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High Viscosity Flow meters: Solution to a Sticky Problem

High Viscosity Flow meters: Solution to a Sticky


Definition of Viscosity

Kinematic vs Dynamic Viscosity

Newtonian vs Non-Newtonian Fluids

Temperature Effects

What's the Problem with Viscosity?    

The Oval Gear Flowmeter


Appendix A: Fluid Examples Suitable for Oval Gear Flowmeters

Appendix B: Oval Gear Flowmeter Application Examples by Industry

When a flow meter application involves the use of high viscosity liquid, the end-user must be very careful in choosing an
appropriate meter. Using a flow meter calibrated for water can cause very large errors when that same flow meter is used for
higher viscosity liquids. The first half of this article will define some of the basic terms relating to viscosity, viscous fluids and
the reason why viscous liquids can cause large errors in flow measurement. The second half will discuss the oval gear
technology as applied to viscous fluids and provide successful application examples and some common fluids that have been
used with oval gear flow meters. For purposes of this article, the terms "liquid" and "fluid" will be used interchangeably.

Definition of Viscosity

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Figure 1

First, let's define viscosity (more correctly, absolute or dynamic viscosity) first in a rigorous manner and then in a more
intuitive style. Viscosity (n) is defined as the ratio of shear stress (t) to shear rate (y) (Figure 1). If we were able to isolate a
cubic volume of fluid (right), we could visually see the shear stress as the relative force (F) between the upper and lower faces
of the cube per unit area (A). The rate of shear is then defined as the relative velocity (V) between the upper and lower faces
divided by the length between them (L). The units of shear stress are given as dynes per square centimeter. For shear rate, the
units are s-1. This gives the viscosity in (dyne sec)/cm2 or centipoise. An over-simplified but more intuitive grasp of viscosity
can simply be stated as the measure of internal friction that arises whenever a liquid flows. Essentially, the stickier the liquid
and the more it resists the tendency to flow, the higher its viscosity.

Kinematic vs Dynamic Viscosity

Another concept to understand is the relationship between dynamic viscosity (as given in the above definition) and kinematic
viscosity. Kinematic viscosity is defined as the dynamic viscosity divided by the density of the fluid. Because density is an
intrinsic property in itself, it can be argued that kinematic viscosity is not a precise measure of internal fluid friction. However,
kinematic viscosity is the preferred unit when the shear stress and shear rate of the fluid is influenced by the density.

An example of this is the measurement of viscosity using gravity techniques such as a cup with a small orifice in the bottom.
With this type of measurement device, a specific volume of fluid passes through the orifice and the time it takes for the
volume of fluid to pass through the orifice is proportional to the fluid viscosity. However, it also depends on the density of the
fluid since the more denser the fluid, the faster it will flow through the orifice. The property being measured in this example is
then the kinematic viscosity and not the dynamic viscosity.

Kinematic viscosity is given in units of centistokes while the dynamic viscosity is given in centipoise and the conversion from
dynamic to kinematic is given by dividing the dynamic viscosity by the fluid density in g/cm3. Since some manufacturers spec
out viscosity in centipoise and others in centistokes, it is somewhat important to know the difference between the two and to
be able to convert from one to the other.  Chat with an Expert
Newtonian vs Non-Newtonian Fluids

Figure 2

A Newtonian fluid is one in which the viscosity does not depend on the shear rate no matter what shear is applied, the
viscosity stays the same. In many applications, however, this is not the case and, as the fluid is sheared at greater rates, the
viscosity will change. These types of liquids are known as non-Newtonian and there are many classifications (Figure 2).

A dilatant fluid will increase its viscosity with increasing shear rate (such as a cornstarch/water mixture) while a pseudoplastic
fluid will decrease its viscosity with increasing shear rate (such as most paints).

Another classification of non-Newtonian liquids is what is called a plastic fluid. A plastic fluid will behave as a solid until a
critical shear rate is reached (called the yield value). At the yield value, the fluid will start to flow and as the shear rate
continues to increase, the fluid may then exhibit Newtonian, dilatant or pseudoplastic characteristics. As everyone will attest,
ketchup is a good example of a plastic fluid as it is difficult to pour unless the appropriate rate of shear is applied—in this case,
a simple shaking of the bottle.

Figure 3

Two additional classes of non-Newtonian which deserve mention (Figure 3). The first is called thixotropic and occurs when a
fluid experiences a decrease in viscosity over time while the rate of shear is constant. The other type of fluid, known as
rheopectic is just the opposite. It exhibits an increase of viscosity over time as the shear remains constant. Obviously, it is very
important to fully identify the characteristics of the fluid. Trying to pump a dilatant fluid could have disastrous consequences
to the application.  Chat with an Expert
Temperature Effects
Typically, viscosity is inversely related to temperature with some fluids showing as much as a 10- to 12-percent change in
viscosity per degree Celsius. If the fluid temperature is expected to change, it should be understood what effect this will have
on the fluid viscosity and the application. Viscosity-compensated flowmeters are insensitive to a wide variety of viscosities
(and densities) but they do have limits. Make sure to plan for worst case conditions and follow the manufacturer's guidelines
and specifications when selecting a flowmeter technology.

What's the Problem with Viscosity?

Figure 4

Why does viscosity pose a problem in flowmeter applications? To answer this, let's consider a direct-reading variable area
flowmeter that is calibrated for water. With the variable area design, the float moves up a vertical tube as the flow rate
increases. At constant flow, the float is in equilibrium between the upward force of the fluid and the downward force of
gravity. Imagine the water rushing past the float (Figure 4).

The water easily moves around the cross-sectional perimeter of the float with virtually no fluid sticking to the float. As the
fluid viscosity increases however, fluid starts sticking to the float, building layer upon layer of fluid drag zones, each with a
different relative velocity (Figure 5). This effect will cause a slow-moving viscous liquid to yield the same buoyant force as a
fast moving low viscosity liquid. This effect can be quite large, as one U.S. food processor found out. This particular company
wanted to measure the flow of canned milk in their lines. Even though the viscosity was only 15 centipoises, the variable area
flowmeter, which was calibrated for water, read two times too high. At higher viscosities, this effect is even more pronounced.
Another manufacturer of metal stamping equipment was using a variable area meter to read a water-soluble oil/water
mixture at 60 centipoise. In this example, the customer's meter read six times too high.

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Figure 5

In order to make a flowmeter insensitive to viscosity, the key is to use a flow technology that relies on some static property of
the fluid, like conductivity, incompressibility or heat capacity. One technology, the oval gear flowmeter, uses the property of
incompressibility. While all fluids can be compressed to some extent, the effects are so negligible as to not affect the intrinsic
accuracy of the oval gear flowmeter.

The Oval Gear Flow Meter

The design of the oval gear flow meter is relatively simple; oval shaped gear-toothed rotors rotate within a chamber of
specified geometry. As these rotors turn, they sweep out and trap a very precise volume of fluid between the outer oval shape
of the gears and the inner chamber walls with none of the fluid actually passing through the gear teeth (Figure 6).

Normally, magnets are embedded in the rotors which then can actuate a reed switch or provide a pulse output via a Hall
Effect sensor. Each pulse or switch closure then represents a precise increment of liquid volume that passes through the
meter. The result is a high degree of accuracy (.5 percent of reading) and resolution and almost negligible effects for varying
fluid viscosity, density and temperature.

Figure 6

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The accuracy of the oval gear flowmeter depends on the viscosity and the higher the viscosity, the better the accuracy. The
reason for this has to do with fluid slippage between the gears and chamber walls. Fluid slippage will cause a slight
degradation in accuracy with low viscosity fluids being more prone. As the viscosity increases, the wall slippage quickly
becomes minimal and the best accuracy is realized. Even with water-like fluids, the accuracy is generally very good, but check
with the manufacture if there is a concern. Most manufacturers should be able to give you accuracy ratings for both water-
like liquids and higher viscosity fluids (usually above 5 or 10 cp).

Installation of oval gear meters is simple since most designs allow for either horizontal or vertical mounting. Because no
straight pipe runs or flow condition is required, the meters can be installed in tight areas, allowing for more flexibility in
application design. The oval gear design works best when there is a little back pressure in the line, a throttling valve on the
meter outlet usually works just fine. Regarding process connections, NPT threads are popular but many manufacturers offer
ANSI flange connections for larger pipe sizes and specialized connections such as 3A Tri-Clover fittings for sanitary

If your fluid is dilatant, plastic or rheopectic and you want to use an oval gear flowmeter, please check with the manufacturer
first. You may need to send them a sample for testing before the appropriate flowmeter can be matched to the application.
Newtonian, pseudoplastic and thixotropic fluids pose no problem with an oval gear design as long as maximum viscosity limits
are acknowledged. The fluids used in oval gear flowmeters should be liquids only. The oval gear meter is not suitable for gases,
steam or multi-phase fluids.

When sizing an oval gear flowmeter to your application, keep in mind that the higher the viscosity of your fluid, the more
pressure will be required in order to "push" the fluid into the flowmeter and around the gears. Essentially, the pressure drop is
the only limiting factor when the application requires the metering of extremely high viscosity liquids. For example, it will
require much more pressure to push through molasses than glycerine.

The general rule is as long as the fluid will flow and as long as there is enough pressure, the oval gear meter will be able to
measure the flow. In applications where the lowest possible pressure drop is required, some manufacturers can substitute
specially cut high viscosity rotors for the standard rotors. The manufacturer will be able to provide you with a graph of flow
rate versus pressure drop for various viscosities.

Although this article has focused on viscosity, it is important to note that other parameters will affect the flow meter choice in
an application. Viscosity, density, pressure and fluid purity must also be considered, as well as other factors such as vibration,
rangeability and required response time. The oval gear flowmeter, although representing a popular choice, is just one design
out of many positive displacement technologies that can handle high viscosity flows. Because of its relatively low cost,
forgiveness of fluid density and viscosity, and ease of installation, the oval gear flowmeter is appropriate for consideration
when reviewing your application needs.

Appendix A
Fluid Examples Suitable for Oval Gear Flow Meters  Chat with an Expert
Although not exhaustive, the following list represents the range of fluids that can be used with the oval gear flowmeter.

1. Measurements of sugar solutions, syrups, oils, sauces, beverages, honey, molasses, milk products, juices,
chocolate and coatings in the food industry.
2. Alcohols, syrups, glycerines and coatings in the pharmaceutical industry
3. Shampoos, gels, perfumes and creams in the cosmetics industry
4. Fuels, lubricants and petro derivatives in the oil and gas industries
5. Chemicals, fluoride and acids in the water and wastewater industry.
6. Wax finishes, perfumes, dyes and acids in the pulp and paper industries
7. Solvents and inks in the printing industry
8. Transmission fluid and hydraulic oil in the automotive industry
9. Dyes, bleach and chemicals in the textile industry
10. Oils, gasoline and kerosene in the petroleum industry
11. Solvent and latex based paints

Appendix B
Oval Gear Flow Meter Application Examples by Industry


Oval gear meters have been successfully used for measuring flow rate and flow total (volume) of chemicals in batching
applications. Using a batch controller along with an oval gear flowmeter, preset volumes of chemicals can be
automatically dispensed. Measurement information can be sent to a computer or PLC for datalogging.


Another application of the oval gear flowmeter is the measurement of net fuel usage in boilers and engines. By placing
one oval gear meter in the supply line and one on the return line, the total net fuel usage is determined.


In bearing lubrication, the oval gear flowmeter can be used to insure sufficient delivery of lubricant and, through the
use of a controller, provide a means of automatically shutting down the machinery in case of low flow or no flow

Pulp and Paper

Oval gear meters can be used with paper finishing chemicals to insure proper rate of delivery and to keep track of the
volumes dispensed. The monitoring of wax finishes, perfumes and sizing chemicals that are sprayed onto the paper are
all viable applications.

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Food and Beverage
Oval gear meters have advantages in the food and beverage industry. They are used to monitor syrup injections in main
beverage lines, monitor and batch volumes of candy coatings, and the accurate and automated dispensing of cooking
oils. For food and beverage applications, 3A sanitary fittings are offered by some manufacturers.

Last Updated: 07/21/21

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