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UAL Awarding Body – Level 3 Extended Diploma

Unit 8 – Project Proposal

Candidate Hannah Law
Pathway Performing and Production arts

Project Title The Girl In The Machine (FMP)

Section 1: My review of progress & achievement to date (SWOT in essay form Approx
200 words)

Since the start of the year I’ve progressed a lot with my skills in performing arts since
studying it in GCSE with top marks. In GCSE it was more focused about including the
techniques in but not really working on them in much detail; due to COVID we did a lot of
theory. I’ve worked on performance, singing and dance. In performance we looked at
different skills and techniques by different practitioners and to develop these skills we
would focus on them and record them so we could look back on them with feedback so we
could improve. Any performance we had we had an audience which also helped with
improvement. My main strength was showing emotion in performances, and I’ve improved
on that using emotional recall as well as my interaction with other performers. I’ve also
improved on body language and facial expressions, thinking of how my character would use
them. We looked at physical movement/theatre such as chair duets and going into detail
with how to make sure we did it correctly and show emotion helped me improve my skills
with that. Within Unit 3 we really focused on singing, gaining confidence and vocals. My
confidence was very low at the beginning of the year since I hadn’t sung in front of people
for a while because of COVID but since we were pushed out of our comfort zones my
confidence has improved a lot. I learnt more about harmonies as a group too which has
helped group singing sound better. In our final project I’m happy to be able to use these
skills confidently.

Section 2: Overview of the Collaborative Project (Approx. 150 words)

UAL Awarding Body Diploma Project Proposal Doc.

In this project we are doing a performance of ‘Girl In The Machine’ for our FMP.
It’s about a couple who are based in the future, Polly uses ‘Black Box’ to relax as a way to relax but
ends up addicted to it, she tries to separate herself from it by destroying it but it’s too late and it ends
up trapping her in it and killing her.
Within script work we’ll look at the content, annotate and begin to work with it and start casting roles.
This project is going to involve a lot of physical theatre and we have already been preparing for this
with chair duets, learning the techniques and using different settings to test how we can adapt. I’ve
already looked into frantic assembly and their techniques and how to use them so I’m well prepared
for that.
As it’s a group project we’ll need character interaction and good characterisation, showing emotions
and relationships between roles which can be researched, research into each character and their
emotions towards the situation and each other. Adding depth into each character will really show the
authenticity of emotions and give the play a genuine meaning.
Within this project, we’ll have been looking at performing and production roles sthat we have chosen
and how we can get involved and develop these skills as well. We will be set a role for production as
well as performance which I’m excited for as I haven’t done much work in production roles (only
theory) so that will be good to learn and improve on.

Section 3: Your Proposed Contribution as a performer and other roles (approx 250 words)
My main performance roles are acting and singing, I haven’t had much experience with dance so I’m
not as confident in it though I have done a dance in a previous object and was happy and confident
in that.
As physical theatre is going to be a main role in this project I need to work on developing these skills
as we have worked on some within frantic assembly and I did quite well in improving in that. I have
confidence that I’ll be able to do it well and improve and develop with ease quite quickly. My main
strengths in theatre are naturalistic theatre and musical theatre as I’m confident in showing genuine
emotion and singing on stage so physical theatre is going to be outside of my comfort zone which I
am excited to experience and work on.
Within production roles I have previously worked on directing, costume and set design the most; I
will be working on Lights and design; vocal warm up; set and prop; music and costume and makeup.
I’m very interested in all of these, I have experience in vocal warm up, costume and makeup as
that’s what I did in my previous project.
I’ve done a lot of work with music theory as I got an 8 in GCSE music. I’m skilled in choosing what
music would suit the emotion/atmosphere of a scene as I’ve worked with film music and composing
a piece of music.
With lights and design/set and prop I have a good idea with what I want to do; we’re thinking of
having colour be a big part to show to emotion of scenes. We’re also thinking of having 2 black box’s
so one can be destroyed.
I am able to think about the details when it comes to creating the set, sets can be minimal or
detailed depending on the emotions desired by the director.
I can work well with a group as well as alone, communication and compromise are important.

Section 4: How I will record and evaluate my contribution and progress throughout the
project (approx. 100 words)

UAL Awarding Body Diploma Project Proposal Doc.

To improve and develop my skills I think it is important to record what work we do and progress so
we can look back and improve on it. I will do this by writing notes, recording my rehearsals, working
on certain techniques, performances and feedback we are given. Pictures, videos and notes of
progress will be helpful to see weekly improvements. Feedback by peers during rehearsals would be
useful as we can improve then for the final performance.
Writing reflections and writing what we did weekly, what I’d like to achieve or improve on would be
beneficial for me and hearing what others are trying to improve on may help me with mine as well.
I’ll have discussions with my team members of each production role to talk about where we are and
what we need to be/achieve. This has and will be recorded/written down.

5. Proposed Research Plan and Sources

I find that research and experimenting are very important in the rehearsal process. It will give
deeper context and knowledge for the project we are doing, it will give depth within characters and
meanings that are to be portrayed. I would research context into my character, to know their
background, their relationships with other characters as well as their emotions towards the
situation they are put in. Themes and issues are important to know as well as the techniques used in
the style of theatre it is based on; frantic assembly. Looking into the script would be beneficial as
well, looking at the stage directions to see how the original director would have wanted it and then
looking at other peoples versions of it to see how they portrayed the emotions.
To get more knowledge on production arts, I will do my research on the role I’m given so I can do it
I will regularly upload my work to my Weekly website as well as watching frantic assembly
productions on Digital Theatre Plus so I can watch the skills and techniques being used to help me
develop them.

UAL Awarding Body Diploma Project Proposal Doc.

Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date Week Activity / What you are intending to achieve Resources / What you will need to do it -
Beginning this week including independent study

UAL Awarding Body Diploma Project Proposal Doc.


UAL Awarding Body Diploma Project Proposal Doc.

UAL Awarding Body Diploma Project Proposal Doc.

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