included benefits for Rosehill

A query was raised on the Lidl development.

Action: Secretary to circulate to L & K Peek details of the proposals for Lidl and their

The Friends of Sutton Green Fayre was to be held on 18 July.

Action: K. Peek to liaise with P. Struik of the Friends of Sutton Green with a proposal for an
event on site.

Councillor Heron reported that the Neighbourhood Fund was open for applications for the
funding of smaller projects.

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207
3. Approval of minutes of previous AGM and matters arising

The minutes of the previous AGM in March 2020 were read and approved.

4. Chair's report

The Vice Chair paid tribute to the great achievements and dedication of the outgoing chair
Professor (Emeritus) Clive Orton, who was one of the founder members of the society and
been its first ever chair.

Clive was however staying on and had expressed his enthusiasm to stay involved.

The Society had carried on with its meetings virtually during the pandemic and, kept
members up to date with planning matters and made important comments on the Lidl and
other high street developments.

The Society was looking forward to a more involved and engaged 2021.

5. Resignation and appointment of new chair

Clive's resignation as chair was noted.

The Secretary reported that only one nominee had been put forward for chair - Phil
Robinson – who was elected unopposed and welcomed by members to take the chair.

A nomination for Vice Chair, the role vacated on the appointment of the new chair, was
received for Lauren Peek, who was elected unopposed and welcomed by members to take
the role of vice-chair.

6. Budget and finances

Prior to 31 March 2020 £20 had been paid in and a £20 for this year, although more
subscriptions were due. A £19 membership fee had been paid to the London Forum of Civic
and Amenity Societies.

The Society was required to register with the ICO to hold people's data, at a cost of £35 per
year, which was to be paid by Direct Debit.

There was a total of £188.71 in the account at present.

It was agreed to charge subscriptions at the same rate of £10 per member per year.

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207
There were costs if we were to participate in the Friends of Sutton Green Fayre on 18 July

Action: Secretary to circulate bank details for payments by standing order or to drop off
cheques at the Treasurer's house.

7. Recent proposals for the town centre

The Prince Regent was being demolished – very little of the pavement was left with the
hoarding encroaching on the pavement.

Concern was expressed about the "wind tunnel" effect of High Rise and the increase in
traffic from the increasing density of housing.

Cllr Heron expressed concern at the lack of engagement from the developer of Helena
House, the refusal of the planning permission for which had gone to appeal.

The need for family accommodation in the town centre was being addressed through social
housing regeneration on local estates: the first would be Beech Tree Close and Elm Grove
and eventually Rosebery Gardens. Sovereign House also had housing association flats within
it. It was agreed that social housing should be pepper-potted in development and within
around estates.

Sutton Garden Suburb – C. Gent reported that the developer of the allotment space was
meeting monthly with residents, and it had been agreed that there was no need for parking
for the allotments – those spaces allocated would be "greened-over".

The Winning Post was up for sale, although the Council was trying to retain the character of
Sutton as far possible and would try to resist redevelopment.

The red plaque for Pearson's bike shop (now let to Balfe's bikes) had been approved at the
Sutton Local Committee on 25 February 2021.

8. AOB

The Friends of Sutton Green would start holding public meetings from April 2021 and was
holding its Summer Fayre on 18 July 2021.

Sutton's Sustainable Transport Strategy was being consulted on for all modes of transport.

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207
Low traffic neighbourhoods had now all been removed because the traffic management
orders had been overruled.

A sustainability steering group was being established.

Action: Secretary to circulate contact details for those wanting to join the sustainability
steering group

Cllr Heron identified research on Sutton bombing raids which might be showcased at the
Sutton Green Fayre. There had been a "reminiscence project" as part of heritage events.
In Sutton Council archives, there were a lot of old photos of Sutton. The former archivist,
Cath Shawcross, had interviewed George and Margaret Potter, who identified of some men
at gas works and named people in photograph. George Potter had redesigned Victoria

The air raid shelter on Sutton Green had started to sink and had to be filled in after the war.

9. Further General Meeting Dates for 2021

Further General Meeting Dates for 2021 were 26 May 2021, 28 July 2021, 29 September
2021, 24 November 2021  

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207

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