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Detecting A Hidden

Lateral Rotor Natural

Frequency In A
Sewage Pump
Paul Boyadjis, Mechanical Solutions, Inc.

he need for municipalities to save money and control energy costs is a driv-
ing force in the decision by many of them to implement the use of Variable
Frequency Drives (VFDs) in their operations. Yet, while VFDs clearly
offer versatility to the pumping industry and cost savings to the consumer, they also
present some difficult engineering challenges for both suppliers and users—particu-
larly in the area of vibration.
In countless municipalities across the country, VFDs adjust motor speeds driving
pumps to match fluctuations in flow rate demand that arise from a community’s
daily and nightly sewage usage. A given sewage pump can and does run over a wide
range of speeds to match these fluctuations. This, in turn, vastly increases the
chances of exciting a natural frequency in the system from a variety of sources, such
as 1x imbalance and vane pass that otherwise may not have been excited by a con-
stant speed driver.

The road to cost-effective pumping

doesn’t have to be rough….
Although the pump industry in general is tak- controlled by a VFD. The pump flow rate at its best
ing steps to avoid designs with excitable natural fre- efficiency point (BEP) is 46,000 GPM and develops
quencies through some limited up-front analysis, 56 ft. of total discharge head (TDH) at 800 HP.
it’s not easy to uncover all potential vibration prob-
lems without a fully detailed 3D finite element anal-
ysis (FEA) of the entire pump system. Thus, there is
a dual focus to this case study. On one hand, it high-
lights the difficulty of identifying these natural fre-
quencies in the field. On the other, it points to the
fact that moving these natural frequencies outside
the excitable operating speed range often requires
substantial structural changes to the pump.

The Task
A certain VFD-driven sewage pump with a
long-drive shaft was experiencing excessive vibra-
tions at the bearing tower location at intermediate
flow and speeds.The majority of the vibration was
occurring at 3x running speed. The motor for this
pump was located on a separate floor and was iso-
lated from the pump itself.
The task was to determine the source of the
high vibrations and propose a suitable solution
without costly trial and error field fixes.

Operating Conditions
The operating speed range of the pump is from
382 RPM to 509 RPM (6.4 Hz to 8.5 Hz) and is Figure 1. Operating deflected shape ME scope model

Figure 2. Hammer impact/modal response at bearing tower


Figure 3. Shaft stick frequency response

The pump’s cast iron impeller

has three vanes with an outside
diameter of approximately 40
inches. The peak vibration of 0.4
in/s at the bearing tower was
occurring at 84% speed (428
RPM = 7.1 Hz) and was twice
the normal limit of 0.2 in/s for
this type of equipment.

Analysis Methods
To determine the nature of
the vibration, a sophisticated
field modal analysis of the pump
was carried out. The detailed
vibration analysis included ob-
taining an operating deflection
shape (ODS) using strategically
placed tri-axial accelerometers
and multi-channel data acquisi-
tion equipment, as well as identi-
fying pump natural frequencies
with instrumented hammer
impact testing. In addition,
broadband response from an Figure 4: Finite Element Model of Pump
accelerometer attached to a stick


1.000e+00 Displacement Mag 1.000e+00
Displacement Mag 9.000e-01 9.000e-01
Deformed Original Mode 8.000e-01
Deformed Original Mode
Max Disp +1.0000E+00 7.000e-01 Max Disp +1.0000E+00 7.000e-01
Scale 3.3280E+01 6.000e-01 Scale 3.3279E+01 6.000e-01
5.000e-01 Mode 4. +2.0735E+01 5.000e-01
Mode 3. +2.0654E+01 4.000e-01 4.000e-01
3.000e-01 3.000e-01
2.000e-01 2.000e-01
1.000e-01 1.000e-01
1.000e+00 1.000e+00

Figure 5. Analysis results

Table 1. Analysis results tabulated


riding on the shaft during opera- the ODS of the pump to visual- entire vibration signature. The
tion was used to determine any ize how the pump was moving acceleration and positional data
potential shaft natural frequen- during operation. Accelerometers were then fed into a program
cies. were placed at various points called ME’Scope, which created
The first step in performing along the pump while it was run- a model and animated the
the field test was to determine ning to effectively map out the deflected shape.
Figure 1 is a plot of the ODS
of the sewage pump at 84%
speed with the frequency at 21.5
Hz or 3x the operating speed of
428 RPM. Notice the large
motion of the bearing tower.
Although the ODS was very
helpful in showing the overall
motion of the pump at the speed
at which the vibration was peak-
ing, it did not necessarily indi-
cate the presence of a natural fre-
At this point, the reader
might assume that the natural
frequency of the bearing tower
would probably have been
around 21.5 Hz, and that it
should easily have been identi-
fied through a bump or modal
impact testing of the structure.
Figure 2 is a graph of the response
of the pump at the bearing tower
from an impact by the instru-
mented hammer at the same
location. It shows no discernable
natural frequency anywhere in
the 3x running speed range.
Moreover, the graph also indi-
cates that the only visible vibra-
tion peaks obtained were outside
the operating range—these were
later identified as line shaft
There was still another piece
of data that might help identify if
Circle 578 on Reader Service Card

a natural frequency was present

in the operating range, or if the
pump was just reacting to exter-
nal forces. Figure 3 is a graph of
the shaft stick response at a run-
ning speed of 390 RPM—less
than the speed at which the peak
vibration was occurring. From


Pump & Equipment

the shaft stick measurements, Computer Analysis

there appears to have been a
Obtaining information di-
potential underlying natural fre-
rectly from and working with the
quency at approximately 22 Hz.
OEM, a detailed 3D finite ele-
Unfortunately, there was no way
ment model of the pump was
to corroborate this directly from
made to predict the pump’s nat-
the field data. Instead, it was
ural frequencies (see Figure 4).
becoming increasingly clear that Variable-Use
The model contained the casing,
additional analytical tools would Non-Clog, Vacuum-Primed
stuffing box, bearing tower, line 4''-16'' Portable Pump Packages
be required to determine if this
shaft and pump shaft with Silent Packages Available (4''-12'')
was a natural frequency. And, if
appropriate impeller properties
it was, what steps would be
and bearing stiffnesses.
needed to correct the problem. A 3D solids model of the
impeller was constructed to
Preliminary obtain the following informa-
Conclusions tion: metal weight, center of
gravity, transverse moment of
■ Peak vibration was being inertia, entrapped water weight
excited by 3x vane pass at and external water weight. The
84% speed (428 RPM). impeller properties were critical
■ ODS clearly showed bearing to obtaining valid results.
tower motion at 21.5 Hz, Tabulated in Table 1, results of
this analysis show excellent Hydraulic Power Systems and
but impact testing at the Submersible Pumps up to 24''
bearing tower indicated no agreement to the field test data,
including the line shaft modes
natural frequency in the 3x
mentioned earlier.
operating range
Mode shapes of the line
■ Shaft stick measurements shaft frequencies were not avail-
indicated a potential natural able directly from the field test
frequency around 22 Hz of data. Accelerometers could not
unknown source be placed directly on the drive
■ The potential shaft natural shaft because the shaft was
frequency could not be excit- guarded and difficult to access in
ed by hammer impact test most locations. Nevertheless,
because the large overhung analysis indicated a shaft natural
frequency at 21 Hz. The mode
weight of the impeller (>1
shape, as plotted in Figure 5, Jet Pumps & Wellpoint Pumps
ton) could not be impacted.
clearly indicated that the natural Wellpoint Accessories
Therefore, the nature and
frequency was indeed the first
mode shape of any potential lateral cantilever bending mode
shaft frequency with motion Specializing in Dewatering & Bypass
of the shaft and impeller. The Accessories & Packages
internal to the pump was support reaction motion by the
not known. Rentals • Sales • Service
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bearing tower was also quite evi-

■ Detailed finite element analy- dent. Since the impeller had
sis could be used to deter- three vanes, the vane pass inter- Griffin Pump & Equipment, Inc.
mine if an internal shaft later- action with the volute tongue at 5731 Harvey Wilson Drive
84% speed was sympathetic to Houston, Texas 77020
al was indeed present, and
the lateral natural frequency at
what would be required to
eliminate the vibration prob- 21 Hz.This resulted in the vibra-
(713)671-8157•Fax (713)675-1304
lem. tion levels picked up on the bear-
ing tower.


THAT! Analysis Conclusions ■ Fixes that would lower the
frequency were discouraged
■ As indicated by the underly- by the OEM, since this
ing shaft stick data and cor- would weaken the pump.
roborated with the FEA results,
■ Switching to a four-vane
THICKENED SLUDGE PUMPS a lateral rotor natural frequency
impeller would not allow a
• Economical, Closed-Coupled Pumps In Stock was being excited by 3x vane
large enough passageway for
pass at 21.0-22.0 Hz.
• Heavy-Duty Pumps In Stock To 2000 gpm the solids. A two-vane
■ The rotor critical speed impeller would drastically
would have to be raised to affect the hydraulics and
28.0 Hz to provide a 10% might not provide enough
WANT BETTER margin above the maximum
running speed of 509 RPM
structural stability for such a
large impeller.
(25.5 Hz).
It was determined that even if Recommendations
WE CAN HELP the bearing tower were To raise the natural frequen-
infinitely stiff, the natural fre- cy, the following design changes
quency would still fall within were made to the pump:
the running speed range.
Consequently, no amount of ■ The elastic modulus of the
external bracing would solve stuffing box and bearing
this problem. tower were increased by
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switching from cast iron particular sewage pump ran Paul A. Boyadjis is a Senior
(15e6psi) to ductile iron smoothly at 100% flow and Staff Engineer with Mechanical
(26e6psi) speed, which is notable since this Solutions, Inc., a leading rotating
is where the energy is greatest. machinery analysis, test and trou-
■ The rotor shaft diameters
However, at lower speeds, the bleshooting consulting group
were increased substantially pump inadvertently excited a based Parsippany, NJ. During his
to raise the shaft’s stiffness lateral rotor natural frequency at 20-year career, he’s specialized in
■ The stuffing box frame had vane pass that could not have complex solids modeling tech-
internal ribs added to pro- been adequately predicted with- niques, as well as in vibration and
vide increased stiffness out doing a comprehensive structural analysis of turbo-
■ The impeller was re-posi- finite element analysis. machinery using advanced FEA
End users that are planning methods. He also has developed
tioned slightly higher on the
to install VFD-driven pumps and perfected FEA methods for
shaft to reduce the moment accurately predicting natural fre-
should insist that the OEM
arm, thereby increasing the and/or contractor perform quencies in vertical pumps. Boy-
stiffness. detailed FEA analysis on these adjis received both his B.S.M.E.
pumps. Pump manufacturers and M.S.M.E. from Lehigh
According to the FEA, all of University. This article is based on
can perform these evaluations
these recommended changes themselves, or if they are short- a presentation he delivered on
would be required to raise the staffed, they can contract com- March 11, 2004, at Texas A&M’s
natural frequency to 28.0 Hz and petent consulting groups to pro- 21st International Pump Sym-
provide a 10% margin above 3x vide the needed in-depth analyt- posium in Baltimore, MD. For
running speed. ical expertise. P&S information, contact him directly
Final Results
After the OEM implement-
ed the recommended fixes, the
vibration levels decreased from
0.4 in/s to less than 0.1 in/s at
the bearing tower, throughout
the operating speed range. gear pumps, screen changers,
Follow-up field tests noted a
mixers, and filtration systems for
number of improvements. The
applications in:
frequencies that were at 21-22
Hz were gone. Shaft stick mea- chemicals  fats and oils 
surements showed a small peak pharmaceuticals  polymers 
around 28 Hz, just as the analy- paints and pigments  fertilizers 
sis had predicted. The overall proven processing solutions
stiffness of the rotor and sup-
port structure was increased by
about 60%, yet the vibrations
dropped by 400%—indicating
Circle 338 on Reader Service Card

that the motion of the bearing

tower was being amplified by a
natural frequency and not sim- Maag Pump Systems Textron
ply reacting to external forces. 704-716-9000  800-Maag-USA
Conclusions americas  china  france  germany  italy
As originally designed, this  singapore  switzerland


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