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Dear Sir

we have the following journals of your interest.

International Transactions in Mathematical Sciences and Computer
ISSN (Printing): 0974-7273 || ISSN (Online): 0975-3753 || Chief Editor : S. R. S
The International Transactions in Mathematical Sciences and Computer (ITMSC) is
an international research journal, which publishes top-level work on Mathematica
l and Computer sciences. ITMSC will aim basically at research papers, short comm
unication technical papers etc. It will also keep a look out for new and novel b
ooks coming out in the market. In this way ITMSC will try to give its reader a h
elping hand in finding out about the latest and the newest, in addition to all t
his, ITMSC will also have invited articles form people of eminence in their rele
vent field. These article will also help and guide the student as to the latest
development in their concerned areas.
International Transactions in Applied Sciences
ISSN (Printing): 0974-7273 || ISSN (Online): 0975-3761 The International Transac
tion in Applied Sciences (ITAS) is an international research journal, which publ
ishes top-level work on applied sciences. The Journal ITAS is a direct successor
of the Journal ITMSC with the aim of publishing papers in all areas of the appl
ied science. The journal contains applied science problems, including those aris
ing in industry, have formed the main part of the contents. The Journal also see
ks to publish papers on new developments of scientific methods, especially those
that have relevance to more than one field of application and also new techniqu
es suggested by particular applications. Longer papers which survey recent progr
ess in topical fields of applied sciences and its applications are also publishe
d. ITAS publishes original research papers, comprehensive review articles, surve
y articles, book reviews, dissertation abstracts in all areas of applied mathema
tics, applied chemistry, related areas of chemistry, applied Physics and their b
road range of applications. ITAS cover aspects of science and applications of sy
stems - oriented ideas to the physical, biological, social, and behavioural scie
nces. Journal will also publish research articles and reviews within the whole f
ield of Applied Sciences, and it will continue to provide information on the lat
est trends and developments.
International Journal of Operations Research and Optimization
ISSN (Printing): 0975-3737

Modeling and optimization have become an essential function of researchers and p

ractitioners. New theory development in operations research and their applicatio
ns in new economy and society have been limited. In the information intensive so
ciety and economy, decisions are made based on the analysis of data available. O
perations research techniques and models need to be integrated with computers fo
r the purpose of analysis, optimization and application in decision making. This
development has led the researchers and practitioners to look for new operation
al research models and their applications in global economy and society. For thi
s purpose, the modeling and optimization have become a paramount important. Inte
rnational Journal of Operations Research and Optimization (IJORO) aims to advanc
e the understanding and practice of Operational Research (OR) and Optimization S
cience internationally. IJORO will act as a platform to encourage further resear
ch in OR, Optimization and their applications. IJORO publishes original papers,
review papers, technical notes, and book reviews. Special Issues devoted to impo
rtant topics in operational research and optimization will occasionally be publi

International Journal of Inventory Control and Management

ISSN (Printing): 0975-3729
The International Journal of Inventory Control and Management (IJICM) publishes
contemporary, cutting-edge research on all aspects of inventory theory to foster
discussion among researchers, practitioners, and educators on the management an
d control of inventories. The objective of IJICM is to promote and stimulate inn
ovative inventory research and Management and their application for improving th
e productivity, customer satisfaction and competitiveness of manufacturing firms
, retailers, logistics providers and all organizations that manage inventories.
Although the journal will maintain a focus on inventory theory and management, i
t will deal with operational as well as strategic issues, with specific inventor
y models as well as with general supply chain issues, with firm-level as well as
macroeconomic perspectives.


ing): 0975-3745 bridges social science and humanities communities across discipl
ines and continents with a view to sharing information and debate with the wides
t possible audience. The ITHSS has a particular interest in policy-relevant ques
tions and interdisciplinary approaches. It serves as a forum for review, reflect
ion and discussion informed by the results of recent and ongoing research.
The International Journal of Education and Allied Sciences ISSN (Printing): 0975
-8380 (IJEAS) is an international research journal, which lays focus on the top â lev
el work in the field of Educationand Allied Sciences. The journal IJEAS would co
ntribute as a functional successor over all the journals of Education with the a
im of higher order of contemplation over significant issues in the area of Educa
tionand Allied Sciences. The Journal focuses on problems and their solutions reg
arding Education and Allied Sciences especially concerning with schools, college
s, universities and societies, which ultimately would give insight to the stakeh
olders. The journal also seeks to publish papers on new developments of scientif
ic methods and techniques, especially those, that have relevance to more than on
e field of application. The IJEAS publishes original research papers, comprehens
ive articles, survey findings, book reviews, dissertation abstracts concerned wi
th the sub- areas of Education. The main objective of the journal is to promote
academic liaising through exchanging of ideas, to develop contemporary school of
thoughts, generating cutting-edge research theories on all aspects of Education
and Allied Sciences to foster the trait of intellectual eminence among research
ers, practitioners, and educators. Apart from this, it will emphasize on the rec
ent trends and emerging issues pertaining to educational technology, educational
administration and management, special education, educational policies and prov
isions, education of disadvantages, educational psychology and their interdiscip
linary connections.
Hopefully, the discourses of the IJEAS would stimulate the psyche of the readers
and ultimately their thinking pattern to bring paradigm-shift in Education and
Allied Sciences. To promote scientificism in any discipline, open discussion in
the form of feedback is sine qua non. At this crucial juncture, the readers are
requested to give their feedback regarding the issues what is essential for the
promotion of the IJEAS.

Thanks and Regards
Dr. S.R. Singh
AACS Journals

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