Introduction of Conversation (FOREST FIRE)

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Introduction of conversation

Raziq: Assalamualaikum wbt, hye guys, how are you?

Everyone: random answering ( Farhan: how are you? )

Raziq: Alhamdulillah i’m fine, thankyou Farhan. 

Raziq: I made a google meet today to talk about natural disasters that often occur nowadays.
It's a little scary, isn't it?

Everyone: Yeah it's true (random)

Raziq: Now, let’s start the discussion

            Hamzi: Okay, let’s go, but aren't you all afraid of this natural disaster?

Thaqif: To be honest, I’m scared about natural disasters, but some people assume this as a

Farhan: That’s true, they do not know that this natural disaster happened because of the wrath
of Allah SWT.

Raziq: Yeah, Natural disaster is serious matter.

Hamzi: Thaqif, I would like to ask, what do you think about natural disasters?

Thaqif: Well, from my point of view,natural disaster is a natural event such as a flood,
tsunami, forest fires, or volcanic eruption that caused great damage or loss of life 

Raziq: I agree with your opinion Thaqif because all misfortunes will be detrimental and
involve death.

Farhan: For me, all I know, disaster is disaster.

Raziq: Hahaha, Farhan you have to read and do more research because natural disasters are
very dangerous and we must always be prepared.

Farhan: Okay, I will, thank you for remind me hahahahaha

Hamzi: That’s amazing! you guys widening my knowledge more about natural disasters.

Thaqif: That's just my view, but I still want to know which natural disasters are the worst and
most horrible


Tsunami :

Raaziq: As I heard you guys say about natural disasters, I think tsunamis are also the
worst because tsunamis are giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions
under the sea. In the deep ocean, a tsunami can move as fast as a jet plane, over 500 mph!

Thaqif: I'm sorry to interrupt, when you talk about the tsunami, as far as I remember,
there was a tsunami tragedy in Indonesia right?

Raaziq: That's right, that’s right, the tsunami disaster occurred in Aceh, Indonesia on
December 26, 2004. Tsunami waves more than 100 feet high pound the Banda Aceh
coast, killing about 170,000 people and destroying buildings and infrastructure. The
Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 lasted for seven hours and reached out across the Indian
Ocean, devastating coastal areas of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Maldives, and Thailand,
and as far away as East Africa.

Hamzi: Hearing it alone made my hair growl at how devastating the tsunami was.

Raaziq: Yeah, I am thankful that our country was protected from the tsunami disaster
because it lies geographically just outside the “Pacific Ring of Fire”. Hence, it is free
from volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Thaqif: Alhamdulillah, that explain why I have never heard of a tsunami or volcanic
eruption in Malaysia. This information is quite a relief to me!

Volcano Eruption

Farhan: That's a relief. I also want to give my opinion in natural disaster and maybe the
worse one I think which is volcano eruption.

Raaziq: volcanic eruption? can you explain it?

Farhan: A volcanic eruption is when lava and gas are released from a volcano—
sometimes explosively. The most dangerous type of eruption is called a 'glowing
avalanche' which is when freshly erupted magma flows down the sides of a volcano.

Hamzi: Do you have any experience or tragedy about a volcanic eruption?

Farhan: Based on my experience, when I studied in Indonesia, there was a volcano,

namely Mount Kelud, which was located 30.5km from my boarding school, when it
erupted in 2014, the eruption was considered more intense than in 1990. When it erupted,
we were soundly slept in our room, about 2 am we were awakened by our Ustaz, to move
to a higher building. When we realized, we saw the world was already filled with
volcanic ash. Our Ustaz told us to wet our clothes and cover our faces with the wet cloth.
The next morning, we were instructed to do a massive cleaning. To this day the dust is
still a lot, to be able to build a large mosque using the dust.
Hamzi: that's was a devastating experience I've ever heard before but I don't think that
was the worst natural disaster.

Thaqif: So, what are the worst natural disasters that playing in your mind right now?

Flood :

Hamzi: I think the flood is the worst natural disaster

Thaqif: Why would you say that?

Farhan: I don't think flooding is the worst disaster.

Raaziq: I don't want to say anything.

Thaqif: Do you have any idea about flooding?

Hamzi: yes, I used to be a flood victim

Thaqif: Wait a minute, are you trying to kidding us?

Hamzi: no Thaqif. I'm not kidding you.

Farhan: you should have told us when you flooded. maybe we could help

Hamzi: it’s okay guys. I was in a flood in 2014. Based on my experience, I choose
flooding as a worst natural disaster

Raaziq: Can you tell us about your experience of being a flood victim?

Hamzi: yes, sure.. to me this is the most bitter experience of my life…if you're guys in
my place you must be afraid and panicked because when water start enters your house.
The water was increasing so quickly, I’m not expecting it. I have never experienced a
flood as my house is located in a relatively high area, only the houses around me are
always flooded. However, in 2014, it was not expected that the floodwaters would reach
a dangerous level where we were not prepared to experience this flood. other neighboring
goods will inevitably board our house as our area is not affected. but in that year, most of
our belongings were sacrificed along with the belongings of other neighbors.

Farhan: So what did you do that time?

Hamzi: I'm trying to go out to see around my house whether it's safe or not for me to go
somewhere safer?

Raaziq: After that?

Hamzi: the water was rising and the road was flooded. we could not use the car to get out
so we had to use the help of outsiders to get out of the residential area by boat.
Thaqif: Wow, it’s a good idea?

Hamzi: I think is a good idea for saving our lives.

Farhan: After that where did you live and how was your house after the flood?

Hamzi: I live in my neighbor’s house and after I returned home after the water receded. I
saw the goods in my house all destroyed and my house destroyed in half. so, we had to
spend a lot of money to repair the house and buy things in our house.

Farhan: hmm It's true what you're talking about. So, you all agree if I say this flood is
the worst natural disaster.

Raaziq: yeah maybe a flood is the worst natural disaster, Thankyou Hamzi for sharing
with us.

Hamzi: You’re welcome.

Forest Fires :

Thaqif: Yes, It can be said it's the worst natural disaster. But, you should know there is
another worst disaster that often happens in this world and I think it's the worst.

Raaziq: What is it Thaqif

Thaqif: it is a forest fire

Farhan: can you tell us why?

Thaqif: because forest fires are a disaster that is considered serious because they involve
polluted air and human respiration also the environment. If you want to know, these
forest fires can happen in two situations, the first is from the weather, while the second is
from human actions. Forest fires from the weather mean lightning strikes on a dry forest
due to a long dry season. but it's okay because that thing is rarely happens. The second
situation is that it is always the cause of forest fires due to human actions that don’t have
common sense and then they burn the forest with an unreasonable reason that is to do
agricultural activities in that area.

Hamzi: Well I'm not sure that was a terrible disaster.

Thaqif: Why does Hamzi say that, forest fires will cause air pollution, carbon dioxide,
monoxide, and so on. If gas is present in large quantities it will cause haze and in turn
will cause air pollution. Therefore, you cannot say forest fires are not serious disasters.

Thaqif: Okay let’s say, I give you an example of a situation where if you still remember
about 3 years ago that is 2019 if I’m not mistaken, there was a forest fire in Sumatera,
Indonesia. Unfortunately, the haze from Sumatera has reached our country. I mean
Malaysia. Because of that, we were to wear face masks to protect ourselves from diseases
such as sore throat, lung infections which as bronchitis.


Raziq: That’s horrifying, apparently you do a lot of research about forest fires and that
convinced us that forest fires is the worst natural disasters in our discussion.

Farhan: Yeah, I agree Raziq, I’m pretty impressed of you, Thaqif.Your determination to
study more in-depth forest fires.

Thaqif: As I said, natural part of my soul, and still need to research more about it.

Hamzi: My knowledge about flood because it’s a common issues or common disaster
that occur in Malaysia

Raziq: Wow, you must always reading a newspaper and follow up on current issues in
Malaysia, right?

Hamzi: It’s pretty much like you said.

Farhan: That’s cool, Hamzi

Thaqif: So based on what we're talking about, you guess which disaster is the worst?

Raziq: I’m pretty sure it’s a tsunami!

Farhan: Nahh, I think the volcano eruption is the worst!

Hamzi: We should not make decisions of which natural disasters are worst because
natural disasters are out of our control and it happens on the terms of Allah.

Thaqif: Ohh, you're right, I'm sorry 

Raziq & Farhan: we’re sorry too

            Hamzi: It's okay, It’s all part of the learning process for us.

            Thaqif: Thank you, Hamzi, for always giving us a reminder

            Hamzi: You’re welcome

Raziq: Before we end our discussion is there anything that left unsaid from you guys?

            Thaqif: I don't think there's anything left to discuss.

Hamzi: I agree
Raziq: That's all right? I hope we can discuss again like this and share our knowledge on
different topics next time.

Farhan: Yeah, of course! Just set the date and I will be ready

Thaqif: Alright, Thank you for taking the time, and see you next time!

Everyone: Not a big deal, see yaa

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